MS1759 21sept05
MS1759 21sept05
MS1759 21sept05
ICS: 35.080
Descriptors: data processing, information interchange, network interconnection, communication procedure, security techniques, management, concepts, models, rules (instructions)
MS 1759:2004
Page Committee representation.. Foreword... ii iii
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Introduction .. Scope ..
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MS 1759:2004
Committee representation
The Information Technology, Telecommunications and Multimedia Industry Standards Committee (ISC G) under whose authority this Malaysian Standard was developed, comprises representatives from the following organisations: Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commission Computer Industry Association of Malaysia Department of Standards Malaysia Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology Malaysian Institute of Microelectronics Systems Malaysian National Computer Confederation Ministry of Defence Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry of Energy, Communication and Multimedia Ministry of International Trade and Industry Multimedia University National ICT Security and Emergency Response Centre SIRIM Berhad Telekom Malaysia Berhad The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
The Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics which developed this Malaysian Standard consists of representatives from the following organisations: C-Tel Technologies Sdn Bhd Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia ESRI South Asia Sdn Bhd GeoInfo Services Sdn Bhd Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing Minerals and Geoscience Department Public Works Department SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat) Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
MS 1759:2004
This Malaysian Standard was developed by the Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics under the authority of the Information Technology, Telecommunication and Multimedia Industry Standards Committee based on the working draft prepared by the Technical Standards Committee of the Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI). This Standard cancels and replaces MS 1074:1992, Code of practice for the exchange of digital feature coded mapping data.
MS 1759:2004
1. Scope
This Malaysian Standard specifies the method for encoding of geospatial data and provides the description of features and their associated attributes for the exchange of digital geographic information.
2. Normative references
The following normative references are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative reference (including any amendments) applies. ISO/DIS 19104: 1) , -Geographic information - Terminology ISO/DIS 19110: 2) , -Geographic information Methodology for feature cataloguing DIGEST Part 4 Feature and Attribute Coding Catalogue (FACC) United Nation Convention on Laws of the Sea (1982) National Land Code (1965) Laws of Sarawak, Land Code Sabah Land Ordinance (1930)
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To be published. To be published.
MS 1759:2004
This standard has not been developed to the requirements of any single application or level of resolution. This standard is also not meant to support any specific digital product. As with any dictionary, there may be more than one way to encode spatial entities, either by offering a choice of features or a combination of features and attributes. For example, an airport is listed as feature AB0010 Aerodrome (A defined area on land or water intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircrafts, could also be coded as feature BD0010 Institutional Building with attribute INU (Institutional Usage) with a coded value of 001 (Airport Terminal). The choice is entirely up to users own application and interpretation; to code only the terminal building or the entire aerodrome area. Feature codes are shown in Annex A and Attribute codes and values are given in Annex B. Annex B also provides information as to the units, formats, ranges, increments and maximum text characters typically associated with each actual value attribute. If a feature does not reside within this standard, it is allowed for a user-designated features and associated attributes. Otherwise, features and attributes shall be encoded using this standard. The process for amending and updating this standard is described in 4.3. 4.2 4.2.1 Coding structure Features
Each feature is identified by a unique six-character code. The first character corresponds to the feature category and can have an alphabetic value from A through Z. Currently there are twelve feature categories, including one category, X, which has been reserved for special use (dataset-specific) features. The categories are as follows: CODE A B D G H R S T CATEGORY Aeronautical Built Environment Demarcation Geology Hydrography Hypsography Soil Transportation
MS 1759:2004
Each major category is further divided into subcategories which are identified by the second character of the six-digit code, containing an alphabetic value from A through Z. The subcategories that have currently been defined for each major category are as follows: A-Aeronautical AA Air Space AB Aerodrome B-Built Environment BA Residential BB Commercial BC Industrial BD Institutional BE Educational BF Religious BG Recreational BH Cemetery BJ Built-up D-Demarcation DA Topographic DB Maritime DC Cadastral G-Geology GA GB GC GD GE GF GG
H-Hydrography HA Coastal Hydrography HB Shoreline Structures HC Fishing Facillities HD Ports and Harbours HE Navigation Aids HF Danger and Hazard HG Depth Information HH Inland Water HJ River Structure HK Offshore HL Miscellaneous R-Hypsography RA Relief Portrayal 3
MS 1759:2004
S-Soil SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SJ SK Histosols Spodosols Andisols Oxisols Vertisols Ultisols Mollisols Alfisols Inceptisols Entisols
Electricity Telecommunication Water Supply Oil and Gas Broadcasting Sewerage Waste Management Meteorological
Cropland (Perennials) Cropland (Annuals) Cropland (Cash-Crops) Natural Vegetation (Dryland) Natural Vegetation (Wetland) Natural Vegetation (Miscellaneous)
X-Special Use (Dataset specific) XA Terrain Analysis Dataset XB Meteorological Dataset Z-General ZA
Control Points
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth characters of the six-character feature code are a numeric value from 0000 through 9999. This value provides unique feature identification within categories yet allows flexibility. All features shall be identified by all six alphanumeric characters (for example, the feature Road is represented by TA0060). The block of feature code values from 8000 through 8999 has been reserved for special usage, e.g. usage within a particular agency or a group of users. Due to hierarchical nature of geology and soil features, the third, fourth, fifth and sixth characters (the first through fourth numeric) represent the level of hierarchy of the feature within a particular subcategory. The first numeric represents the first level, the second numeric represents the second level, the third numeric represents the third level, and so on, if they are non-zeros. The value of the numeric is the feature number within that particular level. Zero value of the numeric means that the level is undefined. 4
MS 1759:2004
For other categories of features (other than geology and soil), the numeric simply represents feature number within a particular subcategory. 4.2.2 Attributes
Attributes are used to describe characteristics of a feature. Each attribute is described by using attribute codes to represent the category of information. Attribute value format statements provide a computer interpretation for the attribute value data type (e.g. real, alphanumeric) and attribute values give quantitative/qualitative meaning to the attribute code. An attribute can be used by any feature, but care must be taken so that only meaningful attributes are chosen for a particular feature. For example, syntactically, an attribute Lift Facilities can be used with feature Rail Line, but semantically, the combination is useless. A list of possible attributes for each feature have been provided for the convenient of users. Attribute codes
Each attribute is identified by a unique three character alphanumeric code. For example, the attribute Road Service Area has the code RDS and the attribute Bridge Construction Material Type has the code BMT. Attribute values
There are two types of attribute values: coded and actual. A given attribute has only one type of value, which is specified in Annex B. Coded values may range from 0 to 999 and each of the value has its own meaning. Actual values are typically real measurements like height, width, date, etc. The units of measurement associated with an attribute are abbreviated according to the units of measurement codes as detailed in Annex B. A coded value attribute can be logically depicted as shown below: Attribute Coded RDS where RDS I represents Road Service Area; is the format of the coded value (in this case the format is that of a 4-byte integer); and represents the coded value of the RUC attribute (in this case Rural). Attribute Value Format I Attribute Value (coded in this case) 2
For consistency and unless otherwise stated, the following coded values will be used where relevant: 0 996 997 998 999 is Unknown is None is Mixed is Not Applicable is Others
The block of coded attribute values from 600 through 899 has been reserved for special usage, e.g. usage within a particular agency or a group of users.
MS 1759:2004
Actual value can have a format of either: A I L R S Alphanumeric, Integer, Lexical, Real Number or Structure Text.
For example, an Road (feature code TA0060) which has the route number J23, has four lanes, and is dual carriageway, would be attributed as follows: Attribute code RTN (Route Number) LAN (Number of Lane) CWT (Carriageway Type) Range value attributes Attribute value format A I I Attribute value (actual) J23 4 2
Normally attributes are single valued text strings, numbers or enumerated values. However, at times it is necessary to assign values that fall within predetermined ranges. This can be done through an enumerated list that pre-defined the permitted ranges. For example, an attribute for height may be defined as: 0 1 2 3 4 4.3 < 10 10 - <20 20 - <30 30 - <40 > 40
This standard should be used during the development of specifications of digital application systems to support and satisfy the exchange of spatial information. However, this standard can be modified and updated in response to dynamic technology and evolving requirements. If this standard does not contain the required features, the standard allows for amendment to incorporate extensions and additions. This sub clause lists the rules that are used to document the features and attributes contained in Annexes A and B. All extensions and additions shall also follow these rules: a) feature and attribute names should be precise and unambiguous; b) attribute values should be self-describing; c) a feature and attribute should not have the same name; d) a feature or attribute can have multiple names but only one definition; e) a feature or attribute name should not be used in the description of the feature or attributes; f) a feature name or definition should not specify if the feature is an area, point or line feature; 6
MS 1759:2004
g) a feature should be relatively permanent; h) a feature should not be duplicated between categories; i) j) all attribute values are positive unless otherwise stated; a boundary is just a spatial object or information that be considered a line feature and not a perimeter or solid surface of an area or spatial feature; and
k) the systematic structure of the coding schema should be permanent. The features and attributes in this standard represent both spatial information and information which is considered important in geographic information system. Care should be taken to restrict additions to this standard to items of a stable nature only. Users should, for the development of their feature and attribute requirements, seek inter-organisation co-operation and co-ordination.
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
AB Aerodrome Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: AB0010 Aerodrome A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipments) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) 8
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
AB0020 Airfield A land aerodrome with limited facilities. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Airfield Type (APT) AB0030 Aerodrome Control Tower A high rise structure from where air traffic control service to aerodrome is provided. Point Name (NAM) AB0040 Aerodrome Beacon A light, visible intermittently at all azimuths, used to indicate the location of an aerodrome from the air. Point Name (NAM) AB0050 Runway A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Length (LEN) AB0060 Runway Strip A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended: a) To reduce the risk or damage to aircraft running off a runway and, b) To protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Length (LEN) AB0070 Stopway A defined rectangular area at the end of a runway in the direction of take-off, which has been selected or prepared as a suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped after an interrupted take-off. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) AB0080 Clearway A rectangular area at the end of the take-off run, available, selected, or prepared as a suitable area over which an aircraft may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) 9
MS 1759:2004
AB0090 Approach Surface A surface sloping up outwards located preceding threshold that defines the volume of upwards airspace that should be kept free from obstacles to protect aircraft in the final phase of approach. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Slope Gradient (SGR) AB0100 Take-off Climb Surface A surface sloping up outwards located beyond the end of the TORA or clearway that defines the volume of upwards airspace that should be kept free from obstacles to protect aircraft on take-off. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Slope Gradient (SGR) AB0110 Transitional Surface A surface around a runway strip sloping up outwards to the inner horizontal surface that defines the volume of upwards air space that should be kept free from obstacles to protect aircraft in their final phase of approach. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Slope Gradient (SGR), Width (WID) AB0120 Inner Horizontal Surface A horizontal surface around a runway strip above an aerodrome and its vicinity that defines the volume of upwards air space that should be kept free from obstacles to protect aircraft for visual circling prior to landing. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Width (WID) AB0130 Conical Surface A surface sloping up outwards from the periphery of the inner horizontal surface that defines the volume of upwards air space that should be kept free from obstacles to protect aircraft for visual circling prior to landing. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Slope Gradient (SGR), Width (WID)
MS 1759:2004
AB0140 Outer Horizontal Surface A specified portion of a horizontal plane beyond the limit of the conical surface that defines the volume of upwards air space that should be kept free from obstacles to facilitate instrument approach procedures. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Width (WID) AB0150 Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ) A volume of air space in the immediate vicinity of a precision approach runways defined by the inner approach, inner transitional and balked landing surfaces, which must be kept free from fixed objects. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) AB0160 Threshold The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) AB0170 Holding Point A location on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome at which an aircraft carries out an engine run-up or is held before entering a runway for take-off. Point Name (NAM) AB0180 Taxiway A defined path on a land aerodrome established for the taxiing of aircraft and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) AB0190 Aircraft Parking Area A specially prepared or selected part of an aerodrome within which aircraft may be parked. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
MS 1759:2004
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
AB0200 Apron A define area on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, and for fuelling, parking or maintenance. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) AB0210 Localiser A device on the ground that provides azimuth guidance to a runway (runway centre line) to an approaching aircraft. Point Name (NAM) AB0220 Glideslope A device on the ground that provides landing slope to an approaching aircraft. Point Name (NAM) AB0230 Radar A radio detection device on the ground which provides information on range, azimuth and/or elevation of aircraft. Point Name (NAM) AB0240 Landing Directional Indicator A device to indicate visually the direction currently designated for landing and take-off. Point Name (NAM) AB0250 Wind Direction Indicator A visual device used to provide wind information. Point Name (NAM) AB0260 Obstacle All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or part thereof, that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight. Point Name (NAM)
MS 1759:2004
AB0270 Obstruction Light Lights mounted on or adjacent to obstructions or potential hazards to aircraft moving on the ground or in the navigable airspace, for the purpose of indicating the aircraft by night. Point Name (NAM) AB0280 Obstruction Marker Markers on or adjacent to obstructions or potential hazards to aircraft moving on the ground or in the navigable airspace, for the purpose of indicating the aircraft by day. Point Name (NAM) AB0290 Aeronautical Ground Light Any light specially provided as an aid to air navigation, other than a light displayed on an aircraft. Point Name (NAM), Light Characteristic Category (LCC) AB0300 Helicopter Landing Site A place that is authorised to be used as an aerodrome for the purpose of the landing and taking-off of helicopter. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Landing Base Type (LBT) AB0310 Final Approach and Take-off Area An area of land or water associated with a helicopter-landing site, over which the final phase of the approach maneuver to hover or landing is completed and from which the take-off maneuver is commenced. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) AB0320 Touchdown and Lift Off Area A load bearing area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift off. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
MS 1759:2004
BA Residential Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BA0010 Residential Building Building or property designated for use as premises for dwelling units or home. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Building Name (BA1), Building Number (BA2), Street Name (BA3), Post Code (BA4), State Name (BA5), Residential Building Type (RET), Number of Storey (NOS), Lift Facilities (LIF), Residential Usage (REU)
BB Commercial Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BB0010 Commercial Building Building or property designated for use as premises for business related activities such as trading and services. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Building Name (BA1), Building Number (BA2), Street Name (BA3), Post Code (BA4), State Name (BA5), Commercial Building Type (CBT), Number of Storey (NOS), Lift Facilities (LIF), Commercial Building Usage (CBU) BB0020 Billboard A huge structure used for advertising panels Point Name (NAM)
BC Industrial Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: BC0010 Industrial Building Building or property designated for use as premises for manufacturing and processing related industry, repairing, servicing activities, foundries and warehousing/storage. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Building Name (BA1), Building Number (BA2), Street Name (BA3), Post Code (BA4), State Name (BA5), Industrial Building Type (IDT), Number of Storey (NOS), Lift Facilities (LIF), Category of Industry (IDC), Industry Permit Status (IDL), Industrial Planned Category (IDP), Industry Tax Status (IDS), Industrial Usage (IDU)
MS 1759:2004
BD Institutional Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BD0010 Institutional Building Building or premises designated specifically for use by government and its agencies, foreign embassies and other public purposes. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Building Name (BA1), Building Number (BA2), Street Name (BA3), Post Code (BA4), State Name (BA5), Institutional Building Type (INT), Institutional Usage (INU), Number of Storey (NOS), Lift Facilities (LIF), Institutional Category (INC)
BE Educational Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BE0010 Educational Building Building or premises designated for education-related activities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Building Name (BA1), Building Number (BA2), Street Name (BA3), Post Code (BA4), State Name (BA5), Educational Building Type (EDT), Number of Storey (NOS), Educational Category (EDC), Educational Level (EDL), Educational Stream (EDS), Educational Boarding Facilities (EDB)
BF Religious Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BF0010 Building of Worship A building or premises used as a place of worship, religious talks and other related activities Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Religious Building Usage (RBU)
BG Recreational Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BG0010 Stadium An enclosed large open or closed roofed concrete building or premises with seats in tiers specifically built as a sports arena. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0020 Sport Complex An area comprising more than one building or premises specifically built to be used for various sports purposes. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) 15
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
BG0030 Swimming Complex An enclosed area comprising a few swimming pools including training and wading pools. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0040 Swimming Pool An opened area comprising a few swimming pools including training and wading pools. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0050 Velodrome An enclosed large open-roofed concrete building specifically built with walls slanting at a 45 and laid with certain graded wood for cycling competitions. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0060 Play Ground An open turf premises used for recreational purposes and provided with game facilities for children. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Playground Services (PGS) BG0070 Golf Course A man-made landscaped open premises specifically built for playing golf. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0080 Polo Field An area or premises for recreational activities of the polo sports fraternity. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0090 Park A natural or man-made open area or ground equipped with leisure and recreational facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
BG0100 Theme Park A man-made recreational area or premises designed for sports and leisure activities based on a theme concept. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0110 Racing Circuit A premise specifically designed and built for motor racing pursuits and competitions. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0120 Race Course A premise specifically designed and built for horse racing pursuits and competitions. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0130 Golf Driving Range A premise specifically designed and built with driving range for golf training. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BG0140 Zoo An area with a collection of live animals usually for public display. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
BH Cemetery Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BH0010 Cemetery A place for the burial of the dead. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Religious Cemetery Type (RCT) BH0020 Crematorium A building or premises used for cremating bodies of the deceased and where the ashes are collected. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
BH0030 Memorial Park Cemetery A burial site designed and landscaped as a cemetery cum recreational park and operated on a commercial basis. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) BH0040 Columbarium A building or premises to house the ashes of the deceased which are kept in urns. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
BJ Built-Up Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: BJ0010 Taxi Terminal The end point of taxi routes including taxi parking area, administrative building and passenger facilities. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0020 Bus Terminal The end point of bus routes including bus parking area, administrative building and passenger facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0030 Rail Terminal The end point of rail routes including administrative building and other facilities. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Rail Usage (RTU) BJ0040 Integrated Transportation Terminal The end point of transportation routes including parking area, administrative building and passenger facilities. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0050 Bus Depot An area designated for repairs and maintenance of buses. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
BJ0060 Rail Depot An area designated for repairs and maintenance of trains. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Rail Usage (RTU) BJ0070 Freight Depot An area designated for receiving, storing and re-distributing of freight. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0080 Jetty Terminal A jetty including its supporting structures and facilities for loading and unloading of cargo or passengers. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Jetty Category (JYC) BJ0090 Power Station Complex A power station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Power Station Type (PST) BJ0100 Substation Complex A substation including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Substation Category (SSC) BJ0110 Reservoir Complex A reservoir including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Reservoir Type (RVT) Custodian (CUS) BJ0120 Water Treatment Plant Complex A water treatment plant including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), BJ0130 Water Intake Complex A water intake including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
MS 1759:2004
BJ0140 Pump House Complex A pump house including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Water Pump Category (WPC), Water Pump Type (WPT), Custodian (CUS), Pump House Usage (PHU) BJ0150 Tank Complex A tank including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Tank Type (TAT), Tank Usage (TAU) BJ0160 Earth Satellite Complex An earth satellite receiving station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0170 VSAT Station Complex A VSAT station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0180 Cellular Radio Base Station Complex A cellular radio base station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0190 Exchange Building Complex An exchange building including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0200 Hill Station Complex A hill station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0210 Radio Station Complex A radio station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
MS 1759:2004
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
BJ0220 Antenna Tower Complex An antenna tower including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0230 Telecom Tower Complex A telecom tower including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0240 Bin Point Complex A bin point including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0250 Transfer Station Complex A transfer station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Waste Type (WAT) BJ0260 Secured Landfill Complex A secured landfill including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Waste Type (WAT) BJ0270 Waste Treatment Plant Complex A waste treatment plant including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Waste Type (WAT) BJ0280 Incineration Plant Complex An incineration plant including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Waste Type (WAT) BJ0290 Sewerage Treatment Plant Complex A sewerage treatment plant including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Sewerage Treatment Plant Type (STT)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
BJ0300 Sewerage Pump Station Complex A sewerage pump station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0310 Pond Complex A pond including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Pond Type (POT), Custodian (CUS), Pond Complex Usage (PCU) BJ0320 City Gate Station Complex A city gate station including its supporting structures and facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0330 Petrol Station An area designated for filling of petrol. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0340 Residential Complex An area consisting of one or more residential buildings and other supporting features. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0350 Industrial Complex An area consisting of one or more industrial buildings and other supporting features. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0360 Commercial Complex An area consisting of one or more commercial buildings and other supporting features. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) BJ0370 Parking Area A designated area for parking of vehicles. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Parking Area Type (PAT)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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BJ0380 Historical Site Site or area declared to be of historical or heritage significance. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Historical Site Category (HSC)
DA Topographic (Boundaries/Limits/Zones) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: DA0010 International or Country Boundary A line defining the limit of a country. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0020 Country Coverage An area of land that falls within an international or country boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0030 State Boundary A line defining the limit of a state or federal territory. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0040 State Coverage An area of land that falls within a state boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0050 Division Boundary A line defining the limit of a division. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0060 Division Coverage An area of land that falls within a division boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0070 District or Jajahan Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a district or jajahan for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) 23
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0075 District or Jajahan Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a district or jajahan for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0080 District or Jajahan Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a district or jajahan boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0085 District or Jajahan Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a district or jajahan boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0086 Sub-district Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a sub-district for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0087 Sub-district Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a sub-district for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0088 Sub-district Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a sub-district boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0089 Sub-district Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a sub-district boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK)
DA0090 Mukim Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a mukim for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) 24
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: DA0095 Mukim Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a mukim for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0100 Mukim Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a mukim boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0105 Mukim Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a mukim boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0110 Town Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a town for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0115 Town Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a town for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0120 Town Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a town boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0125 Town Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a town boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0130 Pekan Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a pekan for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0135 Pekan Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a pekan for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) 25
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0140 Pekan Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a pekan boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0145 Pekan Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a pekan boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0150 Kampung Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a kampong for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0155 Kampung Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a kampung for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0160 Kampung Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a kampung boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK), Kampung Coverage Type (KCT) DA0165 Kampung Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a kampung boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0170 Section Boundary Administrative A line defining the limit of a section for administrative purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT) DA0175 Section Boundary Land A line defining the limit of a section for land management purpose. Line Name (NAM), Boundary Type (BDT)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0180 Section Coverage Administrative An area of land that falls within a section boundary for administrative purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0185 Section Coverage Land An area of land that falls within a section boundary for land management purpose. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0190 Precinct Boundary A line defining the limit of a precinct. Line Name (NAM) DA0200 Precinct Coverage An area of land that falls within a precinct boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0210 Local Authority Boundary A line defining the limit of a local authority area. Line Name (NAM) DA0220 Local Authority Area An area of land that falls within a local authority boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0230 Housing Estate Boundary A line defining the limit of a housing estate. Line Name (NAM) DA0240 Housing Estate An area of land that falls within a housing estate boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0250 Census Enumeration Block Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a census enumeration block. Line Name (NAM) 27
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0260 Census Enumeration Block An area of land that falls within a census enumeration block boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0270 Parliamentary Electoral Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a parliamentary electoral area. Line Name (NAM) DA0280 Parliamentary Electoral Area An area of land that falls within a parliamentary electoral boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0290 State Electoral Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a state electoral area. Line Name (NAM) DA0300 State Electoral Area An area of land that falls within a state electoral boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0310 Postcode Boundary A line defining the limit of a postcode area. Line Name (NAM) DA0320 Postcode Area An area of land that falls within a postcode boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0330 Police District Boundary A line defining the limit of a police district. Line Name (NAM) DA0340 Police District Area An area of land that falls within a police district boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) 28
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0350 Fire and Rescue Station Boundary A line defining the limit of a fire and rescue service station. Line Name (NAM) DA0360 Fire and Rescue Station Area An area of land that falls within a fire and rescue station boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0370 Medical Emergency Station Boundary A line defining the limit of a medical emergency station. Line Name (NAM) DA0380 Medical Emergency Station Area An area of land that falls within a medical emergency station boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA0390 Agriculture Land Scheme Boundary A line defining the limit of an agricultural land scheme. Line Name (NAM) DA0400 Agriculture Land Scheme Area An area of land that falls within an agricultural land scheme boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0410 Trigonometrical Station Boundary A line defining the limit of a trigonometrical station area. Line Name (NAM) DA0420 Trigonometrical Station Area An area of land that falls within a trigonometrical station boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0430 Irrigation Scheme Boundary A line either gazetted or not, defining the limit of an irrigation scheme. Line Name (NAM) 29
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DA0440 Irrigation Scheme Area An area of land either gazetted or not, that falls within an irrigation scheme boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Irrigation Scheme Category (IGC), Irrigation Scheme Type (IGT) DA0450 Animal Husbandry Boundary A line defining the limit of an animal husbandry area. Line Name (NAM) DA0460 Animal Husbandry Area An area of land that falls within an animal husbandry boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0470 Transmission Line ROW Boundary A line defining the limit of a transmission line ROW. Line Name (NAM) DA0480 Transmission Line ROW Area An area of land that falls within a transmission line ROW boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Power Line Category (PLA), Power Line Characteristics (PLC), Voltage (VLT) DA0490 Landuse Zone Boundary A line defining the limit of a landuse zone. Line Name (NAM), Zoning Category (ZOC) DA0500 Landuse Zone An area of land that falls within a landuse zone boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Zoning Category (ZOC) DA0510 Drainage Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a drainage reserve. Line Name (NAM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: DA0515 Agricultural Drainage Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a drainage reserve where agricultural drainage infrastructures has been provided. Line Name (NAM) DA0520 Drainage Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a drainage reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Authority (AUT) DA0525 Agricultural Drainage Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a drainage reserve boundary where agricultural drainage infrastructures has been provided. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Authority (AUT) DA0530 Park Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a park reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0540 Park Reserve Area An area of land, marine, estuarine, or freshwater that falls within a park reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0550 Grazing Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a grazing reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0560 Grazing Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a grazing reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0570 Forest Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a forest reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0580 Forest Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a forest reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0590 Water Catchment Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit a water catchment reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0600 Water Catchment Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a water catchment reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0610 Wildlife Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit a wildlife reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0620 Wildlife Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a wildlife reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0630 Game Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a game reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0640 Game Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a game reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0650 Sanctuary Reserve Boundary A line defining the limit of a sanctuary reserve. Line Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0660 Sanctuary Reserve An area of land that falls within a sanctuary reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0670 Agriculture Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an agricultural reserve. Line Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0680 Agriculture Reserve Area An area of land that falls within an agricultural reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0690 Aquaculture Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an aquaculture reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0700 Aquaculture Reserve Area An area of land that falls within an aquaculture reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0710 Malay Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a Malay reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0720 Malay Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a Malay reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0730 Government Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a government reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0740 Government Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a government reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA0750 Firing Range Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a firing range reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0760 Firing Range Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a firing range reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0770 Road Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a road reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0780 Road Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a road reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0790 Rail Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a rail reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0800 Rail Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a rail reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Rail Usage (RTU) DA0810 Oil and Gas Pipeline Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an oil and gas pipeline reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0820 Oil and Gas Pipeline Reserve Area An area of land that falls within an oil and gas pipeline reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0830 Irrigation Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an irrigation reserve where irrigation infrastructures have been provided. Line Name (NAM DA0840 Irrigation Reserve Area An area of land that falls within an irrigation reserve where irrigation infrastructures have been provided. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Irrigation Scheme Category (IGC), Irrigation Scheme Type (IGT)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0850 River Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a river reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0860 River Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a river reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0870 Aborigine Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an aborigine reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0880 Aborigine Reserve Area An area of land that falls within an aborigine reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0890 Royal Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a royal reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0900 Royal Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a royal reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0910 Cemetery Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a cemetery reserve. Line Name (NAM), Religious Burial Ground Type (RCT) DA0920 Cemetery Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a cemetery reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Religious Burial Ground Type (RCT) DA0930 Clinic Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a clinic reserve. Line Name (NAM) 35
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA0940 Clinic Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a clinic reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Clinic Service Type (SCT) DA0950 Hospital Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a hospital reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0960 Hospital Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a hospital reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0970 School Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a school reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA0980 School Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a school reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DA0990 Army Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an army reserve. Line Name (NAM) DA1000 Army Reserve Area An area of land that falls within an army reserve boundary. Polygon Name (NAM) DA1010 Reserve Land Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a Sarawak Reserve Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1020 Sarawak Reserve Land Area An area of land that falls within a reserve land boundary in Sarawak. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA1030 Mixed Zone Land Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a Sarawak Mixed Zone Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1040 Mixed Zone Land Area An area of land that falls within a mixed zone land boundary in Sarawak. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA1050 Native Land Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a native land in Sarawak, Sabah and Labuan. Line Name (NAM) DA1060 Native Land Area An area of land that falls within a native land boundary in Sarawak, Sabah and Labuan. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA1070 Native Customary Land Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a Sarawak Native Customary Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1080 Native Customary Land Area An area of land that falls within a native customary land boundary in Sarawak. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DA1090 Interior Land Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of an Interior Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1100 Interior Land Area An area of land that falls within an interior land boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: DA1110 Sarawak Town Land Boundary A line defining the limit of a Sarawak Town Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1120 Sarawak Town Land Area An area of land that falls within a Sarawak Town Land boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA1130 Sarawak Suburban Land Boundary A line defining the limit of a Sarawak Suburban Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1140 Sarawak Suburban Land Area An area of land that falls within a Sarawak Suburban Land boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA1150 Sarawak Country Land Boundary A line defining the limit of a Sarawak Country Land area. Line Name (NAM) DA1160 Sarawak Country Land Area An area of land that falls within a Sarawak Country Land boundary. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA1170 Native Timber Reserve Boundary A line gazetted as the limit of a native timber reserve under the Sabah state legislation. Line Name (NAM) DA1180 Native Timber Reserve Area An area of land that falls within a native timber reserve boundary under the Sabah state legislation. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (km) (ARK) DA1190 Residential Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of a residential landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) 38
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DA1200 Residential Landuse Area An area of land that falls within a residential landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Residential Landuse Type (RLT) DA1210 Industrial Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of an industrial landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1220 Industrial Landuse Area An area of land that falls within an industrial landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Industrial Landuse Type (ILT) DA1230 Commercial and Services Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of a commercial and services landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1240 Commercial and Services Landuse Area An area of land that falls within a commercial and services landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Commercial and Services Landuse Type (CUT) DA1250 Institutional Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of an institutional and public facility landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1260 Institutional Landuse Area An area of land that falls within an institutional and public facility landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Institutional Landuse Type (IAT)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Space
DA1270 Recreational and Open Space Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of a recreational and open space landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1280 Recreational and Open Space Landuse Area An area of land that falls within a recreational and open space landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Recreational and Open Type (RUT)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA1290 Transportation Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of a transportation landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1300 Transportation Landuse Area An area of land that falls within a transportation landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Transportation Landuse Type (TLT) DA1310 Infrastructure and Utility Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of an infrastructure and utility landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1320 Infrastructure and Utility Landuse Area An area of land that falls within an infrastructure and utility landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Infrastructure and Utility Type (IFT) DA1330 Agricultural Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of an agricultural landuse boundary Line Name (NAM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: (AGT) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DA1340 Agricultural Landuse Area An area of land that falls within an agricultural landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Agriculture Landuse Type
DA1350 Forest Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of a forest landuse boundary Line Name (NAM)
DA1360 Forest Landuse Area An area of land that falls within a forest landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Forest Landuse Type (FRT) DA1370 Water Body Landuse Boundary A line defining the limit of a water body landuse boundary Line Name (NAM) DA1380 Water Body Landuse Area An area of land that falls within a water body landuse area Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (Ha) (ARH), Water Body Landuse Type (WBT)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DB Maritime Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: DB0010 Baseline A line from which the outer limits of a territorial sea and certain other outer limits are measured. Line Name (NAM) DB0020 Continental Shelf Boundary A line defining the limit of a continental shelf. Line Name (NAM)
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
DB0030 Continental Shelf The continental shelf of a coastal state (country) comprises the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas that extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to the outer edge of the continental shelf margin, or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines where the outer edge of the continental margin does not extend up to that distance. Polygon Name (NAM) DB0040 Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary A line defining the limit of an Exclusive Economic Zone. Line Name (NAM) DB0050 Exclusive Economic Zone An area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea not exceeding 200 nautical miles from the baseline under which a coastal state (country) has certain right and jurisdiction. Polygon Name (NAM) DB0060 Contiguous Zone Boundary A line defining the limit of a contiguous zone. Line Name (NAM) DB0070 Contiguous Zone A zone not exceeding 24 nautical miles from the baseline where the coastal state (country) may exercise certain controls. Polygon Name (NAM) DB0080 Territorial Water Boundary A line defining a territorial water. Line Name (NAM) DB0090 Territorial Water A belt of water of a defined breadth but not exceeding 12 nautical miles measured seaward from a territorial sea baseline. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
DB0100 State Territorial Water Boundary A line defining the limit of a state territorial water. Line Name (NAM) DB0110 State Territorial Water A belt of water of a defined breadth but not exceeding 3 nautical miles measured seaward from a territorial sea baseline where the adjacent state has exclusive rights. Polygon Name (NAM) DB0120 Internal Water Boundary A line defining the limit of an internal water. Line Name (NAM) DB0130 Internal Water Waters on the landward side of the baseline of a territorial sea and landlocked waters within a state. Polygon Name (NAM) DB0140 Fishing Zone Boundary A line defining the limit of a fishing zone. Line Name (NAM) DB0150 Fishing Zone The offshore zone in which fishing rights and management are held by coastal nation or an area designated for fishing within the EEZ limits, in accordance to the vessel size, power of engine, type of gears, and category of vessels owner. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) DB0160 Maritime Firing Boundary A line defining the limit of a firing area. Line Name (NAM) DB0170 Maritime Firing Area A water area in which firing exercise is frequently carried out by the armed forces. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) 43
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
DB0180 Harbour Authority Boundary A line defining the limit of a harbour authority area. Line Name (NAM) DB0190 Harbour Authority Area An area around a harbour under the authority the harbour. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DB0200 Port Authority Boundary A line defining the limit of a port authority area. Line Name (NAM) DB0210 Port Authority Area An area surrounding a port under the authority of the port. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
DC Cadastral Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: DC0010 State Land Boundary A line defining the limit of a state land. Line Name (NAM) DC0020 State Land All land in a state, including river bed, foreshore and sea bed as is within the territories of the state or the limits of territorial waters, other than alienated land, reserved land and mining land. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DC0030 Land Parcel or Lot Boundary A line defining the limit of a parcel or lot. Line Name (NAM), Survey Status (SUS) DC0040 Land Parcel or Lot A piece of land allotted by a state. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Survey Status (SUS)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
DC0050 Strata Parcel Boundary A line defining the limit of a strata parcel. Line Name (NAM) DC0060 Strata Parcel Sub-division of any building having two or more storeys on alienated land held as one lot under Final Title into parcels each to be held under a separate Strata Title. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DC0070 Stratum Parcel Boundary A line defining the limit of a stratum parcel. Line Name (NAM) DC0080 Stratum Parcel Underground land parcel as specified under Part Five (A) Section 92(A) of the National Land Code 1965. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DC0090 Strata Accessory Parcel Boundary A line defining the limit of a strata accessory parcel. Line Name (NAM) DC0100 Strata Accessory Parcel Any parcel shown on a strata plan which is used in conjunction with a strata parcel. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) DC0110 Common Property Boundary A line defining the limit of a common property. Line Name (NAM) DC0120 Common Property Any area not comprised in any strata parcel, including its accessory, or any provisional block as shown in an approved strata plan. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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GA - Geolithology Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GA1000 Surficial deposit Unconsolidated deposit occurring on the earths surface. Polygon Name (NAM), Surficial Deposit Type (SDT), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS) GA1100 Alluvium Detrital materials deposited by running water. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS) GA1200 Older alluvium (high terrace) Unconsolidated or moderately consolidated sedimentary deposited on the higher level. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS) GA1300 Colluvium Loose-heterogenous incoherent material deposited by unconcentrated surface runoff or sheet erosion, usually at the base of a slope. Polygon Name (NAM), Texture (TEX) GA1400 Raised beach Ancient beach occurring above the present shore line chararterised by unconsolidated or moderately consolidated sedimentary deposited. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS) GA1500 Clay Loose, earthy, extremely fine-grained, natural sediment or soft rock composed primarily of clay-size or colloidal particles. Polygon Clay Type (CYT), Texture (TEX)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
GA1600 Silt Unconsolidated or moderately consolidated sedimentary deposit consisting essentially of fine-grained clastics. Polygon Silt Type (SIT), Texture (TEX) GA1700 Sand Unconsolidated or moderately consolidated sedimentary deposit consisting essentially of medium-grained clastics. Polygon Sand Type (SAT), Texture (TEX), Sand Composition (SCO) GA1800 Gravel Loose accumulation of rock fragments associated with streams or beaches, composed predominantly of more or less rounded pebbles and small stones mixed with sand. Polygon Gravel Type (GRT), Texture (TEX) GA1900 Peat Unconsolidated deposit of semi carbonised plant remains. Polygon Name (NAM) GA2000 Sedimentary Rock Rocks resulting from the consolidation of loose sediments. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS), Sedimentary Rock Type (SRT) GA2100 Argillaceous Rock Sedimentary rocks composed of higher proportion of clay minerals. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS), Argillaceous Rock Type (ALT) GA2200 Arenaceous Rock Sedimentary rocks composed of higher proportion of sand minerals. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS), Arenaceous Rock Type (ART)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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GA2300 Rudaceous Rock Sedimentary rocks composed of fragments coarser than sand. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS), Rudaceous Rock Type (RRL) GA2400 Calcareous Rock Sedimentary rocks composed of higher proportion of calcium or magnesium carbonates. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS), Calcareous Rock Type (CRT) GA2500 Sedimentary Others Other sedimentary rocks. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Fossil (FOS), Sedimentary Others Type (SLT) GA3000 Igneous Rocks Rocks that solidified from molten or partly molten magma. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Igneous Rock Type (IRT) GA3100 Volcanic Acid Rocks Rocks ejected by volcanic activity of acidic composition. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Volcanic Acid Rocks Type (VAT), Volcanic Form (VOF) GA3200 Volcanic Intermediate Rocks Rocks ejected by volcanic activity of intermediate composition. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Volcanic Intermediate Rocks Type (VIT), Volcanic Form (VOF) GA3300 Volcanic Basic Rocks Rocks ejected by volcanic activity of basic composition. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Volcanic Basic Rocks Type (VBT), Volcanic Form (VOF)
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GA3400 Plutonic Acid Rocks Igneous rocks that contain high percentage of silica. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Plutonic Acid Rocks Type (PAR) GA3500 Plutonic Intermediate Rocks Igneous rocks that contain medium percentage of silica. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Plutonic Intermediate Rocks Type (PIT) GA3600 Plutonic Basic Rocks Igneous rocks that contain low percentage of silica. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Plutonic Basic Rocks Type (PBT) GA3700 Plutonic Ultrabasic Rocks Igneous rocks that contain little or no silica. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Plutonic Ultrabasic Rocks Type (PUB) GA3800 Volcanic Pyroclastic Rock formed of material from volcanic explosion Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Volcanic Pyroclastic Type (VPT) GA4000 Metamorphic Rocks Rocks formed by changes of temperature, pressure and chemical environment. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Metamorphic Rock Group (MRG) GA4100 Regional Metamorphic Rocks Sedimentary rock that shows evidence of having been subjected to metamorphism regionally. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Regional Metamorphic Rocks Type (RMT)
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GA4200 Contact Metamorphic Rocks Sedimentary rock that shows evidence of having been subjected to metamorphism by contact. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Contact Metamorphic Rocks Type (CMT) GA4300 Dynamic Metamorphic Rocks Sedimentary rock that shows evidence of having been subjected to metamorphism by dynamic. Polygon Name (NAM), Age in Million Years (AMY), Age in Period (APE), Dynamic Metamorphic Rocks Type (DLT) GA4400 Meteorites and Tektites Solid mass in the form of rock, metal or mixture of both that come from space and reached the earth. Point Outer space material type (OSM)
GB - Mineral Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GB1000 Minerals Location of a concentration of mineral that is considered to be valuable. Point, polygon Mineral Group (MIG), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1100 Metallic Minerals Location of metallic mineral mineralisation. Metallic minerals are minerals normally with a high specific gravity and metallic lustre. Point, Polygon Metallic Minerals Type (MTY), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1110 Precious Metals Location of precious metals mineralisation. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1120 Base Metals Location of base metals mineralisation, commonly refer to a group of metals that include copper, lead and zinc. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
GB1130 Light Metals Location of light metals mineralisation. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1140 Iron & Ferrous Alloy Location of iron and ferrous alloy mineralisation. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1150 Tin & Associated Minerals Location of tin & associated minerals mineralisation. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1160 Rare Metals Location of rare metals mineralisation. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1200 Non-Metallic Minerals Location of non-metallic mineralisation. Point, Polygon Mineral Group (MIG), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1210 Clay-Based Minerals Location of potential clay-based minerals. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1220 Sand-Based Minerals Location of potential sand-based minerals. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1230 Rock-Based Minerals Location of potential rock-based minerals. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC) GB1240 Dimension Stone Location of potential site for extraction of dimension stone. Point, Polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC)
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GB1300 Energy Minerals Location of potential site for energy minerals. Point, polygon Mineral Name (MIN), Mineral Category (MIC)
GC Fossils Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GC1000 Fossil Any remains, traces, or imprint of plants or animals that has been preserved. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Fossil Type (FOT), Age in Period (APE), Fossil Habitat (FOH) GC1100 Fauna Preserved animal fossils. Point Name (NAM), Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Age in Period (APE), Fossil Habitat (FOH) GC1200 Flora Preserved plant fossils. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Name (NAM), Age in Period (APE), Fossil Habitat (FOH) GC1300 Trace Preserved fossil imprints. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Name (NAM), Age in Period (APE), Fossil Habitat (FOH) GC1400 Fossil mixed Preserved animal and plant fossils. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Name (NAM), Age in Period (APE), Fossil Habitat (FOH)
GD- Mining Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GD1000 Mining Lease Area An area authorised for mining or mining tenement. Point, Polygon Mines Type (MNT), Mineral Group (MIG), Custodian (CUS), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE) 52
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
GD2000 Mines An authorised area where minerals are worked. Point, Polygon Mines Type (MNT), Operational Status (OPS) GD2100 Mine Pit Actual excavation for mineral extraction site on the surface. Point, Polygon Mineral Group (MIG), Mineral Type (MTP), Mine Pit Type (MPT) GD2200 Mine Tailings Area The storage area for gangue and other refused material resulting from the washing, concentration or treatment of ground ore. Point, Polygon Mining Tail Area Type (MTT) GD3000 Quarry Authorised Area An area authorised for quarry activity. Point, Polygon Quarry Authorised Type (QAT), Custodian (CUS), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE) GD3100 Quarry Site Area designated for quarry operations. Point, Polygon Quarry Use (QUU), Rock Type (RKT), Operational Status (OPS) GD3110 Quarry Pit Area within the quarry site where the rocks are actually extracted. Point, Polygon Quarry Use (QUU), Rock Type (RKT), Quarry Type (QUT) GD4000 Extraction Permit Area Area authorised for clay and sand extraction. Point, Polygon Earth material Type (EMT), Custodian (CUS), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE) GD5000 Stockpile A designated area for storing broken ore or material accumulated in a heap on the surface, pending treatment or shipment. Polygon Stockpile Type (STY)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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GD6000 Rehabilitational Area An area where the land is subjected for rehabilitation after mining activities ceased. Point, Polygon Mines Type (MNT)
GE Exploration Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GE1000 Mineral Exploration Block An area designated for mineral exploration. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Mineral Exploration Block Type (MET), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Mineral Group (MIG), Mineral Name (MIN) GE1100 Geological Mapping Area An area where various rock types and geological features are mapped. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Geologist(s) (GEO), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Work Status (WOS), Report Status (RES), Coverage Percentage (PCC) GE1200 Geochemical Survey Area An area where geochemical investigation is carried out to search for minerals or environmental studies. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Geologist(s) (GEO), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Work Status (WOS), Report Status (RES), Coverage Percentage (PCC), Survey Phase (SVP), Geochemical Survey Area Purpose (GEP) GE1210 Geochemical Sample Point Sites where samples are taken for chemical analysis. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Geochemical Sample Point Type (GPT), Survey Phase (SVP) GE1211 Sample Point Rock Rock sampling location. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Collector (COL), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Survey Phase (SVP)
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GE1212 Sample Point Soil Soil sampling location. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Collector (COL), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Survey Phase (SVP) GE1213 Sample Point Silt Silt sampling location. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Collector (COL), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Survey Phase (SVP) GE1214 Sample Point Stream Concentrate Stream concentrate sampling location. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Collector (COL), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Survey Phase (SVP) GE1215 Sample Point Stream Water Stream water sampling location. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Collector (COL), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Survey Phase (SVP) GE1300 Geophysical Survey Area An area where the search for minerals, groundwater and geological features is done using geophysical method. Polygon Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Geologist(s) (GEO), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Work Status (WOS), Report Status (RES), Coverage Percentage (PCC), Geophysical Method (GPM) GE1310 Geophysical Survey Line A line where the geophysical measurements are made. Line Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Person (PER), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Report Status (RES), Geophysical Method (GPM) GE1320 Geophysical Survey Station A point where the geophysical measurement is made. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Person (PER), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Report Status (RES), Geophysical Method (GPM)
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GE1400 Exploration Hole Location of holes made for downhole logging and sample collection. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Collector (COL), Survey Phase (SVP), Mineral Type (MTP), Drill Method (DRM), Depth (DPT), Record Number (REC), Exploration Holes Purpose (EHP) GE1500 Anomaly Area Areas where anomalies are identified. Polygon Anomaly Type (ANT), Anomaly Area Element (AAE), Anomaly Elevation (AEL) GE1510 Mineral Anomaly Areas interpreted to have a potential for mineralisation. Polygon Anomaly Number (ANN), Priority (PRN), Mineral Anomaly Elements (MAE) GE2000 Geological Remote Sensing Area An area where remote sensing is carried out for geological mapping and mineral exploration. Polygon Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Geologist(s) (GEO), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Work Status (WOS), Report Status (RES), Coverage Percentage (PCC)
GF - Geological Features Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GF1100 Faulting Large fracture in rock where movement has taken place. Line Faulting (FTY), Geological Accuracy (GAC), Strike (STR), Dip (DIP) GF1200 Folding The formation of fold in rocks. Line Folding Type (FLT), Geological Accuracy (GAC), Fold Direction (FOD), Fold Axis (FOX) GF1300 Bedding The arrangement of a sedimentary rock in beds or layers of varying thickness and character. Point, Line Bedding and Jointing Type (BJT), Strike (STR), Dip (DIP) 56
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
GF1400 Jointing Fracture in rock where no movement has taken place. Point, Line Bedding and Jointing Type (BJT), Strike (STR), Dip (DIP) GF1500 Lineament A linear topographic feature reflecting the crustal structure line. Line Lineament Type (LTY), Strike (STR), Dip (DIP) GF2000 Intrusive Structure A ridgelike or moundlike structure, layered or massive. Point, Line, Polygon Intrusive Structure Type (IST), Intrusive Structure Composition (ISC) GF3000 Other Geological Structure Distinctive structures contributing to the geological properties. Point, Line, Polygon Geological Structure Category (GSC) GF4000 Geological Boundary A line demarcating rock units of different properties. Line Geological Accuracy (GAC) GF4100 Rock Outcrop Area of rock outcrop occurrence. Polygon Rock Outcrop Type (ROT) GF4200 Rock Boulders Area of rock boulder occurrence. Polygon Rock Boulders Type (RBT) GF5000 Geological Formation Area of rock formation. Polygon Name (NAM) GF6000 Profile Line Indicative line where 2D information is available. Line Profile Type (PTY)
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GG - Geoscience Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: GG1000 Groundwater Potential Area An area identified capable of producing significant quantity of groundwater. Polygon Discharge (DIS), Groundwater Potential Class (GRC), Aquifer Type (AQT) GG1100 Hydrogeological Survey Area An area where hydrogeological studies are conducted. Polygon Name (NAM), Custodian (CUS), Geologist (GEO), Date Start (DAS), Date End (DAE), Work Status (WOS), Report Status (RES), Coverage Percentage (PCC) GG1110 Aquifer Alluvial A water bearing formation composed of loose, unsorted earthen materials, or particles such as clay, silt, sand, gravel, or stones. Polygon Aquifer Material (AQM), Aquifer Type (AQT), Aquifer Depth (AQD), Discharge (DIS) GG1120 Aquifer Peat A water bearing formation composed of peat Polygon Aquifer Material (AQM), Aquifer Type (AQT), Aquifer Depth (AQD), Discharge (DIS) GG1130 Aquifer Hardrock A water bearing formation in hardrock. Polygon Host Rock (HOR), Aquifer Depth (AQD), Discharge (DIS) GG1200 Groundwater Monitoring Station A monitoring station to measure the level and effects of groundwater discharge and groundwater quality. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Groundwater Station Type (GST) GG1300 Groundwater Well A hole drilled into the earth for the extraction of groundwater. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Well Type (WTY), Discharge (DIS)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
GG1400 Groundwater Limit An isoline defining the limit of an area with similar groundwater characteristics. Line Groundwater Limit Type (GLT) GG1410 Groundwater Flow A line indicating the direction of groundwater movement. Line GG1500 Hydrogeological Zone An area delineated for groundwater extraction, source or protection. Polygon Hydrogeological Zone Type (HZT) GG1600 Hydrogeological Natural Features Groundwater natural discharges point. Point Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Hydrogeological Natural Features Type (HNT), Discharge (DIS) GG2000 Geohazard Site A site of naturally occurring or man-made geologic condition that presents a risk or is a potential danger to life and property. Point, Polygon Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Geohazard Type (GHT), Name (NAM), Geohazard Status (GHS) GG2100 Landslide Site A site of mass movement of landforms, and processes involving the downslope transport under gravitational influence. Point, Polygon Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Landslide Type (LST), Rock Type (RKT), Date (DAT) GG2200 Rockfall Site A site of the relatively free falling of rock of any size from a cliff or other very steep slope. Point, Polygon Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Rockfall Type (RFT), Rock Type (RKT), Date (DAT)
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GG2300 Erosion Site A site whereby the soil are loosened, dissolved or worn away, simultaneously moved from one place to another; usually by water. Point, Polygon Field Number (FNO), Registered Number (RNO), Erosion Type (EST) GG2400 Construction Suitability An area indicating the suitability of land to be developed in terms of free from one or more of any geological hazard. Polygon Construction Suitability Class Type (CST)
HA Coastal Hydrography Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HA0010 Shore Line The high water mark of ordinary spring tides. Line Name (NAM) HA0020 Coast The edge margin of land next to the sea. Line Name (NAM), Coast Type (COT), Coastal Erosion Status (CES) HA0030 Shore The narrow strip of land in immediate contact with the sea, including the zone between the high and low water lines. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Shore Type (SHT)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HA0040 Bay A recess in the shore or an inlet of a sea between two capes or headlands. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0050 Lagoon A shallow body of water, like a pond or lake, usually connected to the sea. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) 60
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
HA0060 Headland A high, steep-faced promontory extending into the sea. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0070 Delta An alluvial deposit formed at a river mouth. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0080 Bar A submerged or emerged embankment of sand, gravel, or other unconsolidated material built on the sea floor in shallow water by waves or currents. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0090 Spit A small point of land or a narrow shoal projecting into a body of water from the shore. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0100 Reef An offshore consolidated rock hazard to navigation with a depth of about 20 m or less. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Reef Category (RFC) HA0110 Atoll A ring-shaped coral reef, often carrying low sand islands, enclosing a lagoon. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0120 Beach The zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the low water line to the place where there is marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Beach Type (BET) HA0130 Intertidal Flat Marshy or muddy land areas which are covered and uncovered by the Mean High Water (MHW) and Mean Low Water (MLW). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) 61
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HA0140 Saline Flat Marshy or muddy land areas which are influenced by seawater. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0150 Water Mark The line along a coast or beach to which the sea recedes. Line Name (NAM), Water Level Mark (WAM) HA0160 Mean Sea Level The average level of the sea over a long period of time. Line Name (NAM) HA0170 Coastal Flood Plain An area along the coast which is submerged when sea water level reaches a specified level. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HA0180 Island A body of land completely surrounded by water. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) HB Shoreline Structure
HB0010 Breakwater A structure protecting a shore area, harbour, anchorage, or basin from waves. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Breakwater Type (BWT), Armour Type (AMT) HB0020 Groyne A shore-protection structure built to trap littoral drift or retard erosion of the shore. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HB0030 Reclaimed Land An area formerly submerged under water which has been filled up and whose ground level is above high water line. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Reclaimed Land Purpose (RLP) 62
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HB0040 Revetment A facing of stone, concrete or other material, built to protect a scarp, embankment, or shore structure against erosion by wave action or currents. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HB0050 Sea Wall A structure separating land and water areas, primarily designed to prevent erosion and other damage due to wave action. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HB0060 Bund A wall or mould built around a low-lying area to prevent flooding. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HB0070 Outfall A structure extending into a body of water for the purpose of discharging sewage, storm runoff, or cooling water. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HC Fishing Facilities
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HC0010 Sea Recreational Area An area of sea water used for recreation or sports. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HC0020 Fishing Haven Areas established to stimulate and attract fish. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HC0030 Marine Farm An assemblage of cages, nets, rafts and floats where fish including shellfish are artificially cultivated. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HC0040 Fishing Gate A structure that may be swung, drawn or lowered to block an entrance or passageway. Point, Line Name (NAM) 63
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HC0050 Fishing Trap A structure (usually portable) for catching fish. Point Name (NAM), Fishing Trap Type (FTT) HC0060 Fishing Platform A permanent offshore structure used for fishing. Point Name (NAM) HC0070 Artificial Reef An artificial structure made for fish breeding. Point, Polygon Name (NAM)
HD Ports and Harbours Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HD0010 Harbour A protected inlet of a body of water where ships can anchor. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HD0020 Port A place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging cargo or passengers usually located in a harbour. Polygon Name (NAM) HD0030 Lock Basin A wet dock in a waterway permitting ship to move from one level to another. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HD0040 Jetty/Pier A long, narrow structure extending into the water to afford a berthing place for vessels, to serve as a promenade, etc. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
HD0045 Wharf/Quay A structure serving as a berthing place for vessels consisting of a solid or open wall of concrete, mansory, wood etc. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HD0050 Slipway Reinforced inclined surface on which keel and bilge-blocks are laid for supporting vessel under construction. Line Name (NAM) HD0060 Dockyard An artificially enclosed area within which ships undergo repair or construction. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HD0070 Pontoon A floating structure usually rectangular in shape which serves as landing, pier head or bridge support. Point, Polygon Name (NAM) HD0080 Dry Dock An artificial basin fitted with a gate or caisson, into which vessel can be floated. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HD0090 Marina A harbour facility for small boats and yachts where supplies repairs and various services are available. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HD0100 Floating Dock A dock consisting of a floating structure of one or more sections that can control flooding to receive a vessel and pumping out the water to expose vessels bottom. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HD0110 Dolphin A post or group of posts used for mooring or warping a vessel, or as an aid to navigation. Point Name (NAM) HD0120 Mooring Facilities The equipment or structure use to secure a vessel. Point Name (NAM) HD0130 Anchorage Area An area in which vessels are allowed to anchor. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HD0140 Anchorage Prohibited An area in which vessels are prohibited to anchor. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
HE Navigation Aids Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HE0010 Beacon A prominent specially constructed object forming a conspicuous mark as fixed aid to navigation. Point Name (NAM) HE0020 Light House A tower or structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships. Point Name (NAM), Light Characteristic Category (LCC) HE0030 Transit Mark Two distant fixed objects which provide position line. Point Name (NAM) HE0040 Navigation Pole An elongated wood or metal embedded in the bottom of the sea to provide navigation. Point Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
HE0050 Buoy A floating object moored to the seabed in a charted place as a navigation aid or for other specific purpose. Point Name (NAM), Buoy Type (BUT) HE0060 Dredge Area An area at the bottom of a body of water which has been deepened. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HE0070 Turning Basin An area of water or enlargement of a channel in a port which is kept clear of buoy to enable vessels to turn. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HE0080 Traffic Separation Scheme Imaginary lines forming an area on water bodies to separate opposing traffics. Polygon Name (NAM) HE0090 Inshore Traffic Zone A routing measure comprising a designated area between the landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and the adjacent coast, to be used in accordance with the provisions of the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HE0100 Recommended Route A track, shown on a chart by either a dashed or a continuous line, recommended to all or only certain vessels. Line Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HE0110 Precautionary Area A routing measure comprising an area within defined limits where ships must navigate with particular caution and within which direction of traffic flow may be recommended. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
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HE0120 Marine Round About A specific point or zone where traffic moves around in a counter clockwise direction. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
HF Danger and Hazards Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HF0010 Obstruction Objects that endangers or prevent safe passage of a vessel, e.g. sunken rock, pinnacle etc. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HF0020 Current Lines on charts showing the strength and directions of horizontal movement of water. Line Name (NAM) HF0030 Sandwave A large wavelike sediment feature in very shallow water and composed of sand. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HF0040 Wreck The ruined remains of a stranded or sunken vessel. Point Name (NAM), Wreck Category (WKC), Wreck Depth (WKD) HF0050 Spoil Ground An area at sea where dredged material is deposited. Also called dumping ground. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HF0060 Explosive Dumping Ground An area at sea where explosives are dumped. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
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HG Depth Information Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HG0010 Unsurveyed Area An area where the determination of ocean depth is determined by estimation because survey data does not exist or very poor. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HG0020 Upright Sounding Soundings compiled from smaller scale or unreliable source. Point Name (NAM) HG0030 Unsurveyed Depth Contour A depth contour that is determined from points with no survey or very poor data. Line Name (NAM) HG0040 Swept Area An area swept by a towline or object below the surface to clear to a certain depth for the navigation safety. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HG0050 Sounding Depth Depth obtained through sounding by means of any sounding equipments. Point Name (NAM) HG0060 Surveyed Depth Contour Line containing point of the same depth with survey data. Line Name (NAM), Contour Line Index (CLI), Contour Line Type (CLT), Contour Line Value (CLV) HG0070 Mud Line Delineates an area of mud that covers and uncovers depending on the elevation of the surface above chart datum. Line Name (NAM) HG0080 Sand Line Delineates an area of sand that covers and uncovers depending on the elevation of the surface above chart datum. Line Name (NAM) 69
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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HG0090 Depth Area Water area containing soundings within a defined range of values permanently at or below sounding datum. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
HH Inland Water Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: HH0010 Dam A barrier, together with appurtenant structures, constructed for the purposes of storage, control and diversion of water. A dam may be constructed across a natural watercourse or on the periphery of a reservoir. Point Name (NAM), Dam Usage (DMU), Dam Type (DMT), Dam Structures (DMS) HH0020 Lake A large inland body of water entirely surrounded by land either naturally formed or man made. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Authority (AUT) HH0030 Reservoir Body of water, either natural or artificial, used for storage regulation and control of water resources. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Custodian (CUS), Authority (AUT) HH0040 River A relatively large natural stream of water. Line, Polygon Name (NAM) HH0050 Under Ground River Stream that flow under the ground. Line, Polygon Name (NAM) HH0060 Old River Bed An old course of river. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
HH0070 Island A body of land completely surrounded by water or marsh. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) HH0075 Inland Island An inland body of land completely surrounded by water. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) HH0080 Sand Bar A mass of sand, gravel and/or other consolidated materials, which rises near, to, or above water level, often near the mouth of a river or at the approach to a harbour. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HH0090 Salt Lick An area where wildlife lick for salt. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HH0100 Water Hole A dip or hole in the surface of the ground in which water collects. Point Name (NAM) HH0110 Waterfall A sudden, vertical or near vertical descent of water over a step or ledge in the bed of a river. Point Name (NAM) HH0120 Rapids A fast flowing section of a watercourse generally with exposed rocks or boulders. Point, Polygon Name (NAM) HH0130 Natural Spring A natural exit of water from the ground. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HH0140 Pool Small areas of still water especially formed naturally or shallow patch of water or other liquid lying on a surface. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HH0150 Artificial Recharge Basin A man made circular container used to reload and fill water. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) HH0160 Tank A fixed structure for storing liquids. Point Name (NAM), Tank Type (TAT), Tank Usage (TAU) HH0170 Drain Channel that carry away storm water to control flooding. Line Name (NAM), Drain Conveyance (DRV), Drain Usage (DRU), Drain Category (DRC), Drain Structure (DRS) HH0180 Irrigation Drain Open earth/concrete channel that transport surplus water from the paddy plots to the river. Line Name (NAM), Irrigation Drain Category (IRC) HH0190 Irrigation Canal Open earth/concrete channel that transport irrigation water from the source to other locations transversing topographic features along the way. Line Name (NAM), Irrigation Canal Category (ICC) HH0200 Agricultural Drainage Drain An open earth ditch/channel used to control the ground water table and transport surplus runoff water from an agricultural area to the river/sea. Line Name (NAM), Agricultural Drain Category (ADC), Agricultural Drainage Structures Purpose (ADS)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
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HH0210 Pond An open body of water smaller than a lake which is either naturally formed or man made. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Pond Type (POT), Authority (AUT) HH0220 Drain Structures Structures constructed along drain alignment to facilitate the removal of excess stormwater in a drain. Point Name (NAM), Drainage Structures (DRS) HH0225 Irrigation Drain Structures Structures constructed along drain alignment in an irrigation scheme to regulate and remove excess water for paddy cultivation. Point Name (NAM), Irrigation Drain Structures (IRS) HH0230 Irrigation Canal Structures Structures constructed along canal alignment in an irrigation scheme to facilitate application of water for paddy cultivation. Point Name (NAM), Irrigation Canal Structure Purpose (ICS) HH0240 Agricultural Drainage Structures Wooden or reinforced concrete structures used to control the water in an agricultural area. Polygon Name (NAM), Agricultural Drainage Structures Purpose (ADS) HH0250 Inland Flood Prone Area An inland areas that are prone to flood in relation to the rainfall intensity and year of accurance. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
HJ River Structure Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HJ0010 Water Control Structure A building or structure used to control the flow of water. Point Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
HJ0020 Riverbank Protection Structures built alongside riverbanks to protect bank failure, erosion, etc. Line Name (NAM), Riverbank Protection Type (RPT) HJ0030 Weir A barrier constructed to control the flow or raise the level of water. Point Name (NAM) HJ0040 Fish Ladder Structure built alongside river to allow fish to migrate upstream or downstream. Point Name (NAM) HJ0050 Riverlock A dock in a river waterway permitting boats from one level to another. Point Name (NAM) HJ0060 Barrage A barrier, provided with a series of gates, across the river to regulate water level upstream and also to control tidal influence. Point Name (NAM) HJ0070 Tidal Gate A barrier similar to barrage but smaller in size specifically to control tidal influence. Point Name (NAM) HJ0080 Trap Boom Barrier across a river in an urban area to trap floating rubbish for collection and disposal. Point Name (NAM), Trap Boom Type (TBT) HJ0090 Culvert A transverse drain or waterway structure that crosses beneath a road, railway, canal or through an embankment by means of a pipe or enclosed. Point Name (NAM) 74
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HJ0100 River Groyne A low artificial waal-like structure extending from the bank of the river in transverse direction to the current. Point River Groyne Type (RYT)
HK Offshore Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: HK0010 Offshore Lighting A group of light located on the sea. Point Name (NAM), Light Characteristic Category (LCC) HK0020 Offshore Platform A flat surface raised above the sea used as a drilling, production or living quarters in offshore oil and gas operations. Polygon Name (NAM) HK0030 Flare Stack A tall structure used for burning off waste oil or gas. Point Name (NAM)
HL Miscellaneous Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: HL0010 Hydrological Station A hydrological station is a geographical location at which observations and measurements of hydrological parameters such as rainfall, evaporation, water level, stream flow, suspended sediment and water quality are made either manually by an observer, automatically recorded by a recorder or logged by a data logger. In addition, the station can be equipped with a telemetric system using telecommunication where data are collected, transmitted, recorded and displayed at the base station for flood forecasting and warning as well as drought monitoring purposes. Point Name (NAM), Hydrological Station Type (HST)
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RA Relief Portrayal Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: RA0010 Contour Line An imaginary line formed by connecting points on earth surface having the same elevations. Line Name (NAM), Contour Line Type (CLT), Contour Line Index (CLI), Contour Line Value (CLV) RA0020 Valley Bottom Line A line representation of the lowest part of a valley. Line Name (NAM) RA0030 Breakline A line representing the demarcation of a sudden and significant change in the gradient of the terrain relief. Line Name (NAM) RA0040 Inland Water Elevation A location with a generalised elevation value relative to a vertical datum associated with an inland, usually confined, water body. Point Name (NAM) RA0050 Pinnacle A small turret or spire usually ending in a pyramid or cone, crowning a buttress. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) RA0060 Cliff Precipitous A high, steep face of rock. Line, Polygon Name (NAM) RA0070 Cutting An excavated channel through high ground. Line, Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
RA0080 Embankment An earth or concrete bank for keeping back water, or for carrying a road or railway or for protecting adjacent land from inundation by flood water. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Embankment Purpose (EMP) RA0090 Ridge A long narrow hilltop, mountain range or watershed. Line Name (NAM), Ridge Type (RIT) RA0100 Spot Height Locations where height has been determined with respect to a vertical datum. Point Name (NAM), Spot Height Value (SHV)
SA Histosols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: SA1000 Folists Histosols which are saturated with water for less than 30 days during normal years. Polygon Name (NAM) SA1100 Tropofolists Other Folists that have an isomesic or warmer iso soil temperature regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SA1200 Medifolists Other Folists. Polygon Name (NAM) SA2000 Fibrists Histosols which have more thickness of fibric materials than any other kind of organic soil materials. Polygon Name (NAM)
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SA2100 Tropofibrists Other Fibrists that have a difference of less than 5 C between mean summer and mean winter soil temperatures at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM) SA2200 Luvifibrists Other Fibrists that have a horizon 2 cm or more thick in which humilluvic materials constitute one half or more of the volume. Polygon Name (NAM) SA2300 Medifibrists Other Fibrists. Polygon Name (NAM) SA3000 Hemists Histosols which have more thickness of hemic soil materials than any other kind of organic soil materials. Polygon Name (NAM) SA3100 Sulfohemists Hemist which has a sulfuric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SA3200 Sulfihemists Hemist which has a sulfidic soil materials. Polygon Name (NAM) SA3300 Luvihemists Hemist which has a sulfidic soil materials. Polygon Name (NAM) SA3400 Tropohemists Other Hemists that have a difference of less than 5 C between mean summer and mean winter soil temperatures at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SA3500 Medihemists Other Hemists. Polygon Name (NAM) SA4000 Saprists Histosols which have more thickness of sapric soil materials than any other kind of organic soil materials. Polygon Name (NAM) SA4100 Sulfosaprists Saprist which has a sulfuric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SA4200 Sulfisaprists Saprist which has a sulfidic soil materials. Polygon Name (NAM) SA4300 Troposaprists Other Saprists that have a difference of less than 5 C between mean summer and mean winter soil temperatures at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM) SA4400 Medisaprists Other Saprists. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
SB Spodosols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: SB1000 Aquods Spodosol which have aquic conditions. Polygon Name (NAM) SB1100 Alaquods Aquods that have < 0.1 % in 75 % or more of the spodic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SB1200 Placaquods Aquods that have a placic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SB1300 Duraquods Aquods that have dominantly, a cemented layer that does not slake in water. Polygon Name (NAM) SB1400 Epiaquods Aquods that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SB1500 Endoaquods Aquods that have a lithic contact within 50 cm or histic epipedon or andic properties or with both argillic or kandic horizon within 200 cm or umbric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SB2000 Humods Spodosol which have 6 % or more organic carbon. Polygon Name (NAM) SB2100 Placohumods Humods that have a placic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SB2200 Durihumods Humods that have dominantly, a cemented layer that does not slake in water. Polygon Name (NAM) SB2300 Haplohumods Humods that have have a placic horizon or duripan, or fragipan within 100 cm. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
SB3000 Orthods Other spodosols which have lithic contact such as placic horizon or duripan, or fragipan or have low iron content in spodic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SB3100 Placorthods Orthods that have a placic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SB3200 Durorthods Orthod that have dominantly, a cemented layer that does not slake in water. Polygon Name (NAM) SB3300 Alorthods Orthod that have < 0.1 % iron. Polygon Name (NAM) SB3400 Haplorthods Other Orthods that have lithic contact at shallow depth or have both fragic properties and aquic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SC Andisols
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
SC1000 Aquands Andisols which have either a histic epipedon or aquic moisture conditions. Polygon Name (NAM) SC1100 Placaquands Aquands that have a placic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC1200 Duraquands Aquands that have dominantly, a cemented layer that does not slake in water. Polygon Name (NAM) 81
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SC1300 Vitraquands Aquands that have a 1500 kPa water retention of < 15 % dominating the soil horizon sits on lithic contact, duripan or petrocalcic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC1400 Melanaquands Aquands that have a melanic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC1500 Epiaquands Aquands that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SC1600 Endoaquands Other Aquands that have lithic contact at shallow depth or durapan or histic epipedon or have more than 2 cmol/kg Al in some horizon or hydric properties or a layer with > 3 % organic carbon with color of mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC2000 Vitrands Andisols which have a 1500 kPa water retention of < 15 % dominating the soil horizon sits on lithic contact, duripan or petrocalcic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC2100 Udivitrands Vitrands that have udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SC3000 Udands Other Andisols which have a placic horizon or duripan or a melanic epipedon or hydric properties or alic properties. Polygon Name (NAM) SC3100 Placudands Udands that have a placic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) 82
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SC3200 Durudands Udands that have dominantly, a cemented layer that does not slake in water. Polygon Name (NAM) SC3300 Melanudands Udands that have a melanic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC3400 Fulvudands Udands that have an epipedon with a color value, moist and chroma of 3 or less. Polygon Name (NAM) SC3500 Hydrudands Udands that have a 1500 kPa water retention of 100 % or more dominating the soil horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SC3600 Hapludands Other Udands that have lithic contact at shallow depth or anthraquic condition or duripan and aquic moisture conditions or durapan or have more than 2 cmol/kg Al in some horizon or hydric properties or an aquic moisture conditions or hydric properties or sum of extractable bases of > 25 cmol/kg or oxic horizon or either argillic or kandic horizon with organic layer with low base saturation. Polygon Name (NAM)
SD Oxisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: SD1000 Udox Oxisol which have udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SD1100 Sombriudox Udox that have a sombric horizon Polygon Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
SD1200 Acrudox Udox that have an oxic or kandic horizon with low ECEC and a pH value of 5 or more Polygon Name (NAM) SD1300 Eutrudox Udox that have high base saturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SD1400 Kandiudox Udox that have a kandic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SD1500 Hapludox Udox that have either histic epipedon, or some plinthite, or aeric properties, or high organic carbon content. Polygon Name (NAM) SD2000 Aquox Oxisol which have an aquic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SD2100 Acraquox Aquox that have an oxic horizon with low ECEC and pH value of 5 or more. Polygon Name (NAM) SD2200 Plinthaquox Aquox that have plinthite. Polygon Name (NAM) SD2300 Eutraquox Aquox that have high base saturation. Polygon Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SD2400 Haplaquox Other Aquox that have either histic epipedon, or some plinthite, or aeric properties, or high organic carbon content. Polygon Name (NAM) SD3000 Perox Oxisol which have perudic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SD3100 Sombriperox Perox that have a sombric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SD3200 Acoperox Perox that have an oxic or kandic horizon with low ECEC and a pH value of 5 or more. Polygon Name (NAM) SD3300 Eutroperox Perox that have high base saturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SD3400 Kandiperox Perox that have a kandic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SD3500 Haploperox Other Perox that have both a petroferric/lithic contact and aquic moisture regime or plinthite and aquic moisture regime or high organic carbon with/without red in color or having andic properties or rhodic properties. Polygon Name (NAM)
SE Vertisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: SE1000 Aquerts Vertisol which have an aquic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) 85
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: SE1100 Duraquerts Aquerts that have duripan. Polygon Name (NAM) SE1200 Dystraquerts Aquerts that have an electrical conductivity of 4 dS/m and pH of 4 or less. Polygon Name (NAM) SE1300 Epiaquerts Aquerts that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SE1400 Endoaquerts Other Aquerts that have an electrical conductivity of 15 dS/m or more or an exchange sodium percentage (ESP) of 15 or more dominating the profile or aeric properties or lithic contact within 100 cm or have a layer of 25 cm or more thick that contains less than 27 % clay or horizon within 30 cm from surface have color value 4 or more. Polygon Name (NAM) SE2000 Uderts Vertisol which have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SE2100 Drystruderts Uderts that have an electrical conductivity of 4 dS/m and pH of 4 or less. Polygon Name (NAM) SE2200 Hapluderts Other Uderts that have a lithic contact within 50 cm or have an aquic moisture regime or oxyaquic properties or a lithic contact within 100 cm or layer of 25 cm or more thick that contains less than 27 % clay or a horizon within 30 cm from surface have color value 4 or more. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
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SF Ultisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: SF1000 Humults Ultisol which have high organic matter in the argillic or kandic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SF1100 Sombrihumults Humults that have a sombric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SF1200 Plinthohumults Humults that have plinthite. Polygon Name (NAM) SF1300 Kandihumults Humults that have a CEC of 16 cmol/kg clay or less and ECEC of 12 cmol/kg clay or less in argillic or kandic horizon and do not have a clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SF1400 Kanhaplohumults Humults that have a CEC of 16 cmol/kg clay or less and ECEC of 12 cmol/kg clay or less. Polygon Name (NAM) SF1500 Palehumults Humults that donot have a lithic contact and clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SF1600 Haplohumults Other Humults that have lithic contact within 50 cm or aquic and andic properties or aquic properties or andic properties or 5 % or more plinthite in some horizons or oxyaquic properties. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SF2000 Udults Ultisol which have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SF2100 Plinthudults Udults that have plinthite. Polygon Name (NAM) SF2200 Kandiudults Udults that have a CEC of 16 cmol/kg clay or less and ECEC of 12 cmol/kg clay or less in argillic or kandic horizon and donot have a clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SF2300 Kanhapludults Udults that have a lithic contact and CEC of 16 cmol/kg clay or less and ECEC of 12 cmol/kg clay or less in argillic or kandic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SF2400 Paleudults Udults that donot have both a lithic contact within 150 cm and clay decrease of more than 20 %. Polygon Name (NAM) SF2500 Rhodudults Udults that have an epipedon with color value, of 3 or less and most horizon with hue of 2.5 YR or redder. Polygon Name (NAM) SF2600 Hapludults Other Udults that have a discontinuous lithic contact within 50 cm or for argillic horizon < 25 cm with no lithic contact within 50 cm or aquic and vertic properties or aquic properties with sandy horizon or argillic horizon consist of partly or entirely of lamella or oxyaquic properties or humic properties. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SF3000 Aquults Ultisol which have an aquic moisture conditions. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3100 Plinthaquults Aquults that have plinthite. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3200 Kandiaquults Do not have a lithic, paralithic ot petroferric contact within 150 cm of mineral soil surface, and CEC of 16 cmol(+)/kg clay and do not have a clay decrease with increasing depth of 20 % or more from the maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3300 Kanhaplaquults Aquults that have have a CEC of 16 cmol/kg clay or less and ECEC of 12 cmol/kg clay or less in argillic or kandic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3400 Paleaquults Aquults that donot have a lithic contact and clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3500 Umbraquults Aquults that have an umbric or mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3600 Epiaquults Aquults that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SF3700 Endoaquults Other Aquults that have a sandy texture above argillic horizon or aeric properties. Polygon Name (NAM) 89
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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SG Mollisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: SG1000 Albolls Mollisols that have an argillic or natric horizon; and an Albic horizon with chroma of 2or less that is 2.5 cm or more thick and within 100 cm of soil material have redox concentration in the form of masses or concretions and an aquic condition for sometime in most years. Polygon Name (NAM) SG1100 Argialbolls Other Albolls. Polygon Name (NAM) SG2000 Aquolls Mollisol which have an aquic moisture regime and either histic overlying mollic epipedon, mollic epipedon or ESP of 15 or more in upper part of mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SG2100 Duraquolls Aquolls that have a duripan. Polygon Name (NAM) SG2200 Argiaquolls Other Aquolls that have an argillic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SG2300 Epiaquolls Other Aquolls that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SG2400 Endoaquolls Other Aquolls. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SG3100 Rendolls Mollisol which have thin mollic epipedon, vertic properties and udic moisture regime but do not have argillic or calcic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SG4000 Udolls Mollisol which have udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SG4100 Paleudolls Udolls that donot have a lithic contact and clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SG4200 Calciudolls Udolls that have calcic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SG4300 Argiudolls Udolls that have argillic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SG4400 Vermudolls Udolls that have 50 % or more wormholes, wormcasts, or filled animal burrow. Polygon Name (NAM) SG4500 Hapludolls Udolls that have a lithic contact at shallow depth or andic properties or vertic properties or calcic horizon or irregular decrease in organic carbon or mollic horizon with a texture finer than loamy sand that contain pedoturbation. Polygon Name (NAM)
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SH Alfisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: SH1000 Aqualfs Alfisol which have an aquic moisture conditions. Polygon Name (NAM) SH1100 Plinthaqualfs Aqualfs that have plinthite. Polygon Name (NAM) SH1200 Duraqualfs Aqualfs that have a duripan. Polygon Name (NAM) SH1300 Kandiaqualfs Aqualfs that have a CEC of 16 cmol/kg clay or less and ECEC of 12 cmol/kg clay or less in argillic or kandic horizon and donot have a clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SH1400 Umbraqualfs Aqualfs that have an umbric or mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SH1500 Epiaqualfs Aqualfs that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SH1600 Endoaqualfs Aqualfs that have andic properties or vertic and chromic properties or vertic properties oraeric properties with fragipan or fragipan or sandy texture or thin mollic epipedon with aquic moisture regime or aeric and thin umbric epipedon or aeric properties or mollic epipedon or umbric epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SH2000 Udalfs Alfisol which have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SH2100 Agrudalfs Udalfs that have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SH2200 Ferrudalfs Udalfs that have a glossic horizon and its argillic or kandic horizon are enriched with iron and cemented. Polygon Name (NAM) SH2300 Kandiudalfs Udalfs that have a kandic horizon donot have a clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SH2400 Kanhapludalfs Other Udalfs. Polygon Name (NAM) SH2500 Paleudalfs Udalfs that have argillic horizon, donot have both a lithic contact and clay decrease of more than 20 % or more from maximum clay content. Polygon Name (NAM) SH2600 Rhodudalfs Udalfs that have a red colored argillic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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SH2700 Hapludalfs Udalfs that have lithic contact within 50 cm or aquic and chromic properties or oxyaquic properties or andic properties or vertic and chromic properties or vertic properties or andic properties or vitrandic properties oir aeric properties with sandy texture or abrupt textural changes, aquic moisture regime with base saturation of < 60 % below 125 cm or abrupt textural changes with aquic moisture regime or interfingering in albic horizon with aquic moisture regime or aquic condition with mollic epipedon or aquic moisture regime or oxyaquic condition or consist of lamella or sandy texture or interfingering of albic horizon or having argillic /kandic horizon < 35 cm thick with no lithic contact or base saturation of < 60 % or thin mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM)
SJ Inceptisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: SJ1000 Aquepts Inceptisol which have an aquic moisture conditions or an exchange sodium percentage (ESP) of 15 or more dominating the profile. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ1100 Sulfaquepts Aquepts that have sulfuric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ1200 Placaquepts Aquepts that have, in half or more of each pedon, a plastic horizon within 100 cm of the mineral soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ1300 Plinthaquepts Other Aquepts that have one or more horizons within 125 cm of the mineral soil surface in which plinthite either forms acontinuous phase or constitutes one half or more of the volume. Polygon Name (NAM)
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SJ1400 Tropaquepts Other Hemists that have a difference of less than 5 C between mean summer and mean winter soil temperatures at a depth of 30 cm below the soil surface, or talithic or paralithic contact, whichever is shallower. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ1500 Humaquepts Aquepts that have histic, melanic, mollic or umbric epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ1600 Epiaquepts Aquepts that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ1700 Endaquepts Other Aquepts that have sulfuric horizon or lithic contact or vertic properties or aquic moisture regime with andic properties or an organic carbon content of 0.2 % or more below 125 cm or irregular carbon content below 25 cm or aeric properties humic properties or mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ2000 Tropepts Other Inceptisols that have an isomesic or warmer iso temperature regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ2100 Humitropepts Tropepts that do not have sombric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ2200 Sombritropepts Other Tropepts that have a sombric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
SJ2300 Eutropepts Tropepts that have a base saturation (byNH4 OAC)of 50 % or more in all horizons between a depth of 25 cm from the mineral soil surface and either a depth of 100cm , or a lithic, paralithic or petroferric contact if shallower. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ2400 Dystropepts Other Tropepts. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ3000 Opchrepts Other Inceptisols that has an ochris epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ3100 Eutropchrepts A base saturation of 60 % or more in one or more horizons between 25 and 75 cm from mineral soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ3200 Dystropchrepts Other Ochrepts. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ4000 Umbrepts Other Inceptisols. Polygon Name (NAM) SJ4100 Haplumbrepts Other Umbrepts. Polygon Name (NAM)
SK Entisols Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: SK1000 Aquents Entisol which have an aquic moisture conditions. Polygon Name (NAM) 96
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: SK1100 Sulfaquents Aquents that have sulfuric horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SK1200 Hydraquents Aquents that have in all horizon at a depth of 20 50 cm, both an n value of more than 0.7 and 8 % or more clay. Polygon Name (NAM) SK1300 Psammaquents Aquents that have less than 35 % rock fragment and a texture of loamy fine sand or coarser in all layers. Polygon Name (NAM) SK1400 Fluvaquents Aquents that have either an irregular decrease in content of organic carbon with depth or 0.2 % or more organic carbon. Polygon Name (NAM) SK1500 Epiaquents Aquents that have episaturation. Polygon Name (NAM) SK1600 Endoaquents Other Aquents that have sulfidic material or sulfuric horizon or lithic contact or horizon with Exchangable Sodium Percentage (ESP) of 15% or more or aeric properties orhumic properties with aquic moisture regime and base saturation of < 50 % or mollic epipedon. Polygon Name (NAM) SK2000 Arents Entisol which have one or more layers with 3 % or more fragment of diagnostic horizon. Polygon Name (NAM) SK2100 Udarents Arents that have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
SK3000 Psamments Entisol which have less than 35 % rock fragment and a texture of loamy fine sand or coarser in all layers. Polygon Name (NAM) SK3100 Quartzipsamments Psamments that have in sand and clay fraction, a total of more tan 90 % resistent minerals. Polygon Name (NAM) SK3200 Tropopsamments Other Psamments that have an udic moisture regime and a difference of less than 5 C between mean summer and mean winter soil temperatures at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM) SK3300 Udipsamments Other Psamments. Polygon Name (NAM) SK4000 Fluvents Entisol which do not have lithic contact within 25 cm depth and have slope of less than 25 %, and irregular decrease in content of organic carbon with depth. Polygon Name (NAM) SK4100 Tropofluvents Other Fluvents that have Isomesic, isothermic or isohyperthemic soil temperature regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SK4200 Udifluvents Fluvents that have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM) SK5000 Orthents Other Entisol. Polygon Name (NAM) 98
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
SK5100 Troporthents Other Orthents that have an udic moisture regime and a difference of less than 5 C between mean summer and mean winter soil temperatures at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface. Polygon Name (NAM) SK5200 Udorthents Orthents that have an udic moisture regime. Polygon Name (NAM)
TA Land Transportation Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: TA0010 Rail Line A track on which trains run. Line Name (NAM), Rail Usage (RTU), Rail Tracking (RTR), Rail Track Function (RTF), Rail Track Electrification (RTE), Status (STA), Grade Location (GRL) TA0020 Rail Station A place where trains stop to load and unload passengers and goods including its associated buildings and facilities. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Rail Track Category (RTC), Status (STA), Grade Location (GRL), Rail Station Type (RST), Rail Usage (RTU) TA0030 Rail Yard A series of railway sidings at a station, terminal or depot where the activities of train formation is concentrated. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) TA0040 Turntable A structure that rotate railway vehicles and machineries. Point Name (NAM) TA0050 Railway Gate A gate for train to cross a road at grade level. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Railway Gate Type (RGT) 99
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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TA0060 Road An established surface on the right of way in areas meant for exclusive use of vehicles. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Toll (TOL), Carriageway Type (CWT), Traffic Flow (RDF), Route Number (RTN), Number of Lane (LAN), Status (STA), Road Pavement Type (RPV), Custodian(CUS), Authority (AUT), Road Category (RDC), Road Service Area (RDS) TA0080 Slip Road A short one-way road at junction connecting adjacent road to ease traffic flow. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Direction (DIR), Number of Lane (LAN), Status (STA), Road Surface Composition (RSC), Authority (AUT) TA0090 Road Junction A point where two or more roads cross or meet. Point Name (NAM), Signalisation (SIG), Number of Direction (NOD), Identification Number (IDN) TA0100 Round-about A road junction designed for movement of traffic in one direction around a central island. Polygon Name (NAM), Identification Number (IDN), Signalisation (SIG), Number of Lane (LAN), Status (STA), Road Surface Composition (RSC), Authority (AUT) TA0110 Track The path of travels other than roads which are unpaved. Line Name (NAM), Track Type (TCT), Track Category (TCC) TA0120 Interchange A road crossing with a structure that is built to provide dispersion of traffic. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Interchange Type (ITT), Vertical Clearance (VTC) TA0130 Lay-by A recession along the road for vehicles to pull over or park. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Lay-by Usage (LAU) 100
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
TA0140 Overhead Crossing A bridge that offers pedestrians and cyclists the safest means of crossing a road. Point, Line Name (NAM), Passage Usage (PAU), Vertical Clearance (VTC) TA0150 Toll Plaza A structure along highways where toll charges are collected. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) TA0160 Subway A passage below the surface of the road that offers pedestrians and cyclists the safest means of crossing a road. Point, Line Name (NAM), Passage Usage (PAU), Length (LEN), Width (WID), Vertical Clearance (VTC) TA0170 Traffic Sign A devise mounted on a fixed or portable support whereby a specific message is conveyed by means of word or symbols. Point Name (NAM), Traffic Sign Type (TRA) TA0180 Kilometer Post A post consists of information of destination and the distance to the destination installed at every kilometer spacing along a road. Point Name (NAM), Identification Number (IDN), Kilometer Post Type (KMT) TA0190 Traffic Light A device electrically operated by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed at road intersections. Point Name (NAM), Identification Number (IDN) TA0200 Pedestrian Crossing A zone, usually painted in stripes, designed for pedestrian to cross a road. Point, Line Name (NAM), Signalisation (SIG), Identification Number (IDN)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
TA0210 Cable Car Route A specific thoroughfare reserved for the use and operation of cable cars. Line Name (NAM), Authority (AUT), Cable Car Type (CCT) TA0220 Cable Car Station A building at the end of a cable car route used for the administration and operation of cable cars. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) TA0230 Tunnel An enclosed passage constructed at grade, underground or underwater, open at both ends, usually contains a road or railway or for flood mitigation or for multimode (flood and road). Point, Line Name (NAM), Tunnel Usage (TNU), Length (LEN), Width (WID), Vertical Clearance (VTC), Custodian (CUS), Authority (AUT) TA0240 Bridge A structure erected over a depression or an obstruction such as river, road or railway and having a passageway which allows traffic to cross from one side to the other. Point, Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Identification Number (IDN), Bridge Construction Material Type (BMT), Bridge Structural System Type (BST), Bridge Deck Type (BKT), Bridge Abutment Type (BAT), Bridge Swingability (BRS), Number of Bridge Span (NBS), Length (LEN), Width (WID), Vertical Clearance (VTC) TA0250 Bridge Pier An intermediate support for bridge deck structures. Point Name (NAM), Identification Number (IDN), Height (HEI) TA0260 Causeway A raised road or rail track across wet or marshy ground, or water. Line, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Length (LEN) TA0270 Inland Port A place located inland and equipped with facilities for loading and unloading of international cargo. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) 102
Feature Code: Feature Name: Definition: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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TB Water Transportation Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: TB0010 Water Route A route in a designated area within a define limits which have been accurately surveyed for clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacle to a minimum indicated depth of water for safe passage of ships. Line Name (NAM), Water Route Usage (WRU)
UA Electricity Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UA0010 Power Line Cables that carry electricity power. Line Name (NAM), Grade Location (GRL) Power Line Characteristics (PLC), Power Line Type (PLT), Voltage (VLT) UA0020 Street Light Structures that provide lighting to streets. Point Name (NAM), Street Light Category (SLC) UA0030 Power Station Installations that generate electricity power. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Power Station Type (PST) UA0040 Substation Installations that transform electric voltage from one level to another. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Substation Category (SSC) UA0050 Pole Structure made of wood/iron/concrete to support overhead cables. Point Name (NAM), Pole Usage (POU) UA0060 Feeder Pillar Equipments that branches low voltage underground cables single or dual to a multiple. Point Name (NAM) 103
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UA0070 Pylon Structure made of iron or concrete to support cables for electric power transmission and movement of cable cars. Point Name (NAM), Pylon Usage (PYU) UA0080 Meter A gadget used to record electricity flow and usage. Point Name (NAM)
UB Telecommunication Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UB0010 Telecommunication Exchange Coverage Service area for telephone exchange/switch. Line Name (NAM) UB0020 Manhole End of the duct path where the underground cable is interconnected. Point Name (NAM) UB0030 Pier Crossing A structure crossing a small river or monsoon drain to support cable duct. Line Name (NAM) UB0040 Telecommunication Tunnel Replacement of the duct ways to cater for the high number of cables (more than 48 cables). Line Name (NAM) UB0050 Duct Way A cylindrical conduit provided between two manholes to pull cables and prevent from mechanical damage. Line Name (NAM) UB0060 Cabinet A passive cross connection point of main cables and distribution cables and installed, mostly, at road junctions. Point Name (NAM) 104
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UB0070 Distribution Side Cable Distribution cables that start from Cabinet and end at the Distribution Point. Line Name (NAM) UB0080 Exchange Side Cable Cable that starts from telephone exchange and terminates at Cabinet, DDP, Stump or Stub. Line Name (NAM) UB0090 Intermediate Distribution Frame Installed in the telephone exchanger or subscriber premises to interconnect external cable. Point Name (NAM) UB0100 Tie Cable Cable connecting exchange to exchange, cabinet to cabinet, or Distribution Point to Distribution Point. Line Name (NAM) UB0110 Fiber Optic Cable Cable that carries the light signal. Line Name (NAM) UB0120 Remote Terminal Place to terminate the fiber optic cable where the light signal is converted to current on individual channel. Point Name (NAM) UB0130 Earth Satellite Microwave station, which accommodate the parabolic antenna to receive/transmitted signal to/from satellite. Point Name (NAM) UB0140 VSAT Station Microwave station, which accommodate the parabolic antenna. Point Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UB0150 Cellular Radio Base Station Base station where the radio signal starts. Point Name (NAM) UB0160 Exchange Building Building that accommodates the switching equipment and cables. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UB0170 Hill Station Microwave station where the microwave signal start and end. Point Name (NAM) UB0180 Radio Station (Telecommunication). Refer also as Hill station Point Name (NAM) UB0190 Antenna Tower Tower or structure to mount an antenna. Point Name (NAM) UB0200 Transmitter Transmission Equipment. Point Name (NAM) UB0210 Receiver Receiving Equipment. Point Name (NAM) UB0220 Repeater Repeater Equipment. Point Name (NAM) UB0230 Wireless Tower Tower or structure to telecommunication. Point Name (NAM) 106
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UB0240 Telecom Tower Tower or structure to mount the antenna for telecom operation. Point Name (NAM) UB0250 Telecom Line Telecommunication cable belonging to Syarikat Telekom Malaysia. Point Name (NAM) UB0260 Rill Will Antenna Radio in Local Loop Antenna, which extract the radio signal. Point Name (NAM) UB0270 Rill Will RBS Radio in Local Loop Base Station where the radio signals start. Point Name (NAM) UB0280 Rill Will Transmitter Radio in Local Loop equipment that transmits the signal through antenna. Point Name (NAM) UB0290 Rill Will Receiver Radio in Local Loop equipment that receives the signal through antenna. Point Name (NAM)
UC Water Supply Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UC0010 Bunded Storage Storage facilities for storing water resources. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UC0020 Water Treatment Plant An engineering structure built for treatment of raw water. Point Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UC0030 Water Intakes An engineering structure built for river water extraction. Point Name (NAM) UC0040 River Gate An engineering structure built across a river to raise the water level for river water extraction. Point Name (NAM) UC0050 Raw Water Pipe Main pipes conveying raw water from intake to treatment plant. Line Name (NAM)
UC Water Supply Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UC0060 Service Reservoir Water storage structure for balancing inflows and water treatment. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Reservoir Type (RVT), Custodian (CUS), Authority (AUT) UC0070 Water Pump Equipment for pumping water. Point, Line Name (NAM), Water Pump Category (WPC), Water Pump Type (WPT) UC0080 Pump House Building constructed to house water pumps and its mechanical and electrical facilities. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Pump House Usage (PHU) UC0090 Booster Pump Equipment for pumping treated water for boosting water pressure. Point Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UC0100 Suction Tank Storage structure for storing water to be pumped. Point Name (NAM) UC0110 Water Pipe A string of interconnected pipes use for the transporting water. Line Name (NAM), Water Pipe Type (WIT), Grade Location (GRL) UC0120 Water Valve Water facilities for controlling water flow, air and pressure. Point Name (NAM), Water Valve Type (WVT) UC0130 Fire Hydrant Water facilities along main pipe for fire fighting. Point Name (NAM) UC0140 Water Meter Meter used to record water flow and usage. Point Name (NAM) UC0150 Remote Terminal Unit Communication facilities for receiving and transmitting signals. Point Name (NAM) UC0160 Water Quality Monitoring System Facilities to monitor water quality. Point Name (NAM) UC0170 Chlorine Booster Station Facilities for boosting chlorine level. Point Name (NAM) UC0180 Water Tunnel Underground aqueduct for raw water transmission. Line Name (NAM) 109
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UC0190 Supply Zone Supply area of a service reservoir or a distribution main. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Supply Zone Type (SZT) UC0200 Non-Revenue Water Control Zone A definite supply area where non-revenue water control measure is imposed. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UC0210 Metering Zone An area representing a group of water meters. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
UD Oil and Gas Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UD0010 Processing Plant A complex where raw oil/gas is processed. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Processing Plant Type (PRT) UD0020 City Gate Station A regulating and metering stn located just after a tee valve off the PGU pipeline owned by Petronas which links up to GMSB's gas pipeline distribution system where the gas pressure of 500 - 800 psi is reduced to 260 psi. It also acts as a Custody Transfer Point for natural gas, between PGB and GMSB. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UD0030 Odoriser Station An odorant dispensing facility located immediately after the City Gate Station where odorant is injected into the gas to odorise it so as to meet safety requirements before supplying to customers. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
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UD0040 District Station A regulating station where the feeder pipeline gas pressure is reduced from 260 psi to 60 psi before it enters GMSB's distribution pipeline. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UD0050 Regulating Station A regulating station where GMSB's distribution pipeline gas pressure of 60 psi is reduced to 4.3 psi before supply to the commercial customers. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UD0060 Area Station A regulating station where GMSB's distribution pipeline gas pressure of 60 psi is reduced to 0.43 psi before supply to residential customers. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UD0070 Service Station A station with gas measurement and pressure regulating facilities where gas is received directly from the gas pipeline distribution system and which thereafter delivers the gas through the customer owned internal piping to the gas appliances. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UD0080 Oil and Gas Pipeline A pipeline where oil/gas is transported. Line Name (NAM), Pipe Line Type (PPT), Grade Location (GRL) UD0090 Oil and Gas Valve Facilities along oil/gas pipelines for controlling its flow. Point Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UE Broadcasting Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UE0010 Radio Station A complex where signals for radio broadcasting is managed. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
UE0020 Television Station A complex where signals for television broadcasting is managed. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UE0030 Transmission Station A complex where signals for radio or television broadcasting is transmitted. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UE0040 Monitoring Station Facility where off air signals are intercepted and processed to monitor its contents and quality. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UE0050 Broadcasting Coverage Area An area of coverage of certain band of signal. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM)
UF Sewerage Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UF0010 Sewerage Treatment Plant Site that contains facilities for treating sewage. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Sewerage Treatment Plant Type (STT) UF0020 Sewerage Pump Station Site that contains facilities for pumping sewage to the sewerage treatment plant. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) UF0030 Sewerage Manhole Opening at various locations along sewerage lines for maintenance purposes. Point Name (NAM)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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UF0040 Sewerage Pipe Pipes that transport sewage. Line Name (NAM), Sewerage Pipe Diameter (SPD), Sewerage Pipe Material (SPM), Sewerage Pipe Type (SPT), Grade Location (GRL)
UG Waste Management Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: UG0010 Transportation Route A route taken to by transportation vehicles to transfer solid waste to its final disposal sites. Line Name (NAM), Waste Type (WAT) UG0020 Waste Treatment Plant An installation for processing of waste. Point Name (NAM), Waste Type (WAT) UG0030 Transfer Station A facility where waste is taken from smaller collection vehicles and placed in larger vehicles for transport, including truck trailers, railroad cars or barges to final disposal sites. Point Name (NAM), Waste Type (WAT) UG0040 Incineration Plant A facility in which solid waste is combusted. Point Name (NAM), Waste Type (WAT) UG0050 Secured Landfill A disposal facility, designed to permanently isolate wastes from the environment. This entails burial of the wastes in a landfill that includes clay and/or synthetic liners, leachate collection, gas collection (in cases where gas is generated), and an impermeable cover. Point, Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM), Waste Type (WAT) UG0060 Collection Route A path regularly followed by a collection vehicle to collect solid waste. Line Name (NAM)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
UG0070 Bin Point A point where storage containers are placed for collection services of solid waste. Point Name (NAM) UG0080 Recycling Centers A facility to which individuals bring their recyclable items to be recycled. Point Name (NAM) UG0090 Transfer Haulage Network Supplemental transportation systems employed to reduce hauling costs by using semi - trailers, railroad cars, or barges to haul from a central point(s) within a jurisdiction to one or more distant solid waste management facilities. The act of transfer includes unloading collection vehicles at the transfer station, loading solid waste from the transfer station to the transfer vehicles, and hauling the solid waste to distant solid waste management facilities. Line Name (NAM)
UH Meteorological Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: UH0010 Meteorological Station Meteorological observation stations in Malaysia. Point Name (NAM), Meteorological Station Category (MSC), Station Identification Number (IDN)
VA Crop Land (Perennials) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: VA0010 Oil Palm An area planted primarily with oil palm (Elaeis Guinensis). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0020 Coconut An area planted primarily with coconuts (Cocos nucifera). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
VA0030 Rubber An area primarily planted with rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0040 Orchard An area covered by systematic plantings of trees which yield fruits, nuts or other products. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0050 Tea An area planted primarily with tea (Camellia sinensis). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0060 Cocoa An area planted primarily with cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0070 Coffee An area planted primarily with coffee (Coffea spp.). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0080 Sago An area planted primarily with sago palms (Metroxylon sagu). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0090 Sugarcane An area planted primarily with sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0100 Pasture An area planted primarily with grass either for grazing or fodder. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VA0110 Mixed Perennial Crops An area planted with more than one type of perennial crops. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Crop Mix (CRM) 115
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VB Crop Land (Annuals) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: VB0010 Banana An area planted primarily with banana (Musa spp.). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VB0020 Wet Paddy An area planted primarily with paddy (Oryza sativa) under flooded condition. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VB0030 Dry Paddy An area planted primarily with paddy under dry condition(no flooding). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VB0040 Pineapple An area planted primarily with pineapple (Ananas comosus). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) VC0050 Mixed Annual Crops An area planted with more than one type of annual crops. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Crop Mix (CRM)
VC Crop Land (Cash-Crops) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: VC0010 Tobacco An area planted primarily with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (m) (ARM) VC0020 Pepper An area planted primarily with pepper vines (Piper nigrum). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VC0030 Vegetable An area planted primarily with market vegetables. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) 116
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
VC0040 Tapioca An area planted primarily with tapioca / cassava (Manihot spp.). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VC0050 Mixed Cash Crops An area planted with more than one type of cash crops. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Crop Mix (CRM)
VD Natural Vegatation (Dryland) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: VD0010 Montane Forest A forest type occurring about 1200 M and above sea level. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Montane Forest Type (MFT) VD0020 Mixed Dipterocarp Forest A forest type dominated by the indigenous Dipterocarp tree species occurring between about 30 1200 M above sea level. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Mixed Dipterocarp Forest Type (MDF) VD0030 Heath Forest (Kerenggas) A forest type that develops mainly over coarse siliceous deposits which give rise to podzolic soils. It is dominated by dense, small and low canopy pole trees. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VD0040 Limestone Forest A forest type, mostly small tree species and scrubs, found on limestone rock, hills and surroundings. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VD0050 Quartz Forest A forest type, mostly scrubs found on quartz ridges and surroundings. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
MS 1759:2004
VD0060 Planted Forest An area planted with tree species and managed as forest plantation. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Planted Forest Type (PFT)
VE Natural Vegetation (Wetland) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: VE0010 Swamp Forest A forest type found along upper reaches of rivers or riverine freshwater flats. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH), Swamp Forest Type (SFT), Swamp Type (SWT) VE0020 Mangrove Forest A forest type found on coastal or estuarine areas. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VE0030 Riverian Riparian Forest A forest type found on riverbanks and low-lying areas beyond the banks that are liable to flooding. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VE0040 Beach Forest A forest type found on coastal sandy plain areas primarily dominated by Casuarina equisetifolia. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VE0050 Coastal Hill Forest A forest type found on hills and cliffs of seacoast of islands. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
VF Natural Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: VF 0005 Forest An area of land exceeding 0.5 hectares covered by trees with canopy cover of more than 10% of the area, having an average tree height of more than 5 meters at maturity. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) 118
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description:
VF0010 Primary Forest A virgin or logged over forest more than 30 years ago that is normally rich in timber trees composition and forest biodiversity. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0020 Secondary Forest A regenerated or disturbed forest due to man-made activities such as shifting cultivation, farming or logging that is normally poor in timber trees composition and forest biodiversity. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0030 Screw Pine (Mengkuang) An area grown with plants of the (Pandanus spp.). Locally known as mengkuang where leaves are normally long and broad with spikes. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0040 Lalang An area dominated by Lalang (imperata cylindrica). Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0050 Grass An area dominated by grass that are not pasture land. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0060 Riung An area dominated by Riung, normally found along river banks. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0070 Tebrau An area dominated by Tebrau, normally found along riverbanks. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0080 Bamboo An area dominated by bamboo. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
VF0090 Scrub or Renek An area covered by mixed shrub vegetation. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0100 Cleared Land An area cleared of vegetation. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH) VF0110 Barren Land An area occurring naturally without vegetation. Polygon Name (NAM), Area Measured (h) (ARH)
Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
XB Meteorological Dataset Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: XB0010 Temperature Isoline A line of the same temperature values. Line Name (NAM)
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Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
XB0020 Wind Speed Isoline A line of the same wind speed values. Line Name (NAM) XB0030 Relative Humidity Isoline A line of the same humidity values. Line Name (NAM) XB0040 Evaporation Isoline A line of the same evaporation values. Line Name (NAM) XB0050 Total Rainfall Isoline A line of the same total rainfall values. Line Name (NAM)
ZA Control Point Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: ZA0010 Global Positioning System (GPS) Station Control points established by GPS survey. Point Name (NAM), Global Position System Active Station (GAS), Monument Station (MOS), Global Position Station System Class (GPC), Z Ellipsoidal (ZEL), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Z Global Positioning System (ZGP), Station Identification Number (IDN) ZA0020 Survey Point Control points established by survey techniques other than GPS. Point Name (NAM), Survey Point Type (SUT), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Z Global Positioning System (ZGP), Station Identification Number (IDN) ZA0030 Laplace Station Control points established by astronomical observations. Point Name (NAM), Station Identification Number (IDN)
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ZA0040 Trigonometry Station Survey stations established through trigonometric observation in the triangulation network. Point Name (NAM), Trigonometry Station Type (TST), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Z Global Positioning System (ZGP), Station Identification Number (IDN) ZA0050 Height Point Points with height values. Point Name (NAM), Height Point Type (HPT), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Z Global Positioning System (ZGP), Station Identification Number (IDN) ZA0060 Gravity Reference Point Control points established using gravimeter and tied to IGNS. Point Name (NAM), Gravity Reference Point (GRP), Z Orthometric (ZOR), Z Global Positioning System (ZGP), Station Identification Number (IDN) ZA0070 Base Point Control points established at the outer most limit of a country for the purpose of defining its maritime boundaries. Point Name (NAM), Station Identification Number (IDN) ZA0080 International Boundary Marker Boundary markers established in a joint survey to demarcate the international boundary between the countries concerned. Point Name (NAM), Marker Type (MKT), Z Orthometric (ZOR) ZA0090 State Boundary Marker Boundary markers established to demarcate the boundary between states. Point Name (NAM), Marker Type (MKT), Z Orthometric (ZOR)
Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute: Feature Code: Feature Name: Description: Feature Class: Possible Attribute:
Agricultural Drainage Category Tabulates the size of drain ADC ADC ADC 1 2 3 Main/Primary Secondary Collector/ Feeder
Agricultural Drainage Structures Purpose Purpose of structures ADS ADS ADS ADS 1 2 3 4 Drainage Control Drainage Crossing Drainage Control cum Crossing Drainage Protection
Anomaly elevation Anomaly derived from airborne or ground survey AEL AEL 1 2 Ground survey Airborne survey
Agriculture Landuse Type Type of an agriculture landuse zone AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT AGT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rubber Estate Rubber Smallholder Oil Palm Estate Oil Palm Smallholder Paddy Irrigation Scheme Outside Paddy Irrigation Scheme Orchard Planted Forest Coffee Cocoa Tea Screw Pine Pineapple 123
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AGT 14 Tobacco AGT 15 Sugarcane AGT 16 Tapioca AGT 17 Banana AGT 18 Dry Paddy AGT 19 Pepper AGT 20 Vegetable AGT 21 Cash Crops AGT 22 Spice AGT 23 Chicken Farming AGT 24 Cattle Husbandry AGT 25 Dairy Farming AGT 26 Pig Farming AGT 27 Mix Farming AGT 28 Duck/Goose Farming AGT 29 Goat Farming AGT 30 Sheep Farming AGT 31 Grazing Ground AGT 32 Saline Water Aquaculture AGT 33 Freshwater Aquaculture AGT 34 Brackish Water Aquaculture AGT 35 Barren Land AGT 36 Others Airspace Identification Attributes A set of characters which enables an individuals airspace to be uniquely identified AIA Units Text String ALN 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 12 Characters
Air Route Segment Length Length of an individual air route segment measured in nautical miles ALN Units NM 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
Argillaceous Rock Type Type of an argillaceous rock ALT ALT ALT 1 2 3 Mudstone Shale Siltstone
MS 1759:2004
AMT Armour Type Type of materials used as a breakwater AMT AMT AMT AMT AMT AMY 1 2 3 4 5 Concrete Rock Steel Wood Mixed
Age in Million Years Age of a feature measured in million years AMY 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Anomaly Number Reference number for anomaly identified ANN 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character
Type of an anomaly ANT ANT ANT ANT ANT ANT ANT ANT ANT APE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stream sediment Stream concentrate Water Rock Soil Gravity Magnetic Electromagnetic Radiometric
Age in Periods Age of a feature measured in periods APE Units Periods 0 Actual Value Format Range Floating Increment Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
APT Airfield Type Type of an airfield APT APT APT APT APT APT APT APT APT APT AQD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Major Airfield Minor Airfield Light/General Aviation Aircraft Operating Only Seaplane Base Glider Site Hang Glider Site Winch Launched Hang Glider Site Helicopter Site Emergency Short Take-off and Landing (STOL)
Aquifer Depth Identifies the depth of an aquifer AQD Units Meters 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Aquifer Material Identifies the host materials in an aquifer AQM AQM AQM AQM AQM AQM 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sand Gravel Pebble Alluvial Peat Hardrock
Aquifer Type Type of an aquifer AQT AQT AQT AQT 1 2 3 4 Confined Semi confined Unconfined Semi unconfined
Area Measure (h) The area within the delineation of a feature, in hectares ARH Units Hectares 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
ARK Area Measure (km) The area within the delineation of a feature, in sq. kilometers ARK 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Area Measure (m) The area within the delineation of a feature, in sq. meters ARM 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Arenaceous Rock Type Type of an arenaceous rock ART ART 1 2 Sandstone Quartzose Sandstone
Airspace Route Usage A specified route designed for channeling the flow of a traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Airway Air Route Royal Low Level Corridor Advisory Direct Military Oceanic Helicopter Route Area Navigation Low Flying Route Royal Helicopter Route
Air Space Category Category of an air space ASC ASC ASC ASC ASC ASC ASC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Controlled Uncontrolled Advisory Flight Information Region (FIR) Control Zone (CTR) Terminal Control Area (TMA) Air Traffic Zone (ATZ)
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AUL Airspace Use Limitations Airspace where activities must be confined because of their nature and/or where limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUL AUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Danger Area Prohibited Area Restricted Area Alert Area Warning Area Defense Area Controlled Firing Area Parachute Drop Zone Hazard to Aircraft Gas Venting Station Air Exercise Area Bird Sanctuary Bird Hazard Area Health Resorts/Medical Establishments Low Flying Avoidances Military Operating Area Non-free Flying Area Caution Area Flying Training Area
Authority Identifies the managing authority of a feature such as road, quarry authorized area, quarry permit area, mineral exploration block, geological mapping area, etc. AUT 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character
The name of a building BA1 0 Actual Value. Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
MS 1759:2004
BA2 Building Number The number of a building on a street of an address BA2 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
The name of a street of an address BA3 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Post code of an address BA4 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 5 Characters
The name of a state of an address BA5 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Bridge Abutment Type Type of end supports of a bridge BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bank Seat Retaining Wall Pile Bents R.E. Walls Multi-Columns Hammer Head
Bridge Crossing Identifies the feature the bridge crosses BCR BCR BCR 1 2 3 Road Railway River
MS 1759:2004
BDT Boundary Type Type of a boundary BDT BDT BET 1 2 Land Boundary Maritime Boundary
Beach Type Classification of an unconsolidated material found at a beach BET BET BET 1 2 3 Pebbles Sand Mud
Bedding and Jointing Type Type of a bedding or jointing BJT BJT BJT 1 2 3 Inclined Horizontal Vertical
Bridge Deck Type Type of slab and beams or girders used to form the flooring system of a bridge BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT BKT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reinforced Concrete Beam Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete Beam Pre-Stressed Concrete Beam Pre-Stressed Inverted Tee Beam Reinforced Concrete Slab Voided Concrete Slab Concrete Box Girder Steel Beam and Concrete Slab Steel Beam Encased and Slab Steel Buckle Plate Steel Trough Timber Deck
Bridge Construction Material Type Type of construction materials used in the construction of a bridge BMT BRT BMT BMT 1 2 3 4 Concrete Steel Masonry Timber
Bridge Swingability Identifies whether or not a bridge can be swung in a horizontal or vertical plane for safe passage of tall vessels BRS BRS 1 2 Bridge can be swung Bridge cannot be swung
MS 1759:2004
BST Bridge Structural System Type Type of structural system used the construction of a bridge BST BST BST BST BST BST BST BST BST BUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Simply Supported Continuous Cantilever Frame Arches Trusses Suspension Cabled-Stayed Culverts
Buoy Pattern Category The color breakdown of pattern of a buoy BUP BUP BUP BUP BUP BUP BUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Checkered Diagonal Bands Single Color Horizontal Bands Vertical Stripes Squared Horizontal bands from top to bottom
Buoy Type Type of a buoy BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT 1 2 3 4 5 Conical Can Spherical Pillar Spar
Breakwater Material Type of materials used as a breakwater BWM BWM BWM BWM 1 2 3 4 Concrete Rock Steel Wood
MS 1759:2004
CAF Canal Function Function of a canal CAF 1 Conveyance CAF 2 Regulating CAF 3 Protective CAF 4 Water Measuring CAF 5 Energy Dissipators CAT Canal Type Type of a canal CAT CAT CBT 1 2 Earth Concrete
Commercial Building Type Type of buildings used for commercial related activities CBT 1 Detached CBT 2 Semi Detached CBT 3 Terrace/Link CBT 4 Multi Storey CBT 5 Complex CBT 6 Lock-up
Commercial Building Usage Type of usage of a commercial building CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU CBU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Apartel Bank Cineplex Entertainment Center Hotel Market Office Restaurant Retail Shop House Shop Office Stall Supermarket/Hypermarket Shopping Arcade/Stall Petrol Station Parking
Cable Car Type Type of a cable car CCT CCT 1 2 Track Suspended
MS 1759:2004
CES Coastal Erosion Status Status of a coastal erosion CES CES CES CLI 1 2 3 Requires immediate protection works Requires protection works in 5 to 10 years time No protection works required
Contour Line Index Identifies whether or not a contour line is an index line CLI CLI 1 2 Yes No
Contour Line Type Type of line for a contour line CLT CLT 1 2 Firmline Formline
Contour Line Value Value of a contour line CLV Units Meters 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
Contact Metamorphic Rock LType Type of contact metamorphic rock CMT CMT CMT 1 2 3 Hornfels Greisen Skarn
Collector Name of a sampling collector COL 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
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COT Coast Type Type of the edge margin of land next to the sea COT COT COT COT CRM Crop Mix Identifies the mix of crops in an area CRM 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters 1 2 3 4 Cliff Steep Flat Rocky
Calcareous Rock Type Type of a calcareous rock CRT CRT 1 2 Limestone Dolomite
Construction Suitability Class Type Type of construction suitability classes CST CST CST CST 1 2 3 4 Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Custodian The individual, government or organisation which is the custodian of the structures or facilities. CUS CUS CUS CUS CUS 1 2 3 4 5 Federal Government Department State Government Agency Local Authority Cooperative Private
Commercial and Services Landuse Type Type of a commercial and services landuse zone CUT CUT CUT CUT 1 2 3 4 Wholesale Retail Services Others
MS 1759:2004
CWT Carriageway Type Type of a carriageway CWT CWT CYT 1 2 Single Dual
Clay Type Type of a clay CYT CYT CYT 1 2 3 Undifferentiated Marine Non-marine
Date End Identifies the end date of an event DAE Units Date 0 Actual Value Format dd/mm/yyy Range Increment Maximum Character
Date Start Identifies the starting date of an event DAS Units Date 0 Actual Value Format Range dd/mm/yyyy Increment Maximum Character
Date Identifies the date of an event DAT Units Date 0 Actual Value Format dd/mm/yyyy Range Increment Maximum Character
DIP Angle of slope measured from a horizontal plane DIP Units Degree 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
DIS Discharge The release or extraction of water from an aquifer DIS Units m3/hour DLT 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Dynamic Metamorphic Rocks Type Type of dynamic metamorphic rock DLT DLT DLT 1 2 3 Mylonite Phyllonites Cataclasites
Dam Structures The various types of structure constructed within the dam area DMS DMS DMS DMS 1 2 3 4 Spillway Tunnel Outlet Saddle Dam
Dam Type Main materials used for the construction of a dam DMT DMT DMT 1 2 3 Earth Rockfill Concrete
Dam Usage Function or usage of a dam DMU DMU DMU DMU DMU 1 2 3 4 5 Irrigation Water Supply Electricity Flood Mitigation Multi Usage
MS 1759:2004
Depth Vertical distance measured downward DPT Units Meters 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Drain Category Category of a drain DRC DRC DRC DRC 1 2 3 4 Main Secondary Tertiary Roadside
Drill Method The method of making inclined or vertical holes for logging and sample collection DRM DRM DRM 1 2 3 Augering Jetting Drilling
Drain Structures Type of Structures DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS 1 2 3 4 5 Outfall Manhole Traps/Screens Culverts Control Gate
Drain Usage Function of a drain DRU DRU DRU 1 2 3 Flood Mitigation Solid Waste Disposal Effluent Quality Control
Drain Conveyance A conduit or channel for conveying surplus water away DRV DRV 1 2 Surface Subsurface
MS 1759:2004
Educational Boarding Facilities Identifies whether an educational set up has a full or semi boarding facility EDB EDB 1 2 Full Boarding Semi Boarding
Educational Level The level of an educational institution EDL EDL EDL EDL EDL EDL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pre School Primary Secondary College University College University
Educational Stream The stream of an educational institution EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Technical Vocational Religious Science Military College Special/Spastic National Chinese Tamil International
Educational Building Type Type of an educational building EDT EDT EDT EDT EDT 1 2 3 4 5 Detached Semi Detached Terrace/Link Multi Storey Complex
MS 1759:2004
Exploration Hole Purpose Identifies the purpose of an exploration hole EHP EHP 1 2 Downhole logging Sampling
Embankment Purpose Identifies the purpose of the embankment EMP EMP EMP EMP 1 2 3 4 Flood Salt Water Intrusion Road Railway
Earth Material Type Type of clay and sand extracted EMT EMT EMT EMT EMT EMT EMT EMT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Earth Common clay Ball clay Marine clay Montmorillonite Kaolin Construction sand Silica sand
Erosion Type Type of an erosion EST EST EST 1 2 3 Sheet Rill Gully
Folding Type Type of a folding FLT FLT FLT FLT FLT 1 2 3 4 5 Anticline Syncline Overturned Recumbent Boxfold
MS 1759:2004
Field Number Non unique reference number of a feature, usually assigned to an area or a project FNO 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character
Angle of plunge with respect to horizontal FOD Units Degree FOH Fossil Habitat Reflect the living environment of a fossil FOH FOH FOH FOH FOS Fossils Assemblage of fossils found in a lithological unit FOS 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters 1 2 3 4 Marine Brackish water Fresh water Continental 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Units Text String FOT Fossil Type Type of a fossil FOT FOT FOT FOT 1 2 3 4
MS 1759:2004
FOX Fold Axis The direction of fold axis with respect to north in clockwise direction FOX Units Degree FRT 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Forest Landuse Type Type of a forest landuse zone FRT FRT FRT FRT FRT FRT FRT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Permanent Land Forest Reserve State Land Forest Reserve Protected Land Forest Area Permanent Bencah Forest Reserve State Bencah Forest Reserve Protected Bencah Forest Area Cleared Forest
Fishing Trap Type A fence or enclosure set in water to catch fish FTT FTT 1 2 Kelong Stackers
Faulting Type Type of a faulting FTY FTY FTY FTY FTY 1 2 3 4 5 Normal Wrench Strike slip Thrust Transcurrent with displacement
Geological Accuracy Degree of accuracy of a geological boundary or feature GAC GAC GAC GAC 1 2 3 4 Observed Defined Approximate Inferred
Global Position System Active Station (MASS) Primary class Global Positioning System reference stations tied to the International GPS framework whose data can be downloaded through JUPEMs web site for GPS post-processing GAS GAS 1 2 Active Not Active
MS 1759:2004
GEO Geologist Name of the person in charge of the work GEO 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Geochemical Survey Area Purpose Identifies the purpose of a geochemical survey area GEP GEP 1 2 Mineral Environment
Geological Formation Name Identifies the name of a geological formation GFN 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 12 Characters
Geohazard Status Identifies the status of a geohazard GHS GHS 1 2 Occurred Potential
Geohazard Type Type of a geohazard GHT GHT GHT GHT GHT 1 2 3 4 5 Landslide Sinkhole Settlement Rockfall Erosion
Groundwater Limit Type Type of a groundwater limit GLT GLT 1 2 Salt-water interface Hydraulic isopach
MS 1759:2004
GPC Global Position Station System Class Class of GPS point accuracy GPC GPC GPC GPC GPM 1 2 3 4 Primary Global Position System Station Secondary Global Position System Station Tertiary Global Position System Station Base Point Reference Station
Geophysical Method Method of geophysical investigation GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Seismic Surface gravity Aeromagnetic Surface magnetic Electrical Electromagnetic Radiometric Airborne electromagnetic Airborne Radiometric Airborne gravity Downhole logging
Geochemical Sample Point Type Type of a geochemical sample point GPT GPT GPT GPT GPT 1 2 3 4 5 Rock Soil Silt Stream concentrate Stream water
Groundwater Potential Class Identifies the class of a groundwater potential GRC GRC GRC GRC 1 2 3 4 A1 A2 B1 B2
Grade Location Identifies the location of a feature with respect to the ground GRL GRL GRL GRL GRL 1 2 3 4 5 On ground Underground Elevated Buried Underwater Exposed Underwater
MS 1759:2004
Gravity Reference Point Class of a gravity point accuracy GRP GRP GRP GRP 1 2 3 4 Absolute First Order Second Order Third Order
Gravel Type Type of a gravel GRT GRT GRT 1 2 3 Undifferentiated Marine Non-marine
Geological Structure Category Category of a geological structure GSC GSC GSC GSC GSC 1 2 3 4 5 Foliation Schistocity Cleavage Unconformity Disconformity
Groundwater Station Type Type of a groundwater station GST GST 1 2 Piezometer Settlement gauge
Height Height of a feature, in meters HEI Units Meters 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Hydrogeological Natural Feature Type Type of a hydrogeological natural feature HNT HNT 1 2 Spring Artesian
MS 1759:2004
HOR Host Rock The type of rock in which groundwater accumulated HOR 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Height Point Type Type of point with height measurement HPT HPT HPT HPT 1 2 3 4 Spot Height (derived by photogrammetric method) Bench Mark Ground control point (derived by ground survey method) Relative height point (derived by photogrammetric method)
Historical Site Category Category of a historical site HSC HSC HSC HSC HSC HSC HSC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Archaeological Fort Castle Grave Well Cave Heritage
Hydrological Station Type Type of a hydrological station HST HST HST HST HST HST HST HST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rainfall Station Water Level Station Telemetric Station Water Quality Station Stream flow Station Tidal Station Suspended Sediment Station Evaporation Station
Hydrogeological Zone Type Type of a hydrogeological zone HZT HZT HZT HZT 1 2 3 4 Well field Aquifer zone Protection zone Vulnerability zone
MS 1759:2004
IAT Institutional Landuse Type Type of an institutional and public facilities landuse zone IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT IAT ICC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Pre School Primary School Secondary School Religious School Integrated School Special/Spastic School College/Polytechnic Institution of Higher Learning Research Center Training Institution Rural Clinic Clinic Dental Clinic Hospital Surau Mosque Chinese Temple Hindu Temple Church Muslim Cemetery Chinese Cemetery Buddish Cemetery Christian Cemetery Hindu Cemetery Sikh Cemetery Crematorium Police Beat Police Station Police Headquarters Fire Station Prison Immigration Detention Center Rehabilitation Center Police Training Center Army Training Center Army Camp Orphanage Old Folk Home Handicapped Home Club House Government Office Palace Museum Multi Purpose Hall Community Hall Library/Archive Post Office Others
Irrigation Canal Category Category of canals used for a water distribution ICC 1 Main 146
MS 1759:2004
ICC ICC ICC ICS 2 3 4 Secondary Tertiary Quaternary
Irrigation Canal Structures Purpose Purpose of structures ICS ICS ICS 1 2 3 Conveyance Regulating Water Measuring
Category of Industry Category of an industry IDC IDC IDC IDC IDC IDC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Light Industry Medium Industry Heavy Industry Service Industry Special Industry Mining and Quarry
Industry Permit Status Identifies whether or not an industry is operating with a permit IDL IDL 1 2 With Permit Without Permit
Identification Number Official number assigned to a feature for identification purpose IDN 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 12 Characters
Industrial Planned Category Identifies whether or not an industry is planned IDP IDP 1 2 Planned Unplanned
Industry Tax Status Identifies the tax status of an industry IDS IDS 1 2 Tax Free Non Tax Free
MS 1759:2004
IDT Industrial Building Type Type of building used for industrial activities IDT IDT IDT IDT IDT IDU 1 2 3 4 5 Detached Semi Detached Terrace/Link Multi Storey Complex
Industrial Usage Type of uses of an industrial building IDU IDU IDU IDU 1 2 3 4 Workshop Warehouse or Godown Factory Explosive Magazine
Infrastructure and Utility Landuse Type Type of an infrastructure and utility landuse zone IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 500 KV Transmission Line 275 KV Transmission Line 132 KV Transmission Line 66 KV Transmission Line Electric Power Station Hydro Power Station Main Intake (PMU) Bulk Sub Station (PPU) Sub Station (PE) PGU I Gas Pipeline PGU II Gas Pipeline PGU III Gas Pipeline City Gates Station Gas Service Station (Stesen Pengagih Gas) Dam International Water Pipe Line Interstate Water Pipe Line Interdistrict Water Pipe Line Water Treatment Plant Intertidal Flat Underground Intertidal Flat Water Pump House Water Tank Irrigation Service Reservoir (Kolam Takungan) Irrigation Retention Pond (Kolam Tahanan) Irrigation Pump Station Agricultural Drainage Drain Irrigation Drainage System Earth Satellite VSAT Station Cellular Radio Base Station Exchange Building Hill Station Communication Radio Station Communication Radar/Antenna Tower 148
MS 1759:2004
IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IFT IGC 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Communication IT Hub Telecommunication Transmission Tower Telecommunication Network Bin Point Solid Waste Transfer Station Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill Solid Waste Waste Treatment Plant Chemical/ Hazardous Transfer Station Chemical/ Hazardous Incinerator Plant Chemical/ Hazardous Secured Landfill - Chemical/ Hazardous Waste Treatment Plant Clinical Transfer Station Clinical Incinerator Plant Clinical Secured Landfill - Clinical Waste Treatment Plant - Radioactive Transfer Station - Radioactive Secured Landfill - Radioactive Sewerage Treatment Plant Sewerage Pump Station Oxidation Pond Others
Irrigation Scheme Category Category of irrigation scheme IGC IGC IGC 1 2 3 Granary Mini Granary Small Scheme
Irrigation Scheme Type Type of irrigation scheme IGT IGT IGT 1 2 3 Gravity Pumping Mixed
MS 1759:2004
ILT Industrial Landuse Type Type of an industrial landuse zone ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT ILT INC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Planned Light Industry Unplanned Light Industry Planned Medium Industry Unplanned Medium Industry Planned Heavy Industry Unplanned Heavy Industry Planned Special Industry Unplanned Special Industry Planned Service Industry Unplanned Service Industry Active Mining Industry Non Active Mining Industry Active Quarry Industry Non Active Quarry Industry
Institutional Building Type Identifies the type of building used for institutional purposes INT INT INT INT INT 1 2 3 4 5 Detached Semi Detached Terrace/Link Multi-Storey Complex
Institutional Usage Type of institutional uses of a building INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Airport Terminal Detention Center Foreign Diplomatic Mission Fire Station Government Office Handicapped Home Hospital Hostel Library/Archive Memorial Multi Purpose Hall Army Camp Museum Old Folk Home Parliament House Phone Booth Police Station 150
MS 1759:2004
INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU INU 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Police Training Center Police Beat (Pondok Polis) Port Post Office Prison Army Training Center Public Toilet Immigration Detention Center (Pusat Tahanan Imigresen) Railway Station Rehabilitation Center Research Station/Laboratory Science Center State Assembly Hall Taxi Stand Bus Stop Bus Station Town Hall Art Theatre (National Theatre) Welfare Home Youth Club Youth Hostel Community Hall (Balai Raya) Clinic Club House Court Orphanage Palace
MS 1759:2004
IRC Irrigation Drain Category Category of an irrigation drain IRC IRC IRC IRS 1 2 3 Main Secondary Field
Irrigation Drain Structures Type of Structures IRS IRS IRS IRS 1 2 3 4 Drainage Control Drainage Crossing Drainage Control cum Crossing Drainage Protection
Igneous Rock Type Type of an igneous rock IRT IRT IRT IRT 1 2 3 4 Acid Intermediate Basic Ultrabasic
Intrusive Structure Type Type of an intrusive structure IST IST IST IST 1 2 3 4 Reef Dyke Sill Vein
Interchange Type Type of a road interchange ITT ITT ITT ITT ITT 1 2 3 4 5 Trumpet Ramps in one quadrant Diamond interchange Partial clover leaf Full clover leaf
MS 1759:2004
IUT Irrigation Structure Type Structures constructed in an irrigation area to regulate and remove excess water for paddy cultivation IUT IUT IUT IUT JYC 1 2 3 4 Drainage Control Drainage Crossing Drainage Control cum Crossing Drainage Protection
Jetty Category Category of a jetty JYC JYC JYC 1 2 3 Passenger Freight Fishery
Kampung Coverage Type Category of a kampung Coverage Type KCT KCT KCT KCT KCT KCT KCT KCT KCT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Traditional Fishing Tersusun Atas Air Aboriginal Group Settlement New Village Squatters Estate
Number of Lane Number of travel lane on a road surface LAN Units Lane 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
LAU Lay-by Usage Usage of a lay-by LAU LAU LAU LBT 1 2 3 Taxi Bus Emergency
Landing Base Type Type of a landing base for helicopters LBT LBT LBT 1 2 3 On Building On Ground Deck
Light Characteristic Category The sequence, grouping and distinctive character of light LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Alternating Flashing Long-Flashing Occulting Ultra Quick Quick Very Quick Group Composite Group Morse Code Isophase Lighted Unlighted Interrupted Fixed Intensified Directional
Length Length of a feature, in meters LEN Units Meters 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
LIF Lift Facilities Identifies whether or not a building has lift LIF LIF LST 1 2 Has Lift Has No Lift
Landslide Type Type of a landslide LST LST LST LST LST 1 2 3 4 5 Circular Translational Compound Debris flow Mudflow
Lineament Type Type of lineament LTY LTY LTY 1 2 3 Lineament positive Lineament negative Scarp
Mineral Anomaly Elements Identifies the elements of a mineral anomaly MAE 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Mixed Dipterocarp Forest Type Type of a mixed dipterocarp forest MDF MDF MDF 1 2 3 Upper Dipterocarp Hill Dipterocarp Lowland Dipterocarp
Mineral Exploration Block Type Type of a mineral exploration block MET MET MET MET 1 2 3 4 Geological Geochemical Geophysical Prospecting
MS 1759:2004
MFT Montane Forest Type Type of a montane forest MFT MFT MIC 1 2 Upper Montane Forest Lower Montane Forest
Mineral Category Identifies the category of a mineral MIC MIC MIC MIC 1 2 3 4 Occurrence Prospect Deposit Reserve
Mineral Group Identifies the group of minerals MIG MIG MIG MIG MIG MIG MIG MIG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Metallic minerals Non-metallic minerals Precious minerals Energy minerals Mixed minerals Clay-based Sand-based Rock-based
Mineral Name Identifies the name of a mineral MIN 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Type of an international or state boundary marker MKT 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Units Text String MNT Mine Type Type of a mine MNT MNT MNT 1 2 3
MS 1759:2004
MOS Monument Station Identifies whether or not a surveyed point is monumented MOS MOS MPT 1 2 Monumented Not Monumented
Mine Pit Type Type of a mine pit MPT MPT 1 2 Surface Underground
Metamorphic Rock Group Identifies the group of metamorphic rocks MRG MRG MRG 1 2 3 Regional Contact Dynamic
Meteorology Station Category Category of a meteorological station MSC MSC 1 2 Main Auxiliary
Mineral Type Type of a mineral MTP 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Mining Tail Area Type Type of a mining tail area MTT MTT 1 2 Wet area Dry area
Metallic Mineral Type Type of a metallic mineral MTY MTY MTY MTY MTY MTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Precious metals Base metals Light metals Iron & ferrous alloy Tin & associated minerals Rare metals 157
MS 1759:2004
NAM Name Any name to identify a feature NAM 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 80 Characters
Navigation Aid Type Type of a navigation aid NAT NAT NAT NAT 1 2 3 4 Locator Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range (VOR) UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid (TACAN)
Number of Bridge Span Number of span supporting a bridge NBS Units Span 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
Number of Direction The total number of directions a vehicle is allowed to proceed at a road junction NOD 0 Actual Value Increment Maximum Character
Number of storey of a building or man-made structure NOS Units Storey OPS 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Operational Status Identifies the status of a mine/quarry OPS OPS 1 2 Active Inactive
MS 1759:2004
OSM Outer Space Material Type of outer space material OSM OST OST OST PAR 1 2 3 4 Stony (chondrite and achondrite) Stony-iron Iron Glassy Tektites
Plutonic Acid Rock Type Type of plutonic acid rock PAR PAR 1 2 Granite (including Adamalite) Alkali granite
Parking Area Type Type of a parking area PAT PAT PAT 1 2 3 On Ground Underground Multistorey
Passage Usage Usage of an overhead or subway passage PAU PAU PAU 1 2 3 Pedestrian Cycle Both
Plutonic Basic Rock Type Type of plutonic basic rock PBT PBT PBT 1 2 3 Gabbro Gabbronorite Anorthosite
Coverage Percentage Percentage of survey area covered PCC Units Percent 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
PCU Pond Complex Usage Usage of the pond complex PCU PCU PCU PCU PCU PER Person Name of the responsible person PER 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters 1 2 3 4 5 Flood Retention Silt Retention Recreational Aquatic Farming Others
Planted Forest Type Type of a planted forest PFT PFT PFT PFT PFT 1 2 3 4 5 Pine Tree Acacia Teak Sentang Hevea
Playground Services Type of playground services PGS PGS PGS PGS PGS PGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Children Tennis Futsal Takraw Badminton X-game
Pump House Usage Usage of a pump house PHU PHU PHU PHU PHU 1 2 3 4 5 Water Supply Flood Drainage Ground Water Irrigation/Agriculture
MS 1759:2004
PIT Plutonic Intermediate Rock Type Type of plutonic intermediate rock PIT PIT PIT PIT PIT PIT PLA 1 2 3 4 5 6 Syenite Granodiorite Diorite Monzonite Monzodiorite Tonalite
Power Line Category Category of a power line PLA PLA PLA PLA 1 2 3 4 On Ground Under Ground Elevated Sub Marine
Power Line Characteristic Identifies whether the power line is insulated or bare PLC PLC 1 2 Insulated Bare
Power Line Type Type of a power line PLT PLT 1 2 Transmission Distribution
Pond Type Type of a pond POT POT POT POT POT 1 2 3 4 5 Retention Detention Aquaculture Wastewater Mining
Pipe Line Type Type of an oil/gas pipeline PPT PPT 1 2 Gas Oil 161
MS 1759:2004
PRN Priority Identifies the importance of an anomaly for follow-up investigation PRN PRN PRN PRN PRT 1 2 3 4 Require immediate follow-up Require follow-up May require follow-up Does not require follow-up
Processing Plant Type Type of a processing plant PRT PRT PRT 1 2 3 Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) NGV Natural Gas
Power Station Type Type of energy source used to generate power PST PST PST PST PST PST PST PST PST PST PST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hydro Coal Oil Gas Diesel Genset District Cooling System Biomass Cogen Mobile GenSet Wind
Profile Type Type of a profile PTY PTY PTY PTY 1 2 3 4 Geological cross section Hydrogeological cross section Engineering geology profile Geophysical profile
Plutonic Ultrabasic Rock Type Type of plutonic ultrabasic rock PUB PUB PUB PUB PUB PUB 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dunite Iherzolite Harzburgite Serpentinite Pyroxenite Hornblendite
MS 1759:2004
PYU Pylon Usage Identifies the usage of a pylon PYU PYU QAT 1 2 Electricity transmission Cable car
Quarry Authorized Type Type of an authorized quarry QAT QAT QAT 1 2 3 Lease License Permit
Quarry Use Identifies the use of a quarry QUU QUU QUU QUU QUU QUU 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aggregate Dimension stone Agricultural application Lime Cement Armour stone
Rock Boulder Type Type of a rock boulder RBT 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment 24 Characters Maximum Character
MS 1759:2004
RBU Religious Building Usage Usage of a religious building RBU RBU RBU RBU RBU RBU RBU RBU RBU RCT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Surau Mosque Chapel or Church Chinese Temple Hindu Temple Buddhist Temple Sikh Temple Thai Temple Bahai Temple
Religious Burial Ground Type Type of a burial ground RCT RCT RCT RCT RCT RCT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Muslim Christian Chinese Hindu Bahai Sikh
Road Category Category of a road RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Toll Expressway & Toll Highway National Highway Federal Roads within Federal Territories Regional development Scheme Road Minor Roads ( access to Federal Government Institutions) State Roads within Federal Territories Primary Road Secondary Road Minor Road Collector Road Arterial Road Local Street Farm Road Loggers Road
Traffic Flow Identifies whether the traffic flow is in one or two direction RDF RDF 1 2 One Direction Two Direction
Road Service Area An area where Road Service located RDS RDS 1 2 Urban Rural 164
MS 1759:2004
REC Record Number Identifies the file or record number REC 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 12 Characters
Residential Building Type Type of building used for residential purposes RET RET RET RET RET RET RET RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Detached Semi Detached Terrace/Link Multi Storey Long House Cluster Town Houses Multi Unit
Residential Usage Usage of a residential building REU REU REU REU REU REU REU REU REU REU REU REU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Condominium Service Apartment Apartment Low Cost House Low Cost Flat Public Housing Private Housing Flat Government Quarters Squatters Transit Housing Communal Housing
Reef Category Category of a reef RFC RFC 1 2 Submerged Reef Inter Tidal Reef
MS 1759:2004
RFT Rockfall Type Type of a rockfall RFT RFT RFT RGT 1 2 3 Toppling Planar Wedge
Railway Gate Type Type of a railway gate RGT RGT 1 2 Manned Unmanned
Rock Type Type of a rock RKT 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Reclaimed Land Purpose Usage of land after reclamation RLP RLP RLP RLP 1 2 3 4 Industrial Residential Recreational Commercial
Planned Residential Landuse Type Type of a residential landuse zone RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT RLT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Planned Strata Planned Non Strata Traditional Village Fishing Village Kampung Tersusun Kampung Atas Air Aboriginal Village Group Settlement Village New Village Squarters Estate Others 166
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RMT Regional Metamorphic Rock Type Type of regional metamorphic rock RMT RMT RMT RMT RMT RMT RMT RMT RMT RMT RNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Metasandstone Metaquartzite Metasiltstone Metaconglomerate Marble Slate Phyllite Schist Gneiss Amphibolite
Registered Number Unique reference number of a feature RNO 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 12 Characters
Rock Outcrop Type Type of a rock outcrop ROT 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Riverbank Protection Type Type of material used for river protection works RPT RPT RPT RPT 1 2 3 4 Concrete Steel Rocks Bakau
Road Pavement Type The physical surface type of a road RPV RPV 1 2 Rigid Flexible
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RRC Rural Road Category Categories of roads in rural areas RRC RRC RRC RRC RRC RRL 1 2 3 4 5 Expressway Highway Primary Road Secondary Road Minor Road
Rudaceous Rock Litho Type Type of rudaceous rock litho RRL RRL 1 2 Conglomerate Breccia
Rail Station Type Type of a rail station RST RST 1 2 Station Halt
Rail Track Category Category of a rail track RTC RTC RTC 1 2 3 Single Rail Standard Gauge Rail Meter Gauge Rail
Rail Track Electrification Identifies whether or not electricity is provided for a rail track RTE RTE 1 2 Electrified Non Electrified
Rail Track Function Type of a rail track in terms of its functionality RTF RTF RTF RTF RTF 1 2 3 4 5 Main Branch Siding Loop Spurline
Route Number Official route number assigned to a route RTN 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 6 Characters
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RTR Rail Tracking Identifies whether a rail is a single or double track RTR RTR RTU 1 2 Single Track Double Track
Rail Usage Usage of a rail track, station or terminal RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU RTU 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mono Rail Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) Express Rail Link (ERL) Projek Usahasama Transit Aliran Ringan (PUTRA) Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan (STAR) Funicular
Recreational and Open Space Landuse Type Type of a recreational and open space landuse zone RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Playing Lot Play Ground Neigbourhood Ground Local Park (Taman Tempatan) Town Park (Taman Bandaran) Territory/State Park (Taman Wilayah/Negeri) National Park Botanical Garden Special Garden (Taman Khas) Stadium Sport Complex Racing Circuit Playing Court Golf Course Polo Field Firing Range Theme Park Zoo Beach Scrub Grass/Lalang Land Abandon Project Site Under Construction Project Site Others
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RVT Reservoir Type Type of a reservoir RVT RVT RYT 1 2 Balancing Service
River Groyne Type Type of material used for river protection works RYT RYT 1 2 Permeable Impermeable
Sand Type Type of sands SAT SAT SAT 1 2 3 Undifferentiated Marine Non-marine
Submarine Cable Category Category of a submarine cable SCC SCC 1 2 Power Telecommunication
Sand Composition Identifies the composition of sands SCO SCO SCO SCO SCO 1 2 3 4 5 Coral Quartz Feldspar Rock fragments Heavy minerals
Clinic Service Type Category of a Clinic Service Type SCT SCT SCT SCT 1 2 3 4 Rural Dental Maternity Polyclinic
Surficial Deposit Type Type of a surficial deposit SDT SDT SDT 1 2 3 Residual Alluvial Glacial
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SFT Swamp Forest Type Type of forest found in swampy area on coastal and riverian flats SFT SFT SFT SGR 1 2 3 Peat Swamp Forest Freshwater Swamp Forest Nipah
Slope Gradient A value representing the gradient of a slope SGR 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Tabulates the material type likely to be found at a shore SHT SHT SHT SHV 1 2 3 Sandy Stony Muddy
Spot Height Value A value representing above mean sea level height, usually for photogrammetrically derived point SHV 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Identifies whether or not a feature is signalized. SIG SIG SIT Silt Type Type of silts SIT SIT SIT SLC 1 2 3 Undifferentiated Marine Non-marine 1 2 Signalised Unsignalised
Street Light Category Category of a street light SLC SLC SLC 1 2 3 On Ground Under Ground Sub Marine 171
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SLT Sedimentary Others Type Other sedimentary litho SLT 0 Actual Value Format ASCII Text Range Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Sewerage Force Main Diameter The diameter of a sewerage main line SMD 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character 24 Characters
Sewerage Force Main Material Material used for the construction of a sewerage main line SMM SMM SMM SMM 1 2 3 4 Steel Centrifugal Glass Reinforced Plastic Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride Ductile Iron
Sewerage Pipe Diameter Diameter of a sewerage pipe SPD 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
Sewerage Pipe Material Material used for the construction of a sewerage pipe SPM SPM SPM SPM SPM 1 2 3 4 5 Vitrified Clay Reinforced Concrete High Density Polyethylene Centrifugal Glass Reinforced Plastic Ductile Iron
Sewerage Pipe Type Type of a sewerage pipe SPT SPT SPT 1 2 3 Trunk Reticulation Lateral Connection
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SRT Sedimentary Rock Type Type of a sedimentary rock SRT SRT SRT SRT SSC 1 2 3 4 Argillaceous Arenaceous Rudaceous Calcareous
Substation Category Category of a substation SSC 1 SSC 2 SSC 3 SSC 4 SSC 5 SSC 6 SSC 7 SSC 8 Status Primary PMU Primary PPU Secondary PE Indoor Room Indoor Building Outdoor On Land Outdoor On Pole Outdoor Compact
Operational status of a feature such as railway and road STA STA STA STA STR Strike Direction or trend taken by a structural surface or line with respect to north in clockwise direction STR Units Degree 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character 1 2 3 4 In Operation To be Constructed Under Construction Abandon
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STT Sewerage Treatment Plant Type Type of a sewerage treatment plant STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT STT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Communal Septic Tank Omhoff Tank Oxidation Ponds Bio Drum Bio Filter Bio Soil Trickling Filter Rotating Biological Contact Acty Bio Aerated Lagoon Activated Sludge Extended Aeration Loyal Extended Aeration High Kleen Oxidation Ditch Sewerage Aeration Treatment System Sequential Batch Reactor Upflow Aerobic Sludge Blanket
Stockpile Type Type of a stockpile STY STY 1 2 Mining stockpile Quarry stockpile
Status of Survey The status of survey for a land parcel or lot SUS SUS 1 2 Survey completed Survey not yet completed
Survey Point Type Type of a survey point on the ground of known position SUT SUT SUT SUT SUT SUT SUT SUT SUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tellurometer Traverse Point Bearing Tellurometer Distance Point Photo Control Point Reference Secondary Point Standard Traverse Point Reference Tellurometer Transit Point Reference Standard Traverse Point Tertiary Point Cadastral Boundary Point
MS 1759:2004
SVP Survey Phase Identifies the phase of a survey SVP SVP SVP SWT 1 2 3 Reconnaissance Follow-up Detailed
Supply Zone Type Type of a supply zone SZT SZT 1 2 Demand Area Demand Center
Tank Type Type of a tank TAT TAT 1 2 Ground Tank Tower Tank
Tank Usage Identifies the usage of a tank TAU TAU 1 2 Water Petroleum
Trap Boom Types The different types of booms TBT TBT TBT 1 2 3 Long Boom Trash Screen Trash Rake
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TCT Track Type Type of a travel path TCT TCT TCT TEX Texture Identifies the texture of a silt, sand, gravel, colluvium and clay features TEX TEX TEX TEX TLT 1 2 3 4 Clayey Silty Sandy Gravelly 1 2 3 Recreational Logging Cycle
Transportation Landuse Type Type of a transportation landuse zone TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT TLT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Highway Federal Road State Road Town Road Rail Line Monorail Line LRT/MRT Line Airport Port Inland Port Marina Center Bus Terminal/Station Taxi Terminal/Station Rail/LRT Terminal/Station Bus Deport LRT/Rail Deport Territory Deport Ferry Terminal/Jetty Boat Terminal/Jetty Integrated Transportation Terminal Fishing Jetty Dockyard Car Park Cargo Transfer Station Others
Tunnel Usage Usage of a tunnel TNU TNU TNU TNU 1 2 3 4 Railway Road Flood Mitigation Multi Modal
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TOL Toll Identifies whether the use of a highway/road is free or charged TOL TOL TRA 1 2 Toll Free
Traffic Sign Type Type of a traffic sign TRA TRA 1 2 Standard Road Sign Variable Message Sign
Trigonometry Station Type Type of a trigonometric station TST TST TST TST TST TST TST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Geodetic Station Primary Station Secondary Station Reference Secondary Point Tertiary Station Traverse Trigonometry Station Brunei Trigonometry Station
Volcanic Acid Rock Type Type of a volcanic acid rock VAT 1 Rhyolite
Volcanic Basic Rock Type Type of a volcanic basic rock VBT VBT 1 2 Basalt Spilite
Volcanic Intermediate Rock Type Type of a volcanic intermediate rock VIT VIT VIT 1 2 3 Andesite Trachyte Dacite
Voltage A value representing the voltage of a power line VLT Units Volts 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
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VOF Volcanic Form Includes pyroclastics and volcanic flow VOF VOF VOF VOF VPT 1 2 3 4 Ash Tuff Agglomerate Flow
Vertical Clearance A value representing the minimum height that is passable to traffic VTC Units Meter 0 Actual Value Format Range Short Integer Increment Maximum Character
Water Level Mark The line along a coast that marks a high or low tide WAM WAM 1 2 High Water Mark Low Water Mark
Waste Type Type of a waste WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT 1 2 3 4 5 Chemical Hazardous Clinical Radioactive Solid
Water Body Landuse Type Type of a water body landuse zone WBT WBT WBT WBT WBT WBT WBT WBT WBT WBT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 River Natural Lake Swamp Natural Lagoon Sea Ex-Mining Man Made Recreational Lake Man Made Dam Lake Barren Beach Area Barren Water Body Surrounding Area
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WID Width Width of a feature, in meters WID Units Meter WIT 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Water Pipe Type Type of a water pipe WIT WIT WIT WIT 1 2 3 4 Trunk Distribution Reticulation Communication
Wreck Depth Identifies whether the depth of a wreck is known or unknown WKD WKD 1 2 Depth Known Depth Unknown
Well Type Type of a well WLT WLT WLT 1 2 3 Masonry Earth Tube
Water Pump Category Category of a water pump WPC WPC 1 2 Treatment Raw
MS 1759:2004
WPT Water Pump Type Type of a water pump WPT WPT WRU 1 2 Inlet Outlet
Water Route Usage Usage of a water route WRU WRU WRU 1 2 3 Ferry Boat Ship
Well Type Type of a well WTY WTY WTY 1 2 3 Pump Test Production
Water Valve Type Type of a water valve WVT WVT WVT WVT WVT WVT WVT WVT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Foot Valve Air Valve Altitude Valve Sluice Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Non Return Valve Butterfly Valve Scour Valve
Z Ellipsoidal A value representing height above an ellipsoid ZEL Units Meter 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Z Global Positioning System A value representing height obtained from GPS observations ZGP Units Meter 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
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ZOC Zoning Category Category of zoning ZOC ZOC ZOC ZOR 1 2 3 Residential Commercial Industrial
Z Orthometric A value representing vertical distance (height) of a feature measured the from mean sea level ZOR Units Meters 0 Actual Value Format Floating Range Increment Maximum Character
Dr Abdul Kadir Taib (Chairman) Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia SIRIM Berhad C-Tel Technologies Sdn Bhd Minerals and Geoscience Department Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia ESRI South Asia Sdn Bhd GeoInfo Services Sdn Bhd Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure Public Works Department
YM Raja Faridah Raja Sirajuddin (Secretary) Ir Masripan Salleh Encik Seet Chin Peng Encik Hasan Jamil/ Encik Teng Chee Boo Encik Daniel Boey Dr Noordin Ahmad Encik Mansor Abd Rahaman Dr Muhamad Radzali Mispan
Puan Fuziah Hj Abu Hanifah/ Encik Mohamad Kamali Adimin Tuan Haji Abu Harith Shamsuddin/ Puan Umi Kalthom Ahmad/ Encik Muhamad Rahimi Abdullah Prof Madya Dr Wan Muhammad Aminuddin/ Prof Madya Dr Ruslan Rainis Encik Mohamad Ghazali Hashim