Tree Planting
Tree Planting
Tree Planting
Decide why you want to plant trees (what you hope to accomplish) and who you want/need to include in your project. Get everyone involved from the outset. Establish your short-and long-term objectives. Fundraise!
Select A Suitable Location
Test the soil. Some trees grow better in dry, sandy soils and others grow better in wet soil. Every kind of tree has its own needs. Check the soils pH, salinity, nutrients, etc.
Make A Map
Draw a map of your site, indicating where the trees will be planted. Ask a landscape architect or forester to help you design an ideal project plan for your site.
Choose trees that like the soil and moisture conditions of your site (this will reduce maintenance tasks, such as extra watering and fertilizing). Pick species that are native to your area, as these are best adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, flourish without chemical applications, provide food and shelter to local wildlife and represent part of your natural heritage and biodiversity. Coniferous trees are generally recommended over deciduous trees, as they have a better chance of surviving and require less care. Although young trees with established root systems stand a better chance of survival, seedlings and small shrubs are easier for kids to plant. Proper handling and planting of seedlings should be discussed beforehand.
Choose A Planting Date And Get Insurance
You may need to clean up the site, dig up the soil, cut the grass, pull weeds, mark the zone(s) where trees are to be planted, or do other things to get the area ready for the big tree planting day.
Shovels to dig holes and buckets to carry trees and water. Proper footwear (avoid sandals) and clothing (long pants, short-sleeved shirt, sweater and raincoat, hat and work gloves) and sunscreen. Nourishment (a full days work requires a hearty lunch and lots of cold drinks). Shelter to protect people and equipment from rain or hot sun. Washroom facilities.
TAKE YOUR TIME. Dont rush to plant hundreds of trees. It is better to make sure that a few trees are planted carefully and are well-cared for. Start small and manageable and grow in stages.
Have Fun!
Enjoy your sitenow and in the future. Gradually transform the ugly, barren, unused asphalt sprawl of your school ground (or community area) into a place of beauty, inspiration and education. Enhance your students learning experience by incorporating your green, ecological outdoor classroom into all subjects of your schools curriculum.
1. Helps your garden get a head start. 2. Saves money over buying already grown plants. 3. Makes a great in-class project. Starting plants from seed is a very gratifying experience, one that is not as difficult as many people think. Unless you are planting a wildflower meadow, I recommend that you start your seeds indoors. This allows the seeds the best conditions in which to germinate and removes the possibility of competition from weeds. Most people do not have a greenhouse, but almost everyone has a sunny window ledge that can provide an ideal space to start your seeds. Its best to sow the seeds in a sterile, soil-less mix you can purchase at your local garden centre. As a rule of thumb, plant the seeds at a depth of twice the diameter of the seed. Some seeds, however, require light to germinate and should be placed on the surface of the soil mix. Keep the soil moist but not wet, and never allow it to dry out. A hand-held mist sprayer is ideal for this. Almost all seeds will germinate at average household temperatures of 18-21C (65-70F). You'll need to exercise some patience as some seeds will germinate within a few days while others may take a few weeks.
For other tree-/forest-related activities, check out the other printable PDFs in the Science & Nature section Or for information about forests and trees.
Possible Funding Sources For School Ground And Community Planting Projects
Td Friends Of The Environment Foundation Provides assistance to communities, organizations and individuals involved in establishing environmental programs. Visit the branch nearest you for an application form, or for more information and an online form. Canadian Tire Community Environmental Awards Encourages associate store employees to sponsor applications initiated by schools, community groups and non-profit organizations. Contact your local stores branch manager for an application form or visit for more information. Mountain Equipment Co-Op Provides information on how to apply for regional funding and on the types of projects that have been funded in the past (log onto and look for the MEC Community link for more information). Contact your local store for a funding application. Tree Plan Canada Offers funding and/or technical expertise to planting groups ( ). Your Own Fundraising Initiatives Create fundraising projects to generate funds and solicit financial support. Be sure to offer promotional benefits to donors. Contact local businesses to sponsor part of your forest. Provide them with a plaque on the forest grounds recognizing their contribution. Contact your local nursery for donations of seedlings or mature trees. Ask your local government about what resources and funding grants they have available for community tree planting projects. Visit your local philanthropy centre to peruse the directory of foundations to discover the ones that fund community planting projects. Encourage each student/family to contribute to the forest by buying one seedling. Each seedling can be tagged with the donor familys name.
Greening School Grounds: Creating Habitats for Learning Edited by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn 2001 Green Teacher/New Society, Toronto All Hands in the Dirt: A Guide to Designing and Creating Natural School Grounds 2000 Evergreen. ISBN 0-9681078-3-4 Canadian Biodiversity Institutes School Ground Transformation web site at