Parametric and Nonparametric Logistic Regressions For Prediction of Presence/Absence of An Amphibian
Parametric and Nonparametric Logistic Regressions For Prediction of Presence/Absence of An Amphibian
Parametric and Nonparametric Logistic Regressions For Prediction of Presence/Absence of An Amphibian
Q: What environmental factors determine the distribution of the Red-Spotted Toad in a fragmented desert landscape? Q: Can logistic regression using GLM or GAM-MARS be used to address this question?
008LEB02.RPT 12/11/03
Note: To conserve space on the cover, the title of this report has been abbreviated. The full title appears on the following page.
* Full Title
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Office of Research and Development (ORD), funded and performed the research described here. It has been peer reviewed by the EPA and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Table of Contents
Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Section 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Example Data Set Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Logistic Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.3 Steps to Follow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.4 Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.2.5 Dependence Between Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.2.6 Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Section 2 MARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.1 Model Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.2 Final Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Section 3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Appendix 1 GENMDOD Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Appendix 2 SAS Statements for Standard Logistic Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Appendix 3 MARS Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
List of Figures
Figure # 1
Page Presence (=1), absence (=0), and () prediction of amphibians as related with variable
for latitude (UTM-N see Table 1 for variable description) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Box-plots show the presence (1) and absence (0) of toads as related to the independent
variables. Independent variables are: Elevation (U), UTM-N (W; latitude), and vegetation
cover (< 1 m high) over adjacent land, mean % (Q). + is the mean value; lines for box
from top as: Maximum, Quartile 3, Quartile 2, Quartile 1 and minimum values. . . . . . . . . . 13
Deviance (DIFDEV) values for the predicted probability of the presence and absence
of toads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chi-square (DIFCHISQ) values for the predicted probability of the presence and absence
of toads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Square root of the absolute value of the deviance residual for each independent variable
(xis) that was significant in the final model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Regression for the main effect variables in the model using MARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
List of Tables
Table # 1 2
3 4
We are grateful for the valuable inputs and suggestions provided by Drs. James Wickham, Sandra Catlin, Kurt Riitters, Chad Cross and Bill Bossing, which improved the comprehensiveness and clarity of this report.
Section 1 Introduction
The purpose of this report is to provide a reference manual that can be used by investigators for making informed use of logistic regression using two statistical methods (standard logistic regression and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)). The details for analyses of relationships between a dependent binary response variable (e.g., presence/absence) and a set of independent variables are provided step-by-step for use by scientists who are not statisticians. Details of such statistical analyses and their assumptions are often omitted from published literature, yet such details are essential to the proper conduct of statistical analyses and interpretation of results. In this report, we use a data set for amphibian presence/absence and associated habitat variables as an example. Relationships between a response variable and independent variable(s) are commonly quantified and described by regression models. The values of the coefficients and predictions from the fitted model are used to infer and describe patterns of relationships, the effect of the independent variables on the response, and the strength of association between the independent and response variable. All these will help to analyze and understand a phenomenon, in this case biological phenomena. The general linear model (GLM) offers a wide range of regression models where the simple regression, analysis of covariance, and ANOVA are special cases. In GLM, the functional relationships between the expected value of the response variable(s) and the independent variables are described via a link function as: g () = $o + E $i xi
where g(.) is link function, is the expected value of the response variable, o & i are regression coefficients, and xi s are the independent variables. In simple regression, the link function represents the mean of the response variable as: g () = = $o + E $i xi
The above model represents the simplest relationship between the response and independent variables in a linear manner. The above relationship also implies that the dependent variable is continuous and random. When the relationships between the mean response and the independent variables are not linear, a different link function can be used to describe the relationships. The loglinear model, for example, can be used where the link function is defined as: log () = $o + E $i xi
where the log( ) = log( / (1 )) is the logit link, which is the logit transformation of the probability. When the binary response variable (present/absence) is plotted against the independent variable (Figure 1), the data are on the one and zero lines. Whether the UTM-N variable (i.e., latitude) enhances or suppresses the presence of amphibians, a relationship cannot be assessed by examining Figure 1 as normally done with the continuous response variables in linear regression analysis. Therefore, the linear model (Equation 2) is not valid for count and dichotomous response variables. Instead, the response variable is related nonlinearly to the independent variable(s) via a link, such as logit (Equation 3; solid line in Figure 1). The latter is usually chosen as the link function in which logistic regression can be an increasing or decreasing function, the link function is differentiable, and it relates the linear predictor to the expected value of the response. The logit transformation in Equation 3 should map the binary values (0,1) to a range of (- , ) over the domain x (- , ).
Figure 1. Presence (=1), absence (=0), and () prediction of amphibians as related with variable for latitude (UTM-N see Table 1 for variable description).
Table 1. Continued
Variable Type/Name P > P2 Description
Patch Size Metrics, Continued Vegetation LogRiparea (C) SITEEMER (D) SITENATI (E) SiteRipa (F) 0.0085 NS NS 0.0859 Riparian zone area (log10 [m2 + 10]). Zone boundaries delineated by indicator taxa defined for SITEEMER, SITENATI, and SITERIPA Emergent-type vegetation linear extent (percent). Indicator taxa: Typha, Eleocharis, Scirpus, Mimulus, Anemopsis; Juncus & Carex if in stream channel Native riparian trees linear extent (percent). Indicator taxa: Salix, Populus, Fraxinus Riparian shrubs/herbs linear extent (percent). Indicator taxa: Baccharis, Pluchea, Vitis, Allenrolfea, Equisetum; Juncus or Carex if outside stream channel Phreatophytes linear extent (percent). Indicator taxa: Prosopis, Chilopsis
SiteMesq (G) Patch Quality Variables Site Scale SiteOver (H) Per_Rock (I) AveGrain (J) Plot Scale PlotFlsu (K) P_Avedep (L) P_Wetper (M) Plotsubm (N) PlotCanp (O) PlotEmer (P) P_Cany (Q) PLT_Rock (R) Water LogEC (S) PH (T) Geographic Metrics Elevation (U) UTM-E (V) UTM-N (W) Exotic Vegetation SiteTama (X) SiteTamu (Y)
NS 0.0704 NS
Linear extent of channel entirely overgrown (< 1 m height) with vegetation (percent) Bedrock substrate cover (percent) Predominate substrate grain size (median of 5 categories: < 0.1, 0.1-0.5, 0.5-8, 8-30, > 30 cm)
Submerged or floating vegetation cover, including filamentous algae, mean (percent) Water depth, mean (cm) Wetted perimeter width, mean (m) Plot substrate size, for granular substrate, mean (log10 of cm) Vegetation cover over water, mean (percent) Emergent vegetation within 15 cm of point, mean (percent) Vegetation cover (< 1 m high) over adjacent land, mean (percent) Bedrock substrate cover, mean (percent) Electrical conductivity (log10 of :S/cm) pH
NS 0.0802
Elevation (m) UTM-East coordinate (km), centered on mean (UTM - 659); approximately corresponds to longitude UTM-N coordinate (km), centered on mean (UTM - 3989); approximately corresponds to latitude
0.0249 0.0341
Tamarix spp. (exotic plant) linear extent (percent) in 400-m area Tamarix spp. (exotic plant) linear extent (percent), in 40-m segments
P value represents univariate logistic regression analyses of the presence/absence of the toad with each environmental variable. NS indicates P > 0.10. Letter inside parentheses corresponds to the variable used in the SAS program for simplicity. 3
To relax the distributional assumption in GLM of a strictly linear relationship between response and independent variables, the general additive model (GAM) was introduced as an extension. It uses prediction via a nonparametric method. Fitting a model that accounts for local behavior may describe the behavior of the data more accurately than that described by a linear relationship. GAM uses different methods of smoothing to describe the data with little interference from the user. As described earlier, the link function in the GLM is in a linear form, whereas in GAM it is in an additive form. One of the common links in GAM is canonical and that describes the relationships between the transformed mean response and an independent variable using a nonparametric function as: g (E (Y)) = g (u) = Co + E f i (Xi)
where g(.) is the link transform function, E (Y) is the expected response, co is a constant (intercept), and i is a nonparametric function. The most commonly used link function is the canonical link (Agresti, 1996). The main difference between the GLM and GAM for binary data is that GLM-logistic regression assumes that the log odds are linearly related to the independent variables, whereas GAM assumes that the log odds are related to the sum of smooth functions of the independent variables. A parametric method that is comparable to logistic regression analysis, but is used mainly to classify the observations into groups of populations, is known as discriminant analysis. For this data set, where the response variable is binary, discriminant analyses combine the independent variables linearly separating the data into two groups. This method requires that variance-covariance in each group is homogeneous, i.e., multivariate normal (Press and Wilson, 1978). Both discriminant and logistic regression analyses produce solutions in terms of probability of presence/absence (0-1 response as in the binary case). But the logistic model is preferable if multivariate normality is at all suspect. The logistic model requires more computational effort, but that is not of great concern. If multivariate normality holds, the coefficients of the discriminant model may have a smaller variance. In logistic regression, a maximum likelihood method for estimation is used, which does not require that independent variables be multivariate normal (see Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) below). MARS and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) are two common examples of GAM that have been used in many studies (Walker, 1990; Efron and Tibshirani, 1991; Moore et al., 1991; White and Sifneos, 1997). Both models can be used for regression modeling of binary response, but CART is more useful for classification than regression. Similar to the simple logistic regression, MARS has the backward, forward, and stepwise selections that help to choose the most related independent variables to the response. The stepwise selection is often preferred because a removed variable may have a chance to be included again. In any GAM model, the final model is a summation of a group of functions that fit the data locally. The final model is data driven and represents closely the behavior of the data. The process of fitting and validating a model requires a large number of observations, especially when there are many independent variables relative to the number of observations (see text for MARS). For CART, for example, one needs more than 128 observations in a data set (Miller, 1994). We used MARS as a nonparametric method for logistic regression analysis, with the stepwise option for selecting the most significant variable, making it similar to programs for parametric logistic regression analysis. Regression analysis and parametric generalizations make specific assumptions about the functional form of the relationship of the response to the predictions (e.g., linear); nonparametric regression, on the other hand, places minimal assumptions about the form of the relationship (e.g., Y is a smooth or additive function of the Xs). Thus, extensive computation and a decrease in theoretical framework are exchanged
for relaxation of assumptions. To decide which of the two methods to use (parametric versus nonparametric) depends on the user and the size of the data set. If the interest is for estimation and inference about the independent variables, then GLM is the preferred method. If the interest is to reveal structural behavior of the response with the independent variable, then GAM is the method of choice, especially when little is known about the nature of the relationship. Some studies have yielded similar results for parametric and nonparametric methods when applied to the same data sets (Bradford et al., 1998; Sheskin, 2000). Below, we describe procedures for a general linear model with logistic regression analysis using SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, version 8) and a general additive model (MARS) using a computer program also called MARS (Salford Systems, 1999, User Guide), which herein will be noted in italics to distinguish it from the statistical method of the same name. The MARS program can be easily used for continuous and binary dependent variables, handle missing values using surrogate variables, include all possible interactions, account for collinearity between independent variables, and prevent overfitting for the final model. This program has the algorithm to search for the basis function and knots and define the final optimal model with its statistics. This software offers the use of the Graphic User Interface (GUI), commands at the command prompt, and produces a classic output for the analyses. 1.1 Example Data Set Used The main objective of conducting the regression analyses described above is to predict the presence/absence of the red-spotted toad (Bufo punctatus) in the northeastern Mojave Desert, USA, as a function of the surrounding environment (Bradford et al., submitted). There were 25 environmental variables that were used in this report (Table 1). These variables represent topography, patch size metrics, patch quality, exotic vegetation, and spatial direction. Although the total number of sites was 128, only 122 sites were used in the regression analysis because of missing values for some of the independent variables. Also, the data herein differed slightly from the data set and model used for biological interpretation (Bradford et al., submitted). 1.2 Logistic Regression The response variable is dichotomous or binary (i.e., the presence or absence of toads). Our interest is in estimating the probability of the presence of toads as a function of many independent variables (see Table 1 for variable descriptions). The 25 independent variables were grouped based on habitat, scale, directional, and environmental characteristics. For simplicity hereafter, we will use alphabetic letters for the independent variables and will refer the reader to Table 1 for variable descriptions. Equation (1) is a multiple logistic regression model that relates the proportion of presence (p(x)) as a function of independent variables (xis). g () = Logit (p(x)) = Log { p (x) / (1 - p (x))} = $o + G $i (xi) The coefficients $o & $is in Equation 5 are estimated using maximum likelihood and are used to predict the probability of toad presence as a function of xis (Equation 6). p = exp($o + E $i (xi)) / (1 + exp($o + E $i (xi)) Detailed mathematical descriptions of the logistic regression analysis are given in Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989), Christensen (1997), and many others.
1.2.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimator The Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) is a method used with logistic regression analysis to estimate coefficients for the fitted model. The likelihood function for the logit model is as follows: LogL = E $xiyi E Log(1 + e $x )
The coefficients $s are not linear in Equation 7. The likelihood function (Equation 7) is maximized by choosing a value of $ in an iterative method, such as the Newton-Raphson method and the Fisherscoring algorithm in SAS. The Fisher-scoring algorithm is the default method and Newton-Raphson is the alternative method in SAS. The former and latter methods use the observed and expected information matrix, respectively. However, when the data are binary, results are the same. Newton-Raphson is widely used by many in statistics and mathematics, and, therefore, both are explained below for the user. In the Newton-Raphson method, the first (U($)) and second (I($)) derivative of Equation 7 with respect to $ is obtained and used in Equation 8 for estimation. The vector of the first derivative is called gradients or score, and the second derivative is called Hessian. The value of $ will be estimated by the NewtonRaphson algorithm as:
j +1= j I
( j )U ( j )
To solve for $ from Equation 8, an initial value of zero for the coefficient ($) is used to produce the first iteration estimate. This value is substituted back in the right-hand matrix (Equation 8) for the second iteration. Iterations continue until the difference between two consecutive iterations is less than or equal to a very small value, e.g., 0.001. More on maximum likelihood is given in Allison (1999, p. 36) and Hastie and Tibsherani (1990). The Fisher-scoring algorithm is also known as the iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm. As mentioned earlier, the parameter estimate is the same using Newton-Raphson or Fisher-scoring, except that the covariance for the parameter estimates may not be the same. To start the estimation, a value of zero for the slopes ($) is used, and a value of logits of the observed cumulative proportions of the dependent variables is used for the intercept to produce the first iteration estimates. These values are substituted back for the second iteration. Iterations continue until the differences between two consecutive iterations are less than a very small value. 1.2.2 Assumptions When standard regression analysis is fit to a set of data, there are basic assumptions on the errors (differences of the observed and the predicted values) that are considered normal, such as an expected mean value of zero, constant variance (homoscedasticity), no serial correlation, and no error in measurements. For multiple standard regression analysis, it is important to evaluate the collinearity between the independent variables (xis). There should not be perfect collinearity between the independent variables (Berry and Felman, 1985). A detailed discussion on multicollinearity is given below. Logistic regression analyses are different from linear regression analyses because of the nature of the error. The assumption that differentiates it from linear regression is that the dependent variable is binary and has a binomial distribution with a single trial and parameter p(x) (e.g., probability of presence given x).
Logistic regression also requires that no correlation exists between observations (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989). If a number of observations are located close to each other and form a cluster, these observations may be dependent, and it is necessary to account for that in the model. Dependency will affect the standard error of the coefficient and make the estimate unstable. Luckily, there is a Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE) option in PROC GENMOD, SAS (Diggle et al., 1994) that accounts for the dependence between observations. The dependence between observations is run after finalizing the model and is described below. Normality of the data is an issue of concern for many researchers. The assumption of the central limit theorem can be used when the sample size is large (> 30) and the distribution of a variable will approximate normality (Madansky, 1988). In standard linear regression analysis, however, basic assumptions need to undergo diagnostic checking on the residuals for normality or independence, for example. The link function in logistic regression allows the random component (response variable) to have a distribution other than normal. The prediction in logistic regression is done through the link function that models the mean response; the prediction is not obtained directly from the mean response as in standard linear regression. Logistic regression analysis uses the maximum likelihood estimators, which are approximately normal. Therefore, coefficients p-values and confidence intervals can be estimated using the normal and chi-square distributions. Logistic regression does not require multivariate normality of the independent variables. Linear relationships between dependent and independent variables were used in Equation 5. To linearize relationships between dependent and independent variables, log transformation of surface water area variable (A) was done as an example. Sheskin (2000) described many methods of data transformation. When nonlinear relationships exist and transformation does not linearize it, then nonparametric is the method to use, provided that the sample is large (Efron and Tibshirani, 1991). 1.2.3 Steps to Follow Prior to running the logistic regression analysis, a few analyses are needed to understand the data better. Univariate logistic regression analysis is important to examine the strength of the relationships between the independent variables and the dependent variables. Collinearity is critical in regression analysis and needs to be studied first to exclude any collinear independent variables. Variable selection, goodness of fit, prediction of the model, and diagnostic check of the fitted model are explained in detail below. a) Univariate Logistic Regression Analysis: Each of the variables in Table 1 was regressed with the presence/absence of toads. Univariate regression analysis reveals the strength of relationship and association of each independent variable with toad presence/absence. Table 1 gives the significance level for the slope coefficient for each of the independent variables. Eighteen of the 25 variables showed a significant relationship (p# 0.05) with the presence and absence of toads. b) Collinearity: It is necessary to determine the magnitude of the collinearity of the independent variables. Collinearity can make the model coefficient unstable (Allison, 1999) and adversely affect the coefficient interpretation (Christensen, 1997), but it has no effect on the model prediction. A higher value of collinearity elevates the standard error of the estimated coefficient, which decreases the coefficient level of significance. In other words, a coefficient may be significant, but because of the presence of other correlated variables its significance may be diminished. Alternatively, a coefficient may be artificially significant and become insignificant when correlated variables are removed. Therefore, caution must be taken when explaining coefficients when a high degree of collinearity is present.
We examined collinearity in four ways: 1. First, we examined the simple pairwise (Pearson) correlation between the independent variables. Different cutoff values for r have been recommended as an indication of serious collinearity (e.g., *r* = 0.8, Berry and Felman, 1985; *r* = 0.9, Griffith and Amerhein, 1997). Belsley et al. (1980, p. 96) reported that *r* values < 0.7 should be considered with no fear of serious collinearity. However, Berry and Felman (1985) indicated that the cutoff value of r depends on the number of observations. When the number of observations is small (e.g., n < 30), then the recommended cutoff value of *r* is $ 0.70 and when the number of observations is > 30 then the cutoff of *r* value is $ 0.85. We used *r* $ 0.85 as the cutoff value for collinearity. If an independent variable is highly correlated with other independent variables (*r* $ 0.85), and is not highly associated with the dependent variable (presence of toads), that variable was not included in the logistic multiple regression analysis. Pairwise correlation values ranged from -0.77 to 0.77 for the independent variables that entered the final regression analysis model. 2. The second test for collinearity was using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and Tolerance (VIF is the inverse of the tolerance (=1-R2), Griffith and Amerhein, 1997) as an indication of the degree of collinearity between the independent variables. VIF represents the amount of inflation in the variance when the collinearity of a variable with others exists. A preliminary multiple regression analysis that includes all the independent variables can be used to examine VIF. A VIF value of one indicates that there is no linear relation (R2 = zero) between the independent variables. A VIF of more than one means that R2 is more than zero, which indicates some linear relation between the independent variables. VIF may increase to some value that makes the model unstable (i.e., imprecise in its prediction). A question may be asked: What is the cutoff value for VIF? Different values are given in the literature. Neter et al. (1996) and Griffith and Amerhein (1997, p. 99) indicated that a value of VIF that exceeds 10 can lead to a serious collinearity. For our analyses, we used VIF values of 10 as a cutoff for collinearity. Note: VIF is used later (page 13) for the diagnostic checking of the final logistic model. 3. The third test was to examine the absolute correlation between the coefficient estimates. A pairwise correlation r > 0.9 indicates that one variable has to be excluded from the regression analysis (Griffith and Amerhein, 1997). Griffith and Amerhein (1997) suggested that this test reveals a better indication of the linearity between a single variable and the linear combinations of others. The correlation between coefficient estimates can be outputted by adding an option CORRB to the Proc Logistic SAS statement. The highest r value (= 0.887) in our case was between salinity (S) and elevation (U) coefficients, and the lowest (= -0.72) was between latitude (W) and surface water area (A). 4. The fourth test was very simple and is used frequently by many researchers. It is performed by observing changes in the value and sign of a coefficient that is already in the model upon the addition of other independent variables. If a big change occurs in coefficient value or the sign is reversed, then this is an indication of collinearity. This method may be the best, though somewhat inefficient, since it is really model instability that is of concern. Scientific knowledge is often useful in avoiding problems with collinearity. Although multicollinearity can occur with three or more variables, such that it masks its presence in any subset of two of these variables, it is most often seen with two. Hence, the first test (though without stringent cutoff values) is quite useful and simple.
c) Variable Selection: Stepwise selection (SAS) was used in selecting variables for the logistic multiple regression analysis. In this selection method, there are two probability values that control the variable to be entered (SLENTRY) or removed (SLSTAY) from the model. There were two important recommendations stating that the probability values for variable entry should be: 1. Higher than 0.05, giving an opportunity for an important biological variable to enter the model, and 2. Higher than that of removing the variable (Efroymson, 1960; Bendel and Afifi, 1977; Mickey and Greenland, 1989). A significance level of entry $ 0.25 has been recommended for stepwise regression analysis (Mickey and Greenland, 1989; Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989). We used a value of 0.3 and 0.1 for SLENTRY and SLSTAY, respectively. We felt the significance level of # 0.1 was appropriate for identifying independent variables influencing the presence/absence of toads in the final model. One key point to make is that some biological variables are important in explaining or predicting a biological phenomenon, yet their significance level may be more than 0.05 in the final model. A decision has to be made between a sound biological (or physical) model and a statistical model; therefore, it may necessitate increasing the significance level to more than 0.05. Before finalizing the fitted modes, variables that are in the model have to be checked for VIF. A variable with high VIF should not be left in the model. A variable with high VIF would cause an unstable model, and, when deleted, would cause a major change in the coefficient estimates. d) Assessing Model Fit: Proc Logistic (SAS) produces many statistics to test for predictiveness and effectiveness of the fitted model. Statistics such as Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Shwarz Criterion (SC), and negative twice the log likelihood (-2 Log L) are given for the model with and without the independent variables (intercept only). Substantial reduction of these statistics, upon including independent variables, indicate a good predictive model. For example, the values of -2 Log L before and after including the independent variables were 144.38 and 55.58, respectively (Table 2). The difference in these two values is the maximum likelihood ratio P2 value (= 88.80) which was significant (p < 0.0001; Table 2). Analogous to a standard regression analysis, where the model F value is used to test the null hypothesis (Ho: all coefficients are equal to zero), we used Wald P2 in logistic regression analysis. Wald P2 is 21.81 (p = 0.0027; Table 2), rejecting the null hypothesis that states all coefficients are zero.
Table 2. SAS Output for Model Fit, Testing Global Null Hypothesis, and Association of Predicted Probability and Observed Toad Presence Model Fit Statistics Criterion AIC SC
Intercept and Covariance 71.583 94.015 55.583 Max-rescaled R-Square 0.7453 (=55.583 + 2*8) (=55.583 + 8*Ln(122))
-2 Log L
R-Square 0.5170
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: Beta = 0 Test Likelihood Ratio Score Wald 88.7946 55.5509 21.8141 Chi-Square (=144.377 - 55.583) DF 7 7 7 Pr > ChiSq < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0027
Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses Percent Concordance Percent Discordant Percent Tied Pairs
a b
AIC = -2LogL + 2*k, where k is the number of coefficients in the model. SC = -2LogL + k*ln(n), where n is the total number of observations (SC is also known as Baysian Information Criteria).
The Wald chi-square statistic appears in logistic SAS output twice, once to test for the hypothesis that all coefficients are zero and again to test the significant level of each coefficient. A Wald statistic for the models is given in Testing Global Null Hypothesis, and for each coefficient is given in Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates. For the calculations of the overall model Wald statistic, refer to Long (1997) and Rao (1973). For each coefficient, a Wald statistic is easily calculated as the squared ratio of the value of a coefficient and its standard error (Table 3). It is important to note that when testing the best fitted model, it is safer to use a log likelihood ratio than the Wald test. When the coefficient is large, a Wald test can lead to Type II error. In general, the two statistics should not disagree substantially, and if they do, it may indicate that an asymptotic test is not appropriate. Pearsons chi-square is generally the best test of the overall model, but all fail for binary data. For nested models, the log likelihood ratio is generally preferred.
Table 3.
Variable Intercept U W S I O A Q
Dependent variable is patch occupancy by red-spotted toad (B. punctatus). Variables are arranged in order of importance in influencing patch occupancy (i.e., by absolute value of a standardized estimate). $ is a parameter estimate, and Odds Ratio is exp($). P value for Wald statistic. standardized estimate =
std x
std y
The Wald test for overall model significance, P2 = 21.8, df = 7, 114, P = 0.0027. Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test, P2 = 3.91, df = 8, P = 0.87. Percent of sites correctly classified as having present or absent populations is 95.4 percent.
R2 is known in standard regression analysis as the coefficient of determination. In logistic regression analysis, it is known as the generalized R2 and can be used to determine the predictive ability of the fitted model. To decide between models, choose the model with the highest R2 value indicating a better predictive model. Allison (1999) used R2 to identify the power of prediction of the fitted model. Logistic regression analysis R2, known as the generalized R2, is calculated differently than that of the standard regression analysis and should not be used to describe the percent of explained variability as in standard regression analysis. R2 = 1- exp(- Likelihood ratio P2 / n)
= 1- exp(- 88.80 /122) = 0.5170 or 52 percent (Table 2)
The generalized R2 has an upper value which is not equal to one, as in the standard regression analysis. The logistic upper R2 value is called Max rescaled R2 value and is determined by dividing the generalized R2 by the upper R2 value (see calculation below): Upper R2 = 1-exp(- Intercept only (-2 Log L) / n) =
= 1-exp(-144.377/122) = 0.6938 or 69 percent
Max-rescaled R2 = 0.5170/ 0.6938 = 0.7453 or 75 percent (Table 2, Allison, 1999) Measures of associations between observed and predicted values, also known as ordinal measures of associations, are given by SAS (Table 2). In explaining concordance, there are 7,381 pairs (122*121/2) of all possible combinations (presence/presence, absence/absence, and presence/absence). For concordance/discordance calculations, presence/absence pairs are considered (2,992 pairs). The model predicts the probability of presence, so if the probability of predicting presence is higher than that of absence in a pair, it is concordant. Otherwise, it is discordant. Our fitted model has a strong prediction for toad presence measured by a concordance of 95.4 percent. There are many measures for the prediction ability of the fitted model to predict the presence of toads. These are measures of association and they are all high in values except for Tau-a (0.37; Table 2). Comparing Somers D (0.91 percent) and R2 (0.52 percent) values, there is a large difference between the two values, and the R2 value is not very high. With a well-fit model in standard regression analysis, R2 is expected to be high (e.g., > 90). Contrary to standard regression analysis, a low value of R2 is expected in logistic regression analysis, even when applying a well-fit model to the data. Christiansen (1997, p. 128) suggested using R2 as a relative measure of goodness of fit but not as a measure of the absolute goodness of fit. The value of logistic regression analysis R2 becomes high only when the predicted probability approaches zero or one. Therefore, the value of R2 can be used to compare two models and then to choose the one with higher value. The ability of the model to predict presence/absence can be assessed by the concordance. The goodness of fit statistics is 3.905 with p = 0.8656, indicating a good fit (a Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test). When the probability is not significant (p > 0.05), a good fit is indicated. Thus, the logistic fitted model appeared to be the right model for presence/absence of toads. e) Coefficient Estimates: Overall model P2 indicated that at least one coefficient is not zero. To test whether an independent variable in the model is significant, the Wald statistic was used (Table 3). All coefficients are significantly different from zero (p < 0.013; Table 3). An increase in surface water area and extent of bedrock substrate resulted in a higher probability for the presence of toads in the study area. Inversely, higher elevation, latitude, mean of percent vegetation cover over water, mean percent vegetation cover on the adjacent land, and electrical conductivity resulted in a lower probability of toads being present. Further interpretation of the physical relationships of these variables to the presence of toads is given in Bradford et al. (submitted). Another statistic is the relative importance of the independent variables in the model, which is measured by the standardized estimate (Table 3). This statistic makes comparison possible across variables with different measurement units. Elevation is the most important environmental variable affecting the presence of toads, followed in importance by latitude (W), salinity (S), and percent bedrock substrate (I). A simple figure such as a box-plot can show the relationships between presence and absence for each of the independent variables (Figure 2). Values at quartiles 1, 2, and 3 for elevation, latitude, and vegetation cover over water over adjacent land are higher for sites where species is absent. Odds ratio can be defined as the ratio of odds for presence to the odds for absence. The predicted odds of toad presence for elevation are 0.991 times the odds of absence of toads. The independent variable in this study is a continuous variable, therefore, the odds ratio presents changes in toad present per one unit increase in the
independent variable. An increase of one unit (meter) in elevation decreases the predicted odds of presence of toads by 0.9 percent (1-0.991; Table 3). An increase of 100 units in elevation will change the predicted odds from 0.991 to 0.424 (exp(100*-0.00858 = 0.424). That is, with 100 more units in elevation, the predicted odds of presence are 0.424 times the odds of absence which is a decrease of 58 percent (1-0.424) in predicted odds of presence (see Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989, pg. 63). In another example, the predicted odds of presence for bedrock substrate cover is 1.21 times the odds of absence. An increase of one unit (1 percent) in bedrock substrate cover increases the predicted odds of presence of toads by 21 percent.
Figure 2. Box-plots show the presence (1) and absence (0) of toads as related to the independent variables. Independent variables are: Elevation (U), UTM-N (W; latitude), and vegetation cover (< 1 m high) over adjacent land, mean % (Q). + is the mean value; lines for box from top as: Maximum, Quartile 3, Quartile 2, Quartile 1 and minimum values.
f) Diagnostic Checking 1. VIF. Before analyzing the Logistic Regression analysis output, VIF for each of the independent variables in the final model was examined by incorporating a weighted value (variance of the binomial) into the VIF calculation to account for collinearity (Allison, 1999, p. 50). The steps below are suggested to first output the residuals into file O1 from the logistic regression analysis in SAS and run weighted linear regression analysis as: Data O2;
Set O1;/*O1 is the residual from the regression equation */ W = Pred*(1-Pred); run; Options ps = 255 ls = 100; Proc Reg data = O2; Weight W;
Model Toad = U W S I O A Q / TOL VIF;
run; VIF values for the independent variables in our case ranged from 1.3 to 8.0. These values are < 10, indicating no serious collinearity (Allison, 1999). 2. Deviance: A low value of the residual in linear regression analysis indicates that an observation is close to its predicted value. This is not the case in logistic regression analysis, and we may find a high residual value for normally distributed observations (Christensen, 1997). Using residuals to check for the fitted model as described in linear regression analysis is not appropriate for logistic regression analysis. SAS outputs many statistics to describe the influence of each observation on the fitted model and outliers. DFBETAS can detect an observation that causes instability for the model coefficient. DIFDEV and DIFCHISQ detect change in deviation and Pearson chi-square when an observation is deleted from the model. C and CBAR statistics are similar to that of Cooks D distance in the standard regression analysis, where a confidence interval is used to detect outliers. The Hat matrix diagonal is also known as leverage and is used to indicate how extreme the observation is as related to independent variables. High and low leverage are indications of a poor fit for these identified observations. A change in deviance and Pearson P2 with a value of more than 4 (value of 4 as the upper 95th percentile of the P2 distribution with one degree of freedom; P2 0.95 = 3.84) needs to be considered and explained on the basis of the knowledge of these observations to make sense of the behavior. Sometimes, data like this may be deleted, but this behavior of the data should be investigated further: perhaps more data are needed. More data may result in a lower value (i.e., less than a value of 4). Plotting differences in Deviance and Pearson P2 are recommended to visualize the overall fitting of a covariate pattern and to look for clusters or points that are isolated from the overall pattern (Figures 3 and 4). In each figure there are two curved lines; the curve (left) that decreases with predicted probability describes the behavior of the covariates when toads are present, and the other (right) describes the pattern when they are absent. Figures 3 and 4 show that one value is more than 10 and 3 others are more than 4. These values were not removed from the data because of their physical importance to presence and absence of the toad. Hat matrix and DFBETAS are also output by SAS to show high magnitude values when an observation is deleted. More detail about this is given by Lemeshow and Hosmer (1989). One additional diagnostic check to make is on the variance homogeneity. This can be done by plotting the square root of the residual deviance vs. the predictor and examining the behavior of points (Figure 5). The points are scattered randomly over the domain with no clusters, indicating no heterogeneity in variance.
Figure 3. Deviance (DIFDEV) values for the predicted probability of the presence and absence of toads.
Figure 4. Chi-square (DIFCHISQ) values for the predicted probability of the presence and absence of toads.
Figure 5. Square root of the absolute value of the deviance residual for each independent variable (xis) that was significant in the final model.
1.2.4 Model Selection One may have many models in hand and would like to choose only one of them. A comparison has to be made between the saturated model (all independent variables are included in the model) and reduced models (model with a specific number of independent variables). Many statistics can be used in model selection such as R2 and Wald statistics as mentioned earlier. An analog of Mallows Cp1 that is used in standard linear regression (see footnote), Cp can be used in logistic regression to select a model. The Cp statistic in logistic regression is related to Akaikes criteria information (AIC). A model with the lowest Cp can be chosen as the best fitted model. Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989, p. 134) describe in detail the use of a modified Cp denoted as Cq. Lower Cq values indicate a better model to choose. 1.2.5 Dependence Between Observations In logistic regression, it is important that observations are independent. If the dependence between observations in a group is of concern, then data may be grouped in a logical way (in our case watershed and mountain range) to examine whether sites/observations that are located near each other are dependent. The final model was run again using Proc GENMOD with the two groups/clusters (Appendix 1). Estimates of values and their probabilities were compared with that of Proc Logistic to note any change in coefficient values and their level of significance (p > P2). If the estimates significant levels change from significant to insignificant or vice versa, then dependence is an issue, and analysis has to be done by groups. Thus, in this situation one global logistic regression analysis would not be valid for all the observations. The following are SAS statements that use GEE through the Repeated option. Options ps = 255 ls = 100; Proc Genmod data = neweuc;
Class WsGrp; /* by watershed group */
Model Toad = A U W I O Q S / D = B;
Repeated subject = Wsgrp / Type = exch;
Options ps = 255 ls = 100;
Proc Genmod data = neweuc;
Class Rangegrp; /* by mountain range group */
Model Toad = A U W I O Q S / D=B;
Repeated subject = Rangegrp / Type = exch;
Cp =
- (n-2$)
Cp can be used to select the best fitted model. For a satisfactory model, Cp and $ should be close in value. Normally, a 1-1 plot of Cp (y-axis) vs. $ (number of coefficients; x-axis) is constructed to give an idea of the best fitted model (Draper and Smith, 1981, p. 300). If the model Cp value is above the 1-1 line, then it indicates a biased model. The best fitted models have a low Cp that is closer to the number of coefficients. 17
Results in our case indicated that estimates (coefficients) and their significant levels remain largely unchanged when either group was considered (Appendix 1). Therefore, it was concluded that there was no dependence between sites. SAS statements for running the standard logistic regression analysis are given in Appendix 2. 1.2.6 Interactions
Interaction is referred to as the effect of the cross product of two independent variables on the mean response. For example, if the probability of presence as a function of latitude is dependent on elevation, then an interaction term (= latitude x elevation) must be included. Interaction between variables, therefore, should be considered if researchers deem it necessary to ensure that the final model is sound biologically and statistically. See Bradford et al. (submitted) for inclusion of interaction terms in the model. Note: Researchers may find that there is a need to reduce the number of variables in the model, but this should not be done by arbitrary exclusions. An investigation of the magnitude of each coefficient may explain the importance of each variable. A coefficients value describes the relation to the dependent variable and defines the rate of change of the dependent variable per one unit change in the independent variable. When two coefficients that are very close in value have opposite signs, the difference between them may be used in the model instead of the individual variables. One must define the statistical significance level and physical contribution of the new coefficient to decide whether the difference has better representation/contribution to the model. Then one can compare the new model R2 with that of the original. These results may show some interesting biological phenomena.
Section 2 MARS
In the above logistic regression analysis, a linear relationship was assumed between the response variable, log(p(x)/1-p(x)), and the independent variables. A researcher may wish to explore if there are any nonlinear relationships between the response and the independent variables. That is, the response may have a piecewise behavior over the domain. In standard regression analysis, prior to fitting the model, the researcher has to specify the form of the nonlinear behavior (e.g., square). Modern nonparametric regression analysis can be used to model linear and nonlinear behavior without prior specification to the form of data behavior. To relax the assumption in GLM, the General Additive Model (GAM) was introduced. In GAM, the expected response value is a sum of smoothed functions of the independent variables. MARS and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) are two of the modern nonparametric regression analysis methods that are used in environmental studies (Walker, 1990; Moore et al., 1991; White and Sifneos, 1997; Miller, 1994). Computer algorithms, such as MARS (Salford Systems, 1999) and CART (Salford Systems, 1999), were developed to be used for data analysis. The selection option for variables in MARS (Salford Systems, 1999) algorithm and standard logistic regression (SAS) makes both methods similar in procedure for comparing results. We will use MARS in italics to differentiate the program from the method. MARS, which was developed by Friedman (1991), is extremely promising as an automatic high dimensional smoother (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990). It is data-driven more than user-driven, as in the case of simple regression analysis. For each of the variables, an algorithm is employed to determine the function of the variable (e.g., linear, cubic, etc.) by using a sequence of local nonparametric regression analysis on the data. 2.1.1 Model Fitting
In simple regression analysis, regression is done globally and may be sensitive to outliers. MARS, on the other hand, reduces the effect of outliers on the final model. It builds flexible models by fitting piecewise linear regression analysis to data to approximate the nonlinear behavior of the independent variables. Prior to building the model, we need to define and explain a few steps that need to be understood when running MARS. 1) Knots: When one regression line does not fit well to all the data, several regression lines (piecewise) are used to describe the overall behavior over the entire domain of the independent variable. The value of the independent variable where the slope of a line changes is called a knot. The knot defines the end of one domain and beginning of another. Between two knots, a linear (or cubic) regression line is fit to that group of data. When the slope is not changing along the entire domain, then one line fits all the data resulting in no knots.
2) Basis Functions: Basis functions are a set of functions used to reexpress the relations between dependent and independent variables. For example, basis function (BF1) on the variable elevation is defined by MARS as: BF1 = max(0, elevation - 219) (9)
Data for elevation variables are grouped into two sets: the first set is assigned 0 for all elevation values that are below a threshold (e.g., c = 219 m), and the second set contains the elevation values that are more than 219 m. Elevation has no relation to the probability of presence (i.e., slope = 0) for values below the threshold of 219 m, but has a negative relationship (slope < 0) above this threshold. 3) Fitting a Model: The initial model starts with a constant only (co), then adds a basis function (a single or multivariate interaction term) in time to build up a comprehensive model that contains the maximum number of basis functions and their interactions, which are specified by the user (Equation 10). Y = co + ci * BFi + error (10)
where Y is the response variable, co is a constant and ci is a coefficient for the basis function. Not all these basis functions contribute significantly to the model. The least contributing one is deleted by the stepwise method, and the final model contains the significant functions that contribute to the dependent variable. Analogous to CART, the initial model is overfitted, which is then pruned to give the optimum model with the lowest mean square error (MSE). 4) Fitting Logistic Regression: A modification to Equation 10, Hastie and Tibshirani (1990) introduced the logistic regression analysis using the modern additive logistic as: Log[p(x)/(1-p(x))] = $o + 3 fi(xi) (11)
where $o is a constant, and fi(xi) estimates local smooth functions; as mentioned earlier, this model can also contain interactions of order $ 2. Our task is to accurately predict the probability of the presence of toads given many independent variables. The same data (122 observations with 25 variables) that was used for the normal logistic regression analysis was used again in the MARS program. 5) Model Validation: With large sample sizes, the data are split into training (e.g., 90 percent of the data) and test sets (e.g., 10 percent of the data). The training data set is used for building the model, and the test data set is used to validate the fitted model. When the sample is not large, cross validation (CV) is the best method to use for validation. In CV, one observation is left out and smoothing is done on n-1 observations. The CV is the mean sum square of the differences between the Yis and their predicted values (f -i(xi)) where an observation is excluded: CV = 1/n 3 {Yi - f -i (xi)}2 (12)
The MARS outputs CV and PSE (PSE = 1/n 3 {Yi - f (xi)}2) can be used to assess the final model. PSE is the mean Predictive Squared Error when all observations are included, whereas CV is a measure for n-1 observations. When CV and PSE are close in value, a minimum CV is reached and an optimal model is produced. Another measure for the optimal model is the Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) as a measure of mean square error. A model with minimum GCV is to be chosen. GCV is analogous to
Cp in simple regression analysis (see page 17) which is known as Mallows Cp (see Hastie and Tibshirani (1990) for detail description of Cp and GCV). 2.1.2 Final Model
The model was run with 121-fold cross validation, 40 minimum numbers of observations between knots, and 15 maximum basis functions (these options are in the Testing option in GUI). The degrees of freedom is the number of observations between knots to be considered in smoothing and can be defined in three different ways (see Testing in MARS user guide GUI; Model-set-up, Model). Different models can be applied with different options in GUI, and the model with the lowest PSE and GCV is chosen. PSE and GCV are given in MARS output (see Appendix 3 at the end of cross validation; (estimated) PSE = 0.124 and GCV = 0.136). Values of GCV and PSE are similar; therefore, we can conclude that an optimal model is reached. The final model with all the above options yielded: P(Y=1 * X) = f(U) + f(W) + f(Q) + f(S) + f(O) + f(C) + f(I). The independent variables were similar to those by Proc Logistic (Table 4), except for A (surface water area) which was replaced by C (riparian zone area). Both of these metrics reflect the extent of a moist habitat. Also, the number of variables was similar for both methods. Input and output of MARS to this data set are given in Appendix 3.
Table 4. Coefficients and Their Statistics From MARS. Model F = 14.128, p < 0.001, df = 7,114 Variable Intercept Basis function 1 (W) Basis function 2 (U) Basis function 3 (O) Basis function 4 (S) Basis function 5 (C) Basis function 6 (Q) Basis function 7 (I) Estimates 1.690 -0.005 -0.405E-03 -0.003 -0.302 0.111 -0.004 0.005 t-ratio 8.082 -5.981 -4.335 -2.431 -2.902 2.966 -2.850 2.237 P value 0.745E-12 0.261E-07 0.316E-04 0.017 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.027 Latitude Elevation Vegetation over water Water salinity Riparian zone area Vegetation over adjacent land Bedrock substrate cover Variable description
All 15 base variables with their contributions by GCV to the preliminary model are given in Appendix 3 (Forward Stepwise Knot Placement). GCV gives the amount of degradation in the model when a variable is deleted. The importance of each variable in the model is another valuable output from MARS, which describes the amount of reduction in goodness of fit when any variable is removed. Latitude and elevation variables were the most important variables with 100 percent and 70 percent importance, respectively. Extent of riparian zone, salinity, and percent vegetation cover over adjacent land were similar in their importance (.37 percent), whereas percent of vegetation cover over water and percent of bedrock
substrate were the least important (< 30 percent; see output in Relative Variable Importance section for these values, Appendix 3). The Basis functions for the final model were: Minimum
BF1 = max (0, W - 3927.375) BF2 = max (0, U - 219) BF3 = max (0, O - 0.585E-6) BF4 = max (0, S + 1.053) BF5 = max (0, C - 1.00) BF6 = max (0, Q - 0.191E-5) BF7 = max (0, I + 0.192E-6)
The above basis functions indicate the linear relationships between the dependent and independent variables (Figure 6). The basis functions all behaved linearly and started at the minimum values for each variable. In other words, there was no piecewise fitting. The final model is: Y = 1.69 - 0.005*BF1 - 0.405E-3*BF2 - 0.003*BF3 - 0.302*BF4 + 0.111*BF5 - 0.004*BF6 + 0.005*BF7. One important note to make here is that when different options in model specification in GUI were used, the sign for some variables was reversed in the final model. This is known as the collinearity effect between the independent variables. An option called penalty (Option and Limits Model in GUI) can be used when variables are added to reduce the potential of including collinear variables in a model. For the final model, the overall F value was significant (F = 14.13, P = 0.425E-12, df = 7,114; Table 4; Appendix 3). There are three different values of R2 which appear in the GUI and the output (Appendix 3) that can be used to describe the degree of association between the basis functions and the dependent variable, similar to that in ordinary least square regression. Therefore, these R2 values are not appropriate for assessing the predictive power of the model when the response variable is a binary. These values, however, can be used to compare models. The description below for each R2 is for clarification. In GUI, Nave R2 (final MARS-Model R2), Nave-Adjusted R2, and GCV R2 are given. In the output (Appendix 3), values of R2, adjusted R2, and the uncentered R2 are given. An explanation of each is given below: Nave (GUI) and R-squared (Appendix 3): The degree of the association between the dependent variable and the basis functions. It was calculated in the same way as the R2 for the simple ordinary least regression analysis. Nave-Adjusted R2 (GUI) and Adjusted R2 (Appendix 3): It is the same as the adjusted R2 for the simple ordinary least regression analysis, adjusted for the number of basis functions. GCV R2: It is adjusted for the effective number of the parameters in the model, and it is always the lowest in value of the MARS R2. Uncentered R2: It should not be used to test for goodness of fit. It is used in econometric diagnostic tests.
R2 and Adjusted R2 were 0.465 and 0.432, respectively. The R2 values from MARS and simple logistic regression analysis are close to 50 percent. Values for the coefficients, Standard Error, T-Ratio and associated P-value are given in Appendix 3. All coefficients were significant (P < 0.03).
Figure 6. Regression for the main effect variables in the model using MARS.
Section 3 Conclusion
The goal of this report was to provide a reference manual to assist researchers in making informed use of logistic regression using the standard logistic regression and MARS. The details for analyses of relationships between presence/absence of an amphibian and environmental variables were exhibited in a manner to be used easily by nonstatistical users. As noted, when comparing the standard logistic regression with another parametric method such as discriminant analysis, the former does not require multivariate normality, which often makes it more applicable to field data. Logistic regression using the nonparametric method, MARS, allows the user to fit a group of models to the data that reveal structural behavior of the data with little input from the user. Results using the standard regression (GLM) and general additive models (MARS) were similar for our example data set. Logistic regression analysis was used to predict the probability of toad presence with respect to a number of environmental variables. Variable importance measured by the standardized estimate indicated that the geographical metrics (latitude and elevation) were the most important factors influencing toad presence, operating in a negative relationship. On the other hand, water salinity and percent bedrock substrate had lesser impacts on toad presence, with the former operating in a negative direction and the latter operating in a positive direction. MARS is a nonparametric logistic regression analysis that is close procedurally to the simple parametric logistic regression analysis because of the variable selection through stepwise regression analysis. MARS and simple logistic regression analysis yielded similar models, and both indicated that latitude and elevation are the most important variables influencing toad presence. For this data set, the simple logistic regression analysis is the better method to be used because of the low number of observations (n = 122). It is recommended that if the degrees of freedom between knots were 10 and 20, the number of observations of 1,000 would be needed when using 30 variables (MARS; User guide, p. 34); that is, for each independent variable, 33 observations are needed. Although six independent variables were significant for both the simple logistic regression analysis and the nonparametric logistic regression analysis (MARS), and the R2 values were similar, the application of MARS to this data set is still not superior to that of the parametric procedure. On a final note, the decision to use simple logistic regression, MARS, or any other nonparametric method, has to be made on the basis of the suitability and interpretability of the statistical model to describe a phenomenon. If the interest is to infer the significance and importance of environmental variables in the model, then GLM logistic regression is the method to use. If the interest is to visualize and examine the structural relationship between a response and independent variable, especially when there is little or no knowledge about the data, then GAM is the method to use. A combination of the two methods may help reveal an important relationship in building the right statistical model.
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Appendix 1
Dependence Between Observations Based on Watershed Group 8:38 Thursday, April 19, 2001
Response Profile
Ordered Level 1 2 Ordered Value 1.0000 0.0000 Count 88 34
Parameter Information
Parameter Prm1 Prm2 Prm3 Prm4 Prm5 Prm6 Prm7 Prm8 28 Effect Intercept A U W I O Q S
Algorithm Converged
Dependence Between Observations Based on Mountain Range Group 8:38 Thursday, April 19, 2001
Model Information
Data Set Distribution Link Function Dependent Variable Observations Used Probability Modeled Missing Values WORK.NEWEUC Binomial Logit Toad 122 Pr (Toad = 1.0000) 6
Response Profile
Parameter Information
Parameter Prm1 Prm2 Prm3 Prm4 Prm5 Prm6 Prm7 Prm8 Effect Intercept A U W I O Q S
Algorithm Converged 30
Algorithm Converged
***** Plotting for Diagnostic Check ********************************;
goptions reset=global gunit=pct noborder
ftext=Swissb htext=2 horigin=0.2 in vorigin=0.2 in; axis length=60;
axis2 length =60 label=(justify=c angle=-270 ' Deviance ');
Proc gplot data=o1;
Plot Dev*Pred /
Symbol v=dot h=1.2 ;
Title ' ';
Footnote1 j=c 'Figure 2. Deviance (DIFDEV) values for the predicted probability for the study
area'; Footnote2 j=r ' '; Footnote3 j=r ' '; Footnote4 j=r ' '; Footnote5 j=r 'pg'; run;
axis3 length=60 label=(justify=c angle=-270 ' Chi-Square');
Proc gplot data=o1;
* format Per_min F3.0; Plot chi*pred /
Symbol v=dot h=1.2;
Title ' '; Footnote1 j=c ' Figure 3. Chi-square (DIFCHISQ) values for the predicted probability for the study area'; Footnote2 j=r ' '; Footnote3 j=r ' '; Footnote4 j=r ' '; Footnote5 j=r 'pg'; run; ***********************************************************************; **** Test for Collinearity for the independent variables in the final model **********; Data O2; Set O1; /* O1 is the residual from the regression equation */ W=Pred*(1-Pred); run;
Options ps=255 ls=100;
Proc Reg data = O2;
Weight W; Model Toad = U W S I O A Q / TOL VIF; run;
**** Test for the dependence between observations ************************; Options ps=255 ls=100; Title Based on Watershed groups ; Proc Genmod data = neweuc ; Class WsGrp ; Model Toad = U W S I O A Q / D=B ; Repeated subject = Wsgrp / Type=exch; run; Title Based on Mountain Range groups ; Proc Genmod data = neweuc ; Class Rangegrp; Model Toad = U W S I O A Q / D=B ; Repeated subject = Rangegrp / Type=exch; run;
MARS Version Reading Data, up to 292142 Records. Records Read: 122 Records Kept in Learning Sample: 122
Learning Sample Statistics, Continued Variable K Q P R S A C Mean 36.221 23.336 33.221 11.484 -0.005 1.981 2.940 SD 35.146 31.104 35.112 23.568 0.383 0.765 0.899 N 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 Sum 4419.000 2847.000 4053.000 1401.000 -0.659 241.701 358.620
Ordinal Response
Variable Toad min 0 Q25 0 Q50 1 Q75 1 max 1
Ordinal Predictor Variables: 25, Continued Variable Q P R S A C min 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.05 1.00 1.00 Q25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.26 1.00 2.52 Q50 10.00 20.00 0.00 -0.08 1.91 3.17 Q75 30.00 60.00 10.00 0.20 2.65 3.60 max 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.96 3.66 4.45
121-fold cross validation used to estimate DF. Estimated optimal DF(8) = 1.182 with (estimated) PSE = 0.124
Final Model
(After Backward Stepwise Elimination) Basis Fun 0 1 2 Coefficient 1.69 -0.005 -0.405123E-03 W U 3927.375 219.00 Continued.... Variable Parent Knot
Final Model, Continued Basis Fun 3 4 5 6 7 Coefficient -0.003 -0.302 0.111 -0.004 0.005 Variable O S C Q I Parent Knot 0.584602E-06 -1.053 1.000 0.0191016E-05 -0.192323E-06
Relative Variable Importance, Continued Variable 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 E X G Y J T L M N K P R A Importance 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -gcv 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 Variable Description Native Riparian Trees (Salix, Populus, Fraxinus) Tamarix spp. (exotic plant) in 400-m Area Phreatophytes (Prosopis, Chilopsis) Tamarix spp. (exotic plant) in 40-m Segments Predominate substrate grain size pH Water Depth Wetted Perimeter Width Plot Substrate Size, for Granular Substrate Submerged or Floating Vegetation Cover Emergent Vegetation within 15 cm of point Bedrock Substrate Cover Plot Surface Water Area
Basis Functions
BF1 = max (0, W - 3927.375); BF2 = max (0, U - 219.000); BF3 = max (0, O - .584602E-06); BF4 = max (0, S + 1.053); BF5 = max (0, C - 1.000); BF6 = max(0, Q - .191016E-05); BF7 = max(0, I + .192323E-06); Latitude Elevation Vegetation Over Water Water Salinity Riparian Vegetation Over Adjacent Land Bedrock Substrate Cover
Y = 1.690 - 0.005 * BF1 - .405123E-03 * BF2 - 0.003 * BF3 - 0.302 * BF4 + 0.111 * BF5 - 0.004 * BF6 + 0.005 * BF7; model DEPVAR = BF1 BF2 BF3 BF4 BF5 BF6 BF7;
Parameter Constant Basis Function 1 Basis Function 2 Basis Function 3 Basis Function 4 Basis Function 5 Basis Function 6 Basis Function 7
= = =
= = =