Conceptualizing Motivation in Foreign-Language Learning : Zoltdn Dornyei

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Language Learning 40:1, March 1990, pp.


Conceptualizing Motivation in Foreign-Language Learning*

Zoltdn Dornyei
Eotvos University, Budapest This study investigates the components of motivation in foreign-language learning (FLL)which involves learning the target language in institutional/academic settings without regularly interacting with the target language community. It was assumed that the results obtained from second-language acquisition (SLA) contextsthose in which the target language is learned at least partly embedded in the host environmentare not directly applicable to FLL situations. Therefore a motivational questionnaire was developed and administered to 134 learners of English in Hungary, a typical European FLL environment, with the aim of defining the relevance and characteristics of integrativeness and instrumentality in FLL, as well as to locate other motivational components. Based upon the results, a motivational construct was postulated consisting of (1) an Instrumental Motivational Subsystem, (2) an Integrative Motivational Subsystem, which is a multifaceted cluster with four dimensions, (3) Need for Achievement, and (4) Attributions about Past Failures. The results also indicated that in mastering an
* Part of the research reported in this paper was carried out while the author was on a "Soros" research grant at the University of Oxford. The Soros Foundation's assistance is gratefully acknowledged. The author also thanks Csaba Pl6h, David Phillips, and John Backhouse for their advice and support, as well as the two anonymous readers for their valuable comments. Requests for reprints may be sent to Zoltan DoYnyei, Department of English, Eotvos University, Pesti Barnabas utca 1,1052 Budapest, Hungary.



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intermediate target language proficiency, the Instrumental Motivational Subsystem and Need for Achievement especially, play a significant role, whereas the desire to go beyond this level is associated with integrative motives.

The study of motivation in second-language acquisition became a distinguished research topic after Gardner and Lambert (1972) published a comprehensive summary of the results of a more than ten-year-long research program. They found that success in language attainment was dependent upon the learner's affective predisposition toward the target linguistic-cultural group. This lead them to conceptualize integrative motivation, whica reflects "a high level of drive on the part of the individual to acquire the language of a valued second-language community in order to facilitate communication with that group" (Gardner, Smythe, Clement, & Gliksman 1976, p. 199). It is associated with components such as "interest in foreign languages," "desire to learn the target language," "attitudes toward learning the target language," "attitudes toward the learning situation," "desire to interact with the target language community," and "attitudes toward the target language community" (Gardner, 1982). This motive is clearly distinct from a second drive, instrumental motivation, where the learner's interest in learning the foreign language is associated with the pragmatic, utilitarian benefits of language proficiency, such as a better job or a higher salary. The integrative-instrumental duality, with integrativeness as the more important component, soon became widely accepted, and many subsequent studies confirmed the validity of Gardner's and his Canadian colleagues' theory (Svanes, 1987; for a review see Gardner, 1985). Some investigations, however, did not support the model, either by failing to produce a strong integrative factor or by coming up with insignificant or contradictory results (Lukmani, 1972; Cooper & Fishman, 1977;

Pierson, Fu, & Lee, 1980; Oiler, 1981; for a recent review see Au, 1988). In a review of these conflicting findings, Clement and Kruidenier (1983) suggested two reasons for the lack of clearcut results: (1) ambiguities in the definition of integrativeness and instrumentality and (2) the unaccounted influence of the linguistic milieu on the individual's motivation. Furthermore they raised the possibility that in certain environments factors that have not as yet been analyzed might also affect motivation. To support their theory with empirical data, the researchers conducted a large-scale survey in Canada, investigating a variety of learning reasons (orientations) in different samples (defined by the learners' ethnicity, the learning milieu, and the target language). Four orientations proved to be common to all groups: (1) students learned a second language to travel, (2) to seek new friendships, (3) to acquire knowledge, and (4) for instrumental purposes. A fifth factor, termed sociocultural orientation, emerged among Canadians learning Spanish (and not French or English). Although Cle'ment and Kruidenier (1983) restricted their survey to analyzing only orientations, their results did not support the concept of a general, "affective-identifying" kind of integrative tendency. In their study, such an orientation was located only in multicultural settings among the members of a clearly dominant group. McDonough (1981) pointed out that the traditional integrative concept includes two separate aspects: (1) a general desire for wider social contact and (2) a desire to belong to a certain community by acquiring the psychological characteristics of the group. Graham (1984) argued along the same lines. In a lecture presented at TESOL 1984 (reported by Snow & Shapira, 1985), he introduced the term assimilative motivation referring to the drive to become an indistinguishable member of the community. According to him, this motive is distinct from integrative motivation, which involves


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a desire to establish a social relationship with the targetlanguage community, without implying or requiring direct contact with a target-language peer group. On the other hand, assimilatively motivated learning must obviously take place in the host environment. The arguments and findings mentioned above point to the fact that the nature and effect of certain motivation components might vary as a function of the environment in which the learning takes place. In a recent overview of his theory, Gardner (1988) also stated that the view "that the role of attitudes and motivation should be consistent in many different contexts, and thus a universal in language learning, is just too simplistic" (p. 112), calling for more research to define the role of contextual factors. Gardner and his colleagues originally formulated their theory on the basis of surveys conducted primarily among English-speaking Canadians learning French, the second official language of the country. This environment is an example of what can generally be termed a second-language acquisition (SLA) context, where the target language is mastered either through direct exposure to it or through formal instruction accompanied by frequent interaction with the target-language community in the host environment or in a multicultural setting. It should be noted that "second language acquisition contexts" refer to a range of learning environments that can be further classified according to the number of languages spoken in the area, the learner's ethnolinguistic vitality, the cultural and social circumstances, as well as the intergroup relations found in the particular context (Ball, Giles, & Hewstone, 1984; Gardner, 1988). The Canadian environment, for example, displays certain diversity in this respect.1 Although SLA contexts are varied, they are' clearly distinct from another type of language-learning milieu, generally termed a foreign-language learning (FLL) context, which involves a community in which one or two languages are

taught in school for several years as an academic subject and many students develop proficiency in them. According to Gardner (1985, p.2), North Americans often view this as the "European model". A common feature of such situations is that learners often have not had sufficient experience of the target-language community to have attitudes for or against it. Littlewood (1984) points out that this is particularly true of learning an international language, in which the aim of learning is not so much to get into contact with the nativespeaking community, as to communicate with others who have also learned it as a foreign language. English, in particular, has become the major "official" language of many professions and most academic fields, as well as the main means of
communication in international tourism. These considerations suggest that in FLL situations especially with an international target language such as English, Spanish, or Russianaffective predispositions toward the target language community are unlikely to explain a great proportion of the variance in language attainment. This, however, undermines traditionally conceived integrative motivation, implying that in FLL situations, instrumental motivation, intellectual, and sociocultural motives, and/or other motivational factors that have not as yet been analyzed, may acquire a special importance. On the other hand, one may also argue that affective factors that are normally part of integrative motivation in SLA contexts do play a rolein FLL as well, but that such attitudes, interests, and values are supposed to form clusters that differ from those emerging in SLA contexts. To determine the motivation construct relevant to FLL, we have conducted a survey investigating the learning of English in Hungary, a European environment that is believed to be typical of FLL in general. The concept of the study was consistent with Clement and Kruidenier's (1983) approach: to define in a particular language-learning milieuan FLL situationthe relevance and characteristics of integrativeness


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and instrumentality, and to try to determine other influencing factors typical in this context.

We investigated 134 young adult learners of English (82 females and 52 males), all enrolled in one language school, the Hungarian branch of the British "International House" organization; 68 of them were beginners with less than a year of instruction; 66 were intermediate learners in their fourth or fifth terms of learning. These people were selected because they had demonstrated their motivation by voluntarily undertaking the expensive and time-consuming process of language learning in addition to their full-time work.2 The language school seemed particularly appropriate for two reasons: (1) the directors of studies and about a quarter of the staff were native speakers of English and (2) the teaching methods, the instructional materials, and the average quality of the staff were of a high standard, regularly supervised by the London headquarters. Thus it was assumed that the learners formed a homogeneous sample in terms of the received cultural and instructional input.

In the first section, 15 language use areas were listed, in which English proficiency could be applied. These areas ranged from "understanding English films, videos" to "reading English technical literature" (see Table 1). Students were asked to indicate on a six-point scale the importance to themselves of each field. The second section contained a mixture of different kinds of characteristic statements presented in a six-point Likert-scale format. Because the questionnaire could not be too longwhereas for exploratory factor analysis one must sample variables as widely as possiblewe followed Uguroglu and Walberg's (1986) procedure concerning the length and the reliability of the scales comprising the variables:
A trade-off between comprehensiveness and measurement reliability was exploited. It was better to measure all constructs moderately well and to analyse their relation to learning and to motivation in concert, than to measure only a few constructs with higher but only marginally better reliability, (p. 2)


As the first step of the survey, a motivational questionnaire was developed. We were drawing upon some published motivation/attitude scales (Pierson et al., 1980; Roger, Bull, & Fletcher, 1981; Clement & Kruidenier, 1983; Gardner, 1985), but at least half of the items were newly written. The questionnaire was composed of two sections: (1) items focusing on language use fields and (2) Likert-type statements concerning intentions, beliefs, values, interests, and attitudes.

The final version of this section contained 44 statements, five of which were treated as single-item variables, whereas the rest were used to form 13 subscales, the shortest containing two items, the longest containing seven (see Appendix). The internal consistency reliability of the clusters, assessed by means of Cronbach a, ranges from .42 to .77, with a mean coefficient of .61. Considering that Cronbach a is dependent upon the number of items a scale contains, these coefficients are acceptable (Backhouse, Dickins, Rayner, & Wood, 1982); in fact, it was the two-item scales that depressed the mean coefficient (see Appendix, which contains the Cronbach a coefficient for each variable). In addition to the two main sections, the questionnaire contained some items focusing on personal information about the learners (e.g., sex, level). One of the variables was Desired Proficiency, in which subjects were asked to indicate the level of English that would satisfy them, on a seven-point scale rangingfrom zero to advanced proficiency.


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The administration of the questionnaire took place during the spring term of the 1985-1986 academic year. The data were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS-X) at Oxford University Computing Service. First the two main sections of the questionnaire were analyzed separately by factor analysis, and in both cases regressionmethod factor scores were generated by SPSS-X. Afterwards correlations between (1) the two separate sets of factor scores and (2) Desired Proficiency and the factor scores were computed. Finally, the factor scores obtained from beginners and intermediate learners were compared using the f-test procedure to test the significance of the difference between the two subsamples' mean scores.


Using a minimum-eigenvalue criterion of 1.0, four factors were extracted by principal component analysis. Varimax rotation produced a relatively simple factor structure with the four factors loading heavily on different fields, (See Table 1) Factor 1 obtained appreciable loadings (i.e., loadings of more than .30) from six variables (1, 4, 5, 7, 8,11). All of them concern the utility of English in one's job or professional interest; therefore, this factor can be unambiguously labelled Instrumental Language Use. Factor 2 loads heavily on four fields (12,13,14,15), all of which involve passive, receptive areas of noninstrumental language use, reflecting an interest in foreign cultures, cultural products, and events conveyed by the target language. This factor may be referred to as Passive Sociocultural Language Use.

Table 1 Factor Matrix for the Language Use Fields


Language Use Fields

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Doing one's job/profession Reading English literature Reading English newspapers, magazines Reading English technical literature Writing English articles or lectures Travelling abroad as a tourist Business or study trips abroad Working abroad Making friends with foreigners Keeping in touch with foreign friends, acquaintances Professional contact with foreign colleagues Understanding English films, videos Understanding English broadcasting Understanding English pop music Learning about what's happening in the world

1 .62 .20 .30 .81 .66 -.08 .82 .56 .11 .27 .84 -.03 .02 -.10 .10

2 -.05 .33 .27 -.02 .04 -.06 -.09 .17 .38 .32 .05 .79 .78 .67 .61

3 -.07 .19 .18 -.06 .06 .77 .21 .10 .71 .65 .14 -.07 .14 .14 .35

4 .20 .73 .72 .21 .12 .24 -.08 -.45 .16 -.16 .05 .07 .12 .10 .13


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Factor 3 concerns the active, communicative use of English in sociocultural contexts, such as travelling abroad as a tourist and making friends with foreigners (6, 9, 10), and is therefore labelled Communicative Sociocultural Language Use. Factor 4 loads heavily on two fields, "reading English literature" and "reading English newspapers, magazines". It cannot be identified as a general reading factor, because it has no appreciable loading from "reading English technical literature," thus it will be referred to as Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes.


Using a criterion of excluding the factors that accounted for less than 5% of the total variance, seven factors were extracted by principal component analysis.3 The first three factors explain 47.2% of the variance; the last four play only a secondary role by accounting together for 23.4% of the variance. The factor matrix produced by varimax rotation is presented in Table 2. Factor 1 has high loadings on four variables (6,10,11,17), the ones that concern the pragmatic/professional utility of English, therefore this factor is labelled Instrumentality. Factor 2 is predominated by four variables (7,12,13,18), which are concerned with a desire to achieve, to become perfect, and to prove oneself in State language exams. This factor is similar to the "need for achievement" element of Atkinson's achievement motivation construct (for a review see Atkinson & Raynor, 1974) which involves the tendency to approach achievement situations as well as an interest in excellence. Thus this factor will be referred to as Need for Achievement. Factor 3 loads heavily on four variables (1, 2, 8, 14). Learners scoring high on this factor have an interest in foreign cultures and consider English as the means of learning about them. They also enjoy the learning process, and, accordingly,

Table 2 Factor Matrix for the 18 Motivation /Attitude Variables


Motivation/Attitude Variables
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

.08 .23 .72 .10 .08 .19 -.10 Interest in foreign languages -.02 .31 .66 .01 -.26 -.21 .22 Attitudes towards learning languages .15 -.22 .17 .66 -.11 .07 .35 English broadens one's view .03 .10 .12 .85 .09 .04 -.02 Hungarians should learn English .21 .39 .09 .54 .10 -.11 -.14 Attitudes towards the Anglo-Saxon world .75 .12 -.05 .00 .05 .25 .05 English has direct pragmatic benefits .10 -.70 -.02 -.14 .35 .13 -.23 No need to be perfect in a foreign language -.10 -.36 -.52 .07 .48 .03 -.05 Negative opinion about own aptitude .08 .00 .01 .06 .89 -.01 .12 Bad learning experiences .83 .06 .05 -.02 .00 -.35 -.11 Urge to learn English coming from the workplace .69 .08 .09 .18 .11 .15 .03 English is needed for high professional reputation .35 .68 .11 -.09 .05 .05 -.16 Desire to take the intermediate State language exam .46 .53 .20 .19 .27 .12 .07 Strong commitment to learning Enlgish is a bridge to other cultures and peoples -.06 -.08 .78 .28 .07 -.02 .01 -.01 -.04 .01 .04 .10 .00 .94 English is a new challenge .27 .08 .03 .01 .16 .88 .00 Desire to spend some time abroad .72 .18 -.07 .14 -.13 .33 .01 State language exam is indispensable for some pragmatic reason .18 .70 .32 .06 -.04 .28 -.11 Desire to take the State advanced language exam


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they do not find learning particularly difficult, that is, they think they have a reasonable language aptitude. This factor is similar in many respects to Gardner's (1982,1985) definition of the integrative motive, but lacks any specific reference to the

target language community. It will be termed Interest in Foreign Languages and Cultures.
Factor 4 loads distinctly on three variables (3, 4, 5) and taps on a feeling common to many Hungarians. They hold the Anglo-Saxon culture in high esteem and associate the English language and the English-speaking world with modern life and thinking. Thus, for them, learning English is a requirement for keeping up-to-date and avoiding intellectual provincialism. Although this factor loads on Variable 5, "Attitudes toward the Anglo-Saxon world," these attitudes involve not so much an affective predisposition toward the English-speaking communities as a positive regard for the high technical, academic, and cultural development of Britain/America. Also, the factor involves a desire to broaden one's view through English, which is only indirectly associated with English-speaking communities and countries. This factor will be labelled Desire for Knowledge and Values Associated with English. Factor 5 has appreciable loadings on three variables .(7, 8, 9), implying a slightly disillusioned predisposition due to previous bad experiences with learning languages. However, learners scoring high on this factor are still trying, though with restricted goals in mind. They can best be described using Weiner's (1979, 1986) attributional concepts: by attributing their past failures to internal, unstable, and controllable reasons such as a lack of effort (which can be helped), and by setting limited goals, they believe that task difficulty (external, stable, uncontrollable) is still within their scope. This factor is labelled Bad Learning Experiences. Factor 6 is labelled after the only variable it concerns,

live abroad for a period of time. This motive can be considered the FLL equivalent of Graham's (1984) assimilative motive, which was defined for SLA contexts. Factor 7 has a high loading on one variable, "English is a new challenge," and has a minor but still appreciable loading on a further variable, "English broadens one's view". This factor is similar to Deci and Ryan's (1980, 1985) definition of one type of intrinsic motivation, the need to encounter new stimuli by seeking optimal challenges, and will be

termed Language Learning Is a New Challenge.

By intercorrelating the two sets of factor scores we may examine the relationship between actual language use fields and more abstract motivation/attitude factors; this will form the basis of conceptualizing a motivation construct in FLL. The correlations may indicate significant tendencies, but high coefficients cannot be expected because the variables comprising the first section of the questionnaire (language use fields) are not summative Likert-type items; a higher score on a field factor does not necessarily imply a greater factor importance because, for example, it is possible that one is not concerned with writing academic papers (which will reduce his or her score on Instrumental Language Use) even though he or she is instrumentally oriented. Table 3 presents the intercorrelation matrix of the two sets of factor scores. As could be expected, Instrumentality and Instrumental Language Use are in a highly significant positive relationship. Need for Achievement is a general motivation component; therefore, it cannot be expected to correlate highly with any particular fields. Its low but significant relationship with

Passive Sociocultural Language Use is consistent with

Atkinson's definition of "need for achievement". Atkinson considered it an affective trait activated in areas where the

Desire to Spend Some Time Abroad, which is a typical motive

for learners in Hungary, and refers to the wish to actually

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TableS Pearson Product-Moment Correlations

world. Not surprisingly, therefore, it has a significant positive

Between the Two Sets of Factors

Instrumentality Need for achievement Interest in foreign languages and cultures Desire for knowledge and values associated with English Bad learning experiences Desire to spend some time abroad Language learning is a new challenge

correlation with Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes. The relationship with Passive Sociocultural Language Use is
.03 -.13 .12 .08 -.02 .16


.33*** -.03 -.02 .18* -.10 -.01 .22* .13 -.07 .24**


.06 .18* .33*** -.15 .14 -.21 .18"



significant among men (r=.29), but the low correlation found among women depresses the overall coefficient (see Appendix). Bad Learning Experiences shows a highly significant relationship with Communicative Sociocultural Language Use. This is consistent with the attributional description of the learners scoring high on this factor, insofar as they set a limited goal, the mastering of basic communicative skills. This is confirmed by the fact that the coefficient among beginners (r=.55) is much higher than it is among intermediate learners (r=.17).

ILU=Instrumental Language Use; PSLU=Passive Sociocultural Language Use; CSLU=Communicative Sociocultural Language Use; RNP=Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes; *p<.Q5; **/j<.01; ***p<.001

Desire to Spend Some Time Abroad has a significant positive correlation with Instrumental Language Use and Passive Sociocultural Language Use, implying that this motive
is both instrumental and integrative in nature. In fact, living in a foreign country does involvein many casesboth working there and getting integrated into the new culture; the desire to live there is therefore associated with professional

individual is intrinsically (i.e., driven by a genuine interest) involved (see Deci & Ryan, 1985).

Interest in Foreign Languages and Cultures was expected to have a significant positive relationship with Passive Sociocultural Language Use, Communicative Sociocultural Language Use, and Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes because all these factors have been traditionally
considered integrative in nature. However, only the relationship with Passive Sociocultural Language Use is significant at

the p<.05 level; the correlation with Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes is significant at thep<.10 level, whereas the correlation with Active Communicative Orientation is significant only among intermediate learners (r=.32; see Appendix, which presents the intercorrelations between the two sets of factor scores for the sample broken down by level and sex). Desire for Knowledge and Values Associated with English was identified as a need to avoid provincialism by keeping up with the intellectual and cultural development of the modern

motives and (particularly when the developed English-speaking countries are concerned) with the quality of life. Language Learning Is a New Challenge was identified as an intrinsic motive to learn the target language to encounter new stimuli. This is confirmed by its significant positive relationship with Communicative Sociocultural Language Use (tourism, making friends with foreigners). For males (but not for females) it is also associated with Passive Sociocultural Language Use (r=.29). COMPARING THE FACTOR SCORES OBTAINED FROM THE TWO LEVELS
The reason for sampling learners from two levels (beginner and intermediate) was to be able to compare their


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results in the two sets of factor scores, and to determine whether the intermediate learnerswho have proved the strength of their commitment to learning by reaching this levelscore higher on certain motivation components. Using the <-test procedure, significant level differences4 were found with only three factors, Instrumental Language Use (=1.78, p=.039), Instrumentality (=2.74, p=.004), and Need for Achievement (=1.81,p=.036), whereas none of the factors that can be associated with integrative sociocultural motives showed any significant difference (for a detailed description of the results see Dornyei, 1988). The Need for Achievement factor was expected to show level difference because, according to the traditional definition, this trait is associated with perseverance, implying that learners with a high degree of need for achievement are more likely to achieve a higher level of competence. Intermediate learners have also proved consistently superior in their instrumental motives as demonstrated by the significant level differences found in both instrumental factors. There are two possible explanations for this: (1) Instrumental motives are particularly efficient in energizing learning up to an intermediate level. (2) As one gains more knowledge and experience with the language, one recognizes more areas of possible instrumental language use as well as the pragmatic benefits those would imply. The question, in other words, is whether the high level of instrumental motivation found in intermediate-level learners is the cause or the consequence of their reaching this level. Although the second argument is a possible explanation, teaching experience and certain considerations tend not to support it. The intermediate learners sampled for this survey had not yet mastered a working knowledge of English,5 and consequently, they had not had any firsthand experience about instrumental language use or pragmatic benefits that could have served as a drive to further improve their English. Also, they were unlikely to find any instrumental stimulation in a

general English course. The proximity of their goal of being able to communicate in English may have facilitated actual planning along pragmatic lines, but again they were not so near the end that this would account for such a significant change in their motives. A more likely explanation is the first argument, namely, that the instrumental motives were present right from the beginning, and the higher instrumental mean factor scores observed at the intermediate level are due to a self-selection process: Beginners start with a variety of motives, some of which prove insufficient to sustain the long and tedious process of language learning and the learner drops out, whereas others provide the energy to persist and achieve an intermediate proficiency. The results of this study indicate that instrumental motives fall into the latter category.


Learning the target language at least partly integrated into the host environment (i.e., in an SLA context), the learners' objective is usually to master the language as well as possible. FLL considerably differs in this respect, because many learners set about learning with limited goals, such as mastering a good working knowledge of the language at around an intermediate level. The extent of desired proficiency was assumed to be related to motivation, therefore this variable was included in the questionnaire. Table 4 presents the correlations between Desired Proficiency and the 11 factor scores discussed before. As can be seen in the table, there is a significant positive relationship between Desired Proficiency and Interest in Foreign Languages

and Cultures, Passive Sociocultural Language Use as well as

Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes, indicating that learners with an integrative kind of affective attraction toward the target language and culture aim at a higher level of L2


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Table 4 Pearson Product-Moment Correlations Between Desired Proficiency and the 11 Factors__________
Desired Proficiency

Instrumental language use


Desire to spend some time abroad

Instrumental language use Passive sociocultural language use Communicative sociocultural language use Reading for nonprofessional purposes Instrumentality

Need for achievement Interest in foreign languages and cultures Desire for knowledge and values associated with English Bad learning experiences Desire to spend some time abroad Language learning is a new challenge
*p <.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001

.08 .21* .02 .23** .02 .17 .35*** .04 .13 .14 -.14

Passive sociocultural language use


Interest in foreign languages and cultures

Reading for nonprofessional purposes Communicative sociocultural language use

/ \\

Desire for knowledge and values associated with English Language learning is a new challenge

proficiency. This suggests that although, as has been shown before, it is instrumental motives and need for achievement that most efficiently promote learning up to the intermediate level, to go beyond this point, that is, to "really learn" the target language, one has to be integratively motivated. Thus, the traditional view that integrative motivation is associated with a higher level of language attainment than is instrumental motivation (e.g., Krashen, 1981, Gardner, 1985) was partly confirmed by our results. CONCEPTUALIZING MOTIVATION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING Figure 1 shows the schematic representation of the relationship between the two sets of factors that were obtained from the two sections of the questionnaire. Direct lines indicate strong associations; indirect lines indicate weaker relationships partly caused by sex and level differences. The

Need for achievement

Bad learning experiences

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the relationship between the two sets of factors


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order of the factors was arranged so as to make the relationship pattern as clear as possible. As can be seen in the figure, some motivation/attitude factors form clusters by relating to the same language use

components. Instrumental Language Use, Instrumentality, and Desire to Spend Some Time Abroad definitely belong together, whereas Desire to Spend Some Time Abroad also relates to another, bigger cluster composed of Passive Sociocultural Language Use, Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes, Communicative Sociocultural Language Use, Interest in Foreign Languages and Cultures, Desire for Knowledge and Values Associated with English, and Language Learning Is a New Challenge. There are two factors, Need for Achievement and Bad Learning Experiences, that appear to be fairly
independent. Based on these observations, it is possible to define more general "motivational subsystems". The notion of a motivational subsystem was defined by Deci and Ryan (1980) as a "set of beliefs about self and others, programs for interacting with the environment, and affective experiences, all of which are organized by motivational processes" (p. 74). We may conceive of an Instrumental Motivational Subsystem, which involves purely extrinsic motives such as "my bosses expect me to learn English" as well as more intrinsic ones relating to acquiring some competence such as "the wish to be able to read the technical literature". This subsystem is associated with "career" as a motivational construct as defined by Raynor (1974). According to him, the "pursuit of a career involves the acquisition of (a) special competence that goes beyond the 'layman's' abilities in that area, and (b) eventually the rewards that such competence commands" (pp. 371-372). In some professions (e.g., travel guide, interpreter) language proficiency itself is this special competence, whereas with academic jobs, for example, language proficiency is an indispensable means of acquiring a special competence. Thus the Instrumental Motivational Subsystem is conceived as a set of

motives organized by the individual's future career striving. The results of this investigation indicate that this subsystem is fairly homogeneous and accounts for a large proportion of the variance in FLL motivation. We may also conceive of an Integrative Motivational Subsystem composed of attitudes, orientations and motives centered around the individual's L2-related affective predispositions. In FLL contexts, and particularly when the target language is an international language, the subsystem is not so much determined by attitudes toward the target language community as by a more general disposition toward language learning and the values the target language conveys. The results of this study indicate that the Integrative Motivational Subsystem is less homogeneous than is the Instrumental. We can identify four fairly distinct dimensions:
1. A general interest in foreign languages, cultures and people, accompanied by the actual satisfaction one finds in learning the target language and enjoying sociocultural products in the target language. (In Figure 1 this dimension is represented by Interest in Foreign Languages and Cultures and Passive Sociocultural Language Use.) Thus, this dimension is related to the factor Clement and Kruidenier (1983) identified as "sociocultural orientation". 2. A desire to broaden one's view, to be cosmopolitan and upto-date, as well as to avoid provincialism and isolation (represented in Figure 1 by Desire for Knowledge and

Values Associated with English and Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes). This dimension has more of an intellectual connotation than does the previous one; it is related to a high esteem for the culture and the thoughts that the foreign language conveys, and very often involves a dissatisfaction with one's own culture. It can be associated with the "knowledge orientation" factor found by Clement and Kruidenier (1983). 3. A desire for new stimuli and challenges, which is related


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to the inherent intrinsic motivation of human beings to encounter new stimulus events and creative challenges. In FLL these are provided by the learning process itself (represented in Figure 1 by Language Learning Is a New Challenge) and/or by using the language when travelling or meeting foreigners (Communicative Sociocultural Language Use). Thus, this dimension involves the "friendship orientation" and the touristic aspect of the "travel orientation" found by Clement and Kruidenier (1983). 4. The desire to get actually integrated (at least temporarily) into another community with the help of the target language (represented in Figure 1 by Desire to Spend Some

Time Abroad), which can be seen as a moderate, FLLspecific assimilative motive, involving to some extent Clement and Kruidenier's (1983) "travel orientation". The Integrative and Instrumental Subsystems overlap in some areas (e.g., foreign colleagues often become friends),
which is particularly obvious in the case of the desire for actual integration into a new community. Although listed as an aspect of the Integrative Motivational Subsystem, it has been shown that this desire is also associated with the

Instrumental Motivational Subsystem, because work and professional development are often a major reason for emigrating to another country. In addition to the two subsystems there are two other components that affect motivation in FLL: Need for Achievement and Attributions about Past Failures. Need for Achievement was shown to play a major role by accounting for a great proportion of the explained variance in motivation. This is the point at which motivation constructs
that describe motivation in SLA and FLL differ most from each other. Because FLL takes place primarily in institutional/academic contexts, it can be characterized as a series of academic achievement situations. Therefore the individual's need for achievementa disposition to initiate achievement activities, to work with heightened intensity at these tasks,

and to be interested in excellence for its own sakewill significantly affect learning. On the other hand, SLA contexts, even when accompanied by some classroom instruction, offer alternative ways to language attainment, such as communicating with target language speakers. Therefore, a lack of need for achievement can be compensated for by strong integrative and assimilative motives. The fourth component that affects motivation in FLL can be labelled Attributions about Past Failures. Although the questionnaire did not contain sufficient items focusing on attributions, Bad Learning Experiences emerging as an independent factor, draws attention to the relevance of the attribution theory (Weiner, 1979, 1986) to FLL. In fact, attributions about past failures could be expected to affect motivation, because in FLL contexts "learning failure" is a very common phenomenon. However, further research is needed to determine the nature and role of cognitive attributions. Figure 2 shows the schematic representation of the motivation construct described above. The indirect line between Attributions about Past Failures and Motivation in Foreign Language Learning indicates that the relationship between them has not as yet been specified.

The results of this study showed that instrumental motives significantly contribute to motivation in FLL contexts. This dimension of motivation was referred to as the Instrumental Motivational Subsystem, and it involves a number of extrinsic motives including one (the desire to integrate into a new community) which is partly integrative in nature. It was argued that these motives are organized by the individual's long-term career striving, resulting in a fairly homogeneous subsystem. Affective factors that traditionally have been part of


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"integrative motivation" were found to contribute to motivation in foreign-language learning as well. The results indicate that it is possible to conceptualize an Integrative Motivational Subsystem in FLL contexts as well, with the following specifications: Instrumental Motivational Subsystem Desire to integrate into a new community Integrative Motivational Subsystem
Interest in foreign languages,

cultures, and people Desire to broaden one's view

and avoid provincialism Desire for new stimuli

1. Foreign language learners often have not had enough contact with the target language community to form attitudes about them. Thus, the Integrative Motivational Subsystem is determined by more general attitudes and beliefs, involving an interest in foreign languages and people, the cultural and intellectual values the target language conveys, as well as the new stimuli one receives through learning and/or using the target language. 2. The Integrative Motivational Subsystem is a multifaceted dimension of motivation in FLL, consisting of four loosely related components: (1) interest in foreign languages, cultures, and people; (2) desire to broaden one's view and avoid provincialism, (3) desire for new stimuli and challenges; and (4) desire to integrate into a
new community. This last componentwhence the term

and challenges
Need for Achievement

"integrative" comesis, in fact, partly instrumental and only partly integrative in FLL contexts. In addition to the two subsystems, a third component, identified as Need for Achievement, was shown to contribute considerably to motivation in FLL. It was argued that this influence is due to the fact that FLL is composed of a series of academic achievement situations, and thus Need for Achievement can be regarded as a motivational component typical of FLL contexts. The results of this study indicate that a fourth factor, Attributions about Past Failures, also affects motivation in FLL, which draws attention to the relevance of the attribution theory to FLL. The importance of attributions was associated with the fact that "learning failure" is very common in FLL contexts; however, further research is needed to define the exact role of attributions.

Attributions About Past Failures

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the conceptualized construct of motivation in foreign-language learning


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Finally, data were presented that pointed to the fact that learners with a high level of instrumental motivation and need for achievement are more likely than are others to attain an intermediate level of proficiency in the target language. On the other hand, to get beyond this level, that is, to "really learn" the target language, one has to be integratively motivated. Although the results presented above were based upon data drawn from only one FLL situation, we believe that the conceptualized model applies to FLL in general. Some components, however, may not be present in certain FLL environments. For example, for language learners whose mother tongue is English, instrumental motives may be less important because they can get along with English in most situations. Also, the "desire to broaden one's view and avoid provincialism" might be of secondary importance because almost all the current thoughts and ideas in the world are available in English, too. The absence of these components may account, at least partly, for the rather low level of motivation to learn foreign languages found, for example, among British people (Roger et al., 1981). Further research is needed to determine to what extent the components of the model are context-specific. The results of this study have certain general implications for further research: 1. Instrumentality and especially integrativeness are broad tendencies or. subsystems rather than straightforward universals, comprising context-specific clusters of loosely related components. 2. Motivation to learn a foreign language involves two further components widely discussed in general motivational psychology but generally ignored in secondlanguage acquisition research: these are "need for achievement" and "attributions about past failures". Drawing on the theoretical and practical findings of educational psychology concerning these concepts might be particularly fruitful with regard to the analysis of

task difficulty and learning effort, effects of success and failure, as well as perceived ability and anxiety. 3. The nature of motivation to learn a foreign language varies as a function of the level of the target language to be mastered; therefore, an adequate motivation construct should incorporate a time-factor as well.

Gardner (1988, p.121) states: "It has also been suggested that attitudinal/ motivational variables may play a greater role in learning French in Canada because of the official status of French as a second language than they might play with learning other languages in other contexts. Although a possible explanation, it tends to ignore the great diversity across Canada of the immediate relevance of the French language to many people." Indeed, the Canadian context cannot be considered uniform because in many parts of the country exposure to French is very infrequent. Still we believe that due to the politico-linguistic status of French, there is a basic difference between learning French in any part of Canada and learning, for example, Swedish in the same context, the latter being a truly non-SLA process. 2 Although focusing on motivated students limits the sample of learners, this research design was followed for the following reason: The objective of the survey was to determine motivational components through exploratory factor analysis rather than to examine the different effects of motivated versus unmotivated learning behaviors. Thus data obtained from learners with a higher average level of motivation were considered to convey more useful information about the nature of motivated predispositions than would data collected from weakly or unevenly motivated samples. 3 The reason for not using the more common minimum-eigenvalue criterion of 1.0 was that in doing so the sixth and seventh factors having eigenvalues of .96 and .95, respectively, would have been excluded. This did not seem reasonable because the difference between the fifth factor (with an eigenvalue of 1.09) and these factors was only 0.8% with regards to the variance they explained. On the other hand, after the first seven factors there was a gap, with the next factor having an eigenvalue of only .75. 4 Because the aim of the analysis was to detect differences in one direction only, that is, when intermediate learners are superior, one-tailed tests of significance were appropriate. 5 They were in the fourth and fifth terms of their instruction, that is, they had had about 300-380 lessons. Students in the language school in question normally take the intermediate State language exam, which is considered to represent the minimum professional functioning proficiency, at the end of the sixth term at the earliest.


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13. Strong commitment to learning (Cronbach a=.52)
There would be a serious gap in my life if I couldn't learn English.


8. Negative opinion about own aptitude (Cronbach a=.63)

I think I have a good sense for languages. (-)
I think language learning is more difficult for me than for the average learner.

I believe that I'll be able to learn English to an extent that satisfies me.
At present learning English is one of the most important things to me.

9. Bad learning experiences (Cronbach o=.47)

I've had some bad experiences with learning languages. I think I belong to the class of learners who can completely lose their interest in learning if they have a bad teacher.

14. English is a bridge to other cultures and peoples

English proficiency is important to me because it will allow me to get to know various cultures and peoples.

10. Urge to learn English coming from a workplace (Cronbach a=.77)

My colleagues usually speak a foreign language on at least an intermediate level.

15. English is a new challenge

Studying English is important to me because it offers a new challenge in my life, which has otherwise become a bit monotonous.

My bosses expect me to learn English.

Without English proficiency I cannot expect a promotion.

11. English is needed for high professional reputation (Cronbach a=.42)

The prominent members of my profession speak English on

16. Desire to spend some time abroad

I am learning English because I would like to spend a longer period abroad.

at least an intermediate level. English proficiency is important to me because it is indispensable for establishing an international reputation.

17. State language exam is indispensable for some pragmatic reason

It is indispensable for me to take the State language exam in order to achieve a specific goal (e.g., to get a degree or scholarship).

12. Desire to take the intermediate State language exam (Cronbach a=.50)
I would like to take the intermediate level State language exam. Taking the State language exam does not play an important role in my learning English. (-)

18. Desire to take the advanced State language exam

I'd like to take the advanced level language State exam in English.


Language Learning
Table A-l

Vol. 40, No. 1

Pearson Product-Moment Correlations Between the Two Sets of Factors for Subgroups Obtained by Breaking Down the Sample by

Language Learning 40:1, March 1990, pp. 79-105

Level and Sex

Instrumentality .44** intermediate .17 .34* female male .31* beginner -.08 intermediate -.02 -.04 female male .10 beginner PSLU CSLU RNP .08 -.08 -.01 -.05 .04 -.08 .05 -.15 .09 .04 .14 -.03 .12 -.17 -.19 .31* .09 .21 .13 .25 .29* .08 .16 .20

Problems of Speech Act Theory From an Applied Perspective*

John Flowerdew
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman University of Southampton
Speech act theory has been very influential in a number of fields, including applied linguistics. However, there remain a number of fundamental problems within the theory. These concern (1) how many speech acts there are; (2) indirect speech acts and the concept of literal force; (3) the size of speech act realization forms; (4) the contrast between specific and diffuse acts; (5) discrete categories versus scale of meaning; (6) the relation between locution, illocution, and interaction; and (7) the relation between the whole and the parts in a discourse. This paper discusses these problems and asks to what extent they undermine attempts to apply speech act theory in the field of language pedagogy. In addition, consideration is given to the question of whether future development in speech act theory is likely to offer the possibility of further advances in application.

Need for achievement

.07 .05 .29* -.27* .28* -.29* .05 .05 .32* -.11 .17 .32* .08 .18 .46*** .04 .16 .16 .11 -.02 .03 .06 .29* -.06 -.03 -.09 .13 -.35* .17 .31** .23 .29* -.03 -.01 -.19 .29*

Interest in foreign .04 languages and cultures beginner intermediate -.26* female -.09 -.04 male
Desire for knowledge and values associated with English

Bad learning experiences

-.13 intermediate .12 -.02 female male -.03 beginner .12 intermediate .06 female .08 male .13

.55*** -.07 .17 -.24 .14 -.14 .57***-.17 .17 .11 .14 .18 .18 .18 .21 .13 -.23 -.18 -.26* -.20 -.01 -.07 -.01 -.08

Desire to spend some time abroad

beginner intermediate

Language learning is a new challenge

female male -.17 beginner intermediate -.06 .00 female male -.15

.17 .32** .20 .16

ILU=Instrumental Language Use; PSLU=Passive Sociocultural Language Use; CSLU=Cotnmunicative Sociocultural Language Use; RNP=Reading for Nonprofessional Purposes; *p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001

* This is a revised version of a paper, Speech acts, communicative competence and language teaching, presented at the joint BAAL/AAAL seminar Communicative Competence Revisited, held at the University of Warwick, 8-10 July, 1988. Requests for reqrints may be sent to John Flowerdew, The Language Centre, Sultan Qaboos University, Post Office Box 32493, Al-Khod, Muscat, Sultinate of Oman.


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