Pre Hospital Emergency Care KPIs

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This report discusses key performance indicators for emergency response times in pre-hospital emergency care in Ireland. It reviews international standards, provides recommendations, and outlines next steps.

The purpose of this report by the Health Information and Quality Authority is to advise and make recommendations to the Minister for Health and Children, and the Health Service Executive on appropriate key performance indicators for emergency response times in pre-hospital emergency care in Ireland.

This report was published by the Health Information and Quality Authority, an independent authority established to drive continuous improvement in Ireland’s health and social care services.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times
November 2010

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

About the Health Information and Quality Authority

The Health Information and Quality Authority is the independent Authority which has been established to drive continuous improvement in Irelands health and social care services. The Authority was established as part of the Governments overall Health Service Reform Programme. The Authoritys mandate extends across the quality and safety of the public, private (within its social care function) and voluntary sectors. Reporting directly to the Minister for Health and Children, the Health Information and Quality Authority has statutory responsibility for: Setting Standards for Health and Social Services Developing person centred standards, based on evidence and best international practice, for health and social care services in Ireland (except mental health services) Social Services Inspectorate Registration and inspection of residential homes for children, older people and people with disabilities. Inspecting children detention schools and foster care services. Monitoring day and pre-school facilities1 Monitoring Healthcare Quality Monitoring standards of quality and safety in our health services and investigating as necessary serious concerns about the health and welfare of service users Health Technology Assessment Ensuring the best outcome for the service user by evaluating the clinical and economic effectiveness of drugs, equipment, diagnostic techniques and health promotion activities Health Information Advising on the collection and sharing of information across the services, evaluating information and publishing information about the delivery and performance of Irelands health and social care services

The Health Information and Quality Authority is a signatory of Patient Safety First - an awareness raising initiative through which healthcare organisations declare their commitment to patient safety. Through participation in this initiative, those involved aspire to play their part in improving the safety and quality of healthcare services. This commitment is intended to create momentum for positive change towards increased patient safety.

Not all parts of the relevant legislation, the Health Act 2007, have yet been commenced.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Table of contents
Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Pre-hospital emergency care services in Ireland 3. Key performance indicators 4. Pre-hospital emergency care response-time indicators 5. Methodology 6. Summary of international review 7. Conclusions 8. Recommendations 9. Next steps 10. References Appendices Appendix 1 Overview of the findings in relation to response and response times in other jurisdictions Appendix 2 Key performance indicators for response times 4 11 12 15 15 16 17 19 22 25 26 27 27 31

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Executive Summary
1. Introduction The purpose of this report by the Health Information and Quality Authority (the Authority) is to advise and make recommendations to the Minister for Health and Children, and the Health Service Executive (HSE), under section 8(1)j of the Health Act 2007(1), on the introduction of key performance indicators for national pre-hospital emergency care response times. The current absence of such indicators has been identified by the Authority as a gap in the information available in respect of the safety and quality of services. Pre-hospital emergency care is the emergency care provided to a patient before transfer to a hospital or appropriate healthcare facility. Safe, high quality outcomes for patients in this care setting depends upon the most appropriately trained person with the necessary equipment attending the emergency incident within an acceptable timeframe. Many jurisdictions internationally have introduced response-time indicators with associated targets as a way of monitoring performance and driving improvements in this area. This report makes a number of recommendations, including six key performance indicators for response times, and two response-time data collection points, in order to address the gaps in information in the current system. The Authority recommends to the Minister for Health and Children that these key performance indicators are introduced from January 2011 in a phased approach, with public reporting on a number of them from the middle of 2011. The Authority has undertaken a consultation on Draft National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare (2). These standards set out the principles of high quality safe healthcare. They enable service providers to develop and implement quality and safety objectives and improvement programmes to achieve these objectives for the benefit of patients. One of the key principles in the national standards is that service providers should continuously monitor the quality and safety of their services. This requires service providers to implement performance monitoring using appropriate and relevant measures including key performance indicators. 2. Pre-hospital emergency care services in Ireland Ambulance services, including pre-hospital emergency care, in Ireland are provided by the National Ambulance Service (NAS) of the HSE with the exception of Dublin City where emergency ambulance services are currently provided by Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB). In the health boards that existed prior to the establishment of the HSE there was, and has continued to be, a multiplicity of systems and processes for ambulance services. 4

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Currently, the National Ambulance Service of the HSE is undergoing a process of modernization and development which includes: reducing the number of control centres (which process calls and deploy ambulance resources), introducing a medical priority dispatch system and investment in information technology. The roll-out of an Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System (AMPDS) nationally is a key development for the service and it will allow for the systematic categorisation and prioritisation of calls to the Ambulance Service control centre according to the clinical urgency of patients conditions. 3. Key performance indicators The Authority has previously published guidance on the development of key performance indicators (KPIs) which are available on the Authoritys website, The Authority took cognisance of this guidance when developing response-time indicators for pre-hospital emergency care. 4. Pre-hospital emergency care response-time indicators Response-time indicators are used in many countries as one means of evaluating the quality of the services delivered by pre-hospital emergency care providers. Such indicators provide a valuable source of information when used in conjunction with clinical indicators that focus on patient outcomes(4). 5. Methodology In developing these recommendations the Authority conducted a comprehensive review of international practices in relation to pre-hospital emergency care services and associated KPIs. The Authority also actively engaged with key stakeholders, including an expert advisory group on pre-hospital emergency care, to ensure that the initiative was informed by current work, expertise and views from both a national and international perspective. 6. Summary of international review The findings of this review found that international practice indicates that many jurisdictions use similar KPIs of an 8-minute (or 7 minutes and 59 seconds) response time for first responders to attend to a life-threatening incident. The response-time indicators used for patient-carrying vehicles (for example an ambulance) to attend the patient varied depending on the country or regions within countries. Some countries used a standardised time of 19 minutes and other countries graded that time depending on the population of the area (urban or rural). However, some jurisdictions are moving away from using response-time indicators for these latter categories in favour of clinical outcome indicators.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

7. Conclusions Based on the evidence and experience from other jurisdictions, the Authority concludes that the development and implementation of response-time indicators and associated targets for Clinical Status 1 calls (life threatening) will drive changes in the quality and safety of pre-hospital emergency care in Ireland. Implementing these KPIs is likely to require significant changes in the organisation and deployment of ambulance services in order to ensure that patients with the most serious emergencies receive the fastest onthe-scene response. However, this may mean that patients with less urgent needs (for example, non-life threatening injuries) will wait longer for an on-the-scene response. Experience in other jurisdictions indicates that introducing response-time indicators and targets drives quality and improvement in the service but it takes time for the service to work towards meeting the targets that have been set. It is anticipated that this will also be the case in Ireland. To ensure that the service is moving towards meeting the targets set, service providers should put in place progressive and ambitious objectives, with associated monitoring, to meet the recommended targets. The introduction of response-time indicators is also dependent on the successful roll-out of AMPDS across the National Ambulance Service, as well as appropriate data collection and information management systems. While the information provided should be standardised across the service, it is recognised that for historical reasons there is variation in the capabilities of the different data collection and information management systems currently in place across the country. This will mean that some parts of the service will require more time than others to develop the necessary systems. However, to drive change in the quality and safety of the service it is important that data is collected and utilised to continue to improve services as soon as is practically possible. Response-time indicators can drive change in a system that is in the early stages of developing performance indicators. However, they should not be used in isolation and there should be a focus from the outset on identifying clinical outcome indicators for patients. The HSEs clinical care programme for emergency medicine is focusing on the development of a range of indicators including clinical outcomes for patients. The Authority will keep this under review and will continue to liaise with the relevant clinical programme lead as this work develops. The Draft National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2) set out the principles of a competent workforce providing a high quality safe service, including a timely and clinically appropriate response. This can be achieved, amongst other measures, through the deployment of an appropriately trained and competent workforce to an incident, such as advanced paramedics being deployed to calls where an advanced paramedic is the recommended response. The Authority recognises that an appropriate and timely response time is impacted on by a number of factors, including a timely handover of patient care from an ambulance crew to emergency department staff in an acute

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

hospital. The HSE clinical care programme for emergency medicine is developing measures in relation to ambulance turn-around times (that is, from the time a patient is safely handed over to emergency department staff until the ambulance is ready to respond to the next emergency call), and the Authority will continue to work with the HSE on these developments. This report includes a number of recommendations which, when implemented, will assist in the delivery of high quality, safe pre-hospital emergency care. This report should be read in conjunction with the finalised National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2). 8. Recommendations The recommendations to the Minister for Health and Children and the Health Service Executive are as follows. Detailed data-sets incorporating the necessary definitions (see Appendix 2 of this report) are provided to the National Ambulance Service to support each of the KPIs.

Recommendation 1
The following response-time key performance indicators, and their associated targets, should be implemented by the emergency ambulance service from January 2011. Data collection to support this implementation should also start from January 2011. A. Clinical Status 1 ECHO: Patients with life-threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest incidents are responded to by a first responder, which includes advanced paramedics, paramedics or cardiac first responders in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less in 75% of all cases. B. Clinical Status 1 DELTA : Patients with life-threatening conditions other than cardiac or respiratory arrest incidents are responded to by a first responder which includes advanced paramedics, paramedics or emergency first responders in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less in 75% of all cases. Reporting Service providers should commence public reporting of these indicators from the middle of 2011.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Recommendation 2
Where data collection and information systems are already in place, emergency ambulance services should collect data from January 2011 on the following key performance indicators. In parallel, data collection and information systems should be developed by the National Ambulance Service to allow collection and processing of this data across the country as soon as possible. C. Clinical Status 1 ECHO calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. D. Clinical Status 1 DELTA calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an ambulance service control room. An example includes a CEN* B compliant double-crewed fully equipped ambulance.
* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

Reporting Service providers should collect data in relation to these indicators and the Authority will coordinate a review of this data after six months with a view to providing the Minister for Health and Children with further advice, if required, on the definition of the indicators and the associated targets.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Recommendation 3
Where data collection and information systems are already in place, emergency ambulance services should collect data from January 2011 on the following key performance indicators. In parallel, data collection and information systems should be developed by the National Ambulance Service to allow collection and processing of this data across the country as soon as possible. E. Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. F. Clinical Status 2 BRAVO calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. Reporting Service providers should collect data in relation to these indicators and the Authority will coordinate a review of this data after 12 months with a view to providing the Minister for Health and Children with further advice, if required, on the definition of the indicators and the associated targets.

Recommendation 4
Service providers should collect quality service indicators to monitor performance against the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2). The following key pre-hospital emergency care quality performance indicator data should be collected and reviewed by the service providers: G. The percentage of Clinical Status 1 calls for which the recommended response is an advanced paramedic to which an advanced paramedic is deployed. The following response-time data should be collected and reviewed by the service providers: H. The number of OMEGA calls received and the type of response deployed to the call.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Recommendation 5
Service providers put in place progressive and ambitious objectives to meet the recommended targets including clear timeframes for achieving this.

Recommendation 6
Future development of key performance indicators for emergency care should include clinical outcomes for patients.

9. Next steps A number of these recommended KPIs have already been incorporated into the 2011 HSE Service Plan. This will help to ensure that these KPIs are embedded into the planning and delivery of ambulance services and that the KPIs are collected and reported on a routine basis in 2011. The Authority will work with the Department of Health and Children and the HSE to review the data collected after a period of 6 and 12 months to determine the definition of the indicators recommended and the application of targets where appropriate. This will be subject to review and the Authority may vary the timelines for reporting at any point. The Authority will liaise with relevant clinical professionals through the HSEs Clinical Care Programmes to further develop key emergency care performance indicators. Subject to Ministerial approval of the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2), the Authority will commence monitoring compliance with the Standards during 2011 and will incorporate pre-hospital emergency care services in this process.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority


Pre-hospital emergency care is the emergency care provided to a patient before transfer to a hospital or appropriate healthcare facility. Safe, high quality outcomes for patients in this care setting depends upon the most appropriately trained person with the necessary equipment attending the emergency incident within an acceptable timeframe. Many jurisdictions internationally have introduced response-time indicators with associated targets as a way of monitoring performance and driving improvements in this area. Internationally, emergency medical services moved towards standardised time-based pre-hospital emergency care responses which drove changes in the quality and safety of pre-hospital emergency care for patients. International evidence would also indicate that, although time-based indicators were an initial driver of change, they should not be looked at in isolation but as part of a wider focus on the clinical outcomes for patients. Setting indicators and targets provides service users, service providers and the public with information on what a timely and appropriate response is. Monitoring and publicly reporting on performance provides information on how well the service is performing and it also promotes public accountability as to the level of performance of pre-hospital emergency care services. Under sections 8(1)i and j of the Health Act 2007 (the Act)(1) the Health Information and Quality Authority (the Authority) has the function of evaluating information available in relation to health and social care services and providing advice and recommendations to the Minister for Health and Children and the Health Service Executive (HSE) about deficiencies in that information. The purpose of this report is to advise and make recommendations to the Minister and the HSE, under section 8(1)j of the Act(1), on the introduction of national pre-hospital emergency care response-time key performance indicators, having identified the current absence of such indicators as a gap in the information available in respect of the safety and quality of services. The need for performance measures in emergency care has been recognised in numerous national reports including the report of the Health Boards Executive (2004)(5) and more recently the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (2009)(6). The National Cardiovascular Health Policy 2010-2019 (7) highlights the importance of the strategic deployment of advanced paramedics and a rapid response to deliver timely acute cardiovascular care. To progress these performance measures further, ongoing discussions have taken place between the Authority, Department of Health and Children (DoHC), HSE and other key stakeholders.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

This report makes a number of recommendations, including six key performance indicators for response times, and two response-time data collection points, in order to address the gaps in information in the current system. The Authority recommends to the Minister for Health and Children that these key performance indicators are introduced from January 2011 in a phased approach, with public reporting on a number of them from mid 2011. Under sections 8(1)b and c of the Act(1), the Authority also has the function of setting and monitoring standards for safety and quality. The Authority has undertaken a consultation on Draft National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare (2). These standards set out the principles of high quality safe healthcare. They enable service providers to develop and implement quality and safety objectives and improvement programmes to achieve these objectives for the benefit of patients. One of the key principles in the national standards is that service providers should continuously monitor the quality and safety of their services. This requires service providers to implement performance monitoring using appropriate and relevant measures including key performance indicators. This is a fundamental component of a reliable health service without which, the ability to effectively manage resources to meet the needs and priorities of service users cannot be realised. Following discussions with the Department of Health and Children and the HSE, the Authority initiated a project to develop time-based indicators for pre-hospital emergency care. An expert advisory group for pre-hospital emergency care was convened to advise at key stages during the project. The Authority would like to thank the members of the advisory group, and all other stakeholders, who advised and supported it in the development of these indicators. This report goes on to describe the process followed by the Authority in developing these proposed indicators.

Pre-hospital emergency care services in Ireland

Ambulance services in Ireland, including pre-hospital emergency care, are provided by the National Ambulance Service (NAS) of the HSE with the exception of Dublin City where emergency ambulance services are currently provided by Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB). DFB receive funding from the HSE for the provision of this service. In Ireland, pre-hospital emergency care services can potentially involve any of the following: ambulance services, fire service, primary care, emergency departments, Irish Coastguard, community responders, An Garda Sochna, Red Cross, Irish Defence Forces, Navy and search and rescue (SAR) services.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

The Pre-hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) is the national body with responsibility for the professional regulation of ambulance personnel and education and training in the area of pre-hospital emergency care in Ireland. It sets the education standards and conducts the examinations leading to the National Qualification in Emergency Medical Technology (NQEMT). PHECC also maintain a statutory register of pre-hospital emergency care practitioners. In the health boards that existed prior to the establishment of the HSE there was, and has continued to be, a multiplicity of systems and processes for ambulance services. Currently, the National Ambulance Service of the HSE is undergoing a process of modernization and development which includes: reducing the number of control centres (these centres process calls and deploy ambulance resources) from 10 to an eventual target of two centres nationally the introduction and roll-out across the HSE of a medical priority dispatch system version 12.1 Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System (AMPDS). This system facilitates the prioritisation of emergency calls to match the appropriate response by the ambulance service to the clinical need of the patient(s), based on the information provided by the caller other investment in the information technology and other infrastructure of the National Ambulance Service. 2.1 Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System The rollout of AMPDS nationally is a key development for the Service and will allow for systematic categorisation and prioritisation of calls according to the clinical urgency of patients condition. Other jurisdictions have used time-based response indicators to drive improved performance for certain categories of call, and the absence of such indicators would be regarded by the Authority as a fundamental gap in the information available for monitoring safety and quality. The introduction of response-time indicators is dependent on the successful implementation of AMPDS across the National Ambulance Service. The AMPDS call prioritisation categories being introduced in Ireland are set out in Table 1 on the next page. This project focused on developing time-based indicators and where appropriate, associated targets, for these call categories.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Table 1: AMPDS call categories Category Clinical Status 1 ECHO Clinical Status 1 DELTA Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE Description Patients who are in cardiac or respiratory arrest. Patients with life-threatening conditions other than cardiac or respiratory arrest. Patients with serious but not life-threatening conditions which require an immediate response. Patients with serious but not life-threatening conditions which require an urgent response. Patients with non-serious or life threatening conditions. Patients with a minor illness or injury.

Clinical Status 2 BRAVO Clinical Status 3 ALPHA Clinical Status 3 OMEGA

2.2 First responder services in Ireland A first responder is a person, trained as a minimum in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator, who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency. This response may be by the National Ambulance Service or complementary to it. A community first responder is a first responder, usually (but not exclusively) a lay person, who makes himself or herself available to be dispatched to attend an incident. Historically, a number of community first responder schemes have been established in Ireland. Further definitions of the types of first responders can be found in Appendix 2.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Key performance indicators

The Authority has previously published guidance on the development of key performance indicators which are available on the Authoritys website, The Authority took cognisance of this guidance when developing response-time indicators for pre-hospital emergency care. Table 2 highlights the key points to be taken into consideration when developing KPIs: Table 2: Key elements of key performance indicators Key elements of key performance indicators Key performance indicators are specific and measurable elements of practice that can be used to assess quality of care(3). Indicators are intended to draw attention to areas that require further investigation and are not direct measures of the quality of care. Key performance indicators can be related to structure (healthcare environment), process (the way in which care is delivered) or outcome (the effects of care delivered)(8). All three elements are linked to each other and thus measuring one element in isolation is not sufficient to evaluate fundamental quality(9). Composite indicators comprise of a number of indicators, sometimes including different types such as structure, process and outcome indicators, which together present an impression of the quality of a certain service. Examples of key performance indicators for pre-hospital emergency care Structure Process Outcome Example: deployment of Example: response-time Example: survival for a the most appropriate indicators for specific patient after an acute personnel and resource to categories of emergency myocardial infarction (heart an emergency call. calls. attack).

Pre-hospital emergency care response-time indicators

Pre-hospital emergency care is an integral part of any healthcare system that exists to meet patients emergency healthcare needs. An effective pre-hospital emergency response involves ensuring that the most appropriately trained person attends the emergency incident to establish what the patients requirements are, initiate treatment in a timely way, and if required, manage the scene of an emergency and provide or organise the transportation of a patient(s) to a hospital. Response-time indicators are used in many countries as one means of evaluating the quality of the services delivered by pre-hospital emergency care providers. Such


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

indicators provide a valuable source of information but need to be developed in conjunction with clinical indicators that focus on patient outcomes(4). Prioritising emergency calls facilitates the most appropriate and timely response to meet the patients needs and allows the prioritised deployment of ambulances to potentially life-threatening calls more urgently than less serious calls. By using a medical priority dispatch system, calls can be prioritised, the appropriate response sent and telephone advice may be given to the caller while an ambulance is on its way to the scene of the emergency. The evidence of clinical benefits for patients associated with shorter response times is strongest for patients who are in cardiac arrest but evidence also suggests that a timely pre-hospital emergency team response and transfer to an acute centre for acute medical events, such as a stroke, will improve patient outcomes. It is critical that national indicators are supported by local operational indicators to provide information at a local level to inform practice. The successful implementation of response-time indicators will require the measurement of all of the time-based steps that make up a pre-hospital emergency response by including vital processes such as call connection time, time to ascertain the location of an emergency and the chief complaint of the patient, mobilisation time and time from the scene to hospital. This will also require a move towards organising the ambulance resources based on the most probable predicted locations for emergency calls, where feasible, and therefore a more dynamic approach to providing such a service.


A comprehensive review of international practices in relation to pre-hospital emergency care services and KPIs was undertaken. The Authority also actively engaged with key stakeholders, to ensure that the indicators were informed by current work, expertise and views from both a national and international perspective. Stakeholder engagement involved the advice of a pre-hospital emergency care advisory group which included representation from: National Ambulance Service Dublin Fire Brigade Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council primary and secondary care clinicians Health Service Executive Department of Health and Children patient advocacy group. In addition, the Authority consulted and met with experts from other jurisdictions in the United Kingdom. A detailed review of available evidence and international experience

Guidelines for Management of Ischaemic Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack 2008. The European Stroke

Organization (ESO) Executive Committee and the ESO Writing Committee (2008).


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

was conducted to inform the development process. This methodology identified key areas for measurement in pre-hospital emergency care services. Based on the learning from other jurisdictions, and the capabilities of current data collection processes within the ambulance service, an incremental introduction of KPIs in pre-hospital emergency services was proposed.

Summary of international review

This section summarises the key points identified following the review process. Through engaging with stakeholders, and based on international evidence, the importance of appropriately qualified personnel responding in a timely manner to a life-threatening event was highlighted as the primary area for the development of KPIs. The driving rationale for this initial focus is that a timely pre-hospital emergency team response for acute medical events such as respiratory, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular emergencies and trauma will improve the outcomes for patients (10). The use of time-based indicators is widespread as a means of driving and measuring improvement. However, the evidence for clinical benefits for patients associated with shorter response times is strongest for patients who are in a cardiac arrest. This review found that international practice indicates that many jurisdictions use similar KPIs of an 8-minute (or 7 minutes and 59 seconds) response time for first responders to attend to a life-threatening incident. The response-time indicators used for patientcarrying vehicles (such as an ambulance) to attend the patient varied depending on the country or regions within countries. Some jurisdictions used a standardised time of 19 minutes while other countries graded that time depending on the population of the area (whether urban or rural). The findings are summarised in Table 3 for Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England as emergency services are paramedic led (similar to Ireland) and not physician led as is the case in some other jurisdictions. A more comprehensive summary of the international evidence is detailed in Appendix 1. Dispatch prioritisation is considered internationally as a prerequisite and essential element to providing an optimum emergency care service for patients and implementing any response-time indicator as it establishes the appropriate level of care including the urgency and type of response(11). The relationship between time and patient outcome is well documented though predominantly in relation to cardiac arrest(12). While responsetime indicators provide a valuable source of information, they need to be developed in conjunction with clinical performance indicators that focus on patient outcomes and therefore implementation of time-based indicators should be seen as a first step towards developing a more comprehensive range of indicators that will drive high quality and safe pre-hospital emergency care. Some countries are moving away from using response-time indicators for patient-carrying vehicles in favour of clinical outcome indicators.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Table 3: Response times for Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England Priority Dispatch Systems Category A (may be immediately life threatening) England* First responder: 8 minutes all areas Patient transport: 19 minutes to all areas from request for transport. Transport to be a fully equipped ambulance vehicle. Category B (serious but not immediately life threatening) Calls should receive an emergency response of a fully equipped ambulance vehicle at scene within 19 minutes.
*England plans to replace Category B response times with clinical outcome indicators in April 2011.

Wales First responder: 8 minutes all areas Patient transport: 14 (Cardiff), 18 (Powys, Ceredigion, Gwynedd and Anglesey), 21 minutes rest of Wales. Fully equipped ambulance must attend within 14/18/21 minutes depending on population density.

Scotland First responder.

Primary KPI:

8 minutes all areas Patient transport. transport of 19 minutes.

Northern Ireland First responder: 8 minutes all areas Patient transport: 18 minutes (rural) and 21 minutes (sparsely populated).

Secondary KPI: for

Calls are Calls responded to responded to within 18 within 14/19/21 minutes minutes (rural) and 21 minutes depending on (sparsely population populated). density.

Category C England and Northern Ireland only (not immediately serious or life threatening)

Determined locally e.g. aim to respond to call within one hour. May be able to offer assistance other than an ambulance

Calls responded to within 18 minutes (rural) and 21 minutes (sparsely populated).


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Given the less strong evidence for the clinical benefits of shorter response times for patient carrying vehicles (as opposed to the first response) where it is not the first response, some jurisdictions are considering moving towards introducing more clinical outcome oriented indicators.


7.1 Response-time indicators To drive continuous improvement in the quality and safety of healthcare, service providers should measure their performance against quality and safety standards using a range of metrics including structure, process and outcome indicators. Pre-hospital emergency care response-time indicators are widely used in the international arena as process indicators given that they are a fundamental requirement for a reliable emergency care system, and aim to provide the right service at the right time for patients. The implementation of a systematic call prioritisation system in Ireland is an opportune time to introduce these indicators. The evidence from the international literature, and engagement with experts in other jurisdictions, indicates that the introduction of response-time indicators and targets has driven quality and improvement in pre-hospital emergency care services. However, the evidence and experience also indicates that it takes time for services to work towards meeting the targets that have been set. Therefore, it is anticipated that this will also be the case in Ireland. To ensure that the service in Ireland is moving towards meeting the targets set, service providers should put in place progressive and ambitious objectives, with associated monitoring, to meet the recommended targets. In Ireland, monitoring and reporting against response-time indicators will also help service providers to demonstrate compliance with the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare, once mandated. Although the international literature offers evidence that a timely first-responder response has an impact on the clinical outcomes for Clinical Status 1 patients, in particular in the case of cardiac arrest, the evidence for the impact on patient outcomes of other response-time indicators, for example response times for patient-carrying vehicles, is not as strong. This means that, while it is important to drive improved performance in this area, the question of whether to set response-time indicators for patient-carrying vehicles and Clinical Status 2 and 3 calls is more open to debate. Based on the international evidence and experience, the Authority concludes that the development and implementation of response-time indicators and associated targets for Clinical Status 1 calls (life-threatening calls) will drive changes in the quality and safety of pre-hospital emergency care in Ireland. Implementing these KPIs is likely to require significant changes in the organisation and deployment of ambulance services in order 19

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

to ensure that the most serious emergency cases receive the fastest on-the-scene response. However, this may mean less urgent cases (for example, non-life threatening injuries) may need to wait longer for an on-the-scene ambulance response. Given that response times for patient-carrying vehicles are more complex and the evidence for their clinical effectiveness is not as robust, the Authority concludes that to ensure that an appropriate time-based indicator and target is set, data on these particular response-time indicators should be collected and reviewed for a set period of time. Rapid-response vehicles and, in some areas community first responders, can often get to the scene faster than traditional ambulances. However, as community first responders are not trained to provide the full range of immediate life-saving care, and are not a substitute for ambulance response, dispatch of the two responses should be concurrent. As part of an emergency response network, all community first responders should be supported by the National Ambulance Service, suitably trained and hold a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator and attend regular refresher courses. They should be formally connected to a national ambulance control centre to enable prompt dispatch to emergency incidents, where applicable, and ongoing support and communications with the Ambulance Service. In developing performance indicators for emergency response times the Authority took into account the risks associated in their use. These included difficulties which arose in other jurisdictions regarding ambiguity over the definition in timing ambulance responses, a variation in recording the response times and poor data collection processes (13). Therefore, emergency response-time indicators developed by the Authority must be interpreted on the basis of the quality of the data and the definitions that constitute the indicator. The introduction of response-time indicators is also dependent on the successful implementation of AMPDS across the National Ambulance Service, as well as appropriate data collection systems for the key data points in the call-handling cycle. This will require the introduction of operational indicators to support national KPIs. These operational indicators include, but are not limited to, call-connection time, mobilisation time and time from the scene of the emergency to the hospital. While the information collected should be standardised across the service, it is recognised that due to the variation in the capabilities of the different systems currently in place, some parts of the service will require more time than others to develop the necessary data collection and information management systems. However, to drive change in the quality and safety of the service it is important that data is collected as soon as possible. Experience in Ireland and other jurisdictions is that following introduction of AMPDS or similar systems, there is a period of review and learning required in order to stabilise the


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

reliability of the data being collected. To facilitate service providers in validating the quality of their data the Authority recommends that there should be a period of six months before performance against any KPIs should be considered for publication. 7.2 Key performance indicators and clinical outcomes International experience and evidence supports the development of key performance indicators that are focused on outcomes for service users. Many countries, for example Scotland, although continuing to gather data on response-time indicators are moving towards indicators focused on clinical outcomes along a patient care pathway. Therefore, it can be concluded that although response-time indicators have a place in a system that is in the early stages of developing performance indicators there should be a focus, from the beginning, on clinical outcome indicators. The HSEs clinical care programme for emergency medicine is focusing on the development of a range of indicators including clinical outcomes and therefore it is proposed that the clinical programme is to be welcomed and that the Authority will liaise with the clinical programme lead to ensure this work is in keeping with the Authoritys views about KPIs in this area. The Authority will review its own Emergency Care KPIs project in the light of this national initiative. 7.3 Other quality indicators There are quality indicators, other than response-time indicators, that should be used by service providers to monitor their performance and to provide evidence of compliance with the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare (2). It is important that responsetime indicators are not collected and monitored in isolation. Experience from other jurisdictions is that if this is the case, there may be unintended adverse consequences for example if providers focus on meeting the response-time KPIs at the cost of ensuring the staff deployed have the right skills and competence to treat patients appropriately when they arrive. The Draft National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2) set out the principles of a competent workforce providing a high quality safe service, including a timely and clinically appropriate response. This can be achieved, amongst other measures, through the deployment of an appropriately trained and competent workforce to an incident, such as advanced paramedics being deployed to calls where an advanced paramedic is the recommended response. The Authority recognises the importance of the need to collect, monitor and report on this quality indicator and anticipates that it will use such data as part of its compliance monitoring in relation to the Standards. Therefore the data for this quality indicator should be collected and reviewed by the service provider.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

The Authority recognises that an appropriate and timely response time is impacted on by a number of factors, including a timely handover of patient care from an ambulance crew to emergency department staff in an acute hospital. This has been highlighted by our advisory group as a particular issue for the Ambulance Service in Ireland. The current challenges around this transfer process are recognised but it is a multi-factorial issue and requires the involvement of a number of different services and stakeholders. The HSEs clinical care programme for emergency medicine, which is multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral, is developing measures in relation to turnaround times and the Authority will liaise accordingly with that group to explore how best to address this issue.


Better Healthcare

This report includes a number of recommendations which, when implemented, will assist in the delivery of high quality, safe pre-hospital emergency care services. This report should be read in conjunction with the finalised National Standards for Safer

For the purpose of the attainment by the National Ambulance Service of these KPIs, a first responder (see Appendix 2 of this report) is defined as a person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who: is suitably trained and holds a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator attends regular refresher courses is formally networked with a national ambulance control centre. Detailed data-sets incorporating the necessary definitions (see Appendix 2 of this report) are provided to the National Ambulance Service to support each of the KPIs.

Recommendation 1
The following response-time key performance indicators, and their associated targets, should be implemented by the emergency ambulance service from January 2011. Data collection to support this implementation should also start from January 2011. A. Clinical Status 1 ECHO: Patients with life-threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest incidents are responded to by a first responder, which includes advanced paramedics, paramedics or cardiac first responders in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less in 75% of all cases.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

B. Clinical Status 1 DELTA : Patients with life-threatening conditions other than cardiac or respiratory arrest incidents are responded to by a first responder which includes advanced paramedics, paramedics or emergency first responders in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less in 75% of all cases. Reporting Service providers should commence public reporting of these indicators from the middle of 2011.

Recommendation 2
Where data collection and information systems are already in place, emergency ambulance services should collect data from January 2011 on the following key performance indicators. In parallel, data collection and information systems should be developed by the National Ambulance Service to allow collection and processing of this data across the country as soon as possible. C. Clinical Status 1 ECHO calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. D. Clinical Status 1 DELTA calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an ambulance service control room. An example includes a CEN* B compliant double crewed fully equipped ambulance.
*CEN Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

Reporting Service providers should collect data in relation to these indicators and the Authority will coordinate a review of this data after six months with a view to providing the Minister for Health and Children with further advice, if required, on the definition of the indicators and the associated targets.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Recommendation 3
Where data collection and information systems are already in place, emergency ambulance services should collect data from January 2011 on the following key performance indicators. In parallel, data collection and information systems should be developed by the National Ambulance Service to allow collection and processing of this data across the country as soon as possible. E. Clinical Status 2 - CHARLIE calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. F. Clinical Status 2 BRAVO calls should have a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident within 18 minutes 59 seconds. Reporting Service providers should collect data in relation to these indicators and the Authority will coordinate a review of this data after 12 months with a view to providing the Minister for Health and Children with further advice on the definition of the indicators and the associated targets.

Recommendation 4
Service providers should collect quality service indicators to monitor performance against the draft National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2). The following key pre-hospital emergency care quality performance indicator data should be collected and reviewed by the service providers: G. The percentage of Clinical Status 1 calls for which the recommended response is an advanced paramedic to which an advanced paramedic is deployed. The following response-time data should be collected and reviewed by the service providers: H. The number of OMEGA calls received and the type of response deployed to the call.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Recommendation 5
Service providers put in place progressive and ambitious objectives to meet the recommended targets including clear timeframes for achieving this.

Recommendation 6
Future development of key performance indicators for emergency care should include clinical outcomes for patients.

Next steps

A number of these recommended KPIs have already been incorporated into the 2011 HSE Service Plan. This will help to ensure that these KPIs are embedded into the planning and delivery of ambulance services and that the KPIS are collected and reported on a routine basis in 2011. The Authority will work with the Department of Health and Children and the HSE to review the data collected after a period of 6 and 12 months to determine the definition of the indicators recommended and the application of targets where appropriate. This will be subject to review and the Authority may vary the timelines for reporting at any point. The Authority will liaise with relevant clinical professionals through the HSEs Clinical Care Programmes to further develop key emergency care performance indicators. Subject to Ministerial approval of the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare(2), the Authority will commence monitoring compliance with the Standards during 2011 and will incorporate pre-hospital emergency care services in this process.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority



1. Health Act 2007. Dublin: The Stationery Office; 2007. 2. Health Information and Quality Authority. Draft National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare. Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority; 2010. 3. Health Information and Quality Authority. Guidance on Developing Key Performance Indicators and Minimum Data Sets to Monitor Healthcare Quality. Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority; 2010. 4. OMeara, P. A generic performance framework for ambulance services: an Australian health services perspective. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care. 2005; 3(3). Available online from: Accessed on: 22 November 2010. 5. Health Boards Executive. Introduction of Emergency Medical Technician Advanced (EMT-A) in the Irish Ambulance Service Report. Dublin: The Health Boards Executive; 2004. 6. Comptroller and Auditor General. Health Service Executive Emergency Departments. Dublin: The Stationery Office; 2009. 7. Department of Health and Children. Changing Cardiovascular Health: National Cardiovascular Health Policy 2010-2019. Dublin: Department of Health and Children; 2010. 8. Boyce, N, McNeil, J, Graves, D and Dunt, D. Quality and Outcome Indicators for Acute Healthcare Services. Melbourne: Department of Health; 1997. 9. Postema, T. Quality Assessment: Process or Outcome? Quality Digest. 26 October 2005. Available online from: Accessed on: 22 November 2010. 10. World Health Organization. Pre-hospital Trauma Care Systems. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2005. 11. Clawson, J, et al. Use of warning lights and siren in emergency medical vehicle response and patient transport. Pre-hospital Disaster Medicine. 1994;9(2): pp336. 12. Turner, J, et al. The Costs and Benefits of Changing Ambulance Service Response Time Performance Standards. Sheffield: University of Sheffield; 2006. 13. Bevan, B and Hambin, R. Hitting and missing targets by ambulance services for emergency calls: Effects of different systems of performance measurement within the United Kingdom. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 2009;172(1): pp1-30.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Appendix 1 Overview of the findings in relation to response and response times in other jurisdictions
Category Category A Category descriptor Presenting conditions, which may be immediately life threatening. England Response-time indicator Responded to within 8 minutes irrespective of location in 75% of cases. A fully equipped ambulance should attend incidents within 19 minutes of the request for transport, 95% of the time, unless the control room decides that an ambulance is not required. Responding to 95% of calls within 19 minutes or less. For these calls the response-time standards are not set nationally but are locally determined. Some of these are dealt with by a clinical advisor within the accident and emergency control over the telephone. Scotland Response-time indicator Target time of 8 minutes 75% of the time. Target time of 14, 19 or 21 minutes 95% of the time. Response time to all emergency incidents (Island NHS Board areas) target time is 8 minutes 50% of the time. Other measures

Category B

Presenting conditions, which though serious are not immediately life threatening. Presenting conditions which are not immediately serious nor life threatening.

England plans to replace Category B response times with clinical outcome indicators in April 2011.

Category C

Category Category A

Category descriptor Life-threatening calls.

Other measures A secondary target of 14, 19 or 21 minutes is set for patient transport to a healthcare facility. Scottish Ambulance Service working with Scottish Government towards 19-minute target for all areas

Category B

Serious but not life threatening calls.

All emergency incidents at island boards.

All emergency incidents.


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Category Category A

Category descriptor Immediately lifethreatening condition/injury.

Wales Response-time indicator 65% of all Category A incidents across Wales must be responded to by a suitable responder within 8 minutes of the chief complaint being verified by the call-taker and a minimum level of 60% must be achieved in every Local Health Board area.

Other measures To be met on a monthby-month basis as well as on a year-to-date basis. The type of response can be a fully equipped ambulance, a rapid response vehicle (RRV), an emergency services co-responder, for instance fire and rescue service and the police, or a community first responder scheme.

Category A

95% of all Category A incidents must also be attended by a fully equipped emergency ambulance within a specified time of the start of the incident which is set at 14 minutes in Cardiff, 21 minutes in Powys, Ceredigion, Gwynned and Anglesey and 18 minutes elsewhere in Wales. Serious but not lifethreatening condition/injury. 95% of all Category B incidents must be attended by a fully equipped emergency ambulance within the 14/18/21 minute time period from the start of the incident.

Category B

Category C

Neither life threatening nor serious condition/injury. 95% of all urgent calls must be in hospital within 15 minutes of the time when the doctor specified that the patient should arrive.

Urgent calls


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Category Category A:

Category B:

Northern Ireland Category descriptor Response-time indicator Life threatening. Respond to 75% of calls within 8 minutes. Serious but not life Respond to 95% of calls threatening. within 18 minutes (rural) and 21 minutes (sparsely populated). Neither life threatening nor serious. Respond to 95% of calls within 18 minutes (rural) and 21 minutes (sparsely populated). Australia Victoria State Category descriptor Response-time indicator A time critical case with a Percentage of flashing-warning-lights emergency incidents and sirens ambulance responded to in 15 response. An example is a minutes. cardiac arrest or serious Percentage traffic accident. emergency incidents responded to in 15 minutes in centres with more than 7,500 population. An acute but non-time critical response. The ambulance does not use lights and sirens to respond. An example of this response code is a broken leg. A non-urgent routine case. These include cases such as a person with ongoing back pain but no recent injury. Australia Western Australia Category descriptor Response-time indicator Represents an emergency Response time target is to call. attend to 90% of emergency calls within 15 minutes. Represents an urgent call. Response time target is to attend to 90% of urgent calls within 25 minutes. Represents a non-urgent Response time target is to call. attend to 90% of nonurgent calls within 60 minutes.

Other measures

Category C:

Category Code 1

Other measures

Code 2

Code 3

Category Priority 1

Other measures

Priority 2 Priority 3


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Category Potentially lifethreatened patients

Australia New South Wales Category descriptor Response-time indicator Trained ambulance team has reached 50% of potentially life-threatened patients within 10 minutes and 90% within 20 minutes. Canada Ontario Category descriptor Response-time indicator 2 minute dispatch time + 6 minute sudden cardiac arrest first responder = 8 minutes. Patients need to be seen 2 minute dispatch time + by a physician 8 minute CTAS 1 immediately 98% of the ambulance response = 10 time. minutes. Category descriptor France Response-time indicator Current performance on is arrival at scene within 10 minutes, for 80% of responses, and within 15 minutes for 95% of responses. Norway Response-time indicator 12 minutes (in urban areas) or 20 minutes (in sparsely populated areas). Italy Response-time indicator 8 minutes or less.

Other measures

Category Sudden cardiac arrest CTAS* 1

*Canadian Triage Acuity Scale

Other measures

Category Emergency calls

Other measures

Category Emergency calls

Category descriptor

Other measures

Category Emergency calls Category Response 1 Response 2 Response 3

Category descriptor

Other measures

Hong Kong Response-time indicator Critical or life-threatening 9 minutes 92.5% of the cases. time. Serious but not life 12 minutes 92.5% of the threatening. time. Non-acute cases. 20 minutes 92.5% of the time. Category descriptor

Other measures


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Appendix 2 Key performance indicators for response times A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call

Indicator ID
Indicator title Target Flow Chart
Clock starts

Clinical Status 1 first responder

Response to Clinical Status 1 ECHO incidents by a first responder. 75% of Clinical Status 1 ECHO incidents which are responded to by a first responder in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less.

Clock stops

Call verification time

Indicator: response time first responder (in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less)

Verify: 1. Callers telephone number 2. Exact location of emergency 3. Chief complaint

Arrival at scene

Data definition

Clinical Status 1 ECHO calls: calls reporting an immediately life-threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest. First responder: an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room. A first responder is defined by the Authority as a person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who:

A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 31

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

is suitably trained and holds a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator attends regular refresher courses is formally networked with a national ambulance control centre. Cardiac first response (CFR): a cardiac first responder has completed Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Councils (PHECC) standard of education and training in cardiac first response (CFR) at the levels of CFR responder or CFR practitioner. The standard outlines the care management of major life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, foreign body airway obstruction and stroke and includes Aspirin administration. The CFR+ standard is designed, as an extra module to the CFR responder level course, for specific groups with a paediatric automated external defibrillation (AED) requirement. Its aim is to enable course participants to develop competency in AED use, including paediatric pads where available, on a child. The practitioner level CFR course is aimed at healthcare professionals/practitioners and includes additional skills such as oxygen use, pulse checks and two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Emergency first response (EFR): an emergency first responder (EFR) is a cardiac first responder who has in addition completed a five-day course designed for persons working as a non-transporting pre-hospital responder. The EFR is trained to recognise and assess common lifethreatening and common serious medical conditions. The PHECC Clinical Practice Guidelines authorise the EFR to administer oxygen and assist patients with the selfadministration of prescribed Salbutamol, GTN and glucose gel medications. For the trauma patient the EFRs scope of practice extends to manual stabilisation of the cervical spine and collar application. Occupational first aid (OFA): the occupational first aider is trained according the Health and Safety Authority and FETAC (Level 5) standard and is specific to the provision of first aid in a place of work in compliance with the Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of 2007). The OFA is trained to provide treatment for a A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 32

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

minor injury and preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until handover to an appropriate healthcare professional/practitioner. Emergency medical technician (EMT): an emergency medical technician is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at EMT level. Practitioners at this level are authorised to provide a range of medications by clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and registered medical practitioner instructions. The duration of education and training is five weeks and is designed to provide the EMT with the knowledge and skills for working primarily in patient transport services and in supporting the pre-hospital response to patients accessing the 999/112 emergency medical services. Paramedic (P): a paramedic is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at paramedic level. This is the minimum clinical level that is recommended to provide care and transport of an ill or injured patient following a 999/112 call. The paramedic is principally engaged in assessing patients needs, making informed clinical decisions, planning and administering procedures and medications and monitoring patients responses both on the scene and during transport. Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who has completed the PHECCs standard of education and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will have obtained a higher diploma from a recognised third level institution and have undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 33

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate. Verification time: the time required to determine the callers telephone number, the exact location of the incident and the nature of the chief complaint, by the call-taker in the ambulance service control room. Response time: in order to calculate the response time the clock starts when the call verification period is complete and the following details have been ascertained: callers telephone number exact location of the incident nature of the chief complaint. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident. Response time has three distinct phases, activation time, mobilisation time and running time.

Activation time: the time taken from call verification

completion to assigning a suitable first response to the incident.

completion to the mobilisation of that first response. mobilisation time to arriving at the scene. Numerator

Mobilisation time: the time taken from activation time Running time: the time taken from completion of
The total number of Clinical Status 1 ECHO emergency calls responded to in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less from the time a call is verified to the arrival of first responder at the scene of the incident.

A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 34

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Denominator Exclusion criteria

The total number of Clinical Status 1 ECHO calls received at the ambulance control room. Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response Caller disconnects before call verification is complete Caller refuses to give details Response cancelled before call verification is complete (e.g. patient recovers). AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 35

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Minimum dataset ID Data Element Name 1.1 Patient identifier 1.2 Incident number 1.3 Date and time of call to ambulance service


Data Element Options/Format

Unique identifier for the patient. Unique number for this incident. The precise moment (date and time) the call was answered by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. 1.4 Verification of call Indicate the time (date and time) date and time the call was verified by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. This is the time when the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and nature of the complaint are known by the calltaker in the ambulance control room. 1.5 Clinical status Indicate the patients clinical code status code.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

01 Clinical Status 1: Echo Life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest 02 Clinical Status 1: Delta Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest 03 Clinical Status 2: Charlie Serious not life threatening immediate 04 Clinical Status 2: Bravo Serious not life threatening urgent 05 Clinical Status 3: Alpha Non-serious or life threatening 06 Clinical Status 3: Omega Minor illness or injury 07 Unknown

A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 36

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

First responder (for Clinical Status 1 calls) Indicate if a first responder was 1.6 First responder dispatched to attend this incident. attending this A first responder is an incident appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the Ambulance Service control room. 1.7 First responder Indicate the type of first type responder.

01 No 02 Yes

1.8 Time call was assigned to first responder 1.9 Arrival at scene time for first responder

Indicate the time (date and time) the call was assigned to a first responder The time (date and time) of the arrival of a first responder to the scene of the incident. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident.

01 Advance Paramedic 02 Paramedic 03 Emergency medical technician (EMT) 04 Emergency first responders (EFR) 05 Cardiac first response (CFR) 08 Other DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Patient-carrying vehicle 2.0 Patient-carrying Indicate the patient-carrying vehicle type vehicle type. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an Ambulance Service control room. Examples include helicopter, lifeboat, aircraft, a CEN* B compliant double-crewed

01 CEN B double-crewed fully equipped ambulance 02 Helicopter 03 Lifeboat 04 Aircraft 08 Other

A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 37

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

fully equipped ambulance.

* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

2.1 Assignment of call time for patient-carrying vehicle 2.2 Mobilisation time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.3 Arrival at scene time for patientcarrying vehicle

Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was assigned to attend this incident. Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was mobilised to attend this incident. The date and time of the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Activation time: the time allocated from assignment of call to

mobilisation of patient-carrying vehicle.

patient-carrying vehicle to arrival on scene.

Dispatch time: the time allocated from mobilisation of the

A. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to an ECHO call 38

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to a DELTA call

Indicator ID
Indicator title Target

Clinical Status 1 first responder

Response to Clinical Status 1 DELTA incidents by a first responder 75% of Clinical Status 1 DELTA incidents which are responded to by a first responder in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less.

Flow Chart
Clock starts Clock stops

Call verification time

Indicator: response time first responder (in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less)

Verify: 1. Callers telephone number 2. Exact location of emergency 3. Chief complaint

Arrival at scene

Data definition

Clinical Status 1 DELTA calls: calls reporting an immediately life-threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest. First responder: an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room. A first responder is defined by the Authority as a person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who: is trained and has a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a

B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 39

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

defibrillator attends regular refresher courses and is formally networked with national ambulance dispatch service. Cardiac first response (CFR): a cardiac first responder has completed the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Councils (PHECC) standard of education and training in cardiac first response (CFR) at the levels of CFR responder or CFR practitioner. The standard outlines the care management of major life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, foreign body airway obstruction and stroke and includes Aspirin administration. The CFR+ standard is designed, as an extra module to the CFR responder level course, for specific groups with a paediatric automated external defibrillation (AED) requirement. Its aim is to enable course participants to develop competency in AED use, including paediatric pads where available, on a child. The practitioner level CFR course is aimed at healthcare professionals/practitioners and includes additional skills such as oxygen use, pulse checks and two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Emergency first response (EFR): an emergency first responder (EFR) is a cardiac first responder who has in addition completed a five-day course designed for persons working as a non-transporting pre-hospital responder. The EFR is trained to recognise and assess common lifethreatening and common serious medical conditions. The PHECC Clinical Practice Guidelines authorise the EFR to administer oxygen and assist patients with the self administration of prescribed Salbutamol, GTN and glucose gel medications. For the trauma patient the EFRs scope of practice extends to manual stabilisation of the cervical spine and collar application. Occupational first aid (OFA): the occupational first aider is trained according the Health and Safety Authority and FETAC (Level 5) standard and is specific to the provision of first aid in a place of work in compliance with the Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of 2007). The OFA is trained to provide treatment for a minor injury and preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until handover to an B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 40

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

appropriate healthcare professional/practitioner. Emergency medical technician (EMT): an emergency medical technician is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at EMT level. Practitioners at this level are authorised to provide a range of medications by clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and registered medical practitioner instructions. The duration of education an training is five weeks and is designed to provide the EMT with the knowledge and skills for working primarily in patient transport services and in supporting the pre-hospital response to patients accessing the 999/112 emergency medical services. Paramedic (P): a paramedic is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at paramedic level. This is the minimum clinical level that is recommended to provide care and transport of an ill or injured patient following a 999/112 call. The paramedic is principally engaged in assessing patients needs, making informed clinical decisions, planning and administering procedures and medications and monitoring patients responses both on the scene and during transport. Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who has completed the PHECCs standard of education and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will have obtained a higher diploma from a recognised third level institution and have undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 41

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate. Verification time: the time required to determine the callers telephone number, the exact location of the incident and the nature of the chief complaint, by the call-taker in the Ambulance Service control room. Response time: in order to calculate the response time the clock starts when the call verification period is complete and the following details have been ascertained: callers telephone number exact location of the incident nature of the chief complaint. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident. Response time has three distinct phases: activation time, mobilisation time, and running time.

Activation time: the time taken from call verification

completion to assigning a suitable first response to the incident. completion to the mobilisation of that first response. mobilisation time to arriving at the scene. Numerator

Mobilisation time: the time taken from activation time Running time: the time taken from completion of
The total number of Clinical Status 1 DELTA emergency calls responded to in 7 minutes and 59 seconds or less from the time a call is verified to the arrival of first responder at the scene of the incident. The total number of Clinical Status 1 DELTA calls received at the ambulance control room.


B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 42

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Exclusion criteria

Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response Caller disconnects before call verification is complete Caller refuses to give details Response cancelled before call verification is complete (e.g. patient recovers). AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 43

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Minimum dataset ID Data Element Name 1.1 Patient identifier 1.2 Incident number 1.3 Date and time of call to ambulance service 1.4 Verification of call date and time

Definition Unique identifier for the patient. Unique number for this incident. The precise moment (date and time) the call was answered by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the time (date and time) the call was verified by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. This is the time when the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and nature of the complaint are known by the calltaker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the patients clinical status code.

Data Element Options/Format

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

1.5 Clinical status code

01 Clinical Status 1: Echo Life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest 02 Clinical Status 1: Delta Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest 03 Clinical Status 2: Charlie Serious not life threatening immediate 04 Clinical Status 2: Bravo Serious not life threatening urgent 05 Clinical Status 3: Alpha Non-serious or life threatening 06 Clinical Status 3: Omega Minor illness or injury 07 Unknown

B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 44

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

First responder (for Clinical Status 1 calls) 1.6 First responder Indicate if a first responder was attending this dispatched to attend this incident. incident A first responder is an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the Ambulance Service control room. 1.7 First responder Indicate the type of first type responder.

01 No 02 Yes

1.8 Time call was assigned to first responder 1.9 Arrival at scene time for first responder

Indicate the time (date and time) the call was assigned to a first responder The time (date and time) of the arrival of a first responder to the scene of the incident. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident.

01 Advance paramedic 02 Paramedic 03 Emergency medical technician (EMT) 04 Emergency first responders (EFR) 05 Cardiac first response (CFR) 08 Other DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Patient-carrying vehicle 2.0 Patient-carrying Indicate the patient-carrying vehicle type vehicle type. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an Ambulance Service control room. Examples include helicopter, lifeboat, aircraft, a CEN* B compliant double-crewed fully

01 CEN B double-crewed fully equipped ambulance 02 Helicopter 03 Lifeboat 04 Aircraft 08 Other

B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 45

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

equipped ambulance.
* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

2.1 Assignment of call time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.2 Mobilisation time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.3 Arrival at scene time for patientcarrying vehicle

Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was assigned to attend this incident. Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was mobilised to attend this incident. The date and time of the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Activation time: the time allocated from assignment of call to

mobilisation of patient-carrying vehicle.

Dispatch time: the time allocated from mobilisation of the

patient-carrying vehicle to arrival on scene.

B. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 first responder to DELTA call 46

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call

Indicator ID
Indicator title

Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle

Response to Clinical Status 1 ECHO incidents by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less. Percentage of Clinical Status 1 ECHO incidents which are responded to by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less.


Flow Chart
Clock starts Clock stops

Call verification time

Indicator: response time patient-carrying vehicle (in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less)

Verify: 1. Callers telephone number 2. Exact location of emergency 3. Chief complaint

Arrival at scene

Data definitions

Clinical Status 1 ECHO calls: calls reporting an immediately life-threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest. First responder: an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room.

C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 47

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

A first responder is defined by the Authority as a person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who: is trained and has a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator attends regular refresher courses and is formally networked with national ambulance dispatch service. Cardiac first response (CFR): a cardiac first responder has completed the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Councils (PHECC) standard of education and training in cardiac first response (CFR) at the levels of CFR responder or CFR practitioner. The standard outlines the care management of major life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, foreign body airway obstruction and stroke and includes Aspirin administration. The CFR+ standard is designed, as an extra module to the CFR responder level course, for specific groups with a paediatric automated external defibrillation (AED) requirement. Its aim is to enable course participants to develop competency in AED use, including paediatric pads where available, on a child. The practitioner level CFR course is aimed at healthcare professionals/practitioners and includes additional skills such as oxygen use, pulse checks and two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Emergency first response (EFR): an emergency first responder (EFR) is a cardiac first responder who has in addition completed a five-day course designed for persons working as a non-transporting pre-hospital responder. The EFR is trained to recognise and assess common life-threatening and common serious medical conditions. The PHECC Clinical Practice Guidelines authorise the EFR to administer oxygen and assist patients with the selfadministration of prescribed Salbutamol, GTN and glucose gel medications. For the trauma patient the C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 48

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

EFRs scope of practice extends to manual stabilisation of the cervical spine and collar application. Occupational first aid (OFA): the occupational first aider is trained according the Health and Safety Authority and FETAC (Level 5) standard and is specific to the provision of first aid in a place of work in compliance with the Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of 2007). The OFA is trained to provide treatment for a minor injury and preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until handover to an appropriate healthcare professional/practitioner. Emergency medical technician (EMT): an emergency medical technician is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at EMT level. Practitioners at this level are authorised to provide a range of medications by clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and registered medical practitioner instructions. The duration of education and training is five weeks and is designed to provide the EMT with the knowledge and skills for working primarily in patient transport services and in supporting the pre-hospital response to patients accessing the 999/112 emergency medical services. Paramedic (P): a paramedic is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at paramedic level. This is the minimum clinical level that is recommended to provide care and transport of an ill or injured patient following a 999/112 call. The paramedic is principally engaged in assessing patients needs, making informed clinical decisions, planning and administering procedures and medications and monitoring patients responses both on the scene and during transport. Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who has completed the PHECCs standard of education C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 49

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will have obtained a higher diploma from a recognised third level institution and undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate when required. Verification time: the time required to determine the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and the nature of the complaint, by the call-taker in the Ambulance Service control room. Response time: In order to calculate the response time the clock starts when the following details of the call have been ascertained: callers telephone number exact location of the incident nature of the chief complaint. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident. C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 50

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Response time has three distinct phases: activation time, mobilisation time and running time.

Activation time: the time taken from call

verification completion to assigning a suitable first response to the incident.

Mobilisation time: the time taken from activation time completion to the mobilisation of that first response.
mobilisation time to arriving at the scene. Numerator

Running time: the time taken from completion of

The total number of Clinical Status 1 ECHO emergency calls responded to in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less from the time a call is verified to the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident. The total number of Clinical Status 1 ECHO calls received at the ambulance control room. Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response. Caller disconnects before call verification is complete. Caller refuses to give details. Response cancelled before call verification is complete (e.g. patient recovers). AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.

Denominator Exclusion Criteria

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 51

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Minimum dataset ID Data Element Name 1.1 Patient identifier 1.2 Incident number 1.3 Date and time of call to ambulance service 1.4 Verification of call date and time

Definition Unique identifier for the patient. Unique number for this incident. The precise moment (date and time) the call was answered by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the time (date and time) the call was verified by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. This is the time when the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and nature of the complaint are known by the calltaker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the patients clinical status code.

Data Element Options/Format

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

1.5 Clinical status code

01 Clinical Status 1: Echo Life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest 02 Clinical Status 1: Delta Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest 03 Clinical Status 2: Charlie Serious not life threatening immediate 04 Clinical Status 2: Bravo Serious not life threatening urgent 05 Clinical Status 3: Alpha Non-serious or life threatening 06 Clinical Status 3: Omega Minor illness or injury 07 Unknown

C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 52

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

First responder (for Clinical Status 1 calls) 1.6 First responder Indicate if a first responder was attending this dispatched to attend this incident. incident A first responder is an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the Ambulance Service control room. 1.7 First responder Indicate the type of first type responder.

01 No 02 Yes

1.8 Time call was assigned to first responder 1.9 Arrival at scene time for first responder

Indicate the time (date and time) the call was assigned to a first responder. The time (date and time) of the arrival of a first responder to the scene of the incident. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident.

01 Advance paramedic 02 Paramedic 03 Emergency medical technician (EMT) 04 Emergency first responders (EFR) 05 Cardiac first response (CFR) 08 Other DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Patient-carrying vehicle 2.0 Patient-carrying Indicate the patient-carrying vehicle type vehicle type. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an ambulance service control room. Examples include helicopter,

01 CEN B double-crewed fully equipped ambulance 02 Helicopter 03 Lifeboat 04 Aircraft 08 Other

C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 53

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

lifeboat, aircraft, a CEN* B compliant double-crewed fully equipped ambulance.

* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

2.1 Assignment of call time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.2 Mobilisation time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.3 Arrival at scene time for patientcarrying vehicle

Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was assigned to attend this incident. Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was mobilised to attend this incident. The date and time of the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Activation time: the time allocated from assignment of call to

mobilisation of patient-carrying vehicle.

Dispatch time: the time allocated from mobilisation of the

patient-carrying vehicle to arrival on scene.

C. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to an ECHO call 54

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call

Indicator ID
Indicator title

Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle

Response to Clinical Status 1 DELTA incidents by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less. Percentage of Clinical Status 1 DELTA incidents which are responded to by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less.


Flow Chart
Clock starts Clock stops

Call verification time

Indicator: Response Time Patient-carrying vehicle (in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less)

Verify: 1. Callers telephone number 2. Exact location of emergency 3. Chief complaint

Arrival at scene

Data definitions

Clinical Status 1 DELTA calls: calls reporting an immediately life-threatening condition other than cardiac or respiratory arrest. First responder: an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room.

D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 55

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

A first responder is defined by the Authority as a person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who:

Health Information and Quality Authority

is trained and has a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator attends regular refresher courses and is formally networked with national ambulance dispatch service. Cardiac first response (CFR): a cardiac first responder has completed the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Councils (PHECC) standard of education and training in cardiac first response (CFR) at the levels of CFR responder or CFR practitioner. The standard outlines the care management of major life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, foreign body airway obstruction and stroke and includes Aspirin administration. The CFR+ standard is designed, as an extra module to the CFR responder level course, for specific groups with a paediatric automated external defibrillation (AED) requirement. Its aim is to enable course participants to develop competency in AED use, including paediatric pads where available, on a child. The practitioner level CFR course is aimed at healthcare professionals/practitioners and includes additional skills such as oxygen use, pulse checks and two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Emergency first response (EFR): an emergency first responder (EFR) is a cardiac first responder who has in addition completed a five-day course designed for persons working as a non-transporting pre-hospital responder. The EFR is trained to recognise and assess common life-threatening and common serious medical conditions. The PHECC Clinical Practice Guidelines authorise the EFR to administer oxygen and assist patients with the selfadministration of prescribed Salbutamol, GTN and glucose gel medications. For the trauma patient the EFRs scope of practice extends to manual D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 56

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

stabilisation of the cervical spine and collar application. Occupational first aid (OFA): the occupational first aider is trained according the Health and Safety Authority and FETAC (Level 5) standard and is specific to the provision of first aid in a place of work in compliance with the Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of 2007). The OFA is trained to provide treatment for a minor injury and preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until handover to an appropriate healthcare professional/practitioner. Emergency medical technician (EMT): an emergency medical technician is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at EMT level. Practitioners at this level are authorised to provide a range of medications by CPG and registered medical practitioner instructions. The duration of education and training is five weeks and is designed to provide the EMT with the knowledge and skills for working primarily in patient transport services and in supporting the pre-hospital response to patients accessing the 999/112 emergency medical services. Paramedic (P): a paramedic is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at paramedic level. This is the minimum clinical level that is recommended to provide care and transport of an ill or injured patient following a 999/112 call. The paramedic is principally engaged in assessing patients needs, making informed clinical decisions, planning and administering procedures and medications and monitoring patients responses both on the scene and during transport. Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who has completed the PHECCs standard of education and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will have obtained a higher diploma from a D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 57

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

recognised third level institution and have undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate when required. Verification time: the time required to determine the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and the nature of the complaint, by the call-taker in the Ambulance Service control room. Response time: In order to calculate the response time the clock starts when the following details of the call have been ascertained: callers telephone number exact location of the incident nature of the chief complaint. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident. Response time has three distinct phases: activation time, mobilisation time and running time. D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 58

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Activation time: the time taken from call

verification completion to assigning a suitable first response to the incident. time completion to the mobilisation of that first response.

Mobilisation time: the time taken from activation

Running time: the time taken from completion of mobilisation time to arriving at the scene.
Numerator The total number of Clinical Status 1 DELTA emergency calls responded to in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less from the time a call is verified to the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident. The total number of Clinical Status 1 DELTA calls received at the ambulance control room. Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response. Caller disconnects before call verification is complete. Caller refuses to give details. Response cancelled before call verification is complete (e.g. patient recovers). AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.

Denominator Exclusion criteria

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 59

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Minimum dataset ID Data Element Name 1.1 Patient identifier 1.2 Incident number 1.3 Date and time of call to ambulance service 1.4 Verification of call date and time

Definition Unique identifier for the patient. Unique number for this incident. The precise moment (date and time) the call was answered by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the time (date and time) the call was verified by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. This is the time when the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and nature of the complaint are known by the calltaker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the patients clinical status code.

Data Element Options/Format

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

1.5 Clinical status code

01 Clinical Status 1: Echo Life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest 02 Clinical Status 1: Delta Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest 03 Clinical Status 2: Charlie Serious not life threatening immediate 04 Clinical Status 2: Bravo Serious not life threatening urgent 05 Clinical Status 3: Alpha Non-serious or life threatening 06 Clinical Status 3: Omega Minor illness or injury 07 Unknown

D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 60

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

First responder (for Clinical Status 1 calls) 1.6 First responder Indicate if a first responder was attending this dispatched to attend this incident. incident A first responder is an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the Ambulance Service control room. 1.7 First responder Indicate the type of first type responder.

01 No 02 Yes

1.8 Time call was assigned to first responder 1.9 Arrival at scene time for first responder

Indicate the time (date and time) the call was assigned to a first responder. The time (date and time) of the arrival of a first responder to the scene of the incident. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident.

01 Advance paramedic 02 Paramedic 03 Emergency medical technician (EMT) 04 Emergency first responders (EFR) 05 Cardiac first response (CFR) 08 Other DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Patient-carrying vehicle 2.0 Patient-carrying Indicate the patient-carrying vehicle type vehicle type. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an Ambulance Service control room. Examples include helicopter, lifeboat, aircraft, a CEN* B

01 CEN B double-crewed fully equipped ambulance 02 Helicopter 03 Lifeboat 04 Aircraft 08 Other

D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 61

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

compliant double-crewed fully equipped ambulance.

* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

2.1 Assignment of call time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.2 Mobilisation time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.3 Arrival at scene time for patientcarrying vehicle

Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was assigned to attend this incident. Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was mobilised to attend this incident. The date and time of the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Activation time: the time allocated from assignment of call to

mobilisation of patient-carrying vehicle.

Dispatch time: the time allocated from mobilisation of the

patient-carrying vehicle to arrival on scene.

D. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 1 patient-carrying vehicle to a DELTA call 62

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call

Indicator ID
Indicator title

Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle

Response to Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE incidents by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less. Percentage of Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE incidents which are responded to by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less.


Flow Chart
Clock starts Clock stops

Call verification time

Indicator: response time patient-carrying vehicle (in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less)

Verify: 1. Callers telephone number 2. Exact location of emergency 3. Chief complaint

Arrival at scene

Data definitions

Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE calls: calls reporting a serious not life-threatening immediate condition. First responder: an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room.

E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 63

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

A first responder is defined by the Authority as a person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who: is trained and has a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator attends regular refresher courses and is formally networked with national ambulance dispatch service. Cardiac first response (CFR): a cardiac first responder has completed Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Councils (PHECC) standard of education and training in cardiac first response (CFR) at the levels of CFR responder or CFR practitioner. The standard outlines the care management of major life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, foreign body airway obstruction and stroke and includes Aspirin administration. The CFR+ standard is designed, as an extra module to the CFR responder level course, for specific groups with a paediatric automated external defibrillation (AED) requirement. Its aim is to enable course participants to develop competency in AED use, including paediatric pads where available, on a child. The practitioner level CFR course is aimed at healthcare professionals/practitioners and includes additional skills such as oxygen use, pulse checks and two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Emergency first response (EFR): an emergency first responder (EFR) is a cardiac first responder who has in addition completed a fiveday course designed for persons working as a non-transporting pre-hospital responder. The EFR is trained to recognise and assess common lifethreatening and common serious medical conditions. The PHECC Clinical Practice Guidelines authorise the EFR to administer oxygen and assist patients with the self administration of prescribed Salbutamol, GTN and glucose gel medications. For E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 64

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

the trauma patient the EFRs scope of practice extends to manual stabilisation of the cervical spine and collar application. Occupational first aid (OFA): the occupational first aider is trained according the Health and Safety Authority and FETAC (Level 5) standard and is specific to the provision of first aid in a place of work in compliance with the Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of 2007). The OFA is trained to provide treatment for a minor injury and preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until handover to an appropriate healthcare professional/practitioner. Emergency medical technician (EMT): an emergency medical technician is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at EMT level. Practitioners at this level are authorised to provide a range of medications by CPG and registered medical practitioner instructions. The duration of education an training is five weeks and is designed to provide the EMT with the knowledge and skills for working primarily in patient transport services and in supporting the pre-hospital response to patients accessing the 999/112 emergency medical services. Paramedic (P): a paramedic is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at paramedic level. This is the minimum clinical level that is recommended to provide care and transport of an ill or injured patient following a 999/112 call. The paramedic is principally engaged in assessing patients needs, making informed clinical decisions, planning and administering procedures and medications and monitoring patients responses both on the scene and during transport. Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 65

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

has completed the PHECCs standard of education and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will APs have obtained a higher diploma from a recognised third level institution and have undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate when required. Verification time: the time required to determine the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and the nature of the complaint, by the call-taker in the Ambulance Service control room. Response time: In order to calculate the response time the clock starts when the following details of the call have been ascertained: callers telephone number exact location of the incident nature of the chief complaint. E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 66

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident. Response time has three distinct phases: activation time, mobilisation time and running time.

Activation time: the time taken from call

verification completion to assigning a suitable first response to the incident. activation time completion to the mobilisation of that first response.

Mobilisation time: the time taken from

Running Time: the time taken from completion

of mobilisation time to arriving at the scene. Numerator The total number of Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE emergency calls responded to in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less from the time a call is verified to the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident. The total number of Clinical Status 2 CHARLIE calls received at the ambulance control room. Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response. Caller disconnects before call verification is complete. Caller refuses to give details. Response cancelled before call verification is complete (e.g. patient recovers). AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.

Denominator Exclusion Criteria

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 67

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

Minimum dataset ID Data Element Name 1.1 Patient identifier 1.2 Incident number 1.3 Date and time of call to ambulance service 1.4 Verification of call date and time

Definition Unique identifier for the patient. Unique number for this incident. The precise moment (date and time) the call was answered by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the time (date and time) the call was verified by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. This is the time when the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and nature of the complaint are known by the calltaker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the patients clinical status code.

Data Element Options/Format

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

1.5 Clinical Status Code

01 Clinical Status 1: Echo Life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest 02 Clinical Status 1: Delta Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest 03 Clinical Status 2: Charlie Serious not life threatening immediate 04 Clinical Status 2: Bravo Serious not life threatening urgent 05 Clinical Status 3: Alpha Non-serious or life threatening 06 Clinical Status 3: Omega Minor illness or injury 07 Unknown

E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 68

Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

First responder (for Clinical Status 2 calls) 1.6 First Responder Indicate if a first responder was attending this dispatched to attend this incident. incident A first responder is an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room. 1.7 First responder Indicate the type of first type responder.

01 No 02 Yes

1.8 Time call was assigned to first responder 1.9 Arrival at scene time for first responder

Indicate the time (date and time) the call was assigned to a first responder. The time (date and time) of the arrival of a first responder to the scene of the incident. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident.

01 Advance paramedic 02 Paramedic 03 Emergency medical technician (EMT) 04 Emergency first responders (EFR) 05 Cardiac first response (CFR) 08 Other DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Patient-carrying vehicle 2.0 Patient-carrying Indicate the patient-carrying vehicle type vehicle type. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an ambulance service control room. Examples include helicopter,

01 CEN B double-crewed fully equipped ambulance 02 Helicopter 03 Lifeboat 04 Aircraft 08 Other

E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 69

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Health Information and Quality Authority

lifeboat, aircraft, a CEN* B compliant double-crewed fully equipped ambulance.

* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

2.1 Assignment of call time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.2 Mobilisation time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.3 Arrival at scene time for patientcarrying vehicle

Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was assigned to attend this incident. Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was mobilised to attend this incident. The date and time of the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Activation time: the time allocated from assignment of call to

mobilisation of patient-carrying vehicle.

Dispatch time: the time allocated from mobilisation of the

patient-carrying vehicle to arrival on scene.

E. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a CHARLIE call 70

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Health Information and Quality Authority

F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call

Indicator ID
Indicator title

Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle

Response to Clinical Status 2 BRAVO incidents by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes 59 seconds or less. Percentage of Clinical Status 2 BRAVO incidents which are responded to by a patient-carrying vehicle in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less.


Flow Chart
Clock starts Clock stops

Call verification time

Indicator: response time patient-carrying vehicle (in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less)

Verify: 1. Callers telephone number 2. Exact location of emergency 3. Chief complaint

Arrival at scene

Data definitions

Clinical Status 2 BRAVO calls: calls reporting a serious not life-threatening urgent condition. First responder: an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room. A first responder is defined by the Authority as a

F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 71

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person who attends a potentially life-threatening emergency who: is trained and has a recognised qualification, as a minimum, in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator attends regular refresher courses and is formally networked with national ambulance dispatch service. Cardiac first response (CFR): a cardiac first responder has completed the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Councils (PHECC) standard of education and training in cardiac first response (CFR) at the levels of CFR responder or CFR practitioner. The standard outlines the care management of major life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, foreign body airway obstruction and stroke and includes Aspirin administration. The CFR+ standard is designed, as an extra module to the CFR responder level course, for specific groups with a paediatric automated external defibrillation (AED) requirement. Its aim is to enable course participants to develop competency in AED use, including paediatric pads where available, on a child. The practitioner level CFR course is aimed at healthcare professionals/practitioners and includes additional skills such as oxygen use, pulse checks and two-rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Emergency first response (EFR): an emergency first responder (EFR) is a cardiac first responder who has in addition completed a fiveday course designed for persons working as a non-transporting pre-hospital responder. The EFR is trained to recognise and assess common lifethreatening and common serious medical conditions. The PHECC Clinical Practice Guidelines authorise the EFR to administer oxygen and assist patients with the self-administration of prescribed Salbutamol, GTN and glucose gel medications. For the trauma patient the EFRs scope of practice F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 72

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extends to manual stabilisation of the cervical spine and collar application. Occupational first aid (OFA): the occupational first aider is trained according the Health and Safety Authority and FETAC (Level 5) standard and is specific to the provision of first aid in a place of work in compliance with the Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of 2007). The OFA is trained to provide treatment for a minor injury and preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until handover to an appropriate healthcare professional/practitioner. Emergency medical technician (EMT): an emergency medical technician is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at EMT level. Practitioners at this level are authorised to provide a range of medications by clinical practice guidelines CPG and registered medical practitioner instructions. The duration of education and training is five weeks and is designed to provide the EMT with the knowledge and skills for working primarily in patient transport services and in supporting the pre-hospital response to patients accessing the 999/112 emergency medical services. Paramedic (P): a paramedic is a registered practitioner who has completed PHECCs standard of education and training at paramedic level. This is the minimum clinical level that is recommended to provide care and transport of an ill or injured patient following a 999/112 call. The paramedic is principally engaged in assessing patients needs, making informed clinical decisions, planning and administering procedures and medications and monitoring patients responses both on the scene and during transport. Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 73

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paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who has completed the PHECCs standard of education and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will have obtained a higher diploma from a recognised third level institution and have undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate when required. Verification time: the time required to determine the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and the nature of the complaint, by the call-taker in the ambulance service control room. Response time: In order to calculate the response time the clock starts when the following details of the call have been ascertained: callers telephone number exact location of the incident nature of the chief complaint. F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 74

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The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident. Response time has three distinct phases: activation time, mobilisation time and running time.

Activation time: the time taken from call

verification completion to assigning a suitable first response to the incident.

Mobilisation time: the time taken from activation time completion to the mobilisation of that first response. Running Time: the time taken from completion
of mobilisation time to arriving at the scene. Numerator The total number of Clinical Status 2 BRAVO emergency calls responded to in 18 minutes and 59 seconds or less from the time a call is verified to the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident. The total number of Clinical Status 2 BRAVO calls received at the ambulance control room. Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response. Caller disconnects before call verification is complete. Caller refuses to give details. Response cancelled before call verification is complete (e.g. patient recovers). AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.

Denominator Exclusion Criteria

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 75

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Health Information and Quality Authority

Minimum dataset ID Data Element Name 1.1 Patient identifier 1.2 Incident number 1.3 Date and time of call to ambulance service 1.4 Verification of call date and time

Definition Unique identifier for the patient. Unique number for this incident. The precise moment (date and time) the call was answered by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the time (date and time) the call was verified by a call-taker in the ambulance control room. This is the time when the callers telephone number, exact location of the incident and nature of the complaint are known by the calltaker in the ambulance control room. Indicate the patients clinical status code.

Data Element Options/Format

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

1.5 Clinical status code

01 Clinical Status 1: Echo Life threatening cardiac or respiratory arrest 02 Clinical Status 1: Delta Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest 03 Clinical Status 2: Charlie Serious not life threatening immediate 04 Clinical Status 2: Bravo Serious not life threatening urgent 05 Clinical Status 3: Alpha Non-serious or life threatening 06 Clinical Status 3: Omega Minor illness or injury 07 Unknown

F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 76

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First responder (for Clinical Status 2 calls) 1.6 First responder Indicate if a first responder was attending this dispatched to attend this incident. incident A first responder is an appropriately trained responder to Clinical Status 1 Calls dispatched through the ambulance service control room. 1.7 First responder Indicate the type of first type responder.

01 No 02 Yes

1.8 Time call was assigned to first responder 1.9 Arrival at scene time for first responder

Indicate the time (date and time) the call was assigned to a first responder The time (date and time) of the arrival of a first responder to the scene of the incident. The clock stops when the first responder arrives at the scene of the incident.

01 Advance paramedic 02 Paramedic 03 Emergency medical technician (EMT) 04 Emergency first responders (EFR) 05 Cardiac first response (CFR) 08 Other DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Patient-carrying vehicle 2.0 Patient-carrying Indicate the patient-carrying vehicle type vehicle type. A patient-carrying vehicle is any vehicle able to transport the patient in a clinically safe manner and dispatched from an ambulance service control room. Examples include helicopter,

01 CEN B double-crewed fully equipped ambulance 02 Helicopter 03 Lifeboat 04 Aircraft 08 Other

F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 77

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Health Information and Quality Authority

lifeboat, aircraft, a CEN* B compliant double-crewed fully equipped ambulance.

* CEN: Comit Europen de Normalisation (Committee for European Standardization)

2.1 Assignment of call time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.2 Mobilisation time for patientcarrying vehicle 2.3 Arrival at scene time for patientcarrying vehicle

Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was assigned to attend this incident. Indicate the time (date and time) the patient-carrying vehicle was mobilised to attend this incident. The date and time of the arrival of a patient-carrying vehicle at the scene of the incident.

DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY 24 hour clock HH:MM:SS

Activation time: the time allocated from assignment of call to

mobilisation of patient-carrying vehicle.

Dispatch time: the time allocated from mobilisation of the

patient-carrying vehicle to arrival on scene.

F. Key performance indicator for Clinical Status 2 patient-carrying vehicle to a BRAVO call 78

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G. Quality indicator for the deployment of advanced paramedics

Indicator title
Data Definitions

Deployment of advanced paramedics Advanced paramedic (AP): an advanced paramedic (AP) is an experienced paramedic who has completed the PHECCs standard of education and training at advanced paramedic level. The APs will have obtained a higher diploma from a recognised third level institution and have undergone further training which enables them to perform additional procedures at the scene of an emergency including: intubation during advanced cardiac life support procedures, an advanced paramedic can place a sterile tube into the trachea or throat to help the casualty breathe cardiac resuscitation including CPR, defibrillation and drug administration intravenous fluid resuscitation administration of fluids to support critically ill patients pain management administration of drugs to relieve pain chest decompression placement of a needle/tube in the chest to relieve pressure due to a collapsed lung administration of intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) medications (drugs or fluids introduced directly into a vein or a muscle) to treat various medical conditions stabilisation of cardiac conditions drugs may be administered to regulate the patient's heart rate when required. ECHO calls: Clinical Status 1 life-threatening calls for cardiac or respiratory arrest. The recommended response is an advanced paramedic.

DELTA calls: Clinical Status 1 life-threatening calls other than cardiac or respiratory arrest. The recommended response is an advanced G. Quality indicator for the deployment of advanced paramedics


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority

paramedic. CHARLIE calls: Clinical Status 2 calls that are serious, not life threatening immediate calls for the following calls where an advanced Paramedic is the recommended response: 1. 10C 00 chest pain (non-traumatic) Charlie override. 2. 19C 02 heart problem with abnormal breathing. 3. 21C 01 haemorrhage through tubes (excluding catheter). 4. 21C 02 haemorrhage of dialysis fistula. Numerator The total number of calls where an advanced paramedic is deployed to ECHO, DELTA and relevant CHARLIE calls where an advanced paramedic is the recommended response. The total number of ECHO, DELTA and relevant CHARLIE calls where an advanced paramedic is the recommended response. Calls that are not categorised initially as ECHO or DELTA or relevant CHARLIE calls but are subsequently re-categorised as same. Duplicate or multiple calls to an incident where a response has already been activated. All of these calls should be categorised in the same way as the original call that activated the response. Caller disconnects before call verification is complete. Caller refuses to give details. Response cancelled before call verification is completed. AMPDS (Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System). Monthly.


Exclusion criteria

Data source Indicator reporting frequency

G. Quality indicator for the deployment of advanced paramedics


Pre-hospital Emergency Care Key Performance Indicators for Emergency Response Times

Health Information and Quality Authority


Published by the Health Information and Quality Authority. For further information please contact: Health Information and Quality Authority Dublin Regional Office Georges Court Georges Lane Smithfield Dublin 7 Phone: +353 (0) 1 814 7400 URL: Health Information and Quality Authority 2011 82

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