Noni Secrets

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The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

7 Surprising But Completely Downto-Earth SECRET Health Benefits Of One Of The Most Over-Hyped And BRAGGED About Fruit Juices On Gods Green EarthNONI Juice
By Bob Shadbolt

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

This E-book you have in your hands is 100% copyright FREEWe know people rip off stuff like this all the time. So Im practically opening the bar and letting you go for it. Do whatever you like with this E-book. In fact give it away to whoever you want. Your little sister. The Tax Dept Anyone you believe needs to improve their health! Or if youre in business use it as a bonus gift? Share this E-book with as many people as you canIts got some good stuff in itWhatever you do just read it! But please just leave the links and contact details intact.

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The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Table Of Contents

Noni Juice: An Inconvenient Truth A Swift Kick Of Reality Where It Hurts The MostPages 4-6 So What Is Noni?.............................................................................Pages 7-8 HEALTH SECRETS Of Noni Juice #1.Pages 8-11 HEALTH SECRETS Of Noni Juice #2. Pages 11-15 HEALTH SECRETS Of Noni Juice #3..Pages 15-17 HEALTH SECRETS Of Noni Juice #4..Pages 17-20 HEALTH SECRETS Of Noni Juice #5.Pages 20-23 HEALTH SECRETS Of Noni Juice #6.Pages 24-26 HEALTH SECRET Of Noni Juice #7..Pages 27-28 FREE GIFT .....Page 29 Notes..Page 30

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Noni Juice:
An Inconvenient Truth A Swift Kick Of Reality Where It Hurts The Most.
You want answers dont you? Youre looking for unbiased information on NONI Juice? Thats why you downloaded my E-book? Maybe: 1) You read something or heard someone talking about NONI 2) You want to know the health benefits of NONI Juice. 3) Youre not to sure if its safe to take. 4) Youre wondering what dosages to take. 4) You wonder if it will help you with diabetes. 5) Arthritis 6) Cancer even. For whatever reason you decided to download this E-book, youve come to the right place. Despite what youve read or what you know so far about NONI juice What youre about to read will inform, enlighten, entertainAnd flat out expose the truth about NONI juice.

Can Someone Selling NONI Juice For A Living Be Totally Unbiased?

But if you bear with me I promise to give you some of the answers youre looking for. The fact of the matter is I want you to start using NONI juice as part of your daily health regime. And Yes I hope you become a customer of mine one day. You see Ive been manufacturing and importing NONI Juice and other related products for over 9 years

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

My particular NONI juice is sold all over the world by the ton every week In fact my NONI Juice has been sold to over 25,000 people world wide. Most are repeat customers. Chances are youve probably swigged my Juice at some time or other. Nope, you havent heard of me before because my main business has come from selling NONI wholesale. My juice has had many different labels, bottle shapes and sizes. Each retailer or reseller packages it however they want. Ive preferred to have worked behind the scenes until recently. I suppose you could say Without sounding like Im blowing my horn, that Im an expert on this stuff. Ive watched the industry grow from an infant to what it is today. Ive seen how other companies have promoted itIm here to tell you the NONI industry needs a huge shake up Theres too much B.S being promoted about NONI juice. It makes me mad as hell. ----Click here to download my FREE audio interview---

I Have To Get This Off My Chest Before I Explode!

No doubt about it NONI is an unusual and exciting fruit but its no MAGIC BULLET. Dont be taken in by the snake oil advertising of the fly-by-nighters who just want to make a quick buck by telling you of all the scientific research supporting their claims. Yes there is scientific research to back up some of these claims. BUT very little of this research is based on Human trials. Most of the research is either done in vivo or in vitro which is a scientific method for testing in a Test Tube or on Animals. Now tell meAre you a test tube? Are you a lab rat? The deceit is this: These test results are not conclusive scientific proof that NONI juice will have the same results on Humans. Just because NONI has shown to reduce certain and specific cancerous tumours in a test tube or lab rat doesnt mean that it cures cancer!

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Does that make sense? Heres a headline I found on Google:

Noni Juice de Tahiti finally proved scientifically to work!

I clicked on the link and heres what I discovered: Dr Steven Gallant Before starting trials with mice he began his experiments with fruit flies. Fruit flies the Noni website stated, had a short life expectancy, and reacted similarly to animals and humans with regard to cellular rejuvenation and tumour development. except when their diet is supplemented with Premium Noni Juice The Website showed two graphs indicating that the fruit flies with a diet of Noni juice out lived the control group (those with a normal diet.) And showed increase activity through out its life time compared to the control group. The article ended with This is categorical and irrefutable scientific proof that Noni is good for you! LOLyou got to be kidding meI should drink NONI Juice based on a cheap experiment on Fruit Flies?Hmm thats a hard one? Folks these statements will do you more harm than good. SoDo the studies done so far on NONI prove anything? Sure

they prove that a lot more work is needed in discovering Nonis hidden healing powers. Authors Note:
Even though I set to out make this E-Book as informative as possible Ive decided to put most of the abstracts of scientific studies on NONI on our main website. More Info:

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

So What is Noni?
Noni is a unique fruit that is grown in the Pacific Islands. It is known to the Pacific Island people as a beneficial food. Typically it is taken as a drink to enhance bodily function and support overall good health. It is widely known as the "Aspirin of the Ancient". It's been successfully used for over 2,000 years in Polynesia, China India and elsewhere and grows best wherever there is pollution free volcanic soil. The Cook Islands and Niue being one of many regions where it grows, have a unique feature; they are the only region in the world that can claim to be totally "Organic" in its horticulture. None is the Cook Islands name for what we here call "Noni". In the Cook Islands the fruit has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. Today, when you travel to the Cook Islands and Niue, you will often see local people picking some of their shrubs. When the Cook Islanders do not feel well, whatever the cause, they tend to try the fruit first. Botanically the fruit is called: Morinda Citrifolia. It grows on a shrub type tree and the size of the fruit is about the same size as a medium avocado pear. The skin has warts on it similar to a pomegranate. The shrub shows fruit some 10 months after planting. It reaches maturity in about 18 months and then yields between 4 to 8kg of fruit every month, all year round.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Noni in The Ancient World

The early Polynesians (just like their descendants today) drank Noni juice and used Noni fruit for a healthy food, for dying their cloth and as a medical and healing plant. Scientific literature has hundred of references to the widespread popularity of Noni and Noni juice among ancient societies right across the tropical regions of the globe.


By the year 2017 your chance of getting cancer is predicted to be greater than 50 percent.1 Currently one in 12 women develops breast cancer in the USA. And one in 8 in the U.K. This is on the rise, while more and more young women are getting breast cancer than a decade ago. By 2017 it is predicted that 50% of women will develop cancer and 65% of men will develop prostate cancer. We are losing the war on this disease!

What is cancer?
Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer can spread throughout your body.

What causes cancer?

Cancer begins with damage (mutations) in your DNA. Your DNA is like a set of instructions for your cells, telling them how to grow and divide. Normal cells often develop mutations in their DNA, but they have the ability to repair most of these mutations. Or, if they can't make the repairs, the cells often die. However, certain mutations aren't repaired, causing the cells to grow and become cancerous. Mutations also cause cancer cells to live beyond a normal cell life span. This causes the cancerous cells to accumulate.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

The Environment: We are bombarded by pollutants, toxins, carcinogens and chemicals daily. Some of the most damaging factors of the environment are pesticides and toxins. Synthetic chemicals we are constantly exposed to since child birth.

How exposed are you?

A study published in 2005 tested 47 members of the European Parliament and revealed that on average they carried traces of 41 synthetic chemicals in their blood stream and in some cases the banned pesticide DDT A suspected cause of breast cancer.2 The same organisation discovered 350 contaminants in breast milk, including flame retardants, DDT and dioxins. DIOXINS CAUSE CANCER according to an EPA (U.S Environmental Protection Agency) report published in 1994.

Special Health ALERT!!!

Dioxins are some of the most toxic chemicals known to science. A draft report released for public comment in September 1994 by the US Environmental Protection Agency clearly describes dioxin as a serious public health threat. A North American eating a typical North American diet will receive 93% of their dioxin exposure from meat and dairy products!!!

Also many of these chemicals like nonylphenol found in paints, detergents, lubricating oils, toiletries, spermicidal foams and agrichemicals mimic the female hormone oestrogen. The oestrogen mimicking chemicals can trigger the body to overproduce breast and prostate cells which lead to cancer.3 Lifestyle: Certain lifestyle choices are known to increase your risk of cancer. Smoking, drinking more than one drink a day (for women) or two drinks a day (for men), excessive exposure to the sun or frequent blistering sunburns, and having unsafe sex can contribute to cancer.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

You can break these habits to lower your risk of cancer though some habits are easier to break than others. Over 90% of lung cancer in males and 77% in women can be traced to cigarette smoking. Cancer of the larynx is 20-30 times higher in smokers as opposed non-smokers. Death through cancer of the oesophagus is 12 times higher in smokers than non-smokers Approximately 40% of pancreatic cancer can be traced to smoking!4

Authors Note:

STOP Smoking!
Noni Juice and Cancer.
Im betting that before you downloaded my E-book you heard about Nonis anti cancer properties. Heck, just do a quick search on Google and youll be flooded with all sorts of bogus claims about Noni and cancer. It all comes down to whether the studies have been done on people, test tube, or lab rats. No double blinded study to date has been conducted with human subjects to determine Nonis anti cancerous properties BREAKING NEWS! Noni has received a huge boost with a new study that is underway involving 30 cancer patients conducted over a 2 year period. The University of Hawaii has been granted $340,000 to study the effects of Noni Juice on cancer patients. It is the first of its kind in Noni research. Whatever the results from this study will only add to the pool of knowledge we already have about the health benefits of Noni. And thats GREAT news!

Maybe 30-40 scientific studies have been published regarding the fruit, bark, leaves and roots of Noni Less than a dozen refer to Nonis anti cancerous activity.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Compare that with Vitamin C which has 6000+ studies to its credit. Please remember that Noni has had a young shelf life in western medicine compared to vitamin C or any other health related product. It is simply a matter of time when science will catch up with the mountains of anecdotal evidence being heaped on Noni Juice as we speak. I will the leave final word on the matter to the American Cancer Society There is no scientific evidence that noni juice is effective in preventing or treating cancer or any other disease in humans. Although animal and laboratory studies have shown some positive effects, human studies are just getting started. Research is also going on to isolate various compounds found in the noni plant so that further testing can be done to find out if they may be useful in humans.


The single most common cause of pain is inflammation. The redness and swelling are the immune systems way of dealing with any kind of challenge, such as infection or an imbalance in the system. Most chronic diseases, including artery disease, cancer and Alzheimers, involve inflammation. Arthritis is a huge problem in the West. According to the UKs Arthritis Research Campaign, nearly nine million adults in Britain (thats 19 percent of the population) have seen their doctors in the last year for arthritis or related conditions, and as many as 13 million Britains suffer from it.5 Itis means inflammation, whether its inflammation of the joints (arthritis), inflammation of the colon (colitis), inflammation of the lungs (bronchitis), or inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis). There are exceptions to this.

Pain Killers May Eventually KILL YOU!

Whenever we experience pain nothing helps us cope better than pain killers. There are two types:

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NAISDs) Aspirin Ibuprofen (Nurofen) Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) Diclofenac (Volterol) Vioxx Celebrex

Corticosteroids Cortisone Prodesterone

Why YOU Feel Pain!

There are a chain of events that happen in your body that produces pain in the body. NAISDs block a prostaglandin responsible for inflammation. This prostaglandin is made from one of the fats found in Omega-6, which is abundant in milk and meat. This Omega-6 fat is called arachidonic acid which also makes leukotrienes these also cause pain and swelling. The prostaglandin is made up of two enzymes cyclo-oxygenase or COX 1 and COX 2 for short. This is where all the action is. Aspirin, Nurofen and other NAISDs block and inhibit either COX 1 or COX 2 from forming in the body thereby reducing pain and inflammation. Omega 6 fat ARACHIDONIC ACID
from milk and meat

Pain and swelling Pain and swelling

(Type 2)




The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

NAISDs will either block COX 1 or COX 2 enzymes to help ease pain in your body. Both of these enzymes have important roles to play and work in perfect harmony. Over blocking one enzyme for too long a period will cause adverse health problems.

Special Health ALERT!!!

In the U.K around 10,000 people die from prescribed drugs every year. Anti-inflammatory drugs account for 2,600 of those deaths. In the United States the figure is 16,500 deaths a year More than from asthma, cervical cancer or malignant melanoma! COX 1 is responsible for lining the stomach and intestines with protective mucus. It also protects the kidneys and helps with healthy blood clotting in times of injury. COX 1 also does something really dumb It makes a stuff called Thromboxane A2 which narrows the blood vessels and makes sticky blood cells called platelets If too much of these sticky platelets build up its

Youll suffer one big heart attack Well COX 2 counteracts this by making a neat substance called prostacyclin that thins the blood. So over blocking COX 2 will cause you to have a massive heart attack! Omega 6 fat ARACHIDONIC ACID
from milk and meat

Pain and swelling

Pain and swelling (Type 2)


(Thickens blood and protects the gut with a mucus shield)

(Thins blood) In test tube studies Noni Juice has been shown to block COX 2

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Over blocking COX 1 causes gastro intestinal bleeding. Thats where you bleed to death internally. Many other NAISDs cause other gastro intestinal problems like ulcers. One small study published in 2005 using new scanning technology discovered that 70% of patients who had been on pain killers for 3 months had damage to their intestines. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen in the U.S) is notoriously toxic to the liver Aspirin prevents the natural production of collagen and other substances involved in the matrix of bone development. And HELPS speed up cartilage break down in arthritis.

Noni Juice and Pain Relief.

Noni has been used for centuries by the native peoples of the Pacific, Asia, Australia, India and the Americas to treat all sorts of health related problems.

Authors Note:
More information on the traditional medicinal uses of Noni can found at our website. More Info:
Noni Juice contains a substance called Scopoletin - Scopoletin is another major and distinctive compound found in Noni fruit. Scopoletin has anti-inflammatory activity and can be used to treat bronchial illnesses and asthma. Scopoletin has demonstrated inhibitory effects on Cyclo-oxygenase (COX 2) and 5-lipoxygenase which has been found to cause inflammation and pain as well. Scopoletin regulates the hormone serotonin, which helps to reduce anxiety and depression.6 Three recent studies done in vivo (test tube) showed that Noni Juice selectively inhibited COX 2.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Noni is considered safe with no side effects as mentioned in the Physicians Desk Reference ("PDR") for Non-Prescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements.7 The long term effects of Noni juice on the cardiovascular and digestive system is unknown. Compare Noni with the powerful COX 2 inhibitor Vioxx which doubled or even quadrupled your risk of having a heart attack.8 Vioxx was quickly removed from shop shelves in 2004.


If you have arthritis youre in pain terrible pain. Difficult as your daily life might be - reaching for those pain killers may cause you life threatening symptoms, as demonstrated above. Over blocking COX 1 will cause intestinal bleeding and ulcers. Over blocking COX 2 will cause heart failure.

What is Arthritis?
Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common form of arthritis. About 1 in 50 people develop RA at some stage in their life. It can happen to anyone, and it is not a hereditary disease. It can develop at any age, but most commonly starts in middle adult life (aged 40-60). It is three times more common in women than in men.9 Arthritis affects people of all ages. There are 12,000 children in the UK with arthritis and approximately 27,000 people living with arthritis are under the age of 25.10

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

According to the Center of Disease Control, arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. The CDC has found that each year arthritis impacts the United States with:

9,500 deaths 750,000 hospitalizations 8 million people with limitations 36 million ambulatory care visits 49 million people with self-reported, doctor-diagnosed arthritis 51 billion in medical costs and $86 billion in total costs

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases : -More than 20 million people in the United States have the disease. -By 2030, 20 percent of Americans--about 70 million people--will have passed their 65th birthday and will be at risk for osteoarthritis. Younger people get osteoarthritis from joint injuries, but osteoarthritis most often occurs in older people. -More than half of the population age 65 or older, both male and female, would show x-ray evidence of osteoarthritis in at least one joint. -Before age 45, more men than women have osteoarthritis, whereas after age 45, it is more common in women11

Noni Juice and Arthritis.

Noni juice will not cure your Arthritis. But it may help manage the pain experienced from having this debilitating disease. Two new studies published this month (May 2007) have confirmed earlier work that Noni Juice reduces inflammation. One study found that 4 compounds isolated from the juice exhibited potent anti-inflammatory activity12 While the other study confirmed this, but added that 8 compounds from Noni Juice were shown to inhibit 5- and/or 15-lipoxygenase.13 In mammals, lipoxygenases play key roles in inflammation by initiating the transformation of arachidonic acid into potent bioactive lipid mediators such as leukotrienes and lipoxins14

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.


Noni Juice has been shown to block 15lipoxygenase


Pain and swelling


The Potassium Connection.

Studies have shown that people with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) have low traces of potassium in their blood stream. This of course doesnt make the disease a potassium deficient disease. The cause is still unknown. Some RA sufferers respond well while being treated with potassium tablets.15 Noni juice is a good source of potassium. Some brands have very high potassium levels and may require caution.

WARNING; Too much potassium is poisonous to your kidneys.


So far weve touched on Cancer and Arthritis. And we know that so far, Noni juice has not been medically proven to cure either disease. And anyone promoting Noni as a cure for these diseases should be avoided. But the question remains So if Noni hasnt been medically proven to cure these and other health problems Ive read about. Why does it appear to work? Thats a damn good question.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Often we get some fairly far out testimonials from our customers testimonials that floor even us. O.k. sure from my own personal experience I dont get the flu or colds as much. I havent had to pay for antibiotics and other prescription drugs in a while. You know thats a big deal to meI used to hate getting the flu! Yes cancer and arthritis are a different story. But if youve heard or read how someone has been cured of cancer or have had some Miraculous healing after taking Noni juice. (We have such testimonials) Then either my customers are lying or something elses is going on? Now as I said at the start of this e-book Im no scientist But after 9 years in this industry I have had time to think about what might be happening when you drink Noni juice. I may have the answer:

Noni Juice and Immunity

Animal and test tube studies show Noni to have some immuneenhancing activity. Specifically, the polysaccharide component has been shown to increase the release of immune-enhancing compounds that activate white blood cells to destroy tumour cells.16 Now a polysaccharide is a complex sugar molecule that has had over 20yrs of research in Japan for its role in cancer treatment. It has been turned into a prescription drug to aid in restoring the immune system in cancer patients after been hammered by toxic chemotherapy.

Other important elements of Noni juice. Amino acids and Immunity.

Noni juice has 17 Amino acids which 3 of them help your bodys immune system fight off sickness. Serine Has sugar-producing qualities, and is very reactive in the body. It is highly concentrated in all cell membranes, aiding in the production of immunoglobulin and antibodies

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Arginine Arginine plays an important role in cell division, the healing of wounds, removing ammonia from the body, immune function, and the release of hormones.17 Methionine Is a component of various endorphins responsible for pain relief and well-being. And is essential in the development of the thymus gland for a healthy immune system in foetuses and little children.18

Other important elements of Noni juice. Vitamins and Immunity.

Vitamin A While studying the effects of vitamin A in children, Dr. Chandra observed that even a moderate deficiency can weaken the immune defences of a childs respiratory tract. Vitamin A deficiency causes damage to the naturally protective mucous membrane barrier of the respiratory tract, and its thought that bacteria and viruses take advantage of that damage. Many experts believe that immune-compromising vitamin A deficiencies are also widespread among children in the United States. Some 28 percent of children in the United States may be vitamin A deficient. Vitamin C There is general agreement in the medical community that vitamin C is vital to the production of white blood cells, the foot soldiers of your immune system. One study has shown that levels of vitamin C dont have to be very low, even in otherwise healthy men between ages 25 and 43, to cause a decline in immune function. During a three-month study, researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Western Human Nutrition Research Centre in San Francisco found that getting 20 milligrams or less of vitamin C a day

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

caused a delayed reaction to a skin test designed to provoke an immune response, such as swelling or a rash. Vitamin E The story on vitamin E and immunity is long and positive. For years, researchers have been finding dramatic immune-enhancing effects using vitamin E supplements, including increased levels of interferon and interleukin. Both of these biochemicals are produced by the immune system to fight infection.


Noni juice contains 3 Major Antioxidants plus another dozen or so other compounds with antioxidant properties. There are in fact 3000 known antioxidants. But none have received more scientific research than Vitamins A, C, and E. A pile of studies has shown that antioxidants can inhibit, prevent or cure hundreds of different health problems. Scientists have known for years that Antioxidants have the ability to scavenge or neutralize free radicals. These unstable molecules are either the cause or part of the cause for cancerous tumours, Alzheimers and a host of other health problems.

How Antioxidants Destroy Free Radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that attack healthy cells by stealing an electron from them thus making them stable and the cells it attacks unstable. Two studies published in 1997 revealed how the powerful antioxidants A, C and E destroy free radicals. These three vitamins work like a bucket brigade during a fire. Researches of Keele University in England discovered how this trio of vitamins work and how they collaborate to protect normal healthy cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

The MAGIC Of Antioxidants And How They Destroy Free Radicals That Harm You

Vitamin E Molecule

First Vitamin E reacts with the free radicals restoring them to their less harmful state

Free Radical Unstable This turns the vitamin E into a potentially damaging Radical

Free Radical Less Harmful

Vitamin A Molecule

Vitamin A reacts with the unstable vitamin E molecule restoring it back to normal

Unstable Vitamin E Molecule This turns the vitamin A into a potentially damaging Radical

Stable Vitamin E Molecule

Vitamin C Molecule

Vitamin C reacts with the unstable vitamin E molecule restoring it back to normal

Unstable Vitamin A Molecule

Stable Vitamin A Molecule

Because Vitamin C is a water soluble the body rids itself of the unstable vitamin molecule in its urine. Unstable Vitamin C Molecule

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Antioxidants and Asthma.

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and can help reduce inflammation of the bronchial lung. Vitamin C enhances the action of histaminase, which quickly breaks down histamine the chemical that prompts inflammation during an allergic reaction. That means it can give instant relief for someone having an asthma attack. 1 gram of vitamin C reduces histamine levels by 20% 2 grams of vitamin C reduces histamine levels by 30%19 As a matter of course asthma sufferers should take extra vitamin C in their diets. Numerous studies have shown that the lower a persons antioxidant intake the worse their asthma.20 One U.K survey of 1,500 asthma sufferers found that people who ate at least two apples per week had a 22 32 per cent lower risk of having an asthma attack than those who ate fewer.

Authors Note:
As a side note Magnesium though not an antioxidant, has been found to reduce symptoms of asthma. Magnesium administered intravenously at the time of an asthma attack can reduce recovery time by half and cuts the chances of needing recover by two thirds. Noni juice is a good source of magnesium and may help asthma sufferers.
Antioxidants and Arthritis.
A recent study found that the addition of an antioxidant mixture or vitamin E alone to a standard treatment regimen for rheumatoid arthritis improves symptoms.21 Another study published in 2005 by the University of Manchester involving 25,000 people showed that a low intake of Antioxidants through a healthy diet had a higher risk of getting arthritis. A 2003 study abstract concluded an Intake of certain antioxidant micronutrientsand possibly diets high in fruits and cruciferous vegetables may be protective against the development of rheumatoid arthritis.22

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

The uses of antioxidants are vast and well documented. These studies go far beyond what is presented here.

Noni Juice and Antioxidants

Noni juice is very powerful all natural antioxidant. It contains vitamin A, C and E as well as polysaccharides or Noni PPT, plus other compounds found to have antioxidant activity. This is confirmed by a number of studies done in vivo and in vitro. One study stated the results show a strong oxygen superoxide scavenging activity in the extracts from M. Citrifolia (Noni). 23 A 2005 study confirmed these results and found (Noni) to be a potent antioxidant.24 Another study then also looked at the effective anti-oxidant properties of one brand of noni juice, (via LPO and TNB-SAR assays) comparing with the free-radical properties of vitamin C, grape seed powder (GSP), and pycnogenol (PYC) at the daily dose per serving level recommended by U.S. RDAs or manufacturers. This noni juice brand was shown to be more effective than all three.25

The findings of this study are really quite something.

The French have known of the antioxidant properties of red wine for a long time. Even with a rich diet comparable with most western countries, their heart disease is much lower, because of their large consumption of red wine. Grape seed powder has been used for a long time as a health supplement and is a super antioxidant that treats obesity, diabetes and liver problems. France has another seemingly miraculous antioxidant, pycnogenol. This powerhouse is extracted from the bark of a particular pine tree, found on the southern coasts of France. Pycnogenol is said to be 50 times more potent than vitamin C. The above study is significant enough to give Noni the thumbs up in the antioxidant category.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.


Noni Juice and Type 2 Diabetes.

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is having too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. This happens because the pancreas cannot make enough insulin. Glucose is an essential source of energy for the brain and is one of the sources of energy for the body. Glucose in the bloodstream comes from carbohydrate foods, which are changed into glucose after we have eaten them. Glucose also comes from the liver, which converts fat and protein into glucose to make sure there is a constant glucose supply even when we are not eating. For people without diabetes the level of glucose in the body is between 4 and 8 mmol/L. Insulin is produced in the pancreas and has two jobs in the body the first is to transport glucose from the blood supply into fat and muscle cells, where it can be used for energy. The second is to switch off the liver once the level of glucose in the blood is high enough. Diabetes is the result of the body not creating enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels in the normal range. It cannot presently be cured but it can be controlled and you can lead a full and active life.

Type 1
People who do not make any insulin (or very little) have Type 1 diabetes. Because the immune system destroys the pancreas they have stopped making insulin, and their body is unable to use glucose for energy. They tend to lose weight very quickly because their body is actually being starved. Their health rapidly deteriorates and they would die if insulin were not given. They therefore require insulin by injection plus healthy eating to stay alive and maintain good health.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Type 2
People with Type 2 diabetes are still making insulin but the production is sluggish or their body is resistant to insulin. Becoming overweight is almost always the cause of the body becoming resistant to insulin and can trigger Type 2 diabetes, even in young people. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with weight loss and regular physical activity. Medication in the form of tablets is often required to reduce the resistance to insulin or to stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition in that the pancreas continues to get more sluggish over time. People with Type 2 diabetes may eventually require insulin.

Causes of Diabetes Type 2:

In Type 2 diabetes, either the body doesnt produce enough insulin, or the cells in the body dont recognise the insulin that is present. The end result is the same: high levels of glucose in your blood. About a third of people with Type 2 diabetes also have high blood pressure (hypertension) and / or disordered levels of fats (cholesterol) in their blood (the medical name for this is dyslipidaemia). This combination of diabetes with hypertension and dyslipidaemia is sometimes called 'the metabolic syndrome' or syndrome X. Type 2 diabetes most often occurs in adulthood usually after the ages of 30 40 years. However, increasing numbers of teenagers and children are developing Type 2 diabetes. Some groups of people are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. These are Maori, Polynesians or Asians, people who are overweight, people who have a blood relative with Type 2 diabetes, women who have had a baby weighing more than 4 kg (9 pounds) or people who dont exercise enough. If you have a blood relative with Type 2 diabetes you are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes yourself. However Type 2 diabetes sometimes occurs in people who have no one in their family with the condition.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

The Effects of Diet & Physical Activity on Diabetes:

Making changes to your lifestyle is a very important first step, and one that you have a great deal of control over. The goal of managing your daily life is to lower your blood glucose and improve your bodys use of insulin. This is achieved through a healthy diet, exercise and weight loss. The focus of your nutrition choices and regular exercise is to achieve and maintain healthy blood glucose levels. Losing weight helps your body use insulin better.

The Benefits of Noni:

The guidelines for reducing diabetes risk are consistent with the guidelines for coronary heart disease prevention, cancer prevention as well as general health promotion. The basis for good health is good nutrition, regular exercise, maintaining an ideal body weight and, most importantly, a first-rate immune system. Our health is directly influenced by our immune system. The onset of almost all infectious and degenerative disease is preceded or accompanied by inadequate immune response. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics and treatments used to fight infections and illnesses actually depress the immune system when used long-term. But the natural nutritive forces of Noni can and do support the immune system. By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears. If health and immunity are thereafter conscientiously maintained, the individual is no longer vulnerable to disease. It is never too late to enjoy the health benefit that taking a daily dose of Noni Juice gives you. With the correct diet, exercise and by drinking Noni Juice daily, the immune system can be restored and maintained at a level that provides good health well into the Golden Years.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.


More than hype and HOT air Noni juice certainly has merit as a genuine health supplement and novel food. Heres where I think most folk selling this stuff become unstuck. On one hand you have oodles of anecdotal (non scientific) evidence. On the other you have the scientific and medical studies done so far.

Authors Note:
Go to Pub Med online and type in Noni in the search box and most of the scientific research done on Noni will display for you to look at and study. Or simply go to our website for an up to date list of relevant studies.
On one hand you have amazing personal testimonials and observations from health practitioners and even doctors like Dr Neil Solomon, and other folk from all corners of the world. On the other hand, little to no scientific evidence to back up those claims. Just because the scientific community hasnt found corroborative medical evidence doesnt make honest folk drinking Noni every day liars. It just means the truth is yet to be found and still remains elusive. The truth is people around the globe are experiencing the wonderful health benefits of Noni juice whether the scientific community can prove it or not. So why all the hype? Noni can stand on its own two feet without all the B.S. You will see a time when all the less exaggerated claims will be vindicated by medical research. There arent enough resources devoted to Noni research. But there is certainly enough scientific evidence to say Yes theres something to this Noni phenomenon.

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

So far there seems to be a harmonious consistency with some of the health claims and the science done to date. One isnt radically different from the other. There is a consistent picture. But the science community is always tentative about its findings and never goes out on a limb.

Sometimes The Medical Community Cant Tell Whether Theyre Arthur Or Martha
The medical community have now decided that theyre not sure if vitamins are even good for you anymore!!! Recently one newspaper had the headline Taking multi-vitamins could be a waste of time and money. (Daily Mail, 19 May 2006) Another said Vitamin pills could cause early death. (The Times, 30 March 2006) The Financial Times reported in May 2003 that Over use of vitamins may lead to cancer A recent report by the US Preventive Services Task Force concluded that there is not enough evidence to either recommend for or against taking vitamins (including antioxidants) for cancer prevention.26 When will the so called health experts make up their bloody mind? Are vitamins good or bad for our health? Well I dont know about you But Im not going to wait around until some pencil pusher in a white lab coat tells me its o.k. to take something for my health. You shouldnt either!

The Final Word On Noni.

All I can say as a native of the Cook Islands and having experienced and seen with my own eyes what Noni can and cant do for you and your health. And having been manufacturing and importing Noni for over 9 years is that I dont have all the answers. But all I know is that it works!

The 7 Surprising Health Secrets Of Noni Juice.

Report of Cancer Incidence and Prevalence Projections, East Anglia Cancer Itelligence Unit, Department of Community Medicine , University of Cambridge, June 1997, Mcmillan cancer Relief. 2 I. Health, Who Needs Health Care The Well Or The Sick, British Medical Journal, vol 320, 2005 pp. 954-6 3 Food is better medicine than drugs pg 98 4 How to fight cancer and win! 5 The Big Picture, published by the Arthritis Research Campaign. See 6 7 Thomson Healthcare (Micromedex) (November 25, 2006).
8 1 11 12 _uids=17480098&query_hl=3&itool=pubmed_docsum 13 _uids=17378609&query_hl=3&itool=pubmed_docsum

10 16 Hirazumi A, Furusawa E, Chou SC, Hokama Y. Immunomodulation contributes to the anticancer activity of morinda citrifolia (noni) fruit juice. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 1996;39:79 . 17 18 Boost Your Immune System. 19 A. Soutar, Bronchial Reactivity and Dietary Antioxidants, Thorax, vol.52,1997,pp.166-70 20 N.L. Misso et al.,Plasma Concentrations of Dietary and Nondietary Antioxidants are Low in Sever Asthma, European Respiratory Journal, vol.26 (2),2005,pp.257-64 21 Helmy M, Shohayeb M, Helmy MH, et al. Antioxidants as adjuvant therapy in rheumatoid disease. Arzneimittelforschung. 2001;51:293298. 22 23 _uids=17127467&query_hl=3&itool=pubmed_docsum 24 _uids=15844957&query_hl=3&itool=pubmed_docsum 25 Wang MY, Su C (December 2001). "Cancer preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia (Noni).". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 952: 161-8. PMID: 11795436.
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