Getting Started With The Campus Place Finder Template

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Template: Campus Place Finder Version: 1.

0 Date: November 6, 2011

The Campus Place Finder template is a configuration of ArcGIS Server and a JavaScript application that allows employees and visitors to locate people and places on a campus or in a single building. This application is typically used by employees or university students to locate an office or conference room in a building, but can also be used by visitors to locate an individual employee they are visiting.

The Campus Place Finder application showing Campus Place information The application is named Campus Place Finder. It offers a map-based view of interior and/or exterior assets on a university or business campus that enables employees, students and visitors to locate an area of interest and review common information stored typically in an organizations human resources and facilities management database. It also allows employees and visitors to deliver a web-based service request application for their building or campus. The Campus Place Finder application provides employees, students and visitors an easy way to find a building space or employee by their name. They can enter the space name or simply use the map and floor navigator to find an area of interest. When they enter the space name, the application will present a list of s paces that are similar and allow them to select the appropriate space. In addition, employees and visitors can search for an employee by name. To do that, they can enter the name of the employee. When they enter the name of the employee, the application will find the space or present a list of employees that are similar and allow them to select the appropriate employee from a list. As an optional step, the Campus Place Finder can also be configured to support a web-based service request application for a building or campus. It can be used by facilities management, buildings and grounds, public works agencies, or other organizations to deliver a service request application. This application provides 24x7 access to the organization and typical ly
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supplements customer service phone numbers staffed by corporation, university, or government agency. In organizations that have deployed an automated system (CRM/ CMMS systems) to track service requests and work activities, the online requests can be routed to staff responsible for its resolution. If an automated is not present in the organization, a manual service ticket can be created and routed to appropriate staff. The Campus Place Finder template comes with three basemaps. The first is the Campus basemap. This basemap is a highresolution, multi-scale basemap for a university or business campus that can also be used by government agencies to produce a high-resolution basemap for a downtown, government complex, or military base. It provides important reference information (buildings, parking areas, sidewalks, fences, etc.) and serves as a basemap for additional operational data managed on a campus and interior spaces found within buildings. The second basemap is the Imagery basemap. This basemap provides high-resolution imagery as an alternative to much of the content contained in the Campus basemap. Please note, the Imagery basemap is configured in this template but not included in the download because of its size. You can download a copy of an Imagery Hybrid basemap from when you are ready to deploy the Campus Place Finder template with your authoritative data. The final basemap included in this template is the World Topographic basemap. This basemap provides topographic contours and other physiographic features. It includes boundaries, water features, physiographic features, parks, landmarks, transportation, and structures. You can download a copy of a Topographic basemap from when you are ready to deploy the Campus Place Finder template with your authoritative data. As an initial step, we suggest you try the Campus Place Finder application and watch the video named How to use the Campus Place Finder Template on the ArcGIS for Local Government Resource Center. Then, follow the instructions below to install this template on your own.

Web Configuration
The Campus Place Finder application is optimized for a PC with the following: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8/9, Mozilla Firefox 3.6/6.0, Google Chrome 13, Apple Safari 5.1 1280x1024 Screen Resolution

Software Environment
The following software must be installed and configured: ArcGIS Server 10 for the Microsoft .Net Framework Standard or Advanced ver. 10 w/SP 1 or higher ArcGIS Desktop 10 and Maplex Labeling Extension ver. 10 w/SP 1 or higher ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Personal (Only required for Service Request functionality) Microsoft ASP.Net Framework 4.0

Note: ArcGIS Server can be configured on other supported web servers and database platforms; however this template has been optimized for ArcGIS Server the Microsoft.Net Framework.

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Template Contents
The following files are provided in the Campus Place Finder template ZIP file: Template Directory

Campus.mxd BuildingInterior.mxd d ServiceRequest.mxd LocalGovernment.gdb

The map document used to author the Campus basemap The map service definition used to author the Campus basemap service The map document used to author the Building Interior map The map service definition used to author the Building Interior map service The map document used to author the Service Request map The local government geodatabase with content from the Esri Campus in Redlands, California A folder containing the application files, graphics files, and items needed to configure the Campus Place Finder application An HTML document that contains a description of the LocalGovernment.gdb content An HTML document that describes the contents of ParcelPublicAcce ss.mxd An HTML document that describes the contents of ServiceRequest.mxd An HTML document that describes the contents of BuildingInterior.mxd A PDF document that describes how to configure template and changes made with each release

Application Documentation

CampusPlaceFinder DataDictionary.htm l Campus.html ServiceRequest.html BuildingInterior.html Getting Started with the Campus Place Finder Template.pdf

How to configure and use the Campus Place Finder Template

You can configure the Campus Place Finder template in your environment, and in doing so, learn how to publish and serve your own maps using ArcGIS Server and your organizations data. To complete the configuration, you will need experience with ArcGIS Server and Microsofts Internet Information Server (IIS). If you are new to JavaScript applications, this template will demonstrate a pattern you can use to deploy your own JavaScript application and publish web maps using ArcGIS Server.

Implementation Steps
Follow the five implementation steps to publish and serve the Campus Place Finder template in your organization. In addition, you will need to complete two additional steps (Optional) if you wish to enable the service request functionality present in the template.

Step 1 Publish the Local Government Map Services

1. Unzip the Campus Place Finder Download you downloaded from and place the contents of the zip file in the following directory on your computer:
<your_directory>\A rcGISTemplates\ LocalGov\Ca mpusPlaceFinde r\

2. Copy LocalGovernment.gdb, the Campus ArcMap document (mxd) and Campus map service definition to a directory location that is accessible to your ArcGISSOC Account on your ArcGIS Server computer. Or, grant the ArcGISSOC Account access to the following directory:
<your_directory>\A rcGIS Templates\LocalGov\Cam pusPlaceF inder\Ma psandGe oda tabas e
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3. Using ArcCatalog, publish the basemap service used by the Campus Place Finder Application: Publish the basemap as a map service. Accept all other defaults. Once complete, go into the ArcGIS Services Directory and record the REST End Points (full URL paths) of each service.

Note: The ArcGIS Services Directory is typically found at : http://<yourserver>/ArcGIS/res t/se rvices 4. Construct a Map Cache for the Campus map service to increase the performance of the basemap: Using ArcCatalog, right-click on the Campus map service Select > Service Properties > Caching Select the following caching options: Select > Using tiles from a cache that you will define below Load the tiling scheme Select > Loading tiling scheme from > ArcGISOnline/Bing Maps/Google > OK Use the Delete button to remove each map scale that is smaller than 1:9027.97741 Use the Add button to create a new map scale that is 1:564, 1:282.12, 1:141.06 Set the Image Settings: Select > Tile Format > MIXED Select > Compression > 90

Select the option to Create tiles on demand if you would like the map to cache as you use it Click OK. When prompted, Do you want to create tiles now?, choose to construct tiles later.

Note: The setting Create tiles on demand will create map tiles the first time each area is visited (i.e., on demand). The first user to navigate to an area that has not been cached must wait while the corresponding tiles are computed by the server. The tiles are then added to the service's cache folder and remain on the server. This means that subsequent visitors to the area will not have to wait for the tile to be created. The performance of your web map will increase considerably as the tile cache is filled in.
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Step 2 Publish the Building Interior Map Service

1. Copy the BuildingInterior map document (.mxd) and BuildingInterior map service definition (.msd) to a directory location that is accessible to your ArcGISSOC Account on your ArcGIS Server computer . Or, grant the ArcGISSOC Account access to the following directory:
<your_directory>\A rcGISTemplates\ LocalGov\Ca mpusPlaceFinde r\Mapsa ndGe oda tabase

2. Using ArcCatalog, publish the BuildingInterior map service used by the Campus Place Finder: Publish the as a map service. Accept all other defaults. Once complete, go into the ArcGIS Services Directory and record the REST End Points (full URL paths) of each service

Note: Depending on the size of your campus, you may want to consider simplifying your Building Interior Space Lines to minimize the number of features in the map service. To do so, use the Dissolve command and enter the building and floor attributes. This will create single polyline features for building interior space lines that share a common building and flo or attribute. Note: The ArcGIS Services Directory is typically found at: http://<your_hostname>/ArcGIS/rest/services

Step 3 Publish an ArcGIS Server Geometry Service

1. Publish a geometry service in ArcGIS Server.

Using ArcCatalog, publish a geometry service to ArcGIS Server: Right-click on the server in ArcCatalog, and select Add a New Service Select a geometry service Accept all other defaults. Click Finish.

Step 4 Configure the Campus Place Finder Application

1. Modify the Campus Place Finder web application configuration file to point to the map services you authored. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Campus Place Finder website:
<your_directory>\A rcGISTemplates\ LocalGov\Ca mpusPlaceFinde r\A pplica tion

Open the config.txt file in Microsoft Notepad or another text file editing tool. Seven lines of code need to be changed in this configuration file. Replace the URL for the rest services directory. You should only have to replace yourserver in this file with the name of your ArcGIS Server. Verify that the REST Services URLs and map service names are correct

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Note: If you are having trouble finding the correct URL to replace, search for yourserver and you will find the URLs that need to be replaced. Save the file and exit Finally, before you start using the Campus Place Finder application, its a good idea to clear your REST and internet browser cache

Step 5 Publish the Campus Place Finder Web Site

1. Publish the Campus Place Finder application. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Park application directory:
<your_directory>\A rcGISTemplates\ LocalGov\Ca mpusPlaceFinde r\A pplica tion

Select the CampusPlaceFinder directory and copy it to your web server so it can be accessed as a website or virtual directory

Note: In Microsoft IIS, the web server directory is <your_directory>\Inetpub\wwwroot\. 2. Define the Application Pool on your web server. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) on your computer and navigate to:
Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Select <your server>> Web Sites> Default Web Sites Right-click on the CampusPlaceFinder directory and select Convert to Application Select ASP.Net v. 4 Application Pool. Click OK.
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3. Change the ASP.Net proxy page to point to your ArcGIS REST service URL. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the CampusPlaceFinder proxy file:
<your_directory>\Inetpub\ wwwroot\Ca mpusPlaceFinde r\ proxy.config

Open the Proxy.Config file in Microsoft Notepad. One line of code need to be changed in this configuration file. Enter the URL for your REST services directory. Save the file and exit.

Note: Once youve completed the configuration, verify that each basemap and the comment form works properly. If the basemaps dont display, check the config.txt file to ensure your map services are entered properly. Also verify in ArcCatalo g that map cache tiles are being generated. You may need to build portions of the cache by panning and zooming in ArcCatalog using the cache-on-demand method suggested in this document. If you get a blank screen in the application and your config.js file is correct, spend some time working in ArcCatalog to verify the map looks good and then consider building the cache in ArcCatalog using "Update Tiles...". Work in one geographic area at multiple cache scales to start generating the cache. 4. Begin using the Campus Place Finder application. The Campus Place Finder application can be started by navigating to the URL
Example: http://<yourserver>/ CampusPlaceF inder/ defa ult. htm l

When youre ready to start using the Campus Place Finder template with your data, start by downloading the Local Government Information Model schema-only layer package. It can be used to create the empty ge odatabase youll need to migrate your data.

Step 6 Publish the Service Request Feature Service - Optional

1. Load the CitizenService Feature Dataset provided in the LocalGovernment.gdb into your ArcSDE geodatabase: Open ArcCatalog > Expand Database Servers
Select your Database Server > Right-click > New Geodatabase

Name your geodatabase LocalGovernment and Set the Initial Size to 500 MB Copy and Paste the CitizenService Feature Dataset into your LocalGovernment ArcSDE geodatabase

2. Grant the ArcGISSOC account access to your ArcSDE geodatabase and assign read/write permissions for the ArcGISSOC account. Once youve granted the ArcGISSOC account permissions to the geodatabase, register the CitizenService Feature Dataset as Versioned. Note: If you are using an Enterprise version of ArcSDE, write permissions for the ArcSDE data are required. See the help for additional information 3. Copy the ServiceRequest ArcMap document (.mxd) to a directory location that is accessible to your ArcGISSOC Account on your ArcGIS Server computer. Or, grant the ArcGISSOC Account access to the following directory:
<your_directory>\A rcGIS Templates\LocalGov\ServiceRe que stHTML5\Ma psandGe oda tabase

4. Open the ServiceRequest.mxd and set the data source for the ServiceRequest feature class and ServiceRequestComment table to point to the new ArcSDE geodatabase. Once youve reset the data source, s ave the ServiceRequest.mxd.

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5. Use the Map Service Publishing toolbar to create a ServiceRequest map service definition (.msd). Set the ArcGIS Server Options to: Anti-Aliasing>Best Text Anti-Aliasing>Force

6. Once complete, save the ServiceRequest map service definition to a directory location that is accessible to your ArcGISSOC Account on your ArcGIS Server computer. 7. Using ArcCatalog, publish the feature service used by the Service Request for HTML 5 Application: Publish the as a feature service. Accept all other defaults. Once complete, go into the ArcGIS Services Directory and record the REST End Points (full URL paths) of each service.

Note: The ArcGIS Services Directory is typically found at: http://<your_hostname>/ArcGIS/rest/services

Step 7 Enable the Service Request Functionality - Optional

1. Modify the Campus Place Finder web application configuration file to point to the map services you authored. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Campus Place Finder website:
<your_directory>\A rcGISTemplates\ LocalGov\Ca mpusPlaceFinde r\A pplica tion

Open the config.txt file in Microsoft Notepad or another text file editing tool. Four lines of code need to be changed in this configuration file.

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Change the Service Request Is Enabled from false to true Replace the URL for the rest services directory. You should only have to replace yourserver in this file with the name of your ArcGIS Server. Verify that the REST Services URLs and map service names are correct Save the file and exit Finally, before you start using the Campus Place Finder application, its a good idea to clear your REST and internet browser cache

Note: If you are having trouble finding the correct URL to replace, search for yourserver and you will find the URLs that need to be replaced. Note: If youve already deployed the Campus Place Finder application to your web server, youll have to update the configuration file on the web server as well. 2. Begin using the Campus Place Finder with Service Request functionality. The Campus Place Finder application can be started by navigating to the URL
Example: http://<yourserver>/ CampusPlaceF inder/ defa ult. htm l

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Template: Campus Place Finder Version: 1.0 Date: November 6, 2011

Release Notes
The November 6, 2011 release is the first release of the Campus Place Finder Template for ArcGIS 10. New Functionality N/A Resolved Problems N/A Known Issues N/A

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