DCOM Configuration Tutorial
DCOM Configuration Tutorial
DCOM Configuration Tutorial
Systems, which do differ slightly from Windows NT and 2000 Operating Systems. This article will simply outline the steps to configure DCOM. If you would like to know and understand the reasons WHY some of these settings are so, then please read: NT/2000 User Security Permissions/Considerations Special considerations in multiple domain settings.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Configuring the general/default settings Configuring the settings for OPCENUM Configuring the settings for your OPC Server Configuring the Local Security Policies
Starting DCOM Configuration The DCOM Configuration utility can be accessed either in the Windows Control Panel -> Administrative Tools, or the Windows START button. To start it manually: 1. Click on the Windows START button 2. Click on the RUN option 3. Type "DCOMCNFG" (without the quotes) and press ENTER. (case does not matter) This will load the Windows "Component Services", which is shown below:
The following screen is opened by: Right-clicking on the "My Computer" node in the "Component Services" screen. Choosing "Properties" from the menu. Then click the "Default Properties" Tab.
The options available in this screen should be configured as: o The Enable Distributed COM on this computer MUST be checked. o The Default Authentication Level should be set to None. o The Default Impersonation Level should be set to Identity The next step is to click on the "COM Security" tab, which is shown below: o As of XP SP2 there are four buttons in this screen. You MUST configure all four buttons.
Click on the "Edit Default" button within the "Access Permissions " area and make sure that the following accounts exist with the "Allow Access" permissions: Everyone Interactive System Network IWAM_<computer-name> * IUSR_<computer-name> * Guests Anonymous o Once that is complete, do the same with the "Edit Default" button in the " Launch Permissions" section and give the right "Allow Launch" to the same accounts as mentioned in the bullet-points above. o Make the same settings under both "Edit Limits" buttons. If you do not set up these limits your DCOM will be limited based on these settings. Now click the OK button to save and close the window. o
* If you plan to use IIS (Internet Information Services) as an OPC Client, then its login context should be added to the list of trusted accounts as shown above.
The next step is to locate OPCEnum in the list of COM components. Simply click on, or expand the "DCOM Config" section to show the objects available to configure:
Locate OPCEnum, and then open its properties by simply right-clicking on it, and choosing "Properties" from the menu. General Tab The General Tab has only one option, and that is the "Authentication level".
Location Tab OPCEnum is a program that scans your registry for a list of OPC Servers on your computer.
OPCEnum needs to run on the computer where it resides.. therefore the option of choice here is to check "Run application on this computer". Security Tab There are 3 options in the Security tab that need to be set. Launch Permissions: Select the option "Use Default". Access Permissions: Select the option "Use Default". Configuration Permissions: Select the option "Customize ", and then click the "Edit" button.
A window will open allowing to specify the accounts that do/don't have configuration permissions, simply add the same: Network Interactive System Everyone Guests Anonymous IUSR_<computer-name> * IWAM_<computer-name> *
Ensure that all of the accounts above receive "Full Control" rights. * If you are using IIS (Internet Information Services) as an OPC Client. Identity Tab Use either the Interactive or System account. Click OK to save and close the OPCENUM options window. Step 4 - Configuring DCOM Security Options for the OPC Server
This step should only be followed if your computer has an OPC Server on it that you wish to allow OPC Clients to connect to. At the "Component Services" window, click on or expand the "DCOM Config" node and locate your OPC Server from the list.
When you have found your OPC Server in this list, simply right-click on it and open its properties. Then follow the same steps as those listed for configuring OPCENUM.
Expand the Local Policies folder and go the Security Options (shown in gray).
DCOM Policies
Locate the following options: DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax
Both of these options should be set to "NOT DEFINED". If either of these are defined, then you will need to work with an IT professional or network administrator who has the necessary rights to be able to access and modify these policies.
These settings default to "disabled". We recommend enabling these options by right-clicking on them and changing the setting as shown below:
Click the OK button to save the setting and close the window.
This setting now has a default value of "Guest only" which can prevent OPC connections. Right click on this policy and open its Properties:
Change the setting to "Classic" as shown above, then click OK to save and close the window.
If you will be using BOTH the OPC Client PC and the OPC Server PC in the SAME WORKGROUP, you will need to have the same user account setup on BOTH PCs with the same password. Ideally you'd run the OPC Server and the OPC Client using the same user account, but if you cannot do that, then you'll have to make sure both accounts are on each PC. Workgroups example: OPC Client runs as local account "OPCClientUser" on Computer #1 OPC Server runs as local account "OPCServerUser" on Computer #2 The accounts "OPCClientUser" and "OPCServerUser" will have to exist on both computers as local accounts. Account "OPCClientUser" must have the same password on both PCs. Account "OPCServerUser" must have the same password on both PCs. The passwords for the two accounts "OPCServerUser" and "OPCClientUser" do not have to match.
Ideally if you are using computers that are in a Windows Domain, both computers will be in the same domain. If they are not in the same domain, you must setup a "trust relationship" between the two domains, which is outside the scope of this documentation. If you are using domains, it is recommended that you use domain user accounts instead of local user accounts to run the OPC Server and the OPC Client. Some people don't realize that if they log into their PC as "JoeSmith" that is different from "MyDomain\JoeSmith". When logging into the PC or choosing user accounts in DCOM setup, be VERY CLEAR whether you are picking a domain account or local user account. If you do choose to use local user accounts, you have to be consistent and do that everywhere in all your DCOM settings. The big difference in domains is that the Domain Controller will determine whether a user account name + password combination are valid or not. For that reason when using domain user accounts you will not go set user names and passwords on each PC in the domain. You will setup the accounts ONE TIME on the Domain Controller and then reference those domain accounts in your DCOM setup.
The big thing to realize when trying to make workgroups interoperate with domains is that the workgroup has no way to authenticate a domain user account! So to make workgroups and domains interoperate, you basically have to "fall back" to the workgroup to workgroup scenario and setup local user accounts on each PC. A couple of examples will help to illustrate this: Example: OPC Client in Workgroup, OPC Server in Domain Where this can get hard is if your OPC Server is setup to run as the interactive user, and the person logged in on the OPC server computer is using a domain account, and your OPC Client is in a workgroup, then the OPC Server will be running as a domain account user. When subscription callbacks for data reads from the OPC server come back to the OPC client, the OPC Client PC will see the domain user account and say "I don't know you" and you won't get data. The symptom of this will be that you can connect to the OPC Server, browse it, configure tags, but fail to get any data back from the OPC Server when it subscribes to tags. The solution in this case would be to setup the OPC Server to run as a specific named local user on it's PC, instead of as the "interactive" user that is logged into the desktop which is a domain account. That specific named local user, if setup on the OPC Server PC in it's workgroup with the same password, would then be able to access the PC where the OPC Client is running. Summary of requirements for this example to work: OPC Server must run as a local user account and that local user account must exist on the client and server PCs with the same username and password. This can be the same or a different local user account from the one used by the OPC Client. The OPC Client must run as a local user account on the client PC and that same local user account must exist on the OPC Server PC with the same username and password Example: The OPC Client in Domain, OPC Server in Workgroup
The same concept applies if your OPC client is in a domain and the OPC Server is in a workgroup. The failure mode here though if you run the OPC Client under a domain account, is that the OPC Client won't connect to your OPC server PC, won't browse for servers, so you won't even be able to configure. The requirements for this example to work are identical to the prior Workgroup/Domain example above.