Regulations 1995 HSSC has 7 types of survey and covers 9 main certificates: Types of Survey Initial: A complete inspection before a ship is put into service to ensure the ship is satisfactory for the service for which the ship is intended. Periodic: An inspection of the items relevant to the particular certificate to ensure they are in satisfactory condition. The word item means all items covered by the certificate. Intermediate: An inspection of specified items relevant to the particular certificate to ensure they are in satisfactory condition. Annual: A general inspection of items relating to the certificate to ensure they have been maintained and remain satisfactory for the intended service. Renewal: Same as a Periodical survey however results in the issue of a new certificate. Additional Used if there had been any material change to the vessel or the vessel following an investigation after damage. Inspection of Ships Bottom: (Pax vessels have one per year, 2 in every 5 years must be with the ship out of the water. Cargo Ships must have 2 in 5 years, usually each out of the water however 1 may be in water). For a Cargo ship, this requirement is part of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate. Main Surveys in HSSC 1. Passenger Renewal every year 2. Cargo Ship Radio Certificate (RADIO) 5 year validity, periodical each year 3. Int Load Line Certificate 5 year validity, Annual surveys 4. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEC) Initial, Annual, Periodic on 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cargo Ship Safety Construction (SAFCON) Int Certificate of Fitness for Gas Int Certificate of Fitness for Chemical IOPP Int Pollution Prevention Certificate for NLS
nd nd
/3 Anniversary.
A Cargo Ship Safety Certificate may be issued in lieu of SAFCON, SEC and RADIO. Enhanced Surveys: Close up examinations of welded attachment of side shell frames in selected cargo tanks, and extensive thickness measurements and tank tests. Applicable for Crude Oil Tankers 20,000 dwt/ Product Carriers 30,000 dwt/ Bulk Carriers > 500gt IMO and Flag State requirement Usually carried out by Class Surveyors Applicable to certain oil tankers and bulk carriers. Will have notation ESP on Class certificate
An Enhanced Survey Report File should be kept on board detailing reports of structural surveys, thickness measurements and executive hull summaries in accordance with IMO requirements. Certificates and Surveys not normally delegated by the MCA Stability LSA, FFA and Fire Safety and navigation elements for PSSC Fire protection, means of escape, fire safety of UMS machinery spaces, accommodation etc for CSSC Initial surveys for SEC, IOPP, INLS, Gas/Chemical Fitness, Safe Manning Documents, ILO 178 inspections
SURVEYS/ CERTIFICATES ISM Certificates SMC: Issued to ship, 5 year validity, 1 intermediate verification DOC: Issued to Company, 5 year validity, Annual verification Ships to carry a copy of the companies DOC. DOC will be valid for the type of ships managed. ISPS Code International Ship Security Certificate approved by Flag State Administration. Valid for 5 years, 1 intermediate verification or additional verifications as deemed necessary by the Flag State. Ships must also carry a Flag State approved Ship Security Plan as well as maintain details of the last 10 port calls or ports for 3 years. Safe Manning Certificate/ Document Guidance in MSN 1767 No expiry date providing nothing changes in relation to the equipment of the vessel, any unforeseen routes or unforeseen tasking which may affect the vessels ability to cope with day-to-day operations. Owners make an assessment of the number of staff required and submit to the Flag State. MARPOL Certificates IOPP/ UKOPPC Required for vessels 400GT or Oil Tankers 150 GT. MCA usually carry out Initial Survey 5 year Validity, Initial, Intermediate, Annual, Renewal. Allowed under HSSC. Additional survey if required. UKOPPC are required for vessel NOT engaged on voyages to other ports within MARPOL jurisdiction.
INLSC Annex II International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk Allowed under HSSC Same survey regime as IOPP. Sewage Certificate Annex IV International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate Required for ALL vessels on international voyages 400GT or ships certified to carry 15 pax or more Allowed under HSSC 5 year validity, needs only an initial survey and a renewal survey. Additional surveys as required for changes to equipment or after repair resulting from investigation. Usually carried out by Class
Air Pollution Prevention Certificate Annex VI Required for ALL vessels 400GT engaged on voyages to other ports within the jurisdiction Allowed under HSSC 5 year validity, Initial, Intermediate, Renewal, Annual Additional Surveys as required.
Engine Air Pollution Prevention Certificate Vessels must also have an Engine Air Pollution Certificate and an NOxTechnical File and Record Book. Load Line Certificate Generally vessels > 150 GT or > 24 m in length Survey requirements are initial, annuals and renewal. A Loadline certificate may be revoked under the following circumstances: If material alterations have been made Fittings and appliances have not been maintained The certificate has not been endorsed for Annual surveys The structural strength of the vessel has been lowered such that the vessel is unsafe.
SURVEYS/ CERTIFICATES Certificates of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gases or Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk 2 certificates exist for both types of cargo, an International Certificate of Fitness or a Certificate of Fitness. Ships built after 1 July 1986 will carry an International Certificate of Fitness, as required by IGC Code, NLS Code. International Certificates of Fitness are mandatory, Certificates of Fitness are not. International Certificates are allowed as part of HSSC. 5 year validity, Initial, Intermediate, Annuals and Renewal. Additional survey where required.
Other Certificates Tonnage Certificate Ships > 24m in length Required by International Tonnage Convention Indefinite validity provided characteristics affecting the total volume of the ship are not changed. Sanitation Certificate May have a Sanitation or Sanitation Exemption Certificate Valid for up to 6 months with a possible 1 month extension. Not in HSSC Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificates may be issued by authorities if they are satisfied the ship is free from infection and contamination. Antifouling Certificate Ships >400 GT on international voyages Required under the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Antifouling Systems on ships. The certificate must have attached the document Record of Antifouling Systems. Anchor Chain and Cable Certificate: Issued by the testing authority (usually Class) after manufacture. LSA and FFA Manuals: Required under SOLAS Regulations Certificate of Registry: Valid for 5 years before registration must occur. Class Certificate: Not mandatory. Class surveys certify the structural and mechanical fitness of a ship for a particular use or service. Commercial benefit for trading purposes. Requires annual verification by Class. May be revoked if the vessel suffers damage. Alternatively a condition of class may be imposed or a interim certificate issued. Certificate of P and I Insurance: Proves the vessels entry into the Club and liability cover for 3 Party damages. Oil Pollution and Financial Certificates Oil Record Book Oil Record Book Part 1: All ships >400GT, Oil Tankers >150GT. Oil Record Book Part : Tankers > 150GT COFR: US Requirement for every vessel > 300GT navigating in US Waters, valid for 1 year CLC (Oil): Insurance Certificate for Civil Liability of Oil Pollution Damage. Ships carrying >2000 tonnes of bulk oil as cargo. CLC (Bunker): Insurance Certificate for Civil Liability of Bunker Pollution Damage. Ships > 1000GT. SOPEP: MARPOL Annex I requirement for all Tankers >150GT and other vessels > 400GT. SMPEP: As above however for Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk. VOC Management Plan: Required under MARPOL Annex VI tankers carrying Crude Oil must have on board and implement a VOC Management Plan approved by the Flag State.