(PS3에 있는-PS1) 타이틀 메커니즘

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ultimate Playstation One Collection Project for Playstation 3 equipped w
ith Cobra USB by CrackLtd.
[Email: octron@hellokitty.com] [13-MAY-2012] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics: Images done in Dec11: 260 / Jan12: 211 / Feb12: 246 / Mar12: 213
/ Apr12: 252 / May: 174 / Overall: 1182+174=[1356] / Total Data: 680GB
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 7th 2011 i started to re-organise my complete PSX collection. I hav
e 5000+ PSX Games on CD-Rs plus all the major PSX redump release packs and other
sets from
----- different sources on harddisk. All these games will be converted and optimis
ed for the PSX Mode of Playstation 3 using the Cobra USB Device. I will merge al
l my Games
----- into one huge Collection stored completly on harddisk and getting rid of my
dustcollecting CD-Rs. The Games wont be packed, so they are available for immedi
ate usage.
----- All image files are scanned for sector errors using CDMage V1.02.1 and then
MD5'd to secure data integrety. I go test the games on a Playstation 3 (CECHA00
60GB Japanese ----- BC Launch Model) in PSX Mode using the COBRA USB device. This includes a min
imum 10 minute playtime session on each single game. Important: This is a LONG T
ERM project, ----- i estimate a processing time of minimum TWO YEARS to complete this task. So
you better be very patient! Even though i have alot PSX games i am still searchi
ng for some ----- games. Especially some japanese games are very rare and hard to get. I will
add a wanted list too, but don't expect that to soon. And btw: When i am done wi
th this, i
----- will give away all my PSX CD-Rs. So if anyone is interested in around 5000 C
D-Rs and is willing to donate a little something (+shipping from Europe) contact
--------- What about the protected games? There is two kinds of copyprotections. The A
ntiMod check and the LibCrypt subchannel data scheme. I have not done extended t
ests yet but ----- it seems that AntiMod games do run well on PS3+Cobra without the need of cra
cking. It sounds kind of logical as there simply is NO modchip, so a check cant
find one. The ----- LibCrypt protection scheme still is working, tho! To get a LibCrypt protecte
d game to work on PS3+Cobra its essentially neccessary to patch the image! I wil
l test
----- protected games with some extra attention and will add any useful informatio
n in the comments column. I have tons of patches and will use them as necessary.
----- Games will be marked as those.

--------- It seems there is a significant number of games that crash if there is no jo

ypad input for some minutes. I experienced that several times. When i pause a ga
me by pressing----- START on the Joypad and wanted to continue playing a while later i noticed a
freeze, sometimes with need of turning the console completly off to recover fro
m it. So, if ----- you gonna play PSX on PS3 using Cobra: Better don't stop! Instead of using S
TART to pause you should press the PS button.
--------- Testing Details: First of all, each image is in the normal and most common b
in/cue format. There is nothing special done to get these images working on PS3+
Cobra. Of
----- course they can be used in any emulator (PC based, or whatever), they most p
robably will work completly fine. So, basically this is just a normal PSX Collec
tion List.
----- The aim of the more detailed part of this list is to check compatibility of
the PS1-Mode of the Playstation 3 while using the Cobra USB Dongle. The advantag
e using the ----- Cobra is that it gives you the opportunity to mount, load and run the Images
off the internal hdd or an external USB storage device, like an USB HDD (Fat32)
or an USB
----- Memory Stick. This is a great progress as it simplifies collecting and gamin
g, you don't need the actual CD-R discs anymore. While the compatibility with Co
bra is quite ----- satisfactionary still there is some issues. The most serious one is the lack
of support of HDD loading Multidisc Games. Up to today there is no way to advan
ce to a
----- 2nd/3rd/4th Disc of Games that have their data spread on several discs. I am
talking HDD/External Storage Media here. Loading multidisc games from actual CD
-Rs wont let ----- you run into disc change problems at all. Physical CD-Rs can be changed by s
imply pressing the eject sensor and inserting the next CD-R without the need of
CobraManager, ----- while there is no way to mount another bin/cue image without leaving the PSX
emulation process. Other issues are random freezes, black screens, sound and/or
----- distortions and glitches on some games. This project tries to find these Gam
es and document the issues to help Cobra Team to sort out things. The overall co
mpatibility ----- of the PS3+Cobra combination is very nice, tho. If you don't mind multiple d
isc Games the success rate is around 95%. Regarding and including multidisc Game
s into that ----- statistics, i would estimate the overall compatibility at around 80%. (This
list is a work in progress, expect more exact values soon.) Ok, now to the actua
l setup and ----- testing procedure. This list is based on the PSX REDUMP releases and my pers
onal CD-R collection. Anytime there is a redump release AND a CD-R i always use
the redump
----- version, as these are known to be the best dumps available. (Also i safe tim
e while i don't have to re-iso my CD-R.) Since the Redump Releases are very inco
mplete i will ----- then check my CD-R collection on missing Games and will re-iso a CD-R if nec

essary. This happens quite often, so there is a good chance, once i am through w
ith the
----- process, this will be one of the most complete collections available. There
is PSX Games without Audio Tracks and there is PSX Games WITH Audio Tracks. Cobr
a needs the ----- Audio Tracks within the .bin image file. That is done automatically if you d
ump an original PSX disc. The Redump Releases have the Audio Tracks each in a se
parate file. ----- You cannot use these Games directly on PS3+Cobra. Well, you can, but Cobra w
ont playback the audio tracks then. To convert the Redump Releases with Audio Tr
acks into one ----- file you can use CDMage Version 1.02.1. Load the .cue file and CDMage will a
lso load all Audio Tracks. Then use SAVE AS to merge the data section of the dis
c and all
----- audio tracks into one .bin file. This file plus the corresponding .cue, now
is perfect for usage with PS3+Cobra. Thats it for the Images. My hardware Setup
is: JAP 60GB ----- Launch Model Playstation 3 (CECHA00), connected via HDMI to a flatscreen. Th
e Console is jailbroken and flashed with Cobra CFW 3.55, Cobra Dongle placed in
the rightmost ----- USB Port. Storagemedia i use is a 4GB USB Memory Stick always plugged into t
he leftmost USB port. Mounting is done using Cobra Manager. (Yes, Cobra Manager,
not MultiMAN.----- I have my reasons. And as long there is no multiple disc support in MultiMAN
i continue to use Cobra Manager.) The PS3's BluRay Drive is empty. All comments
in the Cobra ----- Compatibility Column (see the list below) is based on this Setup. I do not t
est on other consoles or other setups, most probably there will be no difference
----- The Emulation setup is (Set in XMB): FullScreen and Smoothing OFF. For some
unknown reason there is a very few PSX Games that force the smoothed picture mod
e even if you ----- have set this option to OFF. I mark this in the list below too (Forced Smoot
hing). Games that have issues will be investigated further. I will try to load t
hem from
----- internal hdd (never helped...) and also will give 'em a try loading from CDR. Some Games then will work! Examples: Mickeys Wild Adventure, Tomb Raider I. D
ue to the
----- large number of Games and Images to test i cannot beat each Game to the end
just to find any possible issue, but i will take at least a 10 Minute playing se
ssion (most ----- times much longer) on each single game. I also test the savestate save/load
functions. All results i found will be mentioned in the list, this of course can
be still
----- incomplete, there is quite a chance i missed issues that will pop up in late
r stages of a game or whatever. I just try to do my best, and i have not seen an
y better and ----- more detailed compatibility list than this one. Anyway, if you found issues
or errors in this list you may contact me anytime. (See Email Adress in Topline
of this text.)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serial and Title:

This is the Filename i use to archive the games on my H

DD. The regions are as follows:

----SLPS, SCPS, SLPM, SIPS are the Japanese Region Games (I
ngame Language most times is Japanese as well)
are the USA Region Games
ngame Language always is English)
are the European Region Games (C
an have multiple Ingame Languages, i will mention them only if English isn't inc
----These codes will follow a 5 digit number. These are not
completly random there is some logic behind it. The numbering i will explain la
----- Comments:
Here i will fill some useful Information, can be any ki
nd and most times is pretty random but still good to know.
----- Genre:
Quick Information what kind of Game we have here.
----- Errors & Date:
Each .bin image is scanned for sector errors using CDMa
ge. I will let you know here if errors were found. Date is time of addition to t
his list.
----- Cobra Compatibility: Each game is tested in bin/cue image format mounted and
loaded from an external USB device (USB Memory Stick). For Details read above t
= Best possible testing result. The Game runs perf
ectly fine or with Issues so minor that they are not worth mentioning.
----Forced Smoothing
= The Games uses Smoothed Picture Output even if y
ou have that option turned off. Besides that all is fine. No workaround.
= The Game freezes and shows no reaction on Joypad
input anymore. This Issue will be tested multiple times to secure results. Some
times only a ----certain Region Version (US/JAP/EUR) of a Game do
esnt work. Workaround: Use other Region Version. Example: Cheesy (Euro crashes,
Jap one is OK)----Multidisc Game Problem = Eventually you will not be able to advance to th
e next disc (image) on multidisc Games. Workaround: Some Games allow to create a
savegame at ----the end of first Disc. Then you can try to conti
nue playing by mounting and running the 2nd Disc and loading that savedgame stat
----Some Multidisc Games are not true multiple disc
games, the 2nd Disc can be booted separatly. Example: Resident Evil 2 (Claire an
d Leon Disc). ----On all other Multidisc Games you will be stuck a
t the end of first disc. Workaround: You have to use CD-Rs of those Games.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[SERIAL AND TITLE

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NONSERIAL: Discs without Serial Number, H
omebrew, Bonus CDs, Demos, Previews, unofficial Stuff (Count: 40+4)
][Very nice Homemade Cra
cker Intro by B.A.D.
][Homemade Cracker Intro
by B.A.D.
][Bonus Audio CD that ca
me with SLPM86023 Akumajou Dr][Music/Audio CD
][000000][Dec11][Audio Image no
t recognised
][Jap/Beta with selectab
le Res in Pause Menu / 5925 E][Versus Fighting ][005925][Apr12][Fine
][Unreleased USA Beta /
Eur Title: BloodLines
][Russian Erotic Game
][Slideshow of Pornograp
hic Pictures
][Erotic Pictures and Vi
deos with Pamela Anderson
][Russian Erotic Game
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game /
4 Sector Errors
][000004][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Needs Action Replay Ha
rdware in PC and PSX
][000000][Dec11][Works on PSX+A
ctionReplay only]
][9 Homebrew Demos by Hi
tmen (with Pal/Ntsc Selector)][Demos/Homwbrew
][000000][May12][Fine / 1 (of 9
) Demo Freezes ]
][Russian Erotic Game /
1 Sector Error
][MGS Premium Pack - Bon
usDisc 2/2 - Overall Disc 4/4][AudioDisc/Music ][000000][Mar12][Can't be playe
d back on PS3 ]
][Homebrew PSX Demo by F
arbrausch, includes Axel F ][Demo/Homebrew
][Unofficial Demo of Sin
ger and Actress Mylene Farmer][Demo/Promo/Music ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Adult Picture Show




][000000][Apr12][After mounting

no Icon on XMB ]
with PS3+Cobra ]
English Texts
English Texts
10 Sector Errors
no icon on XMB ]
English Texts
High Society
irectory is bogus
][Versus Fighting
Preview of Tomb Raider

][Unofficial Russian Gam

][Contains Cheat Device
][000000][Dec11][Does not work
][Russian Erotic Game /
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game /
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game /
][000010][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game
][000000][Feb12][After mounting
][Erotic Videoclips
][Porn Videos / 3 Sector
][Russian Erotic Game /
][Homebrew Intro/Demo by
][Russian Erotic Game
][Japanese Strip Girl Ga
][serial SLUS_12345 in d
][Rare playable E3 Demo/
][Playable Beta
][000000][Dec11][Random Freezes
][Playable Beta

][Demo/Preview/Beta ][000000][Dec11][Random Freezes

][Russian Erotic Game /
English spoken
][Russian Erotic Game /
2 Sector Errors
][000002][Feb12][After mounting
no icon on XMB ]
][Playable Beta Release
][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Russian Erotic Game /
English Texts
][Russian Erotic Game
][Russian Erotic Game /
English Texts
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Russian Erotic Game /
English Texts
][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAPX: Japanese Release Ser
ies for official Demos/Previews/PlayableBetas (Count: 1)
][Japanese Taikenban Dis
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCES: European Release
Series mainly for Games released by Sony (Count: 101+10)
][Jap Title: Gunners Hea
][Air Combat Action ][000000][Jan12][Fine


][000000][May12][Music Looping

][Shoot'em Up


][Downhill Racing


/ MemCard Freeze]
Fine from CD-R!)]
][Versus Fighting
][Versus Fighting
eezes at Hilltop Mausoleum ][Action
n Removal Patch on
][Role Playing Game
Blood 2: Reason in Madness ][Labyrinth Action
Racing / Interlaced Game
][Boat Racing
][Versus Fighting

][000000][Feb12][Endless Load (
][LibCrypt Protected! Fr
][Has LibCrypt Protectio
][Jap Title: Kileak The
][Usa Title: Turbo Prop
][Usa Title: Jet Moto
][CDMage reports 2 Secto

r Errors







mal Controller
r Errors

][Can be played with nor

][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][CDMage reports 3 Secto
][Air Combat Action ][000003][Dec11][Fine
][4 Games Pack
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine



][Shoot'em Up



][Includes Broken Sword
1+2 Preview Movies on Disc ][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
[SCES00800-BaphometsFluch2DieSpiegelDerFinsternis-German][= Broken Sword 2 The S
moking Mirror
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Includes Broken Sword
1+2 Preview Movies on Disc ][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][BattleMech Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Jap/Usa Title: IQ Inte
lligent Qube
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Jap Title: Gunbullet
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Has Paradox Trainer Pa
tch on
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Sword Fighting
][Role Playing Game
][Air Combat Action
olf / Jap: Minna No Golf
][Musical Chillout
/ Jap Title: Kula Quest
][Tank Shooter
][Versus Fighting
/ Jap Title: Jet Moto 98
][Ego Shooter
][Action/Beat'em Up
][Underwater Action
][Ego Shooter
][Role Playing Game
][Role Playing Game
][Role Playing Game

][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Usa Title: Hot Shots G
][Jap Title: Depth
][Usa Title: Roll Away
][Usa Title: Jet Moto 2

][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine


][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Originally this Game i
s fully Interlaced
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][3rd Person Action ][000000][May12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Simulation/Puzzle ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][000000][Apr12][Hangs at "Inte
rnational Cup" ]
][There is a USA Beta ca
lled: BreakNeck
][LibCrypt Protected! Fr
eezes at Hilltop Mausoleum ][Action
][Has LibCrypt Protectio
n Removal Patch on
][LibCrypt Protected! Fr
eezes at Hilltop Mausoleum ][Action
][Has LibCrypt Protectio
n Removal Patch on

][Shoot'em Up
][Has Trainer Patch on.
Don't turn on last 3 Options!][Shoot'em Up
][Bonus Disc that came w
ith Ridge Racer Type 4
][Jap Title: IQ Final In
telligent Qube Final
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Jap Title: IQ Final In
telligent Qube Final
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Has Trainer Patch on (
+4 by Paradox)
][Shoot'em Up
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][German Texts / English
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Jap Title: Gunbarl
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game

][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game

][German Texts / English
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCPS: Japanese Release Serie
s mainly for Games released by Sony (Count: 31+10)
][Eur Title: Rapid Reloa
][Shoot'em Up
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][The actual Game is jus
t one Disc
][Needed to play a LinkU
p 2-Player Game on 2 Consoles][Racing
][000000][Dec11][Fine / No Link
ing Possible
][Shoot'em Up
][Japanese Version comes
with 2 Discs
[SCPS10022-JumpingFlash2BonusDiscJumpingFlashEuropeBan ][Bonus Disc that comes
with Jumping Flash 2 JapVers ][Ego-Jump'n'Run
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Eur Title: Kurushi



][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Jan12][Fine

][Usa Title: Hot Shots G
olf / Eur: Everybodys Golf ][Sports/Golf
][Ego Shooter
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Hold Left+O+L1+R1 at P
S Bootscreen for Bonus Video!][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Air Combat Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Eur Title: Kula World
/ Usa Title: Roll Away
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000001][Jan12][Fine
][Japanese Voiceover
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game

][Anime/Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game

][Eur Title: Kurushi Fin
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Pocketstation support
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Japanese Version - Not
Libcrypt Protected
][Eventually still ModCh
ip Protected, Test was ok,tho][Action
][Has Paradox ModChipCra
ck and Trainer Patch on
][Eur Title: Fluid
][Musical Chillout ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Asian Version / Full E
][Battlemech Action ][000000][May12][Fine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCUS: North American Release Seri
es mainly for Games released by Sony (Count: 62+5)
][Jap Title: Kileak The
Blood 2: Reason in Madness ][Labyrinth Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game

][Role Playing Game

][Role Playing Game
/ Jap Title: Jet Moto 98
][Sword Fighting
][BattleMech Action
r Errors
Golf / Jap: Minna No Golf
][Versus Fighting
][Action/Beat'em Up
][Versus Fighting
+7 by Paradox)
acer / Interlaced Game
][Boat Racing
][Shoot'em Up
L,R,L,R,Square for Spyro Demo][Jump'n'Run/Action

][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Eur Title: Jet Rider 2
][Eur Title: Kurushi
][CDMage reports 5 Secto
][Eur Title: Everybodys
][Has Trainer Patch on (
][Jap/Eur Title: Rapid R
][At Menu press U,U,D,D,

- Preview Compilation
ame Pack
][Shoot'em Up/TATE
][Shoot'em Up
][Lightgun Shooter
][Ego Shooter

][Five Squaresoft Games
][One Level Playable Pre
][Playable Preview
][Eur Title: Jet Rider
][Eur Title: Wipeout 209
][Eur Title: Monster Tru
][Raiden I + Raiden II G
][Eur Title: Lifeforce T
][Jap Title: Battle Roun

d Usa / Eur Title: Speedster ][Racing

][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Downhill Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
[SCUS94503-1XtremeEspnExtremeGames-GreatestHitsReRelease][ReRelease of Espn Extr
eme Games
][Downhill Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][aka: ESPN Extreme Game
s 2
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Music Looping
][Relaxing/Chilling ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Tank Shooter
][12 Demos / Previews
][Demo/Preview/Beta ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][12 Demos / Previews
][Demo/Preview/Beta ][000000][Dec11][Fine / 2 Demos
crash on Cobra ]

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIPS: Small Japanese Release Ser

ies - US Games for the Japanese Market (Count: 6+1)
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Music Looping
][Downhill Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Eur Title: Wipeout 209
][Formula 1 Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine (Minor So
und Glitches) ]
][Usa Title: Jet Moto 2
/ Eur Title: Jet Rider 2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCED/SLED: European Release Seri
es for official Demos/Previews/PlayableBetas (Count: 5)
][Playable Preview
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Two Level playable Dem
][Demo/Preview/Beta ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][One Halftime Playable
][Three Games Preview Co
][000000][Mar12][Fine / One Dem
o freezes
][Two Levels playable Pr
][In Space Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SLES: European Release Series m
ainly for Games of Third Party Companies (Count: 406+37)

][Action/Shooting ][000000][Dec11][Intro Movie an
d SaveGame Crash]
][Minicart Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][Tank Action
][Car Action
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Ingame Interlace On/Of
f Option
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Feb12][Fine
][000000][Jan12][Black Screen (
Jap Version OK!)]
][Usa Title: Red Asphalt
][000000][Feb12][Black Screen /
][Action/Thinking ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Includes short "Pandem
onium" Preview Movie
][This seems to be a Bet
a Release (selectable levels)][Beat'em Up/Action ][000000][Mar12][Black Screen /
][Usa Title: Dare Devil
Derby 3D
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc GP/
Forced Smoothing]
][Usa: Powerslave / Jap:
Seireki 1999 Pharaoh No... ][Ego Shooter




][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][English, French, Spani
sh, Italian
][Ego Shooter
][000000][Dec11][Fine / Switch
OFF BGM Music ]
][Has Paradox Trainer Pa
tch on
][Ego Shooter
][000000][Dec11][Fine / Switch
OFF BGM Music ]
][000000][Dec11][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][000000][Apr12][Graphic Glitch
es (playable) ]
][Multiplayer Action][000000][May12][Fine
][Doom I & Doom II Game
][Ego Shooter
][Underwater Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Usa Title: Thunderstri
ke 2
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][This Game originally i
s fully interlaced
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Tetris Clone
][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Usa Title: Team Losi R
/C Racer
][000000][Dec11][Freezes at Veh
icle Selection ]
][aka: Kensei The King o
f Boxing

][Chess Boardgame


][Some movies got Censor

][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Four different Tables
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Strategy/Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Strategy/Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Tank Action
][Some Audiotracks have
little crackling noises
][Tank Action
][Some movies got Censor
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Some movies got Censor
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Ego Shooter
][000000][Dec11][Fine / Switch
OFF BGM Music ]
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Jan12][Hangs on Loadi
][I don't understand thi
s Game
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Usa Title: Grand Tour

Racing '98






][Usa Title: Thunder Tru


][Classic Shooter


ck Rally

][Jap Title: 3D Mission
Shooting Finalist
][The Saga of the Modern
][Bicycle Action
][Usa/Jap Title: Wipeout
][Jap Title: Hyper Olymp
ics in Atlanta
][BattleMech Action ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Ego Shooter/Action][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Ego Shooter/Action][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Aircraft Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][BattleMech Action ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Jap Title: Shutokou Ba
ttle Drift King
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][Jan12][Fine


][000000][May12][Movie playback




][Classic Action
][Shoot'em Up
][Has Paradox Trainer Pa
tch on
][Shoot'em Up
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][000000][Jan12][Fine / Music l
ooping Issue
][000000][Mar12][Black Screen /
Endless Loading]
][Action Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][Kart Racing
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Helicopter Action
onium" Preview Movie
onium" Preview Movie
][Beat'em Up
dio glitches) ]
][Versus Fighting
I / CDMage reports 18 Errors ][Lightgun Shooter
][Beat'em Up
tor Errors
][Motorbike Racing
][Ego Action

][Match Commenting is En
][Includes short "Pandem
][Includes short "Pandem
][Jap Title: Magical Hop
][000000][Jan12][Fine (small au
][Lethal Enforcers I & I
][Impossible time to bea
][CDMage Reports 434 Sec
][Usa: Goal Storm 97 / J

ap: World Soccer WE 97

][The City of Lost Child
ren German Version
][Usa Title: Rush Hour /
Jap Title: Battle Round Usa ][Racing
][000000][Mar12][Hangs at loadi
ng (CD-R = Fine)]
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][Fine
[SLES00584-StarWarsRebelAssault2HiddenEmpire-GER-CD1of2 ][A Factor 5 Game
ils/BlackScreen ]
][000000][Mar12][GFX glitches b
ut doesnt crash ]
][A Factor 5 Game
][Ballgame Action ][000000][Jan12][Hangs after In
tro Movie
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Tetris Clone
][Originally this Game i
s fully Interlaced
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Usa Title: Codename Te
][Ego Shooter
][Usa Title: Codename Te
][Ego Shooter
][Sports/IceHockey ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][The City of Lost Child
ren Spanish Version

][A Factor 5 Game
][Ballgame Action ][000000][Jan12][Hangs after In
tro Movie
][A Factor 5 Game
ils/BlackScreen ]
][Jap Title: Over Drivin
' II
][Marine Action
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Ego Shooter
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Sports/Snowboard ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Classic Action
][Some Audiotracks have
little crackling noises
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][CDMage reports Errors
in the Filesystem
][000000][Dec11][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][000000][Dec11][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][Kart Racing
][Jap Title: Touge Max S

aisoku Drift Master






][Beat'em Up


][Beat'em Up

][Jap Title: Metal Fist


][3D Shooter



][Action Adventure ][000000][Feb12][No Music/Sound
, + Gfx Glitches]
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][MiniCar Racing
][Ego Action
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Beat'em Up/Action ][000000][Mar12][Black Screen /
][Usa Title: Bravo Air R
ace / Jap: Recipro Heat 5000 ][Aircraft Race
][Jap Title: Fighting Il
lusion K1 Grand Prix
][Jap Title: Poitters Po
][Multiplayer Action][000000][Jan12][Fine
][I don't understand thi

s Game

][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Sports/Wrestling ][000000][May12][Fine
][000000][Mar12][Fine / Forced
][In Space Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine (minor gr
aphic glitches) ]
][In Space Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine (minor gr
aphic glitches) ]
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Sports/Volleyball ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Adventure/Puzzle ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Jap Title: Bubblegun K

][Formula 1 Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine

][In Space Action

][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game

][In Space Action ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Usa Title: Shipwrecker
][Jap Title: Clock Tower
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jap Title: Clock Tower
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Air Racing
][JAP Title: Sangoku Mus
ou / Game is Interlaced
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Ego Shooter
][Sports/IceHockey ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Car Action
][Match Commenting is sp
oken in English
][000000][Feb12][Heavy Graphic
][Match Commenting is sp
oken in French
][000000][Feb12][Heavy Graphic
][Match Commenting is sp
oken in German
][000000][Feb12][Heavy Graphic
][Match Commenting is sp
oken in Italian
][000000][Feb12][Heavy Graphic
][Match Commenting is sp
oken in Spanish
][000000][Feb12][Heavy Graphic

][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Hoverboard Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Hoverboard Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Unusual Disc Layout wi
th two Data Tracks
][Hoverboard Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Versus Fighting/3D][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Jan12][Fine
[SLES00949-CommandAndConquerRedAlert-AlliedDisc-CD1of2 ][
][Action Adventure ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Ego Action
][Includes "Gex: Enter T
he Gecko" Preview Movie
][Some movies got Censor
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Colored Intro Movie
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Colored Intro Movie

][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][May12][Fine
][Usa Title: Bust A Move
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Jap Title: Hyper Olymp
ics In Nagano
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][Fine
[SLES01006-CommandAndConquerAlerteRouge-French-CD1of2 ][
[SLES01007-CommandAndConquerAlarmstufeRot-German-CD1of2 ][Censored Intro Movie
][Includes Mortal Kombat
4 Preview Movie on Disc
][Fighting/Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Kart Racing
][Futuristic Sports ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Downhill Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Jap Title: BuGi / Inte
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Censored Intro Movie

][3D Shooter
Skullmonkey No Gyakushuu
Skullmonkey No Gyakushuu
][Versus Fighting
][Role Playing Game
' 3
by Sector 457)
Paradox +7)
glish Only
][In Space Action
99 / Jap: Zap! Snowboarding ][Sports/Snowboard
Off-Road 2

][Jap: Klaymen Klaymen 2
][Jap: Klaymen Klaymen 2
][Jap Title: Over Drivin
][Has Trainer Patch on (
][has Trainer Patch on (
][Match Commenting is En
][Usa: Freestyle Boardin
][Usa Title: Test Drive

][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine


][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Originally this Game i
s fully Interlaced
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Car Action
][Car Action
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Usa Title: Invasion fr
om Beyond
][Commentary is English
][Commentary is German (
][Commentray is Italian
][aka: Legend Of Foresia
La Contree Interdite
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Kart Racing
][Has Tomb Raider 3, Gex
3 and SoulReaver Demos on ][Action/3rd Person ][000000][May12][Fine
][Playable "Legacy of Ka
in: Soul Reaver" Demo on Disc][Vs Battle/Strgy ][000000][May12][Fine
][Helicopter Shooter][000000][Feb12][Heavy Sound Gl
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][000000][Mar12][Fine / No Back
ground Music
][Serial SLES01337 event
ually is just bogus
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
[SLES01343-CommandAndConquerRedAlertRetaliation-CD1of2 ][Allied Disc
[SLES01345-CommandAndConquerAlarmRotGegenschlag-G-CD1of2][Allied Disc / German V
ersion (Where GAS gets OIL) ][Strategy
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][R-Type I + R-Type II G
ame Pack
][Shoot'em Up
][Music Editor/Sampler/S
][Action/Shooting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Ingame Interlace ON/OF
F Option

][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][May12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][In Space Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Car Action
][Has Trainer Patch on (
+3 by Kalisto)
][Car Action
][In Space Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error
][Car Action
][Formula-1 Racing ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][American Football ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Commentary is English
][Sports/IceHockey ][000000][May12][Fine
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][May12][Fine
][Commentary is German

][Sports/Basketball ][000000][May12][Fine

][Commentary is Italian
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][May12][Fine
][Commentary is Spanish
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][May12][Fine
][Commentary is German
][Sports/IceHockey ][000000][May12][Fine

][Shoot'em Up
h / 760 Sector Errors
][Action Adventure
][3rd Person Action
or Errors

][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Jap Title: Rockman Das
][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][CDMage reports 32 Sect
][CDMage reports 2518 Se

ctor Errors

][Soccer Manager
][Usa Title: Invasion fr
om Beyond
][Beat'em Up/Action ][000000][Mar12][Black Screen /
][Has Trainer Patch on /
+5 by Paradox
][Beat'em Up/Action ][000000][Mar12][Black Screen /
][Jap Title: Dark Messia
][Horror/Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][3RD Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][3RD Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Match Commentary is En
][Match Commentary is Fr
][Match Commentary is Ge
rman (Poschmann / Hansch)
][Match Commentary is It
][Swedish and Norwegian
Languages only
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
[SLES01684-TombRaider3AdventuresOfLaraCroft-Italian-Trnr][Has Trainer Patch on /
Pal/Ital +17 by Paradox
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Bonus Disc, needs Gran

d Theft Auto main Disc

][Car Action
][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][aka: Capcom Generation
Dai 5 Shuu
][Classic Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Jap Title: Knight & Ba
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Jap Title: Knight & Ba
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Three Game 1942/43 Cla
ssic-Shooter Pack
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Jap Title: Fuujin Ryou
iki Eretzvaju
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Interlaced / Japanese
][Vs Fighting & Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Jap Title: Tamamayu Mo
][Jap Title: Tamamayu Mo
][Parental Code: "WFUSDF
][Car Action
/ Includes 4 Preview Movies ][Action/Shooting ][000000][May12][Heavy Graphic
Glitches (US=ok)]
n / Includes 4 Preview Movies][Action/Shooting ][000000][May12][Heavy Graphic
Glitches (US=ok)]
][Japanese Voiceover
][Beat'em Up
][Has Trainer Patch on (
+4 by Paradox)
][Beat'em Up
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Fine
][Has Trainer Patch on (

+1 by Paradox)

][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Fine
][Load/Save removed (Jap
Version can Save fine)
][Trainer Patch on (Novi
ce Mode only) / no Load/Save ][Action/Puzzle
][Does not need the Gran
d Theft Auto main Disc !!
][Car Action
][Re-Release (Classics)
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jap Title: Gunbird
][Shoot'em Up
][Beta? Pal. English. Go
t Cracktro patched on.
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc GP/
Forced Smoothing]
][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
[SLES10584-StarWarsRebelAssault2HiddenEmpire-GER-CD2of2 ][A Factor 5 Game
][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][A Factor 5 Game
][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc Game
][In Space Action ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][In Space Action ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
[SLES10949-CommandAndConquerRedAlert-SovietDisc-CD2of2 ][
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
[SLES11006-CommandAndConquerAlerteRouge-French-CD2of2 ][
[SLES11007-CommandAndConquerAlarmstufeRot-German-CD2of2 ][Censored Intro Movie
[SLES11343-CommandAndConquerRedAlertRetaliation-CD2of2 ][Soviet Disc
[SLES11345-CommandAndConquerAlarmRotGegenschlag-G-CD2of2][Soviet Disc / German V
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
[SLES11436-RivalSchoolsUnitedByFate-ArcadeDisc-CD2of2 ][
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
[SLES11881-CapcomGenerations2ChroniclesOfArthur-CD2of4 ][Three Game Ghost & Gob
lins Collection
][Classic Jump'n'Run][000000][Mar12][Fine
[SLES11881-CapcomGenerations2ChroniclesOfArthur-T-CD2of4][Ghost & Goblins Collec

tion / All Games with Trainer][Classic Jump'n'Run][000000][Mar12][Fine

][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
[SLES21881-CapcomGenerations3TheFirstGeneration-CD3of4 ][Sonson, Vulgus, Higema
ru, Exed Exes Game Pack
][Classic Actn./TATE][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Commando, Mercs, Gun S
moke Game Pack
][Classic Actn./TATE][000000][Apr12][Fine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SLPM: Japanese Release Series mainly for
Games of third Party Companies (Count: 32+16)
][Taikenban (Demo) Disc
/ 4 Games
][Rolling Video only (no
t playable)
][Strategy / Demo ][000000][May12][Fine
][Playable Demo
][Movies / Slideshows
][Five Minute Playable P
][Usa/Eur Title: Interna
tional Track & Field
][Sports/Decathlon ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Shoot'em Up
][Much easier than euro
][Sword Fighting
][Booting Picture was Pa
][Usa Title: Castlevania
Symphony of the Night
][has an Adventure part


][Usa/Eur Title: Poy Poy
][Multiplayer Action][000000][Jan12][Fine

][Usa: Goal Storm 97 / E
ur: Intl. Superstar S. Pro ][Sports/Soccer
][Salamander I & II and
Lifeforce Game Pack
][Shoot'em Up
][Versus Fighting/3D][000000][Feb12][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error
][Shoot'em Up
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Nagano
Winter Olympics '98
][Ego Action
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
[SLPM86107-StarOceanTheSecondStoryBonusCDAstronokaDemo ][Bonus Disc that came w
ith Star Ocean 2nd Story
][Strategy / Demo ][000000][May12][Fine
][MGS Premium Pack - Gam
e Disc 1/2 - Overall Disc 1/4][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][MGS Premium Pack - Gam
e Disc 2/2 - Overall Disc 2/4][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
[SLPM86113-MetalGearSolid-PrPack-BonusDisc-Suikoden2Demo][MGS Premium Pack - Bon
usDisc 1/2 - Overall Disc 3/4][Demo/Preview
[SLPM86116-MetalGearSolid-BonusDisc-GensouSuikoden2Demo ][MGS Regular Pack - Bon
us Disc
- Overall Disc 3/3][Demo/Preview
][Usa/Eur Title: Kensei

Sacred Fist / Interlaced

][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Commentary is Japanese
[SLPM86155-GanbareGoemonKurunarakoiAyashigeikkaKuroikage][Originally this Game i
s Interlaced
][Action Adventure ][000000][May12][Fine
][Slightly different Lev
el Layout
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Full English
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error
][Has Trainer Patch on (
+1 by Paradox)/1 Sector Error][Puzzle/Action
][Superlite 1500 Series
ReRelease /Different Titlepic][Strategy/Tactics ][000000][May12][Fine
][Major Wave Series
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Edition that came with
the 'Kitty Chan Controller' ][Education/Kids
[SLPM87057-Simple1500Vol093ThePuzzleBobblePuzzleBobble4 ][
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][May12][Fine
][000000][Jan12][Fine / Forced
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SLPS: Japanese Release Series mainly f
or Games of third Party Companies (Count: 205+61)
][Legendary Playstation
Launch Title
][Gokujou Parodius & Par
odius Da! Game Pack
][Shoot'em Up
][Raiden I + Raiden II G

ame Pack

][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Relaxing/Chilling ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][English spoken
][Air Combat Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Shoot'em Up
][Shoot'em Up
][CDMage reports 3 Secto
r Errors
][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Usa/Eur Title: Mobile
Light Force /14 Sector Errors][Shoot'em Up
][Shoot'em Up
][Usa Title: Epidemic
][Labyrinth Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Includes several Previ
ew Movies
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Very unique Graphics
][Shoot'em Up
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][English Spoken / Text
is Japanese / Uncensored
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Usa Title: Tecmo's Dec
][Adventure/Puzzle ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Tokyo H
ighway Battle
][Usa/Eur Title: Goal St
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Gradius I & II Game Pa
][Shoot'em Up
][Usa/Eur Title: The Nee
d For Speed
][Ego Shooter
][000000][Mar12][Fine / Switch
off BGM Music ]
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Usa Title: Buster Brot
hers Collection
][Relaxing/Chilling ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Strategy/Tactics ][000000][May12][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error
][Motorbike Racing ][000001][Feb12][Fine / Graphic
][Kyukyoku Tiger, Twin C
obra and Tiger Heli Game Pack][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine



][Sports/Snowboard ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Usa / Eur Title: Tunne
l B1
][Includes 3 Preview Mov
][Strategy/Tactics ][000000][May12][Fine
][Strategy/Tactics ][000000][May12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error (unused/empty)
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000001][Dec11][Fine
][Ego Action
][Ego Action
][Usa/Eur Title: Peak Pe
][Usa Title: Powerslave
/ Eur Title: Exhumed
][Ego Shooter
][Includes "Rockman 8" P
review Movie
][Tetris Clone
][Action Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][Game of Life and Monop
oly Mix
][Includes some Preview
][Can be played with nor
mal Controller
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][A Factor 5 Game
ils/BlackScreen ]
][A Factor 5 Game

][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][English Voiceover
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Includes playable "Mez
ase! Ikusa Tama O" Demo
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Usa Title: Dynasty War
riors / Game is Interlaced ][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jap Menus, Eng Match C
ommenting , CDMage: 1594 Errs][Sports/Basketball ][001594][Apr12][Fine
][Usa Title: Pandemonium
][Usa/Eur Title: Blood O
men Legacy of Kain
][Eur Title: Air Race /
Usa Title: Bravo Air Race
][Aircraft Race
][4 Games Pack
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][OnFoot Racing
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Kart Racing
][A Factor 5 Game
][Ballgame Action ][000000][Jan12][Hangs after In
tro Movie

][Ego Shooter/Action][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Versus Fighting


][Game Disc
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Fine

Player and Scene Viewer

][Bonus Disc

s fully interlaced


][Bonus Disc with Music


][Air Combat Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine / Forced
][Originally this game i

][Formula-1 Racing ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Need fo
r Speed II
][Beat'em Up
][BattleMech Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Special Limited Pack
][US: Freestyle Boardin'
99 / EUR: Phat Air Extreme Sn][Snowboard Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Usa Title: Test Drive
Off Road
][Beat'em Up
][This Disc came togethe
r with the GunCon Controller ][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Point B


][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Mar12][Fine

][with Preview Movie on
disc introducing 3 new games ][Puzzle/Action
][000000][Dec11][Hangs in 2nd L
evel (CD-r too) ]
][Includes two Preview M
ovies on Disc
][Air Combat Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Digital Novel
][Sports/Snowboard ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][CDMage reports 2 Secto
r Errors
][Role Playing Game ][000002][Apr12][Fine
][English Spoken / Japan
ese Text / Uncensored
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
[SLPS00999-BioHazardDirectorsCutBonusDiscBioHazard2Demo ][Bonus Disc that comes
with Bio Hazard Directors Cut][Demo/Preview/Beta ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][000000][Jan12][Fine / Forced
][CDMage reports 33 Sect
or Errors
][Shoot'em Up
][Has Trainer Patch on /
33 Sector Errors
][Shoot'em Up
][CDMage reports 3 Secto
r Errors
][Same as OverDrivinDX,
just with Japanese Cars
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Episode 1
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Fine
][Episode 2
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Fine / separat
e boot possible ]
][Episode 3

][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Fine / separat

e boot possible ]
][Has Preview Movies for
six Games on disc
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][CDMage reports 3 Secto
r Errors
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Kart Racing
][Has all the Audiotrack
s and Movies
][000000][Jan12][Fine / Music l
ooping Issue
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Minicart Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Oddworl
d Abes Oddysee
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Usa Title: Rush Hour /
Eur Title: Speedster
][Usa/Eur Title: Megaman
Legends / 865 Sector Errors ][Action Adventure ][000865][Jan12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Usa/Eur Title: Fightin
g Force
][Beat'em Up
][000000][Jan12][Black Screen /
][Miscellanous/Kids ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Includes "Densha De Go
!" Preview Movie

][000000][Mar12][Black Screen a
t Game Start
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Racing & Story
][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][Racing & Story
][000000][Dec11][Multidisc Game
][English Spoken / Japan
ese Subtitles
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine / Forced
][English Spoken / Japan
ese Subtitles
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine / Forced
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][R-Type I + R-Type II G
ame Pack
][Shoot'em Up
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Minicar Racing
][Unofficial Translation
/ 1 Sector Error
][Minicar Racing
[SLPS01264-SuchiePaiAdventureDokiDokiNightmare-CD1of2 ][Subtitle: The Throbbin
g Nightmare
][Digital Novel
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
[SLPS01265-SuchiePaiAdventureDokiDokiNightmare-CD2of2 ][Subtitle: The Throbbin
g Nightmare
][Digital Novel
][000000][May12][MDG Problem /
Minigames Freeze]
][Sword Action
][Originally this Game i
s fully Interlaced
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][This can be considered
Clock Tower 3
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Action Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game

][Action Adventure ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game

][Sword Fighting




][Versus Fighting

][Originally this Game i




s fully Interlaced


][Shoot'em Up
][Usa: Grand Tour Racing
'98 / Eur: Total Drivin
][Shoot'em Up
][000000][Jan12][Fine / Forced
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Match Commenting is sp
oken in Japanese
][000000][Feb12][Fine / Forced
][Match Commenting is En
glish / CDMage 5031 Errors ][Sports/Soccer
][Action/Beat'em Up ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][CDMage reports 2 Secto
r Errors
][Box Manager
][Dungeon Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Eur Title: Hellnight
][Horror/Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine

][Beat'em Up


][Underwater Adv



][Usa Title: Gex Enter T


][Bicycle Racing


he Gecko

][Usa Title: Backstreet
][Billiards/Story ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Three Squaresoft Games
- Preview Compilation
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][May12][Fine
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Interactive Anime ][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Usa / Eur Titel: Point
Blank 2
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Skullmo
][Usa/Eur Title: Guardia
n's Crusade
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Three Game 1942/43 Cla
ssic-Shooter Pack
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Only Version with work
ing Load/Save Gamestates
][aka: Anarchy in the Ni
ppon 2 / Interlaced
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][3rd Person Action ][000000][May12][Fine

][Ego Shooter





][Fighting + Story ][000000][May12][Fine
][Three Game Ghost & Gob
lins Collection
][Classic Jump'n'Run][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Game of Life and Monop
oly Mix
][Usa/Eur Title: Need Fo
r Speed III: Hot Pursuit
][Strategy/Tactics ][000000][May12][Fine
][Full Title: "Rox: 6=Si
[SLPS01649-CapcomGenerationDai3ShuuKokoNiRekishiHajimaru][Sonson, Vulgus, Higema
ru, Exed Exes Game Pack
][Classic Actn./TATE][000000][Apr12][Fine
][CDMage reports 143 Sec
tor Errors
][FMV Adventure
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][FMV Adventure
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][FMV Adventure
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][Shoot'em Up

][Mercs, Mercs II, Gun S
moke Game Pack
][Classic Actn./TATE][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Originally this Game i
s Interlaced
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Rascal
][Commentary is Japanese
][Mobile Suit Gundam: Ch
ar's Counterattack
][Battlemech Action ][000000][May12][Fine
][StreetFighter II, II'
and II'Turbo Game Pack
][Classic Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error
][Strategy/Tactics ][000001][May12][Fine
][Simulation/Story ][000000][May12][Fine
][Usa/Eur Title: Jade Co
coon Story of the Tamamayu ][Adventure
[SLPS01734-MarlOukokuNoNingyouHimeAdventurePuppetPrinces][Usa Title: Rhapsody: A
Musical Adventure
][Be Pirates
][Vs Fighting & Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Human Entertainment
][Supports Pocketstation
][Platform/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Fine
][Mizzurna Falls: Countr
y of the Woods and Repose
][Nice Game

][Beat'em Up





][Usa/Eur Title: Evil Zo
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Has Tracks and Cars Un
lock Patch on (Paradox)
][Bonus Disc that came w
ith Ridge Racer Type 4
][CDMage reports 132 Sec
tor Errors
][Action/Shooting ][000132][Jan12][Fine
][English Voiceover
][This Disc is Langrisse
r IV
][000000][May12][Fine / Forced
][Unofficial English Tra
][000000][May12][Fine / Forced
][This Disc is Langrisse
r V
][000000][May12][Fine / Forced
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Has Trainer Patch on (
+4 by Paradox)
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Strategy/Tactics ][000000][May12][Fine
][Sword Action
][Movie with L. Di Capri
o / R. De Niro / English
][Movie with L. Di Capri
o / R. De Niro / English
][Movie/Entertainmnt][000000][Apr12][Fine / separat
e boot possible ]
][Movie with L. Di Capri
o / R. De Niro / English
][Movie/Entertainmnt][000000][Apr12][Fine / separat
e boot possible ]
][Movie with L. Di Capri

o / R. De Niro / English
][Movie/Entertainmnt][000000][Apr12][Fine / separat
e boot possible ]
][Usa/Eur Title: Future
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Relaxing/Chilling ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Match Commentary is Ja
panese / different menu
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SLUS: North American Release Series mai
nly for Games of Third Party Companies (Count: 293+30)
][Air Combat Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Ego Shooter
][000000][Dec11][Fine / Switch
off BGM Music ]
][Includes short "Pandem
onium" Preview Movie
][Tank Action
][Aircraft Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][000000][Dec11][Random Freezes
(from CD-r too)]
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Chess Boardgame ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Great Game!
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Ballgame Action
tro Movie
r Winning Eleven
olve:Reset Game)]
][Ego Shooter
][Kart Racing
reki 1999 Pharaoh No Fukkatsu][Ego Shooter
][Car Action
s in Interlaced Mode
ctor Errors
tor Errors
][Motorbike Racing
][Mystic Adventure
][Helicopter Action
][Action Adventure
CD-r is Fine) ]
][Action Adventure
][Lightgun Shooter
][Horror Adventure
][Shoot'em Up

][A Factor 5 Game
][000000][Jan12][Hangs after In
][Jap Title: World Socce
][000000][Dec11][SaveGame Bug(S
][Doom I & Doom II Game
][Eur: Exhumed /Jap: Sei
][This Game originally i
][CD Mage reports 100 Se
][CDMage Reports 434 Sec
][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][000000][Dec11][Black Screen (
][Some movies got Censor

][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game


][Mystic Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game


][000000][Dec11][Freezes at Veh

icle Selection ]
][Jap Title: 3D Mission
Shooting Finalist
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Eur Title: Thunderhawk
2 Firestorm
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jap Title: Street Figh
ter Zero
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Four different Tables
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jap Title: Super Pang
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Jap Title: Shutokou Ba
ttle Drift King
][Jap Title: Magical Hop
][Jap Title: Hyper Olymp
ics in Atlanta
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][I don't understand thi

s Game

][Includes "Vigilante 8"
playable Demo
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Strategy/Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Hoverboard Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
r Error
][Jap Title: Over Drivin
' II
][Eur Title: Rock & Roll
Racing 2: Red Asphalt
][000000][Feb12][Black Screen /
Sound ok
][Classic Shooter ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Voiceover by Bruce Cam
][Ego Action
][Lethal Enforcers I & I
I / CDMage reports 18 Errors ][Lightgun Shooter ][000018][Mar12][Fine
][Jap Title: World Socce
r Winning Eleven 97
][Eur Title: Supersonic

][Versus Fighting



][Multiplayer Action][000000][May12][Fine

f Option

][Ingame Interlace On/Of

][Pinball Simulation][000000][Feb12][Fine


][Jap Title: Kokumeikan
Trap Simulation Game
][Adventure/Puzzle ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Contains Audio Tracks
shorter than 4 Seconds
][Beat'em Up
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Ego Action
][Air Racing
][Ego Shooter
][Incorrect Serial, PAL
VideoOut, Level Selector
][3rd Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Classic Action
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Jan12][Hangs on Loadi
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Bruce Willis 360 Action
Shooter, nice Game
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][A Factor 5 Game
ils/BlackScreen ]
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Jan12][Fine (small au
dio glitches) ]
][Ego Shooter/Action][000000][Feb12][Fine
][A Factor 5 Game

][Beat'em Up
r Error
][Beat'em Up
onku Battle 4WD
aisoku Drift Master
][BattleMech Action
s fully Interlaced
][Versus Fighting
][Air Combat Action
mal Controller
][Lightgun Shooter
lusion K1 Grand Prix
][Tetris Clone
][Horror Adventure
][Role Playing Game
ground Music
r Errors
ground Music

][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][CDMage reports 1 Secto
][Jap Title: Gekitotsu Y
][Jap Title: Touge Max S
][Originally this Game i
][Can be played with nor
][Jap Titel: Fighting Il
][000000][Mar12][Fine / No Back
][CDMage reports 3 Secto
][000003][Mar12][Fine / No Back

][Underwater Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine


][Underwater Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine

[SLUS00431-CommandAndConquerRedAlert-AlliedDisc-CD1of2 ][
][Jap Title: Metal Fist
][Beat'em Up
][Beat'em Up/Action ][000000][Mar12][Black Screen /
][JAP Title: Sangoku Mus
ou / Game is Interlaced
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][The Saga of the Modern
][Bicycle Action
][Ego Action
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Apr12][Fine
leMadness,Millipede,CrystalCa][Classic Action
][Marine Action
][3D Shooter
][4 Games Pack
][Shoot'em Up/TATE ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Action/Thinking ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Very similar to Loaded
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Includes Mortal Kombat
4 Preview Movie on Disc
][Fighting/Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Feb12][Fine

][Jap Title: Gunbullet
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
[SLUS00485-CommandAndConquerRedAlert-SovietDisc-CD2of2 ][
][Jap Title: Poitters Po
][Multiplayer Action][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Eur Title: Air Race /
Jap Title: Recipro Heat 5000 ][Aircraft Race
][Eur: Total Drivin' / J
ap: Gekisou Grand Racing
][Sports/Wrestling ][000000][May12][Fine
][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Car Action
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Jan12][Fine



][Great Game!
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine


][Sports/IceHockey ][000000][Apr12][Fine

][Match Commenting is sp
oken in English
][000000][Feb12][Heavy Graphic
][Car Action
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Jap Title: Runabout /I
ngame Interlace On/Off Option][Racing/Action
][Jap Title: Clock Tower
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Jap Title: Bubblegun K
][In Space Action ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc GP/
Forced Smoothing]
][CDMage reports 9 Secto
r Errors
][Ego Shooter
][CDMage reports 8 Secto
r Errors
][Formula 1 Racing ][000008][Mar12][Fine
][Versus Fighting/3D][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Strategy/Battle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Some movies got Censor
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][Ego Shooter

][Role Playing Game ][000000][Dec11][Fine

][In Space Action


][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game

][Helicopter Action ][000000][Feb12][Multidisc GP/

Forced Smoothing]

][Eur Title: Overboard


][Minicart Racing





][Action Adventure ][000000][Feb12][No Music/Sound
, + Gfx Glitches]
][Includes "Gex: Enter T
he Gecko" Preview Movie
][Action Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][3rd Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Kart Racing
][Jap Title: Hyper Olymp
ics In Nagano
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Has Trainer Patch on /
use 2nd disk of US Release ][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][CDMage reports 18871 S

ector Errors

][Role Playing Game ][018871][Jan12][Fine


][Jap Title: Spin Tail


][Jap Title: BuGi / Inte
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Jap: Klaymen Klaymen 2
Skullmonkey No Gyakushuu
][Jap Title: Rockman Das
h / CDMage reports 760 Errors][Action Adventure ][000760][Jan12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Game is fully Interlac
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Eur Title: Test Drive
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Jap Title: Over Drivin
' 3
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Feb12][FMV Issues / r
andom Freezes ]
][Originally this Game i
s fully Interlaced
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Feb12][Fine
][In Space Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Car Action
][Commentary is English

][Can be played with nor
mal Joypad Controller
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Futuristic Sports ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Jap Title: Carom Shot
][Billiards/Story ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Sword Fighting
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Has Trainer Patch on (
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
[SLUS00665-CommandAndConquerRedAlertRetaliation-CD1of2 ][Allied Disc
][Eur Title: Buggy
[SLUS00667-CommandAndConquerRedAlertRetaliation-CD2of2 ][Soviet Disc
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Has Trainer Patch on (
][Role Playing Game ][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Playable "Legacy of Ka
in: Soul Reaver" Demo on Disc][Vs Battle/Strgy ][000000][May12][Fine
][Includes two Preview T
railer Movies



[SLUS00681-RivalSchoolsUnitedByFate-ArcadeDisc-CD1of2 ][
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Kart Racing
][Jap Title: Clock Tower
Ghost Head
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][MiniCar Racing
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Sword Action
][Eur Title: B-Movie
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][3rd Person Action ][000000][May12][Fine
][Very nice, Contra like
Action Shooter
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Has Tomb Raider 3, Gex
3 and SoulReaver Demos on ][Action/3rd Person ][000000][May12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][In Space Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine

][Eur Title: Kula World
/ Jap Title: Kula Quest
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Jap Title: Puzzle Bobb
le 3DX
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][Jan12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][PAL fixed / Press SELE
CT to refill HP and BP
][Action Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][American Football ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Hoverboard Action ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Puzzle ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Sports/IceHockey ][000000][May12][Fine
][Sports/Basketball ][000000][May12][Fine
][Motorbike Racing ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action/Shooting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Action Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Multidisc Game
][Formula-1 Racing ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][aka: Capcom Generation
Dai 5 Shuu
][Classic Fighting ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Some movies got Censor
][Horror Adventure ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Feb12][Fine
][Serial SLUS00752 is co
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][R-Type I + R-Type II G

ame Pack

][Shoot'em Up





][Action Adventure ][000000][May12][Fine
][Jap: Zap! Snowboarding
Trix 98 / Eur: Phat Air Extr][Sports/Snowboard ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Versus Fighting ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][Action/Adventure ][000000][Mar12][Multidisc Game
][30 Atari VCS2600 Games
][Classic Action
][3RD Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Match Commentary is En
][Car Action
][Jap Title: Gunbarl
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Has Trainer Patch on
][Lightgun Shooter ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Unusual Disc Layout wi
th two Data Tracks
][Puzzle/Thinking ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Interlaced / Japanese
][Vs Fighting & Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Jap Title: Knight & Ba
][Role Playing Game ][000000][May12][Fine
][Point & Click Adv ][000000][Apr12][Fine



][Downhill Racing



][Bonus Disc, needs Gran
d Theft Auto main Disc
][Car Action
][000000][Jan12][Multidisc Game
][Jap Title: Tamamayu Mo
][Jap Title: Fuujin Ryou
iki Eretzvaju
][Versus Fighting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Dungeon Adventure ][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Shoot'em Up
][FMV Adventure
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][FMV Adventure
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][FMV Adventure
][000000][May12][Multidisc Game
][CDMage reports 32 Sect
or Errors
[SLUS01029-DisneysHerculesActionGame-MajescoReRelease ][
][Jump'n'Run/Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Includes 4 Preview Mov
][Action/Shooting ][000000][May12][Fine
][Jap Title: Marl Oukoku
No Ningyou Hime
][Originally this Game i
s fully Interlaced
][Pinball Simulation][000000][Apr12][Fine
][Thinking/Puzzle ][000000][May12][Fine
][BattleMech Action ][000000][Dec11][Fine
][Jap Title: Strikers 19
45 II
][Shoot'em Up
][Load/Save removed (?)

/ Errors in the Filesystem ][Action/Puzzle

][Jap Title: Gunbird
][Shoot'em Up
][Collectors Edition (?)
][Playable Preview (iden
tical to SLUS90036)
][3rd Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
[SLUS90028-SquaresoftOnPlayStation1998CollectorsCDVol1 ][Four Squaresoft Games
- Preview Compilation
[SLUS90029-SquaresoftOnPlayStation1998CollectorsCDVol2 ][Final Fantasy VIII Tri
al Version
][Playable Preview (iden
tical to SLUS80583)
][3rd Person Action ][000000][Mar12][Fine
][Bonus Disc that came w
ith Ridge Racer Type 4
][Playable Demo / Movies
/ Slideshows
[SLUS90075-SquaresoftOnPlayStation2000CollectorsCDVol3 ][Seven Squaresoft Games
- Preview Compilation

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