Toyota's Basic Policy On Corporate Governance
Toyota's Basic Policy On Corporate Governance
Toyota's Basic Policy On Corporate Governance
Special Feature
Corporate Governance
R&D and Intellectual Property Corporate Philosophy Management Team Corporate Governance Risk Factors Other Management and Corporate Data
and corporate activities that reflect the views of various stakeholders, including the Labor-Management Council, the Joint Labor-Management Round Table Conference and the Toyota Environment Committee.
Toyota has engaged in timely and fair disclosure of corporate and financial information as stated in the CSR Policy Contribution towards Sustainable Development. In order to ensure the accurate, fair, and timely disclosure of information, Toyota has established the Disclosure Committee chaired by an officer of the Accounting Division. The Committee holds regular meetings for the purpose of preparation, reporting and assessment of its annual securities report, quarterly report under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan and Form 20-F under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act, and also holds extraordinary committee meetings from time to time whenever necessary.
In order to manage and implement important activities for fulfilling social responsibilities, Toyota has established the CSR Committee consisting of directors at the executive vice president level and above as well as representatives of corporate auditors, to review important issues relating to corporate ethics, legal compliance, risk management and social contribution, and also to develop action plans concerning these issues. Toyota has also created a number of facilities for employees to make inquiries concerning compliance matters, including the Compliance Hotline, which enables them to consult with an outside attorney, and takes measures to ensure that Toyota is aware of significant information concerning legal compliance as quickly as possible. Toyota will continue to promote the Toyota Code of Conduct which is a guideline for employees behavior and conduct for employees of Toyota and its consolidated subsidiaries (together Toyota) all around the world. Toyota will work to advance corporate ethics through training and education at all levels and in all departments. Toyota has adopted an auditor system. Seven Corporate Auditors including four Outside Corporate Auditors play a role in Toyotas corporate governance efforts by undertaking audits in accordance with the audit policies and plans determined by the Board of Corporate Auditors. In addition, Toyota has secured the personnel and framework supporting the audit by Corporate Auditors. The Outside Corporate Auditors advise Toyota from a fair and neutral perspective, based on their broad experiences and insight in their respective fields of expertise. The state of internal controls and internal audits are reported to Corporate Auditors (including Outside Corporate Auditors) through the Board of Corporate Auditors and the CSR Committee, and the status of accounting audits is reported by independent External Auditors to the Corporate Auditors (including Outside Corporate Auditors) through the Board of Corporate Auditors. To enhance the system for internal audits, a specialized organization made independent of direct control by the management evaluates the effectiveness of the system to secure the appropriateness of documents regarding financial calculation and other information in accordance with Section 404 of the U.S. SarbanesOxley Act and Article 24-4-4 (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan. In order to enhance the reliability of the financial reporting of Toyota, the three auditing functions audit by Corporate Auditors, internal audit, and accounting audit by Independent External Auditors aid in conducting an
Special Feature
Corporate Governance
R&D and Intellectual Property Corporate Philosophy Management Team Corporate Governance Risk Factors Other Management and Corporate Data
effective and efficient audit through meetings held periodically and as necessary to share information and come to understandings through discussion on audit plans and results.
3) Toyota will appropriately discuss significant matters and measures relating to issues such as corporate ethics, compliance, and risk management at the CSR Committee and other meetings. Toyota will also discuss and decide, at the meetings of various cross-sectional decision-making bodies, policies and systems to monitor and respond to risks relating to organizational function. (2) System to retain and manage information relating to performance of duties by Directors Information relating to exercising duties by Directors shall be appropriately retained and managed by each division in charge pursuant to the relevant internal rules and laws and regulations. (3) Rules and systems related to the management of risk of loss 1) Toyota will properly manage the capital fund through its budgeting system and other forms of control, conduct business operations, and manage the budget, based on the authorities and responsibilities in accordance with the Ringi system (effective consensus-building and approval system) and other systems. Significant matters will be properly submitted and discussed at the Board of Directors meeting and other meetings of various bodies in accordance with the standards stipulated in the relevant rules. 2) Toyota will ensure accurate financial reporting by issuing documentation on the financial flow and the control system, etc., and by properly and promptly disclosing information through the Disclosure Committee. 3) Toyota will manage various risks relating to safety, quality, the environment, etc. and compliance by establishing coordinated systems with all regions, establishing rules or preparing and delivering manuals and by other means, as necessary through each relevant division. 4) As a precaution against events such as natural disasters, Toyota will prepare manuals, conduct emergency drills, arrange risk diversification and insurance, etc., as needed. (4) System to ensure that Directors exercise their duties efficiently 1) Toyota will manage consistent policies by specifying the policies at each level of the organization based on the medium- to long-term management policies and the Companys policies for each fiscal term. 2) The Directors will promptly determine the management policies based on precise on-the-spot information and, in accordance with Toyotas advantageous field-oriented approach, delegate a high level of authority to Chief Officers (Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers) who take responsibility for business operations in each region and function. The Chief Officers will proactively compose business plans for the regions and functions under their leadership and execute them in a swift and timely manner in order to carry out Toyotas management policies. The Directors will supervise the execution of duties by the Chief Officers. 3) Toyota, from time to time, will make opportunities to listen to the opinions of various stakeholders, including external experts in each region, and reflect those opinions in Toyotas management and corporate activities. (5) System to ensure that employees conduct business in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation 1) Toyota will clarify the responsibilities of each organization unit and maintain a basis to ensure continuous improvements in the system.
Board of Corporate Auditors Majority are outside corporate auditors External Accounting Auditor Audit for consolidated financial statements and internal control over financial reporting
International Advisory Board Board of Directors Labor-Management Council Joint Labor-Management Round Table Conference CSR Committee* Senior Managing Officers or Managing Officers Toyota Environment Committee
Disclosure Committee
* The CSR Committee deliberates on and makes decisions concerning CSR-related planning, corporate ethics, legal compliance, risk management and social contribution activities.
Special Feature
Corporate Governance
R&D and Intellectual Property Corporate Philosophy Management Team Corporate Governance Risk Factors Other Management and Corporate Data
2) Toyota will continuously review the legal compliance and risk management framework to ensure effectiveness. For this purpose, each organization unit shall confirm the effectiveness by conducting self-checks among others, and report the result to the CSR Committee and other committees. 3) Toyota will promptly obtain information regarding legal compliance and corporate ethics and respond to problems and questions related to compliance through its corporate ethics inquiry office and other channels. (6) System to ensure the appropriateness of business operations of the corporation and the business group consisting of the parent company and subsidiaries 1) Toyota will expand the Guiding Principles at Toyota and the Toyota Code of Conduct to its subsidiaries as Toyotas common charter of conduct, and develop and maintain a sound environment of internal controls for Toyota. Toyota will also promote the Guiding Principles at Toyota and the Toyota Code of Conduct through personnel exchanges. 2) Toyota will manage its subsidiaries in a comprehensive manner appropriate to their positioning by clarifying the roles of the division responsible for the subsidiaries financing and management and the roles of the division responsible for the subsidiaries business activities. Those divisions will confirm the appropriateness and legality of the operations of the subsidiaries by exchanging information with those subsidiaries, periodically and as needed. (7) System concerning employees who assist the Corporate Auditors when required Toyota will establish a Corporate Auditors Department and assign a number of full-time staff to support this function. (8) Independence of the employees described in the preceding item (7) from Directors Any changes in personnel in the Corporate Auditors Department will require prior consent of the Board of Corporate Auditors or a full-time Corporate Auditor selected by the Board of Corporate Auditors. (9) System for Directors and employees to report to Corporate Auditors, and other related systems 1) Directors, from time to time, will properly report to the Corporate Auditors any major business operations through the divisions in charge. If any fact that may cause significant damage to the Company is discovered, they will report the matter to the Corporate Auditors immediately. 2) Directors, Senior Managing Officers, Managing Officers, and employees will report to Corporate Auditors on the business upon requests by the Corporate Auditors, periodically and as needed. (10) Other systems to ensure that the Corporate Auditors conducted audits effectively Toyota will ensure that the Corporate Auditors attend major Board of Directors meetings, inspect important Company documents, and make opportunities to exchange information between the Corporate Auditors and Accounting Auditor periodically and as needed, as well as appoint external experts.