Solar Street Light
Solar Street Light
Solar Street Light
Overhead costs were computed using an overhead percentage oI 25. This is lower than average due to the lower costs oI materials vs. labor.
Services incurred during the design and build process will be added as needed.
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V. Societal, Environmental, and Ethical Impacts
As global warming becomes an increasingly relevant issue, world governments and
businesses are constantly Iacing pressure to make to decisions that will reduce power
consumption costs and that are more beneIicial to the environment. The addition oI MPPT
technology to solar-powered street lighting can be oI great assistance in the solution to issues
caused by global warming. It is known that the electric power industry is a large consumer oI
coal energy in the United States and thereIore, is a major source toxic pollution. The use oI solar
power street lighting utilizing an MPPT system would have positive impacts in the
environmental, social, and ethical realms.
The environmental impacts oI an MPPT-based lighting system would be oI great service
to those involved. First, conventional lighting systems receive their power Irom the electrical
power grid, which is supplied by power plants that use Iuels which generate carbon emissions,
such as coal. The continual use oI these power plants promotes recurrent deposit pollution oI the
environmental, which aIIects the health oI the general public. Also, since conventional street
lights use AC power Irom the electrical grid, there is a risk oI electric shock not just to the people
maintaining the system, but also to pedestrians due to the possibility oI 'stray voltage.
powered lighting systems aren`t connected to the electrical grid, and they use a DC-based battery
system, so they`re much saIer to maintain. They also don`t produce air, water, or solid wastes,
since they`re entirely selI-contained.
From a social perspective, this lighting implementation can cut costs in city, state, and
national inIrastructure. Solar-powered lighting could save billions oI dollars in electricity and
maintenance costs, which conventional lighting systems require. In the event oI a power outage,
conventional lighting systems would Iail, whereas solar systems would still be able to Iunction
because they have their own battery-backed power source that is continuously charged by the
solar panel during the daytime. Also, the implementation oI MPPT systems in street lights would
optimize the amount oI energy that could be obtained Irom solar panels, reducing the cost oI
solar panel usage over time. In general, the manuIacture oI a single solar panel may require as
much energy expenditure as the panel itselI will generate in Iour years` time. Increasing the
eIIiciency oI solar-powered systems can reduce the time it takes to cancel this energy debt.
In an ethical sense, the addition oI MPPT technology to street lighting systems would
diminish the reliance on electricity generated by pollution-producing Iossil Iuels. Reducing
reliance on these Iuels will assist in preserving the earth Irom continual deterioration, caused by
Iactors like the increasing oI the earth surIace temperature
, and also play a part in preserving
the livelihoods oI those aIIected by Iuel pollution. In a 2009 report by the Clean Air Task Force,
it was Iound that Irom 2004 to 2010, the amount oI deaths caused by Iine particle pollution
dropped 45 (24,000 to 13,200 deaths), in part due to the green energy movement.
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VI. Conclusion
We Ieel that by creating a street light system utilizing an MPPT algorithm with a system-
on-a-chip, we can greatly increase the eIIiciency oI street lamps, and potentially apply those
improvements to other lighting systems, such as outdoor pedestrian lighting. We believe current
solar-powered lighting systems can be improved through better soItware design and hardware
selection. We will improve the systems by utilizing a Cypress Semiconductors PowerPSoC
system-on-a-chip, which will run custom soItware to implement the MPPT algorithm and
control the lamp, along with specially selected compatible hardware, such as a photovoltaic-rated
lead-acid battery and an array oI high-brightness LEDs. These selections will help to minimize
power consumption while maintaining optimal lighting conditions Ior the speciIied application.
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VII. References
|1| M. A. Green, 'Third generation photovoltaics: solar cells Ior 2020 and beyond, Physica E:
Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, vol. 14, no. 1-2, pp. 65-70, Apr. 2002.
|2| P. H. Chou and S. Kim, 'Techniques Ior Maximizing EIIiciency oI Solar Energy Harvesting
Systems, Department oI EECS, University oI CaliIornia, Irvine, CA, Apr. 2010.
|3| (2010, Apr. 1). 'MPPT Solar Charge Controller ReIerence Design |Online|. Available:
|4| P. H. Chou, D. Li, and S. Kim, 'Maximizing EIIiciency oI Solar-Powered Systems by Load
Matching, Center Ior Embedded Computer Systems, University oI CaliIornia, Irvine, CA,
Aug. 2004.
|5| (2006, May 23). 'Sharp NE-80EJEA 80 Watt |Online|. Available:
|6| (2009, Jan. 29). 'MK 8GU1H 12V 36Ah GEL Battery |Online|. Available:
|7| (2010, July 16). 'CY3268 PowerPSoC Lighting Starter Kit |Online|. Available:
|8| (2010, July 7). 'Cool White (6500K) Rebel LED, Pre-Mounted On A 20mm Star Base - 220
lm 700mA |Online|. Available:
|9| (2010, July 7). 'Carclo 24 Deg Rippled 20mm Lens - No Holder |Online|. Available:
|10| (2010, Oct. 23) 'Bachelor oI Science (BS/BSc/SB), Computer Engineering Degree Salary
|Online|. Available:
|11| A. T. Hadhazy. (2006, Aug. 4). 'Stray Voltage Still on the Loose |Online|. Available:
|12| (2000). 'Electricity Irom Solar Energy |Online|. Available:
|13| B. Freese and S. Clemmer, 'Gambling with Coal, Union oI Concerned Scientists,
Cambridge, MA, p. 11, Sept. 2006.
- 10 -
|14| C. Schneider and J. Banks, 'The Toll From Coal, Clean Air Task Force, Boston, MA, p. 5,
Sept. 2010.
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David E. Korth
1205 Concord Lane
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Home: (856) 354-9430
Cell: (856) 745-8457
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Anticipated Graduation - June, 2011
Computer Engineering
Honors and Awards
Pennoni Honors College
COOP 101 Certificate of Merit
Dean's List
Academic Competitiveness Grant
A.J. Drexel Scholarship
Drexel University Endowed Scholarship
Awarded Cherry Hill High School East PTA Technology Scholarship, 2006
Nominated for Cherry Hill High School East Senior Hall of Fame, 2006
Computer Skills
IT Certifications: Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator for Windows 2000, CompTIA Net+, CompTIA A+
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, NT, 95, 98, ME, 3.1; Linux 2.4 (Slackware Linux), Linux 2.6
(Gentoo Linux, Ubuntu Linux)
Server Software: Microsoft Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, Linux 2.4/2.6, Apache
1.3/2.0, MySQL 4.0/4.1/5.0, PHP 4.4/5.x, Samba 3.0
Office Software: Microsoft Office 2000/XP/2003, 1.x/2.x
Programming Languages: C, C++, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003, Microsoft
QuickBASIC 4.5, Commodore 64 BASIC
Web Design: HTML 4.01, PHP 4 & 5, Perl 5, SSI
Additional Skills: TCP/IP, integrating a Linux/UNIX server in a Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory
environment; setting up, upgrading, and repairing computers; data recovery; security; hardware and software diagnostics.
Relevant Coursework
CompTIA Networking (2002-2003) Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (2002-2003)
Advanced Microsoft Windows (2003-2006) Computer Graphics (2005-2006)
Engineering 101, 102, 103: Engineering Lab (2006-2007) Computer Science 121, 122, 123: Computation Lab (2006-2007)
ECE 200: Digital Logic Design (2008) ECE 201: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (2008)
ECE 203: Programming for Engineers (2008) ECEC 301: Advanced Programming for Engineers (2009)
ECEC 302: Digital Systems Projects (2009) CS 370: Operating Systems
ECEC 304: Design with Microcontrollers (2009) ECEC 355: Computer Structures (2009)
ECEC 357: Intro to Computer Networks (2010) CS 265: Advanced Programming Techniques (2010)
ECEC 356: Embedded Systems (2010) CS 260: Data Structures (2010)
ECEC 490: ST: Intro to Operating Systems (2010) ECEC 451: Computer Arithmetic (2010)
ECEC 490: ST: Custom VLSI Design (2010)
NES on an FPGA Project, April 2009 to Present
Currently designing a set of circuits in VHDL that replicates the functionality of the original Nintendo Entertainment
System on a field-programmable gate array.
Working under the supervision of Computer Science Professor Bill Mongan while teaming up with another student.
Freshman Design Project
Bicycle Interstate - An interstate highway system designed specifically for bicycles.
Advisor: Dr. Bradley E. Layton
Community Service
Drexel TechServ, Philadelphia, PA
Vice President, System Administrator, Head of Refurbishment, January 2007 to Present
Elected as Vice President in 2009.
Serving as Head of Refurbishment and System Administrator since April 2007.
Refurbishing of old computers to donate to public schools, libraries, and other non-profit organizations.
Administering TechServ servers.
Work Experience
GuideWorks, LLC., Radnor, PA
Software Developer, September 2009 to March 2010
Assisted software developers with the development of TV set-top box software.
Maintained software test suites.
Work Experience
Unisys Corporation, Malvern, PA
Software Developer, September 2008 to March 2009
Assisted software developers with various tasks, including fixing bugs and testing software patches.
Developed small utility programs for Linux and Windows systems.
Work Experience
SAP Americas, Inc., Newtown Square, PA
UNIX Server Administrator, September 2007 to March 2008
Performed maintenance on UNIX and Linux servers.
Assisted other administrators with setting up new servers.
Connected new servers to a Storage Area Network (SAN) and maintained the SAN layout diagrams.
Work Study
Drexel University - Computer Science Department, Philadelphia, PA
IT Assistant, May 2007 to June 2007
Assisting employees with technology in the Computer Science Department.
Previous Work Experience
Cherry Hill High School East, Cherry Hill, NJ
Computer Technical Assistant, June 2005 to January 2006 (Volunteered 2002 to June 2005)
Troubleshooting hardware-, software-, and network-related problems.
Setting up and maintaining student user accounts and Windows Server Update Services.
Volunteer Experience
Virtual Hospital Information Services, Gibbsboro, NJ
Computer Technical Assistant, Summer 2003
Troubleshooting hardware-, software-, and network-related problems.
Assisted technical staff in reformatting computers and setting up new computers for the hospital network.
Jed B. Daviau
402 N 38th St Philadelphia, PA 19104 774-234-7533
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Anticipated Graduation - 2011
Honors and Awards
Wachusett Regional H.S. Excellence in Engineering Drafting and Design, 2006
National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist, 2005
Relevant Coursework
Computer Science Computer Structures
Engineering Design Laboratory Digital Logic Design
Linear/Dynamic Engineering Systems Adv. Engineering Programming
Discrete Mathematics Digital Systems Projects
Design With Microcontrollers
Co-op Experience
UGI Corp. / Amerigas King of Prussia, PA
MIS Infrastructure Support September to December, 2007
Provided both long-range and hands-on technical support to users nationwide
Worked with personnel in IT and communications departments
Assisted in configuring and deploying computers to company employees
Employment Experience
Computer Sales and Repair Philadelphia, PA
Self-Employed Computer Technician Spring 2004 to Present
Purchase and assemble computers/components
Supply assembled computers directly to customers
Provide telephone/in-home technical support services
Maintain a catalogued inventory of parts
Quabbin Regional School District Barre, MA
Substitute Teacher - Middle School November 2010 to March 2011
Instructed 7th and 8th grade students in Mathematics, English, and Computer Technology
Computer Skills
Operating Systems: Mac OS 9/X, Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Unix/Linux
Software: Microsoft Office, FileMaker Pro, Maple 11, MATLAB,
Autodesk AutoCAD 2005/Inventor 6, Xcode 3, SpectraCAD/CAM, NI Labview, Modelsim, Xilinx
ISE, PowerPSoC Designer
Other Skills: XML/XHTML, HTML/CSS2, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Actionscript, Java, C++,
Assembly languages
Oluwatele Adetola Ayanfodun
218 A S.46th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19139
(718) 300-5742
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Anticipated Graduation- June, 2011
Relevant Coursework
Discrete Mathematics
Fundamentals of Physics I & II
Basic & Advanced Programming for Engineers
Multivariate Calculus
Linear Engineering Systems
Digital Systems Projects
Digital Logic Design
Calculus I & II
Fundamentals of Materials
Design with Microcontrollers
Computer Organization & Architecture
Dynamic Engineering Systems
Advance Programming Techniques
Computer Skills
Software: Experience with Microsoft software (Office, Streets & Trips), LabView, Maple,
Programming: Experience with Java, VHDL, Assembly, C++, Perl, and C languages
Two Years of Instruction in Cisco Networking Course (routers, LANs, etc.)
Co-op Experience
NAVSEA (Warfare Center- Carderock Division) Philadelphia, PA
Engineer Technician (Trainee) May 2010 to September 2010
Participated in weekly meetings discussing plans for maintenance, and
improvement of naval equipment.
Assisted with gathering information needed to evaluate and enhance the conditions
of naval materials.
The School District of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA
Transpass Co-op November 2008 to March 2009
Analyzed student geographic location records in order to determine population
eligible for public transportation passes.
Utilized the Microsoft Streets and Trips software to calculate the distances of
students residencies from the location of their schools to determine eligibility.
Met with supervisor frequently to discuss completed analysis of records and further
steps in competing assignments.
City Of Philadelphia (Streets Department) Philadelphia, PA
GIS Work-Study Intern September 2007 to March 2008
Helped with the sorting and correction of materials utilized by the city's sanitation
(street cleaning and snow plowing) and street lighting units in order to keep the city
clean (in terms of traffic and trash)
Reviewed list of city streets to ensure accuracy and updated when necessary
Reviewed and edited city maps
Work Experience
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Technical Services Work-Study July 2009 to Present
Help with in the processing (labeling, stamping, etc) of books purchased by and
donated to the university for academic, personal and professional use in Hagerty
Library on the universitys main campus.
Hope Worldwide (w/AmeriCorps) Wayne, PA/Schwenksville, PA/ Philadelphia, PA
Camp Counselor/Camp Maintenance Summers 2007, 2009
Helped with the maintenance and repairing of Camp Hope 4 Kids in preparation for
summer camp sessions through the Hope Youth Corps Program.
Mentored inner-city children through the Hope Saturday Academy in life, character,
and athletic skills.
Renovated locations used by the Hope Pennsylvania for mentoring children.
Volunteer Experience
HOPE Worldwide-Saturday Academy Wayne, PA/Philadelphia, PA
Volunteer October, 2007 to Present
Serve as a volunteer and mentor in an extracurricular program to help inner-city
adolescents develop positive character traits to use in their lives (school,
neighborhoods, etc.)
Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA) Philadelphia, PA
Volunteer Organizer October 2006 to September 2010
Serve as a volunteer in recruiting membership in order to inform the public of the
economic, social, and health issues of the lower-wage workforce.
Extracurricular Activities
Serving as Treasurer of Drexel African Student Association (DASA), 2008-Present
Treasurer of Drexel Bible Awareness Society (DBAS), Present
Co-leader of Drexel Bible-Talk, 2007-Present
Member of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), 2005-2009
Member of A. Philip Randolph Track Team, 2002-2006
Nicholas A Neifert
3500 Powelton Ave
Apt A403
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Anticipated Graduation - June 2011
Co-Op Experience
Sparks Exhibits and Environments Philadelphia, PA
IT Support Technician September 2009 - March 2010
Assisted in-house users with technical issues
Supported long distance users via telephone and email
Built and maintained company computer systems
Updated and maintained computer software to most recent
Networked printer systems
Trained new co-op student employee
Lincoln Financial Distributors Philadelphia, PA
Data Analyst September 2007 - March 2009
Used SQL to identify duplicate records in the database
Cleansed the database of duplicate records
Solved user problems with database records
Created SQL queries to maintain database integrity
Trained new co-op student employee
Provided regular status reports of client data via email and team meetings
Relevant Coursework
Engineering I, II, & III Computer Science I, II, & III
Visual Basic C++
Computer Skills
Hardware: PC
Software: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Labview, MATLAB, Data
Programming Languages: Visual Basic, C++
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP
Honors and Awards
AJ Drexel Scholarship 2006-Present
Chad Leibenguth Memorial Scholarship 2006-2007
Whitehall High School Honors Award 2002-2005
Work Experience
Valley Inspection Service, Inc. Allentown, PA
Computer Technician and Radiographic Assistant June 2005 - Present
Devised, composed, and documented working procedures
Processed radiographic film for inspection
Repaired various computer problems and issues
Installed and maintained various computer programs
Imported PMI data and created reports
Arby's Inc. Whitehall, PA
Cashier/Trainer December 2004 - June 2006
Trained prospective new employees at various tasks/positions
Generated and handled sales in excess of $1000 a day
Expedited product to customer within designated time and to customer satisfaction
Handled and solved customer comments/complaints or referred to appropriate manager
Organized and prepared workstation for employees of future shifts