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Project Title: PDO Qarn Alam Re-visit Calculation Title: Sizing of FWKO Separators V-2701 / V-2702 / V-2790 Revision Status Rev Date A 21-Nov-05 Description Issued for Information Total Pages 7 Project No.: 72038 Calculation No.: 072038-2001-7035/6/7-RA PDO Calc. No.: QSP-1-2746-035/6/7-RA Calculation By JBL Checked By JS

Calculation Objective To separate bulk production fluid into oil and gas in water in 3-phase FWKOs Calculation Basis 1.The design rate are based on: Oil in water to Skim tanks: 4000 ppm to be expected (as per Basis for design, sec.6.1.4) 2.Design margin are not required on gas and liquid flows (as per Basis for design, sec. 3.Design case are considered. 21,000 m3/d, Design flow (as per Basis for design, sec.9.6) WOR = 3.5, GOR = 35 4.Shipping Dimensions: Height as diameter: Max. 14 ft ( 4.27 m) Length: N/A to be confirmed. Conclusions: refer to summary sheet for details. Sizing Results: Based on DEP calculation sheets and checked by Worley calculation sheets. FWKO Diameter, m #REF! Length, m #REF! L/D ratio #REF! Residence Time #REF!

Sizing Basis 1. A vane pack shall be installed at gas outlet to avoid liquid entrainment. 2. Min. Residence time: 15 mins based on total liquid flowrate.(Same to FEED 1) 3. Cross-section area: max value of 0.06 m/s (as per DEP For high liquid removal efficiency.a vane pack shall be installed at low . 4. Surge volume: 25 m3 for a preliminary estimate based on previous FEED data. 5. Desanding volume: Not considered 6. Foaming: considered Special internals may be installed or anti-foaming agent may be injected if the liquid has foaming characteristics. For this design, longer retention times is considered to allow for foaming. 7. Liquid particle sizing: 150 m 8. Each liquid nozzles should be sized appropriately for both the water and oil: See the nozzle sizing on summary sheet. 9. Previous FEED data: refer to "072003-20-2000-08 2 3 2 Inlet Sep Calc II rev D APPENDIX B 1.xls" Recommendations for Detailed Design 1.The vendor will be responsible for the process guarantee including any proprietary internals, and will provide their own margins to achieve this. 2. Instrumentation locations need to be reviewed to ensure sufficient residence times and control volumes. 3. Slug and desanding volume will be reviewed by detailed E&C contractor. 4. The design pressure and temperature should be confirmed.

Attachment: 1 Summary of Sizing and Comparison 2 DEP calculation sheets 3 Worley Calculation Sheet 4 Hysys stream data

1 Pages 3 Pages 1 Page 1 Page Based on 072038-2003-0004 H&M Bal Design Case Rev C.hsc

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Horizontal open three phase settler NON foam DEP Gen Shell DEP Three-Phase Sizing Method Gas Rate Light Liquid Rate Heavy Lliquid Rate Design Factor rG rL rH Gas MW max(hl,^hh) hl hh lmax QG Ql Qh 190000 500.0000 2000.0000 1.2500 2.0056 700.5000 980.5000 22.0000 0.0057 0.0057 0.0008 0.0700 2.7488 0.0072 0.0289 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 Pa.s Pa.s Pa.s m/s m3/s m3/s m3/s without design factor QG 2.199074 Ql 0.005787 Qh 0.023148 Am3/d m3/d m3/d Design flowrate 2.748842593 0.007233796 0.028935185 Am3/s Am3/s Am3/s

3 phase test separator

Gas GOR Flow (max) P T M z

m3/s m3/s m3/s

4.4105 4.0538 22.697

kg/s kg/s kg/s

R std Vol, V

Q, actual

Maximum 0.07, Section DEP Inlet device 5.5 5.1 28.4 kg/s kg/s kg/s 19,847 18,242 102,135 kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr gas volumetric friction

Section 3.2.2 DEP min. vessel cross-sectional area for gas flow Q*max AG.min 0.1473 2.1042 m3/s m2 Ag Al total Area D 39.27 2.411 41.68 7.29 m2 m2 m2 m

horizontal pipe section horizontal half -open pipe Schoepenentoeter

Vessel sizing Appendix VII DEP Required Surge (slug) Volume Required Liquid Residence Time Required Water Residence Time Required Oil Residence Time

8.355 5.000 2.000 2.000

m3 min min min

Assuming 3 secconds of flow

Appendix X DEP control time(H_L) control time(HH_H) control time(L_LL) Dm Lm L/D Level (m) 0.45 0.55 0.73 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.35 1.45 1.70 1.80 3.00 3.0000 12.0000 4.0000 Level (in) 17.7120 21.6480 28.5360 35.4240 39.3600 45.2640 53.1360 57.0720 66.9120 70.8480 118.0800 118.1 472.3 2.5-6 in in

120 60 60

sec. sec. sec.

h (LAZLL)int h (LAL)int h (NLL)int h (LAH)int h (LZAHH)int h (LZLL/Weir) h (LAL) h NLL h (LAH) h (LZAHH) Full ID

% of Vessel hLL* 0.15 hL* hIL* hH* hHH* hLL* hL* hL* hH* hHH* 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.33 0.38 0.45 0.48 0.57 0.60


0.66 0.89 1.32 1.78 2.06 2.49 3.09 3.38 4.13 4.43 7.07

Volume (m3) Bot - LL 8.0 LL - L L - IL IL - H H - HH

HH - LL/Weir

2.7 5.1 5.59 3.3 5.2 7.1 3.6 9.0 3.5 31.7 40.6 slug volume 29.9 15.8

LL - L L - NL NL - H H - HH HH - TOP

Level control

ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Check

m 0.45 0.35 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.25 0.10 1.20

Level Control Requirements LZA(LL)int: Mim. 0.1m LA(L)int to LA(H)int:Mim. 0.35m LAZ(HH)int: LAZ(H)int + min. 0.1m Weir height: LAZ(HH)int + min. 0.1m LA(L): LZA(LL)+0.1m LA(L) to LA(H): Mim. 0.35m NL to LA(H): including slug allowance of 2 - 5 second feed rate LAH to LAZHH: LZA(HH): 0.15m below feed inlet device AG AG.min 2.64 2.10 ok m2


Minimum Vapour Space (above LZA(HH))

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2Note: AG* hg* 0.1420 (at least 0.142) 0.6000 DEP the distance between LZA(HH) and the vessel bottom, at least 0.95 3m m 4 Liquid carry-over rate Section 2.4 DEP lmax (m/s) Without demister 0.0700 With wiremesh demister 0.0819

Height of the weirs hcrest,I how,I 0.019199802 1.43

Liquid removal efficiency (%) 90 98

Carry over rate (m3/hr) 10.4 2.1 Max.

slug size

Appendix V, DEP 89

1 2 3

De-gassing De-foaming

Dves*Lves(m2) Dves*Lves(m2)

36.0 36.0

>= >=

13.2 10.7

ok ok

G/L Contol Levels p 85 3.1 LZA(HH)/Dves 3.2 Dves-LZA(HH) 3.3 Ag 3.4 3.5 LZA(LL) / D L/L of Boot L/L Controlling Time G/L Controlling Time t LL_L 196.1274 t HH_H t H_L
98.1214 347.5242

0.60 1.2 2.64 0.383 N/A N/A

=< >= >= >=

0.8 0.3 2.10 0.20

ok ok ok ok

Check for selected LZA(HH)

4 5 6

sec. sec. sec.

3 2 6

min. min. min.

ok ok ok

Compartment Size Inlet Outlet Settling

Lin Lout Lset

1.50 0.75 9.75

m m m

Droplet Size p 88 VI.ax @ LLtoH

0.004 0.000 0.006 0.022

m/s m/s m m/s 0.001 m




Heavy Droplet Size

Vh.ax @ NLint

=< m/s



Light phase droplet dI Other


Surge (Slug) Size 9.0 NLL to LA(H) Volume



ok Water 9 Oil 57

Liquid Residence Time 18.7 min NLL Volume / Total Liquid Rate
Appendices II and III, DEP




Nozzle N1: 'feed inlet(fitted with Schoepentoeter);

13.99 85.92 84.8 0.2032 check 0.2032 check 0.0762 0.1016 m

(min. 0.05m)

vm,in vG,out d in
=< =< m/s m/s 8000

ID m m 8 8 3 4
(min. 0.05m)

inch inch inch inch

rm ^V2m,in
N2: gas outlet;

103256.1382 14425.0443 1.5870 3.5708

d gas out rG ^V2G,out

velocity = velocity = 4500

N3: oil outlet(fitted with vortex breaker); N4: water outlet(fitted with vortex breaker);

d oil out

d water out

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Page 4 of 7

200.0 Sm3/Sm3

100000 Sm3/day
2.5 bar a 60 C 22 0.99 8.3145 m3.kpa/mole.K 23.646 sm3/mole 2.005633337 kg/m3 46388.83 Am3/d


not applicable not applicable OK

Sizing of the feed and outlet Nozzles Feed Schoepentoeter is used pm d1,internal nozzle diameter Vm,in momentum 9.990056898 0.36 20.04037331 4012.172311 Page 5 of 7

Gas outlet Nozzel d2 VG,out momentum Light Liquid outlet Nozzle d3 Liquid velocity,m/s Heavy liquid outlet nozzle d3 Liquid velocity,m/s

0.3048 37.69209607 2849.391461

0.1524 0.317407125

0.254 0.45706626

8.355034722 m3

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