Sleep States
Sleep States
Sleep States
Sleep In sleep the ego becomes unconscious on the physical plane in its brain --
except in the cases of dreaming; the connection between the mind and the bodily
senses is quiescent and there is no direct self-conscious cognition of physical
objects and events.
From this last state of perfect awakenment, the jagrat or physical waking state is
the farthest removed; what is to us the dream state (svapna) is a closer approach;
and sushupti, which to us is complete loss of physical brain-mind consciousness,
is actually the closest approach to the complete consciousness experienced by the
ego in turiya. Turiya is the complete oblivion to the outside world, for the ego
is functioning in its spiritual vehicle of consciousness.
These four distinct states of consciousness into which the human egoic self can
enter, are the manifestations during imbodiment of what takes place on a more
profound and radical scale at death. Sleep is a small death, and death may be
called a larger sleep: in both, the ego, liberated successively form various
bonds, travels inwards and upwards through different grades of consciousness and
reaches the experiences proper to those planes.
Sleep is also used figuratively, in contrast with waking, to denote a state of
nonmanifestation, when there is no contrast between subject and object; the term
so used is relative, and sleeping on one plane may coincide with waking on
Sushupti susupti (Sanskrit) [from su well, good, fine + shupti from the verbal
root svap to sleep]
Fast asleep, deep sleep; the deep sleeping state when human consciousness is
plunged into profound self-oblivion, "when the percipient consciousness enters
into the purely manasic condition . . ." (OG 72). Sushupti is the third of the
four states of consciousness mentioned in yoga philosophy, the others being
jagrat, svapna, and turiya.
The state of Jagrti (Consciousness) and the state of Susupti (Deep Sleep):
According to the Upanisads, the individual self can exist in 4 states - jagrita or
awakened, swapna, or the state in which dreams are seen, susupti or deep sleep (in
which no dreams are seen) and turiya or the liberated state. Of these, the third
is considered a reflection of sorts of the fourth. This is because in the state of
susupti, the soul gets detached from all material adjuncts, so to speak, and
exists in its own nature, i.e., consciousness. Now, the Advaitins argue that since
we have no recollection of self awareness during the state of susupti, it follows
naturally that during turiya also, the object of consciousness, viz. the Atman is
sublated and what remains is pure consciousness. Thus, Atman is of the nature of
consciousness and not a substratum of the same.
Sri Ramanuja decries this interpretation and states that when a person awakes from
slumber, he feels refreshed since during sleep, the Atman was detached from the
trauma-causing state of samsara (the worldly cycle of birth and death). Hence,
susupti does in fact point towards the uninterrupted existence of Atman even
during that state. Moreover, the absence of self awareness during this state does
not imply that the Atman had been sublated into pure consciousness. What happens
during susupti is the disappearance of consciousness of 'I-ness" that is
characterized by the association of the soul with the body, i.e., one's caste, age
etc. Rather, this state is a state of pure reflexive awareness, in which the Atman
is aware only of itself as 'I'.
According to Sri Ramanuja, dreams are caused by God and are a means of expending
the fruits of one's actions, since dreams can be either pleasurable or otherwise.
The objects of dreams are illusory in so far as they have a provisional standing,
lack public verifiability and are banished by waking consciousness; they are real
in so far as they are actual objects of experience in the dream state. Thus,
dreams are of the same class as the wakeful state in that they are a medium for
expending of one's karma and a form of direct samsaric (wordly) experience.