Notes Energy and Finance Certificate
Notes Energy and Finance Certificate
Notes Energy and Finance Certificate
Physical constraints
During the transformation from primary into secondary energy there are losses (following entropy laws, and energy conservation) as follows: -
A light bulb has an efficiency of 2% (= useable energy / primary energy). 0,1kg of fossil fuel heat 1kWh: oil is a concentrated form of energy. 10mg of fission of nuclear uranium provides 1kWh. 1mg of fusion provides the same. Oil is easy to handle via flexible transportation chain, coal (solid) hard to handle but flexible chain, gas hard to handle plus inflexible chain (1000 times less energy /m3 than oil). Primary energy consumption: - Oil 34%
There is a correlation between income and energy consumption. In the world, people consume 1,7toe (total is 12,6Gtoe). There are three scenario regarding the evolution of the demand: - A1: 24,5Gtoe in 2050 - B: 19,8Gtoe - C: 14,2Gtoe Proven oil reserve in 2010: 190Gt (19% in Saudi Arabia). Peak oil in 2020 (later if new discoveries, better efficiency, new heavy oil, tar sands). World electricity generation: 19 201 TWh (2007). Price of every kind of primary energy increases recently, as the production and exploration investment skyrocketed. Oil market was defined in 70s by controlled market (dominated by OPEC): security of supplies guaranteed, long term contracts. In 80s: market freedom; sharp price rise, increased volatility, spot forward and future markets. In 90s: financial markets: regulated price (moderate) geopolitical orders, benchmark price via formulas (swap, options). Product sales: 600$/t (light crude price > heavy crude price). Transportation costs: 20$/t. Tow different price: FOB (free on board) cargo is available at loading location (buyer pays transportation and insurance costs) and CIF (cost insurance freight) seller pays transportation and insurance costs and cargo is available at offloading location. Refining costs: 30$/t Netback value: 550$/t (=600-20-30). Main phase of an oil/gas field: - Exploration: evaluation, exploration (seismic exploration), delineation. 5-10 years, 10-20% of technical costs. - Development (between discovery and production): 3-8 years, 40-60% technical costs. Wells, export facilities, production facilities, storage, FPSO. - Production: 15-50 years, 30-50% costs (OPEX) - Abandonment: 1-5 years, 5-15% costs (rehabilitation) Breakeven price rises a lot with unconventional methods: - OPEC middle east: 20$/bbl - Conventional: 25$/bbl - (Ultra-) Deep water: 30-50$/bbl - Enhanced recovery: 40-80$/bbl - Heavy oil: 60-80$/bbl - Artic: 80-100$/bbl
- Oil sands: >100$/bbl So with a 85Mbbl/day scenario: price will be around 60-80$/bbl.
oil sands. Furthermore, to replace decline in production and reserve and increasing demand, another 6-8 times Saudi Arabia has to be found. And it is a very capitalistic segment, as large investments are needed. 37 T$ in 2010 = 17T$ for power, 10T$ for oil, 10T$ for gas and 1T$ for coal. -> Fossil fuel remains dominant, energy demand and CO2 emissions grow by 45% to 2030 and they are huge threats to the security of energy supply.
For now discoveries are over production, but the difference is shrinking. We see a large increase in CAPEX expenditure, but no correlated with oil production: unconventional oil, efficiency enhancement. Costs are broken as follows: finding costs (acquisition of acreage, exploration, purchase of reserve), development costs (construction, transport facilities). Both added equals technical costs (entire costs excluding marketing). These technical costs are a major criterion for the valuation of a company stocks or assets. Market cap are 4 to 10 less big for oil services company (Schlumberger) than for energy company (ExxonMobil). The reserves are: - 1P: proven (90% recoverable) - 2P: probable (50% recoverable) - 3P: possible (10% recoverable) So we can define the reserve life = 1P/annual production. This is also a good criterion for the valuation of an oil company. There are two different players in the oil industry: - IOC: born further WW1, super-majors, command E&P techno, and financial power. 15-30% ROCE, can carry lot of debt, open to public investments. - NOC: born further 1st oil shock, government-owned, title to reserve, tax and country revenue producer. Driven by international oil price. The two biggest consumer of oil are US (19Mbarrel/day), China (9Mbarrel/day). The production is very dependent (for 60%) of 300 giant fields (out of 70 000). In other terms, 60% of the production comes from 300 fields (0,4%). They have been in operation for over 50 years. We expect a production of non-crude oil to explode (crude remaining stable). The number of future contracts increases at the end of each trading day: producers (processors, merchants) are globally short; money managers are globally long on these futures. The demand for oil is relatively inelastic as 22% come from passengers.
for electricity and heat). But its utilization is very sensitive to relative price of gas versus other sources: carbon-concerned economy will likely boost gas consumption. This unconventional gas will play a leading role. Now the 10 biggest gas fields account for 33% of gas production and have been in operation for 40 years. In US, no discovery of well, but new production comes from unconventional gas (gas shale) since 2007. In Europe the demand is climate-sensitive, leading to a need for swing supply. In China the demand grows 7x in 10 years. Russia has the biggest proven reserves (45tcm) but will it be able to meet rising demand in domestic market and export obligations. Gas supply in Europe depends on Russias relationship with Ukraine and Belarus. International gas trade is to increase significantly. The share of LNG continues to grow; will it make the gas market global? Today market is very regulated (70% of long-term contracts), based on security, as there isnt any global market: buyer wants supply security, seller wants price security (because of large CAPEX he made) = take or pay contract (oblige to buy a certain minimal quantity to a competitive price). Price was connected with oil price with a variety of indices (British gas formula). This deregulation tends to a gas-to-gas competition via the emergence of trading hubs, which have TOP contracts with gas companies and sell to a spot price (need a storage facility for cash and carry strategy). Gas price is set by the net-back principle, which calculates the price to be competitive with alternate energy. Coal is the floor, heavy oil the ceiling. In the US, discoveries of gas shale disconnected gas and oil prices. These market prices are becoming more competitive than long-term contracts sustainable spreads?? Not sure, we might be going to see the end of LT contracts.
Commodity markets
Commodities are generic products with little specification from the ground or underground, homogenous price, large targeted market, 70% of world trade volumes. Two classes: - Soft: agricultural, industrial products - Hard: metals, energy products, other. Commodity market exists to manage risk through forward (price and volume risks), because of the high volatility of commodity products (crude oil 15-60%, natural gas 60120%), as they may travel a lot. Some of the chain rings can make offset hedging with their parties (no need for absolute price as they buy something of which the price is volatile too). Basically producers want to hedge to protect themselves against a price decrease (absolute hedging), intermediaries want to protect against the difference between the price they buy and the one they sell, (offset hedging) and consumers want to protect against a price increase (absolute hedging). Backwardation: price of the future decrease with time (positive roll-yield) Contango: the cost of carry. The market is in contango when later future prices are higher than sooner ones. Ex: 1-month future 70$/bbl, 2-month future 71$/bbl: it is
worth to wait and sell in 2 months (if cost of carry is not too important) = negative rollyield. Structure of the commodities market: physical and financial markets. Physical deliveries play an important role as they enable a convergence of physical and financial prices (1% of transactions lead to an actual delivery but it is enough to ensure convergence). Physical market: between producers and consumers brokers provide liquidity ensuring matching between offers and demands. Investment banks carry the management risks; trading houses carry the transport and sales risks. In the financial market, hedge funds and financial institutions play too via an organized market and future contracts (clearing house). There exists a mechanical leverage between physical and financial market as one barrel physically traded results in 5 barrels financially traded: each actor hedging his risks. Statistics show that financial market is 25 times physical one. Two types of financial markets: - OTC: tailored contracts, credit risk, no clearing house - Organized: standardized contracts, no credit risk, clearing house The clearinghouse reduces the settlement risk by netting offsetting transactions between multiple counterparties, by requiring a margin deposit, and by monitoring the credit. It needs to be well capitalized to ensure the isolation of failure of a participant. Mechanism of hedging contract. Usually commodities are traded on an average monthly price. - Straightforward hedging: when the product is directly linked to the underlying asset, using the same market. - Proxy hedging: on poor liquidity market, although the hedge is not perfect it enables optimization. Buying a Swap: buyer is hedging against increasing price by exchanging a floating price with a fixed one. There is no premium paid, but the buyer does not benefic from a price decrease. The swap is contracted with the bank, so the consumer pays the supplier the reference price (not the swap fixed price) with money given by the bank against the swap fixed price. Volatility (implied) is the first parameter of an option price (the higher the volatility the higher the premium): smile curve. You can play the volatility with options: long one = long call and put; short volatility (butterfly curve) = long calls with different strikes. Commodities market is very attractive to investors as there are liquidity abundance, perfect hedge, good fundamental pitch, good asset class.
Long term contracts are set up to secure nation provisions, gas price is set up by oil price and derived products for time lag. 85% of gas contracts are oil-indexed. Forward price are indexed and published (ex: argus natural gas). On the OTC market, NBP accounts for 60% of tradings. Basis swaps are used to hedge price differential between producer and market for a distributor for instance. It pays a fixed price and received the differential between the two spot prices.
Proxy hedging does not allow a perfect coverage as price between the product and the proxy can diverge on the short run.
EPC: engineering, procurement and construction is a map of the project showing each parts and their relations (contracted relations). For each risk you must ensure that it is covered or take by counterparty and ensure it is incentivized (penalty for failing, reward for objectives meeting). Risks (cf slides) - Construction/Completion: design, construction, techno, weather, third party (pollution risks), leading to delays, cost overruns, underperformance. Solutions: experienced sponsors, standard techno, strong EPC contract (fixed price) financial model stress, and additional budget provision. - Market risk: off taker risks, not able to sell. Solutions: take-or-pay contracts, credit contracts, market and price analysis, hedging strategy. Operation risk is the materialization of expected cash flows over time, cash flows that are connected to the market but also to the project reliability and maintenance. Strong for offshore wind power generation. - Political risks: country risk, strategic change, and nationalization, off shore cash flows. Solutions: long-term risk sharing agreement, sovereign protection, exports agencies, etc. To hedge construction and operational risks borrowers must contract two types of insurance policy, one for each. Environmental and social responsibility issues: the equator principles, which provide environmental laws, World Bank guidelines. Due diligence are made to analyze all those risks.
Foundations are the key elements of development because of variety of fields, depth, geotechnical, and ports Moreover they usually need a jacket to resist to waves and tides, and globally salty water. Marine electrical cables, AC/DC conversion for long distance, but the critical path is installation ships. Project analysis relies on four key topics: construction, economics, sponsorship and operation (cf slides). Offshore market tenors are lower than usual project finance ones, because no one wants to challenge the project (no actual history and track record). Cash sweeps: contract or clause that force a % of generated cash flow to be used for debt repayment. It reduces management power, but reduces banks (or lenders) risks, as revenues are ensured, if these ones really materialized effectively.
Energy contracts
A contract is an agreement giving obligations enforced by law: it needs an agreement, capacity of the parties, consideration (a price must be attached to the contract, or it is voidable), intention to contract and agreement must not be contrary to law. Upstream contract: energy contracts address all the risks that may arise throughout the life of an oil field (build-up, plateau, enhanced recovery decline). In all countries (except USA) subsoil belong to the State, and the ultimate owner. OIC are dealing with NOC direct lands, because they invest in national property. Abandon does happen because oil company to profit from English (for example) law and avoid dealing with the national (Kazakhstan for example) law. So they close the factory or production facility and simply leave the country.