Uniqueness of Sikhism

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For thousands of years, saints or prophets have claimed to be God themselves. Whether donning a white
cloak or a white collar, these saints or prophets have stepped forward and claimed to be the omnipotent
one. However, Sikhism was created on a different platform: one based on humility. To pronounce
oneself as God, would be freeing oneself of humility, and leaving ones mind open to ego. If God were
perfect and all-powerful, why would he have the need to take credit for his actions?
The perception that our egoour selfis somehow superior is only an illusion. What would be the basis
for such superiority? The ego has no substance, it is not real. It is only an illusion. One should learn to see
beyond that illusion.
On the other hand humility is a sign of Godly strength and not weakness. The God-conscious being is
steeped in humility. A humble person does not wish to display his superiority. The antidote for the poison
of pride is humility.
Sri Guru Amar Daas Ji says:
The person, who says, "I have done this, and I will do that" is an idiotic fool. (Ang 39)
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji says: (Ang 278)
mH N H M NJ v
One who calls himself good

|H|J MU| |N|J m v
Goodness does not come near him.

With so many religions paving new ground every year, it is no wonder that we, mere mortals, can get
duped into believing anything. Would one rather follow someone who claims to be God, or someone who
claims to be the servant of God? The latter, spoken by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself, reiterates his
teachings regarding ego; the saint that many follow and believe to be God, actually proclaims that he
would be in bliss with just the dust from the feet of God. Who else could genuinely say these words, with
such meaning, other than Him? Humility is a sign of Godly strength.
The concept of an enemy opens up the discussion to the purpose of feuds. For thousands of years,
humans have fought over land, animals, and prized possessions. Whether speaking about a fancy car or
an exemplary test score, the sole reason for boasting is ego. It is the ego that is the barrier to salvation. If
one were to completely understand the Gurus word, pride would be obliterated. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
said, Consider yourself the humblest of the humble. How can we do so though, if we are compelled to
share any accomplishment that comes our way? When reading and understanding the Gurus word, it
becomes clear that pride and ego are not a way of life for a Sikh.
The Sikh Gurus set many examples of meekness and humility. When the old Guru, Sri Guru Amar Daas
Ji was kicked by Datu, (Sri Guru Angad Dev Jis son) he never showed resentment but humbly suggested
that his hard bones might have caused hurt to Datu's feet. Similarly Sri Chand, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's
son asked Sri Guru Ram Daas Ji in a humorous way why he had kept such a long and flowing beard.
Guru Sahib replied: "To wipe the dust off your holy feet." Sri Chand was much impressed by the Guru
Sahibs humility.
Humility requires the elimination of the ego. It is the ego which is the barrier to self-knowledge and
salvation. Pride is eliminated by understanding Guru's word. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji says:
"Consider yourself the humblest of the humble."
It is the humble who are great and are exalted in God's court. True humility leads to surrender to God's
Will and the ultimate merger of the individual soul into Divinity.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says:
|8 mU| |8 H| |8| J m| |8 v N | N H|N H| |Km |H |Nm |H v
|H |8 HHM|m| | U| | 8H|H v ( Ang 15 )
Among the low let my caste be the meanest, Of the lowly, let me the lowliest be. O Nanak! let such be the
men I know. With such men let me keep company. Why should I try to emulate the great? Where the
fallen have protected been is your grade and your goodness seen."
Many religious figures cast hatred upon those who do not have faith in them. However, Gurbani says,
The True Lord and master is forever merciful and forgiving and does not hate anyone. (Ang 619) This
all-encompassing statement rules out any chances of rotting in hell if one just does not have faith on that
egoist religious figure.
Many religions talk down on others beliefs and condemn them to a lifetime of misery if they do not
conform to their religion. But as a Sikh, God is always forgiving and is present everywhere. Your
humble servant, whether of high class or low class, O Lord - by meditating on you, the sinner becomes
pure. (Ang 1178) Therefore, even as a member of a different faith, having true love for a nameless
entity is praised upon in the Sikh religion. A Sikh or any other individual open to the merits of Sikhism,
and of any caste is embraced with open arms by the all-powerful one.
Sikhism lays stress on practical and truthful living.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says: (Ang 62)
H8J U H N | H8 m8 v

Truth is higher than everything; but higher still is truthful living.
Many religions believe in the superstition that such and such day is not good for work.
But on the contrary, Guru Sahib says:
HJ |UH H M |HH N U| N v
The months, the days, and the moments are auspicious, for those upon whom the Lord casts His Glance
of Grace. ( Ang 135 )
The Sikh faith believes in equality, and accepts no discrimination based on religion, caste, class, color,
high or low, family, profession, sex etc. Only in such a frame of mind, one can serve others selflessly
without any discrimination, and these are distinguished characteristics of a Sikh.
The three pillars of Sikhism are: honest earning, sharing with others, and remembrance of The Lord.
From the above comes the practice of Langar or community kitchen for all and Dasvandh.
The practice of Langar or free kitchen for everyone is provided in Sikhism only. Langar is the term used
in the Sikh religion for common kitchen, where food is served in a Gurdwara to all the visitors (without
distinction of background) for free. Langar is open to Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike. People from all classes
of society are welcome at the Gurdwara. Food is normally served twice a day, on every day of the year.
Recent reports say that some of the largest Sikh community dining halls in Delhi prepare between 50,000
and 70,000 meals per day. At Golden Temple in Amritsar nearly 100,000 people dine everyday and the
kitchen works almost 20 hours daily.
The institution of the Sikh langar, or free kitchen, was started by the first Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev
Ji. It was designed to uphold the principle of equality between all people regardless of religion, caste,
color, creed, age, gender or social status. In addition to the ideals of equality, the tradition of langar
expresses the ethics of sharing, inclusiveness and oneness of all humankind. "The Light of God is in all
hearts." These langars are among the best attended community meals anywhere in the world.
It is here that all people high or low, rich or poor, male or female, all sit in the same pangat (literally
"row" or "line") to share and enjoy the food together. Everyone is welcome to share the Langar; no one is
turned away.
Next comes the tradition of Dasvandh. Dasvandh literally means a "tenth part" and refers to the practice
among Sikhs of contributing in the name of the Guru one-tenth of their honest earnings towards the well
being of the community and to share the earnings with others to help the needy.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says:
W|M |U |N JJ U|U v
N J F|J H|U v
Those who share their honest earnings with needy, truly recognize the way (to God). (Ang1245)

Next, women are given equal status with men in Sikhism. Before the time of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji,
women were considered very low in society. Both Hindus and Muslims regarded women as inferior. The
women were not allowed to vote for hundreds of years in western countries also. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji,
the founder of Sikhism shocked the entire society by preaching that women were worthy of praise and
equal to men. Five hundred years later, the rest of mankind is only now waking up to this fundamental
truth. The Gurus actively encouraged the participation of women as equals in worship, in society, and on
the battlefield. That encouraged freedom of speech and women were allowed to participate in all of
religious activities including reading of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

When some religions segregate on the basis of skin color, Sikhs selflessly ask what more they can do for
these individuals. And, when religions forcefully exert their beliefs on others, Sikhs acknowledge the
fact that all humans are of one God, and acceptance and love should be the way of life.
Some religious leaders say that God works six days of a week and takes rest on the seventh day.
But on the contrary Guru Sahib says that He is always awake and does not take rest:
| W J J| m|H H H H v
He is never sleepy or hungry and dwells in the peace of the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. (Ang 1414)
H| | HU HN v
The bride is asleep, while her Husband Lord is always awake. (Ang 737)
While some religious leaders say that you should not hurt your neighbor. Guru Sahib says that not to talk
of your neighbor, you should not hurt anyone:
N 8| J| |8N HNM H|N JH N 8| mU| v
No one is my enemy, and no one is a stranger. I get along with everyone. (Ang 1299)
H H|J H| H| J H|U v
The Divine Light is within everyone. (Ang 663)
U UU| |NH H|m | |H W| H v
Do not cause any being to suffer, and you shall go to your true home with honor. (Ang 322)
While some religions are strict that such and such caste cannot enter their religious place, Guru Sahib says
that any caste can enter Sikh religious places and meditate on the lord. There is absolutely no restriction.
Guru Sahib says:
H| mH| H H N|U v
Social class or no social class, anyone may meditate on the Lord. (Ang 1150)
Now let us have a brief look on some of the views (out of hundreds) of Hindu, Muslim, Christian leaders,
professors, historians, army officers, noble prize winners, Governor General, atheists and others:
Lord Sorensen (World Congress Chairman)
Guru Nanaks poetry enlightens all those who cherish Spiritual Reality and truth; reminds those of other
faiths of precious treasures they can gather for their own souls.

Bertrand Russell (Philosopher, Mathematician 1872-1970)
If some lucky men survive the onslaught of the third world war of atomic and hydrogen bombs, then the
Sikh religion will be the only means of guiding them.

Prof. Abdul Majid Khan (Guru Nanak, A Homage)
The task of emancipating human beings from the yoke of oppression, injustice, superstition and falsehood
was entrusted to Guru Nanak, the divine master by God, the almighty.

H. L. Bradshaw, professor, writer and historian
Sikh religion is in proximity with science. That is why this religion will be the last resort for the future
generation. The religion preached by Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the faith of New Age. It completely supplants
and fulfils all the former dispensations of older religions. Books must be written proving this. The other
religions also contain the truth, but Sikhism contains the fullness of truth. Bradshaw also says that Guru
Granth Sahib of all the world religions alone states that there are innumerable worlds and universes other
than our own. The previous scriptures were all concerned only with this world and its spiritual
counterpart. The Sikh religion is truly the answer to the problems of modern man. The religion of the Adi
Granth is a universal and practical religion. The Sikhs must begin to think in terms of Sikhism as being
the religion of new age. The world today needs its message of peace.

Dr. Mohammad Yusuf Abbasi
He is the former head of Department of History in Kaid-e-Aazam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He has
presented his unbiased views on Shri Guru Granth Sahib and called it as the repository of world
knowledge. It is a big ocean of Gurbani where any kind of seeker may find gems, diamonds and pearls.

Dr. Noel King
In order to understand world history, the piety of Sikhs is significant because it is such a religion which
urges us to live life to its full.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Sikh religion is a spiritual home for those who desire to attain peace with respect.

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, scholar
He writes at one place that advent of Guru Nanak Dev was of the same importance as that of prophet
Ibrahim who came into this world 5000 years ago. He writes that Guru Nanak Dev was such a divine
power that with his love he used to enchant people of various religions, nations and castes.

Pearl S. Buck Noble Laureate, Good Earth
"I have studied the scriptures of the great religions, but I do not find elsewhere the same power of appeal
to the heart and mind as I find here in Granth Sahib.

Maulavi Gulam Ali
The knowledge, the skill, the behavior, the celestial qualities which Guru Nanak had, are found in nobody
else. He was a majestic, awesome, divinely person on whom God had bestowed his special gifts.

Swami Nitya Nand, author of Guru Gyan
The truth dwells in the house of Guru Nanak. I have to take another birth in that house then only I will
attain Mukti (salvation). As he said that his spirit passed away.

Edward A.D. Bittencourt, writer
Sikh religion is a religion and path which is related to the whole world, not a repudiator of it.

Lieut. Sir Alexander Burnes, writer
In his book, Travels into Bokhara (1834), he writes that the fearlessness, calmness and boundless courage
of the Sikhs crosses all the beliefs. They are the bravest among all the Indians. Sikhs are very open
hearted. Rising above the hurdles of casteism, they behave with others with great love, pleasure and soft-
heartedness. With the virtues bestowed by the Guru, they raise the level of Sikhs in the eyes of the whole

P.M. Violum
Sikh religion is such a simple path that if a person worships God with utter devotion, he can easily
become one with God. According to the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev, God is the father of all and all
human beings are brothers of each other. That is why in this religion all people without any discrimination
of caste, color, creed or sex can sit together and worship God.

Dorothy Field (The Religion of Sikhs)
It is essentially a practical religion. If judged from the pragmatic standpoint which is a favorite point of
view in some quarters, it would rank almost first in the world (emphasis by the author). Of no other
religion can it be said that it has made a nation in so short a time. If perceived from the behavioral point
of view, then in some spheres, Sikh religion stands ahead of other religions of the world.
Lieut. Sir Alexander Burnes, writer
He writes that the fearlessness, calmness and boundless courage of the Sikhs crosses all the beliefs.
Dr. W.O. Cole, Chairman Consultant, Religious Education Projects of U.K.
Remember the tenets of Guru Nanak, his concepts of oneness of God and Universal Brotherhood of man.
If any community holds the key to national integration of India, it is the Sikhs all the way.

Dalai Lama
God sent Guru Nanak Dev Ji to bestow divine Light of Peace in the World. Through his holy songs, He
guided the masses to attain eternal peace by living in Divine-Will.

Miss Mary J Campbell
When she made a comprehensive study of Gurbani, she got so impressed that she herself converted to a
Sikh lady.

Atheist Society
We tried to look at their holy text (Adi Granth) but didnt find the usual absurdities we found in the other
religious books. In fact it is refreshingly inspiring and very good! Maybe you can have some better luck.
Their history is a proud one; they fought in both World Wars. Even Hitler praised them for their bravery.
Bertrand Russell was a great philosopher and free thinker. Bertrand Russell had to say about Sikhism: that
if some lucky men survive the onslaught of the third world war of atomic and hydrogen bombs, then the
Sikh religion will be the only means of guiding them. it looks like that you are not the only one trying to
expose the falseness of Islam, Sikh scholars did it hundreds of years ago and got killed for it.

Lord Mountbatten (Indias Last British Viceroy)
Guru Nanaks teachings are of universal application and his message of love, service and sacrifices will
continue to inspire coming generations.

Thus Sikhism is truly a spiritual tradition for the modern age. It has many uniquely revealed truths and
spiritual tools which have been given to help progress humanity to a higher level of consciousness. Unlike
other religions, Sikhism is not dogmatic; Sikhism is a distinct and unique religion. The Sikh Scripture is
true "Religion of Self" where everyone has a personal relationship with God. Sikhism advocates the
human race as one, with equality of mankind and individual dignity.
In Sikhism, surrendering to the Will of God implicitly requires that man should abandon ego. Bhagat
Ravi Daas Ji makes this point clear when he addresses God, saying:
H8 JH J 8 J| m8 J| H J| v
Where ego is, Thou are not;
When thou art within me, Then I am not.( Ang 657 )
Universalism is a cardinal value of Sikhism. It is not bracketed with a particular ethnicity or a particular
region. The whole earth has been revered by Guru Nanak as "mother earth" and as a result he did not
believe in any Promised Land or holy land. Sikhism is universal because its primary essential concerns -
social, political, cultural and economic - are of a universal nature, embracing humanity as a whole.

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