Embryo Culture in Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) : Betül Bürün, Esin Çoban Poyrazo Lu
Embryo Culture in Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) : Betül Bürün, Esin Çoban Poyrazo Lu
Embryo Culture in Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) : Betül Bürün, Esin Çoban Poyrazo Lu
Received: 24.07.2001
Abstract: The effects of medium and sterilization on the mature embryo culture of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were studied. Among the different media used, the highest plantlet development from embryos was obtained in Randolph and Cox medium (92.1%), followed by Murashige and Skoog (MS) (91.3%), half-strength MS (1/2 MS) (87.7%) and B5 (85.7%). Among the sterilization methods studied, sodium hypochlorite sterilization followed by treatment of antibiotic solution and sterilization HgCl2 application was found to be more effective than the other methods. However, no statistically significant negative effect of HgCl2 on the plantlet development from embryos was observed. Key Words: Barley, Hordeum vulgare, Embryo culture, Medium, Sterilization.
Introduction The culturing of an embryo isolated from the seed and ovules of higher plants in special medium is defined as embryo culture. Through embryo culture, either the plant develops directly from the embryo, or first callus formation is stimulated and then shoots and roots occur (indirect organogenesis), so a lot of plants are obtained from just one embryo (1). Embryo culture is used for various purposes. These include basic studies on embryology, breaking the seed dormancy, testing the vitality of seeds, production of rare species, rescue of embryos that aborted on the mother plant in hybridization interspecific and intergeneric (a great number of hybrid plants have been obtained thus)
and production of haploid plants. After the production of haploid plants using embryo culture for the first time in barley, studies increased on the production of haploids in other graminae via this technique (bulbosum technique) (2,3). The most important aspect of embryo culture is determining a culture medium that will provide the regular growth of embryos that were cultured in different sizes. Nutrients required by embryos vary depending on embryo age. In short, while mature embryos can develop in a simple medium, embryos in the early development stage demand more complex medium (2-6). In various studies, the effects of different solutions on the development of embryos have been investigated
* This work was supported financially by the Research Fund of Mula University.
and usually MS and B5 media have been used for the embryo culture of barley (7-10). In this study, MS, 1/2 MS, B5 and Randolph and Cox media were tested on mature barley embryos. Furthermore, for successful in vitro culture, determining sterilization applications is very important. The sterilization of plant seeds needed for tissue culture can be done with different concentrations of various chemical components (sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, mercuric chloride, silver nitrate etc.), fungicides, antibiotics, biocides and temperature applications (11-13). In sterilization procedures, both the concentration and the duration of exposure to disinfectants are important. If the concentration of sterilants is too high or the duration of exposure is too long, the plant tissues will be damaged. If seeds fail to germinate, either the sterilization treatment was too stringent or a lot of seeds were not viable. Since the substances used for sterilization may have a negative effect on germination, sterilization methods are determined through investigations (11,12). The literature should be looked over, the necessary experiments should be conducted and a favorable sterilization method established. Therefore, various sterilization methods with sodium hypochlorite and mercuric chloride were studied.
Media: Murashige and Skoog (MS) (1962) basic medium (14), half-strength MS medium (1/2 MS) (14), Randolph and Cox medium (RC) (15) and Gamborgs medium (B5) (14) were used. Methods Studies on Media MS and 1/2 MS media were supplemented with 30 g/l sucrose and 8 g/l agar, and pH was adjusted to 5.7. B5 medium is supplemented with 20 g/l sucrose and 8 g/l agar and pH was adjusted to 5.5. These media were prepared according to Brn and Emirolu (1985) (16). Randolph and Cox medium, whose composition is given in Table 1, was prepared similar to other media by drawing 5 ml of each of the two stock solutions (solution A and solution B) into one liter and supplementing with 20 g/l sucrose and 7 g/l agar; pH was adjusted to 5.6 (15). Seed Sterilization: Twenty-four hours before in vitro culture, the seeds were soaked with sterile distilled water. Then they were dipped into 70% ethanol and kept in 4.5% sodium hypochlorite for 5 minutes. Then seeds were rinsed five or six times with sterile distilled water and, after straining the water, the embryos were isolated from seeds. Culturing of Embryos: The experiment was planned to be repeated twice with 20 culture tubes used in one replication. Two embryos were placed into each culture tube and a total of 40 embryos were cultured in one replication. The culture tubes were incubated in 16 hour-light and 8 hour-dark photoperiod; the light was 1000 lux. Culture room temperature was about 21-24 C. On the 8th day of the culturing process, the rate of plantlet growth from embryo, the length of growing
Table 1. Randolph and Cox medium (15)
Materials and Methods Materials Plant material: The mature embryos of Hordeum vulgare Kaya 7794 were used. Barley seeds were soaked in sterile distilled water for 24 hours and then embryos were isolated and cultured.
Concentration of stock solution (g)
Solutions Solution A Ca(NO3)2. 4H2O KNO3 KCl Distilled water Solution B FeSO4.7H2O (NaPO3)n (Calgon) MgSO4. 7H2O Distilled water
} }
plants, root number and length of the roots were measured and evaluated statistically. Studies related to the sterilization method RC medium was used in the optimization of sterilization condition experiments. Sterilization Method I: Seeds were rinsed in water with a few drops of liquid detergent in a flask for 2-3 minutes and then washed with sterile distilled water 3-4 times. They were dipped in 70% ethanol for 2 minutes and then dipped in 2% sodium hypochlorite with one drop of Tween-80 for 15 minutes and washed with sterile distilled water 5-6 times. This method of sterilization was studied in two different ways: before and after the seeds are soaked. Ia. This was the sterilization applied before the seeds were soaked. After the seeds were sterilized as mentioned above, they were soaked in sterile distilled water for 24 hours and then before culturing they are dipped in 70% ethanol and washed with sterile distilled water. Ib. This was the sterilization applied as mentioned above after the seeds were soaked. Sterilization Method II: Seeds were dipped in 70% ethanol. They were kept in 2% sodium hypochlorite for 15 minutes. They were washed with sterile distilled water 5-6 times. They were dipped in antibiotic solution for 30 minutes without being rinsed (antibiotic solution: 600 mg/l penicillin + 250 mg/l streptomycin). Sterilization Method III: Seeds were dipped for 10 minutes in 0.1% HgCl2 in which one drop of 0.5% HCl was added. They were immersed in 6% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). They were washed with sterile distilled water 3-4 times. Sterilization Method IV: Seeds were treated with 70% ethanol. They were kept in 4.5% sodium hypochlorite for 5 minutes. They were washed with sterile distilled water 4-5 times.
On the 8th day of the culturing process, contaminations, length of plants, and number and length of roots were measured and evaluated statistically. Statistical analysis: Arcsin transformation was performed on the rates of plantlet development from embryos (%) (17). The data were evaluated by random plots design, using the TARST program (18).
Results and Discussion Studies on media The germination of embryos and development of plantlets from embryos were evaluated based on media. In this evaluation, infected embryos were overlooked. Normally both root and shoot development were observed in plantlet development from embryos (Table 2). However, in some embryos, only shoot development without any root development was observed. Among the media, the highest plantlet regeneration rate was obtained in RC medium (92.1%), followed by in MS (91.3%), 1/2 MS (87.7%) and B5 (85.7%) media (Table 2). As a result of statistical analysis, differences among media in terms of plantlet development rates were insignificant. Many researchers have stated that MS and B5 media have been used for the culture of mature and immature embryos of barley (7-10,19,20). Also in this study, plantlet development from mature barley embryos in MS and B5 media was studied. No significant differences were found among media but the best results were obtained in RC (av. 92.1%) and MS (av. 91.3%) media. Gu et al. (1990) determined the effects of various factors affecting immature embryo culture of barley (medium component, size of embryo, genotype etc.) on in vitro culture and explained that they obtained better results in MS medium with respect to medium composition (7). In
Table 2. Rates of plantlet development from embryos based on media (%).
Rates of Plantlet Development from Embryos (%) Replication I Replication II 92.6 87.5 90.0 88.2 Average 91.3 87.7 92.2 85.7 a a a a
MS 1/2 MS RC B5
the present study, B5 medium with a rate of 85.7% in terms of plantlet development came in last place. However, there are embryo culture studies claiming that very positive results can be obtained in B5 medium (10,19,20). Hill et al. (1992) found that barley embryos growing in in vitro culture revealed a 95% germination rate on the 5th day (21). In our study, the highest germination rate was an average of 92.1% in RC medium. In the present study, average root number, root length and plant length for each embryo growing in different media were determined according to media. Only root number was significant (at 5% level) (Table 3). Studies related to the sterilization method On the 12th day of culturing of embryos, their contamination states were observed and, according to sterilization methods, the percentages of contamination rates are given in Table 4. Between sterilization method Ia (seeds are sterilized before they are soaked) and sterilization method Ib (seeds are sterilised for 24 hours following the soaking), a significant difference in terms of contamination was observed. Sterilization involving covering the seeds in 70% ethanol and then shaking them for 15 minutes in 2% sodium hypochlorite supplemented with one drop of Tween-80 gave better results if applied before the seeds were soaked (contamination 7.8%). When the same method was applied after the seeds were soaked, a 20.2% contamination rate was found (Table 4). Although sterilization method Ia was the second method in which the least contamination was observed, sterilization
Media MS 1/2 MS RC B5 Root Number 4.3 4.5 3.4 3.5 a a b b Root Length (cm) 2.0 1.6 1.1 1.7 a a a a
method Ib was the method in which the highest contamination was observed. The lowest contamination rate was observed with sterilization method III, which used HgCl2 as sterilant (4.8%). There was also a focus on whether the sterilization method had an effect on the germination of embryos and plantlet development from embryos. The rates of plantlet development according to sterilization methods are given in Table 4. The highest plantlet development from embryos was observed with sterilization method II. Here as sterilant sodium hypochlorite was used and antibiotic treatment was carried out. In this sterilization method, the rate of contamination was 17.5%, but the rate of plantlet development from embryos was the highest (89.1%). There are some studies concerning the effects of antibiotic treatment and it is known that antibiotic treatment reduces the rate of infection (22-24). It was reported by Teng and Nicholson (1997) that the treatment of Panax ginseng root explants for 40 minutes with 1000 mg/l penicillin-G and 1000 mg/l streptomycin antibiotic solution immediately after sterilization by sodium hypochlorite decreases the rate of contamination considerably; moreover, treatment lasting 2-3 hours lowers the contamination rate to 30-40% (25). However, there are some studies showing that antibiotic solutions are ineffective (26). Similar to this study, there is another study claiming that the best results in sterilization are obtained with HgCl2 treatment (26). Yet there are some other studies
Plant Length (cm) 7.7 a 8.4 a 6.5 a 6.0 a Table 3. Average root number, root length and plant length for the plantlets growing from embryos.
Sterilization Methods
Contamination (%)
Plantlet Development from Embryos (%) 63.1 66.2 89.1 81.7 57.8 bc bc a ab c
Table 4.
Contamination rates (%) and plantlet development from embryos according to sterilization methods.
claiming that HgCl2 is harmful to tissues (27). In the present study, the lowest contamination rate was observed in the sterilization applied with HgCl2; however, the rate of plantlet development from embryos was lower than the embryos sterilized with a method supported by antibiotics (81.7%). The lowest plantlet development was observed with sterilization method IV (57.8%). In this method, commercial bleach (4.5% NaOCl) was applied without being diluted. Although it was applied for a short time (5 minutes), the negative effect of high sodium hypochlorite concentration must be considered. According to sterilization methods, rates of plantlet development from embryos were found to be significant at 1% level. According to the multiple t test, the best development was observed in culture sterilized with sterilization methods II and III. As a result, media were listed respectively in terms of plant development as RC, MS, 1/2 MS and B5. The sterilization with sodium hypochlorite supported with antibiotics and sterilization with HgCl2 were considered to be the best for embryo culture. Embryos were cultured using the first two media and the application of these two sterilization methods, and the following results were obtained (Table 5).
In both media, it was observed that there was an earlier germination and better plantlet development in sterilization method II.
Conclusions We studied the effects of different media and sterilization methods on embryo culture and no significance differences were found among the studied media. The media were listed best to worst as follows: RC, MS, 1/2 MS and B5, based on plantlet regeneration from embryos. Randolph and Cox medium was found to be the best medium and we recommend this medium for embryo culture studies since it is simple and can be prepared easily. Among the sterilization methods, sterilization with sodium hypochlorite followed by treatment of antibiotic (sterilization method II) and sterilization with HgCl2 (sterilization method III) was found more effective. However, in both media (RC and MS) plantlet development from embryos sterilized with HgCl2 was determined to be lower than plantlet development from embryos sterilized with other method (method II).
Table 5. Media
Effect of sterilization with Na-hypochlorite supported with antibiotics or sterilant HgCl2 on the plantlet development in RC and MS media. Sterilization Method II III II III Number of Embryos Cultured 46 46 50 50 Infection of Embryos Contamination (%) Plantlet Development from Embryos (%) 95.7 78.3 95.9 92.0
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