Digital Filters Lab
Digital Filters Lab
Digital Filters Lab
Exercises in Matlab/Simulink VI
In this exercise will we use another tool within Matlab called fdatool. Simply write fdatool in the command window. >> fdatool This tool allows one to construct filters of different types: Lowpass, HighPass, Bandpass and Bandstop together with different designs like Butterworth, ChebyshevI, Chebyshev II and Elliptic filters (IIR) or FIR filters using window methods among other techniques. We can of course specify very high orders or choose from 16 different windows. The frequency specification need sampling frequency and frequencies for passband and stopband. These need to be written either as frequency[Hz] or as normalized between 0 and 1. In the menu one can find other useful things like: impulse responses, step responses, pole/zero map, filter coefficients, magnitude and phase characteristics. This tool also provides possibilty to import filters or export a variable to the command window/ or as a block to Simulink or even generate a m-file.
Figure 1
Design a filter of LowPass (Butterworth ) since fdatool only designs discrete filters it is also a IIR filter as well. Choose sampling frequency 48000 Hz, cutoff frequency for passband is 9600 Hz and the stopband starts from 12000 Hz. Attenuation in the passband 1dB and attenuation in the stopband 20 dB. Also choose minimum order. Now press the button Design filter and the corresponding magnitude function is plotted. On the left side if the plot window are some information about the filter. For instance 10:th order and stable filter. Now let ut export our filter to Simulink. Enter File-> Export to Simulink Model See figure 2!
Figure 2 Give the Block used in the Simulink environment a name: Filter_LP Press the button Realize Model at the bottom.. Simulink starts and a mdl-file is opened with our filter there, figure 3.
Figure 3 Let us now apply some signals to the filter to see how it performs. If you are curious you can also double-click on the Filter icon to see how its Block diagram looks like, figure 4.
Figure 4
Sampling time is 1/48000 sec. Choose the angular frequencies to be: 1000*2 and 12000*2 in Sine wave blocks and add these together with a constant 1. Let then this signal enter the filter and see the filter action.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7 Eliminate the high frequency component by choosing a transfer function containing zeros at locations +i and i . 0.5 (z^2 + 1) H[z]= -------------- , to make the filter add two poles at origin. z^2 There is also a constant 0.5 assuring that the DC-gain goes to 1. >> H=zpk([ i i],[ 0 0 ],0.5, 1); >> y=filter([1 0 1],[1 0 0],x ) % numerator and denominator polynomials of H. % are the two first arguments and x the signal % needed to be filtered. >> plot(t,y) % See the filtered output, figure 8 !
Figure 8 IIR Filters using bilinear method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To design a digital filter by the Butterworth and Chebyshev analog prototypes in matlab. First step is to decide the analog filter that meets the desired criteria and then map the analog filter to a discrete filter by a bilinear transformation. Start from a LowPass Npole filter with a cutoff frequency 1 rad/sec. Then transform the filter via frequency transformations like : lp2lp, lp2bp, lp2hp or lp2bs to the final analog filter. From there we map the transfer function to a digital transfer function by the command bilinear. Example: Investigate a two-pole Butterworth filter, cutoff frequency 2 rad/sec and sampling period,T=0.2. [z,p,k]=buttap(2); % creates a 2-pole Butterworth filter, wc=1rad/sec [num,den] = zp2tf(z,p,k) % gives the transfer function polynomials wc=2 % desired cutoff frequency [num,den] = lp2lp(num,den,wc) % frequency transformation T=0.2; [numd,dend] = bilinear(num,den,1/T) H=tf(numd,dend,1) % corresponding digital transfer function
Now let us see how the Bode plots for the analog filter and digital filter look like. >> bode(H), hold, bode(num,den)
Bode Diagram 0 -50 -100 Magnitude (dB) Phase (deg) -150 -200 -250 -300 -350 -400 0
-360 10
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 9 For low frequencies the magnitude functions seem to overlap, but at higher frequencies the gap between them becomes wider.
Exercises to be solved
The exercises should be handed in as m-files or mdl-files and sent to my emailadress. These exercises can be handed in individually or as a group, but notice that the group must not be larger than 2. Can give bonus points on the written exam. 1. Improve the filter in figure 4. see if you can make the 1000 Hz signal cleaner in the output. Also combine this LP-filter with some other IIR-filter to eliminate the DC-voltage in the output. The filters should be cascaded ! 2. Use a different approach to improve the filter in figure 4. Design a filter that attenuates DC-frequency and frequency 12000 Hz and possibly magnifies the frequency 1000 Hz. By using a method with poles and zeros, where we choose a certain pole close to the unit circle in the transfer function to reinforce a frequency and zeros (close to the unit circle) attenuates frequencies. Hint: use zpk and at least filter order 3.
3. Use the fdatool to filter x(t) in problem 3, so that 12000 Hz sine wave is eliminated and the bias voltage disappears. Use a FIR filter with method windows. Try both Rectangular and Gaussian windows use the same cutoff frequencies and same order Combine two cascaded FIR-filters to solve the assignment. 4. Design a causal filter that eliminates 50 Hz sine wave signals while the alternating sequence (-1)nu[n] is reinforced with a factor 10. The frequency of the sampling is 200 Hz. Show the corresponding Bode plot of the filter. And give the corresponding transfer function. Hint: third order filter is enough !
5. Download the mat-file handel_dist.mat . It contains a vector Y and a scalar Fs. Play it with the command sound(Y,Fs). You can hear the Mass of Hndel known as Messiah. It is contaminated with a square wave signal with frequency 1000Hz. According to the theory of Fourier Series any periodic signal could be described to consist of the fundamental frequency and multiples of the fundamental frequency. To get rid of the noise it is probably a very bad idea to use a conventional Low Pass or High Pass filter due to the frequency content of the music. Better is to try the Comb filter. See lecture notes ! The Combfilter attenuates the fundamental frequency and all its multiples. How should the true music sound ? Just download the file with: >> load handel >> sound(y,Fs) Give it your best shot ! The resulting music should be played as well as the corresponding filter should be shown.