Kpi Definitions With Count Id (Part A)
Kpi Definitions With Count Id (Part A)
Kpi Definitions With Count Id (Part A)
KPI definition .............................................................................................................. 1 1 Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) ..................................................................... 3 2 Drop Call Ratio (DCR) .................................................................................... 8 3 Handover Success Rate (HSR) ...................................................................... 13 4 Grade of Service- TCH (GoS-TCH) .............................................................. 19 5 Rx-Qual Poor ................................................................................................. 21 6 Handover distribution PBGT ...................................................................... 24 7 Handover distribution RxQual DL.............................................................. 25 8 Grade of Service- SDCCH (GoS-SDCCH) ................................................... 26
Call Setup Success Rate is the percentage of Successful TCH Seizures out of total Call Setup Attempts. Congestion on Traffic/Signalling channels as well as abnormal releases of signalling channels during call establishment reduce the call set-up success rate. Recommended Calculation Formula
Successful Call Setup TCH Seizures (ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE) Total Call Setup Requests (CHANNEL REQUIRED or ESTABLISH INDIC)
Notes: Messages pertaining to Voice Calls only need to be considered for evaluation of CSSR (SMS, Loc Update, and IMSI Detach related requests as distinguished from Channel required or Establish Indication messages need to be excluded). In case Total Call Setup Requests (i.e. denominator) is calculated from ESTABLISH INDICATION message, the formula needs to be multiplied with the term SDCCH Allocation Success Rate due to the fact that ESTABLISH INDICATION messages is only received once SDCCH is successfully allocated. SDCCH Alloc Success Rate is defined as the ratio of Successful SDCCH Allocations to the Total SDCCH Allocation Requests. Huawei CSSR Formula [ Call failures caused by MSC no response, CM REQ REJ, CREF, number error, called party unreachable, BSS disconnection, or non-BSS reasons, such as the kMSC sends cancel messages, should not be considered. Only the BSS effect against the CSSR should be noted. ] CSSR = Immediate assign success rate [20401]*(1 - SDCCH drop rate [20203])*(successful TCH seizures for call [2106] / attempted TCH seizures for call [2090]) * 100%.
Immediate assign success rate [20401] = Successful immediate assignments [2186]/ Immediate assignment requests [2185]
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SDCCH drop rate [20203] = (SDCCH call drop [2070]/successful SDCCH seizures (all) [2049])*100% Immediate assignment requests [2185]: Description: When network service is required, MS reports a CHANNEL REQUEST message on RACH, requesting a dedicated control channel. Upon reception of this message, BSC starts channel allocation and measures this item. Measurement point: "SD-ATT-C1" in Figure 1: Immediate assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure indicates the measurement point. This item is measured when BSC receives a CHANNEL REQUEST message from MS.
Figure 1 Immediate assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure Successful immediate assignments [2186]: Description: In the immediate assignment procedure, after successfully seizing a channel (SDCCH or TCH) allocated by BSC for transferring signaling, MS reports a SABM frame on this channel to BTS, indicating the establishment of a radio link layer connection in the multi-frame mode. BTS returns a UA frame to MS, and sends an ESTABLISH INDICATION message to BSC, notifying it to establish a normal Um interface connection. Measurement point: "SD-SUCC-C4" in Figure1 Immediate assignment procedure-channel seizure indicates the measurement point in the calling procedure. This item is measured when BSC receives an ESTABLISH INDICATION message from BTS in the immediate assignment procedure.
SDCCH call drop [2070]: Description: in immediate assignment procedure and handover procedure, BSC measures SDCCH call drop when the process implementation fails due to some reason after MS has accessed the SDCCH assigned by BSC. Or this item is measured when call drop takes place due to some reason when MS is in normal seizure of SDCCH. After the above cases occur, BSC sends CLEAR REQUEST message to MSC. Measurement point: 1. This item is measured when BSC receives ERROR INDICATION message from BTS due to an abnormal case for a radio link layer connection. 2. This item is measured when BSC receives CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION message from BTS because an active connection has been broken for some reason such as SDCCH link failure or hardware failure (see GSM 0508 for details). 3. In incoming BSC handover procedure on SDCCH, this item is measured in the target cell in the case of the failure of decoding HANDOVER DETECTION and HANDOVER COMPLETE message. 4. In the process of incoming BSC handover on SDCCH, this item is measured in the target cell when the timer for the target cell to wait for the HANDOVER COMPLETE message expires. 5. In the process outgoing BSC handover on SDCCH, this item is measured when the timer for the source cell to wait for CLEAR COMMAND message from MSC expires (T8 expires). 6. In the process of intra BSC handover on SDCCH, this item is measured in the source cell when the timer for the source cell or the target cell to wait for HANDOVER COMPLETE message expires. 7. This item is measured when the RSL link of the TRX that the call is running on disconnect, which will cause call drop, this item measures call drop on SDCCH for RSL disconnection.
Successful SDCCH seizures (all) [2049]: Description: In the immediate assignment and handover procedures, MS notifies BSS after it successfully seizes the SDCCH allocated by the network. This item is measured when BSC receives the notification. Measurement point: "SD-SUCC-C1" in Figure 1: Immediate assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure, "SD-SUCC-C2" in Figure 2: Intra-BSC handover channel seizure procedure and Figure 3: Incoming BSC handover channel seizure procedure "SD-SUCC-C3" in indicate the measurement points of this statistic item in the calling procedure.
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1. In the immediate procedure, this item is measured when BSC receives CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE message for SDCCH from BTS. 2. In the incoming BSC handover on SDCCH procedure. This item is measured in the target BSC when receiving the HANDOVER DETECTION message from BTS. 3. In the intra-BSC incoming cell handover procedure (including intracell handover) on SDCCH. This item is measured in the target cell when the target cell receives the HANDOVER DETECT message from BTS.
Successful TCH seizures for call [2106]: Description: In the assignment procedure, upon reception of an ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message from MSC, BSC allocates TCH (for voice data transmission) to MS. After channel allocation is successfully completed, BSC requests BTS to activate this channel. BTS shall return a CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE message to BSC if it allows channel activation operations. Upon reception of the CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE message, BSC sends ASSIGNMENT COMMAND to MS, which sends ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE to BSC after it successfully accesses the new channel. Measurement point: "TCH-SUCC-C51~53" in Figure 4: Assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure indicates the measurement point of this item in the calling procedure. 1. In the assignment procedure, this item is measured when BSC sends an ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message to MSC. The case that the target cell of directed retry sends ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message to MSC after successfully completes directed retry is excluded. 2. In the assignment procedure, if directed retry is successfully implemented and the target cell for direct retry belongs to other BSC, MSC shall send a CLEAR COMMAND to the originating cell to clear the previous connections. This item is measured when the originating cell receives the CLEAR COMMAND message. 3. In the assignment procedure, if directed retry is successfully implemented and the target cell for direct retry belongs to the current BSC, the target cell shall send an Inter Clear Request message to the
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originating cell, notifying it to clear resources and connections. This item is measured when the originating cell receives the Inter Clear Request message.
Attempted TCH seizures for call [2090]: Description: This statistic item measures the number of times BSC receives ASSIGNMENT REQUEST messages from MSC requesting to seize TCH Measurement point: "TCH-ATT-C5" in Figure 4 : Assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure indicates the measurement point of this statistic item in the calling procedure. In the assignment procedure, this item is measured when BSC receives an ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message from MSC, requesting allocation of TCH.
Drop Call Ratio (cell level) is the percentage of abnormally terminated TCH communications out of the Total TCH communications (including successful call setups and incoming Handover ). Recommended Formula :
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Abnormal TCH Releases Total TCH Communications (including Successful Incoming HO)
Huawei DCR formula: DCR = TCH call drop [2142] / (successful TCH seizures (all) [2105]Successful intracell handovers[2265])*100%. TCH call drop [2142]: Description: in assignment procedure and traffic channel handover procedure, BSC measures TCH call drop when the process implementation fails due to some reason after MS has accessed the TCH assigned by BSC. Or this item is measured when call drop takes place due to some reason when MS is in normal seizure of TCH. After the above cases occur, BSC sends CLEAR REQUEST message to MSC to request to clear the call. Measurement point: this item is measured if call drop occurs on TCH in the following processes. Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 A1 and A2 indicate the main measurement points. 1) In the case TCH serves as traffic channel, this item is measured when BSC receives ERROR INDICATION message from BTS due to an abnormal case for a radio link layer connection. See GSM 0858 protocol. 2) In the case TCH is seized as traffic channel, this item is measured when BSC receives the CONNECT FAILURE INDICATION message from BTS due to an active connection has been broken for some reason such as TCH link failure or hardware failure etc. See GSM 0508 for details. 3) In the case TCH serves as traffic channel, this item is measured when incoming BSC handover is initiated and the timer for the target cell to wait for HANDOVER COMPLETE message expires. 4) In the case TCH serves as traffic channel, this item is measured when outgoing BSC handover is initiated and the timer for the source cell to wait for CLEAR COMMAND message from MSC expires (T8 expires). 5) In Intra-BSC/Intra-Cell handover procedure, the target cell sends Inter Clear Request to the source cell when the timer for the target cell to wait for HANDOVER COMPLETE from MS expires, in this case, this item is measured in the source cell.
6) In Intra-BSC/Intra-Cell handover procedure, the source cell, excluding the source cell for directed retry, measures the item when the timer for the source cell to wait for Inter Clear Request with cause value HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell expires. 7) In Intra-BSC/Intra-Cell handover procedure, when the target cell AM/CM net-drive fails (due to timeout or negative acknowledgement), the target cell sends Inter Clear Request to source cell, in this case, this item is measured in the source cell. 8) In the case that MS reverses to the original channel after intra-BSC/Intra-Cell handover fails, the source cell first releases the terrestrial connection but the AM/CM re-net-drive fails (due to timeout or negative acknowledgement). In this case this item is measured in the source cell. 9) The resource of the lower_priority call will be preempted by the higher_priority call if MSC and BSC both support preemption, which will cause call drop. 10) This item is measured when the RSL link of the TRX that the call is using disconnects, which will cause call drop.
Successful intracell handovers[2265]: Description: Intracell handover is normally triggered by receiving strength, receiving quality, O&M intervention, and IUO handover. If BSC receives Handover Complete, which indicates the MS has been successfully handed over to the target cell. BSC then sends Handover Performed to MSC to notify
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the success of this handover. This item measures the times of successful intracell handovers in the current cell. This item, together with Attempted intracell handovers and Unsuccessful intracell handovers helps the user know the performance of intracell handover in the current cell. Related items: Successful incoming internal inter cell handovers, Successful incoming interBSC inter cell handovers, Successful outgoing internal inter cell handovers, Successful outgoing interBSC inter cell handovers. Measurement Point: Measured when the target cell (current cell) sends Handover Performed to MSC after the MS has been successfully handed over to target cell in the intracell handover, as shown in Figure Successful intraBSC handovers (not directed retry) A1. Successful TCH seizures (all) [2105]: Description: In the very early assignment procedure, assignment procedure and handover procedure, BSC measures this item when MS successfully seizes the TCH allocated by the network. Measurement point: "TCH-SUCC-C1" in Figure 1: Immediate assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure, "TCH-SUCC-C21~23" in Figure 4 : Assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure, "TCH-SUCC-C3" in Figure 2: Intra-BSC handover channel seizure procedure and "TCH-SUCC-C4" in Figure 3: Incoming BSC handover channel seizure procedure indicate the measurement points of this statistic item in the calling procedure. 1. In the very early assignment procedure for TCH, this item is measured when BSC receives an CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE message from BTS. 2. In the assignment procedure, if directed retry is successfully implemented and the target cell for direct retry belongs to other BSC, MSC shall send a CLEAR COMMAND to the originating cell to clear the previous connections. This item shall be measured when the originating cell receives the CLEAR COMMAND message. 3. In the assignment procedure, if directed retry is successfully implemented and the target cell for direct retry belongs to the current BSC, the target cell shall send an Inter Clear Request message to the originating cell, notifying it to clear resources and connections. This item shall be measured when the originating cell receives the Inter Clear Request message. 4. This item is measured when the assignment procedure is successfully completed, and BSC sends an ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message to MSC. The case that the target cell of directed retry sends ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message to MSC after successfully completes directed retry is excluded.
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5. In the incoming BSC handover procedure, this item is measured in the target BSC when the target BSC receives a HANDOVER DETECTION message from BTS. 6. In the intra-BSC incoming cell handover procedure and intracell handover procedure, this item is measured in the target cell when BSC receives HANDOVER DETECTION from BTS. 3 Handover Success Rate (HSR)
Handover Success Rate (cell level) is the percentage of successfully completed inter-cell handovers out of the total executed inter-cell handovers.
HSR = Successful Inter-cell Handover (HANDOVER COMPLETE) Total Executed Inter-cell Handover (HANDOVER COMMAND)
Notes Any of the Incoming or Outgoing Handover scenario may be used for evaluation as per PTML discretion. The threshold value would be applicable both for intra and inter BSC handover cases. Huawei HSR formula: HSR = (Successful incoming internal inter cell handovers [2239] + Successful incoming interBSC inter cell handovers [2240] + Successful outgoing internal inter cell handovers [2243] + Successful outgoing interBSC inter cell handovers [2244]) / (Incoming internal inter cell handovers [2200] + Outgoing internal inter cell handovers [2205] + Inter BSC incoming cell handovers [2290] + Inter BSC outgoing cell handovers [2291]) *100%. Incoming HSR = (Successful incoming internal inter cell handovers [2239] + Successful incoming interBSC inter cell handovers [2240])/ (Incoming internal inter cell handovers [2200] + Inter BSC incoming cell handovers [2290]) *100%. Outgoing HSR = (Successful outgoing internal inter cell handovers [2243] + Successful outgoing interBSC inter cell handovers [2244]) / (Outgoing internal inter cell handovers [2205] + Inter BSC outgoing cell handovers [2291]) *100%. Successful incoming internal inter cell handovers [2239]:
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Description: Internal intercell handovers can be classified into two types by the handover cause: directed retry, non-directed retry (e.g. signal quality, signal strength, TA, traffic load, rapid Rx-level drop, better cell, Response to MSC invocation, and O&M intervention). This item measures the times of successful handovers. Measurement point: 1) Measured when the target cell (current cell) sends ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE to MSC after the MS has been successfully handed over to the target cell in the internal intercell handover (handover cause: directed retry), as shown in Figure 8 A1. 2) Measured when the target cell (current cell) sends a HANDOVER PERFORMED message to MSC after the MS has been successfully handed over to the target cell in the internal intercell handover (handover cause: non-directed retry, e.g. signal quality, signal strength, TA, traffic load, rapid Rx-level drop, better cell, Response to MSC invocation, and O&M intervention), as shown in Figure 9 B1.
Figure 8
Figure 9 Successful intraBSC handovers (not directed retry) Successful incoming interBSC inter cell handovers [2240]: Description: During the procedure of interBSC handover, the target BSC receives the HANDOVER REQUEST message from MSC, and starts the preparation of new channel. After the channel preparation has been done, and the MS has accessed the target cell, the target BSC fv MSC, and this handover is finished successfully. Measurement point: During the procedure of interBSC handover, the target (current) cell receives HANDOVER COMPLETE, and sends it to MSC. This item is measured in this case, as shown in Figure 10 A1
Figure 10 Successful incoming inter BSC internal inter cell handovers Successful outgoing internal inter cell handovers [2243]: Description: During the procedure of internal intercell handover, the source cell sends a HANDOVER COMMAND message to MS. After MS is handed over to the target cell, the target cell sends Inter Clear Request to the source cell to indicate that the handover succeeded. On reception of this message, the source cell clears the original resources. This item measures the times of the current cell, as the source cell, receiving Inter Clear Request from the target cell. Measurement point: During the procedure of internal intercell handover, the source cell (current cell) receives Inter Clear Request (cause: internal intercell handover succeeded) from the target cell. This item is measured in this case.
Description: During the procedure of interBSC handover, the source cell sends a HANDOVER COMMAND message to MS. After MS successfully accessed the target cell, the source cell receives the CLEAR COMMAND message (cause: handover success) from MSC and begins to clear the previous resources. This handover successfully ends here. Measurement point: During the procedure of interBSC handover, the source cell (current cell) receives the CLEAR COMMAND message (cause: handover success) from MSC. This item is measured in this case, as shown in Figure 11 A1.
Incoming internal inter cell handovers [2200]: Description: During the procedure of internal intercell handover, the target cell sends Intercell Handover Response to the source cell after channel activation to indicate that the channel preparation is complete. This message contains the HANDOVER COMMAND message to be sent to MS. This item measures the times of the current cell, as the target cell of internal intercell handover, sending Intercell Handover Response. Measurement point: During the procedure of internal intercell handover, the target cell (current cell) sends Intercell Handover Response to the source cell. This item is measured in this case. Outgoing internal inter cell handovers [2205]:
Description: During the procedure of internal intercell handover, after successfully activating the new channel, the target cell will inform the source cell that the channel is ready. After receiving the information, the source cell will send a HANDOVER COMMAND message to the MS. This item measures the times of the HANDOVER COMMAND message being sent from the current cell. Measurement point: During the procedure of internal intercell handover, the source cell sends a HANDOVER COMMAND message to a MS. This item is measured in this case, as shown in Figure 12 A1.
Inter BSC incoming cell handovers [2290]: Description: After the target BSC receives the HANDOVER REQUEST message from MSC, it checks the conditions of incoming handover. If the check passed, the target BSC will request for channel resource, generate and store the HANDOVER COMMAND message in buffer, and at the same time, it will send a CHANNEL ACTIVATION to BTS message. After receiving the CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE message, BSC packs the HANDOVER COMMAND message into the HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message, which will then be sent to MSC. MSC transfers this message to the source BSC, and the source BSC sends a HANDOVER COMMAND message to MS. This item measures the times of the current cell as the target cell sending HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE to MSC. Measurement point: During the procedure of interBSC handover, after the target cell (current cell) receives the CHANNEL ACTIVATION ACKNOWLEDGE message, it sends HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE to MSC which contains the HANDOVER COMMAND message to be sent to MS. This item is measured in this case, as shown in Figure 13 A1.
Figure 13 Inter BSC incoming cell handovers Inter BSC outgoing cell handovers [2291]: Description: During the procedure of interBSC handover, the target BSC finishes allocating the new channel and generates the HANDOVER COMMAND message, which is sent by MSC to the source BSC. After receiving this message, the source BSC sends it to MS. This item measures the times of the current cell as the source cell sending the HANDOVER COMMAND message to MS Measurement point: This item is measured when the source cell (current cell) receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message from MSC, as shown in Figure14: Attempted outgoing interBSC inter cell handovers B1.
Figure14: Attempted outgoing interBSC inter cell handovers 4 Grade of Service- TCH (GoS-TCH)
Grade of Service on TCH (cell level) is the percentage of TCH Allocation Request Failures due to lack of TCH Resources out of Total TCH Allocation Requests for call setup cases.
Call Setup TCH Allocation Request Failures
Huawei GoS-TCH formula GoS-TCH = (TCH seizure failures for call (no radio resource) [2120] / Attempted TCH seizures for call [2090])*100% TCH seizure failures for call (no radio resource) [2120]: Description: This item is used to measure the unsuccessful assignments due to no available TCH in assignment procedure. Measurement point: As shown in Figure 15 Assignment implementation process G1-G6, 1. This item is measured when BSC does not support the assigned channel. 2. This item is measured if there is no available channel when BSC assigns the channel after receiving ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message and BSC does not support queue and directed retry. 3. If mode modify is initiated in assignment procedure, the CHANNEL MODE MODIFY message is sent to the MS, then the MS implement mode modify and response CHANNEL MODE MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE to BSC. This item is measured when BSC receives this message from MS but meets error when decode channel mode IE. 4. If there is no available channel when BSC receives ASSINGMENT REQUEST message and the system supports queue, the assignment procedure waits for channel resource; if idle channel is available before the timer expires, the system allocates the channel successfully and the assignment procedure goes normally; if there still no available channel resource after the timer expires and the call doesn't support directed retry, BSC measures the unsuccessful assignment due to channel unavailable. 5. If directed retry fails, this item is measured and ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message is sent to MSC to request to clear the connection if the source cell of directed retry is in one of the following cases.
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a) There is no available target cell in the MR reported from MS, for directed retry selects the target cell of handover according to the MR. b) This item is measured in the source cell if the source cell receives Intercell Handover Reject message from the target cell when directed retry is trying to select other cell in the BSC. c) This item is measured in the source cell if the MS reverses to the original signaling channel when directed retry is trying to select other cell in the BSC. d) This item is measured in the source cell when the timer for source cell to wait for response from target cell expires when directed retry is trying to select other cell in the BSC. e) When directed retry is trying to select other cell in the BSC, the source cell receives Inter Clear Request message (Huawei defined message) from the target cell. However this message is not the one to inform the handover completion but to inform the source cell of the directed retry failure and to request to clear the connection. In this case, this item is measured in the source cell. f) When directed retry is trying to select other cell in the BSC, the source cell sends HANDOVER COMMAND to MS to request the MS to access the new channel. This item is measured if the source cell has not received Inter Clear Request message (Huawei defined message) from the target cell after the timer expires.
Figure 15 Assignment implementation process Attempted TCH seizures for call [2090]: Description: This statistic item measures the number of times BSC receives ASSIGNMENT REQUEST messages from MSC requesting to seize TCH. Measurement point: "TCH-ATT-C5" in Figure 4 : Assignment procedure-channel seizure procedure indicates the measurement point of this statistic item in the calling procedure. In the assignment procedure, this item is measured when BSC receives an ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message from MSC, requesting allocation of TCH.
Rx-Qual Poor
Rx Qual Poor is defined as the received signal having a BER of worse than or equal to the range 3.2% to 6.4% (or equivalently greater than or equal to value
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of 5 on conventional 0-7 scale for Rx Qual) as evaluated from a complete SACCH block. Threshold value indicates the maximum limit for the percentage of samples lying within the above defined signal quality range. Huawei RX-QUAL Poor formula There are two definitions of RX-QUAL Poor. One is depend on drive test and another one is depend on traffic statistics. Drive Test RX-QUAL Poor (downlink)= sample of Rx_Qual 5~7/ sample of Rx-Qual 0-7 *100% Others: below formula is reference only. RX-QUAL Poor (5 class) (downlink)= sample of Rx_Qual 5/ sample of Rx-Qual 0-7 *100% RX-QUAL Poor (6 class) (downlink)= sample of Rx_Qual 6/ sample of Rx-Qual 0-7 *100% RX-QUAL Poor (7 class) (downlink)= sample of Rx_Qual 7/ sample of Rx-Qual 0-7 *100%
Traffic Statistics RX-QUAL Poor (downlink) = (Average downlink receiving quality 5 in Full Rate TCH + Average downlink receiving quality 6 in Full Rate TCH + Average downlink receiving quality 7 in Full Rate TCH + Average downlink receiving quality 5 in Half Rate TCH + Average downlink receiving quality 6 in Half Rate TCH + Average downlink receiving quality 7 in Half Rate TCH ) / (Average downlink receiving quality 0~7 in Full Rate TCH + Average downlink receiving quality 0~7 in Half Rate TCH) *100% RX-QUAL Poor (uplink) = (Average uplink receiving quality 5 in Full Rate TCH + Average uplink receiving quality 6 in Full Rate TCH + Average uplink receiving quality 7 in Full Rate TCH + Average uplink receiving quality 5 in Half Rate TCH + Average uplink receiving quality 6 in Half Rate TCH + Average uplink receiving quality 7 in Half Rate TCH ) / (Average uplink receiving quality 0~7 in Full Rate TCH + Average uplink receiving quality 0~7 in Half Rate TCH) *100% Average uplink receiving quality 0 in Full Rate TCH: Description: If BSC receives a valid MR on full rate TCH in which the uplink receiving quality is 0, this item increases by 1. If BSC receives a valid
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pre-processing MR on full rate TCH in which the uplink quality receiving is 0, then the frequency in the report is added to this item. Measurement point: This item is measured when BSC receives a valid MR or a valid pre-processing MR in which the uplink receiving quality is 0. Average downlink receiving quality 0 in Full Rate TCH [4616] Average downlink receiving quality 1 in Full Rate TCH [4617] Average downlink receiving quality 2 in Full Rate TCH [4618] Average downlink receiving quality 3 in Full Rate TCH [4619] Average downlink receiving quality 4 in Full Rate TCH [4620] Average downlink receiving quality 5 in Full Rate TCH [4621] Average downlink receiving quality 6 in Full Rate TCH [4622] Average downlink receiving quality 7 in Full Rate TCH [4623] Average downlink receiving quality 0 in Half Rate TCH [4636] Average downlink receiving quality 1 in Half Rate TCH [4637] Average downlink receiving quality 2 in Half Rate TCH [4638] Average downlink receiving quality 3 in Half Rate TCH [4639] Average downlink receiving quality 4 in Half Rate TCH [4640] Average downlink receiving quality 5 in Half Rate TCH [4641] Average downlink receiving quality 6 in Half Rate TCH [4642] Average downlink receiving quality 7 in Half Rate TCH [4643] Average uplink receiving quality 0 in Full Rate TCH [4608] Average uplink receiving quality 1 in Full Rate TCH [4609] Average uplink receiving quality 2 in Full Rate TCH [4610] Average uplink receiving quality 3 in Full Rate TCH [4611] Average uplink receiving quality 4 in Full Rate TCH [4612] Average uplink receiving quality 5 in Full Rate TCH [4613] Average uplink receiving quality 6 in Full Rate TCH [4614] Average uplink receiving quality 7 in Full Rate TCH [4615] Average uplink receiving quality 0 in Half Rate TCH [4628] Average uplink receiving quality 1 in Half Rate TCH [4629] Average uplink receiving quality 2 in Half Rate TCH [4630] Average uplink receiving quality 3 in Half Rate TCH [4631] Average uplink receiving quality 4 in Half Rate TCH [4632] Average uplink receiving quality 5 in Half Rate TCH [4633] Average uplink receiving quality 6 in Half Rate TCH [4634] Average uplink receiving quality 7 in Half Rate TCH [4635]
Handover distribution PBGT (cell level) is the percentage of successful outgoing inter-cell handovers with the cause Power Budget out of the total successful outgoing inter-cell handovers triggered in the cell. Threshold value indicates the minimum limit for the percentage of successful handovers with the cause power budget. Note An outgoing inter-cell handover with the cause power budget occurs when a neighbor cell gets the status of a better server than the existing cell.
Huawei Handover distribution PBGT formula Handover distribution PBGT = Successful outgoing inter cell handovers for better cell [3607] / Successful outgoing inter cell handovers[3598] *100%
Successful outgoing inter cell handovers[3598] Description: the successful handovers for the MS initiates from the current cell to the specified target cell. If the target cell and the current cell are in different BSCs, the handover is interBSC handover; otherwise the handover is internal intercell handover. Measurement point: 1) In internal intercell handover procedure, the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) receives the Inter Clear Request message (cause: internal intercell handover success) from the target cell. 2) In interBSC handover procedure, the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) receives the CLEAR COMMAND message (cause: handover success) from MSC, Successful outgoing inter cell handovers for better cell [3607]: Description: the successful handovers that the MS initiates from the current cell to the specified target cell due to " better cell". If the target cell and the current cell are in different BSCs, the handover is inter BSC handover, otherwise the handover is internal intercell handover. For internal intercell handover, the handover cause is carried in HANDOVER PERFORMED message sent to MSC, while the cause for inter BSC handover is carried in the corresponding HANDOVER REQUIRED message.
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Measurement point: 1) In internal intercell handover procedure due to "better cell", the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) receives the Intercell Handover Request message (cause: internal intercell handover success) from the target cell. 2) In inter BSC handover due to "better cell", the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) receives the CLEAR COMMAND message (cause: handover success) from MSC
Handover distribution RxQual DL (cell level) is the percentage of outgoing inter-cell handovers triggered with the cause downlink signal quality out of the total outgoing inter-cell handovers triggered in the cell. Threshold value indicates the maximum limit for the percentage of handovers to be triggered with the cause downlink signal quality. Note An outgoing inter-cell handover with the cause downlink signal quality is triggered when the downlink signal quality falls below a preset threshold. Huawei Handover distribution RxQual DL Formula: Handover distribution - RxQual DL = Attempted outgoing inter cell handovers for downlink quality [3586] / Attempted outgoing inter cell handovers [3584] *100% Attempted outgoing inter cell handovers for downlink quality [3586]: Description: when BSC initiates a handover, it will receive Handover Indication message containing "handover cause" from LAPD module. The attempted handovers are measured according to the different handover causes in this message. This item is used to measure the attempted handovers (internal intercell handover or inter BSC handover, determined by the source cell and target cell) that the current cell initiates to the specified target cell due to down quality. This item is used to indicate the frequency that
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the current cell initiates the handovers to the specified target cell due to downlink quality. Measurement point: 1)In internal intercell handover procedure, the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) sends an Intercell Handover Request message to the specified target cell due to downlink quality after the handover algorithm decision. 2)In inter BSC handover procedure, the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. In the case the source cell initiates handover due to downlink quality, This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message from MSC, Attempted outgoing inter cell handovers [3584]: Description: the attempted handovers that the current cell (source cell) initiates to the specified target cell. If the target cell and the current cell are in different BSCs, the handover is interBSC handover; otherwise the handover is internal intercell handover. This item is used to indicate the frequency of the handover from the current cell to the specified target cell. Measurement point: 1)In internal intercell handover procedure, the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) sends an Intercell Handover Request message to the specified target cell after the handover algorithm decision. 2)In interBSC handover procedure, the target cell is the registered adjacent cell. This item is measured when the source cell (the current cell) receives the HANDOVER COMMAND message from MSC, 8 Grade of Service- SDCCH (GoS-SDCCH)
Grade of Service on SDCCH (cell level) is the percentage of SDCCH Allocation Request Failures due to lack of SDCCH Resources out of Total SDCCH Allocation Requests.
SDCCH Allocation Request Failures
Total SDCCH Allocation Requests
GoS-SDCCH = Attempted SDCCH seizures meeting SDCCH overflow [2062] / Attempted SDCCH seizures (all) [2048] *100% Attempted SDCCH seizures meeting SDCCH overflow [2062]: Description: in immediate assignment and handover procedure, this item is measured in the case that the MS or MSC requests BSC to allocate SDCCH but BSS has no available SDCCH. Measurement point: if the requested channel is SDCCH but the cell has no available SDCCH, this item is measured on the following occasions: 1. BSC receives the CHANNEL REQUIRED message from the BTS. 2. The target cell receives the Intercell Handover Request message from other cells of the BSC. 3. The BSC receives the HANDOVER REQUEST message from other BSC. Attempted SDCCH seizures (all) [2048]: Description: In the immediate assignment procedure, MS directly requests BSS to allocate channels. In the incoming BSC handover procedures, MSC requests BSS to allocate channels to MS. In the intra-BSC handover procedure, BSC itself requests BSS to reallocate radio channels. In the above procedures, if the requested channel type is SDCCH, this item shall be measured after BSC receives a relevant request. Measurement point: "SD-ATT-C1" in Figure 1, "SD-ATT-C2" in Figure 2 and "SD-ATT-C3" in Figure 3 indicate the measurement points of this statistic item in the calling procedure. 1. In the immediate assignment procedure, this item is measured when BSC receives a CHANNEL REQUIRED message from BTS and the requested channel type is SDCCH (requested by MS, or by the system during the second allocation procedure). 2. In the intra-BSC SDCCH handover procedure (the originating cell and target cell belong to the same BSC), this item is measured when the target cell receives an Intercell Handover Request message (internal message in Huawei BSC) from the originating cell. This item is also measured on intra-cell handover occasions. The mere difference is that the target cell and originating cell are the same. 3. In the inter-BSC handover procedure, this item is measured when BSC receives a HANDOVER REQUEST message from other BSC, and the handover takes place on SDCCH.
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