K M Tandon and Ashwani Kaul
K M Tandon and Ashwani Kaul
K M Tandon and Ashwani Kaul
Introduction Need for efficiency improvement and cost optimization Approach adopted at SFC Kota Modifications / up-gradations implemented Feedstock changeover to Natural Gas Conclusion
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Kota Complex
Shriram Fertilisers & Chemicals Shriram Vinyl Chemicals Shriram Cement Works Fenesta Building Systems Shriram Polytech
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
475 km from Delhi on the main western broad gauge line line from Delhi to Mumbai
Manufacturing Facilities
PLANTS / PRODUCTS Power Fertiliser Chlor Alkali - Ammonia - Urea - Caustic Soda - Chlorine Liquefaction - HCl - SBP - Calcium Carbide - PVC Resin UNIT MW TPD ,, TPD ,, ,, ,, TPD ,, TPD TPD TPA CURRENT PRODUCTION LEVELS 133 700 1200 325 180 175 35 340 200 1200 60 3000
Plastics Cement
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Fertiliser Plant
Commissioned in 1969 with capacity of Expanded in 1974 to Present operation level is 450 TPD Ammonia / 700 TPD Urea
600 TPD Ammonia / 1000 TPD Urea 700 TPD Ammonia / 1200 TPD Urea
Ammonia Plant based on Haldor Topsoes steam reforming process Urea plant based on Stamicarbons total recycle process with crystallization route for urea finishing Ammonia plant modified to use Natural gas in 2006 Plant running fully on NG since May,2009
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Bath - tub curve approach to plant lifecycle
No. of Breakdowns
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Challenge is to negate the impact of efficiency loss and equipment wear due to aging
No. of Breakdowns
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Incorporation of available retrofits Systematic equipment replacement plan Reduction in shutdown frequency and duration
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Steam conservation
Use of steam at right temperature Steam Trap management Online leak sealing
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Reclamation of Lubricating Oil Use of Aspen for process analysis and design
Modifications / upgradations
Reforming Section
Reformer catalyst tubes MOC changed from original HK 40 to Manuarite in 2000. With this ID of tubes increased from 115 mm to 131.6 mm A water spray tower was installed in 1980 at the downstream of the waste heat boilers to maintain HTS inlet temperature by adding BFW The primary reformer induced draft fan was also replaced with a higher capacity one so that proper excess air of 2.5% O2 could be maintained In order to reduce the heat duty of fired preheater upstream of primary reformer, a steam fired heater was installed A convection section was added in direct fired preheaters to utilise waste heat from flue gases Additional heat recovery from the Reformer convection zone by addition of extra rows of tubes in air and steam coils
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Modifications / upgradations
Carbon dioxide removal and beyond
25 mm Metallic (SS) Pall rings were installed in the top two beds and 38 mm rings were installed in the bottom two beds in place of ceramic rings In order to reduce gas velocities at the CO2 Absorber outlet an additional Separator was installed in 1979 itself . This helped in avoiding liquid carryover to the Methanator To reduce the temperature of the bottom to top potassium carbonate solution a larger size HPC cooler had to be installed in 1983 The synthesis gas compressors which are motor driven reciprocating machines posed a bottleneck in achieving full plant loads. The cylinder bores of 1st stage were increased from 289 to 305 mm as there was some margin in the motor. This enabled a capacity increase of 9 %
Modifications / upgradations
Installation of a radial Ammonia Converter basket
The original TVA Type Axial Flow Ammonia Converter Basket was due for replacement in 1992 A radial flow converter was installed as replacement of old axial flow basket This has made the running of smaller 120 TPD Ammonia Synthesis loop unnecessary Since the loop did not have any waste heat boiler, the energy was being wasted to the cooling tower. This could be avoided with the installation of the radial converter
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
Modifications / upgradations
Period between turnarounds
Earlier the plant turnarounds were taken on annual basis. However, the IBR later allowed operation of waste heat boilers upto two years. With judicious planning of the overhauling of the reciprocating compressors the turnaround are now taken up once in two years. This has improved availability of plant
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012
MKCal/MT Urea
Old pneumatic controls 3replaced by state of the art Digital control System in 2006 8 .4
8 .3 8 8 .3 5 8 .2 5 8 .19 8 .15 8 .2 8 .0 9 7.9 7 7.8 5 7.8 8 7.8 5 7.779 7.714 7.4 4 7 7.3 2 5
10 8 6 5.2 4 2 0
Old pneumatic controls replaced by state of the art Digital control System in 2006 7.5
5.8 5.7 4.7 7.5
10 -11 (P )
8 8 -8 9
8 9 -9 0
9 0 -9 1
9 1 -9 2
9 2 -9 3
9 3 -9 4
9 4 -9 5
9 5 -9 6
9 6 -9 7
9 7 -9 8
9 8 -9 9
9 9 -0 0
0 0 -0 1
0 1 -0 2
0 2 -0 3
0 3 -0 4
0 4 -0 5
0 5 -0 6
0 6 -0 7
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0 7 -0 8
6.15 1.8
First Prize in Safety Performance FAI Annual Seminar for Safety in 2009
British Safety Councils Sword of Honor for Safety Performance at International level for four consecutive years ( 2007 2011)
2nd Prize in Energy Conservation in Fertilizer Sector by Bureau of Energy Efficiency ( BEE ) in 2011
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1 0 - 1 1 (P )
0 8 -0 9
0 9 -1 0
2 3 4 5
Thank you
FAI Programme on Business Intelligence, Forecasts and Planning for the Fertiliser Sector 27th Feb. 1st March, 2012