Quick PDF Library 8.13 Reference Guide

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Version 8.


Reference Guide

Copyright 2002-2011 Debenu Pty Ltd

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Adds an arc to the current path. The arc is drawn around a center point for a specified number of degrees either clockwise or anti-clockwise. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddArcToPath(CenterX,CenterY, TotalAngle:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddArcToPath(CenterX As Double, CenterY As Double, TotalAngle As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFAddArcToPath(int InstanceID, double CenterX, double CenterY, double TotalAngle) Parameters CenterX CenterY TotalAngle The horizontal co-ordinate of the center of the arc The vertical co-ordinate of the center of the arc The angular length of the arc. If this value is positive the arc will be drawn in a clockwise direction. A negative value will result in an arc drawn in an anti-clockwise direction. This value must be greater or less than 0. A value of 360 will result in a full circle being drawn.

Text, Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Adds a CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) font to the PDF document. At present, the only supported CJK font is the Japanese "HeiseiKakuGo-W5" font. When a CJK font is selected, all text passed into the library for output onto the page must be in UTF-16 format. For the ActiveX edition all text parameters are already UTF-16 strings so no change is necessary. For the Delphi and DLL editions all text parameters must be passed through the ToPDFUnicode function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddCJKFont(CJKFontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddCJKFont(int InstanceID, int CJKFontID) Parameters CJKFontID 1 2 3 4 = = = = HeiseiKakuGo-W5 HeiseiKakuGo-W5 (Bold) HeiseiKakuGo-W5 (Bold Italic) HeiseiKakuGo-W5 (Italic)

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Adds a bezier curve to the current path. The curve is drawn from the last point to the point defined by (EndX, EndY). (CtAX, CtAY) and (CtBX, CtBY) define the two bezier control points. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddCurveToPath(CtAX,CtAY,CtBX,CtBY,EndX, EndY:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddCurveToPath(CtAX As Double, CtAY As Double, CtBX As Double, CtBY As Double, EndX As Double, EndY As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFAddCurveToPath(int InstanceID, double CtAX, double CtAY, double CtBX, double CtBY, double EndX, double EndY) Parameters CtAX CtAY CtBX CtBY EndX EndY The horizontal co-ordinate of the first control point The vertical co-ordinate of the first control point The horizontal co-ordinate of the second control point The vertical co-ordinate of the second control point The horizontal co-ordinate of the end point of the bezier curve The vertical co-ordinate of the end point of the bezier curve

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Embeds a file into the PDF but does not link it to any part of the document. The AddFileAttachment function can be used to make the embedded file available as an attachment in the PDF viewer. The PDF viewer must support this functionality (Adobe Reader 7 and later). This process can be done in one step using the EmbedFile function. The AddLinkToEmbeddedFile function can be used to create a hotspot on a page that links to the embedded file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddEmbeddedFile(FileName, MIMEType:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddEmbeddedFile(FileName As String, MIMEType As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddEmbeddedFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName, wchar_t * MIMEType) Parameters FileName MIMEType Return values 0 Non-zero The file could not be found or there was an error embedding the file into the PDF An EmbeddedFileID that can be used with the AddFileAttachment function The path and filename of the file to embed into the PDF. The MIME type of the embedded file. For example "image/jpeg" for a JPEG image.

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Makes an embedded file available as an attachment in the PDF viewer, if it supports this functionality. Adobe Reader 7 and later allow the user to work with file attachments. First use the AddEmbeddedFile function to embed the file into the PDF. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddFileAttachment(Title:WideString; EmbeddedFileID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddFileAttachment(Title As String, EmbeddedFileID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddFileAttachment(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Title, int EmbeddedFileID) Parameters Title EmbeddedFileID Return values 0 1 The EmbeddedFileID parameter was invalid, or the Title was blank The embedded file was made available as an attachment successfully The title of the attachment that should appear in the PDF viewer The value returned from the AddEmbeddedFile function

Form fields Description Adds a sub-field to the specified radio-button or choice form field. The function returns a temporary form field Index which can be used with the SetFormFieldBounds, SetFormFieldCheckStyle and other functions. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddFormFieldSub(Index:Integer; SubName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddFormFieldSub(Index As Long, SubName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddFormFieldSub(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * SubName) Parameters Index SubName The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The name of the new sub-field. The value of the form field could be set to this name using the SetFormFieldValue function.

Return values 0 Non-zero The sub-field was not added. The specified form field may not have been a radio-button form field. A temporary field Index

Fonts, Form fields Description Adds a font to the form. The font must have been added using one of the Add*Font functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddFormFont(FontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddFormFont(int InstanceID, int FontID) Parameters FontID Return values 0 Non-zero Invalid FontID The font was added successfully, the value returned is the number of fonts available for use by form fields The FontID returned by one of the Add*Font functions

Document properties, JavaScript Description Adds JavaScript to a global location in the document. For example, this allows functions to be defined which can then be called from JavaScript attached to events. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddGlobalJavaScript(PackageName, JavaScript:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddGlobalJavaScript( PackageName As String, JavaScript As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddGlobalJavaScript(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PackageName, wchar_t * JavaScript) Parameters PackageName The name to store the JavaScript under. If any JavaScript is already stored under this name it will be removed and the new JavaScript will be stored in its place. The JavaScript to store globally under the specified package name.

JavaScript Return values 0 1

The PackageName was empty The JavaScript was stored successfully

Image handling This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Adds an image from a file to the selected document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Supported image file types are: BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF and EMF. For BMP and TIFF images, the CompressImages function can called before calling this function to compress the image data. Other image types are automatically compressed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddImageFromFile(FileName:WideString; Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddImageFromFile(FileName As String, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddImageFromFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName, int Options) Parameters FileName Options The file name of the image to add. For multi-page TIFF images this parameter specifies the page number to load. For PNG images: 0 = Load the image as usual 1 = Load the alpha channel as a greyscale image 2 = Load the image and alpha channel (limit alpha to 8-bit) 3 = Load the image (limit image 8-bit/channel) 4 = Load the alpha channel (limit to 8-bit/channel) 5 = Load the image with alpha channel (limit both to 8-bit/channel) 6 = Load the image and alpha channel For other image types this parameter should be set to 0. Setting Options to -1 forces TIFF, EMF and WMF images to be loaded using the GDI+ graphics library. Return values 0 Non-zero The image could not be added. Either it could not be found or it is in an unsupported format. The image was added successfully. The ImageID is returned which can be passed to functions like SelectImage and DrawImage.

Image handling Description Adds an image from a part of a file to the selected document. For example, if many images have been concatenated into one file this function will allow the individual images to be extracted and added to the document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Supported image file types are: BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF and EMF. For BMP and TIFF images, the CompressImages function can called before calling this function to compress the image data. Other image types are automatically compressed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddImageFromFileOffset(FileName:WideString; Offset,DataLength,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddImageFromFileOffset( FileName As String, Offset As Long, DataLength As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddImageFromFileOffset(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName, int Offset, int DataLength, int Options) Parameters FileName Offset DataLength Options The name of the file containing the images. The offset into the file where the required image starts. The first byte in the file has an offset of 0. The length of the image data in bytes For multi-page TIFF images this parameter specifies the page number to load. For PNG images: 0 = Load the image as usual 1 = Load the alpha channel as a greyscale image 2 = Load the image and alpha channel (limit alpha to 8-bit) 3 = Load the image (limit image 8-bit/channel) 4 = Load the alpha channel (limit to 8-bit/channel) 5 = Load the image with alpha channel (limit both to 8-bit/channel) 6 = Load the image and alpha channel For other image types this parameter should be set to 0. Setting Options to -1 forces TIFF, EMF and WMF images to be loaded using the GDI+ graphics library. Return values 0 Non-zero The image could not be read from the file. This could indicate invalid image data or the file could not be found. The image was read from the file and successfully added to the document. The value returned is the ID of the image which can be used with the image drawing functions such as DrawImage.

Image handling Description Adds an image from a TStream to the selected document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Supported image file types are: BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF and EMF. For BMP and TIFF images, the CompressImages function can called before calling this function to compress the image data. Other image types are automatically compressed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddImageFromStream(InStream:TStream; Options:Integer):Integer; Parameters InStream Options The TStream object containing the image data. The current position in the stream will be ignored, image data will be read from position 0 in the stream. For multi-page TIFF images this parameter specifies the page number to load. For PNG images: 0 = Load the image as usual 1 = Load the alpha channel as a greyscale image 2 = Load the image and alpha channel (limit alpha to 8-bit) 3 = Load the image (limit image 8-bit/channel) 4 = Load the alpha channel (limit to 8-bit/channel) 5 = Load the image with alpha channel (limit both to 8-bit/channel) 6 = Load the image and alpha channel For other image types this parameter should be set to 0. Setting Options to -1 forces TIFF, EMF and WMF images to be loaded using the GDI+ graphics library. Return values 0 Non-zero There was an error reading valid image data from the stream The image was successfully added to the document. The value returned is the ID of the image which can be used with the image drawing functions such as DrawImage.

Image handling Description Adds an image from memory to the selected document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Supported image file types are: BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF and EMF. For BMP and TIFF images, the CompressImages function can called before calling this function to compress the image data. Other image types are automatically compressed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddImageFromString(constSource:string; Options:Integer):Integer;

int QuickPDFAddImageFromString(int InstanceID, char * Source, int Options) Parameters Source Options A string containing the image data. In the ActiveX version of the library this string must contain 16-bit characters, only the lower 8-bits of each character will be used. For multi-page TIFF images this parameter specifies the page number to load. For PNG images: 0 = Load the image as usual 1 = Load the alpha channel as a greyscale image 2 = Load the image and alpha channel (limit alpha to 8-bit) 3 = Load the image (limit image 8-bit/channel) 4 = Load the alpha channel (limit to 8-bit/channel) 5 = Load the image with alpha channel (limit both to 8-bit/channel) 6 = Load the image and alpha channel For other image types this parameter should be set to 0. Setting Options to -1 forces TIFF, EMF and WMF images to be loaded using the GDI+ graphics library. Return values 0 1 The image data was invalid or the image was in an unsupported format The image was added successfully. The value returned is the ImageID which can be used with functions like SelectImage and DrawImage.

Image handling Description Adds an image from a variant byte array to the selected document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Supported image file types are: BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF and EMF. For BMP and TIFF images, the CompressImages function can called before calling this function to compress the image data. Other image types are automatically compressed. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddImageFromVariant( SourceData As Variant, Options As Long) As Long Parameters SourceData Options A variant containing the image data For multi-page TIFF images this parameter specifies the page number to load. For PNG images: 0 = Load the image as usual 1 = Load the alpha channel as a greyscale image 2 = Load the image and alpha channel (limit alpha to 8-bit) 3 = Load the image (limit image 8-bit/channel) 4 = Load the alpha channel (limit to 8-bit/channel) 5 = Load the image with alpha channel (limit both to 8-bit/channel) 6 = Load the image and alpha channel For other image types this parameter should be set to 0. Setting Options to -1 forces TIFF, EMF and WMF images to be loaded using the GDI+ graphics library. Return values 0 Non-zero The image could not be added The image was added successfully. This is the ID of the new image.

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Adds a new LGIDict object to the selected page. This is used with the GeoPDF system as defined in Open Geospatial Consortium Inc.'s OGC 08-139r2 specification. More than one dictionary can be added to the page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLGIDictToPage( DictContent As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddLGIDictToPage(int InstanceID, wchar_t * DictContent) Parameters DictContent Return values 0 1 The LGI dictionary could not be added to the page. Check that the dictionary content string is a valid PDF dictionary. The LGI dictionary was added successfully. The LGIDict dictionary content to add to the page.

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Adds a line to the current path. The line is drawn from the last point to the point defined by (EndX, EndY). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLineToPath(EndX As Double, EndY As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFAddLineToPath(int InstanceID, double EndX, double EndY) Parameters EndX EndY The horizontal co-ordinate of the end point of the line to add to the path The vertical co-ordinate of the end point of the line to add to the path

Annotations and hotspot links, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to another page in the same document. The target page, position and zoom level are specified by a destination object which can be created with the NewDestination function. Use the SetAnnotBorderColor function to change the color of the hotspot border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToDestination(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double;DestID,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToDestination(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, DestID As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToDestination(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, int DestID, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height DestID Options The left edge of the hotspot rectangle The top edge of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The DestID of a destination object Specifies the appearance of the link: 0 = No border 1 = Draw a border

Return values 0 1 The DestID property was invalid The link annotation was created successfully

Document properties, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to an embedded file. Files can be embedded into the PDF using the AddEmbeddedFile function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToEmbeddedFile(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double;EmbeddedFileID:Integer;Title:WideString; Options:Integer):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToEmbeddedFile(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, EmbeddedFileID As Long, Title As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToEmbeddedFile(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, int EmbeddedFileID, wchar_t * Title, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height EmbeddedFileID Title Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the hotspot rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The value returned from the AddEmbeddedFile function The title of the attachment that should appear in the PDF viewer 0 = Standard icon 1 = Disk icon

Return values 0 1 The EmbeddedFileID parameter was invalid The link was created successfully

Annotations and hotspot links Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to a specific page and position in another PDF document. Use the SetAnnotBorderColor function to change the color of the hotspot border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToFile(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; FileName:WideString;Page:Integer;Position:Double;NewWindow, Options:Integer):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToFile(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, FileName As String, Page As Long, Position As Double, NewWindow As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToFile(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * FileName, int Page, double Position, int NewWindow, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height FileName Page Position NewWindow Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the hotspot rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The path and file name of the PDF document to link to. The page in the destination document to link to The vertical co-ordinate on the destination page to link to 0 = Close the current document and then open the new document 1 = Open the current document in a new window Specifies the appearance of the link: 0 = No border 1 = Draw a border

JavaScript, Annotations and hotspot links Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to a JavaScript action. Use the SetAnnotBorderColor function to change the color of the hotspot border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToJavaScript(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double;JavaScript:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToJavaScript(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, JavaScript As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToJavaScript(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * JavaScript, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height JavaScript Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the hotspot rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The JavaScript to execute. Specifies the appearance of the link: 0 = No border 1 = Draw a border

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to a local file. The file doesn't have to exist when the PDF is created but should exist when the PDF is viewed for the link to work. Use the SetAnnotBorderColor function to change the color of the hotspot border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToLocalFile(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double;FileName:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToLocalFile(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, FileName As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToLocalFile(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * FileName, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height FileName Options The left edge of the hotspot rectangle The top edge of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The relative or absolute path to the local file. Specifies the appearance of the link and whether the target is opened in a new window or the same window: 0 = No border, same window 1 = Draw a border, same window 2 = No border, new window 3 = Draw a border, new window

Annotations and hotspot links, Page properties Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to another page in the same document. Use the SetAnnotBorderColor function to change the color of the hotspot border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToPage(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; Page:Integer;Position:Double;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToPage(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Page As Long, Position As Double, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToPage(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, int Page, double Position, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Page Position Options The left edge of the hotspot rectangle The top edge of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The destination page number to link to The vertical position on the destination page to link to Specifies the appearance of the link: 0 = No border 1 = Draw a border

Annotations and hotspot links This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Adds a clickable hotspot rectangle to the selected page which links to a URL on the internet. This can also be used to link to an e-mail address. Use the SetAnnotBorderColor function to change the color of the hotspot border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddLinkToWeb(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; Link:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddLinkToWeb(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Link As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddLinkToWeb(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * Link, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Link The left edge of the hotspot rectangle The top edge of the hotspot rectangle The width of the hotspot rectangle The height of the hotspot rectangle The URL to link to. Some examples: "http://www.example.com/" "mailto:info@example.com" Specifies the appearance of the link: 0 = No border 1 = Draw a border


Annotations and hotspot links Description Adds a note annotation to the selected page. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddNoteAnnotation(Left,Top:Double; AnnotType:Integer;PopupLeft,PopupTop,PopupWidth, PopupHeight:Double;Title,Contents:WideString;Red,Green, Blue:Double;Open:Integer):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddNoteAnnotation(Left As Double, Top As Double, AnnotType As Long, PopupLeft As Double, PopupTop As Double, PopupWidth As Double, PopupHeight As Double, Title As String, Contents As String, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double, Open As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddNoteAnnotation(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, int AnnotType, double PopupLeft, double PopupTop, double PopupWidth, double PopupHeight, wchar_t * Title, wchar_t * Contents, double Red, double Green, double Blue, int Open) Parameters Left Top AnnotType The horizontal co-ordinate of the anchor for the annotation The vertical co-ordinate of the anchor for the annotation The 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= annotation type: Note Comment Help Insert Key New paragraph Paragraph

Add 100 to any of the above values to suppress the date shown in the popup annotation's title PopupLeft PopupTop PopupWidth PopupHeight Title Contents Red Green Blue Open The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the popup window The vertical co-ordinate of the left edge of the popup window The width of the popup window The height of the popup window The title of the annotation The body of the popup annotation The red component of the color of the annotation The green component of the color of the annotation The blue component of the color of the annotation Specifies whether to show the annotation when the document is opened: 0 = hide 1 = show

Text, Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description This function is identical to AddTrueTypeFontFromFile. Both functions allow a TrueType, OpenType/TrueType or OpenType/CFF font to be added from a file. This version of the function provides an Options parameter which may be expanded in future to support advanced OpenType features. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddOpenTypeFontFromFile(FileName:WideString; Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddOpenTypeFontFromFile( FileName As String, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddOpenTypeFontFromFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName, int Options) Parameters FileName Options Return values 0 Non-zero The font could not be embedded The ID of the font that was successfully added. This ID can be used with the SelectFont function to select the font The font file name. Should be set to 0.

Page properties Description Adds a range of page labels to the selected document. A range starting from page 1 must be present in the document for the page labels to display correctly. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddPageLabels(Start,Style,Offset:Integer; Prefix:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddPageLabels(Start As Long, Style As Long, Offset As Long, Prefix As String) As Long

int QuickPDFAddPageLabels(int InstanceID, int Start, int Style, int Offset, wchar_t * Prefix) Parameters Start Style The starting page for the range of page labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = No numbers Decimal arabic numerals Uppercase roman numerals Lowercase roman numerals Uppercase letters (A to Z for first 26 pages, AA to ZZ for next 26, etc.) Lowercase letters (a to z for first 26 pages, aa to zz for next 26, etc.)


The value of the numeric portion for the first page label in the range. Subsequent values will be numbered sequentially from this value, which much be greater than or equal to 1. The prefix for the page labels in this range.

Prefix Return values 0 1

The Style parameter was out of range The page label range was added successfully

Vector graphics, Image handling, Annotations and hotspot links, Page layout Description Adds an SVG file as an annotation to the current page. This is only supported if the PDF is viewed using Adobe Acrobat 6 or Adobe Reader 6. Earlier and later versions will not show the SVG annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddSVGAnnotationFromFile(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double;FileName:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddSVGAnnotationFromFile(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, FileName As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddSVGAnnotationFromFile(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * FileName, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height FileName Options Return values 0 1 The SVG file could not be opened The SVG annotation was added successfully The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the annotation rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the annotation rectangle The width of the annotation rectangle The height of the annotation rectangle The path and name of the file containing the SVG image. This parameter is ignored and should be set to 0

Vector graphics, Color Description Adds a separation color to the document. A separation color has a name and an equivalent color in the CMYK color space. If the document is viewed the CMYK color will be used. If the document is printed to an image setter a separation with the specified name will be generated. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddSeparationColor(ColorName:WideString;C,M,Y, K:Double;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddSeparationColor(ColorName As String, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddSeparationColor(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ColorName, double C, double M, double Y, double K, int Options) Parameters ColorName The name of the separation color, for example "PANTONE 403 EC". This can be any name you want, but is usually set to the name of a specific spot color that your printing press will know what to do with. The cyan component of the color equivalent to the spot color The magenta component of the color equivalent to the spot color The yellow component of the color equivalent to the spot color The black component of the color equivalent to the spot color This parameter is ignored and should be set to 0

C M Y K Options Return values 0 1

The separation color could not be added. The color name may already have been used. The separation color was added successfully

Text, Fonts This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Adds a standard font to the document. These standard fonts will always be available on all PDF viewers. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddStandardFont( StandardFontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddStandardFont(int InstanceID, int StandardFontID) Parameters StandardFontID The ID of the font to add: 0 = Courier 1 = CourierBold 2 = CourierBoldOblique 3 = CourierOblique 4 = Helvetica 5 = HelveticaBold 6 = HelveticaBoldOblique 7 = HelveticaOblique 8 = TimesRoman 9 = TimesBold 10 = TimesItalic 11 = TimesBoldItalic 12 = Symbol 13 = ZapfDingbats

Return values 0 Non-zero The font could not be added The ID of the font that was successfully added

Text, Fonts Description This function is used to embed a "subset" of a font. This means that only the font information for specified characters is embedded, reducing the size of the document. This function also allows any Unicode character to be embedded which means that characters from Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other languages can be used. Before attempting to draw text using a subsetted font you must use the GetSubsetString function to obtain the correct mapping between the characters in your string and the character codes used for the glyphs in the subsetted font. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddSubsettedFont(FontName:WideString; CharsetIndex:Integer;SubsetChars:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddSubsettedFont(FontName As String, CharsetIndex As Long, SubsetChars As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddSubsettedFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontName, int CharsetIndex, wchar_t * SubsetChars) Parameters FontName The name of the TrueType font to install. This can either be the name of the font as shown in the Windows\Fonts folder (for example "Times New Roman Bold") or it can be the font family name with an optional style specifier in square brackets (for example "Times New Roman [BoldItalic]"). Possible optional specifiers are: [Bold], [Italic] or [BoldItalic]. You must specify a character set containing the characters you want to subset: 1 = ANSI 2 = Default 3 = Symbol 4 = Shift JIS 5 = Hangeul 6 = GB2312 7 = Chinese Big 5 8 = OEM 9 = Johab 10 = Hebrew 11 = Arabic 12 = Greek 13 = Turkish 14 = Vietnamese 15 = Thai 16 = East Europe 17 = Russian 18 = Mac 19 = Baltic A string containing the characters you would like to subset. Repeated characters are ignored. A maximum of 255 characters can be placed in any font subset. Any Unicode character can be embedded, but you must ensure that the character is available in the specified character set.



Return values 0 Non-zero The subsetted font could not be added or the CharSet parameter was out of range The FontID of the added font. This ID can be used with the SelectFont function to select the font.

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Adds a text markup annotation to the current page. By default the annotation will consist of a single rectangular area matching the annotation's bounding box. This area can be edited and other areas can be added using the GetAnnotQuadCount, GetAnnotQuadPoints and SetAnnotQuadPoints functions. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddTextMarkupAnnotation(MarkupType:Integer;Left, Top,Width,Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddTextMarkupAnnotation( MarkupType As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFAddTextMarkupAnnotation(int InstanceID, int MarkupType, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters MarkupType 0 1 2 3 = = = = Highlight Underline Squiggly Strike out

Left Top Width Height Return values 0 1

The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the annotation bounding box The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the annotation bounding box The width of the annotation bounding box The height of the annotation bounding box

The MarkupType parameter was not between 1 and 4. The text markup annotation was added successfully.

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Adds a block of data to the buffer created with the CreateBuffer function. This function can be called multiple times until the buffer is full. The return value is the number of bytes remaining in the buffer. Syntax

int QuickPDFAddToBuffer(int InstanceID, char * Buffer, char * Source, int SourceLength) Parameters Buffer Source SourceLength A value returned from the CreateBuffer function A pointer to the first byte of data to add The total number of bytes to copy from the source

Miscellaneous functions Description Adds a file to a named file list. This file list can later be used with functions that will operate on all the files in the list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddToFileList(ListName, FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddToFileList(ListName As String, FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddToFileList(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ListName, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters ListName FileName The name of the file list to work with The file name to add to the list.

Text, Fonts Description Adds a TrueType font to the document. The font must be installed on the system. If the font is not embedded, then the reader of the PDF document must have the font installed on their system too. If the font is embedded, then the reader does not need the font installed on their system. Embedding a font makes the PDF file much larger. Some fonts are not licensed to be embedded. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddTrueTypeFont(FontName:WideString; Embed:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddTrueTypeFont(FontName As String, Embed As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddTrueTypeFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontName, int Embed) Parameters FontName The name of the TrueType font to install. This can either be the name of the font as shown in the Windows\Fonts folder (for example "Times New Roman Bold") or it can be the font family name with an optional style specifier in square brackets (for example "Times New Roman [BoldItalic]"). Possible optional specifiers are: [Bold], [Italic] or [BoldItalic]. A codepage can also be specified (for example "Arial [Bold] {1250}") which allows other encodings to be used. Possible code pages are: {437} OEM_CHARSET {850} OEM_CHARSET {852} OEM_CHARSET {874} THAI_CHARSET {932} SHIFTJIS_CHARSET {936} GB2312_CHARSET {949} HANGEUL_CHARSET {950} CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET {1250} EASTEUROPE_CHARSET {1251} RUSSIAN_CHARSET {1252} ANSI_CHARSET {1253} GREEK_CHARSET {1254} TURKISH_CHARSET {1255} HEBREW_CHARSET {1256} ARABIC_CHARSET {1257} BALTIC_CHARSET {1258} VIETNAMESE_CHARSET {1361} JOHAB_CHARSET Specifies whether to embed the font or not: 0 = Don't embed the font 1 = Embed the font


Return values 0 Non-zero The font could not be added. This may mean that the font is not licensed to be embedded, or that the font could not be found. The ID of the font that was successfully added. This ID can be used with the SelectFont function to select the font

Text, Fonts Description Embeds a TrueType, OpenType/TrueType or OpenType/CFF font into the document. The TrueType font is specified by the file name and does not have to be installed as a Windows font. This function is functionally identical to AddOpenTypeFontFromFile. For TrueType and OpenType/TrueType fonts, a temporary file must be created during this process, call SetTempPath to specify where this temporary file should be created. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddTrueTypeFontFromFile( FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddTrueTypeFontFromFile( FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddTrueTypeFontFromFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName Return values 0 Non-zero The font could not be embedded The ID of the font that was successfully added. This ID can be used with the SelectFont function to select the font The full path and file name of the TrueType font file to embed.

Text, Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Adds a subsetted TrueType font to the document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddTrueTypeSubsettedFont(FontName, SubsetChars:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddTrueTypeSubsettedFont( FontName As String, SubsetChars As String, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAddTrueTypeSubsettedFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontName, wchar_t * SubsetChars, int Options) Parameters FontName SubsetChars Options Return values 0 Non-zero The subsetted font could not be added or the CharSet parameter was out of range The ID of the font that was successfully added. This ID can be used with the SelectFont function to select the font The name of the TrueType font that must be subsetted. A string containing the characters that should be included in the font subset. Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0.

Text, Fonts Description Adds a PostScript Type1 font to the document. The font must be supplied as two files, a .pfm and a .pfb file. The full path to the .pfm file must be supplied. The font is embedded in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddType1Font(FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAddType1Font(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName The full path to the .pfm file. A .pfb file with the same name should exist in the same directory as the .pfm file.

Return values 0 Non-zero The font could not be added. Either the font files are in the wrong format, or they cannot be found. The ID of the font that was successfully added. This ID can be used with the SelectFont function to select the font

Vector graphics, Image handling, Annotations and hotspot links, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Adds an SVG file as an annotation to the current page. The SVG annotation will only be visible if the PDF is viewed with Adobe Acrobat 7 or higher. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AddU3DAnnotationFromFile(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double;FileName:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AddU3DAnnotationFromFile(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, FileName As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFAddU3DAnnotationFromFile(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * FileName, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height FileName Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the annotation rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the annotation rectangle The width of the annotation rectangle The height of the annotation rectangle The path and name of the file containing the U3D model. 0 = the 3D annotation is static 1 = the 3D annotation is interactive

Document properties Description Analyses a file on disk. The entire file is not loaded into memory so huge files can be examined. Use the GetAnalysisInfo function to retrieve the individual analysis results. Call DeleteAnalysis to remove the results from memory when you are finished. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AnalyseFile(InputFileName, Password:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AnalyseFile(InputFileName As String, Password As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAnalyseFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password) Parameters InputFileName Password The path and name of the file to analyse. The password to use when opening the file. This can be either the owner or the user password. This parameter can be left blank if the file does not require a password to be opened.

Return values 0 Non-zero The file could not be analysed. Check the result of the LastErrorCode function to determine the reason for the failure. The analysis results ID. Pass this to the GetAnalysisInfo function.

Annotations and hotspot links Description Returns the number of annotations on the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AnnotationCount As Long


int QuickPDFAnnotationCount(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Description Returns the length of the most recent string returned from the library by all functions that return 8-bit strings. Syntax

int QuickPDFAnsiStringResultLength(int InstanceID)

Text, Page layout Description Moves the current text position horizontally by a percentage of the height of the text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AppendSpace( RelativeSpace As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFAppendSpace(int InstanceID, double RelativeSpace) Parameters RelativeSpace A value of 1 moves the horizontal position by a value equal to the height of the text at the present font size, also known as an EM space. A value of 0.5 moves the horizontal position by half the height of the text at the present font size, also known as an EN space.

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Adds columns to the right of the specified table Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AppendTableColumns(TableID, NewColumnCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AppendTableColumns(TableID As Long, NewColumnCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAppendTableColumns(int InstanceID, int TableID, int NewColumnCount) Parameters TableID NewColumnCount Return values 0 Non-zero Columns could not be added. Check the TableID parameter and make sure NewColumnCount is greater than or equal to 1. The total number of columns in the table after adding the new columns. A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The number of columns to add to the table

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Adds rows to the bottom of the specified table. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.AppendTableRows(TableID, NewRowCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AppendTableRows(TableID As Long, NewRowCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAppendTableRows(int InstanceID, int TableID, int NewRowCount) Parameters TableID NewRowCount Return values 0 Non-zero Rows could not be added. Check the TableID parameter and make sure NewRowCount is greater than or equal to 1. The total number of rows in the table after adding the new rows. A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The number of rows to add to the table

Text, Page layout Description Draws text immediately following text previously drawn with DrawText or AppendText. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AppendText(Text As String) As Long


int QuickPDFAppendText(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Text) Parameters Text The text to append to the previously drawn text

Text, Page layout Description Applies a style that was previously saved using the SaveStyle function. The style name is case sensitive, it must exactly match the style name used with the SaveStyle function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ApplyStyle(StyleName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFApplyStyle(int InstanceID, wchar_t * StyleName) Parameters StyleName Return values 0 1 The specified StyleName could not be found The style was applied successfully The name to associate with the style. This name is case sensitive.

Form fields, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.18. Description This functions attaches an annotation to the document form. Use the IsAnnotFormField function to check if the specified annotation can be attached to the document form and whether it is currently attached or not. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::AttachAnnotToForm(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFAttachAnnotToForm(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The specified annotation could not be attached to the document form. The specified annotation was attached successfully to the document form. The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1.

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description For detailed page layouts this function can be called before a group of drawing commands. The page layout commands will then be buffered until a matching call to the EndPageUpdate function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::BeginPageUpdate As Long


int QuickPDFBeginPageUpdate(int InstanceID)

Page manipulation Description This function "captures" a page. Once the page has been captured it can be drawn onto other pages. This is useful for combining different pages or for placing more than one original page onto another page (imposition). Once a page has been captured it is removed from the document. If you would like the page to remain in the document you must create a blank page and draw the captured page onto the blank page. Also, because a document must have at least one page at all times it is not possible to capture a page if it is the only page in the document. In this case, you must add a new blank page before the existing page can be captured. The "media box" for the page is used as the bounding rectangle for the captured page. The CapturePageEx function can be used in cases where the "crop box" for the page should be used instead. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CapturePage(Page As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCapturePage(int InstanceID, int Page) Parameters Page Return values 0 Non-zero The specified page does not exist, or it is the only page in the document The ID of the capture process. This ID must be supplied to the DrawCapturedPage function. The page number to capture. The first page in the document is page 1.

Page manipulation Description This function "captures" a page. Once the page has been captured it can be drawn onto other pages. This is useful for combining different pages or for placing more than one original page onto another page (imposition). Once a page has been captured it is removed from the document. If you would like the page to remain in the document you must create a blank page and draw the captured page onto the blank page. Also, because a document must have at least one page at all times it is not possible to capture a page if it is the only page in the document. In this case, you must add a new blank page before the existing page can be captured. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CapturePageEx(Page As Long, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCapturePageEx(int InstanceID, int Page, int Options) Parameters Page Options The page number to capture. The first page in the document is page 1. 0 = Use the page's 1 = Use the page's the media box 2 = Use the page's the crop box 3 = Use the page's the crop box 4 = Use the page's the crop box media box for the bounding rectangle crop box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise use bleed box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise use trim box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise use art box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise use

Return values 0 Non-zero The specified page does not exist, or it is the only page in the document The ID of the capture process. This ID must be supplied to the DrawCapturedPage function.

Text, Fonts Description Returns the width of a character for the selected font. This width is returned as a ratio to the text size. For example, if this function returns 750 for a certain character, then the width of the character for a 12 point font will be (750 / 1000) * 12. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CharWidth(CharCode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCharWidth(int InstanceID, int CharCode) Parameters CharCode Return values The width of the specified character. Divide this value by 1000, and multiply by the text size in points to get the width of the character. The character to determine the width for. For example, 65 is the character A.

Document manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description This function tests a PDF document against various standards to determine compliance with the standard. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.CheckFileCompliance(InputFileName, Password:WideString;ComplianceTest,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CheckFileCompliance( InputFileName As String, Password As String, ComplianceTest As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFCheckFileCompliance(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password, int ComplianceTest, int Options) Parameters InputFileName Password ComplianceTest Options The file to check The password to open the file. If there is no password an empty string should be used. 1 = PDF/A compliance test For PDF/A compliance test: 0 = Show all errors 1 = Stop after the first error

Return values 0 Non-zero The file passed the compliance test. A StringListID that can be used with the GetStringListCount and GetStringListItem functions.

Miscellaneous functions Description Checks the file to ensure all objects are valid. This may take some time with large files and consume large amounts of memory. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CheckObjects As Long


int QuickPDFCheckObjects(int InstanceID)

Annotations and hotspot links, Miscellaneous functions Description Checks all the annotations on the selected page and ensures that they are all valid. Invalid annotations are removed from the page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CheckPageAnnots As Long


int QuickPDFCheckPageAnnots(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 No annotations were found to be in an incorrect format One or more annotations were not in the correct format and were unlinked from the page

Miscellaneous functions Description Clears a named file list. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ClearFileList(ListName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFClearFileList(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ListName) Parameters ListName Return values 0 1 The named list could not be found The named list was cleared successfully The name of the file list to clear

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Clears the specified image. To prevent the corruption of existing links to the image it will not be deleted from the document. The image will be converted into a 24-bit RGB format consisting of a single transparent pixel. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ClearImage(ImageID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFClearImage(int InstanceID, int ImageID) Parameters ImageID Return values 0 1 The specified ImageID was not valid The image was cleared The ImageID of the image to be cleared

Page properties Description Removes all the page labels from the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ClearPageLabels As Long


int QuickPDFClearPageLabels(int InstanceID)

Text Description Clears any formatting that has been applied. Subsequently drawn text will be drawn left aligned in black with all highlighting, underlining, character spacing, word spacing, horizontal scaling and vertical spacing removed. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ClearTextFormatting As Long


int QuickPDFClearTextFormatting(int InstanceID)

Annotations and hotspot links, Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Calling this function will clone the action dictionary of the specified outline. This is useful when an outline and an annotation share the same action dictionary and the actions must be set individually. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CloneOutlineAction( OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCloneOutlineAction(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Page manipulation Description Copies pages from the document multiple times, with only a negligible increase in file size. Note that only the first "layer" of the page is cloned. Unless you specifically want to take part of the page you should call CombineContentStreams for all the pages you want to clone before calling this function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ClonePages(StartPage,EndPage, RepeatCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ClonePages(StartPage As Long, EndPage As Long, RepeatCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFClonePages(int InstanceID, int StartPage, int EndPage, int RepeatCount) Parameters StartPage EndPage RepeatCount Return values 0 1 The parameters were out of range The function was successful The first page to clone The last page to clone The number of times to clone the pages

Outlines Description Collapses an outline item (bookmark). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CloseOutline(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCloseOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The outline item was collapsed

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Closes the path defined by calls to StartPath, AddLineToPath, and AddCurveToPath. A line is drawn from the last point to the first point. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ClosePath As Long


int QuickPDFClosePath(int InstanceID)

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was CombineLayers. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function combines all the content stream parts of the selected page into a single content stream. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CombineContentStreams As Long


int QuickPDFCombineContentStreams(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The content stream could not be combined The content stream was combined successfully

Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Compares two OutlineID values. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.CompareOutlines(FirstOutlineID, SecondOutlineID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CompareOutlines(FirstOutlineID As Long, SecondOutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCompareOutlines(int InstanceID, int FirstOutlineID, int SecondOutlineID) Parameters FirstOutlineID SecondOutlineID Return values 0 1 One or both of the OutlineID values were not valid or there is no relationship between the two outlines. The OutlineID values refer to the same outline item. The first OutlineID to compare The second OutlineID to compare

Document properties Description Compresses the content of the selected document. The Flate algorithm is used to compress the content. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CompressContent As Long


int QuickPDFCompressContent(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The content could not be compressed The content was compressed successfully

Fonts, Document properties Description Specifies whether or not to compress TrueType, Packaged and Type1 fonts subsequently added to the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CompressFonts(Compress As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCompressFonts(int InstanceID, int Compress) Parameters Compress 0 = Don't compress fonts 1 = Compress all subsequently added fonts

Return values 0 1 The Compress parameter was out of range The font compression setting was changed successfully

Image handling, Document properties Description Specifies the compression to use for images added to the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CompressImages(Compress As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCompressImages(int InstanceID, int Compress) Parameters Compress 0 = No compression 1 = Flate compression

Return values 0 1 The Compress parameter was not valid The image compression was set successfully

Page properties Description This function is similar to the CompressContent function, however it only compresses the selected page. Looping through all the pages using this function will have the same effect as CompressContent, however it will be possible to provide feedback to the user. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CompressPage As Long


int QuickPDFCompressPage(int InstanceID)

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was LayerCount. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function returns the total number of content stream parts for the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ContentStreamCount As Long


int QuickPDFContentStreamCount(int InstanceID) Return values The number of content stream parts on the selected page

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was LayerSafe. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function determines if the content stream part that was selected using the SelectContentStream function was created by Quick PDF Library or not. Only content stream parts created by Quick PDF Library should be considered "safe" to drawn on. If a content stream part is not safe it would be best to combine all the content stream parts using the CombineContentStreams function before drawing on the page to prevent later errors in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ContentStreamSafe As Long


int QuickPDFContentStreamSafe(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The layer was not created by Quick PDF Library and care should be taken when drawing onto this layer The layer was created by Quick PDF Library and is safe to draw on

Extraction, Page manipulation Description Use this function to copy one or more pages from one document to another. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.CopyPageRanges(DocumentID:Integer; RangeList:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CopyPageRanges(DocumentID As Long, RangeList As String) As Long


int QuickPDFCopyPageRanges(int InstanceID, int DocumentID, wchar_t * RangeList) Parameters DocumentID RangeList The ID of the document to copy the pages from The pages to extract, for example "10,15,18-20,25-35". Invalid characters and duplicate page numbers in the string will be ignored. Reversed page ranges such as "5-1" will be accepted. The list of pages will be sorted resulting in the pages being extracted in numerical order.

Return values 0 1 The specified DocumentID was not valid or was the same as the selected document, or the RangeList was invalid The pages were successfully copied from the specified document to the selected document

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Creates a buffer that can be used to send strings to Quick PDF Library DLL containing null characters. Once the buffer has been created, use the AddToBuffer function to add data to the buffer. The data can be added to the buffer in one call, or chunks of data can be sent one at a time until the buffer is full. When you are finished with the buffer, call the ReleaseBuffer function to release it. Syntax

char * QuickPDFCreateBuffer(int InstanceID, int BufferLength) Parameters BufferLength Return values 0 Non-zero The BufferLength value was less than 1, or the InstanceID was invalid A PChar that can be passed as any string parameter to other functions The size in bytes of the buffer that must be created

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Call this function to create an instance of Quick PDF Library in the DLL. The value returned is used as the InstanceID parameter of all the other functions. Call the ReleaseLibrary function to free the the instance when you are finished with it. Syntax

int QuickPDFCreateLibrary(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero An instance of Quick PDF Library could not be created An InstanceID value that can be used with other functions

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.26. Description Adds a new PDF object to the document. The contents of the object can be set using the SetObjectFromString function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CreateNewObject As Long


int QuickPDFCreateNewObject(int InstanceID) Return values Non-zero The object number of the newly created object

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Creates a table with the specified number of rows and columns. Use the other table functions to set up the table and then use DrawTableRows to draw the table onto the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.CreateTable(RowCount, ColumnCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::CreateTable(RowCount As Long, ColumnCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFCreateTable(int InstanceID, int RowCount, int ColumnCount) Parameters RowCount ColumnCount Return values 0 Non-zero The table could not be created. Row and column count must be greater or equal to 1. A TableID that can be used with the other table functions. The number of rows that the new table should have The number of columns that the new table should have.

Document management, Direct access functionality Description Appends any changes made to a document originally opened using the DAOpenFile function. This is a fast operation because only the changed objects must be added to the end of the original file. The file is closed after this operation and the file handle will no longer be valid. This function will not work if the source file was opened in read only mode. If you want to save changes to a new file then use DASaveAsFile instead. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAAppendFile(FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAAppendFile(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Return values 0 1 2 The specified FileHandle was not valid The changes to the file were appended successfully The file was opened in read only mode and the update cannot be written. Use DASaveAsFile instead.

Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description This function "captures" the specified page from a document originally opened with DAOpenFile. The captured page can then be drawn onto any other page using the DADrawCapturedPage function. This is useful for combining different pages or for placing more than one original page onto another page (imposition). Once a page has been captured it is removed from the document. If you would like the page to remain in the document you must create a blank page and draw the captured page onto the blank page. The "media box" for the page is used as the bounding rectangle for the capture page. The DACapturePageEx function can be used in cases where the "crop box" for the page should be used instead. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DACapturePage(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DACapturePage(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDACapturePage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Return values 0 Non-zero The specified FileHandle or PageRef were not valid An ID that can be used with the DADrawCapturedPage function A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description Captures the specified page from a document originally opened with DAOpenFile. The captured page is hidden, but can then be drawn onto any other page using the DADrawCapturedPage function. The "media box" for the page is used as the bounding rectangle for the capture page. The DACapturePageEx function can be used in cases where the "crop box" for the page should be used instead. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DACapturePageEx(FileHandle,PageRef, Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DACapturePageEx(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDACapturePageEx(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int Options) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 0 = Use the page's 1 = Use the page's use the media box 2 = Use the page's use the crop box 3 = Use the page's use the crop box 4 = Use the page's the crop box media box for the bounding rectangle crop box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise bleed box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise trim box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise art box for the bounding rectangle if it has one, otherwise use

Return values 0 Non-zero The specified FileHandle or PageRef were not valid, or the specified page was the only page in the document An ID that can be used with the DADrawCapturedPage function

Direct access functionality Description Closes a file that was originally opened using the DAOpenFile function. Any changes made to the file are lost. If you would like to keep your changes you must use either the DASaveAsFile function or the DAAppendFile function before closing the file. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DACloseFile(FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDACloseFile(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Return values 0 1 The specified FileHandle was not valid, the file may already have been closed The file was closed successfully

Direct access functionality, Page layout Description Draws a page originally captured using the DrawCapturedPage function onto the specified page. The original page must have been captured from the same document (having the same FileHandle). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DADrawCapturedPage(FileHandle,DACaptureID, DestPageRef:Integer;PntLeft,PntBottom,PntWidth, PntHeight:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DADrawCapturedPage(FileHandle As Long, DACaptureID As Long, DestPageRef As Long, PntLeft As Double, PntBottom As Double, PntWidth As Double, PntHeight As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDADrawCapturedPage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int DACaptureID, int DestPageRef, double PntLeft, double PntBottom, double PntWidth, double PntHeight) Parameters FileHandle DACaptureID DestPageRef PntLeft PntBottom PntWidth PntHeight Return values 0 1 The specified FileHandle, PageRef or DACaptureID were not valid The captured page was drawn successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A capture ID returned by the DACapturePage function A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the destination rectangle, measured in points from the left edge of the page The vertical co-ordinate of the bottom edge of the destination rectangle, measured in points from the bottom edge of the page The width of the destination rectangle, measured in points The height of the destination rectangle, measured in points

Direct access functionality, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Similar to the DADrawCapturedPage function but allows the captured page to be drawn at any angle. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DADrawRotatedCapturedPage(FileHandle,DACaptureID, DestPageRef:Integer;PntLeft,PntBottom,PntWidth,PntHeight, Angle:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DADrawRotatedCapturedPage( FileHandle As Long, DACaptureID As Long, DestPageRef As Long, PntLeft As Double, PntBottom As Double, PntWidth As Double, PntHeight As Double, Angle As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDADrawRotatedCapturedPage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int DACaptureID, int DestPageRef, double PntLeft, double PntBottom, double PntWidth, double PntHeight, double Angle) Parameters FileHandle DACaptureID DestPageRef PntLeft PntBottom PntWidth PntHeight Angle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A capture ID returned by the DACapturePage function A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the destination rectangle, measured in points from the left edge of the page The vertical co-ordinate of the bottom edge of the destination rectangle, measured in points from the bottom edge of the page The width of the destination rectangle, measured in points The height of the destination rectangle, measured in points The angle to rotate the captured page by, measured anti-clockwise in degrees from the baseline

Return values 0 1 The specified FileHandle, PageRef or DACaptureID were not valid The captured page was drawn successfully

Document manipulation, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Converts any stream object where the data is stored in an external file into a regular embedded stream object. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAEmbedFileStreams(FileHandle:Integer; RootPath:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAEmbedFileStreams(FileHandle As Long, RootPath As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDAEmbedFileStreams(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, wchar_t * RootPath) Parameters FileHandle RootPath A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The directory to use as the root for relative paths.

Extraction, Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description This function provides two different methods for extracting text from the selected page, and presents the results in a variety of formats. The DASetTextExtractionWordGap, DASetTextExtractionOptions and DASetTextExtractionArea functions can be used to adjust the text extraction process. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAExtractPageText(FileHandle,PageRef, Options:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAExtractPageText(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, Options As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFDAExtractPageText(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int Options) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions Using the standard text extraction algorithm: 0 = Extract text in human readable format 1 = Deprecated 2 = Return a CSV string including font, color, size and position of each piece of text on the page Using the more accurate text extraction algorithm: 3 = Return a CSV string for each piece of text on the page with the following format: Font Name, Text Color, Text Size, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, Text The co-ordinates are the four points bounding the text, measured in points (1/72 inch) with the bottom-left corner of the page as the origin. Co-ordinate order is anti-clockwise with the bottom left corner first. 4 = Similar to option 3, but individual words are returned, making searching for words easier 5 = Similar to option 3 but character widths are output after each line 6 = Similar to option 4 but character widths are output after each line 7 = Extract text in human readable format with improved accuracy compared to option 0 8 = Similar to option 7 but without layout formatting

Direct access functionality Description Use this function to obtain a page reference for use with other Direct Access functions. This page reference will remain constant even if other pages are added to or removed from the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAFindPage(FileHandle As Long, Page As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAFindPage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int Page) Parameters FileHandle Page Return values 0 Non-zero The specified FileHandle was not valid or the Page parameter was out of range An ID that can be used as the PageRef parameter for any of the direct access functions A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The page number. The first page in the document has a page number of 1.

Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the number of annotations on the specified page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetAnnotationCount(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetAnnotationCount(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAGetAnnotationCount(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Form fields, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the number of form fields in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetFormFieldCount( FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAGetFormFieldCount(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Form fields, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the title of the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetFormFieldTitle(FileHandle, FieldIndex:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetFormFieldTitle(FileHandle As Long, FieldIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFDAGetFormFieldTitle(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int FieldIndex) Parameters FileHandle FieldIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Form fields, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the value of the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetFormFieldValue(FileHandle, FieldIndex:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetFormFieldValue(FileHandle As Long, FieldIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFDAGetFormFieldValue(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int FieldIndex) Parameters FileHandle FieldIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Image handling, Direct access functionality Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was DAGetImageDataAsString. Description Returns the image data of an image in an image list. The format of the data depends on the type of the image. The DAGetImageIntProperty function can be used to determine the image type. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetImageDataToString(FileHandle,ImageListID, ImageIndex:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFDAGetImageDataToString(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex) Parameters FileHandle ImageListID ImageIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A value returned by the DAGetPageImageList function The index of the image. The first image in the list has an index of 1. Use the DAGetImageListCount function to determine the number of images in the list.

Image handling, Direct access functionality Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was DAGetImageDataAsVariant. Description Returns the image data of an image in an image list as a byte array variant. The format of the data depends on the type of the image. The DAGetImageIntProperty function can be used to determine the image type. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetImageDataToVariant( FileHandle As Long, ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long) As Variant Parameters FileHandle ImageListID ImageIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A value returned by the DAGetPageImageList function The index of the image. The first image in the list has an index of 1. Use the DAGetImageListCount function to determine the number of images in the list.

Image handling, Direct access functionality Description Returns certain properties of an image in an image list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle,ImageListID, ImageIndex,PropertyID:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetImageDblProperty( FileHandle As Long, ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, PropertyID As Long) As Double

double QuickPDFDAGetImageDblProperty(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, int PropertyID) Parameters FileHandle ImageListID ImageIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A value returned by the DAGetPageImageList function The index of the image. The first image in the list has an index of 1. Use the DAGetImageListCount function to determine the number of images in the list. 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 = = = = = = = = Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of of top-left corner top-left corner of top-right corner top-right corner of bottom-right corner bottom-right corner of bottom-left corner bottom-left corner


Image handling, Direct access functionality Description Returns certain properties of an image in an image list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetImageIntProperty(FileHandle,ImageListID, ImageIndex,PropertyID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetImageIntProperty( FileHandle As Long, ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, PropertyID As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDAGetImageIntProperty(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, int PropertyID) Parameters FileHandle ImageListID ImageIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A value returned by the DAGetPageImageList function The index of the image. The first image in the list has an index of 1. Use the DAGetImageListCount function to determine the number of images in the list. 400 = Image type (see ImageType) 401 = Width in pixels 402 = Height in pixels


Image handling, Direct access functionality Description Returns the number of images in an image list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetImageListCount(FileHandle, ImageListID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetImageListCount(FileHandle As Long, ImageListID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAGetImageListCount(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int ImageListID) Parameters FileHandle ImageListID A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A value returned by the DAGetPageImageList function

Document properties, Direct access functionality Description Retrieves information from the document information section. This could be standard information such as Author and Subject, or custom information. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetInformation(FileHandle:Integer; Key:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetInformation(FileHandle As Long, Key As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFDAGetInformation(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, wchar_t * Key) Parameters FileHandle Key A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions For standard information use "Author", "Title", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator", or "Producer". For custom information any other string can be used.

Miscellaneous functions, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the number of raw PDF objects in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetObjectCount( FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAGetObjectCount(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Miscellaneous functions, Direct access functionality Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was DAGetObjectSource. Description Returns the raw PDF object data for the specified object number. This is for advanced use only. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetObjectToString(FileHandle, ObjectNumber:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFDAGetObjectToString(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int ObjectNumber) Parameters FileHandle ObjectNumber A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The number of the object to retrieve. The first object is numbered 1 and the last object has an object number equal to the result of the GetObjectCount function.

Miscellaneous functions, Direct access functionality Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was DAGetObjectSource. Description Returns the raw PDF object data for the specified object number as a variant byte array. This is for advanced use only. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetObjectToVariant(FileHandle As Long, ObjectNumber As Long) As Variant Parameters FileHandle ObjectNumber A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The number of the object to retrieve. The first object is numbered 1 and the last object has an object number equal to the result of the GetObjectCount function.

Direct access functionality, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Returns a dimension of the specified page boundary rectangle. Returned values are points measured from the bottom left corner of the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetPageBox(FileHandle,PageRef,BoxIndex, Dimension:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetPageBox(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, BoxIndex As Long, Dimension As Long) As Double

double QuickPDFDAGetPageBox(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int BoxIndex, int Dimension) Parameters FileHandle PageRef BoxIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox Left Top Width Height Right Bottom


Direct access functionality, Page properties Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was DAGetPageContent. Description Retrieves the graphics commands and operators that make up the specified page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetPageContentToString(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFDAGetPageContentToString(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Direct access functionality, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Retrieves the graphics commands and operators that make up the specified page as a variant byte array. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetPageContentToVariant( FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Variant Parameters FileHandle PageRef A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Document properties, Direct access functionality Description Returns the number of pages in a document opened with the DAOpenFile function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetPageCount( FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAGetPageCount(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Return values 0 Non-zero The specified FileHandle was not valid The number of pages in the document

Direct access functionality, Page properties Description Returns the height of the specified page in a document opened with the DAOpenFile function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetPageHeight(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetPageHeight(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFDAGetPageHeight(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Direct access functionality, Page properties Description Finds all the images on the specified page and stores them in an image list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetPageImageList(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetPageImageList(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAGetPageImageList(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Return values 0 Non-zero The FileHandle or PageRef parameters were invalid An ImageListID value that can be used with the other direct access image list functions A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage function

Direct access functionality, Page properties Description Returns the width of the specified page in a document opened with the DAOpenFile function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAGetPageWidth(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAGetPageWidth(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFDAGetPageWidth(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Direct access functionality, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Determines if a page has a particular page boundary rectangle. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAHasPageBox(FileHandle,PageRef, BoxIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAHasPageBox(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, BoxIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAHasPageBox(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int BoxIndex) Parameters FileHandle PageRef BoxIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox

Return values 0 1 The page does not have the specified page boundary rectangle The page has the specified page boundary rectangle

Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description Hides the specified page from a document originally opened with DAOpenFile. The content of the page is still in the document, but the page will not be visible. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAHidePage(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAHidePage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Return values 0 1 The specified FileHandle or PageRef were not valid The page was hidden successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description Moves a page to a new location in the document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAMovePage(FileHandle,PageRef,TargetPageRef, Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAMovePage(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, TargetPageRef As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDAMovePage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int TargetPageRef, int Options) Parameters FileHandle PageRef TargetPageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions. This is the page that will be moved. A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions. The page will be moved before or after this page. 0 = Move before target page 1 = Move after target page

Return values 0 1 The page could not be moved. Check that the FileHandle, PageRef and TargetPageRef values are correct. The page was moved successfully

Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description Adds a new blank page to the end of the document. The page will have a standard size of 612x792 points. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DANewPage(FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDANewPage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Return values 0 Non-zero The specified FileHandle was not valid An ID that can be used as the PageRef parameter for any of the direct access functions

Direct access functionality, Page manipulation Description Adds a number of new pages to the end of the document. All new pages have a standard size of 612x792 points. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DANewPages(FileHandle As Long, PageCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDANewPages(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageCount) Parameters FileHandle PageCount Return values 0 Non-zero The specified FileHandle was not valid The total number of pages in the document after the new pages were added A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The number of pages to add to the document

Document management, Direct access functionality Description Opens a file in direct access mode. This allows large files to be processed. The file will not be accessible by other processes until the file is closed using the one of the following functions: DACloseFile, DAAppendFile or DASaveAsFile. Read only files can be opened and all other direct access functions will work but DAAppendFile will not work as the file cannot be written. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAOpenFile(InputFileName, Password:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAOpenFile(InputFileName As String, Password As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDAOpenFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password) Parameters InputFileName Password The path and name of the document to open in direct access mode. The password to use when opening the document. This can be the owner or user password. If the user password is used certain functionality may be restricted depending on the permissions of the document.

Return values 0 Non-zero The file could not be opened. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. A FileHandle that can be used with the other Direct Access functions

Document management, Direct access functionality Description Opens a file in direct access mode. This allows large files to be processed. The file is opened with read only access so other processes will also be able to open the file in read only mode. DASaveAsFile should be used to save any changes to a new file as DAAppendFile cannot update read only files. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAOpenFileReadOnly(InputFileName, Password:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAOpenFileReadOnly( InputFileName As String, Password As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDAOpenFileReadOnly(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password) Parameters InputFileName Password The path and name of the document to open in direct access mode with read only access. The password to use when opening the document. This can be the owner or user password. If the user password is used certain functionality may be restricted depending on the permissions of the document.

Return values 0 Non-zero The file could not be opened. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. A FileHandle that can be used with the other Direct Access functions

Document management, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Opens a PDF stored inside a Delphi TStream object in direct access mode. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAOpenFromStream(InStream:TStream; Password:WideString):Integer; Parameters InStream Password The TStream object containing the PDF document data The password to use when opening the document. This can be the owner or user password. If the user password is used certain functionality may be restricted depending on the permissions of the document.

Return values 0 Non-zero The file could not be opened from the stream A FileHandle that can be used with the other Direct Access functions

Direct access functionality, Page properties Description Returns the rotation of the specified page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DAPageRotation(FileHandle, PageRef:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DAPageRotation(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDAPageRotation(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef) Parameters FileHandle PageRef A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions

Document manipulation, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Removes any usage rights from the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DARemoveUsageRights( FileHandle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDARemoveUsageRights(int InstanceID, int FileHandle) Parameters FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions

Return values 0 1 The document did not have any usage rights Success

Direct access functionality, Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Renders the specified page from the specified document directly onto a Windows Device Context (DC). For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For earlier operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. It is also possible to render using Cairo, use the SetCairoFileName and SelectRenderer functions. This feature is currently experimental. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DARenderPageToDC(FileHandle,PageRef,DPI:Integer; DC:HDC):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DARenderPageToDC(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, DPI As Long, DC As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDARenderPageToDC(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int DPI, HDC DC) Parameters FileHandle PageRef DPI DC Return values 0 1 The page could not be rendered The page was rendered successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions The DPI to use when rendering the page The device context handle

Direct access functionality, Rendering and printing Description Renders the specified page from the specified document to an image and saves the image data as a file on disk. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For earlier operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DARenderPageToFile(FileHandle,PageRef,Options, DPI:Integer;FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DARenderPageToFile(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, Options As Long, DPI As Long, FileName As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDARenderPageToFile(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int Options, int DPI, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output

DPI FileName

The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage. The path and file name of the file to create to store the rendered page image data in.

Return values 0 1 2 The page could not be rendered. Check the value of the FileHandle and PageRef parameters. The page was rendered correctly and the image file was saved to disk The file could not be written to disk

Direct access functionality, Rendering and printing Description This function is only available in the Delphi edition. It renders the specified page from the specified document to an image and returns the image data in the supplied TStream. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For earlier operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DARenderPageToStream(FileHandle,PageRef,Options, DPI:Integer;Target:TStream):Integer; Parameters FileHandle PageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output

DPI Target Return values 0 1

The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage. The stream to place the rendered page into

The page could not be rendered. Check that the FileHandle and PageRef parameters contain valid values. The page was rendered and the image data was put into the stream

Direct access functionality, Rendering and printing Description It renders the specified page from the specified document to an image and returns the image data as a string. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For earlier operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DARenderPageToString(FileHandle,PageRef,Options, DPI:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFDARenderPageToString(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int Options, int DPI) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output


The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage.

Direct access functionality, Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Renders the specified page from the specified document to an image and returns the image data as a byte array variant. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DARenderPageToVariant( FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, Options As Long, DPI As Long) As Variant Parameters FileHandle PageRef Options A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output


The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage.

Direct access functionality, Page properties Description Sets the rotation of the selected page. The rotation is only applicable to the viewed page, the co-ordinate system rotates with the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DARotatePage(FileHandle,PageRef,Angle, Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DARotatePage(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, Angle As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDARotatePage(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int Angle, int Options) Parameters FileHandle PageRef Angle Options Return values 0 1 The page rotation could not be set. Check that the FileHandle and PageRef parameters are correct, and ensure that the Angle parameter is a multiple of 90. The page rotation was set successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions The clockwise angle in degrees to rotate the page by, must be a multiple of 90 Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.

Document management, Direct access functionality Description Rewrites the entire file, including all changes, to a new file. This operation may take some time with large files or files with many objects. The original file is closed after this operation and the file handle will no longer be valid. The original file cannot be overwritten. Use DAAppendFile if you want to append changes to original file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASaveAsFile(FileHandle:Integer; OutputFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASaveAsFile(FileHandle As Long, OutputFileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDASaveAsFile(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, wchar_t * OutputFileName) Parameters FileHandle OutputFileName Return values 0 1 The new file could not be created The document was saved to the new file successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The path and name of the new document to create.

Image handling, Direct access functionality Description Saves an image in an image list to a file on disk. The type of image file depends on the type of the image. The DAGetImageIntProperty function can be used to determine the image type. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASaveImageDataToFile(FileHandle,ImageListID, ImageIndex:Integer;ImageFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASaveImageDataToFile( FileHandle As Long, ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, ImageFileName As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDASaveImageDataToFile(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, wchar_t * ImageFileName) Parameters FileHandle ImageListID ImageIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A value returned by the DAGetPageImageList function The index of the image. The first image in the list has an index of 1. Use the DAGetImageListCount function to determine the number of images in the list. The path and file name of the file to create to store the image data in.


Document management, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Saves the file to a TStream. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASaveToStream(FileHandle:Integer; OutStream:TStream):Integer; Parameters FileHandle OutStream Return values 0 1 The file could not be saved to the stream The file was successfully saved to the stream A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions The Delphi TStream object to save the file into

Document properties, Direct access functionality Description Sets values in the document information section. This could be standard information such as Author and Subject, or custom information. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASetInformation(FileHandle:Integer;Key, NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASetInformation(FileHandle As Long, Key As String, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDASetInformation(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, wchar_t * Key, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters FileHandle Key NewValue Return values 0 1 The specified FileHandle was not valid The information key was set or updated successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions For standard information use "Author", "Title", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator", or "Producer". For custom information any other string can be used. The new value for the specified key.

Direct access functionality, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the dimensions of the specified page's boundary rectangles. The MediaBox represents the physical medium of the page. The CropBox represents the visible region of the page, the contents will be clipped to this region. The BleedBox is similar to the CropBox, but is the rectangle used in a production environment. The TrimBox indicates the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming, and the ArtBox defines the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the page's creator. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASetPageBox(FileHandle,PageRef, BoxIndex:Integer;X1,Y1,X2,Y2:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASetPageBox(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, BoxIndex As Long, X1 As Double, Y1 As Double, X2 As Double, Y2 As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDASetPageBox(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, int BoxIndex, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) Parameters FileHandle PageRef BoxIndex A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox

X1 Y1 X2 Y2

The horizontal coordinate of the bottom left corner of the box measured in points from the left edge of the page The vertical coordinate of the bottom left corner of the box measured in points from the bottom of the page The horizontal coordinate of the top right corner of the box measured in points from the bottom of the page The vertical coordinate of the top right corner of the box measured in points from the bottom of the page

Return values 0 1 The FileHandle or PageRef parameters were invalid Success

Direct access functionality, Page properties Description Sets the specified page to have a certain width and height. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASetPageSize(FileHandle,PageRef:Integer; PntWidth,PntHeight:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASetPageSize(FileHandle As Long, PageRef As Long, PntWidth As Double, PntHeight As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDASetPageSize(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, int PageRef, double PntWidth, double PntHeight) Parameters FileHandle PageRef PntWidth PntHeight Return values 0 1 The specified FileHandle or PageRef were not valid The page size was set successfully A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or DAOpenFromStream functions A page reference returned by the DAFindPage or DANewPage functions The new width of the page, measured in points The new height of the page, measured in points

Text, Extraction, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Sets the area for text extraction. Any text that appears outside this area will be excluded from the results. This function affects the results of the ExtractFilePageText and DAExtractPageText functions only. The coordinate values passed into this function are specified in points with the bottom left corner of the page as the origin. The area limitation can be removed by calling this function with a value of zero for both the Width and Height parameters. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASetTextExtractionArea(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASetTextExtractionArea(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDASetTextExtractionArea(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters Left Top Width Height Return values 1 2 The text extraction area was set successfully The text extraction area was cleared The horizontal coordinate of the left edge of the area The vertical coordinate of the top edge of the area The width of the area The height of the area

Text, Extraction, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Sets various options that affect the text extraction functionality. This function affects the results of the ExtractFilePageText and DAExtractPageText functions only. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASetTextExtractionOptions(OptionID, NewValue:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASetTextExtractionOptions( OptionID As Long, NewValue As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDASetTextExtractionOptions(int InstanceID, int OptionID, int NewValue) Parameters OptionID 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Font information matching when grouping Color information matching when grouping Block information matching when grouping CMYK colors Sort blocks


For OptionID = 1 to 3: 0 = Use 1 = Ignore For OptionID = 4: 0 = Show as RGB 1 = Show as CMYK For OptionID = 5: 0 = Do not sort blocks 1 = Sort blocks

Return values 0 1 The OptionID or NewValue parameter was not valid The text extraction option was set successfully

Text, Extraction, Direct access functionality Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Sets the word gap ratio for the text extraction functionality. This function affects the results of the ExtractFilePageText and DAExtractPageText functions only. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DASetTextExtractionWordGap( NewWordGap:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DASetTextExtractionWordGap( NewWordGap As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFDASetTextExtractionWordGap(int InstanceID, double NewWordGap) Parameters NewWordGap Return values 1 The word gap ratio was set successfully. The new WordGap ratio

Document properties, Security and Signatures Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was Unencrypt. Description This function attempts to remove the encryption setting from the selected document using the password provided when originally opening the document. This function will succeed even if the user password was used (including an valid blank password) rather than the master password. Developers are advised that they should respect the security wishes of the document's author. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::Decrypt As Long


int QuickPDFDecrypt(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The document could not be decrypted The document was decrypted successfully

Document management, Security and Signatures Description This function attempts to remove the encryption from a file on disk, saving the decrypted document to a new file. This function will succeed even if the user password is supplied (including an valid blank password) rather than the master password. Developers are advised that they should respect the security wishes of the document's author. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DecryptFile(InputFileName,OutputFileName, Password:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DecryptFile(InputFileName As String, OutputFileName As String, Password As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDecryptFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * OutputFileName, wchar_t * Password) Parameters InputFileName OutputFileName Password Return values 0 1 The document could not be decrypted. Check the result of the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. The document was decrypted successfully The name of the file to decrypt. The name of the destination file to create. If this file already exists it will be overwritten. The password to use when decrypting the file.

Document properties Description Removes a set of analysis results from memory. Call this function after calling AnalyseFile and GetAnalysisInfo when you no longer need the information. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeleteAnalysis( AnalysisID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDeleteAnalysis(int InstanceID, int AnalysisID) Parameters AnalysisID The ID of the set of analysis results to delete, as returned by the AnalyseFile function

Return values 0 1 The specified analysis ID was not valid The set of analysis results with the specified ID was deleted successfully

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Removes an annotation from the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeleteAnnotation(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDeleteAnnotation(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the annotation to delete. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The AnnotationCount function returns the total number of annotations on the selected page.

Return values 0 1 The specified annotation could not be deleted. Check the value of the Index parameter is between 1 and the value returned by the AnnotationCount function. The specified annotation was deleted from the page successfully.

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was DeleteLayer. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function removes the specified content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeleteContentStream As Long


int QuickPDFDeleteContentStream(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The content stream part could not be deleted The content stream part was deleted successfully

Form fields Description Deletes the specified form field. If the field is deleted successfully the field index of subsequent form fields will be decreased by 1. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeleteFormField(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDeleteFormField(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The form field was not found The form field was deleted successfully The index of the form field to delete

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Deletes an optional content group. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DeleteOptionalContentGroup( OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeleteOptionalContentGroup( OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDeleteOptionalContentGroup(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Deletes the specified LGIDict dictionary from the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeletePageLGIDict( DictIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDeletePageLGIDict(int InstanceID, int DictIndex) Parameters DictIndex The index of the LGIDict dictionary to delete. The first dictionary has an index of 1. Use the GetPageLGIDictCount function to determine the number of LGIDict dictionaries attached to the selected page.

Return values 0 1 The dictionary could not be deleted. Check that the DictIndex parameter is in range. The specified dictionary was deleted successfully.

Page manipulation Description Removes one or more pages from the document. The document will always have at least one page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DeletePages(StartPage As Long, PageCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDeletePages(int InstanceID, int StartPage, int PageCount) Parameters StartPage PageCount The page number of the first page to delete The total number of pages to delete. The value will be automatically adjusted if necessary so that the document is left with at least one page.

Return values 0 Non-zero The PageCount parameter was 0 or there was only a single page in the document. The number of pages remaining in the original document.

Document properties, JavaScript Description This function is used to add JavaScript to document events. This JavaScript will be executed when, for example, the document is closed or printed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DocJavaScriptAction(ActionType, JavaScript:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DocJavaScriptAction( ActionType As String, JavaScript As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDocJavaScriptAction(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ActionType, wchar_t * JavaScript) Parameters ActionType The event to attach the JavaScript to: "WC" = Will close "WS" = Will save "DS" = Did save "WP" = Will print "DP" = Did print The JavaScript to attach to the event.

JavaScript Return values 0 1

The specified ActionType was not valid The JavaScript was added successfully

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns the total number of documents. When an instance of Quick PDF Library is first created a blank one page document is automatically created so the document count will be 1. Each time a new document is created or loaded the document count will be increased. The RemoveDocument function will only succeed if there are at least two documents loaded, so the document count will always be at least 1. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DocumentCount As Long


int QuickPDFDocumentCount(int InstanceID)

Vector graphics Description Draw a circular arc on the selected page. The arc is drawn in a clockwise direction from StartAngle to EndAngle. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawArc(XPos,YPos,Radius,StartAngle, EndAngle:Double;Pie,DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawArc(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Radius As Double, StartAngle As Double, EndAngle As Double, Pie As Long, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawArc(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Radius, double StartAngle, double EndAngle, int Pie, int DrawOptions) Parameters XPos YPos Radius StartAngle EndAngle Pie Horizontal co-ordinate of the center of the arc Vertical co-ordinate of center of the arc Radius of the arc Angle to start drawing from Angle to end drawing at Draw the arms of the arc: 0 = No 1 = Yes 0 1 2 3 = = = = Outline Fill Fill and Outline Close, Fill and Outline (if Pie = 1)


Vector graphics, Barcodes Description Draws a barcode on the selected page. For Code128, the barcode is a combination of the "B" and "C" character sets resulting in the most compact representation. GS1-128 barcodes (also known as EAN-128) can be drawn by setting the Barcode parameter to 3 (Code128) and using the string "[FNC1]" in the appropriate place. For example: "[FNC1]21ABC123[FNC1]2013" The previous example indicates a serial number (AI 21) of "ABC123" and a product variant (AI 20) of "13". Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawBarcode(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; Text:WideString;Barcode,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawBarcode(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Text As String, Barcode As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawBarcode(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * Text, int Barcode, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Text Horizontal co-ordinate of left edge of the barcode Vertical co-ordinate of top edge of the barcode Width of the barcode Height of the barcode The /RC /RA /RU 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = barcode data. The barcode can be rotated by appending the following to the barcode data string: = Rotate clockwise = Rotate anti-clockwise = Rotate 180 degrees Code39 (or Code 3 of 9) EAN-13 Code128 PostNet Interleaved 2 of 5



Code39: 0 = Default drawing EAN-13: 0 = Only draw the barcode 1 = Extend the guard bars 2 = Draw the human-readable numbers 3 = Draw the human-readable numbers, with right spacer Code128: 0 = Default drawing PostNet: 0 = Default drawing Interleaved 2 of 5: 0 = Do not add a checksum, no bearer bars 1 = Add a checksum character, no bearer bars 2 = Do not add a checksum, draw bearer bars 3 = Add a checksum character, draw bearer bars To apply 10% bar width reduction to the barcode, increase the value of the Options parameter by 10

Return values 0 1 The barcode could not be drawn. Invalid Barcode or Options parameters. The barcode was drawn successfully

Vector graphics, Page manipulation Description Draw a rectangle on the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawBox(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, int DrawOptions) Parameters Left Top Width Height DrawOptions Horizontal co-ordinate of left edge of rectangle Vertical co-ordinate of top edge of rectangle Rectangle width Rectangle height 0 = Outline 1 = Fill 2 = Fill and Outline

Page layout Description This function draws a page previously captured with the CapturePage function onto the current page. It can be drawn at any size and position, allowing for imposition of pages. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawCapturedPage(CaptureID:Integer;Left,Top, Width,Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawCapturedPage(CaptureID As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawCapturedPage(int InstanceID, int CaptureID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters CaptureID Left Top Width Height Return values 0 1 An invalid CaptureID was specified The captured page was drawn successfully The ID returned by the CapturePage function when a page was previously captured The co-ordinate of the left edge of the destination area The co-ordinate of the top edge of the destination area The width of the destination area The height of the destination area

Vector graphics Description Draw a circle on the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawCircle(XPos,YPos,Radius:Double; DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawCircle(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Radius As Double, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawCircle(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Radius, int DrawOptions) Parameters XPos YPos Radius DrawOptions Horizontal co-ordinate of the center of the circle Vertical co-ordinate of center of the circle Size of the circle 0 = Outline 1 = Fill 2 = Fill and Outline

Vector graphics, Barcodes Description This function draws a Data Matrix symbol onto the page. Data Matrix is a 2D barcode symbology allowing large amounts of data to be stored. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawDataMatrixSymbol(Left,Top,ModuleSize:Double; Text:WideString;Encoding,SymbolSize,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawDataMatrixSymbol(Left As Double, Top As Double, ModuleSize As Double, Text As String, Encoding As Long, SymbolSize As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawDataMatrixSymbol(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double ModuleSize, wchar_t * Text, int Encoding, int SymbolSize, int Options) Parameters Left Top ModuleSize Text Encoding SymbolSize The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the symbol The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the symbol This value is used for the width and height of the dots which make up the symbol The text/data to store in the symbol 1 = ASCII encoding. See the Data Matrix specification for details. 0 = Auto size 1 = 10x10 2 = 12x12 3 = 8x18 4 = 14x14 5 = 8x32 6 = 16x16 7 = 12x26 8 = 18x18 9 = 20x20 10 = 12x36 11 = 22x22 12 = 16x36 13 = 24x24 14 = 26x26 15 = 16x48 16 = 32x32 17 = 36x36 18 = 40x40 19 = 44x44 20 = 48x48 21 = 52x52 22 = 64x64 23 = 72x72 24 = 80x80 25 = 88x88 26 = 96x96 27 = 104x104 28 = 120x120 29 = 132x132 0 1 2 3 = = = = Normal Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise Rotate 180 degrees Rotate 90 degrees clockwise


Return values 0 1 The Encoding, SymbolSize or Options parameter was invalid The Data Matrix symbol was drawn successfully

Vector graphics Description Draws an ellipse centered at a certain point which fits into the specified size box. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawEllipse(XPos,YPos,Width,Height:Double; DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawEllipse(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawEllipse(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Width, double Height, int DrawOptions) Parameters XPos YPos Width Height DrawOptions The horizontal co-ordinate of the center of the ellipse The vertical co-ordinate of the center of the ellipse The width of the ellipse The height of the ellipse 0 = Outline 1 = Fill 2 = Fill and Outline

Vector graphics Description Draws an arc which is the result of cutting an ellipse between the start angle and the end angle. The angles are measured clockwise with 0 being at the top of the ellipse. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawEllipticArc(XPos,YPos,Width,Height, StartAngle,EndAngle:Double;Pie,DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawEllipticArc(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, StartAngle As Double, EndAngle As Double, Pie As Long, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawEllipticArc(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Width, double Height, double StartAngle, double EndAngle, int Pie, int DrawOptions) Parameters XPos YPos Width Height StartAngle EndAngle Pie The horizontal co-ordinate of the center of the ellipse The vertical co-ordinate of the center of the ellipse The width of the ellipse The height of the ellipse The angle to start the curve at The angle to end the curve at Draw the arms of the arc: 0 = No 1 = Yes 0 1 2 3 = = = = Outline Fill Fill and Outline Close, Fill and Outline (if Pie = 1)


Text, HTML text, Page layout Description Draws HTML text onto the page. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawHTMLText(Left,Top,Width:Double; HTMLText:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawHTMLText(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, HTMLText As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawHTMLText(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, wchar_t * HTMLText) Parameters Left Top Width HTMLText The left edge of the area to draw the text into The top edge of the area to draw the text into The width of the area to draw the text into The HTML text to draw

Text, HTML text, Page layout Description Similar to the DrawHTMLText function, but the text drawn is limited to a specific area. The remaining HTML text is returned, which can be passed to this function again (perhaps on a different page or location) until the function returns an empty string. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawHTMLTextBox(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; HTMLText:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawHTMLTextBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, HTMLText As String) As String

wchar_t * QuickPDFDrawHTMLTextBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * HTMLText) Parameters Left Top Width Height HTMLText Horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the drawing area Vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the drawing area The width of the drawing area The height of the drawing area The HTML text to draw

Image handling, Page layout This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Draw the selected image on the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawImage(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawImage(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawImage(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters Left Top Width Height Return values 0 1 An image has not been selected The image was drawn successfully Horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the image Vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the image Width of the image Height of the image

Image handling, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Draws the selected image on the page using a transformation matrix. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawImageMatrix(M11,M12,M21,M22,MDX, MDY:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawImageMatrix(M11 As Double, M12 As Double, M21 As Double, M22 As Double, MDX As Double, MDY As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawImageMatrix(int InstanceID, double M11, double M12, double M21, double M22, double MDX, double MDY) Parameters M11 M12 M21 M22 MDX MDY Return values 0 1 An image has not been selected The image was drawn successfully Matrix component Matrix component Matrix component Matrix component Matrix component Matrix component

Vector graphics Description Draws a line between two points. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawLine(StartX,StartY,EndX, EndY:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawLine(StartX As Double, StartY As Double, EndX As Double, EndY As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawLine(int InstanceID, double StartX, double StartY, double EndX, double EndY) Parameters StartX StartY EndX EndY Horizontal co-ordinate of start point Vertical co-ordinate of start point Horizontal co-ordinate of end point Vertical co-ordinate of end point

Text, Page layout Description Draw text which is wrapped at a specific delimiter. The SetTextAlign function can be used to change the alignment of the text. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawMultiLineText(XPos,YPos:Double;Delimiter, Text:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawMultiLineText(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Delimiter As String, Text As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawMultiLineText(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, wchar_t * Delimiter, wchar_t * Text) Parameters XPos YPos Delimiter The horizontal reference point of the text block The baseline of the first line of text The delimiter to use when splitting the text into lines. The only valid characters to use as the delimiter are characters which have a "width", as well as the CR and LF characters (ASCII values 13 and 10). The text to draw


Vector graphics, Barcodes Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Draws a PDF417 symbol onto the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawPDF417Symbol(Left,Top:Double; Text:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawPDF417Symbol(Left As Double, Top As Double, Text As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawPDF417Symbol(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, wchar_t * Text, int Options) Parameters Left Top Text Options The horizontal coordinate of the left edge of the PDF417 symbol The vertical coordinate of the top edge of the PDF417 symbol The text to store in the symbol 0 1 2 3 = = = = Normal Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise Rotate 180 degrees Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

Return values 0 1 The Options parameter was invalid The PDF417 symbol was drawn successfully

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Draws the path defined by calls to StartPath, AddLineToPath, AddCurveToPath and/or ClosePath. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawPath(PathOptions As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDrawPath(int InstanceID, int PathOptions) Parameters PathOptions 0 = Outline 1 = Fill 2 = Fill and Outline

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Similar to the DrawPath function, but draws the path using the "even odd" method. This is important when different parts of the path overlap. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawPathEvenOdd( PathOptions As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDrawPathEvenOdd(int InstanceID, int PathOptions) Parameters PathOptions 0 = Outline 1 = Fill 2 = Fill and outline

Annotations and hotspot links, Page layout Description Adds a reference to a PostScript XObject at the current position in the page contents. This function is for specific advanced use and will not be useful to the majority of users. For historical reasons, the PDF specification allows raw PostScript language commands to be embedded inside a document. When the document is printed (using certain PDF software tools) on a PostScript printer, these raw PostScript commands will be sent directly to the printer. Most PDF viewers are not able to display this embedded PostScript because this would require a full PostScript language interpreter. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawPostScriptXObject( PSRef As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFDrawPostScriptXObject(int InstanceID, int PSRef) Parameters PSRef Return values 0 1 The PostScript XObject could not be drawn The PostScript XObject was drawn successfully A value that was returned by the NewPostScriptXObject function

Page layout, Page manipulation Description Similar to the DrawCapturedPage function, but allows the captured page to be drawn at any angle. Note that the anchor point is the bottom-left corner, not the top-left corner as with the DrawCapturedPage function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawRotatedCapturedPage(CaptureID:Integer;Left, Bottom,Width,Height,Angle:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawRotatedCapturedPage( CaptureID As Long, Left As Double, Bottom As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Angle As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawRotatedCapturedPage(int InstanceID, int CaptureID, double Left, double Bottom, double Width, double Height, double Angle) Parameters CaptureID Left Bottom Width Height Angle The ID returned by the CapturePage function The horizontal co-ordinate of the anchor point The vertical co-ordinate of the anchor point The width of the rectangle to place the captured page in The height of the rectangle to place the captured page in The angle to rotate the captured page by, measured anti-clockwise in degrees from the baseline

Return values 0 1 The CaptureID was not valid The captured page was drawn successfully

Image handling, Page layout Description Similar to the DrawImage function but the image can be rotated at any angle. Note that the anchor point is the bottom left corner of the image, not the top-left as in the DrawImage function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawRotatedImage(Left,Bottom,Width,Height, Angle:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawRotatedImage(Left As Double, Bottom As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Angle As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawRotatedImage(int InstanceID, double Left, double Bottom, double Width, double Height, double Angle) Parameters Left Bottom Width Height Angle The horizontal co-ordinate of the anchor point The vertical co-ordinate of the anchor point The width of the image The height of the image The angle to rotate the image, measured anti-clockwise in degrees from the baseline, around the anchor point (bottom-left of the image)

Return values 0 1 No image has been selected The image was drawn successfully

Text, Page layout Description Draws text on the selected page, using the selected font at the predetermined font size. If no fonts have been added, then the standard font Helvetica will automatically be added, selected and set to 12pt. The alignment of the text is determined by the previous call to the SetTextAlign function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawRotatedText(XPos,YPos,Angle:Double; Text:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawRotatedText(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Angle As Double, Text As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawRotatedText(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Angle, wchar_t * Text) Parameters XPos YPos Angle Text Return values 0 1 The Angle parameter was less than 0 or greater than 360, or the Text parameter was blank The text was drawn successfully The horizontal position of where to draw the text The vertical position of where to draw the text. The reference point is the text baseline. The angle to draw the text, measured clockwise from the horizontal. Must be between 0 and 360, inclusive. The text to draw on the page

Text, Page layout Description Similar to the DrawTextBox function, but allows the text box to be rotated at any angle. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawRotatedTextBox(Left,Top,Width,Height, Angle:Double;Text:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawRotatedTextBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Angle As Double, Text As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawRotatedTextBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, double Angle, wchar_t * Text, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Angle Text Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the text box The vertical co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the text box The width of the box The height of the box The angle the box should be rotated around the top-left corner, measured anti-clockwise in degrees The text to place in the box 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = Center vertical alignment Top vertical alignment Bottom vertical alignment Center vertical alignment, no wrapping Top vertical alignment, no wrapping Bottom vertical alignment, no wrapping

Return values 0 Non-zero The Options parameter was out of range, or the Width parameter was too small to contain any text The number of lines of text actually drawn

Vector graphics, Page layout Description Draw a rectangle with rounded corners on the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawRoundedBox(Left,Top,Width,Height, Radius:Double;DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawRoundedBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Radius As Double, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawRoundedBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, double Radius, int DrawOptions) Parameters Left Top Width Height Radius DrawOptions Horizontal co-ordinate of left edge of rectangle Vertical co-ordinate of top edge of rectangle Rectangle width Rectangle height Radius of the corner arcs 0 = Outline 1 = Fill 2 = Fill and outline

Image handling, Page layout Description Draw the selected image on the page. The image is drawn at the scale specified, assuming 72 DPI for both the horizontal and vertical resolution. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawScaledImage(Left As Double, Top As Double, Scale As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFDrawScaledImage(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Scale) Parameters Left Top Scale Horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the image Vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the image The scale to use, for example: 0.5 = 50% 1 = 100%

Return values 0 1 An image was not selected The image was drawn successfully

Text, Page layout Description Draws text on the selected page, using the selected font at the predetermined font size. If no fonts have been added, then the 12 pt Helvetica will automatically be added and selected. Each character will be spaced at regular intervals. The individual characters will be aligned relative to the XPos variable depending on how the SetTextAlign function has been used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawSpacedText(XPos,YPos,Spacing:Double; Text:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawSpacedText(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Spacing As Double, Text As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawSpacedText(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Spacing, wchar_t * Text) Parameters XPos YPos Spacing Text The horizontal position of where to draw the text The vertical position of where to draw the text. The reference point is the text baseline. The spacing between the same point on each character The text to draw on the page

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Draws multiple rows from the specified table onto the selected page and returns the total height of the drawn rows. Only the number of rows that fit into the specified height will be drawn. Use the GetTableLastDrawnRow function to determine the row number of the last row. In Quick PDF Library version 7.18 and earlier the result of this function was always reported in points. From version 7.19 and later the value returned by this function is correctly scaled according to the current co-ordinate system settings as set by the SetMeasurementUnits function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawTableRows(TableID:Integer;Left,Top, Height:Double;FirstRow,LastRow:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawTableRows(TableID As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Height As Double, FirstRow As Long, LastRow As Long) As Double

double QuickPDFDrawTableRows(int InstanceID, int TableID, double Left, double Top, double Height, int FirstRow, int LastRow) Parameters TableID Left Top Height FirstRow LastRow A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The horizontal distance from the origin to the left edge of the table The vertical distance from the origin to the top of the table The maximum height available to draw the table in The the number of the first row to draw. Top row is row number 1. 0 = All remaining rows Non-zero = The number of the final row to set

Return values 0 Non-zero No rows were drawn The total height of all the rows that were drawn onto the page.

Text, Page layout This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Draws text on the selected page, using the selected font at the predetermined font size. If no fonts have been added, then 12 pt Helvetica will automatically be added and selected. The alignment of the text can be changed with the SetTextAlign function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawText(XPos,YPos:Double; Text:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawText(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Text As String) As Long


int QuickPDFDrawText(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, wchar_t * Text) Parameters XPos The horizontal position of where to draw the text. The reference point is usually to the left of the first character, unless the SetTextAlign function has been used to change the alignment. The vertical position of where to draw the text. The reference point is the text baseline. The text to draw on the page

YPos Text

Text, Page layout Description Draws text fitted to an imaginary arc with the specified center point and radius. The text will be drawn with it's left edge at the requested angle, where 0 degrees is the "12 o'clock" position, and positive angles are clockwise. The SetTextAlign function can be used to change the alignment of the text relative to the specified angle. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawTextArc(XPos,YPos,Radius,Angle:Double; Text:WideString;DrawOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawTextArc(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Radius As Double, Angle As Double, Text As String, DrawOptions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawTextArc(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Radius, double Angle, wchar_t * Text, int DrawOptions) Parameters XPos YPos Radius Angle Text DrawOptions The horizontal co-ordinate of the center of the arc The vertical co-ordinate of the center of the arc The radius of the arc The angle at which the text should be placed The actual text to draw 0 = Draw the text outside the arc in a clockwise direction 1 = Draw the text inside the arc in an anti-clockwise direction

Return values 0 1 The text was blank or the DrawOptions parameter was out of range The text was drawn successfully

Text, Page layout This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description This function is similar to the DrawText function, but the text is placed within the bounding box specified. The vertical alignment can be set using the Options parameter, and the horizontal alignment can be set with the SetTextAlign function. The text will be word-wrapped to fit inside the bounding box. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawTextBox(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; Text:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawTextBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Text As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawTextBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * Text, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Text Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the bounding box The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the bounding box The width of the bounding box The height of the bounding box The text to draw on the page 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = Center vertical alignment Top vertical alignment Bottom vertical alignment Center vertical alignment, no wrapping Top vertical alignment, no wrapping Bottom vertical alignment, no wrapping

Return values 0 Non-zero The Options parameter was out of range, or the Width parameter was too small to contain any text The number of lines of text actually drawn

Text, Page layout Description Draw text which is wrapped to a certain width. The SetTextAlign function can be used to change the alignment of the text. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.DrawWrappedText(XPos,YPos,Width:Double; Text:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::DrawWrappedText(XPos As Double, YPos As Double, Width As Double, Text As String) As Long

int QuickPDFDrawWrappedText(int InstanceID, double XPos, double YPos, double Width, wchar_t * Text) Parameters XPos YPos Width Text The left edge of the text block The baseline of the first line of text The width of the text block The text to draw

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was EditableLayer. Description Use this function to determine if the content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function can be drawn on. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EditableContentStream As Long


int QuickPDFEditableContentStream(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The selected content stream part cannot be drawn on The selected content stream part is editable

Document properties Description Embeds a file into the PDF document and creates a file attachment link to the embedded file. The file can then be accessed in Acrobat under the File Attachments function. This is equivalent to calling AddEmbeddedFile followed by AddFileAttachment. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.EmbedFile(Title,FileName, MIMEType:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EmbedFile(Title As String, FileName As String, MIMEType As String) As Long


int QuickPDFEmbedFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Title, wchar_t * FileName, wchar_t * MIMEType) Parameters Title FileName MIMEType A unique title for this file. No two files can have the same title. If a file with this title already exists in the document the new file will not be embedded. The full path and name of the file to embed. The optional MIME type of the file, for example "image/jpg" for a JPEG image. See http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ for a full list of MIME types. If the MIME type is not known it can be set to an empty string.

Return values 0 1 The file could not be embedded The file was embedded successfully

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Returns the number of embedded files in the document. This total only includes embedded files that are listed as file attachments and does not include embedded files that are only referenced by a link annotation. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EmbeddedFileCount As Long


int QuickPDFEmbeddedFileCount(int InstanceID)

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was EncapsulateLayer. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function surrounds the content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function with "save graphics state" and "restore graphics state" operators. This has the effect of clearing the current clipping path. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncapsulateContentStream As Long


int QuickPDFEncapsulateContentStream(int InstanceID)

Security and Signatures Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was Permissions. Description Create a value for the Permissions parameter of the Encrypt function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.EncodePermissions(CanPrint,CanCopy,CanChange, CanAddNotes,CanFillFields,CanCopyAccess,CanAssemble, CanPrintFull:Integer):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncodePermissions(CanPrint As Long, CanCopy As Long, CanChange As Long, CanAddNotes As Long, CanFillFields As Long, CanCopyAccess As Long, CanAssemble As Long, CanPrintFull As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFEncodePermissions(int InstanceID, int CanPrint, int CanCopy, int CanChange, int CanAddNotes, int CanFillFields, int CanCopyAccess, int CanAssemble, int CanPrintFull) Parameters CanPrint CanCopy CanChange CanAddNotes CanFillFields CanCopyAccess CanAssemble CanPrintFull Set this to 1 to allow the user to print the document Set this to 1 to allow the user to copy text and graphics from the document Set this to 1 to allow the user to edit the document Set this to 1 to allow the user to add annotations Set this to 1 to allow the user to fill in form fields. Only works with 128-bit encryption. Set this to 1 to enable copying for use with accessibility features. Only works with 128-bit encryption. Set this to 1 to allow the user to assemble the document. Only works with 128-bit encryption. Set this to 0 to force low-resolution printing of the document only. This prevents the document from being distilled into a new PDF document. Only works with 128-bit encryption.

Return values Result is a 32-bit encoded number which should be passed to the Encrypt function

Text, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.18. Description This function is used to encode a string in UTF-16LE format from an array of numbers stored as a Variant type. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncodeStringFromVariant( NumberList As Variant, Encoding As String, UnmatchedAction As Long) As String Parameters NumberList Encoding A variant array of numbers. The numbers in the array can be stored in any ordinal variant type (signed or unsigned integers from 8 to 32 bits). A string that defines how numbers in the array should be mapped to character codes: "Unicode" = The numbers represent Unicode code points with values ranging from 0x0000 to 0x10FFFD. "UTF-8" = The numbers represent the bytes of Unicode code points encoded using the variable-length UTF-8 encoding scheme with values ranging from 0 to 244. "UTF-16" = The numbers represent the 16-bit values of Unicode code points encoded using the variable-length UTF-16 encoding scheme with values ranging from 0 to 65533. Unicode values from U+010000 to U+10FFFD are represented by a surrogate pair consisting of a sequence of two numbers. "UTF-16LE" = The numbers represent the bytes of the UTF-16 encoding scheme stored in little-endian format with values ranging from 0 to 255. "UTF-16BE" = The numbers represent the bytes of the UTF-16 encoding scheme stored in big-endian format with values ranging from 0 to 255. "CP932" = The numbers represent either individual bytes or a combination of 8-bit and 16-bit values from Microsoft code page 932 (an extension of Shift JIS encoding). Double-byte values can be presented as a 16-bit number or as two 8-bit numbers. For encodings where numbers represent bytes this function will cast signed 8-bit values to unsigned 8-bit values. UnmatchedAction Specifies how to handle numbers that are out of range or that map to invalid character codes: 0 = Unmatched characters are ignored 1 = Unmatched characters are replaced with the Unicode U+FFFD replacement character

Security and Signatures Description This function adds the specified security settings to the selected document. From Quick PDF Library 8.11, the actual encryption of the document is delayed until the document is saved so this function can be called at any time, even before further content is added to the document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.Encrypt(Owner,User:WideString;Strength, Permissions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::Encrypt(Owner As String, User As String, Strength As Long, Permissions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFEncrypt(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Owner, wchar_t * User, int Strength, int Permissions) Parameters Owner User Strength The owner or master password for the document The user password for the document The 0= 1= 2= 3= strength of encryption to use: 40-bit encryption 128-bit RC4 encryption 128-bit AES encryption (requires Acrobat 7 or later) 256-bit AES encryption (requires Acrobat 9 or later)

Permissions Return values 0 1

A value created with the EncodePermissions function

The document could not be encrypted. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the reason for failure. The document was encrypted successfully

Security and Signatures Description Encrypts a file on disk and saves the results to a new file. The entire document does not have to be loaded into memory so this function can be used to encrypt huge documents. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.EncryptFile(InputFileName,OutputFileName,Owner, User:WideString;Strength,Permissions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncryptFile(InputFileName As String, OutputFileName As String, Owner As String, User As String, Strength As Long, Permissions As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFEncryptFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * OutputFileName, wchar_t * Owner, wchar_t * User, int Strength, int Permissions) Parameters InputFileName OutputFileName Owner The name of the file to encrypt. The name of the destination file to create. The owner password to use for the encrypted file. This is sometimes called the "master" password or the "permissions" password. This password will be needed to change the document. The user password to use for the encrypted file. This is sometimes called the "open" password, it will allow the user to open the document but not to use the document in ways not permitted. The 0= 1= 2= 3= strength of encryption to use: 40-bit RC4 encryption 128-bit RC4 encryption 128-bit AES encryption (requires Acrobat 7 or later) 256-bit AES encryption (requires Acrobat 9 or later)



Permissions Return values 0 1

A value created with the EncodePermissions function

The file could not be encrypted. Check the result of the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. The document was encrypted successfully

Security and Signatures Description Encrypts the selected document using the encryption "fingerprint" obtained from another document using the GetEncryptionFingerprint function. The selected document will be encrypted with the same owner and user passwords as the document the fingerprint was taken from. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.EncryptWithFingerprint( Fingerprint:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncryptWithFingerprint( Fingerprint As String) As Long


int QuickPDFEncryptWithFingerprint(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Fingerprint) Parameters Fingerprint Return values 0 1 The fingerprint was invalid or the document was already encrypted The document was successfully encrypted using the supplied fingerprint A fingerprint returned by the GetEncryptionFingerprint function

Document properties, Security and Signatures Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Returns the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the selected document. The EncryptionStrength function can be used to determine the encryption key length. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncryptionAlgorithm As Long


int QuickPDFEncryptionAlgorithm(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 The document is not encrypted The document is encrypted using RC4 encryption The document is encrypted using AES encryption

Document properties, Security and Signatures Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was Encrypted. Description Determines the encryption status of the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncryptionStatus As Long


int QuickPDFEncryptionStatus(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 The selected document is not encrypted The document is encrypted with Adobe "Standard" encryption The document is encrypted with an unknown encryption

Document properties, Security and Signatures Description If the selected document has been encrypted this function returns the encryption strength. This is the length of the key used to encrypt the contents of the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EncryptionStrength As Long


int QuickPDFEncryptionStrength(int InstanceID) Return values 0 40 128 256 The selected document is not encrypted The document has been encrypted with 40-bit encryption (Adobe Acrobat 3.x and 4.x) The document has been encrypted with 128-bit encryption (Adobe Acrobat 5.x) The document has been encrypted with 256-bit encryption (Adobe Acrobat 9.x)

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description For detailed page layouts the BeginPageUpdate function can be called before a group of drawing commands. The page layout commands will then be buffered until a matching call to this function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::EndPageUpdate As Long


int QuickPDFEndPageUpdate(int InstanceID)

Extraction, Page manipulation Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was ExtractFilePageContent. Description Retrieves the page description operators that define the layout of any page in a PDF document. This function does not load the entire file into memory so it can be used with arbitrarily large documents. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ExtractFilePageContentToString(InputFileName, Password:WideString;Page:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFExtractFilePageContentToString(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password, int Page) Parameters InputFileName Password Page The path and file name of the file to extract page content from. The password to use when opening the file The number of the page to extract. The first page in the document is page 1.

Extraction, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Retrieves the page description operators that define the layout of any page in a PDF document as a variant byte array. This function does not load the entire file into memory so it can be used with arbitrarily large documents. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ExtractFilePageContentToVariant( InputFileName As String, Password As String, Page As Long) As Variant Parameters InputFileName Password Page The path and file name of the file to extract page content from. The password to use when opening the file The number of the page to extract. The first page in the document is page 1.

Extraction, Page manipulation Description Extracts the text of any page in a PDF file. This function internally uses the direct access functionality. The entire file is not loaded into memory, so this function can be used on arbitrarily large documents. Two different methods are provided for extracting text from the selected page in a variety of output formats. The DASetTextExtractionWordGap, DASetTextExtractionOptions and DASetTextExtractionArea functions can be used to adjust the text extraction process. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ExtractFilePageText(InputFileName, Password:WideString;Page,Options:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ExtractFilePageText( InputFileName As String, Password As String, Page As Long, Options As Long) As String

wchar_t * QuickPDFExtractFilePageText(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password, int Page, int Options) Parameters InputFileName Password Page Options The path and file name of the file to extract text from. The password to use, if any, when opening the file The number of the page that must be extracts. The first page in the document is page 1. Using the standard text extraction algorithm: 0 = Extract text in human readable format 1 = Deprecated 2 = Return a CSV string including font, color, size and position of each piece of text on the page Using the more accurate text extraction algorithm: 3 = Return a CSV string for each piece of text on the page with the following format: Font Name, Text Color, Text Size, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, Text The co-ordinates are the four points bounding the text, measured in points (1/72 inch) with the bottom-left corner of the page as the origin. Co-ordinate order is anti-clockwise with the bottom left corner first. 4 = Similar to option 3, but individual words are returned, making searching for words easier 5 = Similar to option 3 but character widths are output after each line 6 = Similar to option 4 but character widths are output after each line 7 = Extract text in human readable format with improved accuracy compared to option 0 8 = Similar to option 7 but without layout formatting

Document manipulation, Extraction, Page manipulation Description Extracts ranges of pages from a PDF document on disk and places the extracted pages into a new PDF document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ExtractFilePages(InputFileName,Password, OutputFileName,RangeList:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ExtractFilePages( InputFileName As String, Password As String, OutputFileName As String, RangeList As String) As Long

int QuickPDFExtractFilePages(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password, wchar_t * OutputFileName, wchar_t * RangeList) Parameters InputFileName Password OutputFileName RangeList The path and name of the document that contains the pages to extract. The password to use when opening the document The path and name of the document to create containing the extracted pages. The pages to extract, for example "10,15,18-20,25-35". Invalid characters will be ignored. Reversed page ranges such as "5-1" will be accepted. Duplicate page numbers will be accepted but if a change is made to such a page the same changes will appear on the duplicate pages. The list of pages will not be sorted so the resulting document will have the pages in the specified order.

Return values 0 1 The pages could not be extracted. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. The pages were extracted successfully

Document manipulation, Extraction, Page manipulation Description Use this function to extract one or more non-consecutive pages from a document to a new document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ExtractPageRanges( RangeList As String) As Long


int QuickPDFExtractPageRanges(int InstanceID, wchar_t * RangeList) Parameters RangeList The pages to extract, for example "10,15,18-20,25-35". Invalid characters and duplicate page numbers in the string will be ignored. Reversed page ranges such as "5-1" will be accepted. The list of pages will be sorted resulting in the pages being extracted in numerical order.

Return values 0 1 The page extraction did not succeed. The original document remains as the selected document. The page extraction was successful. The new document containing the selected pages is now the selected document.

Extraction, Page manipulation Description Copies the selected document to a new document, but retains only the specified pages. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ExtractPages(StartPage, PageCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ExtractPages(StartPage As Long, PageCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFExtractPages(int InstanceID, int StartPage, int PageCount) Parameters StartPage PageCount Return values 0 Non-zero Failed The ID of the new document The page number of the first page to extract The total number of pages to extract

Miscellaneous functions Description Returns the number of items in the specified file list. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FileListCount(ListName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFFileListCount(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ListName) Parameters ListName The name of the file list

Miscellaneous functions Description Returns the file name stored at the specified index in the named list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.FileListItem(ListName:WideString; Index:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FileListItem(ListName As String, Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFFileListItem(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ListName, int Index) Parameters ListName Index The name of the list to work with The index of the file name to retrieve. The first item has an index of 1.

Fonts, Document properties Description Analyses the selected document and finds all available fonts. The number of found fonts is returned. Calling this function a second time will return zero as all relevant fonts were found the first time the function was called. These fonts are then available in conjunction to the fonts added with the Add*Font functions and will also be counted in subsequent calls to the FontCount function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FindFonts As Long


int QuickPDFFindFonts(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero No fonts were found in the document The number of fonts that were found

Form fields Description Finds the index of the form field with the specified title. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FindFormFieldByTitle( Title As String) As Long


int QuickPDFFindFormFieldByTitle(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Title) Parameters Title Return values 0 Non-zero The form field could not be found The Index of the form field with the specified title The title of the form field to find.

Image handling, Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Searches the selected document for embedded images. Returns the number of images found. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FindImages As Long


int QuickPDFFindImages(int InstanceID)

Image handling, Page layout Description This function allows an image to be placed into an area on the page. The aspect ratio of the image is preserved, and the alignment and rotation of the image can be specified. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.FitImage(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double;HAlign, VAlign,Rotate:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FitImage(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, HAlign As Long, VAlign As Long, Rotate As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFFitImage(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, int HAlign, int VAlign, int Rotate) Parameters Left Top Width Height HAlign The horizontal co-ordinate of the left-edge of the bounding box The vertical co-ordinate of the top-edge of the bounding box The width of the bounding box The height of the bounding box Horizontal alignment of the image within the bounding box: 0 = Left 1 = Center 2 = Right Vertical alignment of the image within the bounding box: 0 = Top 1 = Center 2 = Bottom The 0= 1= 2= 3= rotation of the image: Normal 90 degrees anti-clockwise 90 degrees clockwise 180 degrees



Return values 0 1 The image could not be drawn. Either a valid image has not been selected or the HAlign, VAlign or Rotate parameters are out of range. The image was drawn successfully

Text, Page layout Description Similar to the FitTextBox function, but the angle of the box can be rotated by any angle. The text size is adjusted to ensure that all the text fits into the available space. The top-left corner of the box before it is rotated is used as the rotation point. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.FitRotatedTextBox(Left,Top,Width,Height, Angle:Double;Text:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FitRotatedTextBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Angle As Double, Text As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFFitRotatedTextBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, double Angle, wchar_t * Text, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Angle The horizontal co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the box before it is rotated The vertical co-ordinate of the top-left corner of the box before it is rotated The width of the box before it is rotated The height of the box before it is rotated The angle in degrees that the box should be rotated by. A positive angle rotates the box in an anti-clockwise direction, a negative angle rotated the box in a clockwise direction. The text that will be fitted into the box Vertical alignment: 0 = Centered 1 = Top 2 = Bottom If 100 is added to these values long words will not be split up, the font size will be reduced until the longest word fits into the available width Return values 0 1 The Options parameter was out of range The rotated text box was drawn successfully

Text Options

Text, Page layout Description Similar to the DrawText function, but the text size is adjusted to ensure that all the text fits into the available space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.FitTextBox(Left,Top,Width,Height:Double; Text:WideString;Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FitTextBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Text As String, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFFitTextBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height, wchar_t * Text, int Options) Parameters Left Top Width Height Text Options The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the bounding box The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the bounding box The width of the bounding box The height of the bounding box The text to display in the box Vertical alignment: 0 = Centered 1 = Top 2 = Bottom If 100 is added to these values long words will not be split up, the font size will be reduced until the longest word fits into the available width Return values 0 1 The Options specified were out of range The text was drawn successfully

Form fields, Page layout Description Use this function to draw the visual appearance onto the page it is associated with. The form field will then be removed from the document and only it's appearance will remain - it will no longer be an interactive field. If the field is flattened successfully the field index of subsequent form fields will be decreased by 1. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FlattenFormField(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFFlattenFormField(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or it was not possible to flatten the form field The form field was flattened successfully The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Fonts Description Returns the total number of fonts added to the PDF file. This function does not take into account the fonts that may have already been in an existing PDF document which was loaded with the LoadFromFile function unless the FindFonts function has been called. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontCount As Long


int QuickPDFFontCount(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero No fonts have been added to the document or FindFonts has not found any fonts in an existing document. The number of fonts added to the PDF plus the number of fonts found with FindFonts.

Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the font family of the selected font, if available. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontFamily As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFFontFamily(int InstanceID)

Text, Fonts Description Indicated whether the selected font has kerning information. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontHasKerning As Long


int QuickPDFFontHasKerning(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The selected font does not have any kerning information The selected font has at least one kerning pair

Fonts Description Returns the name of the selected font. A font is automatically selected when it is added to the document. The GetFontID and SelectFont functions can be used to select a different font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontName As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFFontName(int InstanceID)

Fonts Description Returns the internal reference of the selected font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontReference As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFFontReference(int InstanceID)

Text, Fonts Description Returns the size in bytes of the selected font. A value will only be returned for embedded TrueType or Type1 fonts. A value will not be returned for subsetted fonts or standard fonts. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontSize As Long


int QuickPDFFontSize(int InstanceID)

Fonts Description Used to determine the type of the selected font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FontType As Long


int QuickPDFFontType(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No font has been selected Unknown Standard TrueType Embedded TrueType Packaged Type1 Subsetted Type3

Form fields Description Returns the total number of form fields in the selected document. The Index parameter of the various form field functions must be a number from 1 to the value returned by this function. If a form field is deleted or flattened successfully it will be removed from the document, the total field count will be reduced and the field Index of the subsequent fields will be reduced by 1. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FormFieldCount As Long


int QuickPDFFormFieldCount(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero There are no form fields The number of form fields in the document

Form fields Description This function returns 1 if the specified form field is the child of another field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FormFieldHasParent(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFFormFieldHasParent(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field. The first field has an index of 1.

Form fields, JavaScript Description Adds JavaScript to a form field for any of the possible action types. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.FormFieldJavaScriptAction(Index:Integer; ActionType,JavaScript:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FormFieldJavaScriptAction(Index As Long, ActionType As String, JavaScript As String) As Long


int QuickPDFFormFieldJavaScriptAction(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ActionType, wchar_t * JavaScript) Parameters Index ActionType Index of the form field The action type: E = An action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area X = An action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area D = An action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area U = An action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area Fo = An action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus Bl = An action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus (blurred) K = An action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. This allows the keystroke to be checked for validity and rejected or modified. F = An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. This allows the field's value to be modified before formatting. V = An action to be performed when the field's value is changed. This allows the new value to be checked for validity. C = An action to be performed in order to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes The JavaScript to execute.

JavaScript Return values 0 1

Cannot find the form field The JavaScript action was added to the form field successfully

Form fields Description Adds an action to the specified form field that links to an internet address. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.FormFieldWebLinkAction(Index:Integer;ActionType, Link:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::FormFieldWebLinkAction(Index As Long, ActionType As String, Link As String) As Long


int QuickPDFFormFieldWebLinkAction(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ActionType, wchar_t * Link) Parameters Index ActionType The index of the form field to set the action of The action type: E = An action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area X = An action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area D = An action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area U = An action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area Fo = An action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus Bl = An action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus (blurred) K = An action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. This allows the keystroke to be checked for validity and rejected or modified. F = An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. This allows the field's value to be modified before formatting. V = An action to be performed when the field's value is changed. This allows the new value to be checked for validity. C = An action to be performed in order to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes The URL to link to. Some examples: "http://www.example.com" "mailto:info@example.com"


Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found, or the ActionType was invalid The web link action was added to the form field successfully

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description This function will return a DestID if the specified action has a destination entry. The DestID can be used with the GetDestPage, GetDestType and GetDestValue functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetActionDest(ActionID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetActionDest(int InstanceID, int ActionID) Parameters ActionID An ActionID as returned by the GetAnnotActionID, GetOutlineActionID or GetFormFieldActionID functions

Return values 0 Non-zero The specified action does not have a destination entry A DestID that can be used with the destination functions.

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the action type of the specified action, for example "GoTo" or "GoToR". Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetActionType(ActionID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetActionType(int InstanceID, int ActionID) Parameters ActionID An ActionID as returned by the GetAnnotActionID, GetOutlineActionID or GetFormFieldActionID functions

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the target URL of the specified action. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetActionURL(ActionID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetActionURL(int InstanceID, int ActionID) Parameters ActionID An ActionID as returned by the GetAnnotActionID, GetOutlineActionID or GetFormFieldActionID functions

Document properties Description Returns individual items from the results of the analysis done by the AnalyseFile function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetAnalysisInfo(AnalysisID, AnalysisItem:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnalysisInfo(AnalysisID As Long, AnalysisItem As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetAnalysisInfo(int InstanceID, int AnalysisID, int AnalysisItem) Parameters AnalysisID AnalysisItem The ID of the set of analysis results to query, as returned by the AnalyseFile function The specific analysis result to retrieve: 0 = File name (eg. "c:\hello.pdf") 1 = File size (eg. "2048" for a file exactly 2K in size) 2 = Author 3 = Title 4 = Subject 5 = Keywords 6 = Creator 7 = Producer 8 = PDF version (eg. "1.4") 9 = Page count (eg. "120") 10 = Creation date 11 = Modification date 12 = Document ID 13 = The supplied password: "None" for no security "User" for the user password "Owner" for the owner password 14 = Document contains usage rights (eg. Reader Extensions) "No" if there is no usage rights dictionary "Yes" if there is a usage rights dictionary 15 = Name of signature in the usage rights dictionary 20..30 = Equivalent to SecurityInfo(0)..SecurityInfo(10) 31 = Number of form fields in the document

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description This function will return an ActionID if the specified annotation has an action dictionary. The ActionID can be used with the GetActionType and GetActionDest functions and can also be compared to the values returned by GetOutlineActionID to determine if an annotation action is shared with an outline action. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotActionID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetAnnotActionID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1.

Annotations and hotspot links Description Returns a property of the specified annotation. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotDblProperty(Index As Long, Tag As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetAnnotDblProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag) Parameters Index Tag The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. 105 106 107 108 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 132 = = = = = = = = = = = = = Left Top Width Height Gray color component Red color component Green color component Blue color component Cyan color component Magenta color component Yellow color component Black color component Border width

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description This function will return a DestID if the specified annotation has a destination entry. The DestID can be used with the GetDestPage, GetDestType and GetDestValue functions. If the annotation does not have a destination entry, this function will return zero. The GetAnnotActionID function might return a value that can be used with theGetActionDest function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotDest(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetAnnotDest(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The specified annotation does not have a destination entry. A DestID that can be used with the destination functions. The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1.

Annotations and hotspot links Description Returns a property of the specified annotation. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotIntProperty(Index As Long, Tag As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetAnnotIntProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag) Parameters Index Tag The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. 109 116 128 131 133 = = = = = Flags Page number of "GoToR" action (1 is first page) Index of the annotation that this annotation is in reply to Page number of "GoTo" action Returns 1 if a "Launch" or "GoToR" action's NewWindow property is set

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the number of quads (rectangular areas) within the specified annotation. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotQuadCount(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetAnnotQuadCount(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1.

Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns a component of the specified quad (rectangular area) contained within the specified annotation. From version 7.25 the order of the co-ordinates has changed for consistency between GetPageText and SetAnnotQuadPoints. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetAnnotQuadPoints(Index,QuadNumber, PointNumber:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotQuadPoints(Index As Long, QuadNumber As Long, PointNumber As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetAnnotQuadPoints(int InstanceID, int Index, int QuadNumber, int PointNumber) Parameters Index QuadNumber PointNumber The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The number of the quad to access. The first quad has a QuadNumber of 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = The The The The The The The The horizontal co-ordinate vertical co-ordinate of horizontal co-ordinate vertical co-ordinate of horizontal co-ordinate vertical co-ordinate of horizontal co-ordinate vertical co-ordinate of of the bottom-left corner the bottom-left corner of the bottom-right corner the bottom-right corner of the top-right corner the top-right corner of the top-left corner the top-left corner

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Returns a property of the specified annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetAnnotStrProperty(Index, Tag:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetAnnotStrProperty(Index As Long, Tag As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetAnnotStrProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag) Parameters Index Tag The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. 101 102 103 104 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 127 129 130 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Annotation type Contents Name Modified date URL of a link annotation Action type of link annotation, eg. "URI", "Launch", "GoToR" The "Win" file name of a "Launch" action The "F" file name of a "Launch" action The "F" file name of a "GoToR" action The name of the annotation icon Color space, eg. "Gray", "RGB", "CMYK" Subject of the annotation The "UF" file name of a "Launch" action The "UF" file name of a "GoToR" action

Vector graphics, Page layout Description Returns the total width of a barcode based on the width of the smallest bars in the barcode. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetBarcodeWidth(NominalWidth:Double; Text:WideString;Barcode:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetBarcodeWidth(NominalWidth As Double, Text As String, Barcode As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetBarcodeWidth(int InstanceID, double NominalWidth, wchar_t * Text, int Barcode) Parameters NominalWidth Text Barcode The desired width of the narrowest bars in the barcode The barcode data 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Code39 (or Code 3 of 9) EAN-13 Code128 PostNet Interleaved 2 of 5

Document properties, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.26. Description Returns the Base URL for all URL links in the document. For example, if the Base URL was set to "http://www.example.com/" and a URL link destination was set to "index.html" then the link will point to "http://www.example.com/index.html". Use the AddLinkToWeb function to add a URL link to the current page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetBaseURL As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetBaseURL(int InstanceID)

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the EPSG reference code for a coordinate system dictionary (see www.epsg.org). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCSDictEPSG(CSDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetCSDictEPSG(int InstanceID, int CSDictID) Parameters CSDictID A value returned from the GetMeasureDictGCSDict or GetMeasureDictDCSDict functions

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the coordinate system type for a coordinate system dictionary. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCSDictType(CSDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetCSDictType(int InstanceID, int CSDictID) Parameters CSDictID A value returned from the GetMeasureDictGCSDict or GetMeasureDictDCSDict functions

Return values 0 1 2 The CSDictID parameter was incorrect A geographic coordinate system (GEOGCS) A projected coordinate system (PROJCS)

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the Well Known Text (WKT) description of a coordinate system dictionary. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCSDictWKT(CSDictID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetCSDictWKT(int InstanceID, int CSDictID) Parameters CSDictID A value returned from the GetMeasureDictGCSDict or GetMeasureDictDCSDict functions

Vector graphics, Document management Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Creates a canvas of the specified size and returns a Windows device context DC that can be drawn on using Win32 drawing commands. When drawing operations are complete, call the LoadFromCanvasDC function to create a new document from the supplied drawing commands. The return value is defined as either an unsigned integer or a signed integer on different platforms and editions of the library. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetCanvasDC(CanvasWidth, CanvasHeight:Integer):HDC;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCanvasDC(CanvasWidth As Long, CanvasHeight As Long) As Long


HDC QuickPDFGetCanvasDC(int InstanceID, int CanvasWidth, int CanvasHeight) Parameters CanvasWidth CanvasHeight The width of the canvas The height of the canvas

Document properties Description This function allows you to retrieve custom information from the "Catalog" section of the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCatalogInformation( Key As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetCatalogInformation(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key) Parameters Key The name of the key to retrieve. This key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software.

Page properties, Content Streams and Optional Content Groups, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the PDF page description commands in the content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function. Syntax


char * QuickPDFGetContentStreamToString(int InstanceID)

Page properties, Content Streams and Optional Content Groups, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the PDF page description commands in the content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function. The data is returned as a variant byte array. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetContentStreamToVariant As Variant

Document properties Description Returns a custom value from the document. This function and the SetCustomInformation function can be used to store and retrieve custom document metadata. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCustomInformation( Key As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetCustomInformation(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key) Parameters Key Return values The value of the specified key, or an empty string if the key could not be found. An empty string will also be returned if the key is "Author", "Keywords", "Subject", "Title", "Creator" or "Producer". For these keys, use the GetInformation function. Specifies which key to retrieve the value of

Document properties Description Returns all the custom keys in either the Document Information Dictionary or Document Catalog as a CSV string. See the StoreCustomData and RetrieveCustomData functions for details of how to manipulate the data stored under these keys. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetCustomKeys(Location As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetCustomKeys(int InstanceID, int Location) Parameters Location The location to extract custom key names from: 1 = Document Information Dictionary 2 = Document Catalog

Rendering and printing Description Returns the name of the default printer. This name can be used with the PrintDocument or NewCustomPrinter functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDefaultPrinterName As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDefaultPrinterName(int InstanceID)

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Returns the name of the specified destination. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDestName(DestID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDestName(int InstanceID, int DestID) Parameters DestID The ID of the destination to analyse. A valid destination ID is returned by the GetOutlineDest function.

Annotations and hotspot links Description Returns the page number of the specified destination, or zero if the destination is invalid or does not contain a page number. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDestPage(DestID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetDestPage(int InstanceID, int DestID) Parameters DestID The ID of the destination to analyse. A valid destination ID is returned by the GetOutlineDest function.

Annotations and hotspot links Description Returns the type of the specified destination. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDestType(DestID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetDestType(int InstanceID, int DestID) Parameters DestID The ID of the destination to analyse. A valid destination ID is returned by the GetOutlineDest function.

Return values 1 2 3 "XYZ" - the target page is positioned at the Left and Top properties of the destination, and the Zoom property specifies the zoom percentage "Fit" - the entire page is zoomed to fit the window "FitH" - the page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page is visible. The height of the page may be greater or less than the height of the window. The page is positioned vertically at the Top property of the destination. "FitV" - the page is zoomed so that the entire height of the page can be seen. The width of the page may be greater or less than the width of the window. The page is positioned horizontally at the Left property of the destination. "FitR" - the page is zoomed so that a certain rectangle on the page is visible. The Left, Top, Right and Bottom properties of the destination define the rectangle on the page. "FitB" - the page is zoomed so that it's bounding box is visible "FitBH" - the page is positioned vertically at the value of the Top property of the destination, and the page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page's bounding box is visible "FitBV" - the page is positioned at the value of the Left property of the destination is visible, and the page is zoomed just enough to fit the entire height of the bounding box into the window

6 7

Annotations and hotspot links Description Returns the value of a property of the specified destination. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDestValue(DestID As Long, ValueKey As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetDestValue(int InstanceID, int DestID, int ValueKey) Parameters DestID ValueKey The ID of the destination to analyse. A valid destination ID is returned by the GetOutlineDest function. 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Left Top Right Bottom Zoom

Document properties, JavaScript Description Retrieves the JavaScript linked to a specified document action. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetDocJavaScript( ActionType:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocJavaScript( ActionType As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDocJavaScript(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ActionType) Parameters ActionType Retrieve the JavaScript linked to this action: "DC" = Document close "WS" = Will save "DS" = Did save "WP" = Will print "DP" = Did print

Document management Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.17. Description Returns the file name of the selected document if it was opened using LoadFromFile. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocumentFileName As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDocumentFileName(int InstanceID)

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the file size of the selected document. The size cannot be determined dynamically - it will only be set directly after a call to LoadFromFile, LoadFromStream, LoadFromString, LoadFromVariant, SaveToFile, SaveToStream, SaveToString or SaveToVariant. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocumentFileSize As Long


int QuickPDFGetDocumentFileSize(int InstanceID)

Document management Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was DocumentID. Description Returns the ID of the document with the specified index. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocumentID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetDocumentID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The specified index was out of range The ID of the specified document The index of the document to query. Must be 1 or greater.

Document properties Description Returns the document identifier. This identifier consists of two parts, each strings. The first string does not change when the document is resaved with an "incremental update" in Acrobat. This can be seen as the permanent identifier for the document. The second part will change each time the document is resaved, even if the resave is an incremental update. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetDocumentIdentifier(Part, Options:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocumentIdentifier(Part As Long, Options As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDocumentIdentifier(int InstanceID, int Part, int Options) Parameters Part Options 0 = Permanent identifier 1 = Changeable identifier 0 = Return the identifier as a string of characters 1 = Return the identifier as a hexadecimal string

Document properties Description Returns the document's metadata, if any. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocumentMetadata As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDocumentMetadata(int InstanceID)

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Returns a list of the PDF resource names used in the document. For advanced use only. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetDocumentResourceList As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetDocumentResourceList(int InstanceID)

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Extracts the specified embedded file and writes the content to the specified file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetEmbeddedFileContentToFile(Index:Integer; FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetEmbeddedFileContentToFile( Index As Long, FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetEmbeddedFileContentToFile(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters Index FileName Return values 0 1 Could not write to the specified file or Index parameter was invalid. Embedded file contents written to the specified file successfully. The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount. The path and file name of the file to write the contents to.

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Extracts the specified embedded file and writes the content to the specified stream. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetEmbeddedFileContentToStream(Index:Integer; OutStream:TStream):Integer; Parameters Index OutStream Return values 0 1 Could not write to the specified stream or Index parameter was invalid. Success The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount. The TStream object to write the contents to

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Extracts the specified embedded file and returns the content as a string. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetEmbeddedFileContentToString( Index:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFGetEmbeddedFileContentToString(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount.

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Extracts the specified embedded file and returns the content as a byte array variant. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetEmbeddedFileContentToVariant( Index As Long) As Variant Parameters Index The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount.

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Returns the ID of the specified embedded file. This ID can be used with the AddLinkToEmbeddedFile function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetEmbeddedFileID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetEmbeddedFileID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount.

Return values 0 Non-zero The specified index was invalid An EmbeddedFileID value

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Retrieves an integer property of the specified embedded file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetEmbeddedFileIntProperty(Index, Tag:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetEmbeddedFileIntProperty( Index As Long, Tag As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetEmbeddedFileIntProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag) Parameters Index Tag The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount. 5 = Deprecated (previously same as 6) 6 = File size in bytes

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Retrieves a string property of the specified embedded file. Use the SetEmbeddedFileStrProperty function to change the values. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetEmbeddedFileStrProperty(Index, Tag:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetEmbeddedFileStrProperty( Index As Long, Tag As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetEmbeddedFileStrProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag) Parameters Index Tag The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount. 1 2 3 4 5 7 = = = = = = File name MIME type Creation date Modification date Title Description

Document properties, Security and Signatures Description Returns all the encryption information for the selected document. This encryption "fingerprint" can be used to encrypt a different document using the EncryptWithFingerprint function. This allows a new document to be encrypted with the same passwords as an existing document without actually knowing these passwords. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetEncryptionFingerprint As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetEncryptionFingerprint(int InstanceID)

Document properties Description Returns the metadata in a file, if any. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFileMetadata(InputFileName, Password:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFileMetadata(InputFileName As String, Password As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFileMetadata(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * Password) Parameters InputFileName Password The path and name of the document to extract metadata from. The password to use when opening the document

Outlines Description Returns the ID of the outline that is the first child of the specified outline. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFirstChildOutline( OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFirstChildOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Outlines Description Returns the ID of the first outline in the hierarchy. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFirstOutline As Long


int QuickPDFGetFirstOutline(int InstanceID)

Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Returns the font encoding of the selected font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFontEncoding As Long


int QuickPDFGetFontEncoding(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 3 5 Unknown MacRomanEncoding WinAnsiEncoding MacExpertEncoding No encoding

Text, Fonts Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was FontID. Description Returns the ID of the specified font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFontID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFontID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The index is out of bounds The ID of the specified font The index of the font. The first font has an index of 1.

Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description This specialized function returns the internal object number of the selected font. This object number can sometimes be used by other systems. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFontObjectNumber As Long


int QuickPDFGetFontObjectNumber(int InstanceID)

Form fields, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns an ActionID for the specified form field which can be used with the various action manipulation functions such as GetActionType, GetActionDest, GetActionURL and SetActionURL. There are different trigger events and each one has it's own action. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldActionID(Index:Integer; TriggerEvent:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldActionID(Index As Long, TriggerEvent As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldActionID(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * TriggerEvent) Parameters Index TriggerEvent The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. Retrieve the action for the specified trigger event: Empty string = simple activation action E = annotation enter action X = annotation exit action D = annotation button down action U = annotation button up action Fo = annotation input focus action Bl = annotation input blur (opposite of focus) action PO = annotation page open action PC = annotation page close action PV = annotation page visible action PI = annotation page invisible action K = form field change action F = form field format action V = form field validate action C = form field calculate action

Return values 0 Non-zero The field index was invalid or the field does not have an action associated with the specified trigger event The form field's ActionID for the specified trigger event

Form fields Description Retrieves the text alignment of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldAlignment( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldAlignment(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 2 Left alignment (this value is also returned if the form field could not be found) Centered Right aligned The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Form fields Description Get the "annotation" flags for the specified form field. This is for advanced use. See the PDF specification for full details. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldAnnotFlags( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldAnnotFlags(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to check

Form fields, Color Description Returns the background color of the specified field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldBackgroundColor(Index, ColorComponent:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldBackgroundColor( Index As Long, ColorComponent As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetFormFieldBackgroundColor(int InstanceID, int Index, int ColorComponent) Parameters Index ColorComponent The index of the form field to examine 1 = Red 2 = Green 3 = Blue

Form fields, Color Description Returns the color of the specified field's border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldBorderColor(Index, ColorComponent:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldBorderColor(Index As Long, ColorComponent As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetFormFieldBorderColor(int InstanceID, int Index, int ColorComponent) Parameters Index ColorComponent The index of the form field to examine 1 = Red 2 = Green 3 = Blue

Form fields Description Returns various properties of the specified field's border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldBorderProperty(Index, PropKey:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldBorderProperty( Index As Long, PropKey As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetFormFieldBorderProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int PropKey) Parameters Index PropKey The index of the form field to examine 1 = Border width 2 = Dash on 3 = Dash off

Form fields Description Returns the border style of the specified field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldBorderStyle( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldBorderStyle(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 2 3 4 Solid Dashed Beveled Inset Underline The index of the form field to examine

Form fields Description Returns the bounding box of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldBound(Index As Long, Edge As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetFormFieldBound(int InstanceID, int Index, int Edge) Parameters Index Edge The index of the form field to measure. The first form field has an index of 1. The 0= 1= 2= 3= required edge: Left Top Width Height

Return values 0 Non-zero Could not find the specified form field The requested measurement

Form fields Description Returns the caption of a form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldCaption( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldCaption(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field

Form fields Description Form fields can be arranged in a hierarchical structure, and the title of the form field will be the full path to the field, for example "names.first" or "address.zipcode". This function will return only the last part of the title, "first" or "zipcode" in this example. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldChildTitle( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldChildTitle(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to retrieve the title of

Form fields Description Determines whether a choice form field is a combo box or list box field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldChoiceType( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldChoiceType(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 2 3 4 The form field is not a choice form field The form field is a scrollable list box The form field is a drop-down combo box The form field is a multiselect scrollable list box The form field is a drop-down combo box with an edit box The index of the form field

Form fields, Color Description Retrieves the color of the text in the form field. This function must be called three times to retrieve all components of the color (red, green and blue). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldColor(Index, ColorComponent:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldColor(Index As Long, ColorComponent As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetFormFieldColor(int InstanceID, int Index, int ColorComponent) Parameters Index ColorComponent The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. 1 = Red 2 = Green 3 = Blue

Form fields Description Returns 1 if the specified form field is marked as a comb field, where each character in the value occupies the same space in the field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldComb(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldComb(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field

Form fields Description Returns the default value of a form field. This is the value that the field will have when the form is reset. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldDefaultValue( Index:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldDefaultValue( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldDefaultValue(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field

Form fields Description Retrieves the description of the specified form field if it has one. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldDescription( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldDescription(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to work with

Form fields Description Retrieves a form field's flags. This setting is for advanced purposes and most users will not need to use it. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldFlags(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldFlags(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero Cannot find the form field The flags for the specified form field The index of the form field

Form fields Description Retrieves the name of the font that the specified form field is using. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldFontName( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldFontName(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Form fields Description Retrieves the JavaScript associated with the specified action for the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldJavaScript(Index:Integer; ActionType:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldJavaScript(Index As Long, ActionType As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldJavaScript(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ActionType) Parameters Index ActionType The index of the form field The action type: E = An action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area X = An action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area D = An action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area U = An action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area Fo = An action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus Bl = An action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus (blurred) K = An action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. This allows the keystroke to be checked for validity and rejected or modified. F = An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. This allows the field's value to be modified before formatting. V = An action to be performed when the field's value is changed. This allows the new value to be checked for validity. C = An action to be performed in order to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes

Form fields Description Returns the number of children fields that the specified field has. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldKidCount( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldKidCount(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field. The first field has an index of 1.

Form fields Description Retrieves the maximum allowed length for a text form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldMaxLen(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldMaxLen(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The form field does not have a maximum length specified The maximum length of the form field The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Returns the state of a field's NoExport flag. The field will not be exported by a submit-form action if the NoExport flag is set. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldNoExport( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldNoExport(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The field's NoExport flag is not set The field's NoExport flag is set The index of the form field

Form fields Description Returns the page number that the specified form field is on. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldPage(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldPage(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The form field could not be found, or the form field does not have valid page information The page number of the page that the form field is displayed on The index of the form field to locate

Form fields Description Returns 1 if the specified field will be printed. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldPrintable( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldPrintable(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to check

Form fields Description Returns the state of a field's ReadOnly flag. The user cannot change the value of a form field if the ReadOnly flag is set. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldReadOnly( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldReadOnly(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The field's ReadOnly flag is not set The field's ReadOnly flag is set The index of the form field

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Returns the state of a field's is Required flag. If this flag is set the field must have a value when the form is exported by a submit-form action. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldRequired( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldRequired(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The field's Required flag is not set The field's Required flag is set The index of the form field

Form fields Description Returns the angle in degrees that the form field is rotated by. This is always a multiple of 90 degrees. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldRotation( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldRotation(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to query

Form fields Description For radio button, checkbox items and choice fields (scrollable list box or combo box drop-down list), this function returns the number of possible values the form field can be set to. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldSubCount( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldSubCount(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The form field could not be found or it does not have sub-values The number of possible values the form field can be set to The index of the form field to examine

Form fields Description For radio button, checkbox and choice (scrollable list box or combo box drop-down list) form fields, this function returns the specified possible value. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldSubName(Index, SubIndex:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldSubName(Index As Long, SubIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldSubName(int InstanceID, int Index, int SubIndex) Parameters Index SubIndex The index of the form field to examine The index of the sub-value to retrieve

Form fields Description Returns a temporary index for the sub-fields of a radio button or choice form field. This temporary index can be used with the regular form field functions such as GetFormFieldTabOrder and GetFormFieldValue. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldSubTempIndex(Index, SubIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldSubTempIndex(Index As Long, SubIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldSubTempIndex(int InstanceID, int Index, int SubIndex) Parameters Index SubIndex The index of the radio-button form field The index of the sub-field. The first sub-field has an index of 1.

Form fields Description Returns the tab order of the specified form field. The first form field on the page has a tab order of 1. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldTabOrder( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldTabOrder(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field

Form fields Description Returns certain properties of a text field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldTextFlags(Index, ValueKey:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldTextFlags(Index As Long, ValueKey As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldTextFlags(int InstanceID, int Index, int ValueKey) Parameters Index ValueKey The index of the form field Indicates which property to analyse: 1 = Multiline 2 = Password 3 = FileSelect 4 = DoNotSpellCheck 5 = DoNotScroll

Return values 0 1 The flag for the specific property is not turned on. For example, if ValueKey is 5 and the function returns 0 this indicates that the form field is allowed to scroll. The flag is turned on. For example, if ValueKey is 2 and the function returns 1 this indicates that the form field is a password field.

Form fields Description Retrieves the size of the text in the specified form field. A value of 0 indicates that the form field autosizes the text to fit into the available space. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldTextSize( Index As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetFormFieldTextSize(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Form fields Description Returns the title of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldTitle( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldTitle(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the required form field. The first form field has an index of 1.

Form fields Description Returns the type of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldType(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldType(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unknown Text Pushbutton Checkbox Radiobutton Choice Signature Parent The index of the form field

Form fields Description Retrieves the value of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldValue( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldValue(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to retrieve the value of

Form fields Description Returns the value of the form field with the specified title. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldValueByTitle( Title:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldValueByTitle( Title As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldValueByTitle(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Title) Parameters Title The title of the field.

Form fields Description Returns 1 if the specified field will be visible when the document is viewed. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldVisible( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFieldVisible(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the form field to check

Form fields Description Returns the internet address that the specified form field's action points to, if any. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetFormFieldWebLink(Index:Integer; ActionType:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFieldWebLink(Index As Long, ActionType As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFieldWebLink(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ActionType) Parameters Index ActionType The index of the form field to change The action type: E = An action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area X = An action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area D = An action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area U = An action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area Fo = An action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus Bl = An action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus (blurred) K = An action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. This allows the keystroke to be checked for validity and rejected or modified. F = An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. This allows the field's value to be modified before formatting. V = An action to be performed when the field's value is changed. This allows the new value to be checked for validity. C = An action to be performed in order to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes

Fonts, Form fields Description Returns the number of fonts available to fields in the form. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFontCount As Long


int QuickPDFGetFormFontCount(int InstanceID)

Fonts, Form fields Description Returns the name of the font with the specified index. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetFormFontName( FontIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetFormFontName(int InstanceID, int FontIndex) Parameters FontIndex The index of the font to work with. The first font in the form has an index of 1. Use GetFormFontCount to determine the number of fonts available in the form.

Document properties, JavaScript Description Retrieves the global JavaScript for the specified package. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetGlobalJavaScript( PackageName:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetGlobalJavaScript( PackageName As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetGlobalJavaScript(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PackageName) Parameters PackageName The JavaScript stored under this package name will be retrieved.

Text, HTML text Description Returns the height that a certain block of HTML text will occupy if drawn onto the page. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetHTMLTextHeight(Width:Double; HTMLText:WideString):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetHTMLTextHeight(Width As Double, HTMLText As String) As Double


double QuickPDFGetHTMLTextHeight(int InstanceID, double Width, wchar_t * HTMLText) Parameters Width HTMLText The width of the area the text would be drawn into The HTML to determine the height of. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags.

Text, HTML text Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Returns the number of lines a block of HTML text will take up if it is drawn using the DrawHTMLText function. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetHTMLTextLineCount(Width:Double; HTMLText:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetHTMLTextLineCount(Width As Double, HTMLText As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetHTMLTextLineCount(int InstanceID, double Width, wchar_t * HTMLText) Parameters Width HTMLText The width of the area the text would be drawn into The HTML text to determine the number of lines of

Text, HTML text Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Returns the actual horizontal size of a block of HTML text when wrapped to a maximum width by the DrawHTMLText function. See Appendix A for details of the supported HTML tags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetHTMLTextWidth(MaxWidth:Double; HTMLText:WideString):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetHTMLTextWidth(MaxWidth As Double, HTMLText As String) As Double


double QuickPDFGetHTMLTextWidth(int InstanceID, double MaxWidth, wchar_t * HTMLText) Parameters MaxWidth HTMLText The width of the area the text would be drawn into The HTML text to determine the width of

Image handling Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was ImageID. Description Returns the ID of the specified image. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImageID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetImageID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The index is out of bounds The ID of the specified image The index of the image. The first image has an index of 1.

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the number of images in an image list. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImageListCount( ImageListID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetImageListCount(int InstanceID, int ImageListID) Parameters ImageListID A value returned by the GetPageImageList function

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the image data of the specified image list item as a string of 8-bit bytes. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetImageListItemDataToString(ImageListID, ImageIndex,Options:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFGetImageListItemDataToString(int InstanceID, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, int Options) Parameters ImageListID ImageIndex Options A value returned by the GetPageImageList function The index of the image in the list. The first image has an index of 1. Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0.

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the image data of the specified image list item as a variant byte array. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImageListItemDataToVariant( ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, Options As Long) As Variant Parameters ImageListID ImageIndex Options A value returned by the GetPageImageList function The index of the image in the list. The first image has an index of 1. Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0.

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns a Double type property of the specified image list item. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetImageListItemDblProperty(ImageListID, ImageIndex,PropertyID:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImageListItemDblProperty( ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, PropertyID As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetImageListItemDblProperty(int InstanceID, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, int PropertyID) Parameters ImageListID ImageIndex PropertyID A value returned by the GetPageImageList function The index of the image in the list. The first image has an index of 1. 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 = = = = = = = = Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of Horizontal co-ordinate Vertical co-ordinate of of top-left corner top-left corner of top-right corner top-right corner of bottom-right corner bottom-right corner of bottom-left corner bottom-left corner

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns an Integer type property of the specified image list item. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetImageListItemIntProperty(ImageListID, ImageIndex,PropertyID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImageListItemIntProperty( ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, PropertyID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetImageListItemIntProperty(int InstanceID, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, int PropertyID) Parameters ImageListID ImageIndex PropertyID A value returned by the GetPageImageList function The index of the image in the list. The first image has an index of 1. 400 = Image type 401 = Width in pixels 402 = Height in pixels

Return values 1 2 3 4 JPEG (for image type) BMP (for image type) TIFF (for image type) PNG (for image type)

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the measurement dictionary for the selected image as a MeasureDictID value. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImageMeasureDict As Long


int QuickPDFGetImageMeasureDict(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The measure dictionary of the selected image could not be found A MeasureDictID value

Image handling, Miscellaneous functions Description Returns the number of pages in the specified image file. Most images consist of 1 page, but TIFF images may contain multiple pages. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImagePageCount( FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetImagePageCount(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName Return values 0 Non-zero The image file is invalid or does not exist The number of pages in the specified image The name of the image file to analyse.

Image handling, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Returns the number of pages in the provided image data. Most images consist of 1 page, but TIFF images may contain multiple pages. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetImagePageCountFromString( constSource:string):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImagePageCountFromString( Source As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetImagePageCountFromString(int InstanceID, char * Source) Parameters Source A string containing the image data. In the ActiveX version of the library this string must contain 16-bit characters, only the lower 8-bits of each character will be used.

Return values 0 Non-zero The image data is invalid The number of pages in the image

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the PtData dictionary for the selected image as a PtDataDictID value. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetImagePtDataDict As Long


int QuickPDFGetImagePtDataDict(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The PtData dictionary for the selected image could not be found A PtDataDictID value

Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Get the properties of the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetInformation(Key As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetInformation(int InstanceID, int Key) Parameters Key The 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= property to get: PDF Version Author Title Subject Keywords Creator Producer Creation date Modification date

Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns a list of the names of fonts that are installed. These font names can be used with the AddTrueTypeFont and AddSubsettedFont functions. The list is filtered by the specified character set. To show all fonts, set CharsetIndex to 2 (corresponding to DEFAULT_CHARSET). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetInstalledFontsByCharset(CharsetIndex, Options:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetInstalledFontsByCharset( CharsetIndex As Long, Options As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetInstalledFontsByCharset(int InstanceID, int CharsetIndex, int Options) Parameters CharsetIndex 1 = ANSI 2 = Default 3 = Symbol 4 = Shift JIS 5 = Hangeul 6 = GB2312 7 = Chinese Big 5 8 = OEM 9 = Johab 10 = Hebrew 11 = Arabic 12 = Greek 13 = Turkish 14 = Vietnamese 15 = Thai 16 = East Europe 17 = Russian 18 = Mac 19 = Baltic 0 = Font names enclosed in double quotes with comma delimiters 1 = Font names in plain text with CRLF delimiters


Fonts Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns a list of the names of fonts that are installed. These font names can be used with the AddTrueTypeFont and AddSubsettedFont functions. The list is filtered by the specified code page. To show all fonts, set CodePage to 0 (corresponding to DEFAULT_CHARSET). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetInstalledFontsByCodePage(CodePage, Options:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetInstalledFontsByCodePage( CodePage As Long, Options As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetInstalledFontsByCodePage(int InstanceID, int CodePage, int Options) Parameters CodePage 0 = DEFAULT_CHARSET 437 = OEM_CHARSET 850 = OEM_CHARSET 852 = OEM_CHARSET 874 = THAI_CHARSET 932 = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 936 = GB2312_CHARSET 949 = HANGEUL_CHARSET 950 = CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 1250 = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET 1251 = RUSSIAN_CHARSET 1252 = ANSI_CHARSET 1253 = GREEK_CHARSET 1254 = TURKISH_CHARSET 1255 = HEBREW_CHARSET 1256 = ARABIC_CHARSET 1257 = BALTIC_CHARSET 1258 = VIETNAMESE_CHARSET 1361 = JOHAB_CHARSET 0 = Font names enclosed in double quotes with comma delimiters 1 = Font names in plain text with CRLF delimiters


Text, Fonts Description Returns the amount of kerning for the specified character pair. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetKerning(CharPair As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetKerning(int InstanceID, wchar_t * CharPair) Parameters CharPair A two-character string containing the characters making the kerning pair, for example "AW"

Return values The amount the space between the kerning pair will be reduced by. This is the same value as shown in graphics programs such as Adobe Illustrator. A value of 1000 is the same as the height of the text.

Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Similar to the GetPrinterNames function but returns the latest list of printers rather than the cached list that was enumerated when the app started. This function may take some time to execute depending on the number of network printers installed. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetLatestPrinterNames As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetLatestPrinterNames(int InstanceID)

Document properties, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the highest object number in the selected document. This is for advanced use. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMaxObjectNumber As Long


int QuickPDFGetMaxObjectNumber(int InstanceID)

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the number of items in a measurement dictionary Bounds array. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictBoundsCount( MeasureDictID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictBoundsCount( MeasureDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictBoundsCount(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID) Parameters MeasureDictID A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns an item from a measurement dictionary Bounds array. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictBoundsItem(MeasureDictID, ItemIndex:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictBoundsItem( MeasureDictID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetMeasureDictBoundsItem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int ItemIndex) Parameters MeasureDictID ItemIndex A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The index of the item to return. The first item has an index of 1.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the coordinate system type of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem( MeasureDictID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem( MeasureDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID) Parameters MeasureDictID Return values 0 1 2 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect The measurement dictionary is a rectiliniar coordinate system (RL) The measurement dictionary is a geospatial coordinate system (GEO) A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the DCS coordinate system dictionary of a measurement dictionary (used for display purposes) as a CSDictID value. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictDCSDict( MeasureDictID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictDCSDict( MeasureDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictDCSDict(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID) Parameters MeasureDictID Return values 0 Non-zero The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect A CSDictID value A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the GCS coordinate system dictionary of a measurement dictionary as a CSDictID value. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictGCSDict( MeasureDictID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictGCSDict( MeasureDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictGCSDict(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID) Parameters MeasureDictID Return values 0 Non-zero The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect A CSDict value A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the number of items in the GPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictGPTSCount( MeasureDictID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictGPTSCount( MeasureDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictGPTSCount(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID) Parameters MeasureDictID A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns a value from the GPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictGPTSItem(MeasureDictID, ItemIndex:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictGPTSItem( MeasureDictID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetMeasureDictGPTSItem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int ItemIndex) Parameters MeasureDictID ItemIndex A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The index of the item. The first item has an index of 1.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the number of items in the LPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictLPTSCount( MeasureDictID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictLPTSCount( MeasureDictID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictLPTSCount(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID) Parameters MeasureDictID A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns a value from the CPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictLPTSItem(MeasureDictID, ItemIndex:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictLPTSItem( MeasureDictID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetMeasureDictLPTSItem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int ItemIndex) Parameters MeasureDictID ItemIndex A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The index of the item. The first item has an index of 1.

Measurement and coordinate units Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetMeasureDictPDU(MeasureDictID, UnitIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetMeasureDictPDU(MeasureDictID As Long, UnitIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetMeasureDictPDU(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int UnitIndex) Parameters MeasureDictID UnitIndex A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function 1 = Linear display units 2 = Area display units 3 = Angular display units

Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect. Linear units: M (a meter) Area units: SQM (a square meter) Angular units: DEG (a degree) Linear units: KM (a kilometer) Area units: HA (a hectare) Angular units: GRD (a grad = 0.9 degrees) Linear units: FT (an international foot) Area units: SQKM (a square kilometer) Linear units: USFT (a U.S. Survey foot) Area units: SQFT (a square foot) Linear units: MI (an international mile) Area units: A (a acre) Linear units: MI (an international nautical mile) Area units: SQMI (a square mile)

3 4 5 6

Document properties, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Locates the named destination with the specified name and returns a DestID that can be used with the GetDestPage, GetDestType and GetDestValue functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetNamedDestination( DestName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetNamedDestination(int InstanceID, wchar_t * DestName) Parameters DestName Return values 0 Non-zero The specified named destination could not be found A DestID that can be used with the destination functions The name of the named destination to search for

Outlines Description Returns the ID of the outline that is below the specified outline at the same level. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetNextOutline(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetNextOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the number of raw PDF objects in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetObjectCount As Long


int QuickPDFGetObjectCount(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was GetObjectSource. Description Returns the raw PDF object data for the specified object number. This is for advanced use only. Syntax


char * QuickPDFGetObjectToString(int InstanceID, int ObjectNumber) Parameters ObjectNumber The number of the object to retrieve. The first object is numbered 1 and the last object has an object number equal to the result of the GetObjectCount function.

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the raw PDF object data for the specified object number as a variant byte array. This is for advanced use only. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetObjectToVariant( ObjectNumber As Long) As Variant Parameters ObjectNumber The number of the object to retrieve. The first object is numbered 1 and the last object has an object number equal to the result of the GetObjectCount function.

Document properties Description Retrieves the ID of the open action destination, if any. This ID can be used with the GetDestPage, GetDestType and GetDestValue functions to obtain information about the open action destination. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOpenActionDestination As Long


int QuickPDFGetOpenActionDestination(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The document does not have an open action destination A DestID that can be used with the GetDestPage, GetDestType and GetDestValue functions

Document properties, JavaScript Description Retrieves the JavaScript linked to the document's open action. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOpenActionJavaScript As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetOpenActionJavaScript(int InstanceID)

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the number of optional content configuration dictionaries in the selected document. The first optional content configuration dictionary is used to specify the initial state of the optional content groups when the document is first opened by a PDF viewer. Other configuration dictionaries are used in other circumstances. The GetOptionalContentConfigState function can be used to determine the state of the optional content groups as defined by a particular optional content configuration dictionary. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigCount As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigCount(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The document does not have any optional content configuration dictionaries. The number of optional content configuration dictionaries in the document.

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the number of items in the order array of the specified optional content configuration dictionary. The order array defines a tree structure with labels and optional content group items that can be used in the user interface of the PDF viewer application. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount( OptionalContentConfigID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount( OptionalContentConfigID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentConfigID) Parameters OptionalContentConfigID The first default optional content configuration dictionary has an ID of 1. Higher numbers are used for other optional content configuration dictionaries.

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the OptionalContentGroupID for an item in the order array of the specified optional content configuration dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID( OptionalContentConfigID,ItemIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID( OptionalContentConfigID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentConfigID, int ItemIndex) Parameters OptionalContentConfigID The first default optional content configuration dictionary has an ID of 1. Higher numbers are used for other optional content configuration dictionaries. The index number of the item in the order array. The first item has an index number of 1 and the last item has an index equal to the value returned by the GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount function.


Return values 0 Non-zero The specified item could not be found or it is a label item and does not have an associated optional content group. The OptionalContentGroupID of the item

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the label text for an item in the order array of the specified optional content configuration dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLabel( OptionalContentConfigID,ItemIndex:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLabel( OptionalContentConfigID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLabel(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentConfigID, int ItemIndex) Parameters OptionalContentConfigID The first default optional content configuration dictionary has an ID of 1. Higher numbers are used for other optional content configuration dictionaries. The index number of the item in the order array. The first item has an index number of 1 and the last item has an index equal to the value returned by the GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount function.


Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the hierarchical level for an item in the order array of the specified optional content configuration dictionary. The first item has a level of 1. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLevel( OptionalContentConfigID,ItemIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLevel( OptionalContentConfigID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLevel(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentConfigID, int ItemIndex) Parameters OptionalContentConfigID The first default optional content configuration dictionary has an ID of 1. Higher numbers are used for other optional content configuration dictionaries. The index number of the item in the order array. The first item has an index number of 1 and the last item has an index equal to the value returned by the GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount function.


Return values 0 Non-zero The specified item could not be found The level of the specified item

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Returns the item type for an item in the order array of the specified optional content configuration dictionary. Items are either optional content groups or text labels. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemType( OptionalContentConfigID,ItemIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemType( OptionalContentConfigID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemType(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentConfigID, int ItemIndex) Parameters OptionalContentConfigID The first default optional content configuration dictionary has an ID of 1. Higher numbers are used for other optional content configuration dictionaries. The index number of the item in the order array. The first item has an index number of 1 and the last item has an index equal to the value returned by the GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount function.


Return values 0 1 The specified item could not be found The specified item is an optional content group. The GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID function can be used to detemine the OptionalContentGroupID. The specified item is a text label.

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description This function is used to determine the state of an optional content group as defined by the specified optional content configuration dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentConfigState( OptionalContentConfigID,OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentConfigState( OptionalContentConfigID As Long, OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentConfigState(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentConfigID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentConfigID The first default optional content configuration dictionary has an ID of 1. Higher numbers are used for other optional content configuration dictionaries. An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions


Return values 0 1 2 3 The OptionalContentConfigID parameter or the OptionalContentGroupID parameter is not valid. The state of the optional content group is set to ON when this optional content configuration dictionary is applied. The state of the optional content group is set to OFF when this optional content configuration dictionary is applied. The state of the optional content group is not changed when this optional content configuration dictionary is applied.

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Returns the ID of the optional content group with the specified index. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentGroupID( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentGroupID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the optional content group. The first group has an index of 1. Use the OptionalContentGroupCount function to determine the number of optional content groups in the document.

Return values 0 The Index parameter was out of range

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Returns the name of the specified optional content group. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentGroupName( OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentGroupName( OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetOptionalContentGroupName(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.26. Description Returns the printable state of the specified optional content group. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentGroupPrintable( OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentGroupPrintable( OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentGroupPrintable(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Return values 0 1 The specified optional content group is not printable The specified optional content group is printable

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.26. Description Returns the visible state of the specified optional content group. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOptionalContentGroupVisible( OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOptionalContentGroupVisible( OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOptionalContentGroupVisible(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Return values 0 1 The specified optional content group is not visible The specified optional content group is visible

Measurement and coordinate units Description Returns the co-ordinate system origin as set with the SetOrigin function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOrigin As Long


int QuickPDFGetOrigin(int InstanceID)

Annotations and hotspot links, Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description This function will return an ActionID if the specified outline has an action dictionary. The ActionID can be used with the GetActionType function and can also be compared to the values returned by GetAnnotActionID to determine if an outline action is shared with an annotation action. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineActionID( OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOutlineActionID(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Color, Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Returns the color component of the outline as a value between 0 and 1. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOutlineColor(OutlineID, ColorComponent:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineColor(OutlineID As Long, ColorComponent As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetOutlineColor(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int ColorComponent) Parameters OutlineID ColorComponent The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The 0= 1= 2= component of the color: Red Green Blue

Outlines Description Retrieves information about the destination the specified outline links to. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineDest(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOutlineDest(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Return values 0 Non-zero The outline does not have a valid destination or the outline could not be found A destination ID (or DestID) that can be used with the GetDestPage, GetDestType and GetDestValue functions

Outlines Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was OutlineID. Description Returns the Outline ID of the outline item (bookmark) with the specified index. The first outline item has an index of 1. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOutlineID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the outline item to retrieve the ID of. The first outline item has an index of 1.

JavaScript, Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Returns the JavaScript associated with the outline, if any. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetOutlineJavaScript( OutlineID:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineJavaScript( OutlineID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetOutlineJavaScript(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Returns the PDF object number of the specified outline item. This function is for advanced use only. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineObjectNumber( OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOutlineObjectNumber(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Outlines Description Returns the file name that the outline links to, if any. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineOpenFile( OutlineID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetOutlineOpenFile(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Outlines Description Returns the page number that the outline links to. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlinePage(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOutlinePage(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Returns the style of the outline. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineStyle( OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetOutlineStyle(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Return values 0 1 2 3 Normal Italic Bold Bold Italic

Outlines Description Returns the web link (internet URL) that the outline links to, if any. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetOutlineWebLink( OutlineID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetOutlineWebLink(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID.

Page properties Description Returns the dimensions of the selected page's boundary rectangles. The MediaBox represents the physical medium of the page. The CropBox represents the visible region of the page, the contents will be clipped to this region. The BleedBox is similar to the CropBox, but is the rectangle used in a production environment. The TrimBox indicates the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming, and the ArtBox defines the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the page's creator. If the document does not have a CropBox but it does have a MediaBox then the CropBox will be the same as the MediaBox. If the document does not have any of the other boxes this function will return the values from the CropBox. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageBox(BoxType As Long, Dimension As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetPageBox(int InstanceID, int BoxType, int Dimension) Parameters BoxType 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox Left Top Width Height Right Bottom


Page properties, Page manipulation Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was GetPageContent. Description This function returns the PDF page description commands which make up the content of the selected page. This is for advanced use only, and will probably be meaningless unless you have an understanding of the Adobe PDF specification. Previous versions of Quick PDF Library only returned the content of the selected content stream part. From version 8.11 this function returns the content of the entire page and the GetContentStreamToString function can be used to retrieve the PDF page description commands of the content stream part selected with the SelectContentStream function. Syntax


char * QuickPDFGetPageContentToString(int InstanceID)

Page properties, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description This function returns the PDF page description commands which make up the content of the selected page. This is for advanced use only, and will probably be meaningless unless you have an understanding of the Adobe PDF specification. This function returns the content of the entire page regardless of the number of content stream parts. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageContentToVariant As Variant

Image handling, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description This function finds all the images on the selected page and returns an ImageListID that can be used with the GetImageListCount, GetImageListItemIntProperty, GetImageListItemDblProperty, GetImageListItemDataToString, GetImageListItemDataToVariant and SaveImageListItemDataToFile functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageImageList(Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetPageImageList(int InstanceID, int Options) Parameters Options Return values 0 Non-zero The images on the page could not be enumerated. An ImageListID value Reserved for future use, should be set to 0.

Color, JavaScript, Page properties Description Retrieves the JavaScript linked to the specified page event. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetPageJavaScript( ActionType:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageJavaScript( ActionType As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetPageJavaScript(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ActionType) Parameters ActionType Retrieves the JavaScript linked to this action: "O" = (capital letter O) This event occurs when the page is opened "C" = This event occurs when the page is closed

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Returns the content of the specified LGIDict dictionary on the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetPageLGIDictContent( DictIndex:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageLGIDictContent( DictIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetPageLGIDictContent(int InstanceID, int DictIndex) Parameters DictIndex The index of the dictionary. The first dictionary has an index of 1. Use the LGIDictCount function to determine the total number of LGIDict dictionaries attached to the selected page.

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Returns the number of LGIDict dictionaries attached to the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageLGIDictCount As Long


int QuickPDFGetPageLGIDictCount(int InstanceID)

Page properties Description Returns the page label for the specified page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageLabel(Page As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetPageLabel(int InstanceID, int Page) Parameters Page The number of the page to retrieve the page number of

Document properties Description Returns the initial page layout of the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageLayout As Long


int QuickPDFGetPageLayout(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 3 SinglePage OneColumn TwoColumnLeft TwoColumnRight

Document properties Description Returns the initial page mode of the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageMode As Long


int QuickPDFGetPageMode(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 3 4 5 Normal view Show the outlines pane Show the thumbnails pane Show the document in full screen mode Optional content group panel visible Attachments panel visible

Extraction, Page manipulation Description This function provides two different methods for extracting text from the selected page, and presents the results in a variety of formats. The SetTextExtractionWordGap, SetTextExtractionOptions and SetTextExtractionArea functions can be used to adjust the text extraction process. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageText( ExtractOptions As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetPageText(int InstanceID, int ExtractOptions) Parameters ExtractOptions Using the standard text extraction algorithm: 0 = Extract text in human readable format 1 = Deprecated 2 = Return a CSV string including font, color, size and position of each piece of text on the page Using the more accurate text extraction algorithm: 3 = Return a CSV string for each piece of text on the page with the following format: Font Name, Text Color, Text Size, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, Text The co-ordinates are the four points bounding the text, measured using the units set with the SetMeasurementUnits function and the origin set with the SetOrigin function. Co-ordinate order is anti-clockwise with the bottom left corner first. 4 = Similar to option 3, but individual words are returned, making searching for words easier 5 = Similar to option 3 but character widths are output after each line 6 = Similar to option 4 but character widths are output after each line 7 = Extract text in human readable format with improved accuracy compared to option 0 8 = Similar to option 7 but without layout formatting Return values The text of the selected page, or an empty string if a problem occurred. Lines are separated with CR-LF characters.

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the number of viewports defined for the selected page. The GetPageViewPortID function can be used to obtain a ViewPortID that can be used with the GetViewPortName and GetViewPortMeasureDict functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageViewPortCount As Long


int QuickPDFGetPageViewPortCount(int InstanceID)

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns a ViewPortID value for the specified viewport of the selected page. This value can be used with the GetViewPortName and GetViewPortMeasureDict functions. Use the GetPageViewPortCount function to determine the number of viewports on the page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPageViewPortID(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetPageViewPortID(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 Non-zero The view port at the specified index could not be found A ViewPortID value The index of the viewport. The first viewport on the page has an index value of 1.

Outlines Description Returns the ID of the outline that is the parent of the specified outline. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetParentOutline( OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetParentOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Outlines Description Returns the ID of the outline that is above the specified outline at the same level. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPrevOutline(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetPrevOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Rendering and printing Description This function returns a string containing the bin numbers and names for all the bins (paper trays) available for the specified printer. The string returned contains a line of text for each bin, the lines of text are separated with CR/LF characters. Each line contains a numeric bin number, a comma, and the name of the bin, in double quotes. The bin numbers can be used with the SetupCustomPrinter function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPrinterBins( PrinterName As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetPrinterBins(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PrinterName) Parameters PrinterName The name of the printer to query. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here.

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description Returns a binary string containing the DEVMODE structure for the specified printer. Use the SetPrinterDevModeFromString function to apply this DEVMODE structure during the printing process. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetPrinterDevModeToString( PrinterName:WideString):string;

char * QuickPDFGetPrinterDevModeToString(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PrinterName) Parameters PrinterName The name of the printer to use for printing. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here.

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description Returns a variant byte array containing the DEVMODE structure for the specified printer. Use the SetPrinterDevModeFromVariant function to apply this DEVMODE structure during the printing process. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPrinterDevModeToVariant( PrinterName As String) As Variant Parameters PrinterName The name of the printer to use for printing. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here.

Rendering and printing Description Returns a CSV string containing the names of all the available printers on the system. The result is the cached list that was enumerated when the app was started. The new GetLatestPrinterNames function returns the latest list of printers. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetPrinterNames As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetPrinterNames(int InstanceID)

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Returns the render scale as set by the SetRenderScale function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetRenderScale As Double


double QuickPDFGetRenderScale(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns the number of strings in the specified string list. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetStringListCount( StringListID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetStringListCount(int InstanceID, int StringListID) Parameters StringListID Return values 0 Non-zero There are no strings in the specified string list. The number of strings in the list. The ID of the string list as returned by the CheckFileCompliance function.

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns an item from the specified string list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetStringListItem(StringListID, ItemIndex:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetStringListItem(StringListID As Long, ItemIndex As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetStringListItem(int InstanceID, int StringListID, int ItemIndex) Parameters StringListID ItemIndex The ID of the string list as returned by the CheckFileCompliance function. The index of the item to return. The first item in the list has an index value of 1. The last item in the list has an index value equal to the return value of the GetStringListCount function.

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns a numeric property of the specified table cell. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetTableCellDblProperty(TableID,RowNumber, ColumnNumber,Tag:Integer):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTableCellDblProperty(TableID As Long, RowNumber As Long, ColumnNumber As Long, Tag As Long) As Double

double QuickPDFGetTableCellDblProperty(int InstanceID, int TableID, int RowNumber, int ColumnNumber, int Tag) Parameters TableID RowNumber ColumnNumber Tag A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the row number of the cell. Top row is row number 1. The the column number of the cell. Left most column is column number 1. 101 to 104 = Left, top, width and height of cell 105 = Text size 106 = Red or cyan component of the background color 107 = Green or magenta component of the background color 108 = Blue or yellow component of the background color 109 = Black component of the background color 110 = Red or cyan component of the text color 111 = Green or magenta component of the text color 112 = Blue or yellow component of the text color 113 = Black component of the text color 114 to 117 = Red or cyan component of the left, top, right and bottom border 118 to 121 = Green or magenta component of the left, top, right and bottom border 122 to 125 = Blue or yellow component of the left, top, right and bottom border 126 to 129 = Black component of the left, top, right and bottom border 130 to 133 = Padding of the edge next to the left, top, right and bottom border 134 to 137 = Width of the left, top, right and bottom border

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns an integer property of the specified table cell. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetTableCellIntProperty(TableID,RowNumber, ColumnNumber,Tag:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTableCellIntProperty(TableID As Long, RowNumber As Long, ColumnNumber As Long, Tag As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFGetTableCellIntProperty(int InstanceID, int TableID, int RowNumber, int ColumnNumber, int Tag) Parameters TableID RowNumber ColumnNumber Tag A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the row number of the cell. Top row is row number 1. The the column number of the cell. Left most column is column number 1. 201 = Cell alignment (see the SetTableCellAlignment function) 202 = Merged cell row span 203 = Merged cell column span 204 = Number of color components in the background color (3 for RGB, 4 for CMYK) 205 = Number of color components in the text color (3 for RGB, 4 for CMYK) 206 to 209 = Number of color components in the left, top, right and bottom border color (3 for RGB, 4 for CMYK)

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns a string property of the specified table cell. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetTableCellStrProperty(TableID,RowNumber, ColumnNumber,Tag:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTableCellStrProperty(TableID As Long, RowNumber As Long, ColumnNumber As Long, Tag As Long) As String

wchar_t * QuickPDFGetTableCellStrProperty(int InstanceID, int TableID, int RowNumber, int ColumnNumber, int Tag) Parameters TableID RowNumber ColumnNumber Tag A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the row number of the cell. Top row is row number 1. The the column number of the cell. Left most column is column number 1. 301 = Cell contents

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the number of columns in the specified table. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTableColumnCount( TableID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetTableColumnCount(int InstanceID, int TableID) Parameters TableID A TableID returned by the CreateTable function

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns the row number of the last row that was drawn onto the page by the DrawTableRows function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTableLastDrawnRow( TableID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetTableLastDrawnRow(int InstanceID, int TableID) Parameters TableID Return values 0 Non-zero No rows from the specified table have been drawn The row number of the last drawn row. The top row is row number 1. A TableID returned by the CreateTable function

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Returns the number of rows in the specified table. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTableRowCount(TableID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetTableRowCount(int InstanceID, int TableID) Parameters TableID A TableID returned by the CreateTable function

Miscellaneous functions Description Retrieves the current setting for the folder that will be used to store temporary files generated by functions such as MergeFileList. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTempPath As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetTempPath(int InstanceID)

Text, Fonts, Page layout Description Returns the size of the selected font, measured from the baseline to the top of capital letters (without any accents). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTextAscent As Double


double QuickPDFGetTextAscent(int InstanceID) Return values The ascent of the selected font

Text, Fonts, Page layout Description Returns the bounding box of the font. This is the largest rectangle which can enclose every character of the font. The top and bottom are measured from the baseline of the font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTextBound(Edge As Long) As Double


double QuickPDFGetTextBound(int InstanceID, int Edge) Parameters Edge The 1= 2= 3= 4= edge measurement to retrieve: Left Top Right Bottom

Return values 0 Non-zero The edge specified was not valid The specified edge measurement

Text, Fonts, Page layout Description Returns the size of the selected font, measured from the baseline to the bottom of the tails of lowercase letters such as g and y. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTextDescent As Double


double QuickPDFGetTextDescent(int InstanceID) Return values The descent of the selected font

Text, Fonts, Page layout Description Returns the height of the selected font. This is the sum of GetTextBound(2) and -GetTextBound (4). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTextHeight As Double


double QuickPDFGetTextHeight(int InstanceID) Return values The ascent of the selected font

Text, Fonts, Page layout Description Retrieves the current text size. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTextSize As Double


double QuickPDFGetTextSize(int InstanceID)

Text, Fonts, Page layout Description Calculate the width of the specified text, based on the selected font and font size. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetTextWidth(Text As String) As Double


double QuickPDFGetTextWidth(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Text) Parameters Text Return values The width of the specified text The text to determine the width for

Text, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Returns a string containing all the Unicode characters from the specified encoding. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetUnicodeCharactersFromEncoding( Encoding:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetUnicodeCharactersFromEncoding( Encoding As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetUnicodeCharactersFromEncoding(int InstanceID, int Encoding) Parameters Encoding 2 = WinAnsiEncoding

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the measurement dictionary of the specified viewport as a MeasureDictID value. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetViewPortMeasureDict( ViewPortID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetViewPortMeasureDict( ViewPortID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetViewPortMeasureDict(int InstanceID, int ViewPortID) Parameters ViewPortID Return values 0 Non-zero The specified ViewPortID was invalid or the viewport does not have a measurement dictionary A MeasureDictID value A value returned by the GetPageViewPortID function

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the name of the specified viewport. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetViewPortName( ViewPortID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetViewPortName(int InstanceID, int ViewPortID) Parameters ViewPortID A value returned by the GetPageViewPortID function

Page properties, Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Returns the PtData dictionary of the specified viewport. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetViewPortPtDataDict( ViewPortID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetViewPortPtDataDict(int InstanceID, int ViewPortID) Parameters ViewPortID Return values 0 Non-zero The ViewPortID parameter was incorrect or the viewport does not have a PtData A PtDataID value A value returned by the GetPageViewPortID function

Document properties Description Returns the viewer preferences for the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetViewerPreferences( Option As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFGetViewerPreferences(int InstanceID, int Option) Parameters Option 1 = Hide toolbar 2 = Hide menubar 3 = Hide window user interface 4 = Resize window to first page size 5 = Center window 6 = Display document title 7 = Page mode after full screen 8 = Predominant text reading order 9 = Display boundary for viewing 10 = Clipping boundary for viewing 11 = Display voundary for printing 12 = Clipping boundary for printing 13 = Default print dialog: scaling 14 = Default print dialog: duplex 15 = Default print dialog: auto paper tray 16 = Default print dialog: number of copies

Return values See the SetViewerPreferences function to determine possible return values for each Option value.

Text, Page layout Description Get the positions where text will wrap, based on the current font and text size. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetWrappedText(Width:Double;Delimiter, Text:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetWrappedText(Width As Double, Delimiter As String, Text As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetWrappedText(int InstanceID, double Width, wchar_t * Delimiter, wchar_t * Text) Parameters Width Delimiter Text Return values Returns the lines of the text block, separated by the Delimiter string The width of the block to wrap the text to The string to place between each line The text to wrap

Text Description Similar to the GetWrappedText function, but preserves the break strings originally in the text. This is useful for splitting text into different areas on the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetWrappedTextBreakString(Width:Double;Delimiter, Text:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetWrappedTextBreakString( Width As Double, Delimiter As String, Text As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetWrappedTextBreakString(int InstanceID, double Width, wchar_t * Delimiter, wchar_t * Text) Parameters Width Delimiter Text The width that the text should be wrapped to The delimiter to use between wrapped lines The text to wrap

Text, Page layout Description Get the height of a block of text wrapped to a certain width, based on the current font and text size. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetWrappedTextHeight(Width:Double; Text:WideString):Double;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetWrappedTextHeight(Width As Double, Text As String) As Double


double QuickPDFGetWrappedTextHeight(int InstanceID, double Width, wchar_t * Text) Parameters Width Text Return values Returns the height of the text block The width of the block to wrap the text to The text to wrap

Text, Page layout Description Determine the number of lines a block of text wrapped to a certain width will take up, based on the current font and text size. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetWrappedTextLineCount(Width:Double; Text:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetWrappedTextLineCount(Width As Double, Text As String) As Long


int QuickPDFGetWrappedTextLineCount(int InstanceID, double Width, wchar_t * Text) Parameters Width Text Return values The number of lines The width of the block to wrap the text to The text to wrap

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns the number of XFA form fields in the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetXFAFormFieldCount As Long


int QuickPDFGetXFAFormFieldCount(int InstanceID)

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns the name of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetXFAFormFieldName( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetXFAFormFieldName(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the XFA form field. The first XFA form field has an index of 1 and the last XFA form field has a value as returned by the GetXFAFormFieldCount function.

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Returns a list of the names of the XFA form fields separated by the specified delimiter. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetXFAFormFieldNames( Delimiter:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetXFAFormFieldNames( Delimiter As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetXFAFormFieldNames(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Delimiter) Parameters Delimiter The delimiter to use to separate the XFA form field names.

Form fields Description Returns the value of the specified XFA form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GetXFAFormFieldValue( XFAFieldName:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GetXFAFormFieldValue( XFAFieldName As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGetXFAFormFieldValue(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XFAFieldName) Parameters XFAFieldName The name of the XFA field to work with.

Document properties, JavaScript Description Returns the number of global JavaScript packages in the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GlobalJavaScriptCount As Long


int QuickPDFGlobalJavaScriptCount(int InstanceID)

Document properties, JavaScript Description Returns the name of the JavaScript package with the specified index. This package name can be used with the GetGlobalJavaScript function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.GlobalJavaScriptPackageName( Index:Integer):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::GlobalJavaScriptPackageName( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFGlobalJavaScriptPackageName(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the global JavaScript package. The first package has an index of 1. The last package has an index equal to the value returned by the GlobalJavaScriptCount function.

Fonts, Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Determines if the selected document has font resources. If the document does not have font resources it can be assumed to be an image only PDF. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::HasFontResources As Long


int QuickPDFHasFontResources(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The selected document does not have font resources The selected document has font resources

Page properties Description Indicates whether the selected page has the specified boundary rectangle. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::HasPageBox(BoxType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFHasPageBox(int InstanceID, int BoxType) Parameters BoxType 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox

Return values 0 1 2 The page does not have the specified boundary rectangle The page has the specified boundary rectangle The page does not have the specified boundary rectangle, but there is a value in a parent page tree node that is being inherited by the page

Page properties, Page manipulation Description Hides the selected page. This is similar to deleting the page, but the page contents are not removed from the PDF document. This is sometimes useful when used in conjunction with the ClonePages function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::HidePage As Long


int QuickPDFHidePage(int InstanceID)

Image handling, Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns the total number of images added to the PDF file. This function does not take into account the images that may have already been in an existing PDF document which was loaded with the LoadFromFile function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageCount As Long


int QuickPDFImageCount(int InstanceID)

Image handling, Color, Page layout Description Returns the color of the center pixel in the selected image. This could be used to identify a placeholder image for later replacement. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageFillColor As Long


int QuickPDFImageFillColor(int InstanceID)

Image handling This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description The height of the selected image. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageHeight As Long


int QuickPDFImageHeight(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero No image has been selected The height in pixels of the selected image

Image handling Description Returns the horizontal resolution of the selected image, if it is available. Presently only the resolution of JFIF/JPEG, Exif/JPEG, TIFF and BMP images can be retrieved. Use the ImageResolutionUnits function to determine if this measurement is in dots-per-inch (DPI) or dots-per-centimetre (DPCM). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageHorizontalResolution As Long


int QuickPDFImageHorizontalResolution(int InstanceID)

Image handling Description Use this function to determine the units of the ImageHorizontalResolution and ImageVerticalResolution results. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageResolutionUnits As Long


int QuickPDFImageResolutionUnits(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 3 Unknown No units, values specify the aspect ratio Dots per inch (DPI) Dots per centimetre (DPCM)

Image handling Description The type of the selected image. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageType As Long


int QuickPDFImageType(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 2 3 No image is selected The selected image is a JPEG image The selected image is a BMP image The selected image is a TIFF image

Image handling Description Returns the vertical resolution of the selected image, if it is available. Presently only the resolution of JFIF/JPEG, Exif/JPEG, TIFF and BMP images can be retrieved. Use the ImageResolutionUnits function to determine if this measurement is in dots-per-inch (DPI) or dots-per-centimetre (DPCM). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageVerticalResolution As Long


int QuickPDFImageVerticalResolution(int InstanceID)

Image handling This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description The width of the selected image. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImageWidth As Long


int QuickPDFImageWidth(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero No image has been selected The width in pixels of the selected image

Vector graphics, Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Adds a WMF or EMF image from a file to the selected document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ImportEMFFromFile(FileName:WideString; FontOptions,GeneralOptions:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ImportEMFFromFile(FileName As String, FontOptions As Long, GeneralOptions As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFImportEMFFromFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName, int FontOptions, int GeneralOptions) Parameters FileName FontOptions The file name of the image to add. If GeneralOptions is 1 this parameter is ignored, otherwise the following values take effect: 0 = Use the first font added to the PDF 1 = Automatically add fonts as non-embedded TrueType fonts 0 = Import as a vector image 1 = Import as a bitmap image


Return values 0 Non-zero The image could not be added The image was added successfully. The ImageID is returned which can be passed to functions like SelectImage and DrawImage.

Vector graphics, Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Adds a WMF or EMF image from a TStream to the selected document. Once an image has been added to the document it can be drawn on any page multiple times without further increasing the size of the PDF file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ImportEMFFromStream(InStream:TStream;FontOptions, GeneralOptions:Integer):Integer; Parameters InStream FontOptions The TStream object containing the EMF/WMF data If GeneralOptions is 1 this parameter is ignored, otherwise the following values take effect: 0 = Use the first font added to the PDF 1 = Automatically add fonts as non-embedded TrueType fonts 0 = Import as a vector image 1 = Import as a bitmap image


Document management, Page manipulation Description Inserts one or more blank pages into the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::InsertPages(StartPage As Long, PageCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFInsertPages(int InstanceID, int StartPage, int PageCount) Parameters StartPage PageCount Return values 0 Non-zero Failed The new total number of pages in the document The page number of the first page to insert The total number of pages to insert

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Adds columns to the specified table at any position Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.InsertTableColumns(TableID,Position, NewColumnCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::InsertTableColumns(TableID As Long, Position As Long, NewColumnCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFInsertTableColumns(int InstanceID, int TableID, int Position, int NewColumnCount) Parameters TableID Position A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The position to insert the new colulmns. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is one greater than the value returned by the GetTableColumnCount function. The number of columns to add to the table

NewColumnCount Return values 0

Columns could not be added. Check the TableID parameter and make sure NewColumnCount is greater than or equal to 1. The Position parameter must also be within range. The total number of columns in the table after adding the new columns.


Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.16. Description Adds rows to the specified table at any position Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.InsertTableRows(TableID,Position, NewRowCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::InsertTableRows(TableID As Long, Position As Long, NewRowCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFInsertTableRows(int InstanceID, int TableID, int Position, int NewRowCount) Parameters TableID Position NewRowCount Return values 0 Rows could not be added. Check the TableID parameter and make sure NewRowCount is greater than or equal to 1. The Position parameter must also be within range. The total number of rows in the table after adding the new rows. A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The position to insert the new rows. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is one greater than the value returned by the GetTableRowCount function. The number of rows to add to the table


Form fields, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.18. Description For an annotation to be a form field it must be attached to the document form. This function checks if the specified annotation is allowed to be attached to the document form and whether it is currently attached. For an annotation to be attached to the document form it must be a Widget annotation and it cannot be a child of another annotation. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::IsAnnotFormField(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFIsAnnotFormField(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 2 The specified annotation is not a Widget annotation or it is the child of another annotation. The specified annotation is a form field and is currently attached to the document form. The specified annotation is in the correct format to be a form field but it is not currently attached to the document form. Use the AttachAnnotToForm function to attach it. The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1.

Miscellaneous functions This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Use this function to determine the reason certain functions failed. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LastErrorCode As Long


int QuickPDFLastErrorCode(int InstanceID) Return values 101 102 The Strength parameter passed to the Encrypt function was invalid The Permissions parameter passed to the Encrypt function was invalid. Use the EncodePermissions function to construct a value for this parameter The Encrypt function was used on a document that was already encrypted The Encrypt function failed for an unknown reason The SetInformation function failed because the document is encrypted The Key parameter passed to the SetInformation function was out of range An invalid combination of barcode and option was sent to the DrawBarcode function Non-numeric characters were sent to DrawBarcode using EAN-13 The EAN-13 barcode has an invalid checksum character Could not open input file Output file already exists and could not be deleted Could not open output file Invalid password Document is not encrypted Document is already encrypted Invalid encryption strength Invalid permissions Invalid file structure, file is damaged One of the input files is encrypted File not found Invalid page range list The specified FileHandle was invalid The function could not be used because the library is not unlocked

103 104 201 202 301 302 303 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 501 999

Miscellaneous functions, Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.13. Description Returns the exception information in cases where the renderer encountered an error. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LastRenderError As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFLastRenderError(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Description Returns the version of the library, for example "7.12". Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LibraryVersion As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFLibraryVersion(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Description Returns information about the unlock license used. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LicenseInfo As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFLicenseInfo(int InstanceID)

Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Reports whether the selected document was loaded from a linearized file. This is for informational purposes only. If the file is resaved it will no longer be linearized. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::Linearized As Long


int QuickPDFLinearized(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The original file was not linearized The original file was linearized

Vector graphics, Document management Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Creates a new document from the drawing operations applied to the DC returned by the GetCanvasDC function. When the Options parameter is set to 3, use the NoEmbedFontListAdd function to add fonts to the no embed font list. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.LoadFromCanvasDC(DPI:Double; Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LoadFromCanvasDC(DPI As Double, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFLoadFromCanvasDC(int InstanceID, double DPI, int Options) Parameters DPI The DPI to use for the new document. For example, if the canvas was created with a width and height of 96 and the DPI is specified as 192, the resulting document will be 0.5 inches in width and height. -1 = Convert the drawing commands to a single image using GDI+ 0 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts are not embedded 1 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts are embedded but not compressed 2 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts are embedded and compressed 3 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts not in the no embed font list are embedded and compressed


Return values 0 1 A canvas has not been created The canvas DC was processed correctly and a new document has been created

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Loads a PDF document from a file on disk. If the function succeeds, the loaded document will be selected and its DocumentID can be retrieved using the SelectedDocument function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.LoadFromFile(FileName, Password:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LoadFromFile(FileName As String, Password As String) As Long


int QuickPDFLoadFromFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName, wchar_t * Password) Parameters FileName Password Return values 0 1 The file could not be read or processed. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. The file was loaded successfully The path and file name of the file to load. The password to open the file

Document management Description This function, only available in the Delphi versions of the library, allows a PDF document to be loaded from a TStream object. If the function succeeds, the loaded document will be selected and its DocumentID can be retrieved using the SelectedDocument function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.LoadFromStream(InStream:TStream; Password:WideString):Integer; Parameters InStream Password Return values 0 1 A PDF document could not be read from the stream. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the reason this function failed. A PDF document was successfully read from the stream. Use the SelectedDocument function to obtain the Document ID which can be used later to select this specific document. The TStream object containing the PDF document data The password to load the file

Document management Description Similar to the LoadFromFile function, except the data for the PDF document is passed in as a string. If the function succeeds, the loaded document will be selected and its DocumentID can be retrieved using the SelectedDocument function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.LoadFromString(constSource:string; Password:WideString):Integer;

int QuickPDFLoadFromString(int InstanceID, char * Source, wchar_t * Password) Parameters Source Password Return values 0 1 The PDF could not be loaded The PDF was loaded from the string successfully The source data to load the PDF document from The password to load the file

Document management Description Loads a PDF document from a byte array stored as a Variant type. This function is only available in the ActiveX editions of the library. If the function succeeds, the loaded document will be selected and its DocumentID can be retrieved using the SelectedDocument function. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LoadFromVariant(Source As Variant, Password As String) As Long Parameters Source Password Return values 0 1 The document could not be loaded. Check the result of the LastErrorCode function for more information. The document was loaded successfully The byte array to load the PDF document from The password to load the file

Vector graphics, Page layout Description Loads the graphics state previously stored with SaveState. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::LoadState As Long


int QuickPDFLoadState(int InstanceID)

Document manipulation Description Use this function to join another document to the selected document. After merging, the second document is deleted. Form fields and annotations from the second document are preserved but outlines (bookmarks) are not. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MergeDocument(DocumentID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFMergeDocument(int InstanceID, int DocumentID) Parameters DocumentID Return values 0 1 The documents could not be merged together The merging was successful The ID of the document to join to the selected document

Document manipulation Description Merges all the files in a named file list and saves the resulting merged document to the specified file. Use the ClearFileList, FileListCount and AddToFileList functions to construct the named file list. There must be two or more files in the file list in order for the merging to succeed. Outlines (bookmarks), form fields and annotations from all the documents will be present in the merged document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MergeFileList(ListName, OutputFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MergeFileList(ListName As String, OutputFileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFMergeFileList(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ListName, wchar_t * OutputFileName) Parameters ListName OutputFileName The name of the list of files to merge together The path and file name of the file to create which will contain the merged files.

Return values The number of documents which were successfully merged together. If this is less than the intended number use the FileListItem function to find the file which caused the merge process to end prematurely.

Document manipulation Description Similar to the MergeFileList function, but uses an advanced algorithm to improve speed. A new file list will be created during merging that will contain the result of the merge process for each of the items in the specified file list. The new file list will have the same name as the original file list with the word Result appended. For example, if the original file list was called "MyFiles", then the new file list will be called "MyFilesResult". This new file list will not contain file names, but will contain a text description of the status of the matching file during the merge process. There must be two or more files in the file list in order for the merging to succeed. Form fields and annotations from all the documents will be present in the merged document but only outlines (bookmarks) from the first document will be in the merged document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MergeFileListFast(ListName, OutputFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MergeFileListFast(ListName As String, OutputFileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFMergeFileListFast(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ListName, wchar_t * OutputFileName) Parameters ListName OutputFileName The name of the file list to use. All the files in this list will be merged together. The path and file name of the output file to create. This file will contain all the files from the file list.

Return values 0 Non-zero The merge process could not be completed. Use the GetLastError function to determine the cause of the error. The number of files that were successfully merged

Document manipulation Description Merges two files on disk and saves the merged document to a new file. The files are accessed directly on disk, the entire file does not have to be loaded into memory so this function can be used with huge documents. The files must not be encrypted. Monitor the size of the output file while this function runs to work out the progress. Outlines (bookmarks), form fields and annotations from the both documents will be present in the merged document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MergeFiles(FirstFileName,SecondFileName, OutputFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MergeFiles(FirstFileName As String, SecondFileName As String, OutputFileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFMergeFiles(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FirstFileName, wchar_t * SecondFileName, wchar_t * OutputFileName) Parameters FirstFileName SecondFileName OutputFileName Return values 0 1 The files could not be merged. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. The files were merged successfully and the new merged document was created The name of the first file to merge. The name of the second file to merge. The name of the file to create which will contain the merged document.

Document manipulation Description This function is similar to the MergeFiles function, however instead of working with files on disk, it merges two PDF documents stored in different TStream objects and saves the merged document into a third stream. Outlines (bookmarks), form fields and annotations from the both documents will be present in the merged document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MergeStreams(FirstStream,SecondStream, OutputStream:TStream):Integer; Parameters FirstStream SecondStream OutputStream Return values 0 1 The documents could not be merged. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the cause of the failure. The merge process was successful The stream containing the first document The stream containing the second document The merged document is written into this stream

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Merges multiple cells from the specified table into one cell. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MergeTableCells(TableID,FirstRow,FirstColumn, LastRow,LastColumn:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MergeTableCells(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFMergeTableCells(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was MoveLayer. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function can be used to change the order of the content stream parts to bring certain information to the front or push it to the back. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MoveContentStream(FromPosition, ToPosition:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MoveContentStream(FromPosition As Long, ToPosition As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFMoveContentStream(int InstanceID, int FromPosition, int ToPosition) Parameters FromPosition The current content stream part index. The first content stream part has an index of 1. The last content stream part has an index equal to the value returned by the ContentStreamCount function. The new content stream part index.

ToPosition Return values 0 1

The content stream part could not be moved Success

Outlines Description Moves an outline item to appear directly after another outline item. The outline will be moved along with all children nodes. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MoveOutlineAfter(OutlineID, SiblingID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MoveOutlineAfter(OutlineID As Long, SiblingID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFMoveOutlineAfter(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int SiblingID) Parameters OutlineID SiblingID Return values 0 1 The outline was not moved, the OutlineID or SiblingID parameters were invalid or were the same value The outline was moved successfully The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The outline will be moved to a position after the outline with this ID

Outlines Description Moves an outline item to appear directly before another outline item. The outline will be moved along with all children nodes. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.MoveOutlineBefore(OutlineID, SiblingID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MoveOutlineBefore(OutlineID As Long, SiblingID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFMoveOutlineBefore(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int SiblingID) Parameters OutlineID SiblingID Return values 0 1 The outline was not moved, the OutlineID or SiblingID parameters were invalid or were the same value The outline was moved successfully The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The outline will be moved to a position before the outline with this ID

Document management, Page manipulation Description Moves the selected page to a new position in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MovePage(NewPosition As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFMovePage(int InstanceID, int NewPosition) Parameters NewPosition Return values 0 1 The page could not be moved. Check the value of the NewPosition parameter. The page was moved successfully The new position of the page

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Starts a new sub-path within the current path. This allows complex shapes to be created (for example, with pieces cut out). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MovePath(NewX As Double, NewY As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFMovePath(int InstanceID, double NewX, double NewY) Parameters NewX NewY The new horizontal co-ordinate of the starting point of the new sub-path The new vertical co-ordinate of the starting point of the new sub-path

Measurement and coordinate units Description Multiplies the drawing scale by a specified factor. For example, multiplying the scale by 0.5 will draw graphics at half their size with the same drawing commands. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::MultiplyScale( MultScaleBy As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFMultiplyScale(int InstanceID, double MultScaleBy) Parameters MultScaleBy The factor to multiply the current drawing scale by

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.18. Description Adds a new form field to the selected page as a child of another field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewChildFormField(Index:Integer; Title:WideString;FieldType:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewChildFormField(Index As Long, Title As String, FieldType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNewChildFormField(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * Title, int FieldType) Parameters Index Title FieldType The index of the parent field. The title of the new form field. The title cannot contain the period "." character. The 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= type of the field to create: Text Pushbutton Checkbox Radiobutton Choice Signature Parent

Return values 0 Non-zero The new form field could not be created The form field was created successfully, and this is the index of the new field

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was NewLayer. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function creates a new content stream part on the selected page. If required, the new content stream part can then be moved behind the existing information on the page using the MoveContentStream function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewContentStream As Long


int QuickPDFNewContentStream(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The new content stream part could not be created The index of the new content stream part. The first part has an index of 1.

Rendering and printing Description Creates a custom printer and returns the name of the custom printer. The returned printer name can be used as the PrinterName parameter of the PrintDocument function. Before printing, the properties of the printer can be set using the SetupCustomPrinter function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewCustomPrinter( OriginalPrinterName:WideString):WideString;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewCustomPrinter( OriginalPrinterName As String) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFNewCustomPrinter(int InstanceID, wchar_t * OriginalPrinterName) Parameters OriginalPrinterName The name of the printer to use for printing. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system.

Annotations and hotspot links, Document management Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Creates a new destination object that can be used with the AddLinkToDestination, GetDestPage, GetDestType or GetDestValue functions. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewDestination(DestPage,Zoom,DestType:Integer; Left,Top,Right,Bottom:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewDestination(DestPage As Long, Zoom As Long, DestType As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Right As Double, Bottom As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFNewDestination(int InstanceID, int DestPage, int Zoom, int DestType, double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom) Parameters DestPage Zoom DestType The page number that this destination object links to The zoom percentage to use for the destination object, valid values from 0 to 1600. Only used for DestType = 1, should be set to 0 for other DestTypes. 1 = "XYZ" - the target page is positioned at the point specified by the Left and Top parameters. The Zoom parameter specifies the zoom percentage. 2 = "Fit" - the entire page is zoomed to fit the window. None of the other parameters are used and should be set to zero. 3 = "FitH" - the page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page is visible. The height of the page may be greater or less than the height of the window. The page is positioned at the vertical position specified by the Top parameter. 4 = "FitV" - the page is zoomed so that the entire height of the page can be seen. The width of the page may be greater or less than the width of the window. The page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. 5 = "FitR" - the page is zoomed so that a certain rectangle on the page is visible. The Left, Top, Right and Bottom parameters define the rectangular area on the page. 6 = "FitB" - the page is zoomed so that it's bounding box is visible. 7 = "FitBH" - the page is positioned vertically at the position specified by the Top parameter. The page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page's bounding box is visible. 8 = "FitBV" - the page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. The page is zoomed just enough to fit the entire height of the bounding box into the window. The horizontal position used by DestType = 1, 4, 5 and 8 The vertical position used by DestType = 1, 3, 5 and 7 The horizontal position of the righthand edge of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5 The horizontal position of the bottom of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5

Left Top Right Bottom Return values 0 Non-zero

The DestPage parameter was invalid A DestID value

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Creates a new blank document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewDocument As Long


int QuickPDFNewDocument(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero There was an error while trying to create the new document. This should never occur. The ID of the new document

Form fields Description Adds a new form field to the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewFormField(Title:WideString; FieldType:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewFormField(Title As String, FieldType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNewFormField(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Title, int FieldType) Parameters Title FieldType The title of the new form field. The title cannot contain the period "." character. The 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= type of the field to create: Text Pushbutton Checkbox Radiobutton Choice Signature Parent

Return values 0 Non-zero The new form field could not be created The form field was created successfully, and this is the index of the new field

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Creates a named destination. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewNamedDestination(DestName:WideString; DestID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewNamedDestination(DestName As String, DestID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNewNamedDestination(int InstanceID, wchar_t * DestName, int DestID) Parameters DestName DestID The name of the destination The destination to assign a name to

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Creates a new optional content group. The group name will appear in the Layers tab in Acrobat 6 or later. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewOptionalContentGroup( GroupName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewOptionalContentGroup( GroupName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFNewOptionalContentGroup(int InstanceID, wchar_t * GroupName) Parameters GroupName The name of the optional content group. This name is displayed in the PDF viewer user interface.

Return values 0 Non-zero The new optional content group could not be created An ID that can be used as the OptionalContentGroupID parameter with the other optional content group functions

Outlines Description Adds a new outline item to the document. Outline items can be added in a hierarchical structure. In Acrobat Reader, outlines are referred to as bookmarks. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewOutline(Parent:Integer;Title:WideString; DestPage:Integer;DestPosition:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewOutline(Parent As Long, Title As String, DestPage As Long, DestPosition As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFNewOutline(int InstanceID, int Parent, wchar_t * Title, int DestPage, double DestPosition) Parameters Parent 0 for a root item, or the ID of the parent item if this is a child item (returned by the NewOutline function). Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The title of the outline item. The destination page number that this outline item links to The vertical position on the destination page to link to

Title DestPage DestPosition Return values 0 Non-zero

The item could not be added The ID of the item which was added successfully

Page manipulation This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Create a new page. The new page is added to the end of the document, and will have the same width and height as the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewPage As Long


int QuickPDFNewPage(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero The page could not be added. This should never occur. The page number of the page that was added

Vector graphics, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Adds a new page to the selected document from the drawing operations applied to the DC returned by the GetCanvasDC function. When the Options parameter is set to 3 or 4, use the NoEmbedFontListAdd function to add fonts to the no embed font list. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewPageFromCanvasDC(DPI As Long, Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNewPageFromCanvasDC(int InstanceID, int DPI, int Options) Parameters DPI The DPI to use for the new document. For example, if the canvas was created with a width and height of 96 and the DPI is specified as 192, the resulting document will be 0.5 inches in width and height. -1 = Convert the drawing commands to a single image using GDI+ 0 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts are not embedded 1 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts are embedded but not compressed 2 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts are embedded and compressed 3 = Process the drawing commands as vector graphics, fonts not in the no embed font list are embedded and compressed 4 = Same as 3 but fonts already added during previous calls to this function or the LoadFromCanvasDC function are reused


Return values 0 1 A canvas has not been created The canvas DC was processed correctly and a new document has been created

Page manipulation Description This function is similar to the NewPage function, but allows you to add more than one new page to the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewPages(PageCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNewPages(int InstanceID, int PageCount) Parameters PageCount Return values 0 Non-zero The pages could not be added. This should never occur. The total number of pages in the document after the new pages were added The number of pages to add to the document

Document properties Description Adds a PostScript XObject to the document. If the PostScript XObject is drawn onto the page with the DrawPostScriptXObject function the contents of the PostScript XObject will be placed into the generated PostScript for the page when printed to a PostScript printer. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewPostScriptXObject( PS As String) As Long


int QuickPDFNewPostScriptXObject(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PS) Parameters PS Return values 0 Non-zero The PostScript XObject could not be added A reference to the PostScript XObject which can be used with the DrawPostScriptXObject function The PostScript that will be inserted

Vector graphics, Color Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description This function adds an axial shader to the current document. The color is varied linearly from one color to another between two points and is used for linear gradient fills. The shader can be used with the SetTextShader, SetLineShader and SetFillShader functions to set the color of subsequently drawn vector graphics and text. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewRGBAxialShader(ShaderName:WideString;StartX, StartY,StartRed,StartGreen,StartBlue,EndX,EndY,EndRed,EndGreen, EndBlue:Double;Extend:Integer):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewRGBAxialShader(ShaderName As String, StartX As Double, StartY As Double, StartRed As Double, StartGreen As Double, StartBlue As Double, EndX As Double, EndY As Double, EndRed As Double, EndGreen As Double, EndBlue As Double, Extend As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFNewRGBAxialShader(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ShaderName, double StartX, double StartY, double StartRed, double StartGreen, double StartBlue, double EndX, double EndY, double EndRed, double EndGreen, double EndBlue, int Extend) Parameters ShaderName The name of the shader. Should be a simple string consisting of alphanumeric characters and no whitespace. This name is used with the SetTextShader, SetLineShader and SetFillShader functions. The horizontal co-ordinate of the start point The vertical co-ordinate of the start point The red component of the start color The green component of the start color The blue component of the start color The horizontal co-ordinate of the end point The vertical co-ordinate of the end point The red component of the end color The green component of the end color The blue component of the end color 0 = do not extend the beyond the start and end points 1 = extend the shader using solid color

StartX StartY StartRed StartGreen StartBlue EndX EndY EndRed EndGreen EndBlue Extend

Return values 0 The shader could not be added, possibly a shader with this name has already been added The shader was added successfully

Outlines Description This function creates a new outline without an action. The action can later be set using the SetOutlineDestination, SetOutlineWebLink or SetOutlineJavaScript functions. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NewStaticOutline(Parent:Integer; Title:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NewStaticOutline(Parent As Long, Title As String) As Long


int QuickPDFNewStaticOutline(int InstanceID, int Parent, wchar_t * Title) Parameters Parent Title Return values 0 Non-zero The outline item could not be added The ID of the outline item that was added 0 for a root item, or the ID of the parent item if this is a child item The title of the outline item.

Vector graphics, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Adds a font name to the no embed font list used by the LoadFromCanvasDC and NewPageFromCanvasDC functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NoEmbedFontListAdd( FontName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFNoEmbedFontListAdd(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontName) Parameters FontName Return values 0 1 The font name is already in the list The font name was added to the list successfully The font name to add to the list

Vector graphics, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Returns the number of font names in the no embed font list used by the LoadFromCanvasDC and NewPageFromCanvasDC functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NoEmbedFontListCount As Long


int QuickPDFNoEmbedFontListCount(int InstanceID)

Vector graphics, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Returns the font name at the specified index in the no embed font list used by the LoadFromCanvasDC and NewPageFromCanvasDC functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NoEmbedFontListGet( Index As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFNoEmbedFontListGet(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the font name in the list. The first name has an Index value of 1.

Vector graphics, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Removes all the font names from the no embed font list used by the LoadFromCanvasDC and NewPageFromCanvasDC functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NoEmbedFontListRemoveAll As Long


int QuickPDFNoEmbedFontListRemoveAll(int InstanceID)

Vector graphics, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Removes the font name at the specified index from the no embed font list used by the LoadFromCanvasDC and NewPageFromCanvasDC functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NoEmbedFontListRemoveIndex( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNoEmbedFontListRemoveIndex(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The specified index was out of range The font name was successfully removed from the list The index of the font name in the list. The first name has an Index value of 1.

Vector graphics, Fonts, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Removes the specified font name from the no embed font list used by the LoadFromCanvasDC and NewPageFromCanvasDC functions. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.NoEmbedFontListRemoveName( FontName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NoEmbedFontListRemoveName( FontName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFNoEmbedFontListRemoveName(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontName) Parameters FontName Return values 0 1 The specified font name was not found in the list The font name was successfully removed from the list The font name to remove from the list

Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Moves and/or rotates the contents of the page so that subsequent drawing operations are at the expected position on the page. All the page boundary boxes are adjusted to the physical size of the page and the page's rotation attribute is reset to zero. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::NormalizePage( NormalizeOptions As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFNormalizePage(int InstanceID, int NormalizeOptions) Parameters NormalizeOptions Unused. Should be set to zero.

Outlines Description Expands an outline item (bookmark). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::OpenOutline(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFOpenOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The outline item was expanded

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Returns the number of optional content groups in the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::OptionalContentGroupCount As Long


int QuickPDFOptionalContentGroupCount(int InstanceID)

Outlines Description Returns the number of outline items (bookmarks) in the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::OutlineCount As Long


int QuickPDFOutlineCount(int InstanceID)

Outlines Description Returns the title of an outline item (bookmark). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::OutlineTitle(OutlineID As Long) As String


wchar_t * QuickPDFOutlineTitle(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Reports the total number of pages in the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PageCount As Long


int QuickPDFPageCount(int InstanceID)

Page properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns the height of the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PageHeight As Double


double QuickPDFPageHeight(int InstanceID) Return values The height of the selected page (in points, millimetres or inches)

JavaScript, Page properties Description This function is used to add JavaScript to a page open or page close event. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.PageJavaScriptAction(ActionType, JavaScript:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PageJavaScriptAction( ActionType As String, JavaScript As String) As Long


int QuickPDFPageJavaScriptAction(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ActionType, wchar_t * JavaScript) Parameters ActionType The event to add the JavaScript to: "O" = (capital letter O) This event occurs when the page is opened "C" = This event occurs when the page is closed This is the JavaScript to execute when the event occurs.

JavaScript Return values 0 1

The specified ActionType was not valid The JavaScript was added successfully

Page properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns the rotation of the selected page. This value should always be a multiple of 90 degrees. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PageRotation As Long


int QuickPDFPageRotation(int InstanceID)

Page properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns the width of the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PageWidth As Double


double QuickPDFPageWidth(int InstanceID) Return values The width of the selected page (in points, millimetres or inches)

Rendering and printing Description Renders certain pages from the selected document to the specified printer. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.PrintDocument(PrinterName:WideString;StartPage, EndPage,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PrintDocument(PrinterName As String, StartPage As Long, EndPage As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFPrintDocument(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PrinterName, int StartPage, int EndPage, int Options) Parameters PrinterName The name of the printer to use for printing. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here. The first page to print The last page to print Use the PrintOptions function to obtain a value for this parameter

StartPage EndPage Options Return values 0 1

The pages could not be printed, usually caused by the StartPage and EndPage parameters being out of range The pages were printed successfully

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.18. Description Renders certain pages from the selected document to the specified printer. The print output is directed to the specified spool file. Not all printer drivers support the DocInfo.lpszOutput field so results may vary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.PrintDocumentToFile(PrinterName:WideString; StartPage,EndPage,Options:Integer;FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PrintDocumentToFile( PrinterName As String, StartPage As Long, EndPage As Long, Options As Long, FileName As String) As Long

int QuickPDFPrintDocumentToFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PrinterName, int StartPage, int EndPage, int Options, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters PrinterName The name of the printer to use for printing. This is the name that appears in the Windows Print Manager. Use the GetPrinterNames function to return a list of valid printers on the system. A value returned by the NewCustomPrinter function can also be used here. The first page to print The last page to print Use the PrintOptions function to obtain a value for this parameter The file name where print output should be spooled to.

StartPage EndPage Options FileName

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Renders certain pages from the selected document to the printer specified by the Delphi TPrinter object. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.PrintDocumentToPrinterObject(APrinter:TPrinter; StartPage,EndPage,Options:Integer):Integer; Parameters APrinter StartPage EndPage Options A Delph TPrinter object The first page to print The last page to print Use the PrintOptions function to obtain a value for this parameter

Rendering and printing Description This function is used to construct a value that can be used as the Options parameter to the PrintDocument function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.PrintOptions(PageScaling, AutoRotateCenter:Integer;Title:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::PrintOptions(PageScaling As Long, AutoRotateCenter As Long, Title As String) As Long


int QuickPDFPrintOptions(int InstanceID, int PageScaling, int AutoRotateCenter, wchar_t * Title) Parameters PageScaling 0 = None 1 = Fit to paper 2 = Shrink large pages 0 = Do not rotate pages automatically 1 = Rotate pages to fit on the output medium, and center on the page The title of the document. This title is used by Windows in the Print Manager and for network title pages

AutoRotateCenter Title

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Releases a buffer created with the CreateBuffer function. Syntax

int QuickPDFReleaseBuffer(int InstanceID, char * Buffer) Parameters Buffer Return values 0 1 The InstanceID was invalid, or the Buffer has already been released or is invalid The buffer was released successfully A value returned from the CreateBuffer function

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Frees the object created with the CreateLibrary function. Syntax

int QuickPDFReleaseLibrary(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The library could not be released. The InstanceID value may be incorrect. The library was released successfully

Form fields Description Removes the appearance stream of the specified form field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveAppearanceStream( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveAppearanceStream(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The appearance stream of the form field was removed successfully The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Removes a custom metadata item from the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveCustomInformation( Key As String) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveCustomInformation(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key) Parameters Key Specifies which key to remove

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Removes the specified document, freeing up memory. Quick PDF Library will always ensure that there is at least one document loaded at all times. In version 7.18 and earlier, it was only possible to remove a document if there were at least two documents loaded. From version 7.19 this function will always succeed. If the specified document was the only loaded document it will be removed and replaced with a new blank document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveDocument( DocumentID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveDocument(int InstanceID, int DocumentID) Parameters DocumentID Return values 0 1 The specified document does not exist or could not be removed. The specified document was removed successfully The ID of the document to remove

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Removes the specified embedded file from the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveEmbeddedFile(Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveEmbeddedFile(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount.

Return values 0 1 The embedded file could not be removed. The embedded file was successfully removed from the document.

Document properties, JavaScript Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Removes a block of JavaScript from the global JavaScript store. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RemoveGlobalJavaScript( PackageName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveGlobalJavaScript( PackageName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveGlobalJavaScript(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PackageName) Parameters PackageName Return values 0 1 The specified package name could not be found The JavaScript was removed successfully The name that that JavaScript was stored under.

Outlines Description Removes an outline from the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveOutline(OutlineID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveOutline(int InstanceID, int OutlineID) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline item to work with. This ID is returned by the NewOutline or NewStaticOutline functions, or retrieved with the GetOutlineID function or Get*Outline functions.

Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The outline was removed successfully

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was RemoveSharedLayers. Description This function ensures that none of the pages in the selected document have shared content streams. This is necessary before imposing a document with the CapturePage or CapturePageEx functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveSharedContentStreams As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveSharedContentStreams(int InstanceID)

Text Description Removes a style that was previously saved using the SaveStyle function. The style name is case sensitive, it must exactly match the style name used with the SaveStyle function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveStyle(StyleName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveStyle(int InstanceID, wchar_t * StyleName) Parameters StyleName Return values 0 1 The specified StyleName could not be found The style was removed successfully The name to associate with the style. This name is case sensitive.

Document manipulation, Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Removes any usage rights from the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveUsageRights As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveUsageRights(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 Usage rights were not found in the document. Usage rights were successfully removed from the document.

Document properties, Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Removes the XFA form field entry from the document's form. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RemoveXFAEntries(Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRemoveXFAEntries(int InstanceID, int Options) Parameters Options Reserved for future use, should be set to 0.

Rendering and printing Description Renders certain pages from the selected document to an image file on disk. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Encrypted documents cannot be rendered, they must be decrypted using Decrypt or DecryptFile. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RenderDocumentToFile(DPI,StartPage,EndPage, Options:Integer;FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RenderDocumentToFile(DPI As Long, StartPage As Long, EndPage As Long, Options As Long, FileName As String) As Long

int QuickPDFRenderDocumentToFile(int InstanceID, int DPI, int StartPage, int EndPage, int Options, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters DPI StartPage EndPage Options The DPI to use for the rendering. A value of 72 will give the same result as Acrobat when the zoom level is 100%. The first page to print The last page to print 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output


The path and filename to use for the file. Each page will be stored in a separate file. If this parameter contains "%p" this will be replaced by the page number, otherwise the page number will be appended to the end of the filename before the extension. For example, if FileName is "output.jpg" and page 10 is rendered the image will be stored in a file called "output10.jpg". If FileName is "page%poutput.bmp" and page 5 is rendered the image will be stored in a file called "page5output.bmp".

Return values 0 1 The pages were not rendered successfully. This is usually caused by the StartPage or EndPage parameters being out of range. The pages were rendered successfully

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description This function renders a page from the selected document directly onto a Windows Device Context (DC). For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. It is also possible to render using Cairo, use the SetCairoFileName and SelectRenderer functions. This feature is currently experimental. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RenderPageToDC(DPI,Page:Integer; DC:HDC):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RenderPageToDC(DPI As Long, Page As Long, DC As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRenderPageToDC(int InstanceID, int DPI, int Page, HDC DC) Parameters DPI Page DC Return values 0 1 Page could not be rendered Page was rendered successfully The DPI to use when rendering the page The page number to render The device context handle

Rendering and printing Description This function renders a page from the selected document to a file on disk. The data written to disk depends on the Options parameter. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Encrypted documents cannot be rendered, they must be decrypted using Decrypt or DecryptFile. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RenderPageToFile(DPI,Page,Options:Integer; FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RenderPageToFile(DPI As Long, Page As Long, Options As Long, FileName As String) As Long

int QuickPDFRenderPageToFile(int InstanceID, int DPI, int Page, int Options, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters DPI Page Options The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage. The page number to render 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output


The path and file name of the file to create to store the rendered page image data in.

Return values 0 1 2 The page could not be rendered The page was rendered correctly and the image file was saved to disk The file could not be written to disk

Rendering and printing Description This function is only available in the Delphi edition. It renders a page from the selected document to a TStream object. The data placed into the stream depends on the Options parameter. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Encrypted documents cannot be rendered, they must be decrypted using Decrypt or DecryptFile. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RenderPageToStream(DPI,Page,Options:Integer; Target:TStream):Integer; Parameters DPI Page Options The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage. The page number to render 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output


The stream to place the rendered page into

Rendering and printing Description This function is only available in the Delphi and DLL editions. It renders a page from the selected document to a string. The data in the returned string depends on the Options parameter. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Encrypted documents cannot be rendered, they must be decrypted using Decrypt or DecryptFile. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RenderPageToString(DPI,Page, Options:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFRenderPageToString(int InstanceID, int DPI, int Page, int Options) Parameters DPI Page Options The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage. The page number to render 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output

Rendering and printing Description This function is only available in the ActiveX edition. It renders a page from the selected document to a byte array Variant. The data in the byte array depends on the Options parameter. For best results this function requires GDI+, which is available by default in Windows XP. For other operating systems you may need the GDI+ redistributable available from Microsoft, which is called "gdiplus.dll". You can use the SetGDIPlusFileName function to specify where this DLL is installed. Encrypted documents cannot be rendered, they must be decrypted using Decrypt or DecryptFile. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RenderPageToVariant(DPI As Long, Page As Long, Options As Long) As Variant Parameters DPI Page Options The DPI to use when rendering the page. Values over 300 will cause excessive memory usage. The page number to render 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = BMP output JPEG output WMF output EMF output EPS output PNG output GIF output TIFF output EMF+ output

Fonts, Document manipulation Description Replaces embedded fonts with equivalent standard fonts, reducing the file size. Only Courier and Courier Bold are replaced. Additional font replacements will be available in future versions of the library. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ReplaceFonts As Long


int QuickPDFReplaceFonts(int InstanceID)

Image handling, Page layout Description Replaces an image on the selected page with another image. The original image is not removed from the document and can be reused. If the original image is no longer needed it can be cleared using the ClearImage function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.ReplaceImage(OriginalImageID, NewImageID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ReplaceImage(OriginalImageID As Long, NewImageID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFReplaceImage(int InstanceID, int OriginalImageID, int NewImageID) Parameters OriginalImageID NewImageID The ImageID of the image to be replaced The ImageID of the image to replace the existing image

Page manipulation Description This function searches through the contents of the current page, and replaces all occurrences of Tag with NewValue. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ReplaceTag(Tag As String, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFReplaceTag(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Tag, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Tag NewValue Return values Returns the number of times the text was replaced The text to search for The replacement text

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Use this function to activate an alternative printing system that allows the printer status to be returned. Many of the status codes returned are supplied by the printer driver there is no guarantee that values will contain meaningful information for all printers. The first step is to call this function with StatusCommand=101 to enable printer status monitoring. Optionally, the print job can be started in the paused state by calling this function again with StatusCommand=103. This might be necessary for small print jobs that would otherwise finish before the status can be read. The print job can then be started as usual with one of the printing functions: PrintDocument, PrintDocumentToFile or PrintDocumentToPrinterObject. Once the print job has started, this function can be called again repeatedly to obtain the printer status for the print job over time. If the print job was started in the paused state, actual printing will only begin once this function is called with StatusCommand=402. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RequestPrinterStatus( StatusCommand:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RequestPrinterStatus( StatusCommand As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRequestPrinterStatus(int InstanceID, int StatusCommand) Parameters StatusCommand 100 101 102 103 104 105 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 = = = = = = = = = = = = = Turn off printer status monitoring. Turn on printer status monitoring. Returns 1 if printer status monitoring is active. Start print job in paused state. Start printing immediately. Returns 1 if print job will be started in paused state. Returns 1 if print job data exists. Returns the Windows Spooler JobID. Returns the job priority, from 1 to 99. Returns the job's position in the print queue. Returns the total page count. Returns the number of pages that have been printed. This is usually zero if the data type is "RAW". Returns the number of milliseconds since the print job was started.

207 = Returns the print job data type Returns 1 if the data type contains "RAW" Returns 2 if the data type contains "EMF" Returns 3 if the data type contains "TEXT" Returns 4 if the data type contains "XPS" 300 = Returns the encoded job status. 301 = Returns 1 if the job is paused. 302 = Returns 1 if there is an error. 303 = Returns 1 if the job is being deleted. 304 = Returns 1 if the job is spooling. 305 = Returns 1 if the job is printing. 306 = Returns 1 if the printer is offline. 307 = Returns 1 if the printer is out of paper. 308 = Returns 1 if the job has printed. 309 = Returns 1 if the job has been deleted. 310 = Returns 1 if the driver cannot print the print job. 311 = Returns 1 if the printer has an error that requires the user to do something. 312 = Returns 1 if the job has been restarted. 313 = For Windows XP and later, returns 1 if the job has been sent to the printer (job may not be printed yet). 314 = For Windows Vista and later, returns 1 if the job has been retained in the print queue and cannot be deleted. 401 = Pause the print job. 402 = Resume a paused print job. 403 = Delete the print job.

Document properties Description Retrieves custom data from the PDF that was previously stored with StoreCustomDataFromString or StoreCustomDataFromFile. The retrieved data is written to the specified file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RetrieveCustomDataToFile(Key,FileName:WideString; Location:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RetrieveCustomDataToFile(Key As String, FileName As String, Location As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRetrieveCustomDataToFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key, wchar_t * FileName, int Location) Parameters Key The key that the data was stored under. If the location is the Document Catalog then the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary any key can be used but should be chosen with care so they make sense to the user. The path and file name of the file to save the retrieved data to. 1 = Retrieve the data from the Document Information Dictionary 2 = Retrieve the data from the Document Catalog

FileName Location

Return values 0 1 There was no data stored in the specified key, or the file to save the data to already exists and could not be overwritten The data was retrieved and written to the specified file successfully

Document properties Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was RetrieveCustomData. Description Retrieves custom data from the PDF that was previously stored with the StoreCustomData function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.RetrieveCustomDataToString(constKey:string; Location:Integer):string;

char * QuickPDFRetrieveCustomDataToString(int InstanceID, char * Key, int Location) Parameters Key The key that the data was stored under. If the location is the Document Catalog then the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary any key can be used but should be chosen with care so they make sense to the user. 1 = Retrieve the data from the Document Information Dictionary 2 = Retrieve the data from the Document Catalog


Document properties Description This function is only available in the ActiveX edition. It retrieves custom data that was previously stored with the StoreCustomData function into a variant byte array. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RetrieveCustomDataToVariant( Key As String, Location As Long) As Variant Parameters Key The key that the data was stored under. If the location is the Document Catalog then the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary any key can be used but should be chosen with care so they make sense to the user. 1 = Retrieve the data from the Document Information Dictionary 2 = Retrieve the data from the Document Catalog


Image handling Description This function reverses the interpretation of the color components in the selected image. For example, a green pixel (0, 255, 0) will become a purple pixel (255, 0, 255) and a black pixel will become a while pixel. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::ReverseImage(Reset As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFReverseImage(int InstanceID, int Reset) Parameters Reset Indicates whether the /Decode parameter in the image dictionary should be removed. This is necessary when the image is used as a stencil mask in Acrobat 4.0, but may give different results for different source image types (BMP, TIFF and PNG). Experimentation will be necessary. 0 = Keep the /Decode array and reverse the image 1 = Remove the /Decode array

Page properties, Page manipulation This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Used to rotate the page by a multiple of 90 degrees. This will also rotate the co-ordinate system on the page so that it remains the same with respect to the orientation of the page. The rotation is absolute, for example calling the function twice with a parameter of 90 will result in a page rotated by 90 degrees, not 180 degrees. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::RotatePage(PageRotation As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFRotatePage(int InstanceID, int PageRotation) Parameters PageRotation The number of degrees to rotate the page by. Must be a multiple of 90 degrees (90, 180 or 270).

Return values 0 1 The page could not be rotated, probably because the rotation specified was not a multiple of 90 The page was rotated successfully

Fonts Description This function is useful for extracting fonts from a PDF that have been found with the FindFonts function. Only embedded TrueType fonts can be saved. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveFontToFile( FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSaveFontToFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName Return values 0 1 The font is not embedded so there is no font data to save to the file The embedded font data was written to the file successfully The path and file name of the file that should be created to store the font data in.

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Saves the image data of an image list item to a file on disk. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SaveImageListItemDataToFile(ImageListID, ImageIndex,Options:Integer;ImageFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveImageListItemDataToFile( ImageListID As Long, ImageIndex As Long, Options As Long, ImageFileName As String) As Long

int QuickPDFSaveImageListItemDataToFile(int InstanceID, int ImageListID, int ImageIndex, int Options, wchar_t * ImageFileName) Parameters ImageListID ImageIndex Options ImageFileName Return values 0 1 Image data could not be saved Image data was saved successfully A value returned by the GetPageImageList function The index of the image in the list. The first image has an index of 1. Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0. The path and filename of the file to create

Image handling Description Saves the selected image to a file on disk. Only certain images can be saved. If the ImageType function returns 0 then the image type is in an unsupported format and cannot be saved. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveImageToFile( FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSaveImageToFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName Return values 0 1 The image could not be saved. Either an image is not selected or the file could not be created. The image was saved successfully The name of the image file to create.

Image handling Description This function is only available in the Delphi editions of the library. Use this function to save the selected image to a stream. Only certain image types can be saved, see the SaveImageToFile function for further information. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SaveImageToStream(OutStream:TStream):Integer; Parameters OutStream Return values 0 1 The image data could not be saved. Either an image was not selected, or the image data was of an unsupported type. The image data was saved to the stream successfully The image data will be written into this Delphi TStream object

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Use this function to save the selected image to a string. Only certain image types can be saved, see the SaveImageToFile function for further information. Syntax


char * QuickPDFSaveImageToString(int InstanceID)

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.23. Description Use this function to save the selected image to a variant byte array. Only certain image types can be saved, see the SaveImageToFile function for further information. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveImageToVariant As Variant

Vector graphics, Page layout Description Saves the current graphics state, which can be loaded later with the LoadState function. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveState As Long


int QuickPDFSaveState(int InstanceID)

Text Description Saves the current text properties under a named style. This style can then be applied quickly with a single call to the ApplyStyle function. The properties that are saved include the font name, font size, text color, alignment, underline and highlight style, spacing and scaling. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveStyle(StyleName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSaveStyle(int InstanceID, wchar_t * StyleName) Parameters StyleName The name to associate with the style. This name is case sensitive.

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Saves the selected document to a file on disk. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveToFile(FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSaveToFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName Return values 0 1 The file could not be created The file was created successfully The name of the file to create.

Document management Description Similar to the SaveToFile function, but allows the PDF document to be written to a stream object. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SaveToStream(OutStream:TStream):Integer; Parameters OutStream Return values 0 1 The document could not be saved The document was saved to the stream successfully The stream object to write the document to

Document management Description Similar to the SaveToFile function, but instead of creating a file the data for the PDF file is returned as a string. Syntax


char * QuickPDFSaveToString(int InstanceID)

Document management Description Similar to the SaveToFile function, but allows the PDF document to be written to a byte array variant. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SaveToVariant As Variant Return values Empty array Array The document could not be generated A byte array containing the PDF data

Document properties, Security and Signatures This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns information about the security settings of the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SecurityInfo( SecurityItem As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSecurityInfo(int InstanceID, int SecurityItem) Parameters SecurityItem 0 = Security Method 1 = User Password 2 = Master Password 3 = Printing 4 = Changing the Document 5 = Content Copying or Extraction 6 = Authoring Comments and Form Fields 7 = Form Field Fill-in or Signing 8 = Content Accessibility Enabled 9 = Document Assembly 10 = Encryption Level

Return values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 None Adobe Standard Security No Yes Fully Allowed Not Allowed Allowed 40-bit RC4 (Acrobat 3.x, 4.x) 128-bit RC4 (Acrobat 5.x) Unknown Low resolution Blank 128-bit AES (Acrobat 7.x) 256-bit AES (Acrobat 9.x)

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was SelectLayer. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function selects one of the selected page's content stream parts. All drawing operations are only carried out on the selected content stream part. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectContentStream( NewIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSelectContentStream(int InstanceID, int NewIndex) Parameters NewIndex The index of the content stream part to select. The first content stream part has an index of 1.

Return values 0 1 The specified layer could not be selected The specified layer was selected successfully

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Selects a document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectDocument( DocumentID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSelectDocument(int InstanceID, int DocumentID) Parameters DocumentID Return values 0 1 The document could not be selected, the ID could not be found The specified document was selected successfully The ID of the document to select

Text, Fonts This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Select one of the fonts which have been added to the selected document. The FontID must be a valid ID as returned by one of the Add*Font functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectFont(FontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSelectFont(int InstanceID, int FontID) Parameters FontID Return values 0 1 The specified ID could not be found The font was selected successfully The ID of the font to select

Image handling, Page layout This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Select one of the images that have been added to the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectImage(ImageID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSelectImage(int InstanceID, int ImageID) Parameters ImageID Return values 0 1 The specified ID could not be found The image was selected successfully The ID of the image to select

Page layout, Page manipulation This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Selects a page of the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectPage(PageNumber As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSelectPage(int InstanceID, int PageNumber) Parameters PageNumber Return values 0 1 The specified page could not be found The page was selected successfully The page to select

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Select the renderer to use during rendering. If Cairo is used, the SetCairoFileName function should be used to set the path to the Cairo DLL. Rendering using Cairo is currently experimental and is only enabled for the RenderPageToDC and DARenderPageToDC functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectRenderer( RendererID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSelectRenderer(int InstanceID, int RendererID) Parameters RendererID 1 = GDI+ 2 = Cairo

Return values 0 1 2 The specified renderer could not be selected The GDI+ renderer was selected The Cairo renderer was selected

Document management This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Returns the ID of the selected document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectedDocument As Long


int QuickPDFSelectedDocument(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero A document has not been selected. This should never occur. The ID of the selected document

Text, Fonts Description Returns the ID of the selected font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectedFont As Long


int QuickPDFSelectedFont(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero No font has been selected The ID of the selected font

Image handling, Page layout Description Returns the ID of the selected image. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectedImage As Long


int QuickPDFSelectedImage(int InstanceID) Return values 0 Non-zero No image has been selected The ID of the selected image

Page layout, Page manipulation Description Returns currently selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SelectedPage As Long


int QuickPDFSelectedPage(int InstanceID)

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Sets the target URL of the specified action. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetActionURL(ActionID:Integer; NewURL:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetActionURL(ActionID As Long, NewURL As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetActionURL(int InstanceID, int ActionID, wchar_t * NewURL) Parameters ActionID NewURL Return values 0 1 The specified ActionID was not valid The action's target URL was set successfully An ActionID as returned by the GetAnnotActionID, GetOutlineActionID or GetFormFieldActionID functions The new URL target

Color, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Sets the border color for the specified annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetAnnotBorderColor(Index:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetAnnotBorderColor(Index As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetAnnotBorderColor(int InstanceID, int Index, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Index Red Green Blue The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Sets the border style of the specified annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetAnnotBorderStyle(Index:Integer;Width:Double; Style:Integer;DashOn,DashOff:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetAnnotBorderStyle(Index As Long, Width As Double, Style As Long, DashOn As Double, DashOff As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetAnnotBorderStyle(int InstanceID, int Index, double Width, int Style, double DashOn, double DashOff) Parameters Index Width Style The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The width of the border The style of the border: 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Beveled 3 = Inset Anything else = Solid The length of the dash. Only valid if the border style is "dashed". The length of the spaces betwen the dashes. Only valid if the border style is "dashed".

DashOn DashOff

Annotations and hotspot links Description Changes the contents of an annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetAnnotContents(Index:Integer; NewContents:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetAnnotContents(Index As Long, NewContents As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetAnnotContents(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * NewContents) Parameters Index NewContents The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The new contents of the annotation

Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Sets the co-ordinates of the specified quad (rectangular area) contained within the specified annotation. If the QuadNumber is higher than the number of quads that the annotation already has then a new quad will be added to the annotation. From version 7.25 the order of the co-ordinates has changed for consistency between GetPageText and GetAnnotQuadPoints. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetAnnotQuadPoints(Index,QuadNumber:Integer;X1, Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetAnnotQuadPoints(Index As Long, QuadNumber As Long, X1 As Double, Y1 As Double, X2 As Double, Y2 As Double, X3 As Double, Y3 As Double, X4 As Double, Y4 As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetAnnotQuadPoints(int InstanceID, int Index, int QuadNumber, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3, double X4, double Y4) Parameters Index QuadNumber The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The index of the annotation's quad to set. The first quad has a QuadNumber of 1. If QuadNumber is greater than the number of existing quads then a new quad will be added to the annotation. The horizontal co-ordinate of the bottom-left corner. The vertical co-ordinate of the bottom-left corner. The horizontal co-ordinate of the bottom-right corner. The vertical co-ordinate of the bottom-right corner. The horizontal co-ordinate of the top-right corner. The vertical co-ordinate of the top-right corner. The horizontal co-ordinate of the top-left corner. The vertical co-ordinate of the top-left corner.

X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3 X4 Y4 Return values 0 1

The QuadNumber parameter was less than 1. The quad was changed or a new quad was added.

Annotations and hotspot links Description Sets a string property of the specified annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetAnnotStrProperty(Index,Tag:Integer; NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetAnnotStrProperty(Index As Long, Tag As Long, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetAnnotStrProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Index Tag The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. 111 113 114 115 = = = = URL of a link annotation The "Win" file name of a "Launch" action The "F" file name of a "Launch" action The "F" file name of a "GoToR" action


The new value of the specified annotation and property.

Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description This function sets the mode used by the DLL to convert strings to and from Unicode. Syntax

int QuickPDFSetAnsiMode(int InstanceID, int NewAnsiMode) Parameters NewAnsiMode 0 = Conversion using the current code page 1 = Conversion using UTF-8 encoding

Document properties, Annotations and hotspot links This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.15. Description Sets the Base URL for all URL links in the document. For example, if the Base URL was set to "http://www.example.com/" and a URL link destination was set to "index.html" then the link will point to "http://www.example.com/index.html". Use the AddLinkToWeb function to add a URL link to the current page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetBaseURL(NewBaseURL As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetBaseURL(int InstanceID, wchar_t * NewBaseURL) Parameters NewBaseURL The base URL to use for all URL link annotations in the document.

Vector graphics, Image handling, Text Description Sets the blend mode for subsequently drawn graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetBlendMode(BlendMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetBlendMode(int InstanceID, int BlendMode) Parameters BlendMode The blend mode to use: 0 = Normal 1 = Multiply 2 = Screen 3 = Overlay 4 = Darken 5 = Lighten 6 = Color Dodge 7 = Color Burn 9 = Hard Light 10 = Soft Light 11 = Difference 12 = Exclusion 13 = Hue 14 = Saturation 14 = Color 15 = Luminosity

Text Description Sets the string to use to mark line breaks. This string allows text to be split when using the *WrappedText functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetBreakString( NewBreakString As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetBreakString(int InstanceID, wchar_t * NewBreakString) Parameters NewBreakString The string of characters to use as a break character, for example Chr(13) + Chr(10)

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the EPSG reference code for a coordinate system dictionary (see www.epsg.org). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCSDictEPSG(CSDictID As Long, NewEPSG As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCSDictEPSG(int InstanceID, int CSDictID, int NewEPSG) Parameters CSDictID NewEPSG Return values 0 1 The CSDictID parameter was incorrect Success A value returned from the GetMeasureDictGCSDict or GetMeasureDictDCSDict functions The new value for the EPSG reference code

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the coordinate system type of a coordinate system dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCSDictType(CSDictID, NewDictType:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCSDictType(CSDictID As Long, NewDictType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCSDictType(int InstanceID, int CSDictID, int NewDictType) Parameters CSDictID NewDictType A value returned from the GetMeasureDictGCSDict or GetMeasureDictDCSDict functions 1 = Geographic coordinate system (GEOGCS) 2 = Projected coordinate system (PROJCS)

Return values 0 1 The CSDictID parameter was incorrect or the NewDictType parameter was out of range Success

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the Well Known Text (WKT) describing a coordinate system dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCSDictWKT(CSDictID:Integer; NewWKT:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCSDictWKT(CSDictID As Long, NewWKT As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCSDictWKT(int InstanceID, int CSDictID, wchar_t * NewWKT) Parameters CSDictID NewWKT Return values 0 1 The CSDictID parameter was incorrect Success A value returned from the GetMeasureDictGCSDict or GetMeasureDictDCSDict functions The new Well Known Text description

Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.13. Description Sets the path and file name of the Cairo DLL. The SelectRenderer function can be used to select the Cairo renderer rather than the default GDI+ renderer. The Cairo DLL is usually dependent on other DLLs. If these are not all stored in the same directory as the application, or a system directory, the Windows API function SetDllDirectory should be used to add the correct path before calling any rendering functions. Rendering using Cairo is currently experimental. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCairoFileName( FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCairoFileName(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName Return values 0 1 The specified DLL was not a valid Cairo DLL The specified Cairo DLL was valid The path and file name of the Cairo DLL.

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups, Page layout Description Links the captured page to an optional content group. This allows the captured page to be selectively shown in Acrobat 6 or later. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCapturedPageOptional(CaptureID, OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCapturedPageOptional( CaptureID As Long, OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCapturedPageOptional(int InstanceID, int CaptureID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters CaptureID OptionalContentGroupID The ID returned by the CapturePage function when a page was previously captured An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Return values 0 1 The CaptureID or OptionalContentGroupID parameters were not valid The captured page was linked to the optional content group successfully

Document properties Description This function allows you to store custom information in the PDF document. This is similar to the SetCustomInformation function, but the information is stored in the Document Catalog instead of the Document Information Dictionary. Metadata should be stored in the Document Information Dictionary using SetCustomInformation, private content or structural information should be stored in the Document Catalog using this fuction. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCatalogInformation(Key, NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCatalogInformation(Key As String, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCatalogInformation(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Key NewValue Return values 0 1 The key specified could not be set, it may have been a system key The value of the specified key was set successfully The name of the key to set. This key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. The new value of the specified key.

Text, Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Sets the width of a specific character in the selected font. The width uses is a ratio to the text size. For example, if a value of 750 is used the width of the character when output as 12pt text would be (750 / 1000) * 12. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCharWidth(CharCode As Long, NewWidth As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCharWidth(int InstanceID, int CharCode, int NewWidth) Parameters CharCode NewWidth Return values 0 1 A font has not been selected The width was set successfully The glyph character code that should be set. For example, 65 for "A". The new width

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Uses the current path as a clipping path for the selected image. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetClippingPath As Long


int QuickPDFSetClippingPath(int InstanceID)

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Similar to the SetClippingPath function, but uses the "even odd" method for dealing with situations where parts of the path overlap. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetClippingPathEvenOdd As Long


int QuickPDFSetClippingPathEvenOdd(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Sets Quick PDF Library to operate in the same way as previous versions of the library to maintain backwards compatibility. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCompatibility(CompatibilityItem, CompatibilityMode:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCompatibility( CompatibilityItem As Long, CompatibilityMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCompatibility(int InstanceID, int CompatibilityItem, int CompatibilityMode) Parameters CompatibilityItem CompatibilityMode 100 = DrawTableRows return value scaling (version 7.18) 0 = Turn off compatibility 1 = Turn on compatibility

Return values 0 1 Either CompatibilityItem or CompatibilityMode was out of range The compatibility mode was set successfully

Page properties, Content Streams and Optional Content Groups, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the PDF page description commands in the content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetContentStreamFromString( constSource:string):Integer;

int QuickPDFSetContentStreamFromString(int InstanceID, char * Source) Parameters Source The new PDF page description commands for the content stream part

Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the PDF page description commands in the content stream part that was selected with the SelectContentStream function. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetContentStreamFromVariant( NewValue As Variant) As Long Parameters NewValue A variant byte array containing the new PDF page description commands for the content stream part

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was SetLayerOptional. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function links the content stream that was selected using the SelectContentStream function to an optional content group. This allows the content stream part to be selectively shown in Acrobat 6 or later. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetContentStreamOptional( OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetContentStreamOptional( OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetContentStreamOptional(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Return values 0 1 The OptionalContentGroupID parameter was not valid The content stream part was linked to the optional content group successfully

Page properties Description Sets the visible area of the selected page. The non-visible area will be "cropped" and will not be displayed or printed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCropBox(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCropBox(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetCropBox(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters Left Top Width Height The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the cropping rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the cropping rectangle The width of the cropping rectangle The height of the cropping rectangle

Document properties Description This function is used to store custom metadata in the document. These values can later be read from the document with the GetCustomInformation function. The data is stored in the Document Information Dictionary. Private content or structural information should rather be stored in the Document Catalog using the SetCatalogInformation function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCustomInformation(Key, NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCustomInformation(Key As String, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCustomInformation(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Key NewValue Return values 0 The value could not be set. The Key parameter cannot be "Producer", "Creator", "Subject", "Title", "Keywords" or "Author". For these keys use the SetInformation function. The value of the key was set successfully Specifies which key to set The value to set the key to.

Vector graphics Description Sets a custom line dash pattern. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetCustomLineDash(DashPattern:WideString; DashPhase:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetCustomLineDash(DashPattern As String, DashPhase As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetCustomLineDash(int InstanceID, wchar_t * DashPattern, double DashPhase) Parameters DashPattern A list of numeric values separated with commas. Alternate values are used for dashes and spaces. A period must be used for numbers with decimal fractions. For example, to make a dash-dot-dot pattern the following could be used: "20.5,10,11,10,11,10" The distance within the pattern to start the dashed line. For example, if DashPattern is "20,10,40,10" and DashPhase is set to 5, the dashed line will start with a dash of size 15. The next dash will be 40, then 20, then 40, etc. with spaces of 10 between each dash.


Return values 0 1 The dash pattern was not valid The custom dash pattern was set successfully

Document properties Description Set's the document metadata. The metadata must be a valid XMP string, see Adobe's website for XMP documentation. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetDocumentMetadata( XMP As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetDocumentMetadata(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XMP) Parameters XMP Return values This function always returns 1 The XMP metadata

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.19. Description Sets a property of the specified embedded file. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetEmbeddedFileStrProperty(Index,Tag:Integer; NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetEmbeddedFileStrProperty( Index As Long, Tag As Long, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetEmbeddedFileStrProperty(int InstanceID, int Index, int Tag, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Index Tag The index of the embedded file. Must be a value between 1 and the value returned by EmbeddedFileCount. 1 2 3 4 5 7 = = = = = = File name MIME type Creation date Modification date Title Description


The new value of the specified property.

Vector graphics, Color Description Sets the fill color for any subsequently drawn graphics. The values for Red, Green and Blue range from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates 0% and 1 indicates 100% of the color. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFillColor(Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFillColor(int InstanceID, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Red Green Blue The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Vector graphics, Color Description Sets the fill color of subsequently drawn graphics. Similar to the SetFillColor function, but allows a color in the CMYK color space to be used. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFillColorCMYK(C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFillColorCMYK(int InstanceID, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters C M Y K The cyan component of the color The magenta component of the color The yellow component of the color The black component of the color

Vector graphics, Color Description Sets the fill color of subsequently drawn graphics. Similar to the SetFillColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFillColorSep(ColorName:WideString; Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFillColorSep(ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFillColorSep(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters ColorName Tint The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The separation color name could not be found The fill color was set successfully

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing, Color Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Sets the fill to the specified shader for subsequently drawn graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFillShader( ShaderName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFillShader(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ShaderName) Parameters ShaderName Return values 0 1 The shader could not be found The shader fill was setup correctly The shader name that was used when the shader was created.

Image handling, Document management, Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the search mode used by the FindImages function. The default search mode runs a recursive search in the resources of all the pages and annotations in the document. This is the fastest method and requires the least amount of memory, however unused images will not be found. The full search mode examines each object in the document. This takes more time and requires more memory, however all images will be located even if they are not used by any of the pages or annotations in the document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFindImagesMode( NewFindImagesMode:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFindImagesMode( NewFindImagesMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFindImagesMode(int InstanceID, int NewFindImagesMode) Parameters NewFindImagesMode 1 2 3 4 = = = = Default search mode Full search mode Default search mode, full convert Full search mode, full convert

Return values 0 1 An invalid value for the NewFindImagesMode parameter was used The search mode was changed successfully

Fonts Description Sets the encoding for the selected font. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFontEncoding(Encoding As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFontEncoding(int InstanceID, int Encoding) Parameters Encoding The 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= encoding to use for the font: StandardEncoding MacRomanEncoding WinAnsiEncoding Deprecated (was PDFDocEncoding) MacExpertEncoding Do not specify encoding

Return values 0 1 No font was selected, or the encoding could not be set The encoding for the selected font was set successfully

Fonts Description Sets the flags for the selected font. Usually these flags are set automatically when the font is added, but in some circumstance (for example with symbolic Type1 fonts) the flags cannot be automatically set. This function allows you to ensure the fonts have the correct flags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFontFlags(Fixed,Serif,Symbolic,Script, Italic,AllCap,SmallCap,ForceBold:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFontFlags(Fixed As Long, Serif As Long, Symbolic As Long, Script As Long, Italic As Long, AllCap As Long, SmallCap As Long, ForceBold As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFontFlags(int InstanceID, int Fixed, int Serif, int Symbolic, int Script, int Italic, int AllCap, int SmallCap, int ForceBold) Parameters Fixed Serif 0 = Font is proportional or variable width 1 = Font is fixed width, all glyphs have the same width 0 = Glyphs do not have serifs (short strokes drawn at an angle on the top and bottom of glyph stems) 1 = Glyphs have serifs 0 = Font contains glyphs in the standard Latin character set 1 = Font contains symbols 0 = Font contains regular glyphs 1 = Glyphs resemble cursive handwriting 0 = Regular font 1 = Glyphs have dominant vertical strokes that are slanted 0 = Font contains lowercase letters 1 = Font contains only uppercase letters 0 = Regular font 1 = Lowercase glyphs look like the corresponding uppercase glyphs but are smaller in size 0 = Regular font 1 = Force font to be rendered with a bold effect even at small sizes

Symbolic Script Italic AllCap SmallCap


Return values 0 1 A font has not been selected The font flags were set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the alignment for the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldAlignment(Index, Alignment:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldAlignment(Index As Long, Alignment As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldAlignment(int InstanceID, int Index, int Alignment) Parameters Index Alignment The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The 0= 1= 2= alignment to use for the form field: Left alignment Centered Right alignment

Return values 0 1 The form field index was invalid The alignment of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Set the "annotation" flags for the specified form field. This is for advanced use, see the PDF specification for details. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldAnnotFlags(Index, NewFlags:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldAnnotFlags(Index As Long, NewFlags As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldAnnotFlags(int InstanceID, int Index, int NewFlags) Parameters Index NewFlags Return values 0 1 The specified form field could not be found The "annotation" flags for the specified form field were set successfully The index of the form field to change The new flags value to apply

Form fields, Color Description Sets the background color of the specified form field. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBackgroundColor(Index:Integer;Red, Green,Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBackgroundColor( Index As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBackgroundColor(int InstanceID, int Index, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Index Red Green Blue Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid. The background color of the form field was set successfully The index of the form field The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Form fields, Color Description Sets the background color of the specified form field. Similar to the SetFormFieldBorderColor function, but the color components are specified in the CMYK color space (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBackgroundColorCMYK(Index:Integer;C, M,Y,K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBackgroundColorCMYK( Index As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBackgroundColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int Index, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters Index C M Y K Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The background color of the specified form field was set successfully The index of the form field The cyan component of the color The magenta component of the color The yellow component of the color The black component of the color

Form fields, Color Description Sets the background color of the specified form field. Similar to the SetFormFieldBorderColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. The PDF specification does not support separation color spaces for form fields, so the results may not always work, especially if the form field is later edited in Acrobat. This feature has been added for situations where the form field will be flattened. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBackgroundColorSep(Index:Integer; ColorName:WideString;Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBackgroundColorSep( Index As Long, ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBackgroundColorSep(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters Index ColorName Tint The index of the form field The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found, or the separation color name could not be found The background color of the specified form field was set successfully

Form fields, Color Description Sets the border color of the specified form field. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBorderColor(Index:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBorderColor(Index As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBorderColor(int InstanceID, int Index, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Index Red Green Blue Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid The border color of the form field was set successfully The index of the form field The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Form fields, Color Description Sets the border color of the specified form field. Similar to the SetFormFieldBorderColor function, but the color components are specified in the CMYK color space (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBorderColorCMYK(Index:Integer;C,M, Y,K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBorderColorCMYK( Index As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBorderColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int Index, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters Index C M Y K Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The border color of the specified form field was set successfully The index of the form field The amount of cyan for the color. 0 indicates no cyan, 1 indicates maximum cyan. The amount of magenta for the color. equivalent to the separation color. 0 indicates no magenta, 1 indicates maximum magenta. The amount of yellow for the color. 0 indicates no yellow, 1 indicates maximum yellow. The amount of black for the color. 0 indicates no black, 1 indicates maximum black.

Form fields, Color Description Sets the border color of the specified form field. Similar to the SetFormFieldBorderColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. The PDF specification does not support separation color spaces for form fields, so the results may not always work, especially if the form field is later edited in Acrobat. This feature has been added for situations where the form field will be flattened. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBorderColorSep(Index:Integer; ColorName:WideString;Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBorderColorSep( Index As Long, ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBorderColorSep(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters Index ColorName Tint The index of the form field The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found, or the separation color name could not be found The border color of the specified form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the width and line style of the specified form field's border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBorderStyle(Index:Integer; Width:Double;Style:Integer;DashOn,DashOff:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBorderStyle(Index As Long, Width As Double, Style As Long, DashOn As Double, DashOff As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBorderStyle(int InstanceID, int Index, double Width, int Style, double DashOn, double DashOff) Parameters Index Width Style The index of the form field The width of the border The style of the border: 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Beveled 3 = Inset Anything else = Solid The length of the dash. Only valid if the border style is "dashed". The length of the space between dashes. Only valid if the border style is "dashed".

DashOn DashOff Return values 0 1

The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid The border style of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Changes the physical size and position of the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldBounds(Index:Integer;Left,Top, Width,Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldBounds(Index As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldBounds(int InstanceID, int Index, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters Index Left Top Width Height Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The form field was resized and moved successfully The index of the form field to adjust The new co-ordinate of the left edge of the form field The new co-ordinate of the top of the form field The new width of the form field The new height of the form field

Form fields Description Sets or changes the calculation order for form fields. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldCalcOrder(Index, Order:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldCalcOrder(Index As Long, Order As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldCalcOrder(int InstanceID, int Index, int Order) Parameters Index Order The index of the form field to add to the list of calculated field The order this field should be calculated in. A value of 0 means this field is the first field to be calculated. A value of 1 means this field is the second field to be calculated. Use a value of -1 to specify this field should be calculated last out of the fields which have already been added to the calculation order list.

Return values 0 1 The specified form field could not be found The specified form field was added to the calculation order list, or moved to the new position if it was already in the list

Form fields Description Sets the caption of the form field. This applies to buttons, checkboxes and radiobutton form fields only. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldCaption(Index:Integer; NewCaption:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldCaption(Index As Long, NewCaption As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldCaption(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * NewCaption) Parameters Index NewCaption Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid The caption of the form field was set successfully The index of the form field The new caption for the form field.

Form fields Description Sets the check style for checkbox fields or radio-button sub-fields. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldCheckStyle(Index,CheckStyle, Position:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldCheckStyle(Index As Long, CheckStyle As Long, Position As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldCheckStyle(int InstanceID, int Index, int CheckStyle, int Position) Parameters Index CheckStyle The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = Cross in a box Check (tick) in a box Dot in circle (radio button) XP style checkbox XP style radio button


0 = Left align 1 = Center 2 = Right align

Return values 0 1 One of the parameters was invalid The check style was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the title of the specified form field. For form fields arranged in a hierarchy this function only sets the last part of the field name. For example, a field with the name "Address.ZipCode" can be changed to "Address.PostalCode". Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldChildTitle(Index:Integer; NewTitle:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldChildTitle(Index As Long, NewTitle As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldChildTitle(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * NewTitle) Parameters Index NewTitle Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The title of the specified form field was changed successfully The index of the form field to set the title of The new value for the last part of the title for the specified field.

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Sets a choice form field to be a combo box or list box. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldChoiceType(Index, ChoiceType:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldChoiceType(Index As Long, ChoiceType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldChoiceType(int InstanceID, int Index, int ChoiceType) Parameters Index ChoiceType The index of the form field 1 2 3 4 = = = = Set Set Set Set the the the the form form form form field field field field to to to to be be be be a a a a scrollable list box drop-down combo box multiselect scrollable list box drop-down combo box with edit box

Return values 0 1 The field was not changed The field was changed successfully

Form fields, Color Description Sets the color of the text in the form field. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldColor(Index:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldColor(Index As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldColor(int InstanceID, int Index, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Index Red Green Blue Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The form field text color was set successfully The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Form fields, Color Description Sets the color of the text in the specified form field. Similar to the SetFormFieldBorderColor function, but the color components are specified in the CMYK color space (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldColorCMYK(Index:Integer;C,M,Y, K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldColorCMYK(Index As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int Index, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters Index C M Y K Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The text color of the specified form field was set successfully The index of the form field The cyan component of the color The magenta component of the color The yellow component of the color The black component of the color

Form fields, Color Description Sets the color of the text in the specified form field. Similar to the SetFormFieldBorderColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. The PDF specification does not support separation color spaces for form fields, so the results may not always work, especially if the form field is later edited in Acrobat. This feature has been added for situations where the form field will be flattened. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldColorSep(Index:Integer; ColorName:WideString;Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldColorSep(Index As Long, ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldColorSep(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters Index ColorName Tint The index of the form field The name of the separation color that was used with the [f:AddSeparationColor] function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found, or the separation color name could not be found The text color of the specified form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Marks a form field as a comb field, where each character in the value occupies the same space in the field. The field must be a test field, and the SetFormFieldMaxLen function must be called to specify the number of characters in the field. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldComb(Index As Long, Comb As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldComb(int InstanceID, int Index, int Comb) Parameters Index Comb The index of the form field 0 = Regular field 1 = Comb field

Form fields Description Sets the default value of the field. This is the value which is shown when the reset button is pressed, if one is on the form. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldDefaultValue(Index:Integer; NewDefaultValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldDefaultValue(Index As Long, NewDefaultValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldDefaultValue(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * NewDefaultValue) Parameters Index NewDefaultValue The index of the form field to change The new default value for the form field. For multi-line text fields you can use Chr(13) or Chr(13) + Chr(10) to force a line feed between lines.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The default value of the specified form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the description of the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldDescription(Index:Integer; NewDescription:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldDescription(Index As Long, NewDescription As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldDescription(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * NewDescription) Parameters Index NewDescription Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The specified form field's description was set successfully The index of the form field to change The new description.

Form fields Description Sets the internal flags for the form field. This setting is for advanced purposes and most users will not need to use it. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldFlags(Index, NewFlags:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldFlags(Index As Long, NewFlags As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldFlags(int InstanceID, int Index, int NewFlags) Parameters Index NewFlags Return values 0 1 Cannot find the form field The flags were set successfully The index of the form field The new value of the flags. Consult the PDF specification for further details.

Form fields Description Sets the font that the specified form field must use. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldFont(Index, FontIndex:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldFont(Index As Long, FontIndex As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldFont(int InstanceID, int Index, int FontIndex) Parameters Index FontIndex The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The index of the font to use. The first font in the form has an index of 1. Use GetFormFontCount to determine the number of fonts available in the form.

Return values 0 1 Bad font index or form field not found Font was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the highlight mode for the specified form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldHighlightMode(Index, NewMode:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldHighlightMode(Index As Long, NewMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldHighlightMode(int InstanceID, int Index, int NewMode) Parameters Index NewMode The index of the form field The 0= 1= 2= 3= highlighting mode: None Invert Outline Push

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid The highlight mode of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the icon of a button form field. To create an icon: add a new page to the document, set the size and draw images or text onto the page, and then capture the page using the CapturePage function. For a "down" or "rollover" icon to be displayed correctly the form field's hightlight mode must be set to "push", see the SetFormFieldHighlightMode function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldIcon(Index,IconType, CaptureID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldIcon(Index As Long, IconType As Long, CaptureID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldIcon(int InstanceID, int Index, int IconType, int CaptureID) Parameters Index IconType The index of the form field The 0= 1= 2= type of icon to assign: Normal icon Rollover icon Down icon

CaptureID Return values 0 1

The ID returned by the CapturePage function

The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid The specified icon of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the position, scaling and layout of a button form field's icon. These parameters apply to all the icons assigned to a button (up, down and rollover). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldIconStyle(Index,Placement,Scale, ScaleType,HorizontalShift,VerticalShift:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldIconStyle(Index As Long, Placement As Long, Scale As Long, ScaleType As Long, HorizontalShift As Long, VerticalShift As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldIconStyle(int InstanceID, int Index, int Placement, int Scale, int ScaleType, int HorizontalShift, int VerticalShift) Parameters Index Placement The index of the form field The 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= The 0= 1= 2= 3= icon placement: No icon; caption only No caption; icon only Caption below the icon Caption above the icon Caption to the right of the icon Caption to the left of the icon Caption overlaid directly on the icon conditions under which to scale the icon: Always scale Only scale when the icon is bigger than the button Only scale when the icon is smaller than the button Never scale



The type of scaling to use: 0 = Ignore aspect ratio 1 = Maintain aspect ratio The percentage of space placed to the left of the icon, for example: 0 = Align left 50 = Center horizontally 100 = Align right The percentage of space placed beneath the icon, for example: 0 = Align bottom 50 = Center vertically 100 = Align top



Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the parameters were invalid The icon style of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the maximum number of characters that will be accepted for the specified text form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldMaxLen(Index, NewMaxLen:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldMaxLen(Index As Long, NewMaxLen As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldMaxLen(int InstanceID, int Index, int NewMaxLen) Parameters Index NewMaxLen Return values 0 1 The form field index was invalid The maximum length of the form field was set successfully The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The new maximum length to use for the form field

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Sets the state of a field's NoExport flag. The field will not be exported by a submit-form action if the NoExport flag is set. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldNoExport(Index, NoExport:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldNoExport(Index As Long, NoExport As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldNoExport(int InstanceID, int Index, int NoExport) Parameters Index NoExport The index of the form field 0 = Clear the field's NoExport flag 1 = Set the field's NoExport flag

Return values 0 1 Could not find the specified form field The NoExport flag was set successfully

Form fields, Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Adds a form field to an optional content group. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldOptional(Index, OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldOptional(Index As Long, OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldOptional(int InstanceID, int Index, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters Index OptionalContentGroupID The index of the form field An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Return values 0 1 The OptionalContentGroupID or Index parameter was invalid The field was added to the optional content group successfully

Form fields Description Moves the specified form field onto another page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldPage(Index As Long, NewPage As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldPage(int InstanceID, int Index, int NewPage) Parameters Index NewPage Return values 0 1 Can't find the form field or the new destination page is invalid Form field moved successfully The index of the form field to move The page number to move the form field to

Form fields Description Set whether the specified form field should be printed or not. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldPrintable(Index, Printable:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldPrintable(Index As Long, Printable As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldPrintable(int InstanceID, int Index, int Printable) Parameters Index Printable The index of the form field to change 0 = Do not print 1 = Print

Return values 0 1 The specified form field could not be found The printable flag of the specified form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the state of a field's ReadOnly flag. The user cannot change the value of a form field if the ReadOnly flag is set. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldReadOnly(Index, ReadOnly:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldReadOnly(Index As Long, ReadOnly As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldReadOnly(int InstanceID, int Index, int ReadOnly) Parameters Index ReadOnly The index of the form field 0 = Clear the field's ReadOnly flag 1 = Set the field's ReadOnly flag

Return values 0 1 Could not find the specified form field The ReadOnly flag was set successfully

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.24. Description Sets the state of a field's is Required flag. If this flag is set the field must have a value when the form is exported by a submit-form action. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldRequired(Index, Required:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldRequired(Index As Long, Required As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldRequired(int InstanceID, int Index, int Required) Parameters Index Required The index of the form field 0 = Clear the field's Required flag 1 = Set the field's Required flag

Return values 0 1 Could not find the specified form field The Required flag was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the rotation of a form field anti-clockwise relative to the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldRotation(Index, Angle:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldRotation(Index As Long, Angle As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldRotation(int InstanceID, int Index, int Angle) Parameters Index Angle The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The angle to rotate the field by. Must be one of the following values: 0, 90, 180 or 270.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the specified angle was not valid The rotation of the specified form field was set successfully

Fonts, Form fields Description Sets a form field to use a standard font. A standard font must be used in Acrobat 4 and earlier if the form field contains a border or is rotated. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldStandardFont(Index, StandardFontID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldStandardFont(Index As Long, StandardFontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldStandardFont(int InstanceID, int Index, int StandardFontID) Parameters Index StandardFontID The index of the form field The ID of the font to add: 0 = Courier 1 = CourierBold 2 = CourierBoldOblique 3 = CourierOblique 4 = Helvetica 5 = HelveticaBold 6 = HelveticaBoldOblique 7 = HelveticaOblique 8 = TimesRoman 9 = TimesBold 10 = TimesItalic 11 = TimesBoldItalic 12 = Symbol 13 = ZapfDingbats

Form fields Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Adds a submit action to a button form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldSubmitAction(Index:Integer; ActionType,Link:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldSubmitAction(Index As Long, ActionType As String, Link As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldSubmitAction(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * ActionType, wchar_t * Link) Parameters Index ActionType The index of the form field The action type: E = An action to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation's active area X = An action to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation's active area D = An action to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation's active area U = An action to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation's active area Fo = An action to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus Bl = An action to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus (blurred) K = An action to be performed when the user types a keystroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box. This allows the keystroke to be checked for validity and rejected or modified. F = An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value. This allows the field's value to be modified before formatting. V = An action to be performed when the field's value is changed. This allows the new value to be checked for validity. C = An action to be performed in order to recalculate the value of this field when that of another field changes The URL of the server script that will process the form submission.

Link Return values 0 1

Could not set the field action Success

Form fields Description Sets the tab order of the specified form field. A position of 1 indicates that the form field is the first field on the page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldTabOrder(Index, Order:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldTabOrder(Index As Long, Order As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldTabOrder(int InstanceID, int Index, int Order) Parameters Index Order The index of the form field that should be moved to a new position in the tab order The new position this form field should be in the tab order. The first position in the tab order has a value of 1.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or the new tab order was out of range The tab order of the specified form field was updated successfully

Form fields Description Sets various options for text form fields. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldTextFlags(Index,Multiline,Password, FileSelect,DoNotSpellCheck,DoNotScroll:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldTextFlags(Index As Long, Multiline As Long, Password As Long, FileSelect As Long, DoNotSpellCheck As Long, DoNotScroll As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetFormFieldTextFlags(int InstanceID, int Index, int Multiline, int Password, int FileSelect, int DoNotSpellCheck, int DoNotScroll) Parameters Index Multiline Password FileSelect The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. 0 = Field's text is restricted to one line 1 = Field may contain multiple lines of text 0 = The field is not a password field 1 = The field is a password, characters will be displayed as asterisks 0 = The field is not a file select field 1 = The contents of the file specified by the text entered in this field will be submitted as the value of the form field 0 = The field will be spell checked 1 = The field will not be spell checked 0 = Field can scroll 1 = Field is not allowed to scroll

DoNotSpellCheck DoNotScroll

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The options for the text field were set successfully

Text, Form fields Description Sets the size of the text in the specified form field. A value of 0 indicates that the form field autosizes the text to fit into the available space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldTextSize(Index:Integer; NewTextSize:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldTextSize(Index As Long, NewTextSize As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldTextSize(int InstanceID, int Index, double NewTextSize) Parameters Index NewTextSize Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The form field font size was set successfully The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1. The new size in points of the form field's font

Form fields Description Sets the initial value of a form field. The appearance stream for the form field is generated if SetNeedAppearances(1) has been called. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldValue(Index:Integer; NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldValue(Index As Long, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldValue(int InstanceID, int Index, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Index NewValue The index of the required form field. The first form field has an index of 1. The new value of the form field. For multi-line text fields you can use Chr(13) or Chr(13) + Chr(10) to force a line break.

Return values 0 1 Could not find the specified form field The default value of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Sets the value of all the form fields with the specified title. The appearance streams for the form fields are generated if SetNeedAppearances(1) has been called. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldValueByTitle(Title, NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldValueByTitle( Title As String, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldValueByTitle(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Title, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Title NewValue The title of the form field to set. The new value of the form field. For multi-line text fields you can use Chr(13) or Chr(13) + Chr(10) to force a line feed between lines.

Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found The value of the form field was set successfully

Form fields Description Hides or shows the a form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetFormFieldVisible(Index, Visible:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetFormFieldVisible(Index As Long, Visible As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetFormFieldVisible(int InstanceID, int Index, int Visible) Parameters Index Visible The index of the required form field. The first form field has an index of 1. 0 = Hide the form field 1 = Show the form field

Return values 0 1 Could not find the specified form field The visiblity of the form field was set successfully

Rendering and printing Description Sets the path and filename of the GDI+ DLL (gdiplus.dll) used by the RenderDocumentToFile and DARenderPageToString functions. This can usually be left at the default, which means the DLL will most probably be stored in the Windows/System folder, but on webservers, etc. it may be necessary to store the file in a different location. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetGDIPlusFileName( DLLFileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetGDIPlusFileName( DLLFileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetGDIPlusFileName(int InstanceID, wchar_t * DLLFileName) Parameters DLLFileName Return values 0 1 The specified file could not be found The GDI+ DLL file name was set successfully The path and file name of the GDI+ DLL, for example "c:\dlls\gdiplus.dll".

Rendering and printing Description Sets various options for the renderer when the GDI+ library is used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetGDIPlusOptions(OptionID, NewValue:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetGDIPlusOptions(OptionID As Long, NewValue As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetGDIPlusOptions(int InstanceID, int OptionID, int NewValue) Parameters OptionID 0 1 2 3 = = = = Use of GDI+ Text/vector graphics smoothing Interpolation Image smoothing


For use of GDI+: 0 = Do not use GDI+ 1 = Use GDI+ (default) For text/vector graphics smoothing: 0 = No smoothing 1 = Smooth text and vector graphics (default) For interpolation: 0 = Standard 1 = Accurate (default) For images: 0 = No smoothing (default) 1 = Smoothing

Text, HTML text Description Specifies the font to use when a <b> or <strong> tag is encountered when using DrawHTMLText or DrawHTMLTextBox. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetHTMLBoldFont(FontSet:WideString; FontID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetHTMLBoldFont(FontSet As String, FontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetHTMLBoldFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontSet, int FontID) Parameters FontSet FontID Return values 0 1 The specified FontID is not a valid font The font was set successfully The name of the font set to use. For this version of the library it should always be "Default". The ID of the font to use

Text, HTML text Description Specifies the font to use when both <b> or <strong> and <em> or <i> tags are encountered when using DrawHTMLText or DrawHTMLTextBox. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetHTMLBoldItalicFont(FontSet:WideString; FontID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetHTMLBoldItalicFont(FontSet As String, FontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetHTMLBoldItalicFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontSet, int FontID) Parameters FontSet FontID Return values 0 1 The specified FontID is not a valid font The font was set successfully The name of the font set to use. For this version of the library it should always be "Default". The ID of the font to use

Text, HTML text Description Specifies the font to use when an <em> or <i> tag is encountered when using DrawHTMLText or DrawHTMLTextBox. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetHTMLItalicFont(FontSet:WideString; FontID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetHTMLItalicFont(FontSet As String, FontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetHTMLItalicFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontSet, int FontID) Parameters FontSet FontID Return values 0 1 The specified FontID is not a valid font The font was set successfully The name of the font set to use. For this version of the library it should always be "Default". The ID of the font to use

Text, HTML text Description Specifies the default font for text drawn using DrawHTMLText or DrawHTMLTextBox. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetHTMLNormalFont(FontSet:WideString; FontID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetHTMLNormalFont(FontSet As String, FontID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetHTMLNormalFont(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FontSet, int FontID) Parameters FontSet FontID Return values 0 1 The specified FontID is not a valid font The font was set successfully The name of the font set to use. For this version of the library it should always be "Default". The ID of the font to use

Image handling, Page layout Description This function must be called to prepare the image before it is used as a mask for another image. The mask image must be a grayscale image, and be either 1-bit or 8-bit. Depending on your needs you may want to call ReverseImage which will reverse the effects of the mask. A soft-mask is just a normal image, so if you have an image setup as a stencil mask and no longer want it to be a mask just change it to a soft mask image (MaskType = 2). Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetImageAsMask(MaskType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetImageAsMask(int InstanceID, int MaskType) Parameters MaskType The type of mask to set this image as: 1 = Stencil mask (only 1-bit images) 2 = Soft mask (1-bit and 8-bit images)

Image handling, Page layout Description Sets the mask for the selected image. This can be used to make parts of an image transparent when it is drawn with the DrawImage or DrawScaledImage functions. The color range specified will become transparent. This works best with BMP or TIFF images. JPEG images use a lossy compression, so the image mask may cause halo effects. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetImageMask(FromRed,FromGreen,FromBlue,ToRed, ToGreen,ToBlue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetImageMask(FromRed As Double, FromGreen As Double, FromBlue As Double, ToRed As Double, ToGreen As Double, ToBlue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetImageMask(int InstanceID, double FromRed, double FromGreen, double FromBlue, double ToRed, double ToGreen, double ToBlue) Parameters FromRed FromGreen FromBlue ToRed ToGreen ToBlue Return values 0 1 No image was selected The image mask was set successfully The red component of the starting color for the mask The green component of the starting color for the mask The blue component of the starting color for the mask The red component of the ending color for the mask The green component of the ending color for the mask The blue component of the ending color for the mask

Image handling, Color, Page layout Description Sets the mask for the selected image. This can be used to make parts of an image transparent when it is drawn with the DrawImage or DrawScaledImage functions. The color range specified will become transparent. Use this function when the image you added is a CMYK image. Use the SetImageMask function for RGB images. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetImageMaskCMYK(FromC,FromM,FromY,FromK,ToC, ToM,ToY,ToK:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetImageMaskCMYK(FromC As Double, FromM As Double, FromY As Double, FromK As Double, ToC As Double, ToM As Double, ToY As Double, ToK As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetImageMaskCMYK(int InstanceID, double FromC, double FromM, double FromY, double FromK, double ToC, double ToM, double ToY, double ToK) Parameters FromC FromM FromY FromK ToC ToM ToY ToK Return values 0 1 No image was selected The image mask was set successfully The cyan component of the starting color for the mask The magenta component of the starting color for the mask The yellow component of the starting color for the mask The black component of the starting color for the mask The red component of the ending color for the mask The magenta component of the ending color for the mask The yellow component of the ending color for the mask The black component of the ending color for the mask

Image handling, Page layout Description Use this function to use another image as a transparency mask for the selected image. The mask image must be a grayscale image. If it is not specifically prepared it will be added as a soft mask which only works with Acrobat 5.0 and later. If it is specially prepared using the SetImageAsMask function you can choose whether the image will be a stencil mask (which will work with Acrobat 4.0 and later) or a soft mask (which will only work with Acrobat 5.0 and later). Remember that soft masks and stencil masks treat opaque and transparent in an opposite fashion. You may want to call ReverseImage on your mask image to ensure consistent results. For compatibility with Acrobat 6.0 and later it is important to set the transparency group for the page to ensure RGB colors in your image are not converted to CMYK yielding strange results. Use the SetPageTransparencyGroup function for this. To avoid problems with Acrobat 4.0 you may want to remove the /Decode array from the mask image. This can be achieved with the ReverseImage function setting the Reset parameter to 0. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetImageMaskFromImage( ImageID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetImageMaskFromImage(int InstanceID, int ImageID) Parameters ImageID The ID of the image to use as the mask

Image handling, Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description Links the specified image to an optional content group. This allows the image to be selectively shown in Acrobat 6 or later. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetImageOptional( OptionalContentGroupID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetImageOptional( OptionalContentGroupID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetImageOptional(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions

Image handling Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the horizontal and vertical resolution of the selected image as well as the resolution units. These values are used by the FitImage function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetImageResolution(Horizontal,Vertical, Units:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetImageResolution(Horizontal As Long, Vertical As Long, Units As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetImageResolution(int InstanceID, int Horizontal, int Vertical, int Units) Parameters Horizontal Vertical Units The new horizontal resolution of the image The new vertical resolution of the image 0 1 2 3 = = = = Unknown No units, values specify the aspect ratio Dots per inch (DPI) Dots per centimetre (DPCM)

Return values 0 1 No image was selected The resolution of the image was set successfully

Document properties This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Set the properties of the selected document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetInformation(Key:Integer; NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetInformation(Key As Long, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetInformation(int InstanceID, int Key, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters Key The 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= property to set: PDF Version Author Title Subject Keywords Creator Producer

NewValue Return values 0 1

The new value of the specified property.

The specified information could not be set. Use the LastErrorCode function to determine the reason for failure. The specified information was set successfully

Rendering and printing Description Sets the quality for any JPEG images produced by the library. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetJPEGQuality(Quality As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetJPEGQuality(int InstanceID, int Quality) Parameters Quality A number between 1 and 100 indicating the quality of the image. The higher the value, the better the image quality, but the larger the file size. The lower the value, the smaller the resulting file size, but at the expense of picture quality.

Document properties, JavaScript Description This function allows you to control the way JavaScript is stored in the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetJavaScriptMode(JSMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetJavaScriptMode(int InstanceID, int JSMode) Parameters JSMode 1 = Store JavaScript in a stream 2 = Store JavaScript in a compressed stream Anything else = Store JavaScript as a string (default)

Text, Fonts Description Sets the amount of kerning for the specified character pair. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetKerning(CharPair:WideString; Adjustment:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetKerning(CharPair As String, Adjustment As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetKerning(int InstanceID, wchar_t * CharPair, int Adjustment) Parameters CharPair Adjustment A two-character string containing the characters making the kerning pair, for example "AW" The amount to reduce the space between the kerning pair by. This is the same value as shown in graphics programs such as Adobe Illustrator. A value of 1000 is the same as the height of the text.

Return values 0 1 The kerning could not be set. Either the CharPair was not 2 characters in length, or a font has not been selected. The kerning for the specified pair of characters was set successfully

Vector graphics Description Sets the line cap style for subsequently drawn lines. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineCap(LineCap As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineCap(int InstanceID, int LineCap) Parameters LineCap The 0= 1= 2= line cap style to use: Butt Round Projecting square cap

Return values 0 1 The LineCap parameter was not valid The line cap style was set successfully

Vector graphics, Color Description Sets the outline color for any subsequently drawn graphics. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineColor(Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineColor(int InstanceID, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Red Green Blue The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Vector graphics, Color Description Sets the outline color of subsequently drawn graphics. Similar to the SetLineColor function, but the color components are specified in CMYK mode (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black). The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineColorCMYK(C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineColorCMYK(int InstanceID, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters C M Y K The cyan component of the color The magenta component of the color The yellow component of the color The black component of the color

Vector graphics, Color Description Sets the outline color of subsequently drawn graphics. Similar to the SetFillColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetLineColorSep(ColorName:WideString; Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineColorSep(ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineColorSep(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters ColorName Tint The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The separation color name could not be found The line color was set successfully

Vector graphics Description Sets the outline dash pattern for subsequently drawn graphics. Calling this function with either parameter set to zero will return to a solid line style for subseqently drawn graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineDash(DashOn As Double, DashOff As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineDash(int InstanceID, double DashOn, double DashOff) Parameters DashOn DashOff The width of the dashes The width of the space between the dashes

Vector graphics Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the outline dash pattern for subsequently drawn graphics. The dash pattern can be specified with a series of numeric values as per the PDF specification. Calling this function with an empty string for the DashValues parameter will return to a solid line style for subseqently drawn graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineDashEx( DashValues As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineDashEx(int InstanceID, wchar_t * DashValues) Parameters DashValues Return values 0 1 The value of the DashValues parameter was not valid. It should be a list of numeric values separated by spaces. For example "1 1 5 1". The dash pattern was set successfully. The dash pattern to use.

Vector graphics Description Sets the line join style for subsequently drawn graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineJoin(LineJoin As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineJoin(int InstanceID, int LineJoin) Parameters LineJoin The 0= 1= 2= line join style to use: Miter join Round join Bevel join

Return values 0 1 The LineJoin parameter was invalid The line join style was set successfully

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing, Color Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Sets the outline color to the specified shader for subsequently drawn graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineShader( ShaderName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineShader(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ShaderName) Parameters ShaderName Return values 0 1 The shader could not be found The shader outline was setup correctly The shader name that was used when the shader was created.

Vector graphics Description Sets the outline width for any subsequently drawn shapes. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetLineWidth(LineWidth As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetLineWidth(int InstanceID, double LineWidth) Parameters LineWidth The width to use

Color, Annotations and hotspot links Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description Sets the background color and transparency of a text markup annotation. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMarkupAnnotStyle(Index:Integer;Red,Green, Blue,Transparency:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMarkupAnnotStyle(Index As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double, Transparency As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetMarkupAnnotStyle(int InstanceID, int Index, double Red, double Green, double Blue, double Transparency) Parameters Index Red Green Blue Transparency The index of the annotation. The first annotation on the page has an index of 1. The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color The amount of transparency to apply 0 = No transparency 50 = 50% transparency 100 = Invisible

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the number of items in the Bounds array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictBoundsCount(MeasureDictID, NewCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictBoundsCount( MeasureDictID As Long, NewCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictBoundsCount(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int NewCount) Parameters MeasureDictID NewCount Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect Success A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The new number of items in the list. Must be a multiple of 2.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the value of an item in the Bounds array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictBoundsItem(MeasureDictID, ItemIndex:Integer;NewValue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictBoundsItem( MeasureDictID As Long, ItemIndex As Long, NewValue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictBoundsItem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int ItemIndex, double NewValue) Parameters MeasureDictID ItemIndex NewValue Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect or the ItemIndex parameter was out of range Success A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The index of the item to set. The first item has an index of 1. The new value of the item.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the coordinate system of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem(MeasureDictID, CoordinateSystemID:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem( MeasureDictID As Long, CoordinateSystemID As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int CoordinateSystemID) Parameters MeasureDictID CoordinateSystemID A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function 1 = Rectilinear coordinate system (RL) 2 = Geospatial coordinate system (GEO)

Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect or the CoordinateSystemID parameter was out of range Success

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the number of items in the GPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictGPTSCount(MeasureDictID, NewCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictGPTSCount( MeasureDictID As Long, NewCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictGPTSCount(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int NewCount) Parameters MeasureDictID NewCount Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect Success A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The new number of items in the list. Must be a multiple of 2.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the value of an item in the GPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictGPTSItem(MeasureDictID, ItemIndex:Integer;NewValue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictGPTSItem( MeasureDictID As Long, ItemIndex As Long, NewValue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictGPTSItem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int ItemIndex, double NewValue) Parameters MeasureDictID ItemIndex NewValue Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect or the ItemIndex parameter was out of range Success A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The index of the item to set. The first item has an index of 1. The new value of the item.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the number of items in the LPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictLPTSCount(MeasureDictID, NewCount:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictLPTSCount( MeasureDictID As Long, NewCount As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictLPTSCount(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int NewCount) Parameters MeasureDictID NewCount Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect Success A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The new number of items in the list. Must be a multiple of 2.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the value of an item in the LPTS array of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictLPTSItem(MeasureDictID, ItemIndex:Integer;NewValue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictLPTSItem( MeasureDictID As Long, ItemIndex As Long, NewValue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictLPTSItem(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int ItemIndex, double NewValue) Parameters MeasureDictID ItemIndex NewValue Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect or the ItemIndex parameter was out of range Success A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function The index of the item to set. The first item has an index of 1. The new value of the item.

Measurement and coordinate units Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the page display units of a measurement dictionary. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasureDictPDU(MeasureDictID,LinearUnit, AreaUnit,AngularUnit:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasureDictPDU(MeasureDictID As Long, LinearUnit As Long, AreaUnit As Long, AngularUnit As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetMeasureDictPDU(int InstanceID, int MeasureDictID, int LinearUnit, int AreaUnit, int AngularUnit) Parameters MeasureDictID LinearUnit A value returned from the GetImageMeasureDict function 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = = = = = = = M (a meter) KM (a kilometer) FT (an international foot) USFT (a U.S. Survey foot) MI (an international mile) NM (an international nautical mile) SQM (a square meter) HA (a hectare = 10,000 square meters) SQKM (a square kilometer) SQFT (a square foot) A (an acre) SQMI (a square mile)



1 = DEG (a degree) 2 = GRD (a grad = 0.9 degrees)

Return values 0 1 The MeasureDictID parameter was incorrect or one of the other parameters was out of range. Success

Measurement and coordinate units Description Set the units to use for all measurements given to and returned from the library. Default user space is exactly 1/72 inches per unit, which is approximately the same as a "point", a unit used in the printing industry. 25.4 millimetres is one inch. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetMeasurementUnits( MeasurementUnits:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetMeasurementUnits( MeasurementUnits As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetMeasurementUnits(int InstanceID, int MeasurementUnits) Parameters MeasurementUnits The units to use: 0 = Default user space 1 = Millimetres 2 = Inches Anything else = Default user space

Form fields Description Sets the value of the document's "NeedAppearances" key. Setting this to 1 (True) will instruct the PDF viewer to create the appearances for the form fields when the document is loaded. The document must have at least one form field for this function to have any effect. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetNeedAppearances( NewValue As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetNeedAppearances(int InstanceID, int NewValue) Parameters NewValue 0 = Set NeedAppearances to False 1 = Set NeedAppearances to True

Return values 0 1 The document does not have any form fields The NeedAppearances flag was set successfully

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was SetObjectSource. Description Sets the raw PDF object data for the specified object number. This is for advanced use only. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetObjectFromString(ObjectNumber:Integer; constSource:string):Integer;

int QuickPDFSetObjectFromString(int InstanceID, int ObjectNumber, char * Source) Parameters ObjectNumber The number of the object to update. The first object is numbered 1 and the last object has an object number equal to the result of the GetObjectCount function. The raw PDF object data to associate with the specified object.

Source Return values 0 1

The ObjectNumber parameter was out of bounds. The specified object was updated successfully.

Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the raw PDF object data for the specified object number from a variant byte array. This is for advanced use only. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetObjectFromVariant( ObjectNumber As Long, NewValue As Variant) As Long Parameters ObjectNumber The number of the object to update. The first object is numbered 1 and the last object has an object number equal to the result of the GetObjectCount function. The raw PDF object data to associate with the specified object.

NewValue Return values 0 1

The ObjectNumber parameter was out of bounds. The specified object was updated successfully.

Document properties Description This function allows the opening page and zoom factor to be set for the selected document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOpenActionDestination(OpenPage, Zoom:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOpenActionDestination( OpenPage As Long, Zoom As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOpenActionDestination(int InstanceID, int OpenPage, int Zoom) Parameters OpenPage Zoom The page number to jump to when the document is opened The zoom percentage to use when the document is opened: 0..1600 = percentage zoom -1 = Fit in window -2 = Fit width

Return values 0 1 The open action could not be set The open action was set successfully

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description This function allows the opening page and various sizing/positioning values to be set for the selected document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOpenActionDestinationFull(OpenPage,Zoom, DestType:Integer;Left,Top,Right,Bottom:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOpenActionDestinationFull( OpenPage As Long, Zoom As Long, DestType As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Right As Double, Bottom As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetOpenActionDestinationFull(int InstanceID, int OpenPage, int Zoom, int DestType, double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom) Parameters OpenPage Zoom DestType The page number to jump to when the document is opened The zoom percentage to use when the document is opened, valid values from 0 to 1600. Only used for DestType = 1, should be set to 0 for other DestTypes. 1 = "XYZ" - the target page is positioned at the point specified by the Left and Top parameters. The Zoom parameter specifies the zoom percentage. 2 = "Fit" - the entire page is zoomed to fit the window. None of the other parameters are used and should be set to zero. 3 = "FitH" - the page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page is visible. The height of the page may be greater or less than the height of the window. The page is positioned at the vertical position specified by the Top parameter. 4 = "FitV" - the page is zoomed so that the entire height of the page can be seen. The width of the page may be greater or less than the width of the window. The page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. 5 = "FitR" - the page is zoomed so that a certain rectangle on the page is visible. The Left, Top, Right and Bottom parameters define the rectangular area on the page. 6 = "FitB" - the page is zoomed so that it's bounding box is visible. 7 = "FitBH" - the page is positioned vertically at the position specified by the Top parameter. The page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page's bounding box is visible. 8 = "FitBV" - the page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. The page is zoomed just enough to fit the entire height of the bounding box into the window. The horizontal position used by DestType = 1, 4, 5 and 8 The vertical position used by DestType = 1, 3, 5 and 7 The horizontal position of the righthand edge of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5 The horizontal position of the bottom of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5

Left Top Right Bottom Return values 0

The open action destination could not be set. The usually indicates that the Zoom or DestType parameters are out of range. The open action destination was set successfully.

Document properties, JavaScript Description Use this function to run a block of JavaScript as the document is opened. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOpenActionJavaScript( JavaScript:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOpenActionJavaScript( JavaScript As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOpenActionJavaScript(int InstanceID, wchar_t * JavaScript) Parameters JavaScript Return values 0 1 The JavaScript could not be added The JavaScript was added successfully The JavaScript to use for this action.

Document properties Description Specifies an Acrobat menu item to execute when the document is first loaded. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOpenActionMenu( MenuItem As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOpenActionMenu(int InstanceID, wchar_t * MenuItem) Parameters MenuItem Return values 0 1 The open action could not be set The open action was set successfully The menu item which should be executed, for example "print"

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description This function allows an optional content group to be marked as visible or invisible when the document is printed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOptionalContentGroupPrintable( OptionalContentGroupID,Printable:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOptionalContentGroupPrintable( OptionalContentGroupID As Long, Printable As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOptionalContentGroupPrintable(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID, int Printable) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions 0 = Not printed 1 = Printed


Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Description This function allows an optional content group to be marked as visible or invisible when the document is opened. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOptionalContentGroupVisible( OptionalContentGroupID,Visible:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOptionalContentGroupVisible( OptionalContentGroupID As Long, Visible As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOptionalContentGroupVisible(int InstanceID, int OptionalContentGroupID, int Visible) Parameters OptionalContentGroupID An ID returned by the NewOptionalContentGroup, GetOptionalContentGroupID or GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID functions 0 = Not visible 1 = Visible


Return values Non-zero An ID that can be used as the OptionalContentGroupID parameter with the other optional content group functions

Measurement and coordinate units This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Sets the origin for all subsequent drawing operations. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOrigin(Origin As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOrigin(int InstanceID, int Origin) Parameters Origin Specifies which page corner to use for the origin: 0 = Bottom left (default) 1 = Top left 2 = Top right 3 = Bottom right Anything else = Bottom left

Color, Outlines Description Sets the color of an outline item (bookmark). The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineColor(OutlineID:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineColor(OutlineID As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetOutlineColor(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters OutlineID Red Green Blue Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The color of the outline item was set successfully The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Outlines Description Sets the destination that an outline item (bookmark) points to. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineDestination(OutlineID,DestPage:Integer; DestPosition:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineDestination(OutlineID As Long, DestPage As Long, DestPosition As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineDestination(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int DestPage, double DestPosition) Parameters OutlineID DestPage DestPosition The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The page number that this outline item links to The vertical position of the page that this outline item links to. Jumping to the bottom of the page will result in the following page being shown. If possible link to the top of the page.

Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The destination of the outline item was set successfully

Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Sets the destination of an outline item (bookmark) to a specific postion and zoom percentage. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineDestinationFull(OutlineID,DestPage, Zoom,DestType:Integer;Left,Top,Right,Bottom:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineDestinationFull( OutlineID As Long, DestPage As Long, Zoom As Long, DestType As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Right As Double, Bottom As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetOutlineDestinationFull(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int DestPage, int Zoom, int DestType, double Left, double Top, double Right, double Bottom) Parameters OutlineID DestPage Zoom DestType The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The page number that this outline item links to The zoom percentage to use when the outline destination is opened, valid values from 0 to 1600. Only used for DestType = 1, should be set to 0 for other DestTypes. 1 = "XYZ" - the target page is positioned at the point specified by the Left and Top parameters. The Zoom parameter specifies the zoom percentage. 2 = "Fit" - the entire page is zoomed to fit the window. None of the other parameters are used and should be set to zero. 3 = "FitH" - the page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page is visible. The height of the page may be greater or less than the height of the window. The page is positioned at the vertical position specified by the Top parameter. 4 = "FitV" - the page is zoomed so that the entire height of the page can be seen. The width of the page may be greater or less than the width of the window. The page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. 5 = "FitR" - the page is zoomed so that a certain rectangle on the page is visible. The Left, Top, Right and Bottom parameters define the rectangular area on the page. 6 = "FitB" - the page is zoomed so that it's bounding box is visible. 7 = "FitBH" - the page is positioned vertically at the position specified by the Top parameter. The page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page's bounding box is visible. 8 = "FitBV" - the page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. The page is zoomed just enough to fit the entire height of the bounding box into the window. The horizontal position used by DestType = 1, 4, 5 and 8 The vertical position used by DestType = 1, 3, 5 and 7 The horizontal position of the righthand edge of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5 The horizontal position of the bottom of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5

Left Top Right Bottom Return values 0

The outline destination could not be set. The usually indicates that the Zoom or DestType parameters are out of range or the OutlineID is invalid. The outline destination was set successfully

Outlines Description Sets the destination of an outline item (bookmark) to a specific postion on a page, and sets the zoom percentage of the document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineDestinationZoom(OutlineID, DestPage:Integer;DestPosition:Double;Zoom:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineDestinationZoom( OutlineID As Long, DestPage As Long, DestPosition As Double, Zoom As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetOutlineDestinationZoom(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int DestPage, double DestPosition, int Zoom) Parameters OutlineID DestPage DestPosition The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The page number that this outline should link to The vertical position on the page that the outline should link to. Specifying a point at the bottom of the page will result in the next page being shown - it is better to link to a point at the top of the page. The zoom factor to show the target page at: 0..1600 = Zoom percentage -1 = Fit in window -2 = Fit width


Return values 0 1 The OutlineID was invalid Destination set successfull

JavaScript, Outlines Description Specifies the JavaScript to run when the user clicks on the outline item (bookmark). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineJavaScript(OutlineID:Integer; JavaScript:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineJavaScript(OutlineID As Long, JavaScript As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineJavaScript(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, wchar_t * JavaScript) Parameters OutlineID JavaScript Return values 0 1 The OutlineID was invalid The JavaScript action was successfully added to the outline ID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The JavaScript to execute.

Annotations and hotspot links, Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the destination of the specified outline item (bookmark) to a named destination. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineNamedDestination(OutlineID:Integer; DestName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineNamedDestination( OutlineID As Long, DestName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineNamedDestination(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, wchar_t * DestName) Parameters OutlineID DestName Return values 0 1 The OutlineID was invalid Success The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The named destination.

Outlines Description Sets the outline item (bookmark) to open a file when it is clicked. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineOpenFile(OutlineID:Integer; FileName:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineOpenFile(OutlineID As Long, FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineOpenFile(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters OutlineID FileName The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The file to open when the outline is clicked. This should be in a specific format. Back slashes should be converted to forward slashes and the drive, if any, should be specified as just the drive letter between forward slashes without a colon. For example, the file "c:\my documents\hello.pdf" should be specified as "/c/my documents/hello.pdf". Relative path names are valid, including paths that include the ".." operator to move up a directory.

Return values 0 1 The OutlineID was invalid The outline destination was set successfully

Outlines Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the outline item (bookmark) to open another PDF when it is clicked. The opening page number and various sizing/positioning values can be specified. Note: because the page size of the target document is not known, all positions are specified in points measured from the bottom left corner of the opening page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineRemoteDestination(OutlineID:Integer; FileName:WideString;OpenPage,Zoom,DestType:Integer;PntLeft, PntTop,PntRight,PntBottom:Double;NewWindow:Integer):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineRemoteDestination( OutlineID As Long, FileName As String, OpenPage As Long, Zoom As Long, DestType As Long, PntLeft As Double, PntTop As Double, PntRight As Double, PntBottom As Double, NewWindow As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetOutlineRemoteDestination(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, wchar_t * FileName, int OpenPage, int Zoom, int DestType, double PntLeft, double PntTop, double PntRight, double PntBottom, int NewWindow) Parameters OutlineID The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The filename of the PDF document to open when the outline is clicked. This should be in a specific format. Back slashes should be converted to forward slashes and the drive, if any, should be specified as just the drive letter between forward slashes without a colon. For example, the file "c:\my documents\hello.pdf" should be specified as "/c/my documents/hello.pdf". Relative path names are valid, including paths that include the ".." operator to move up a directory. The page number to jump to when the target document is opened The zoom percentage to use when the document is opened, valid values from 0 to 1600. Only used for DestType = 1, should be set to 0 for other DestTypes. 1 = "XYZ" - the target page is positioned at the point specified by the Left and Top parameters. The Zoom parameter specifies the zoom percentage. 2 = "Fit" - the entire page is zoomed to fit the window. None of the other parameters are used and should be set to zero. 3 = "FitH" - the page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page is visible. The height of the page may be greater or less than the height of the window. The page is positioned at the vertical position specified by the Top parameter. 4 = "FitV" - the page is zoomed so that the entire height of the page can be seen. The width of the page may be greater or less than the width of the window. The page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. 5 = "FitR" - the page is zoomed so that a certain rectangle on the page is visible. The Left, Top, Right and Bottom parameters define the rectangular area on the page. 6 = "FitB" - the page is zoomed so that it's bounding box is visible. 7 = "FitBH" - the page is positioned vertically at the position specified by the Top parameter. The page is zoomed so that the entire width of the page's bounding box is visible. 8 = "FitBV" - the page is positioned at the horizontal position specified by the Left parameter. The page is zoomed just enough to fit the entire height of the bounding box into the window. The horizontal position used by DestType = 1, 4, 5 and 8. The position is specified in points measured from the bottom left corner of the target document's page. The vertical position used by DestType = 1, 3, 5 and 7. The position is specified in points measured from the bottom left corner of the target document's page. The horizontal position of the righthand edge of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5. The position is specified in points measured from the bottom left corner of the target document's page. The horizontal position of the bottom of the rectangle. Used by DestType = 5. The position is specified in points measured from the bottom left corner of the target document's page. 0 = Replace the current document with the target document 1 = Open the target document in a new window unless the user has specified a different preference in the PDF viewer


OpenPage Zoom







Return values 0 1 The OutlineID was invalid The outline destination was set successfully

Outlines Description Sets the way an outline item (bookmark) is displayed. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineStyle(OutlineID,SetItalic, SetBold:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineStyle(OutlineID As Long, SetItalic As Long, SetBold As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineStyle(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, int SetItalic, int SetBold) Parameters OutlineID SetItalic SetBold The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. 0 = Normal 1 = Italic 0 = Normal 1 = Bold

Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The style of the outline item was set successfully

Outlines Description Sets the title of an outline item (bookmark). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineTitle(OutlineID:Integer; NewTitle:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineTitle(OutlineID As Long, NewTitle As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineTitle(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, wchar_t * NewTitle) Parameters OutlineID NewTitle Return values 0 1 The Outline ID provided was invalid The title of the outline item was set successfully The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The new title for the outline item.

Outlines Description Specifies an internet link that should be opened when the user clicks on the outline item (bookmark). Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOutlineWebLink(OutlineID:Integer; Link:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOutlineWebLink(OutlineID As Long, Link As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOutlineWebLink(int InstanceID, int OutlineID, wchar_t * Link) Parameters OutlineID Link The ID of the outline as returned by the NewOutline function. Alternatively, use the GetOutlineID function to get a valid outline ID. The URL to link to. Some examples: "http://www.example.com/" "mailto:info@example.com"

Return values 0 1 The OutlineID was invalid The web link action was added to the outline item successfully

Vector graphics, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the overprint parameter of the graphics state for subsequently drawn text and graphics. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetOverprint(StrokingOverprint,OtherOverprint, OverprintMode:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetOverprint(StrokingOverprint As Long, OtherOverprint As Long, OverprintMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetOverprint(int InstanceID, int StrokingOverprint, int OtherOverprint, int OverprintMode) Parameters StrokingOverprint Controls overprint for stroking operations: 0 = Turn overprint off 1 = Turn overprint on Controls overprint for non-stroking operations: 0 = Turn overprint off 1 = Turn overprint on Sets the interpretation of a tint value of 0.0 for a color component in a DeviceCMYK colour space. 0 = Default behaviour 1 = Nonzero overprint mode



Return values 0 1 An error occurred. One or more of the parameters were out of range. Success

Document properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets up the document for PDF/A standards compliance mode. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPDFAMode(NewMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPDFAMode(int InstanceID, int NewMode) Parameters NewMode Return values 0 1 Invalid NewMode parameter The compliance mode was set successfully 2 = PDF/A-1b

Image handling, Color Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Sets the RGB color to use as the transparency mask in PNG images that are generated by the rendering functions. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetPNGTransparencyColor(RedByte,GreenByte, BlueByte:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPNGTransparencyColor(RedByte As Long, GreenByte As Long, BlueByte As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPNGTransparencyColor(int InstanceID, int RedByte, int GreenByte, int BlueByte) Parameters RedByte GreenByte BlueByte The red component The green component The blue component

Page properties Description Specifies a menu item to run when the document is first opened. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageActionMenu( MenuItem As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageActionMenu(int InstanceID, wchar_t * MenuItem) Parameters MenuItem Return values 0 1 The open action could not be set, there is a problem with the document The page open action was set successfully The MenuItem to call, for example "Print"

Page properties Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.18. Description Sets the dimensions of the selected page's boundary rectangles. The MediaBox represents the physical medium of the page. The CropBox represents the visible region of the page, the contents will be clipped to this region. The BleedBox is similar to the CropBox, but is the rectangle used in a production environment. The TrimBox indicates the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming, and the ArtBox defines the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the page's creator. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetPageBox(BoxType:Integer;Left,Top,Width, Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageBox(BoxType As Long, Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetPageBox(int InstanceID, int BoxType, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters BoxType 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox

Left Top Width Height

The horizontal co-ordinate of the left edge of the rectangle The vertical co-ordinate of the top edge of the rectangle The width of the rectangle The height of the rectangle

Page properties, Page layout, Page manipulation Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was SetPageContent. Description This function allows the content of the selected PDF page to be set. This is for advanced use only! If incorrect information is put into the page's content stream then the PDF file may not load correctly with Acrobat or any other PDF viewer. In previous versions of Quick PDF Library this function would only set the content of the selected content stream part. From version 8.11 this function sets the content of the entire page resulting in a single content stream part. The SetContentStreamFromString function can be used to set the PDF page description commands of the content stream part selected with the SelectContentStream function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetPageContentFromString( constSource:string):Integer;

int QuickPDFSetPageContentFromString(int InstanceID, char * Source) Parameters Source The new contents of the page

Page properties, Page layout, Page manipulation Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description This function allows the content of the selected PDF page to be set. This is for advanced use only! If incorrect information is put into the page's content stream then the PDF file may not load correctly with Acrobat or any other PDF viewer. This function sets the content of the entire page resulting in a single content stream part. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageContentFromVariant( NewValue As Variant) As Long Parameters NewValue The new contents of the page as a byte array variant

Page properties, Page layout This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Set the size of the selected page. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetPageDimensions(NewPageWidth, NewPageHeight:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageDimensions( NewPageWidth As Double, NewPageHeight As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageDimensions(int InstanceID, double NewPageWidth, double NewPageHeight) Parameters NewPageWidth NewPageHeight Return values 0 1 The page size could not be set. This should never occur. The page was resized successfully The new width of the page The new height of the page

Document properties Description Sets the initial page layout of the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageLayout( NewPageLayout As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageLayout(int InstanceID, int NewPageLayout) Parameters NewPageLayout 0 1 2 3 = = = = Single page One column Two columns, first page on left Two columns, first page on right

Return values 0 1 The page mode could not be set The page mode was set successfully

Document properties Description Sets the initial page mode of the document. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageMode(NewPageMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageMode(int InstanceID, int NewPageMode) Parameters NewPageMode 0 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = = Normal view Show the outlines pane Show the thumbnails pane Show the document in full screen mode Optional content group panel visible Attachments panel visible

Return values 0 1 The page mode could not be set The page mode was set successfully

Page properties, Page layout This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Use this function to set the current page to a named size, for example "A4" or "Letter Landscape". Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageSize(PaperName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageSize(int InstanceID, wchar_t * PaperName) Parameters PaperName The name of the paper, one of the following: A0 to A10, B0 to B10, ISOB0 to ISOB10, C0 to C7, DL, Letter, Legal, Statement, Tabloid, Ledger, Executive, Folio. You can make a landscape page by adding the word Landscape after the paper name, for example "A3 Landscape".

Return values 0 1 The specified paper name was not valid The page was resized successfully

Page manipulation Description Sets the selected image as the "thumbnail" for the selected page. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageThumbnail As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageThumbnail(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 No image was selected The thumbnail was set successfully

Vector graphics, Text, Page layout Description Allows the transparency group for the page to be set. Whenever image are used as masks for other images the page transparency group should be set to ensure consistent results across different versions of PDF viewers. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetPageTransparencyGroup(CS,Isolate, Knockout:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPageTransparencyGroup(CS As Long, Isolate As Long, Knockout As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPageTransparencyGroup(int InstanceID, int CS, int Isolate, int Knockout) Parameters CS The color space to use: 1 = RGB 2 = CMYK This parameter has no effect and is reserved for future use. It should always be set to 0. Indicates whether items added to the page are drawn over each other or "knocked out" of the page. In knockout mode a "hole" is made through existing objects on the page in the shape of the new object. The new object is then drawn against the background. 0 = Do not knockout 1 = Knockout

Isolate Knockout

Measurement and coordinate units Description Use this function to set the precision of numerical values stored in the PDF document. Setting the precision to a lower number will reduce the size of the generated file, while a higher precision will result in a larger file, although objects and graphics will be more accurately positioned. The default precision is 4. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPrecision( NewPrecision As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetPrecision(int InstanceID, int NewPrecision) Parameters NewPrecision Return values 0 1 The precision specified was out of range The precision was set successfully The precision to use for subsequent drawing operations. A value from 2 to 8.

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description Sets the printer DEVMODE structure for the next printing operation using the value retrieved from a prior call to GetPrinterDevModeToString. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetPrinterDevModeFromString( constSource:string):Integer;

int QuickPDFSetPrinterDevModeFromString(int InstanceID, char * Source) Parameters Source A value returned from the GetPrinterDevModeToString function.

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description Sets the printer DEVMODE structure for the next printing operation using the value retrieved from a prior call to GetPrinterDevModeToVariant. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetPrinterDevModeFromVariant( Source As Variant) As Long Parameters Source A value returned from the GetPrinterDevModeToString function.

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets the page boundary to use as the cropping area for rendering. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetRenderCropType( NewCropType As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetRenderCropType(int InstanceID, int NewCropType) Parameters NewCropType 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox

Return values 0 1 The NewCropType parameter was out of range. The rendering crop type was set successfully.

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.25. Description By default the RenderPageToDC and DARenderPageToDC functions fill the page area with solid white background before rendering the page contents. This function can be used to suppress the background allowing the page contents to be drawn over any existing content in the supplied device context. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetRenderDCErasePage( NewErasePage:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetRenderDCErasePage( NewErasePage As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetRenderDCErasePage(int InstanceID, int NewErasePage) Parameters NewErasePage 0 = No page background is drawn 1 = The page area is filled with a solid white background before rendering

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Sets the position on the device context that the RenderPageToDC and DARenderPageToDC functions use for the top-left corner of the rendered output. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetRenderDCOffset(NewOffsetX, NewOffsetY:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetRenderDCOffset(NewOffsetX As Long, NewOffsetY As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetRenderDCOffset(int InstanceID, int NewOffsetX, int NewOffsetY) Parameters NewOffsetX NewOffsetY The horizontal offset measured in pixels The vertical offset measured in pixels

Rendering and printing Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.22. Description Applies a non-integer scaling to the DPI parameter of subsequent calls to any of the rendering functions. For example, if the render scale is set to 0.1 and the RenderPageToFile function is called with the DPI parameter set to 125, the resulting image will be rendered with an effective DPI of 12.5. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetRenderScale( NewScale As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetRenderScale(int InstanceID, double NewScale) Parameters NewScale The new render scale

Measurement and coordinate units Description Scales the co-ordinate system for all subsequent drawing operations. A scale factor of 1 is equivalent to calling SetMeasurementUnits(0) which sets the measurement units to be Points. A scale factor of (72 / 25.4) is equivalent to calling SetMeasurementUnits(1) which sets the measurement units to be millimetres. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetScale(NewScale As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetScale(int InstanceID, double NewScale) Parameters NewScale The scale factor to use

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the color of the specified table border using the RGB color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableBorderColor(TableID,BorderIndex:Integer; Red,Green,Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableBorderColor(TableID As Long, BorderIndex As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableBorderColor(int InstanceID, int TableID, int BorderIndex, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters TableID BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom

Red Green Blue

The red component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The green component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The blue component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the color of the specified table border using the CMYK color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableBorderColorCMYK(TableID, BorderIndex:Integer;C,M,Y,K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableBorderColorCMYK(TableID As Long, BorderIndex As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableBorderColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int TableID, int BorderIndex, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters TableID BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom


The cyan component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The magenta component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The yellow component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The black component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the width of the specified table border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableBorderWidth(TableID,BorderIndex:Integer; NewWidth:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableBorderWidth(TableID As Long, BorderIndex As Long, NewWidth As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTableBorderWidth(int InstanceID, int TableID, int BorderIndex, double NewWidth) Parameters TableID BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom


The new width of the specified table border

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the vertical and horizontal alignment of one or more cells. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellAlignment(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn,NewCellAlignment:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellAlignment(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, NewCellAlignment As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellAlignment(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, int NewCellAlignment) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn NewCellAlignment A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = = = = = = = = = top left top center top right middle left middle center middle right bottom left bottom center bottom right

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the background color of one or more cells using the RGB color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellBackgroundColor(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellBackgroundColor( TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellBackgroundColor(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn Red Green Blue A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set The red component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The green component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The blue component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the background color of one or more cells using the CMYK color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellBackgroundColorCMYK(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn:Integer;C,M,Y,K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellBackgroundColorCMYK( TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellBackgroundColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn C M Y K A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set The cyan component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The magenta component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The yellow component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The black component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the color of one or more cell borders using the RGB color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellBorderColor(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn,BorderIndex:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellBorderColor(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, BorderIndex As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellBorderColor(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, int BorderIndex, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom

Red Green Blue

The red component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The green component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The blue component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the color of one or more cell borders using the CMYK color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellBorderColorCMYK(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn,BorderIndex:Integer;C,M,Y, K:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellBorderColorCMYK( TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, BorderIndex As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellBorderColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, int BorderIndex, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom


The cyan component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The magenta component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The yellow component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The black component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the width of one or more cell borders. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellBorderWidth(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn,BorderIndex:Integer; NewWidth:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellBorderWidth(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, BorderIndex As Long, NewWidth As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellBorderWidth(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, int BorderIndex, double NewWidth) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom


The new width of the specified border

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the content of the specified cell. The content will be drawn with the equivalent of the DrawHTMLText function, prefixed with the necessary paragraph alignment, font size and font color tags. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellContent(TableID,RowNumber, ColumnNumber:Integer;HTMLText:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellContent(TableID As Long, RowNumber As Long, ColumnNumber As Long, HTMLText As String) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellContent(int InstanceID, int TableID, int RowNumber, int ColumnNumber, wchar_t * HTMLText) Parameters TableID RowNumber ColumnNumber HTMLText A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the row number of the cell. Top row is row number 1. The the column number of the cell. Left most column is column number 1. The HTML text to place into the specified cell

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the padding of one or more cells. The padding is the distance from the cell boundary to the text contents. The padding is set on the side of the specified border. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellPadding(TableID,FirstRow,FirstColumn, LastRow,LastColumn,BorderIndex:Integer;NewPadding:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellPadding(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, BorderIndex As Long, NewPadding As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellPadding(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, int BorderIndex, double NewPadding) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn BorderIndex A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set 0 1 2 3 4 = = = = = All borders Left Top Right Bottom


The new padding on the side of the specified border

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the default text color of one or more cells using the RGB color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellTextColor(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn:Integer;Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellTextColor(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellTextColor(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn Red Green Blue A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set The red component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The green component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The blue component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Color, Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the default text color of one or more cells using the CMYK color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellTextColorCMYK(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn:Integer;C,M,Y,K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellTextColorCMYK( TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellTextColorCMYK(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn C M Y K A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set The cyan component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The magenta component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The yellow component of the color, a value from 0 to 1 The black component of the color, a value from 0 to 1

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the default text size of one or more cells. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableCellTextSize(TableID,FirstRow, FirstColumn,LastRow,LastColumn:Integer;NewTextSize:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableCellTextSize(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, NewTextSize As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableCellTextSize(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int FirstColumn, int LastRow, int LastColumn, double NewTextSize) Parameters TableID FirstRow FirstColumn LastRow LastColumn NewTextSize A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final row to set The number of the final column to set The new text size for the specified cell range

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the width of one or more table columns. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableColumnWidth(TableID,FirstColumn, LastColumn:Integer;NewWidth:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableColumnWidth(TableID As Long, FirstColumn As Long, LastColumn As Long, NewWidth As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableColumnWidth(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstColumn, int LastColumn, double NewWidth) Parameters TableID FirstColumn LastColumn NewWidth A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first column to set. Left most column is column number 1. The number of the final column to set The new width of the specified columns

Page layout Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.14. Description Sets the height of one or more table rows. If the row height is set to zero (default) the row will autosize to the maximum height of the contents of all the cells in the row. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTableRowHeight(TableID,FirstRow, LastRow:Integer;NewHeight:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTableRowHeight(TableID As Long, FirstRow As Long, LastRow As Long, NewHeight As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTableRowHeight(int InstanceID, int TableID, int FirstRow, int LastRow, double NewHeight) Parameters TableID FirstRow LastRow NewHeight A TableID returned by the CreateTable function The the number of the first row to set. Top row is row number 1. The number of the final row to set 0 = auto size Non-zero = the new maximum height of the row

Miscellaneous functions Description Specifies a temporary file which can be used during operations such as encryption. This allows large documents to be processed without running out of memory. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTempFile(FileName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTempFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * FileName) Parameters FileName The full path and file to use as a temporary file. This path must have write access by the running process. For example, "c:\temp\pdftemp.dat".

Return values 0 1 The path specified was not valid. A temporary file could not be created. The temporary file could be created successfully

Miscellaneous functions Description Sets the folder to use for storage of temporary files which are generated by functions such as MergeFileList. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTempPath(NewPath As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTempPath(int InstanceID, wchar_t * NewPath) Parameters NewPath Return values 0 1 The specified folder does not exists or does not have read/write access The temporary path was set successfully The new folder to use. This folder must exist already, it will not be created.

Text This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Set the alignment of subsequent text drawn with the DrawText, DrawWrappedText or DrawMultiLineText functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextAlign(TextAlign As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextAlign(int InstanceID, int TextAlign) Parameters TextAlign The alignment of the text: 0 = Left aligned (default) 1 = Center aligned 2 = Right aligned 3 = Justified 4 = Force justified 5 = Last line justified Anything else = Left aligned "Justified" mode will not justify a line if it's the last line in a paragraph or if the line ends with a hard-break. "Force justified" will justify every line even if it's the last line or if it ends with a hard-break. "Last line justified" will not justify the last line of text, this is useful when different blocks of text are drawn one after the other.

Text Description Sets the amount of space to add between characters for subsequently drawn text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextCharSpacing( CharSpacing As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextCharSpacing(int InstanceID, double CharSpacing) Parameters CharSpacing The amount of extra space to add between characters

Text, Color This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Sets the color for any subsequently drawn text. The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextColor(Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextColor(int InstanceID, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Red Green Blue The red component of the color The green component of the color The blue component of the color

Text, Color Description Sets the color for any subsequently drawn text. Similar to the SetTextColor function, but the color components are specified in the CMYK color space (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). The values of the color parameters range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating 0% and 1 indicating 100% of the color. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextColorCMYK(C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextColorCMYK(int InstanceID, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters C M Y K The cyan component of the color The magenta component of the color The yellow component of the color The black component of the color

Text, Color Description Sets the color for any subsequently drawn text. Similar to the SetTextColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextColorSep(ColorName:WideString; Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextColorSep(ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextColorSep(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters ColorName Tint The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The separation color name could not be found The text color was set successfully

Text, Extraction Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.12. Description Sets the area for text extraction. Any text that appears outside this area will be excluded from the results. From 8.13, this function sets the text extraction area for the selected document only. It also only affects the results of the GetPageText function. To adjust the text extraction for the ExtractFilePageText and DAExtractPageText functions, use the new DASetTextExtractionArea function. The coordinate values passed into this function are specified using the units set with the SetMeasurementUnits function and the origin set with the SetOrigin function. The area limitation can be removed by calling this function with a value of zero for both the Width and Height parameters. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextExtractionArea(Left,Top,Width, Height:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextExtractionArea(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetTextExtractionArea(int InstanceID, double Left, double Top, double Width, double Height) Parameters Left Top Width Height Return values 1 2 The text extraction area was set successfully The text extraction area was cleared The horizontal coordinate of the left edge of the area The vertical coordinate of the top edge of the area The width of the area The height of the area

Extraction, Miscellaneous functions Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. Description Sets various options that affect the text extraction functionality. From 8.13, this function sets the text extraction options for the selected document only. It also only affects the results of the GetPageText function. To adjust the text extraction for the ExtractFilePageText and DAExtractPageText functions, use the new DASetTextExtractionOptions function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextExtractionOptions(OptionID, NewValue:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextExtractionOptions( OptionID As Long, NewValue As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextExtractionOptions(int InstanceID, int OptionID, int NewValue) Parameters OptionID 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Font information matching when grouping Color information matching when grouping Block information matching when grouping CMYK colors Sort blocks


For OptionID = 1 to 3: 0 = Use 1 = Ignore For OptionID = 4: 0 = Show as RGB 1 = Show as CMYK For OptionID = 5: 0 = Do not sort blocks 1 = Sort blocks

Return values 0 1 The OptionID or NewValue parameter was not valid The text extraction option was set successfully

Text, Extraction Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.21. Description Sets the word gap ratio for the text extraction functionality. From 8.13, this function sets the text extraction options for the selected document only. It also only affects the results of the GetPageText function. To adjust the text extraction for the ExtractFilePageText and DAExtractPageText functions, use the new DASetTextExtractionWordGap function. The word gap ratio is the maximum distance between two text blocks specified as the ratio of the horizontal distance between the blocks to the height of the text. The default initial value is 0.7 and smaller values will allow closer distances between words. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextExtractionWordGap( NewWordGap:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextExtractionWordGap( NewWordGap As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextExtractionWordGap(int InstanceID, double NewWordGap) Parameters NewWordGap Return values 1 The word gap ratio was set successfully. The new WordGap ratio

Text Description Sets the text highlighting mode for subsequently drawn text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextHighlight( Highlight As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextHighlight(int InstanceID, int Highlight) Parameters Highlight The 0= 1= 2= text highlighting mode to use: None Square Rounded

Text, Color Description Sets the color used to highlight text. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextHighlightColor(Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextHighlightColor(Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextHighlightColor(int InstanceID, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Red Green Blue A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of red to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no red, 1 indicates maximum red. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of green to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no green, 1 indicates maximum green. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of blue to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no blue, 1 indicates maximum blue.

Text, Color Description Sets the color used to highlight text, but allows the color to be specified in the CMYK color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextHighlightColorCMYK(C,M,Y, K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextHighlightColorCMYK(C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextHighlightColorCMYK(int InstanceID, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters C M Y K A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of cyan to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no cyan, 1 indicates maximum cyan. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of magenta to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no magenta, 1 indicates maximum magenta. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of yellow to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no yellow, 1 indicates maximum yellow. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of black to add to the highlight color. 0 indicates no black, 1 indicates maximum black.

Text, Color Description Sets the color used to highlight text. Similar to the SetTextHighlightColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextHighlightColorSep(ColorName:WideString; Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextHighlightColorSep( ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextHighlightColorSep(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters ColorName Tint The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The separation color name could not be found The text highlight color was set successfully

Text Description Specifies the mode to draw subsequent text in. Modes 4 to 7 are used to add text to the clipping path. If one of these modes is selected and text is drawn onto the page, then subsequent items drawn onto the page will be clipped to the outline of the text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextMode(TextMode As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextMode(int InstanceID, int TextMode) Parameters TextMode The text mode: 0 = Filled text (default) 1 = Outline text 2 = Fill then stroke text 3 = Invisible text 4 = Fill text and add to clipping path 5 = Stroke text and add to clipping path 6 = Fill then stroke text and add to clipping path 7 = Add text to clipping path Anything else = Filled text (default)

Text Description Allows text to be positioned above or below the baseline. This is useful for superscript and subscript text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextRise(Rise As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextRise(int InstanceID, double Rise) Parameters Rise The amount to raise or lower subsequent text from the baseline. Positive values result in text that is higher than normal (superscript), negative values result in text that is lower than normal (subscript).

Text Description Sets the amount to scale text in the direction the text is written. This stretches all the characters in the font as well as the spacing between the characters. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextScaling( ScalePercentage As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextScaling(int InstanceID, double ScalePercentage) Parameters ScalePercentage The percentage to scale the text by. Values less than 100 will result in narrower text. Values greater than 100 will result in wider text.

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing, Color Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. Description Sets the text color to the specified shader for subsequently drawn text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextShader( ShaderName As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextShader(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ShaderName) Parameters ShaderName Return values 0 1 The shader could not be found The text shader was setup correctly The shader name that was used when the shader was created.

Text This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Set the size of the text to use for any subsequently draw text. The text size is always measured in points, even if the measurement units have been changed with SetMeasurementUnits. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextSize(TextSize As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextSize(int InstanceID, double TextSize) Parameters TextSize Return values 0 1 A font has not been selected The text size was set successfully The text size in points

Text Description Set the amount of space to add between each line for the DrawWrappedText, GetWrappedTextHeight and DrawMultiLineText functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextSpacing(Spacing As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextSpacing(int InstanceID, double Spacing) Parameters Spacing The amount of space to add between each line

Text This function is available in the Lite Edition of Quick PDF Library, see Appendix C. Description Sets the underline mode for subsequently drawn text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextUnderline( Underline As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextUnderline(int InstanceID, int Underline) Parameters Underline The 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= underline mode to use: None Single Double Strikeout Over

Text, Color Description Sets the color used to draw the lines for subsequently drawn text that has an underline style. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextUnderlineColor(Red,Green, Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextUnderlineColor(Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextUnderlineColor(int InstanceID, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters Red Green Blue A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of red to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no red, 1 indicates maximum red. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of green to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no green, 1 indicates maximum green. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of blue to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no blue, 1 indicates maximum blue.

Text, Color Description Sets the color used to draw the lines for subsequently drawn text that has an underline style, but allows the color to be set using the CMYK color space. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextUnderlineColorCMYK(C,M,Y, K:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextUnderlineColorCMYK(C As Double, M As Double, Y As Double, K As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextUnderlineColorCMYK(int InstanceID, double C, double M, double Y, double K) Parameters C M Y K A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of cyan to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no cyan, 1 indicates maximum cyan. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of magenta to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no magenta, 1 indicates maximum magenta. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of yellow to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no yellow, 1 indicates maximum yellow. A value between 0 and 1 indicating the amount of black to add to the underline color. 0 indicates no black, 1 indicates maximum black.

Text, Color Description Sets the color used to draw the lines for subsequently drawn text that has an underline style. Similar to the SetTextUnderlineColor function, but a tint of a separation color added with the AddSeparationColor function is used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextUnderlineColorSep(ColorName:WideString; Tint:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextUnderlineColorSep( ColorName As String, Tint As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextUnderlineColorSep(int InstanceID, wchar_t * ColorName, double Tint) Parameters ColorName Tint The name of the separation color that was used with the AddSeparationColor function The amount of color to use. 0 indicates no color (white), 1 indicates maximum color.

Return values 0 1 The separation color name could not be found The text underline color was set successfully

Text Description Use this function to apply a dashed effect to the underlines added to subsequently drawn text. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetTextUnderlineDash(DashOn, DashOff:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextUnderlineDash(DashOn As Double, DashOff As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextUnderlineDash(int InstanceID, double DashOn, double DashOff) Parameters DashOn A factor to use for the solid parts of the dashed line. If a factor of 1 is used then the solid parts of the line will be the same width as the line. A factor of 3 would result in the solid parts of the dashed line being three times longer than the width of the line. A factor to use for the invisible parts of the dashed line. For example, if a factor of 2 is used then the invisible parts of the line will be twice as wide as the width of the line.


Text Description Sets the amount of space to add between words for subsequently drawn text. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTextWordSpacing( WordSpacing As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTextWordSpacing(int InstanceID, double WordSpacing) Parameters WordSpacing The amount of extra space to add between words

Vector graphics, Text, Page layout Description Sets the transparency for all subsequently drawn text and graphics. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetTransparency( Transparency As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetTransparency(int InstanceID, int Transparency) Parameters Transparency The amount of transparency to apply 0 = No transparency 50 = 50% transparency 100 = Invisible

Return values 0 1 The transparency specified was out of range The transparency was set successfully

Document properties Description Sets the viewer preferences for the document. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetViewerPreferences(Option, NewValue:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetViewerPreferences(Option As Long, NewValue As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetViewerPreferences(int InstanceID, int Option, int NewValue) Parameters Option 1 = Hide toolbar 2 = Hide menubar 3 = Hide window user interface 4 = Resize window to first page size 5 = Center window 6 = Display document title 7 = Page mode after full screen 8 = Predominant text reading order 9 = Display boundary for viewing 10 = Clipping boundary for viewing 11 = Display voundary for printing 12 = Clipping boundary for printing 13 = Default print dialog: scaling 14 = Default print dialog: duplex 15 = Default print dialog: auto paper tray 16 = Default print dialog: number of copies For Option 1 to 6: 0=No, 1=Yes For Option 7: 0=Normal view, 1=Show the outlines pane, 2=Show the thumbnails pane, 3=Show the layers pane For Option 8: 0=Left to right, 1=Right to left For Option 9 to 12: 0=MediaBox, 1=CropBox, 2=BleedBox, 3=TrimBox, 4=ArtBox For Option 13: 0=None, 1=Application default For Option 14: 0=Simplex, 1=Duplex flip short edge, 2=Duplex flip long edge For Option 15: 0=No, 1=Yes For Option 16: Any positive number Return values 0 1 The viewer preferences could not be set The viewer preferences were set successfully


Form fields Description Sets the access flags of the specified XFA form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetXFAFormFieldAccess(XFAFieldName:WideString; NewAccess:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetXFAFormFieldAccess( XFAFieldName As String, NewAccess As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetXFAFormFieldAccess(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XFAFieldName, int NewAccess) Parameters XFAFieldName NewAccess The name of the XFA field to work with 1 2 3 4 = = = = Non interactive Open Protected Read only

Form fields, Color Description Sets the border color of the specified XFA form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetXFAFormFieldBorderColor( XFAFieldName:WideString;Red,Green,Blue:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetXFAFormFieldBorderColor( XFAFieldName As String, Red As Double, Green As Double, Blue As Double) As Long

int QuickPDFSetXFAFormFieldBorderColor(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XFAFieldName, double Red, double Green, double Blue) Parameters XFAFieldName Red Green Blue The name of the XFA field to work with The red component of the color, which should be a value between 0 and 1 The green component of the color, which should be a value between 0 and 1 The blue component of the color, which should be a value between 0 and 1

Form fields Description Sets the border style of the specified XFA form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetXFAFormFieldBorderPresence( XFAFieldName:WideString;NewPresence:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetXFAFormFieldBorderPresence( XFAFieldName As String, NewPresence As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetXFAFormFieldBorderPresence(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XFAFieldName, int NewPresence) Parameters XFAFieldName NewPresence The name of the XFA field to work with 1 = Visible 2 = Invisible 3 = Hidden

Form fields Description Sets the border width of the specified XFA form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetXFAFormFieldBorderWidth( XFAFieldName:WideString;BorderWidth:Double):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetXFAFormFieldBorderWidth( XFAFieldName As String, BorderWidth As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFSetXFAFormFieldBorderWidth(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XFAFieldName, double BorderWidth) Parameters XFAFieldName BorderWidth The name of the XFA field to work with The desired width of the border

Form fields Description Sets the value of the specified XFA form field. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetXFAFormFieldValue(XFAFieldName, NewValue:WideString):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetXFAFormFieldValue( XFAFieldName As String, NewValue As String) As Long


int QuickPDFSetXFAFormFieldValue(int InstanceID, wchar_t * XFAFieldName, wchar_t * NewValue) Parameters XFAFieldName NewValue The name of the XFA field to work with The new value for the XFA field

Rendering and printing Description Changes the properties of a custom printer created with the NewCustomPrinter function. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SetupCustomPrinter(CustomPrinterName:WideString; Setting,NewValue:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SetupCustomPrinter( CustomPrinterName As String, Setting As Long, NewValue As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSetupCustomPrinter(int InstanceID, wchar_t * CustomPrinterName, int Setting, int NewValue) Parameters CustomPrinterName Setting A custom printer name, as returned by the NewCustomPrinter function 1 = Paper size 2 = Paper length 3 = Paper width 4 = Copies 5 = Print quality 6 = Color 7 = Duplex 8 = Collate 9 = Default source (paper trays / bins) 10 = Media type 11 = Orientation For paper size: 1 to 68, DMPAPER_XXX (Win32 API DEVMODE data structure) For paper height and width: Size of paper in tenths of millimetres For copies: Number of copies For print quality: 1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low, 4 = draft For color: 1 = monochrome, 2 = color For duplex: 1 = simplex, 2 = vertical duplex, 3 = horizontal duplex For collate: 0 = no, 1 = yes For default source: 1 to 15, DMBIN_XXX (Win32 API DEVMODE data structure) 256 and higher for custom bins / paper trays, see the GetPrinterBins function For media type: 1 = standard, 2 = transparency, 3 = glossy 256 and higher for device-specific media For orientation: 1 = portrait, 2 = landscape Return values 0 The custom printer could not be found, or the Settings or NewValue parameters were invalid The custom printer settings were changed successfully


Security and Signatures Version history This function was introduced in Quick PDF Library version 7.12. Description Applies a digital signature to a PDF document on disk. The signing identity must be in PKCS#12 format containing a certificate and private key. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.SignFile(InputFileName,OpenPassword, SignatureFieldName,OutputFileName,PFXFileName,PFXPassword,Reason, Location,ContactInfo:WideString):Integer;


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SignFile(InputFileName As String, OpenPassword As String, SignatureFieldName As String, OutputFileName As String, PFXFileName As String, PFXPassword As String, Reason As String, Location As String, ContactInfo As String) As Long

int QuickPDFSignFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * InputFileName, wchar_t * OpenPassword, wchar_t * SignatureFieldName, wchar_t * OutputFileName, wchar_t * PFXFileName, wchar_t * PFXPassword, wchar_t * Reason, wchar_t * Location, wchar_t * ContactInfo) Parameters InputFileName OpenPassword SignatureFieldName The path and file name of the input PDF to sign. The optional password to open the input PDF if it is encrypted The name of the signature field to sign. If a field with this name does not exist it will be created. This field cannot be blank. The path and file name of the signed PDF that should be created. This should be different to InputFileName. The path and name of the PKCS#12 certificate/private key file (.pfx file). The password to open the PFX file. An optional string indicating the reason for signing. An optional string indicating the location that the signing was done. An optional string indicating the contact information of the signer.


PFXFileName PFXPassword Reason Location ContactInfo Return values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The file was signed successfully Input PDF not found Input PDF cannot be read Input PDF password incorrect Certificate file not found Certificate file is invalid Incorrect certificate password Unknown certificate format No private key found in certificate file Could not write output file Could not apply signature The signature field name was blank

Page manipulation Description Splits the text and graphics on the current page into two layers. The graphics are placed into the bottom layer with the text in the top layer. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::SplitPageText(Options As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFSplitPageText(int InstanceID, int Options) Parameters Options This parameter is reserved for future use and should be set to zero

Vector graphics, Path definition and drawing Description Starts a multi-segment path. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::StartPath(StartX As Double, StartY As Double) As Long


int QuickPDFStartPath(int InstanceID, double StartX, double StartY) Parameters StartX StartY Horizontal co-ordinate of the point where the curve should start Vertical co-ordinate of the point where the curve should start

Document properties Description Saves custom data from a file into the PDF under a key name. This data can later be retrieved using RetrieveCustomDataToString or RetrieveCustomDataToFile. The storage type (string, stream or compressed stream) and location (Document Information Dictionary or Document Catalog) can be set. If the location is the Document Catalog any storage type can be used, but the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary any key apart from the standard keys can be used, but only strings can be used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.StoreCustomDataFromFile(Key,FileName:WideString; Location,Options:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::StoreCustomDataFromFile(Key As String, FileName As String, Location As Long, Options As Long) As Long

int QuickPDFStoreCustomDataFromFile(int InstanceID, wchar_t * Key, wchar_t * FileName, int Location, int Options) Parameters Key The key to store the data under. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary then the key cannot be "Author", "Title", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator" or "Producer". Any other key can be used but keys should be chosen with care so they make sense to the user. If the location is the Document Catalog then the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. The path and name of the file containing the data to store in the PDF under the specified key. 1 = Store the data in the Document Information Dictionary 2 = Store the data in the Document Catalog 0 = Store the data as a string (the only option available if the location is the Document Information Dictionary) 1 = Store the data in a stream 2 = Store the data in a compressed stream

FileName Location Options

Return values 0 1 The file containing the data could not be opened, or the Key parameter was invalid The data was stored successfully

Document properties Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 7.11. The function name in earlier versions was StoreCustomData. Description Saves custom data into the PDF under a key name. This data can later be retrieved using the RetrieveCustomDataToString, RetrieveCustomDataToVariant or RetrieveCustomDataToFile functions. The storage type (string, stream or compressed stream) and location (Document Information Dictionary or Document Catalog) can be set. If the location is the Document Catalog any storage type can be used, but the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary any key apart from the standard keys can be used, but only strings can be used. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.StoreCustomDataFromString(constKey, NewValue:string;Location,Options:Integer):Integer;

int QuickPDFStoreCustomDataFromString(int InstanceID, char * Key, char * NewValue, int Location, int Options) Parameters Key The key to store the data under. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary then the key cannot be "Author", "Title", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator" or "Producer". Any other key can be used but keys should be chosen with care so they make sense to the user. If the location is the Document Catalog then the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. The new value for the data 1 = Store the data in the Document Information Dictionary 2 = Store the data in the Document Catalog 0 = Store the data as a string (the only option available if the location is the Document Information Dictionary) 1 = Store the data in a stream 2 = Store the data in a compressed stream

NewValue Location Options

Return values 0 1 The data could not be stored because the key name was a reserved name The data was stored successfully

Document properties Description This function saves custom data, provided as a variant byte array, into the PDF under a key name. This data can later be retrieved using RetrieveCustomDataToVariant. The storage type (string, stream or compressed stream) and location (Document Information Dictionary or Document Catalog) can be set. If the location is the Document Catalog any storage type can be used, but the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary any key apart from the standard keys can be used, but only strings can be used. Syntax

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::StoreCustomDataFromVariant( Key As String, NewValue As Variant, Location As Long, Options As Long) As Long Parameters Key The key to store the data under. If the location is the Document Information Dictionary then the key cannot be "Author", "Title", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator" or "Producer". Any other key can be used but keys should be chosen with care so they make sense to the user. If the location is the Document Catalog then the key must have a special prefix assigned to you by Adobe to avoid conflicts with other software. A variant byte array containing the data to store in the PDF 1 = Store the data in the Document Information Dictionary 2 = Store the data in the Document Catalog 0 = Store the data as a string (the only option available if the location is the Document Information Dictionary) 1 = Store the data in a stream 2 = Store the data in a compressed stream

NewValue Location Options

Return values 0 1 The Location parameter was invalid The custom data was stored successfully

Miscellaneous functions Description Returns the character length of the most recent string returned from the library by all functions that return Unicode (16-bit) strings. The value returned is the number of 16-bit characters. So the total byte length will be twice that value. A few functions return 8-bit strings, the AnsiStringResultLength function must be used to obtain the data length for those functions. Syntax

int QuickPDFStringResultLength(int InstanceID)

Miscellaneous functions Description Tests that folder used for storage of temporary files has read/write access by the process running the library. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::TestTempPath As Long


int QuickPDFTestTempPath(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The temporary path does not have read/write access The temporary path is valid

Miscellaneous functions Description Unlocks the library. The library must be unlocked using a registration key before it can be used. For 4.x and 5.x versions of the library the license key is a 32-character hex string. For 7.x and later the license key is a shorter alphanumeric string. If you have an upgrade license key you need to also supply your old key in the form: NewKey + "-" + OldKey (new key, followed by a dash, followed by your old key) Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::UnlockKey(LicenseKey As String) As Long


int QuickPDFUnlockKey(int InstanceID, wchar_t * LicenseKey) Parameters LicenseKey Return values 0 1 The library could not be unlocked The library was unlocked successfully The registration key

Miscellaneous functions Description Determine if the library has been unlocked. If the library has not been unlocked it cannot be used. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::Unlocked As Long


int QuickPDFUnlocked(int InstanceID) Return values 0 1 The library has not been unlocked The library has been unlocked

Form fields Description Generates an appearance stream for the form field. Appearance streams can be generated for text, pushbutton and choice form fields. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::UpdateAppearanceStream( Index As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFUpdateAppearanceStream(int InstanceID, int Index) Parameters Index Return values 0 1 The form field could not be found or an appearance stream could not be created for the specified field The appearance stream for the specified form field was created successfully The index of the form field to work with. The first form field has an index of 1.

Text, Fonts Description Specifies whether to use kerning for text subsequently drawn using the DrawText and DrawRotatedText functions. Syntax


Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::UseKerning(Kern As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFUseKerning(int InstanceID, int Kern) Parameters Kern 0 = Do not use kerning 1 = Use kerning 2 = Do not attempt to load kerning from TrueType fonts subsequently added to the document

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups Version history This function was renamed in Quick PDF Library version 8.11. The function name in earlier versions was UseUnsafeLayers. Description A page in a PDF document has one or more content stream parts that together contain all the PDF page description commands for the page. This function specifies whether content stream parts that were not created by Quick PDF Library should be automatically re-used or not. Syntax

functionTQuickPDF0813.UseUnsafeContentStreams( SafetyLevel:Integer):Integer;

Function QuickPDF0813.PDFLibrary::UseUnsafeContentStreams( SafetyLevel As Long) As Long


int QuickPDFUseUnsafeContentStreams(int InstanceID, int SafetyLevel) Parameters SafetyLevel 0 = Only re-use existing Quick PDF Library content stream parts (Default) 1 = Re-use any content stream part

Return values 0 1 The SafetyLevel parameter was out of range The safety level was set successfully

Appendix A: Supported HTML tags

A limited HTML subset is supported: <br> to break onto a new line <b> or <strong> for bold <i> or <em> for italics <sup> and <sub> for superscript/subscript. <u> for underline <u style="double"> for double underline <u style="strikeout"> for strikeout (a line drawn through the text) <u style="over"> for a line drawn above the text <p align="left"> for left aligned paragraphs <p align="center"> for centered paragraphs <p align="justified"> for justified paragraphs <ul>, <ol> and <li> for ordered/unordered lists <font size="__" color="__" background="__" roundback="yes/no" mode="__" outlinecolor="__" outlinewidth="__pt" > <span background="__" roundback="yes/no"> The font size can be specified as a standard HTML size, or a point size such as "11.5pt", the outline width must be specified in points, for example "1.5pt". Text and background colors can be specified in RGB using the standard HTML hexadecimal notation, for example "#3A498C". CMYK colors can be specified using eight hexadecimal values and omitting the #, for example "5C238F02". If the roundback attribute is "yes", the background rectangles will be drawn with rounded edges.

Appendix B: Function groups

Annotations and hotspot links
AddLinkToDestination AddLinkToEmbeddedFile AddLinkToFile AddLinkToJavaScript AddLinkToLocalFile AddLinkToPage AddLinkToWeb AddNoteAnnotation AddSVGAnnotationFromFile AddTextMarkupAnnotation AddU3DAnnotationFromFile AnnotationCount AttachAnnotToForm CheckPageAnnots CloneOutlineAction DeleteAnnotation DrawPostScriptXObject GetActionDest GetActionType GetActionURL GetAnnotActionID GetAnnotDblProperty GetAnnotDest GetAnnotIntProperty GetAnnotQuadCount GetAnnotStrProperty GetBaseURL GetDestName GetDestPage GetDestType GetDestValue GetFormFieldActionID GetNamedDestination GetOutlineActionID IsAnnotFormField NewDestination NewNamedDestination SetActionURL SetAnnotBorderColor SetAnnotBorderStyle SetAnnotContents SetAnnotQuadPoints SetAnnotStrProperty SetBaseURL SetMarkupAnnotStyle SetOutlineNamedDestination

GetOutlineColor GetPageJavaScript ImageFillColor NewRGBAxialShader SetAnnotBorderColor SetFillColor SetFillColorCMYK SetFillColorSep SetFillShader SetFormFieldBackgroundColor SetFormFieldBackgroundColorCMYK SetFormFieldBackgroundColorSep SetFormFieldBorderColor SetFormFieldBorderColorCMYK SetFormFieldBorderColorSep SetFormFieldColor SetFormFieldColorCMYK SetFormFieldColorSep SetImageMaskCMYK SetLineColor SetLineColorCMYK SetLineColorSep SetLineShader SetMarkupAnnotStyle SetOutlineColor SetPNGTransparencyColor SetTableBorderColor SetTableBorderColorCMYK SetTableCellBackgroundColor SetTableCellBackgroundColorCMYK SetTableCellBorderColor SetTableCellBorderColorCMYK SetTableCellTextColor SetTableCellTextColorCMYK SetTextColor SetTextColorCMYK SetTextColorSep SetTextHighlightColor SetTextHighlightColorCMYK SetTextHighlightColorSep SetTextShader SetTextUnderlineColor SetTextUnderlineColorCMYK SetTextUnderlineColorSep SetXFAFormFieldBorderColor

DrawBarcode DrawDataMatrixSymbol DrawPDF417Symbol

Content Streams and Optional Content Groups

CombineContentStreams ContentStreamCount ContentStreamSafe DeleteContentStream DeleteOptionalContentGroup EditableContentStream EncapsulateContentStream

AddSeparationColor GetFormFieldBackgroundColor GetFormFieldBorderColor GetFormFieldColor

Content Streams and Optional Content Groupscontinued...

GetContentStreamToString GetContentStreamToVariant GetOptionalContentConfigCount GetOptionalContentConfigOrderCount GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemID GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLabe GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemLevel l GetOptionalContentConfigOrderItemType GetOptionalContentConfigState GetOptionalContentGroupID GetOptionalContentGroupName GetOptionalContentGroupPrintable GetOptionalContentGroupVisible MoveContentStream NewContentStream NewOptionalContentGroup OptionalContentGroupCount RemoveSharedContentStreams SelectContentStream SetCapturedPageOptional SetContentStreamFromString SetContentStreamOptional SetFormFieldOptional SetImageOptional SetOptionalContentGroupPrintable SetOptionalContentGroupVisible UseUnsafeContentStreams

Direct access functionalitycontinued...

DAGetPageCount DAGetPageHeight DAGetPageImageList DAGetPageWidth DAHasPageBox DAHidePage DAMovePage DANewPage DANewPages DAOpenFile DAOpenFileReadOnly DAOpenFromStream DAPageRotation DARemoveUsageRights DARenderPageToDC DARenderPageToFile DARenderPageToStream DARenderPageToString DARenderPageToVariant DARotatePage DASaveAsFile DASaveImageDataToFile DASaveToStream DASetInformation DASetPageBox DASetPageSize DASetTextExtractionArea DASetTextExtractionOptions DASetTextExtractionWordGap

Direct access functionality

DAAppendFile DACapturePage DACapturePageEx DACloseFile DADrawCapturedPage DADrawRotatedCapturedPage DAEmbedFileStreams DAExtractPageText DAFindPage DAGetAnnotationCount DAGetFormFieldCount DAGetFormFieldTitle DAGetFormFieldValue DAGetImageDataToString DAGetImageDataToVariant DAGetImageDblProperty DAGetImageIntProperty DAGetImageListCount DAGetInformation DAGetObjectCount DAGetObjectToString DAGetObjectToVariant DAGetPageBox DAGetPageContentToString DAGetPageContentToVariant

Document management
DAAppendFile DAOpenFile DAOpenFileReadOnly DAOpenFromStream DASaveAsFile DASaveToStream DecryptFile DocumentCount GetCanvasDC GetDocumentFileName GetDocumentID InsertPages LoadFromCanvasDC LoadFromFile LoadFromStream LoadFromString LoadFromVariant MovePage NewDestination NewDocument RemoveDocument SaveToFile SaveToStream SaveToString

Document managementcontinued...
SaveToVariant SelectDocument SelectedDocument SetFindImagesMode

Document propertiescontinued...
GetEmbeddedFileContentToVariant GetEmbeddedFileID GetEmbeddedFileIntProperty GetEmbeddedFileStrProperty GetEncryptionFingerprint GetFileMetadata GetGlobalJavaScript GetInformation GetMaxObjectNumber GetNamedDestination GetOpenActionDestination GetOpenActionJavaScript GetPageLayout GetPageMode GetViewerPreferences GlobalJavaScriptCount GlobalJavaScriptPackageName HasFontResources ImageCount Linearized NewPostScriptXObject PageCount RemoveCustomInformation RemoveEmbeddedFile RemoveGlobalJavaScript RemoveUsageRights RemoveXFAEntries RetrieveCustomDataToFile RetrieveCustomDataToString RetrieveCustomDataToVariant SecurityInfo SetBaseURL SetCatalogInformation SetCustomInformation SetDocumentMetadata SetEmbeddedFileStrProperty SetInformation SetJavaScriptMode SetOpenActionDestination SetOpenActionDestinationFull SetOpenActionJavaScript SetOpenActionMenu SetPDFAMode SetPageLayout SetPageMode SetViewerPreferences StoreCustomDataFromFile StoreCustomDataFromString StoreCustomDataFromVariant

Document manipulation
CheckFileCompliance DAEmbedFileStreams DARemoveUsageRights ExtractFilePages ExtractPageRanges MergeDocument MergeFileList MergeFileListFast MergeFiles MergeStreams RemoveUsageRights ReplaceFonts

Document properties
AddEmbeddedFile AddFileAttachment AddGlobalJavaScript AddLinkToEmbeddedFile AnalyseFile CompressContent CompressFonts CompressImages DAGetInformation DAGetPageCount DASetInformation Decrypt DeleteAnalysis DocJavaScriptAction EmbedFile EmbeddedFileCount EncryptionAlgorithm EncryptionStatus EncryptionStrength FindFonts FindImages GetAnalysisInfo GetBaseURL GetCatalogInformation GetCustomInformation GetCustomKeys GetDocJavaScript GetDocumentFileSize GetDocumentIdentifier GetDocumentMetadata GetDocumentResourceList GetEmbeddedFileContentToFile GetEmbeddedFileContentToStream GetEmbeddedFileContentToString

CopyPageRanges DAExtractPageText DASetTextExtractionArea DASetTextExtractionOptions

DASetTextExtractionWordGap ExtractFilePageContentToString ExtractFilePageContentToVariant ExtractFilePageText ExtractFilePages ExtractPageRanges ExtractPages GetPageText SetTextExtractionArea SetTextExtractionOptions SetTextExtractionWordGap

SaveFontToFile SelectFont SelectedFont SetFontEncoding SetFontFlags SetFormFieldStandardFont SetKerning UseKerning

Form fields
AddFormFieldSub AddFormFont AttachAnnotToForm DAGetFormFieldCount DAGetFormFieldTitle DAGetFormFieldValue DeleteFormField FindFormFieldByTitle FlattenFormField FormFieldCount FormFieldHasParent FormFieldJavaScriptAction FormFieldWebLinkAction GetFormFieldActionID GetFormFieldAlignment GetFormFieldAnnotFlags GetFormFieldBackgroundColor GetFormFieldBorderColor GetFormFieldBorderProperty GetFormFieldBorderStyle GetFormFieldBound GetFormFieldCaption GetFormFieldChildTitle GetFormFieldChoiceType GetFormFieldColor GetFormFieldComb GetFormFieldDefaultValue GetFormFieldDescription GetFormFieldFlags GetFormFieldFontName GetFormFieldJavaScript GetFormFieldKidCount GetFormFieldMaxLen GetFormFieldNoExport GetFormFieldPage GetFormFieldPrintable GetFormFieldReadOnly GetFormFieldRequired GetFormFieldRotation GetFormFieldSubCount GetFormFieldSubName GetFormFieldSubTempIndex GetFormFieldTabOrder GetFormFieldTextFlags GetFormFieldTextSize

AddCJKFont AddFormFont AddOpenTypeFontFromFile AddStandardFont AddSubsettedFont AddTrueTypeFont AddTrueTypeFontFromFile AddTrueTypeSubsettedFont AddType1Font CharWidth CompressFonts FindFonts FontCount FontFamily FontHasKerning FontName FontReference FontSize FontType GetFontEncoding GetFontID GetFontObjectNumber GetFormFontCount GetFormFontName GetInstalledFontsByCharset GetInstalledFontsByCodePage GetKerning GetTextAscent GetTextBound GetTextDescent GetTextHeight GetTextSize GetTextWidth GetUnicodeCharactersFromEncoding HasFontResources NoEmbedFontListAdd NoEmbedFontListCount NoEmbedFontListGet NoEmbedFontListRemoveAll NoEmbedFontListRemoveIndex NoEmbedFontListRemoveName ReplaceFonts

Form fieldscontinued...
GetFormFieldTitle GetFormFieldType GetFormFieldValue GetFormFieldValueByTitle GetFormFieldVisible GetFormFieldWebLink GetFormFontCount GetFormFontName GetXFAFormFieldCount GetXFAFormFieldName GetXFAFormFieldNames GetXFAFormFieldValue IsAnnotFormField NewChildFormField NewFormField RemoveAppearanceStream RemoveXFAEntries SetCharWidth SetFormFieldAlignment SetFormFieldAnnotFlags SetFormFieldBackgroundColor SetFormFieldBackgroundColorCMYK SetFormFieldBackgroundColorSep SetFormFieldBorderColor SetFormFieldBorderColorCMYK SetFormFieldBorderColorSep SetFormFieldBorderStyle SetFormFieldBounds SetFormFieldCalcOrder SetFormFieldCaption SetFormFieldCheckStyle SetFormFieldChildTitle SetFormFieldChoiceType SetFormFieldColor SetFormFieldColorCMYK SetFormFieldColorSep SetFormFieldComb SetFormFieldDefaultValue SetFormFieldDescription SetFormFieldFlags SetFormFieldFont SetFormFieldHighlightMode SetFormFieldIcon SetFormFieldIconStyle SetFormFieldMaxLen SetFormFieldNoExport SetFormFieldOptional SetFormFieldPage SetFormFieldPrintable SetFormFieldReadOnly SetFormFieldRequired SetFormFieldRotation SetFormFieldStandardFont SetFormFieldSubmitAction SetFormFieldTabOrder SetFormFieldTextFlags

Form fieldscontinued...
SetFormFieldTextSize SetFormFieldValue SetFormFieldValueByTitle SetFormFieldVisible SetNeedAppearances SetXFAFormFieldAccess SetXFAFormFieldBorderColor SetXFAFormFieldBorderPresence SetXFAFormFieldBorderWidth SetXFAFormFieldValue UpdateAppearanceStream

HTML text
DrawHTMLText DrawHTMLTextBox GetHTMLTextHeight GetHTMLTextLineCount GetHTMLTextWidth SetHTMLBoldFont SetHTMLBoldItalicFont SetHTMLItalicFont SetHTMLNormalFont

Image handling
AddImageFromFile AddImageFromFileOffset AddImageFromStream AddImageFromString AddImageFromVariant AddSVGAnnotationFromFile AddU3DAnnotationFromFile ClearImage CompressImages DAGetImageDataToString DAGetImageDataToVariant DAGetImageDblProperty DAGetImageIntProperty DAGetImageListCount DASaveImageDataToFile DrawImage DrawImageMatrix DrawRotatedImage DrawScaledImage FindImages FitImage GetImageID GetImageListCount GetImageListItemDataToString GetImageListItemDataToVariant GetImageListItemDblProperty GetImageListItemIntProperty GetImagePageCount GetImagePageCountFromString GetPageImageList

Image handlingcontinued...
ImageCount ImageFillColor ImageHeight ImageHorizontalResolution ImageResolutionUnits ImageType ImageVerticalResolution ImageWidth ImportEMFFromFile ImportEMFFromStream ReplaceImage ReverseImage SaveImageListItemDataToFile SaveImageToFile SaveImageToStream SaveImageToString SaveImageToVariant SelectImage SelectedImage SetBlendMode SetFindImagesMode SetImageAsMask SetImageMask SetImageMaskCMYK SetImageMaskFromImage SetImageOptional SetImageResolution SetPNGTransparencyColor

Measurement and coordinate units


AddGlobalJavaScript AddLinkToJavaScript DocJavaScriptAction FormFieldJavaScriptAction GetDocJavaScript GetGlobalJavaScript GetOpenActionJavaScript GetOutlineJavaScript GetPageJavaScript GlobalJavaScriptCount GlobalJavaScriptPackageName PageJavaScriptAction RemoveGlobalJavaScript SetJavaScriptMode SetOpenActionJavaScript SetOutlineJavaScript

GetImagePtDataDict GetMeasureDictBoundsCount GetMeasureDictBoundsItem GetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem GetMeasureDictDCSDict GetMeasureDictGCSDict GetMeasureDictGPTSCount GetMeasureDictGPTSItem GetMeasureDictLPTSCount GetMeasureDictLPTSItem GetMeasureDictPDU GetOrigin GetPageLGIDictContent GetPageLGIDictCount GetPageViewPortCount GetPageViewPortID GetViewPortMeasureDict GetViewPortName GetViewPortPtDataDict MultiplyScale SetCSDictEPSG SetCSDictType SetCSDictWKT SetMeasureDictBoundsCount SetMeasureDictBoundsItem SetMeasureDictCoordinateSystem SetMeasureDictGPTSCount SetMeasureDictGPTSItem SetMeasureDictLPTSCount SetMeasureDictLPTSItem SetMeasureDictPDU SetMeasurementUnits SetOrigin SetPrecision SetScale

Miscellaneous functions
AddToBuffer AddToFileList AnsiStringResultLength CheckObjects CheckPageAnnots ClearFileList CreateBuffer CreateLibrary CreateNewObject DAGetObjectCount DAGetObjectToString DAGetObjectToVariant EncodeStringFromVariant FileListCount FileListItem GetImagePageCount GetImagePageCountFromString

Measurement and coordinate units

AddLGIDictToPage DeletePageLGIDict GetCSDictEPSG GetCSDictType GetCSDictWKT GetImageMeasureDict

Miscellaneous functionscontinued...
GetMaxObjectNumber GetObjectCount GetObjectToString GetObjectToVariant GetStringListCount GetStringListItem GetTempPath GetUnicodeCharactersFromEncoding LastErrorCode LastRenderError LibraryVersion LicenseInfo NoEmbedFontListAdd NoEmbedFontListCount NoEmbedFontListGet NoEmbedFontListRemoveAll NoEmbedFontListRemoveIndex NoEmbedFontListRemoveName ReleaseBuffer ReleaseLibrary SetCompatibility SetObjectFromString SetObjectFromVariant SetTempFile SetTempPath SetTextExtractionOptions StringResultLength TestTempPath UnlockKey Unlocked

OutlineCount OutlineTitle RemoveOutline SetOutlineColor SetOutlineDestination SetOutlineDestinationFull SetOutlineDestinationZoom SetOutlineJavaScript SetOutlineNamedDestination SetOutlineOpenFile SetOutlineRemoteDestination SetOutlineStyle SetOutlineTitle SetOutlineWebLink

Page layout
AddSVGAnnotationFromFile AddU3DAnnotationFromFile AppendSpace AppendTableColumns AppendTableRows AppendText ApplyStyle BeginPageUpdate CreateTable DADrawCapturedPage DADrawRotatedCapturedPage DrawCapturedPage DrawHTMLText DrawHTMLTextBox DrawImage DrawImageMatrix DrawMultiLineText DrawPostScriptXObject DrawRotatedCapturedPage DrawRotatedImage DrawRotatedText DrawRotatedTextBox DrawRoundedBox DrawScaledImage DrawSpacedText DrawTableRows DrawText DrawTextArc DrawTextBox DrawWrappedText EndPageUpdate FitImage FitRotatedTextBox FitTextBox FlattenFormField GetBarcodeWidth GetTableCellDblProperty GetTableCellIntProperty GetTableCellStrProperty

CloneOutlineAction CloseOutline CompareOutlines GetFirstChildOutline GetFirstOutline GetNextOutline GetOutlineActionID GetOutlineColor GetOutlineDest GetOutlineID GetOutlineJavaScript GetOutlineObjectNumber GetOutlineOpenFile GetOutlinePage GetOutlineStyle GetOutlineWebLink GetParentOutline GetPrevOutline MoveOutlineAfter MoveOutlineBefore NewOutline NewStaticOutline OpenOutline

Page layoutcontinued...
GetTableColumnCount GetTableLastDrawnRow GetTableRowCount GetTextAscent GetTextBound GetTextDescent GetTextHeight GetTextSize GetTextWidth GetWrappedText GetWrappedTextHeight GetWrappedTextLineCount ImageFillColor InsertTableColumns InsertTableRows LoadState MergeTableCells ReplaceImage SaveState SelectImage SelectPage SelectedImage SelectedPage SetCapturedPageOptional SetImageAsMask SetImageMask SetImageMaskCMYK SetImageMaskFromImage SetOverprint SetPageContentFromString SetPageContentFromVariant SetPageDimensions SetPageSize SetPageTransparencyGroup SetTableBorderColor SetTableBorderColorCMYK SetTableBorderWidth SetTableCellAlignment SetTableCellBackgroundColor SetTableCellBackgroundColorCMYK SetTableCellBorderColor SetTableCellBorderColorCMYK SetTableCellBorderWidth SetTableCellContent SetTableCellPadding SetTableCellTextColor SetTableCellTextColorCMYK SetTableCellTextSize SetTableColumnWidth SetTableRowHeight SetTransparency

Page manipulationcontinued...
DACapturePage DACapturePageEx DAExtractPageText DAHidePage DAMovePage DANewPage DANewPages DeletePages DrawBox DrawRotatedCapturedPage ExtractFilePageContentToString ExtractFilePageContentToVariant ExtractFilePageText ExtractFilePages ExtractPageRanges ExtractPages GetContentStreamToString GetContentStreamToVariant GetPageContentToString GetPageContentToVariant GetPageText HidePage InsertPages MovePage NewPage NewPageFromCanvasDC NewPages NormalizePage ReplaceTag RotatePage SelectPage SelectedPage SetContentStreamFromString SetPageContentFromString SetPageContentFromVariant SetPageThumbnail SplitPageText

Page properties
AddLGIDictToPage AddLinkToDestination AddLinkToPage AddPageLabels ClearPageLabels CompressPage DAGetPageBox DAGetPageContentToString DAGetPageContentToVariant DAGetPageHeight DAGetPageImageList DAGetPageWidth DAHasPageBox DAPageRotation DARotatePage DASetPageBox

Page manipulation
CapturePage CapturePageEx ClonePages CopyPageRanges

Page propertiescontinued...
DASetPageSize DeletePageLGIDict GetContentStreamToString GetContentStreamToVariant GetPageBox GetPageContentToString GetPageContentToVariant GetPageImageList GetPageJavaScript GetPageLGIDictContent GetPageLGIDictCount GetPageLabel GetPageViewPortCount GetPageViewPortID GetViewPortMeasureDict GetViewPortName GetViewPortPtDataDict HasPageBox HidePage PageHeight PageJavaScriptAction PageRotation PageWidth RotatePage SetContentStreamFromString SetCropBox SetFindImagesMode SetPageActionMenu SetPageBox SetPageContentFromString SetPageContentFromVariant SetPageDimensions SetPageSize

Rendering and printingcontinued...

DARenderPageToVariant GetDefaultPrinterName GetPrinterBins GetPrinterDevModeToString GetPrinterDevModeToVariant GetPrinterNames GetRenderScale LastRenderError NewCustomPrinter PrintDocument PrintDocumentToFile PrintDocumentToPrinterObject PrintOptions RenderDocumentToFile RenderPageToDC RenderPageToFile RenderPageToStream RenderPageToString RenderPageToVariant RequestPrinterStatus SelectRenderer SetGDIPlusFileName SetGDIPlusOptions SetJPEGQuality SetPrinterDevModeFromString SetPrinterDevModeFromVariant SetRenderCropType SetRenderDCErasePage SetRenderDCOffset SetRenderScale SetupCustomPrinter

Security and Signatures

Decrypt DecryptFile EncodePermissions Encrypt EncryptFile EncryptWithFingerprint EncryptionAlgorithm EncryptionStatus EncryptionStrength GetEncryptionFingerprint SecurityInfo SignFile

Path definition and drawing

AddArcToPath AddCurveToPath AddLineToPath ClosePath DrawPath DrawPathEvenOdd MovePath SetClippingPath SetClippingPathEvenOdd SetFillShader SetLineShader SetTextShader StartPath

AddCJKFont AddOpenTypeFontFromFile AddStandardFont AddSubsettedFont AddTrueTypeFont AddTrueTypeFontFromFile AddTrueTypeSubsettedFont

Rendering and printing

DARenderPageToDC DARenderPageToFile DARenderPageToStream DARenderPageToString

AddType1Font AppendSpace AppendText ApplyStyle CharWidth ClearTextFormatting DASetTextExtractionArea DASetTextExtractionOptions DASetTextExtractionWordGap DrawHTMLText DrawHTMLTextBox DrawMultiLineText DrawRotatedText DrawRotatedTextBox DrawSpacedText DrawText DrawTextArc DrawTextBox DrawWrappedText EncodeStringFromVariant FitRotatedTextBox FitTextBox FontHasKerning FontSize GetFontID GetHTMLTextHeight GetHTMLTextLineCount GetHTMLTextWidth GetKerning GetTextAscent GetTextBound GetTextDescent GetTextHeight GetTextSize GetTextWidth GetUnicodeCharactersFromEncoding GetWrappedText GetWrappedTextBreakString GetWrappedTextHeight GetWrappedTextLineCount RemoveStyle SaveStyle SelectFont SelectedFont SetBlendMode SetBreakString SetCharWidth SetFormFieldTextSize SetHTMLBoldFont SetHTMLBoldItalicFont SetHTMLItalicFont SetHTMLNormalFont SetKerning SetPageTransparencyGroup SetTextAlign SetTextCharSpacing

SetTextColor SetTextColorCMYK SetTextColorSep SetTextExtractionArea SetTextExtractionWordGap SetTextHighlight SetTextHighlightColor SetTextHighlightColorCMYK SetTextHighlightColorSep SetTextMode SetTextRise SetTextScaling SetTextSize SetTextSpacing SetTextUnderline SetTextUnderlineColor SetTextUnderlineColorCMYK SetTextUnderlineColorSep SetTextUnderlineDash SetTextWordSpacing SetTransparency UseKerning

Vector graphics
AddArcToPath AddCurveToPath AddLineToPath AddSVGAnnotationFromFile AddSeparationColor AddU3DAnnotationFromFile ClosePath DrawArc DrawBarcode DrawBox DrawCircle DrawDataMatrixSymbol DrawEllipse DrawEllipticArc DrawLine DrawPDF417Symbol DrawPath DrawPathEvenOdd DrawRoundedBox GetBarcodeWidth GetCanvasDC ImportEMFFromFile ImportEMFFromStream LoadFromCanvasDC LoadState MovePath NewPageFromCanvasDC NewRGBAxialShader NoEmbedFontListAdd NoEmbedFontListCount NoEmbedFontListGet

Vector graphicscontinued...
NoEmbedFontListRemoveAll NoEmbedFontListRemoveIndex NoEmbedFontListRemoveName SaveState SetBlendMode SetClippingPath SetClippingPathEvenOdd SetCustomLineDash SetFillColor SetFillColorCMYK SetFillColorSep SetFillShader SetLineCap SetLineColor SetLineColorCMYK SetLineColorSep SetLineDash SetLineDashEx SetLineJoin SetLineShader SetLineWidth SetOverprint SetPageTransparencyGroup SetTextShader SetTransparency StartPath

Appendix C: Functions available in the Lite Edition

AddImageFromFile AddLinkToWeb AddStandardFont DocumentCount DrawImage DrawText DrawTextBox FindImages GetInformation HasFontResources ImageCount ImageHeight ImageWidth LastErrorCode Linearized LoadFromFile NewDocument NewPage PageCount PageHeight PageRotation PageWidth RemoveDocument RotatePage SaveToFile SecurityInfo SelectDocument SelectedDocument SelectFont SelectImage SelectPage SetBaseURL SetInformation SetOrigin SetPageSize SetPageDimensions SetTextAlign SetTextColor SetTextSize SetTextUnderline

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