Semi-Automatic Generation of Transfer Functions For Direct Volume Rendering
Semi-Automatic Generation of Transfer Functions For Direct Volume Rendering
Semi-Automatic Generation of Transfer Functions For Direct Volume Rendering
Gordon Kindlmann and James W. Durkin y Program of Computer Graphics Cornell University
Although direct volume rendering is a powerful tool for visualizing complex structures within volume data, the size and complexity of the parameter space controlling the rendering process makes generating an informative rendering challenging. In particular, the specication of the transfer function the mapping from data values to renderable optical properties is frequently a time-consuming and unintuitive task. Ideally, the data being visualized should itself suggest an appropriate transfer function that brings out the features of interest without obscuring them with elements of little importance. We demonstrate that this is possible for a large class of scalar volume data, namely that where the regions of interest are the boundaries between different materials. A transfer function which makes boundaries readily visible can be generated from the relationship between three quantities: the data value and its rst and second directional derivatives along the gradient direction. A data structure we term the histogram volume captures the relationship between these quantities throughout the volume in a position independent, computationally efcient fashion. We describe the theoretical importance of the quantities measured by the histogram volume, the implementation issues in its calculation, and a method for semiautomatic transfer function generation through its analysis. We conclude with results of the method on both idealized synthetic data as well as real world datasets.
Finding a good transfer function is critical to producing an informative rendering, but even if the only variable which needs to be set is opacity, it is a difcult task. Looking through slices of the volume dataset allows one to spatially locate features of interest, and a means of reading off data values from a user-specied point on the slice can help in setting an opacity function to highlight those features, but there is no way to know how representative of the whole feature, in three dimensions, these individually sampled values are. User interfaces for opacity function specication typically allow the user to alter the opacity function by directly editing its graph, usually as a series of linear ramps joining adjustable control points. This interface does not itself guide the user towards a useful setting, as the movement of the control points is unconstrained and unrelated to the underlying data. Thus nding a good opacity function tends to be a slow and frustrating trial and error process, with seemingly minor changes in an opacity function leading to drastic changes in the rendered image. This is made more confusing by the interaction of other rendering parameters such as shading, lighting, and viewing angle.
1 Introduction
1.1 The Task of Finding Transfer Functions
Transfer functions make a volume dataset visible by assigning renderable optical properties to the numerical values which comprise the dataset. The most general transfer functions are those that assign opacity, color, and emittance [12]. Useful renderings can often be obtained, however, from transfer functions which assign just opacity, with the color and brightness derived from simulated lights which illuminate the volume according to some shading model. We use the term opacity functions to refer to this limited subset of transfer functions. During the rendering process, the sampled and interpolated data values are passed through the opacity function to determine their contribution to the nal image. Since the opacity function does not normally take into account the position of the region being rendered, the role of the opacity function is to make opaque those data values which consistently correspond, across the whole volume, to features of interest. This paper addresses only the problem of setting opacity functions, as this is a non-trivial yet manageable problem whose solution is pertinent to more general transfer function specication issues.
Address: Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84102. Email: y Address: Program of Computer Graphics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Email:
dataset where the material boundary is in fact poorly dened. The surface rendering, however, shows as distinct a surface here as everywhere else, and in this case the poor surface denition in the data is manifested as a region of rough texture. This can be misleading, as there is no way to know from this rendering alone that the rough texture is due to measurement artifacts, and not a feature on the dendrite itself.
Other visualization tools have been described which are more driven by the data itself. Bergman et al. [3] describe a perceptually informed rule-based method for colormap selection which takes into account the datas spatial frequency characteristics and the purpose of the visualization. Closer to the goal of the current paper is the contour spectrum, described by Bajaj et al. [1], which helps the user nd isovalues for effective isosurface volume visualizations of unstructured triangular meshes. By exploiting the mathematical properties of the mesh, important measures of an isosurface such as surface area and mean gradient magnitude can be computed with great efciency, and the results of these measurements are integrated into the same interface which is used to set the isovalue. By providing a compact visual representation of the metrics evaluated over the range of possible isovalues, the user can readily decide, based on their rendering goals, which isolevel to use. The importance to the current paper is that the contour spectrum is a good example of how an interface can use measured properties of the data to guide the user through the parameter space controlling the rendering.
Figure 1: Two renderings of a spiny dendrite from a cortical pyramidal neuron. The volume dataset was reconstructed from images of a 2 micron thick section acquired with an intermediate high voltage electron microscope at the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, San Diego, California, using single-tilt axis tomography. Specimen kindly provided by Prof. K. Hama of the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan.
2 Related Work
Two methods have been proposed for assisting the user in the exploration of possible transfer functions. He et al. [7] use genetic algorithms to breed a good transfer function for a given dataset. Judging from small thumbnail renderings, the user picks desirable transfer functions from an automatically generated population, until the iterative process of image selection and transfer function intercombination converges. Alternatively, the system can run automatically by using some user-specied objective function (entropy, energy, or variance) to evaluate rendered images. Marks et al. [13] address the problem of parameter tweaking in general, with applications including light placement for rendering, motion control for articulated gure animation, as well as transfer functions in direct volume rendering. The goal is to create a visual interface to the complex parameter space by using an image difference metric to arrange renderings from a wide variety of transfer functions into a design gallery, from which the user selects the most appealing rendering. While both of these methods reportedly succeed in nding useful transfer functions, and while they both allow the user to inspect the transfer function behind a rendering, the systems are fundamentally designed for nding good renderings, not for nding good transfer functions. Both processes are entirely driven by analysis of rendered images, and not of the dataset itself. Rather than having an high-level interface to control the transfer function, the user has to choose a transfer function from among those randomly generated, making it hard to gain insight into what makes a transfer function appropriate for a given dataset.
(a) Step function (b) Gaussian
(c) Measured boundary prior to sampling
perpendicular to an isosurface through that position, we use the gradient vector as a way of nding the direction which passes perpendicularly through the object boundary. Even though isosurfaces do not always conform to the local shape of the underlying object, if we average over the whole volume, the gradient vector does tend to point perpendicular to the object boundary. We rely on the statistical properties of the histogram to provide the overall picture of the boundary characteristics. The directional derivative of a scalar eld f along a vector , denoted v f , is the derivative of f as one moves along a straight path in the direction. This paper studies f and its derivatives as one cuts directly through the object boundary moving along the gradient direction in order to create an opacity function. Because the direction along which we are computing the directional derivative is always that of the gradient, we employ a mild abuse of notation, using f 0 and f 00 to signify the rst and second directional derivative along the gradient direction, even though these would be more properly denoted by rf f and 2 f f , where rf is the r gradient direction. We treat f as if it were a function of just one variable, keeping in mind that the axis along which we analyze f always follows rf , which constantly changes orientation depending on position. Fig. 3 shows how the gradient direction changes with position to stay normal to the isosurfaces of a simple object.
f (x) x f 0 (x)
(a) f (x) (b) Isosurfaces of f (c)
Figure 3:
f 0 (x)
Fig. 4 analyzes one segment of the cross-section of this same object. Shown are plots of the data value and the rst and second derivatives as one moves across the boundary. Because of bandlimiting, the measured boundary is spread over a range of positions, but an exact location for the boundary can be dened with either the maximum in f 0 , or the zero-crossing in f 00 . Indeed, two edge detectors common in computer vision, Canny [4] and Marr-Hildreth [14], use the f 0 and f 00 criteria, respectively, to nd edges.
f 00 (x)
f 0 (x)
f (x)
The same projections can be done for data value and its second derivative, as seen in Fig. 6. Projecting the curve downward or to the right produces the graphs of data value or second derivative versus position (rst seen in Fig. 4), while projecting along the position axis reveals the relationship between data value and its second derivative. Finally, having projected out position information, one can make a three-dimensional graph of the rst and second derivatives as functions of data value, as seen in Fig. 7. The signicance of this curve is that it provides a basis for automatically generating opacity functions. If a three dimensional record of the relationship between f , f 0 and f 00 for a given dataset contains curves of the type shown in Fig. 7, we can assume that they are manifestations of boundaries in the volume. With a tool to detect those curves and their position, one could generate an opacity function which makes the data values corresponding to the middle of the boundary (indicated with cross-hairs in Fig. 7) the most opaque, and the resulting rendering should show the detected boundaries. Short of that, one could use a measure which responds to some specic feature of the curve (say, the zero crossing in f 00 ) and base an opacity function on that. This is what the current paper seeks to do.
f (x)
f 00 (x) f 00 (x)
ing where the boundary was in the idealized dataset. For instance, Fig. 4 was produced with knowledge of where to place a path so as to cross through the boundary. In the case of real volume data, however, the positions of the boundaries are not known, but the same relationship between f , f 0 and f 00 needs to be revealed by some measurement technique.
f 0 (x) f 00 (x)
f (x)
x f (x)
Figure 6: f , f 00 and position x.
f (x)
(a) Continuous linear sampling f 00 (x) f 0 (x)
f (x)
f 00 (x)
f (x)
f (x)
f 0 (x)
f 0 (x)
f (x) f (x)
f 00 (x)
f (x)
Figure 8: Sampling the boundary: from continuous to discrete. It is sufcient to measure f , f 0 , and f 00 at each point of a uniform lattice. Fig. 8(a) shows a boundary being sampled continuously to produce smooth graphs of f 0 and f 00 versus f . In Fig. 8(b), the sampling is along the same path, but is now discrete. The smooth graphs have been replaced by scatterplots, but the sequence of measurements traces out the same curves as before, indicating that discrete sampling and the resulting scatterplots are sufcient to illuminate the important relationships between f and its derivatives. Finally, in Fig. 8(c), the boundary is sampled everywhere on a uniform grid. Though now the points are distributed differently many more hits have accumulated along where f 0 and f 00 are near zero the scatterplots trace out the save curves as before. By sampling everywhere, we no longer require knowledge of boundary location, and the global derivative characteristics of the boundary have been measured. This is precisely the sort of information relevant to opacity function generation. The approach taken in this paper is to measure f and its directional derivatives exactly once per voxel, at the original sample points of the dataset. One might be concerned that sampling merely at the original data points is not a sufcient sampling density to produce the curves seen in Figs. 7 and 8. However, with real volume data this will not be a problem, since the band-limiting in data acquisition assures there will always be some blurring, and since the boundaries of real objects tend to assume a variety of positions and orientations relative to the sampling grid.
4.3 Implementation
One implementation issue in the histogram volume creation is how many bins to use. There is a trade-off between storage and processing requirements versus having sufcient resolution in the histogram volume to discern the patterns from which we generate the opacity functions. In our experiments, good results were obtained with histogram volumes of sizes between 803 and 2563 bins, though there is no reason that the histogram volumes need to have equal resolution on each axis. Also, we have found it sufcient to use only 8 bits to represent the values in the histogram volume, scaling and/or clipping the number of hits to the range 0255 if necessary. A more subtle issue is what range of values to include along each axis. Obviously, for the data value axis, the full range should be included, since we intend to capture all the values at which boundaries might occur. But along the axes for rst and second derivative, it makes sense to include something less than the full range. Since derivative measures are by nature sensitive to noise, including the full range of derivative values in the histogram volume may cause the important and meaningful sub-range of values to be compressed to a smaller number of bins, thereby hampering the later step of detecting patterns in the histogram volume. We do not have an a priori knowledge of the meaningful ranges of derivatives values, so currently the derivative value ranges are set with an educated guess. This is a matter in need of further research and automation. The most signicant implementation issue is the method of measuring the rst and second directional derivatives. The rst derivative is actually just the gradient magnitude. From vector calculus [15] we have:
appealing by virtue of their computation efciency. The Laplacian computation is direct and inexpensive, but the most sensitive to quantization noise. The gradient of the gradient magnitude (Eqn. 3) is better, and its computational expense is lessened if the gradient magnitude has already been computed everywhere for the sake of volume rendering (e.g., as part of shading calculations). By measuring the derivatives only at the original data points, the calculation of the rst and second partial derivatives required in the above expressions is greatly facilitated by the use of discrete convolution masks applied at the data points; we have used standard central differences. Thus, our task is somewhat distinct from the usual problem of derivative measurement in volume rendering, where a primary concern is continuity of the derivative between sample points to allow for correct shading of interpolated data values [2, 16]. The general algorithm for creating the histogram is straightforward: 1. Initialize the histogram volume to all zeroes. 2. Make one pass through the volume looking for the highest values of f 0 and f 00 , and the lowest value of f 00 ; assume zero for the lowest value of f 0 . Set ranges on the histogram volume axes accordingly. 3. On a second pass through the volume, 3a. Measure f , f 0 , and f 00 at each voxel, 3b. Determine which bin in the histogram volume corresponds to the measured combination of f , f 0 , and f 00 , and 3c. Increment the bins value.
Dv f = rf v;
second directional derivative along the gradient direction. Twice applying Eqn. 1 gives:
r c Drf f = rf rf = rf krf k = krf k: (2) d f Unfortunately there is no similarly compact formula for D2 f f , the d r
D2 f f d r
1 = krf k r(krf k) rf
where f is the Hessian of f , a 3 3 matrix of second partial derivatives of f [15]. Alternatively, we can use the Laplacian r2 f to approximate 2 f f : r
D2 f f = kr1f k2 (rf )T Hf rf d r Dd
D2 f f r2 f = @ f2 + @ f + @ f d r @x @y 2 @z 2
2 2 2
The approximation is exact only where the isosurfaces have zero mean surface curvature [5]. These three expressions for 2 f f each suggest different impler mentations for the second derivative measure. Although this would benet from more detailed study, we can still make useful observations regarding the comparative merits of each. While we have found the Hessian method to be the most numerically accurate, the others have proven sufciently accurate in practice to make them
(a) Cylinder
(b) Head
Figure 10: Dataset Slice, f 0 versus f , and f 00 versus f . which f ( ) = v , and h(v ) is likewise the average second directional derivative at value v . These two functions can be obtained from the histogram volume by slicing it at data value v , and nding the centroid of the scatterplot of f 0 and f 00 at that value. The f 0 axis coordinate of the centroid is g (v ), and the f 00 axis coordinate is h(v ). Knowing g (v ) and h(v ) for all v , one can nd the ratio of their maxima to recover with Eqn. 9, assuming that g attains its maxima at f (0), and that h attains its maxima at f (? ). With this information, we dene a mapping p(v ) from data value to an approximate position along a boundary:
x 1 + erf( p2 ) 2
Just as we have taken position to always be along an axis pointing in the gradient direction, we dene zero to always be the position of the inection point in the boundary. vmin and vmax are the data values of the materials on either side of the boundary. As erf() ranges from ?1 to 1, v ranges from vmin to vmax . The parameter controlling the amount of boundary blurring is . The rst and second derivatives of f are as follows:
2 ? f 0 (x) = vmaxp vmin exp(? x 2 )
f 00 (x) =
x(vmaxp vmin ) ?
Our choice of boundary parameterization means that f 0 (x) is a Gaussian, with being the usual standard deviation. Since the , this is where f 00 (x) attains Gaussian has inection points at its extrema. The same positions can serve as articial delimiters for the extent of the boundary we dene the thickness of the boundary to be 2 . Note that the thickness of a boundary can be recovered if the maximum values of f 0 and f 00 are known:
exp(? 2 2 )
p(v ) =
? 2 h(v)
g (v ) ? 2 f 00 (f ?1 (v)) = x f 0 (f ?1 (v ))
f 0 (0) = f 00 (? )
Roughly speaking, p(v ) tells us on which side of the nearest boundary a data value v tends to fall. For values closer to vmin , p(v ) will be negative; for values closer to vmax , p(v ) will be positive. In practice, we have found it useful to modify Eqn. 11 to account for the fact that the gradient magnitude at the interior of materials is rarely exactly zero. Knowing how it differs from zero is again a matter of experience, but assuming one can nd a gthresh which approximates the ambient gradient magnitude, Eqn. 11 is reformulated, with a slight loss of mathematical accuracy, as
p(v ) =
The user supplies the last piece of information needed: a function b(x) we term the boundary emphasis function, which maps from position along a boundary to opacity. As the intent is to make only boundaries visible in the rendering, b(x) should be non-zero only near zero. For this reason, we have not been especially careful to prevent p(v ) from attaining innite values due to a low g (v );
such a data value v should not contribute to the nal image. With b(x), the user can directly control whether rendered boundaries will appear thick or thin, sharp or fuzzy, and the proximity of the rendered boundary to the object interior. The nal opacity function (v) is then dened as
(v) = b(p(v))
Instead of exploring the parameter space of all possible opacity functions, the user explores the parameter space of b(x) and lets the information from the histogram volume, embodied in p(v ), constrain the search to those opacity functions which display object boundaries. Dening opacity as a function of position within a boundary then becomes a more intuitive task than dening opacity as a function of data value, as there is a more predictable relationship between changes made to the boundary emphasis function and the corresponding change in rendered results. As there is a potential for inaccuracy in the calculation of from Eqn. 9, the user may need to experiment with different scalings in the domain of b(x). Fig. 11 shows how the choice of boundary emphasis function affects the opacity function and the rendered image, for a synthetically created dataset containing two concentric spheres at distinct data values. It should be stressed that the user does not set the location of the peaks in (v ), since this is determined by the information in p(v ), but the user can inuence the location, as well as the width, height, and shape of the peaks. This is the main benet of this method: if the histogram volume has successfully captured information about the boundaries in the dataset, the user enjoys high-level control over the character of the rendered boundaries without having to worry about the exact specication of (v ). Yet, the (v ) so generated is sensible enough that it could be edited by hand if desired. For example, since this technique will attempt to make all boundaries opaque, a useful supplement to the interface would be a feature which allows supression of the peaks in (v ) for one or more boundaries. Even though we have made some strong assumptions about the boundary characteristics in the volume dataset, the technique described here typically works well even if the material boundaries are not ideal. Essentially, by taking the ratio of the second and rst derivatives, and by having b(x) assign opacity to positions around zero, we are more apt to make opaque those data values associated with both low second derivatives and high rst derivatives. Or, even if p(v ) is not a perfect indicator of position relative to boundary, the sign change in f 00 around its zero-crossing affords us some control over whether we want to emphasize regions closer to or further from the objects interior. Fig. 12 on the accompanying colorplate shows a rendering of an MRI dataset which does not have ideal boundaries but for which this technique still works.
= b(x) v 0
= b(x) 0
= b(x) v 0
= b(x) 0
= b(x) 0
(a) Semi-transparent
= b(x) 0
(b) Closer to interior
= b(x) v 0
= b(x) 0
= b(x) v 0
= b(x) 0
= b(x) 0
(c) More opaque
= b(x) 0
(d) Sharper boundary
Figure 11: Relationship between sult. and from that an opacity function:
p(v; g ) =
(14) (15)
is calculated as before; the ratio of the extremum of the average rst and second derivatives. The benet of this kind of opacity function is that it can distinguish between boundaries that have overlapping ranges of values. For instance, the nested cylinders volume in Fig. 9 and the engine block volume in Fig. 10 each have one boundary which overlaps the two other boundaries in data value, spanning from the higher of the two material values to the background value. Selectively rendering this single boundary is impossible with a value-based opacity function, but because the boundary has a distinct curve in the plot of data value versus rst derivative, it is possible to create an opacity function which selects only the voxels comprising this boundary. As it did in the case of value-based opacity functions, the technique presented here will generate twodimensional opacity functions which make all detected boundaries opaque; a simple lasso tool could then be used to select different regions in the two-dimensional opacity function to render one boundary at a time. In Fig. 13 on the colorplate, the feet of the
female Visible Human CT dataset [17] are rendered with four different two-dimensional opacity functions. Using a modication of an automatically generated opacity function, one rendering shows almost exclusively the registration cord laced around the body prior to scanning. The lower right rendering in Fig. 13 demonstrates another advantage of two-dimensional opacity functions the ability to accurately render the surface of a material which attains a wide range of data values, as is the case for the bone tissue in this same CT scan. Different parts of the bone surface are more radio-opaque than others, leading to a wide range of data values associated with bone, which in turn causes a wide range of gradient magnitudes within the boundary region between bone and soft tissue. Knowing the average second derivative for each location in (v; g ) space, we can make opaque only those voxels near the middle of the boundary (near the zero-crossing in f 00 ), regardless of the bone data value. As is visible in the opacity function generated with Eqn. 14, this implies that as gradient magnitude increases, there is an upward shift in the data values which should be made most opaque. This kind of careful opacity assignment is not possible with a simple value-based opacity function, though it is reminiscent of the two-dimensional opacity functions described by Levoy [11]. Although space does not permit a detailed comparison between our approach and Levoys, the main difference is that (ideally) the measured rst and second derivative information serves to constrain the opacity function generation so as to only show boundaries, while in Levoys method the user still has to experiment to nd the right parameter settings.
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7 Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation (ASC 93-18180) to Mark Ellisman, Donald Greenberg, and Sid Karin, from the National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources (RR 04050) to Mark Ellisman, and by the NSF/ARPA Science and Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientic Visualization (ASC 89-20219). We gratefully acknowledge equipment grants from Hewlett-Packard, on whose workstations this research was conducted. Turbine blade dataset courtesy of GE Corporate Research and Development.