CV European Eng
CV European Eng
CV European Eng
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender
Alexandru Vasilescu
Ap.35, Al. Marghiloman, 120093, Romania 0238\719937 Romanian 23.06.1995 Male Mobile: 0721331484
Desired Financial Director at M&C Musical Instruments employment / Occupational field Work experience Financial Assistant at Carrefour Buzau
Financial and Marketing Director at Audition Musical Instruments Distributor Bucharest 1.01.2002 15.03.2008 (College) 12.04.2008 5.06.2012 (University) Financial Assistant, Financial Director, Marketing Director Resource Management, Directing Sales Activity M&C Musical Instruments Distributor, Nr.12, Bd. Stefan Cel Mare, Bucharest
Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer
Reading Excellent
C1 Very Good B1
Social skills and - Ability to observe and understand viewpoints that are related to different competences cultural contexts
- Ability to relate effectively with the public institutions - Ability to demonstrate solidarity in solving problems affecting the local or the wider community - Ability to create trust and empathy to other people - Ability to separate between personal and professional life Ability to develop and implement a project Ability to work cooperatively and flexible in a team Capacity of initiative and ability to respond positively to change Ability to identify weaknesses and strengths Ability to assess and take risks in different situations
Computer skills and Very good skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), electronic mail competences (Outlook Express), scanning, editing, browsing the Internet, mobile
Artistic skills and - Ability to express yourself artistically through a variety of media, competences according to individual abilities
- Ability to appreciate and enjoy the art of different cultures - Ability to identify economic opportunities and use them in cultural activities - Ability to express your creativity and express your views to others - Ability to play a musical instrument: guitar
Other skills and Nonsmoker competences Sports: soccer, handball, basketball, chess. Driving licence Yes (Category B)
Additional References are available from the following persons: information Dr. John Smith
Dr. Paul Stan