Hydrologic Modelling Using Hec-Hms For
Hydrologic Modelling Using Hec-Hms For
Hydrologic Modelling Using Hec-Hms For
Mohd Latif Ramli1, Sobri Harun2 1 Undergraduate, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2 Associates Prof, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Abstract: Hydrology model is an essential tool for use in simulation, planning and management of the rainfall and runoff processes. It is designed in a simplified for the quantitative and qualitative modelling at tha hydrological processes. In this study, HECHMS version 2.2.2 is used to simulate stream flows for Sungai Padang Terap catchment. Data precipitation used for calibration is from the period of year 2009 and year 2007. The accuracy of simulasion is highly dependable on the suitable of the parameters and accuracy of data used in the calibration and validation process. Results of simulation can be generated in hydrograf, summary table and time series table. The correlation of coefficient (R) and root mean square (RMSE) are used to evaluate the prediction of HEC-HMS model. A model with the R value is nearly to 1.0 and RMSE value is close to 0 is considered good and satisfactory. Key words: Hydrologic Modeling, HEC-HMS 2.2.2 , Control flash flood 1.0 INTRODUCTION
The importance in this study is being able to predict the hydrologic modeling of the Sungai Padang Terap basin using HEC-HMS. This project will determine the accuracy of the results derived from the HEC-HMS computer program. HEC-HMS was developed to predict the water resources management and flood management. The specific objectives of this study are to develop Hydrologic Model for Sungai Padang Terap Basin and to access the hydrologic response of the catchment area due the flash flood event. However, this paper are describing on development of hydrologic modeling for Sungai Padang Terap Basin in term of calibration and validation that the pattern of simulated flow are fit with the observed flow. The main objectives of the study are apply the HEC-HMS in the Sungai Padang Terap catchment. Hydrological model using software HEC-HMS 2.2.2 for rain-water runoff relationships for Sungai Padang Terap, catchment area, at Kedah. Accuracy of assessing software HEC-HMS 2.2.2 by making a comparison between the original hydrograph coefficients with hydrograph simulation. 2.0 STUDY AREA
The study area is located at the state of Jitra, Kedah and has an area of approximately 350 sq.km . This has a form of land, the land flat and slightly hilly. However, the study focused on a smaller catchment area for rivers study. Analysis hydrograph take this area for sub Sungai Padang Terap, Jitra Kedah. Area Sungai Padang Terap which is located outside the MADA area has more than ten (10) major rivers and length of the river is 57 Km. The major portion of the catchment is relatively flat and is forest reserve and agricultural area.
HEC-HMS is the US Army The HEC-HMS program is designed to be applicable in a wide range of geographic areas for solving the widest possible range of problems. This includes large river basin water supply and flood hydrology, and small urban or natural watershed runoff. Hydrographs produced by the program are used directly or in conjunction with other software for studies of water availability, urban drainage, flow forecasting, future urbanization impact, reservoir spillway design, flood damage reduction, floodplain regulation, and systems operation. The program is a generalized modeling system capable of representing many different watersheds. A model of the watershed is constructed by separating the hydrologic cycle into manageable pieces and constructing boundaries around the watershed of interest. Any mass or energy flux in the cycle can then be represented with a mathematical model. In most cases, several model choices are available for representing each flux. Each mathematical model included in the program is suitable in different environments and under different conditions. Making the correct choice requires knowledge of the watershed, the goals of the hydrologic study, and engineering judgment. The program features a completely integrated work environment including a database, data entry utilities, computation engine, and results reporting tools. A graphical user interface allows the seamless movement between the different parts of the program. Program functionality and appearance are the same across all supported platforms. 4.0 RAINFALL DATA To calibrate the model, it is necessary to identify suitable rainfall stations and around the study catchment area. A total of five gauging station in the Sungai Padang Terap Basin have been identified, but only one station no. 6602403 have been selected for this study . The daily rainfall data were used in hydrograph simulation. The daily rainfall data is accurate to quantify the volume and peak flow of simulation. Daily rainfall data and stream flow data are obtained from Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran Daerah Kubang Pasu, Jitra.(JPS) Method Parameter
Loss Rate InitialLoss(mm) : 10 Initial Constant Constant Rate(mm/hr): 43 Imperviousness (%) : 25 Transform SCSlag : 9503 SCH UH Area(sg.Km) : 350 Base flow i. Constant Constant Base flow (cfs) : 4.5 monthly Table 6.0 : Parameter Used in the HEC-HMS
5.0 STREAMFLOW DATA A Total of three stream flow gauging stations have been identified which are located in the study area. However only one stream flow gauging stations at Sungai Padang Terap, Jitra Kedah were selected in this study. Location of rainfall and discharge station at station 6602403.
6.0 APPLICATION OF HEC-HMS MODEL The Hydrologic Modeling System is designed to simulate the precipitation-runoff processes dendrite watershed system. The program features a completely integrated work environment including a database, data entry utilities, computation engine, and results reporting tools. Time series, paired, and gridded data are stored in the Data Storage System HEC-DSS (HEC, 1994). Storage and retrieval of
Table 6.0 : Model HEC-HMS data is handled by the program and is generally transparent to the user. Precipitation and discharge gage information can be entered manually within the program. Data entry can be performed for individual basin elements such as sub basins and stream reaches or simultaneously for entire classes of similar elements.
Computation results are viewed from the basin model schematic. Global and element summary tables include information on peak flow and total volume. The watershed parameters use in the HEC-HMS is initial-constant loss, the SCH UH hydrograph transformation routine, and a recession base flow component. The parameters are determined through calibration process where the parameters are adjusted until the observed and simulated hydrograph fitted well. Figure 6.1 Parameter Used in the HEC-HMS
7.0 MODEL CALIBRATION Model calibration is the process of adjusting model parameter values until model result match historical data. The process can be completed manually using engineering judgment by repeatedly adjusting parameter, computing, and inspecting the goodness of fit between the computed and observed hydrographs. Watershed parameters such as infiltration coefficient, time of concentration, and base flow may need modification to produce a best fit between model and observation. Discharge output from rainfall-runoff model is generally calibrated with observed stream flow. The model was calibrated and validated using hourly interval event rainfall data start from 1st January 2009 to 30 December 2009 and 1st November to 30 November 2007 respectively. 4
Figure 6.6 Result of runoff modeling using HEC-HMS and comparison before simulated and observed flow
Figure 6.8 Result of runoff modeling using HEC-HMS and comparison after simulated and observed flow.
The model parameter values obtained during calibration and validation. From the calibration result, shows that the shape of the modeled hydrograph generally follows the observed hydrographs. However, the simulated peak flow during calibration and the time to peak during validation were quite different from the observed values. The simulated flow was also plotted against the observed flow.
Calculation of Coefficients :
R =
R = 0.6310
RMSE = 0.1613
The simulated discharge are not fitted satisfactory might be due to non-uniform distribution and low density of the rain gauges. Another reason might be the use of some parameter value a not appropriate. Confession ( R2 ) value for calibration and validation was found to be 0.6310 and Root Mean Square (RMSE) to be 0.1613. However the performance of HEC-HMS for modeling runoff is considered satisfactory.
After the simulation is done for the calibration and validation process, it is found there is a difference form and the actual flow simulation. This requires adjustments to the value of parameters used. If the adjusted parameters used for the calibration process, but validation is found at the actual form of graphs and flow simulation are different or the same shape. But conclusion best intermediate situation between the two forms used to obtain graphs of the same shape and the actual flow simulation. There are several benefits when using this model HEC-HMS, where it is a process that is done quickly and produce results that can be applied and can reduce the cost and time during the simulation run. It does not require detailed information about the study, enough with just a few parameters only as needed. Value of peak flow rate can also be obtained quickly and accurately without the need for how long and complex calculations. Information about the maximum rainfall occurs and its association with the pattern the flow rate will be formed can also be seen clearly on the graph that results from the simulation process. User can also choose various options in selecting parameters to be used based on form and fitness in the study.