Electronic and Communication 2010::: Firstranker'S Choice
Electronic and Communication 2010::: Firstranker'S Choice
Electronic and Communication 2010::: Firstranker'S Choice
2.For the Delta‐ Wye transformation in given figure, the value of the resistance R is.
a) 1/3 ohms
b) 2/3 ohms
c) 3/2 ohms
d) 3 ohms
3.In the given network, the Thevenin’s equivalent as seen by the load resistance Rl is
a) V=10 V, R= 2ohms
b) V=10V, R=3 ohms
c) V=15V, R= 2ohms
d) V=15V, R=3 ohms
4.The current I in a series R‐L circuit with R=10 ohms and L=20mH is given by i=2sin500t A. If
v is the voltage across the R‐L combination then i
a) lags v by 45 degree
b) is in‐phase with v
c) leads v by 45
d) lags v by 90
5.In thr given network, the mesh current I and the input impedance seen by the 50 V source,
respectively, are
a) 125/13 A and 11/8 ohms
b) 150/13 A and 13/8 ohms
c) 150/13 A and 11/8 ohms
d) 125/13 A and 13/8 ohms
6.A voltage sourcehaving a source impedance Z = R + jX can deliver maximum Average power
to a load impedance Z, when
a) Z = R + jX
b) Z = R
c) Z = jX
d) Z = R –jX
7.In the given circuit, the switch S is closed at t=0. Assuming that there is no initial Charge in the
capacitor, the current i(t) for t>0 is
a) V/R e^ (‐2t/RC)
b) V/R e^ (‐t/RC)
c) V/2R e^ (‐2t/RC)
d) V/2R e^ (‐t/RC)
8.For the circuit in given figure, if e(t) is a ramp signal, the steady state value of the Output
voltage v(t) is
a) 0
b) LC
c) R/L
d) RC
9.For the series RLC circuit in given figure, if w=1000 rad/sec, then the current I (in Amperes) is
a) 2 ∟‐15
b) 2 ∟15
c) √2∟‐15
d) √2∟15
12.Given figure shows a graph and one of its trees. Corresponding to the tree, the group of
branches that CAN NOT constitute a fundamental cut set is
a) 1,2,3
b) 1,4,6,8,3
c) 5,6,8,3
d) 4,6,7,3
13.The Y‐parameter matrix of a network is given by Y=[1 1 ‐1 1] A/V. The Z11 parameter of the
same network is
a) ½ ohms
b) 1/√2 ohms
c) 1 ohms
d) 2 ohms
14.For the given circuit, the switch was kept closed for a long time before opening it at t=0. The
voltage v(0+) is
a) ‐10 V
b) ‐1 V
c) 0V
d) 10 V
15.The input impedance of a series RLC circuit operating at frequency W=√2w, w being the
resonant frequency, is
a) R‐j(wL/√2) ohms
b) R+j(wL/√2) ohms
c) R‐j√2wL ohms
d) R‐j√2wL ohms
17.At a given temperature, a semiconductor with intrinsic carrier concentration ni= 10 ^ 16 / m^3
is doped with a donor dopant of concentration Nd = 10 ^ 26 /m^3. Temperature remaining the
same, the hole concentration in the doped semiconductor is
a) 10 ^ 26 /m^3
b) 10 ^ 16 /m^3
c) 10 ^ 14 /m^3
d) 10 ^ 6 /m^3}
18.At room temperature, the diffusion and drift constants for holes in a P‐type semiconductor
were measured to be Dp = 10 cm^2/s and µp = 1200 cm^2/V‐s, respectively. If the diffusion
constant of electrons in an N‐type semiconductor at the same temperature is Dn = 20 cm^2/s, the
drift constant for electrons in it is
a) µn = 2400 cm^2/V‐s
b) µn = 1200 cm^2/V‐s
c) µn = 1000 cm^2/V‐s
d) µn = 600 cm^2/V‐s
20.When operating as a voltage regulator, the breakdown in a Zener diode occurs due to the
a) tunneling effect
b) avalanche breakdown
c) impact ionization
d) excess heating of the junction.
21.If the common base DC current gain of a BJT is 0.98, its common emitter DC current gain is
a) 51
b) 49
c) 1
d) 0.02
23.Let En and Ep, respectively, represent the effective Fermi levels for electrons and holes
during current conduction in a semiconductor. For lasing to occur in a P‐N junction of band‐gap
energy 1.2 eV, (En ‐ Ep) should be
a) greater than 1.2eV
b) less than 1.2eV
c) equal to 1.1eV
d) equal to 0.7eV
25.In a MOS capacitor with n‐type silicon substrate, the Fermi potential ¢ = ‐0.41 V and the
flat‐band voltage Vfb = 0V. The value of the threshold voltage Vt is
a) ‐0.82 V
b) ‐0.41 V
c) 0.41 V
d) 0.82
Refer given figure for question 26 and 27. Assume D1 and D2 to be ideal diodes.
30.For the MOSFET in the given circuit, the threshold voltage Vt = 0.5V, the process parameter
KP = 150 µA/V^2 and W/L = 10. The values of Vd and Id, respectively, are
a) Vd = 4.5 V and Id = 1 mA
b) Vd = 4.5 V and Id = 0.5 mA
c) Vd = 4.8 V and Id = 0.4 mA
d) Vd = 6 V and Id = 0 mA
31.A negative feedback is applied to an amplifier with the feedback voltage proportional to the
output current. This feedback increases the
a) input impedance of the amplifier
b) output impedance of the amplifier
c) distortion in the amplifier
d) gain of the amplifier
33.For a given filter order, which one of the following type of filters has the least amount of
ripple both in pass‐band and stop‐band?
a) Chebyshev type I
b) Bessel
c) Chebyshev type II
d) Elliptic
34.For a practical feedback circuit to have sustained oscillation, the most appropriate value of the
loop gain T is
a) 1
b) ‐1
c) ‐1.02
d) 1.02
35.Assume the op‐amps in given figure to be ideal. If the input signal vi is a sinusoid of 2V
peak‐to‐peak and with zero DC component, the output signal vo is a
a) sine wave
b) square wave
c) pulse train
d) triangular wave
36.In a common source amplifier, the mid‐band voltage gain is 40 dB and the upper cutoff
frequency is 150kHz. Assuming single pole approximation for the amplifier the unity gain
frequency fT is
a) 6 MHz
b) 15 MHz
c) 150 MHz
d) 1.5 GHz
37.An op‐amp is ideal except for finite gain and CMRR. Given the open loop differential gain
Ad=2000,CMRR = 1000, the input to the noninverting terminal is 5.002 V and the input to the
inverting terminal is 4.999 V, the output voltage of the op‐amp is
a) 14 V
b) 24 V
c) ‐6 V
d) ‐8 V
38.The op‐amp in the circuit in given figure has a non‐zero DC offset. The steady state value of
the output voltage Vo is
a) –RC dvs(t)/ dt
b) – (1/RC)|vs(t)dt
c) –V
d) +V
39.For the circuit in given figure, if the value of the capacitor C is doubled, the duty‐cycle of the
output waveform Vo
a) increases by a factor of 2
b) increases by a factor of 1.44
c) remains constant
d) decreases by a factor of 1.44
40.Assume the op‐amp in the given circuit to be ideal. The value of the output voltage Vo is
a) 3.2 Vi
b) 4 Vi
c) 9 Vi
d) 10 Vi
42.The Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = ∑(0,6,8,13,14) with don’t care conditions d(A,B,C,D) =
∑(2,4,10) can be simplified to
a) F = B¯ D¯ +CD¯ +ABC¯
b) F = B¯ D¯ +CD¯ +ABC¯ D
c) F = AB¯ D¯ +CD¯ +ABC¯
d) F = B¯ D¯ +CD¯ +ABCD
43.The Boolean function F = A¯ D¯ +B¯ D can be realized by one of the following figures
44. For the multiplexer in given figure, the Boolean expression for the output Y is
a) A¯ B¯ +B¯ C¯ +AC
b) AB¯ +B¯ C¯ +AC¯
c) AB¯ +B¯ C+AC
d) A¯ B¯ +B¯ C+A¯ C
47. For which one of the following ultraviolet light is used to erase the stored contents
d) PLA
50. In the register indirect addressing mode of 8085 microprocessor, data is stored a) at the
54. Which one of the can be the magnitude of the transfer function | H(jw) | of a causal system
55. Consider the function H(jw) = H1(w) + jH2(w), where H1(w) is an odd function and H2(w)
is an even function. The inverse Fourier transform of H(jw) is
a) a real and odd function b) a complex function
c) a purely imaginary function
d) a purely imaginary and odd function
56. The laplace transform of given signal is
a) –A((1‐e^cs)/s)
b) A((1‐e^cs)/s)
c) A((1‐e^‐cs)/s)
d) –A((1‐e^‐cs)/s)
57. If X(z) is the z‐transform of x[n] = (1/2)^ |n|, the ROC of X(z) is
a) |z| > 2
b) |z| < 2
c) 0.5<|z|<2
60. If the signal x(t) shown in given figure is fed to an LTI system having impulse response h(t)
as shown in given figure, the value of the DC component present in the output y(t) is
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
61. The characteristic equation of an LTI system is given as s^3 + Ks^2 + 5s + 10. When the
system is marginally stable, the value of K and the sustained oscillation frequency w,
respectively, are
a) 2 and 5
b) 0.5 and √5
c) 0.5 and 5
d) 2 and √5
62. The time required for the response of a linear time‐variant system to reach half the final value
for the first time is
a) delay time
b) peak time
c) rise time
d) decay time
64. Let c(t) be the unit step response of a system with transfer function K(s+a)/(s+K). If c(0+)=2
and c(∞)=10, then the values of a and K, respectively, are
a) 2 and 10
b) ‐2 and 10
c) 10 and 2
d) 2 and ‐10
65. The loop transfer function of an LTI system is G(s)H(s)= K(s+1)(s+5) / s(s+2)(s+3). For
K>0, the point on the real axis that DOES NOT belong to the root locus of the system is
a) ‐0.5
b) ‐2.5
c) ‐3.5
d) ‐5.5
66. The state space equation of the circuit shown in given figure for x1=v0, x2=I is
67. The open loop gain of a unity feedback system is G(s)=wn^2 / s(s+2wn). The unit step
response c(t)
of the system is
69. The angles of the asymptotes of the root loci of the equation s^3 + 5s^2 + (K+2)s + K = 0,
0<=K<∞, are
a) 0 and 270
b) 0 and 180
c) 90 and 270
d) 90 and 180
70. The bode plot corresponding to a proportional derivative controller is the one shown in given
73. If a single‐tone amplitude modulated signal at a modulation depth of 100% transmits a total
power of 15W, the power in the carrier component is
a) 5W
b) 10W
c) 12W
d) 15W
74. In a superheterodyne receiver, rejection of the image signal can be achieved by using a
a) higher local oscillatorn frequency
b) crystal oscillator
c) narrow band IF filter
75. The number of bbits per sample of a PCM system depends upon the
a) sampler type
b) quantizer type
c) number of levels of the quantizer
d) sampling rate
76. Which one of the following is used for the detection of AM‐DSB‐SC signal
a) Ratio detector
b) Foster‐Seeley discriminator
c) Product demodulator
d) Balanced‐slpoe detector
77. Which one of the following signal pairs can represent a BPSK signal
a) A cos2pfct, A sinpfct
b) A cos2pfct, ‐ A sinpfct
c) ‐ A cos2pfct, A sinpfct
d) A sin2pfct, A cospfct
78. Which one of the following can be used for the detection of the noncoherent BPSK signal
a) matched filter
b) phase‐locked loop
c) envelope detector
d) product demodulator
79. Bits of duration Tb are to be transmitted using a BPSK modulation with a carrier of
frequency Fc Hz. The power spectral density of the transmitted signal has the first null at the
normalized frequency
a) |F – Fc|Tb = 0
b) |F – Fc|Tb = 1
c) |F – Fc|Tb = 2
d) |F – Fc|Tb = 4
80. The probability of bit error of a BPSK modulation scheme, with transmitted signal energy
per bit Eb, in an additive white Gaussian noise channel having one‐sided power spectral density
N0, is
a) (1/2) erfc(Eb/2N0)
b) (1/2) erfc√(Eb/2N0)
c) (1/2) erfc(Eb/N0)
d) (1/2) erfc√ (Eb/N0)
81. For a given transmitted pulse p(t), 0<=t<=T, the impulse response of a filter matched to the
received signal is
a) –p(t‐T), 0<=t<=T
b) –p(T‐t), 0<=t<=T
c) p(t‐T), 0<=t<=T
d) p(T‐t), 0<=t<=T
82. The multiple access communication scheme in which each user is allocated the full available
channel spectrum for a specified duration of time is known as
84. If Rx(t) is the auto‐correlation function of a zero‐mean wide‐sense stationary random process
X, then which one of the following is NOT true?
a) Rx(t) = Rx(‐t)
b) Rx(t) = ‐Rx(‐t)
c) sx^2 = Rx(0)
d) |Rx(t)| <=Rx(0)
86. A discrete memoryless source produces symbols m1,m2,m3 and m4 with probabilities 1/2,
1/4 , 1/8 and 1/8, respectively. The entropy of the source is
a) ¼
b) 1
c) 7/4
d) 2
87. A channel has a signal‐to‐noise ratio of 63 and bandwidth of 1200 Hz. The maximum data
rate that can be sent through the channel with arbitrary low probability of error is
a) 600 bps
b) 1200 bps
c) 4800 bps
d) 7200 bps
c) XZ
d) YZ
89. Which one of the following relations represents Strokes’ theorem (symbols have their usual
a) ∫s del X A.ds = 0
b) ∫L A.dl = ∫s del X A.ds
c) ∫s A X dS = ‐∫v (del X A)dv
d) ∫v del.Adv = ∫s A.ds
90. Which one of the following relations is not correct (symbols have their usual meaning)?
a) del X E = ‐ ∂B/∂t
b) del X H = J + ∂E/∂t
c) del.D = ?v
d) del.B = 0
91. The electric field component of a uniform plane wave propagating in a lossless magnetic
dielectric medium is given by E(t,z)=ax 5cos(10^9 t – 20/3 z)V/m. If ?0 represents the intrinsic
impedance of the free space, the corresponding magnetic field component is given by
a) H(t,z)= ay 5/2 ?0 cos(10^9t – 20/3 z)A/m
b) H(t,z)= ay 10/ ?0 cos(10^9t – 20/3 z)A/m
c) H(t,z)= az 5/2 ?0 cos(10^9t – 20/3 z)A/m
d) H(t,z)= az 10/ ?0 cos(10^9t – 20/3 z)A/m
92. The skin depth of a non‐magnetic conducting material at 100 MHz is 0.15 mm. The distance
which a plane wave of frequency 10 GHz travels in this material before its amplitude reduces by
a factor of e^‐1 is
a) 0.0015 mm
b) 0.015 mm
c) 0.15 mm
d) 1.5 mm
93. A lossless transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 100 ohms and an inductance
per unit length of 1 µH/m. If the line is operated at 1 GHz, the propagation constant ß is
a) 2p rad/m
b) 20p/3 rad/m
c) 20p rad/m
d) 2p *10^5 rad/m
95. A two‐port network characterized by the S‐parameter matrix, [S] = [0.3 L0 0.9 L90 0.9 L90
0.2 L0] Is
a) both reciprocal and lossless
b) reciprocal, but not lossless
c) lossless, but not reciprocal
d) neither reciprocal nor lossless
96. A lossless air filled rectangular waveguide has internal dimensions of a cm * b cm. If a=2b
and the cutoff frequency of the TE02 mode is 12 GHz, the cutoff frequency of the dominant
mode is
a) 1 GHz
b) 3 GHz
c) 6 GHz
d) 9 GHz
97. A Hertzian dipole antenna is placed at the origin of a coordinate system and it is oriented
along z‐axis. In which one of the following planes the radiation pattern of the antenna has a
circular shape?
a) x=0
b) y=0
c) z=0
d) ø=45
100. Which one of the following is not true for a step index optical fibre?
a) It can support multiple modes
b) HE11 mode is its lowest order mode
c) The refractive index of the cladding is higher than that of the core
d) At a given wavelength, single mode operation is possible by proper choice of core diameter,
core and cladding refractive indices.