Historical Film Preservation Guide

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P r e s e rvat i o n L e a f L e t

p h oTo g r A p h S

Northeast DocumeNt coNservatioN ceNter

5.1 A Short guide to Film Base photographic Materials: Identification, Care, and Duplication
Monique Fischer Senior Photograph Conservator Northeast Document Conservation Center INtroDuCtIoN There are three broad types of film base photographic materials: cellulose nitrate, the cellulose acetates, and polyester. These materials have been used as a support for negatives, positive transparencies, motion pictures, microfilm, and other photographic products. Unfortunately, cellulose nitrate and the cellulose acetates are unstable. Their degradation products can severely harm and even destroy photographic collections, in addition to posing serious health and safety hazards. IDeNtIFICatIoN Nitrate Film Base In August 1889 Eastman Kodak began selling the first photographic negatives on cellulose nitrate flexible film support. This innovation was the beginning of a revolution in photography. The increased convenience of flexible films allowed professional photographers to shoot more pictures under a greater variety of conditions; it also created a new amateur market which quickly became the economic foundation of the photo industry. Nitrate film remained in production in various formats, until the early 1950s. As a photographic support it had some serious disadvantages. Nitrate film was, and is, highly flammable, it releases hazardous gases when it deteriorates. Large quantities of nitrate film has caused several disastrous fires. Due to the instability of cellulose nitrate, much of our photographic legacy from this period is disappearing. A photographic collection that contains any flexible, transparent film negatives from the time period of 18901950 has nitrate film in it. These negatives need special attention and should immediately be separated from other negatives. Deteriorated nitrate negatives are easy to identify, but nitrate negatives in good condition are almost indistinguishable from other types of transparent films. There are four ways to identify nitrate negatives. 1. edge printing Many manufacturers stamped professional sheet films with an identification along one border. The words generally identified the manufacturer and the type of film: nitrate or safety. Unfortunately edge printing was not done by all manufacturers; nor was it done on early nitrate negatives, nor on some roll film formats. Amateur roll films were not marked but can be identified by their tendency to curl into very tight scrolls. Later roll films were coated on both sides to prevent such curling. A V notch code (1st from the edge) can also identify Kodak sheet film (prior to 1949) as nitrate. (See Figure 1.)
Figure 1

2. Dating Information The dates Eastman Kodak stopped the manufacture of nitrate film follow. If a negative can be accurately dated, either by subject or by the photographers notes, it is possible to determine if it is nitrate film. Last Year of Nitrate Type of Film Manufacture X-ray films 1933 roll films in 35mm 1938 (A) portrait and Commercial sheet films (B) 1939 Aerial films 1942 Film packs (C) 1949 roll films in sizes 616, 620, etc. (D) 1950 professional 35mm Motion picture films (E) 1951
NoTES A . It has always been a common practice for photographers to purchase bulk rolls of 35mm motion picture film and respool it into cassettes for still camera use. So it is possible to find still camera negatives on nitrate film for an additional 13 year period after this date.

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B. Nitrate sheet film tends to have a very thick and rigid base. professional sheet film negatives will also have notches on one corner. These notches are used by photographers to determine the emulsion side in the dark. C. Film pack negatives were produced in the same sizes as sheet film. Film packs used a much thinner and a very flexible based film. These negatives will feel like roll film. They lack a notch code, but may have a negative number, generally 1 through 12. D. These sizes were called amateur roll film formats. Most families probably have a small number of these negatives stored in their home with no idea of the hazard they present. E. professional 35mm motion picture film represents the greatest hazard. All nitrate 35mm motion picture film should be duplicated by an authorized laboratory. Then the nitrate motion picture film should be disposed of through the local fire marshall or a hazardous materials disposal service. NoTE: 16mm, regular 8, and super 8 movie formats were considered amateur formats and were always made on a safety film base.

Negatives in the fourth, fifth, and sixth stages of decomposition generally have no legible image and should be either placed in cold storage or duplicated. 4. testing Tests provide a more exact, but not completely definitive, way of identification. There are four tests, three of which are destructive; they require that a sample be taken from the film base material in question. Any destructive tests should be performed only after all other identification procedures have been conducted and identification remains uncertain.
a) PolarIzatIoN

Unfortunately Eastman Kodak is the only manufacturer that has supplied any dates on nitrate film production. These dates do not apply to other manufacturers films. Nor do they give an indication of when Kodak started selling safety films. For example, nitrate sheet film production ended in 1939, but Kodak began test marketing safety based sheet film sometime in the mid 1920s. For most formats there was a carry over period when both types of film were made. . Nitrate film base deterioration A third means of film base identification is based on the observations of deterioration characteristics. Nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, and nitrous dioxide are all released as gases from the decomposition of cellulose nitrate. In the presence of atmospheric moisture, these gases combine with the water to form nitric acid. The formation of nitric acid acts to further degrade the cellulose nitrate film, it can destroy enclosures in which the negatives are stored, and it can also damage materials in close proximity to the collection. Institutions should isolate and properly store cellulose nitrate materials because of their extreme flammability, especially when in a deteriorated condition. They should be stored in a controlled environment of relatively low humidity or, ideally in cold storage. Cellulose nitrate decomposition can be very rapid. Deterioration is generally categorized in six progressive stages: Level 1 No deterioration. Level 2 The negatives begin to yellow and mirror. Level 3 The film becomes sticky and emits a strong noxious odor (nitric acid). Level 4 The film can become an amber color and the image begins to fade. Level 5 The film is soft and can weld to adjacent negatives, enclosures and photographs. Level 6 The film can degenerate into a brownish acid powder. Most negatives will retain legible photographic detail into the third stage of decomposition. These negatives may become brittle, but with careful handling can be duplicated.

When viewed between cross-polarized filters, polyester and other highly birefringent materials exhibit red and green interference colors like those seen on soap bubbles. Cellulose nitrates and the cellulose acetates do not show these interference colors. The polarization Test can be performed with the simple viewer described below. To use the viewer unfold the viewer and place a corner of the material in question over one polarizing filter. Close the viewer and hold the viewer up to a light source. Tilt viewer back-and-forth and side-to-side, red and green interference colors will be most apparent in clear areas. If a material is badly deteriorated, examine it on a light table with one polarizing filter underneath it and one on top of it. Instructions for Making a Viewer 1 Tape together two pieces of mat board along their long edge. 2 At the left corner of each mat board split an area slightly larger than the polarizing filter. 3 Cut a hole in each split area smaller than the polarizing filter. 4 Slip polarizing filters into each split board. Be sure to place the filters so that they are almost at cross polars to one another. This will be at the point at which they block the most light passing through them. 5 Apply double-sided tape to reattach the split boards and to hold the filters in place. (polarizing filters are available at toy stores in many childrens science kits.)
b) DIPheNylaMINe teSt

handle this solution with caution. It contains 90% sulfuric acid! A solution of diphenylamine and sulfuric acid can be used to identify cellulose nitrate. In this solution cellulose nitrate turns a deep blue color. Cellulose acetate and polyester do not produce this color. however, cellulose nitrate is used in very small amounts in the manufacture of cellulose acetate and polyester products. This subbing layer does not appear to effect either the longevity or the safety of these materials, but may cause a very faint blue tinge to be seen in the

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support of the cellulose acetates and polyester. place sample on a microscope slide and apply a drop of the prepared solution. After one minute, a cellulose nitrate sample will turn completely blue while the cellulose acetates and polyester will not. In some cases, a large cellulose nitrate sample may exhaust the solution and no blue color will form. Therefore, to confirm a negative test, apply two more drops and wait another minute to confirm that the sample is not cellulose nitrate. The solution is somewhat sensitive to light. Before testing unknowns, test the efficacy of the solution with a known sample of cellulose nitrate such as DUCo Cement or UhU All-purpose Clear Adhesive. Instructions for the preparation of this solution can be found in: Canadian Conservation Institute. (1989). The diphenylamine spot test for cellulose nitrate in museum objects. CCI Notes (17/2).
C) burN teSt

base (cellulose diacetate, cellulose acetate propiarate, cellulose acetate butyrate and cellulose triacetate.) It became known as Safety film. however, the cellulose acetates do have stability problems. The deterioration of cellulose acetate is autocatalytic, like that of cellulose nitrate; once deterioration has begun the degradation products induce further deterioration. It affects the plastic support of acetate film, causing it to become acidic, to shrink, and to give off an odor of acetic acid (vinegar). A useful tool in helping determine the amount of acid vapor present, and gain an overview of the condition of acid-vapors in an entire collection are A-D Strips (acid-detecting strips) from the Image permanence Institute at the rochester Institute of Technology in rochester, NY. They are acid-base indicator papers which turn from blue to green to yellow in the presence of acid, and measure the extent of the acetate base support deterioration. As with nitrate negatives, deteriorated acetate negatives are easy to identify, but in good condition are almost undistinguishable from other types of plastic films. There are also four ways to identify acetate film base negatives. 1. edge printing Some cellulose acetate film base materials have the word Safety contained in the border. Those manufactured prior to 1955 are definitely acetate. Edge printing may also include the name of the manufacturer, manufacturing code data, and notch codes. The Acetate Negative Survey Final report by horvath is an invaluable resource for identifying cellulose acetates using this information.2 2. Dating information Sheet Film Roll Film Cellulose diacetate 19251950 1920s1935 Cellulose acetate propionate 19301945 19201945 Cellulose acetate butynate 1935present Cellulose triacetate 1945present 1945present . acetate film base deterioration When acetate base film is stored in a poor environment at high heat and humidity, or exposed to acidic vapors from nearby degrading film, cellulose acetate undergoes chemical reactions within the plastic support to form acetic acid. It causes the support to become acidic, brittle, and shrink. This in turn spreads into the gelatin emulsion or into the air creating a harsh, acidic odor. It is a slow form of chemical deterioration known as Vinegar Syndrome. It places acetate film at risk, and then deterioration may place otherwise stable photographic materials at risk as well. Deterioration is generally catalogued in six progressive stages: Level 1 No deterioration. Level 2 The negatives begin to curl and they can turn red or blue.

Do not perform in your collection! Cellulose nitrate is extremely difficult to extinguish. The burn test uses the flammable nature of cellulose nitrate for identification since both the cellulose acetates and polyester are much less flammable. Cellulose nitrate burns quickly and has a characteristic yellow flame. having known materials for comparison is particularly important for this test. hold sample vertically with metal tongs. Be sure to ignite the strip from the top, only cellulose nitrate will burn downwards. For safety, have a large container of water nearby.
D) Float teSt

Trichloroethylene is toxic and a carcinogen! Conduct this test in a well-ventilated area, wear rubber gloves, and use with extreme caution. The float test may be used to identify film base types due to their differing densities. Cellulose nitrate being the most dense will sink, while cellulose acetate will rise to the top. polyester should remain in the center of the solution. results from this test may be difficult to interpret because deteriorated acetate film may sink to the bottom like nitrate film. Another complicating factor is that the specific gravities for cellulose nitrate and the cellulose acetates fall within a fairly broad range which may cause materials to behave differently. As with the other tests, having a known sample for comparison can be extremely helpful. place sample in a test tube of trichloroethylene. Shake test tube so sample is completely immersed. observe location of sample in the liquid.1 Acetate Film Base Nitrate film was, and is, highly flammable. It releases hazardous gases, when it decomposes naturally. Beginning in the mid 1920s, it was slowly replaced with cellulose acetate film

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Level 3 The onset of acetic acid (vinegar smell); also shrinkage and brittleness. Level 4 The warping can begin. Level 5 The formation of bubbles and crystals in the film. Level 6 The formation of channeling in the film. 4. testing (See nitrate testing section.) Care Environment The deterioration of both cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate negatives is highly dependent on temperature and relative humidity. Ideally, to minimize decomposition, negatives should be stored in a freezer. At freezing temperatures the natural decomposition of cellulose nitrate and acetate is slowed down. The cold storage of small numbers of negatives can be done easily, but the cost and inconvenience of freezing a large collection can be prohibitive. however, cold storage is predicted to extend the life of acetate negatives by a factor of ten or more. (See Image permanence Institute Storage guide for Acetate Film by James reilly.) A good resource on cold storage is henry Wilhelms permanence & Care of Color photographs (1993), grinnell, Iowa: preservation publishing Co. Chapter 19. A fairly inexpensive cold storage unit is a large commercial freezer which should defrost automatically. Storage materials designed to preserve photographic materials are archival boxes placed in polypropylene bags and then sealed with humidity control cards. This allows the stored items to warm at room temperature safely (812 hours should be sufficient) and can be easily accessed. The Safe Care Archive Freezer Kits are available at Metal Edge, Inc. (800) 862-2228. A less costly option for storage would provide a controlled environment with the constant temperature at 68 F (20 C), and relative humidity between 20% and 30%. rapid changes in temperature and humidity will hasten deterioration. A dark and well ventilated area around the negatives will allow the gases to dissipate. Storage Cellulose nitrate negatives should be stored separately from other negatives in a collection. They present a great potential hazard to other materials because of their flammability and because of the strong acid formed from gases that the negatives release. Three layers of protection are recommended for the storage of film base photographic materials. Negatives should be placed in sleeves, sleeves in a box or drawer, and these boxes or drawers on shelves or in a cabinet. Motion picture film and microfilm should be stored in unsealed containers in cabi-

nets or on shelves. (All enclosures should pass the photograph Activity Test (pAT) as described in ISo Standard 14523:1999.) Negatives should be stored in individual, seamless, high alpha cellulose content paper enclosures. They are recommended to allow for the dissipation of harmful gases. Acidfree paper will resist deterioration caused by the formation of acids. Enclosures that have been used to store negatives must never be reused. They will retain acids, and anything placed in them will be damaged. Disposal of used enclosures is recommended in order to avoid reuse. Again, an invaluable source is Image permanence Institutes Storage guide for Acetate Film by James reilly. It is a tool for evaluating and planning storage environments for acetatebased photographic film. DuPlICatIoN When? Duplication is an ongoing process. Negative collections should be inspected regularly for signs of deterioration. Any negatives that show signs of deterioration should be duplicated as soon as possible. The more advanced the stage of deterioration the quicker the negative should be duplicated to minimize the amount of image detail lost. other factors which need to be considered are size and use of collection, space available for storage and financial resources. Nitrate and safety negatives in good condition that need to be printed or handled often should also be duplicated. The duplicate negative can then be used while the original remains in cold storage. This minimizes the potential of damage to, or loss of, the original negative. Tone Reproduction and Image Permanence There are two areas of concern when considering duplication of film base materials. The first is tone reproduction. how accurately does the duplicate negative resemble the original? The second is image permanence. The duplicate must be made on the most stable modern films and processed according to the highest archival standards using recommended techniques. Every duplication system should be designed for good tone reproduction. The duplicate negative should resemble the original in all aspects. They should have the same density range, the same overall density, and the same amount of detail. Sensitometry is the study of photographic materials and their response to exposure and development. By using sensitometric tests a photographer can design a duplication system that will replicate the original negative as accurately as modern materials will allow.

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Most negatives are duplicated because their image content is in imminent danger of being lost. The duplicate will be the only record of a negative after the original has decomposed (deteriorated). Therefore the duplicate must have maximum image permanence. The permanence of a photographic image is affected by three things: the stability of the photographic material, how it is processed, and how it is stored. photography is based on light-sensitive silver molecules, which are exposed to light and then intensified by development. Silver is chemically a very stable metal, and photographic images are stable provided they are mounted on a stable support. Because of its increased stability, duplicate negatives should be made on archivally processed modern polyester based films, which should be archivally processed. Options 1 Prints. The simplest way to duplicate negatives is to make a print and then use a camera system to create a copy negative of the print. This is a common procedure for prints in a collection for which there are no original negatives. This procedure can be done in even the simplest darkroom. Large format original negatives can be contact printed, while prints from smaller negatives can be enlarged to a standardized size print. The prints should all be made on fiber based photographic paper for maximum permanence. New prints are then copied using a large format camera, 4 x 5 format or larger. The biggest advantage of making prints and copy negatives is the cost and convenience. Most museum darkrooms or local photo labs should be able to do the work with little or no investment in equipment. The disadvantage of this system is loss of detail in both the print and the copy negative. A print always has detail loss and a compressed tonal range compared to the original negative. If a negative has a difficult-to-print density range, image loss can be quite noticeable. Further detail is lost when the copy negative is made. 2 The Interpositive/Duplicate Negative Process. The most versatile duplication process produces a film interpositive and duplicate negative. The original negative is contact printed onto a sheet of film and processed. This yields a positive image on film, an interpositive. The interpositive is contact printed to produce a duplicate negative. This process can produce the most accurate duplicate negatives modern films are capable of producing.

An interpositive is an archival copy that can be used to make as many duplicate negatives as needed. The original negative can remain in storage, or if deteriorating can be destroyed. This process can also correct some problems of original negatives. Through the use of special films and filters, staining on original negatives can be reduced on the interpositive. The interpositive should be an exact copy of the original negative, but if the original is too contrasts to print on modern photographic paper, an adjusted duplicate can be made from the interpositive. The adjusted duplicate will have a compressed density range capable of being printed with minimal loss of detail. The disadvantage to the versatility of this system is higher production costs and complexity. however, this method results in two copies for relatively little additional cost and additional storage requirements. 3 Continuous Tone Microfilm. The roll microfilm provides easy access to entire photographic collections. This type of microfilm supports the greater dynamic range [shades of gray] typical of photographs while line detail remains excellent. The advantages of the roll film format are that it provides ease of access to the collection at lower cost. It provides an excellent reference copy for users thereby limiting the use of the original material. And microfilm has a life expectancy of 500 years. The disadvantage of this format is that it does not capture the level of detail that a larger format is capable of capturing. 4 Digital Imaging System. There are a wide array of digital systems available for capturing and storing photographic images. The access capabilities of these systems are impressive, however, the long-term storage of the images is problematic. Scanning the photographic materials is one approach to access, but it is very expensive, requires a lot of expertise (or dependence on a company with that expertise), and data will have to be migrated over time as the hardware and software become obsolete. Therefore they may not be an appropriate preservation alternative for your collection and institution. CoNCluSIoN The identification, care, and duplication of a photographic negative collection is a complex task. Therefore, any approach should rest on a solid foundation of accurate identification of film base materials in a collection, a good understanding of the collections present and future uses, and maintenance of proper storage and environment.

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SeleCteD bIblIograPhy Adelstein, p. Z. and J. L. McCrea. (1981). Stability of processed polyester base photographic films. Journal of Applied Photographic Engineering. 7 (6, August): 160167. Calhoun, J. M. (1953). Storage of nitrate amateur stillcamera negatives. Journal of the Biological Photographic Association 21 (3, Aug.): 113. Carroll, J. F. and J. M. Calhoun. (1955). Effect of nitrogen oxide gases on processed acetate film. Journal of the SMPTE 64 (Sep.): 501507. Cummings, J. W., A. C. hutton, and h. Silfin. (1950). Spontaneous ignition of decomposing cellulose nitrate film. Journal of the SMPTE 54 (March): 268274. Eastman Kodak. (1984). Copying and Duplicating in Blackand-white and Color. Kodak publication M-1. rochester, NY. Fischer, M. and A. robb (1993). guidelines for care and identification of film base photographic materials. Topics in Photographic Preservation 5: Washington, DC: AIC. horvath. D. g. (1987). The Acetate Negative Survey Final Report. Louisville, KY: Ekstrom Library photographic Archives, University of Louisville. Image permanence Institute. The IPI Storage Guide for Acetate Film. rochester, NY: Image permanence Institute, 1993. LIST OF SUPPLIERS For a list of suppliers visit NEDCC's website at http://www.nedcc.org/resources/suppliers.php. Jamison, Jamye. A Survey of photographic Negative Collections from 1925-1950: Some results and observations. Topics in PhotographicPreservation 10:162177. Washington, DC: AIC. puglia, S. T. (1989). Negative duplication: evaluating the reproduction and preservation needs of collections. Topics in Photographic Preservation 3: 123-134. Washington, DC: AIC. reilly, J. M., p. Z. Adelstein, and D. Nishimura. (1991). Preservation of Safety Film. rochester, NY: Image permanence Institute, rochester Institute of Technology. Sturge, J. M. , ed. (1977). Neblettes Handbook of Photography and Reprography Materials, Processes and Systems, Seventh Edition. New York: Van Nostrand reinhold Co. Valverde, Mari Fernanda. (2004) Photographic Negatives: Nature and Evolution of Processes. rochester, NY: Advanced residency program in photograph preservation. Wilhelm, h. and Carol Bower (1993). Permanence and Care of Color Photographs. grinnell, Iowa: preservation publishing Co. Young, C. (1989). Nitrate film in public institutions. History News 44 (4 July/August 1989).

1. Testing section from Fischer & Robb. (1993). "Care and Identification of Film Base Photographic Materials." Topics in Photographic Preservation. Volume 5. American Institute for Conservation Photographic Materials Group, Washington, DC 2. Horvath, D.G. (1987). The Acetate Negative Survey Final Report. Louisville, KY: Ekstrom Library Photographic Archives, University of Louisville.

2008. Revised 2011. Northeast Document Conservation Center.

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