The Benefits and Costs of CSR
The Benefits and Costs of CSR
The Benefits and Costs of CSR
We rst provide an overarching denition of corporate social responsibility and categorize the various types of socially responsible endeavors in order to identify activities associated with CSR that create costs. Following this, we articulate rms likely motivations for engaging in CSR in order to identify potential benets. We then discuss the role of accounting and corresponding linkages between accounting and CSR; here, we pay particular attention to how rms might measure the costs and benets of CSR decisions. Finally, we provide some concluding thoughts. Throughout the article, we offer numerous real-world examples to illustrate our ideas.
2. What is CSR?
The expansive literature on CSR contains numerous denitions of the construct. For example, the European Commission (2010) denes corporate social responsibility as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. A common denition in the management literature comes from Davis (1973, p. 312), who denes CSR as the rms considerations of, and response to, issues beyond the narrow economic, technical, and legal requirements of the rm to accomplish social [and environmental] benets along with the traditional economic gains which the rm seeks. Perhaps the most parsimonious denition that encompasses the above ideas is
* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (G.B. Sprinkle), (L.A. Maines).
0007-6813/$ see front matter # 2010 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2010.05.006
446 that CSR represents voluntary rm endeavors which benet society. In addition to numerous denitions of CSR, there are many terms for the sameor similarconstruct. The most common term used in addition to corporate social responsibility is corporate sustainability. Corporate sustainability focuses on long-run shareholder value by incorporating principles in nine areas: ethics, governance, transparency, business relationships, nancial return, community involvement, product value, employment practices, and environmental protection (Epstein, 2008). Thus, the activities associated with corporate sustainability are very similar to those discussed in this article, although somewhat broader in scope. CSR comprises a number of corporate activities that focus on the welfare of stakeholder groups other than investors, such as charitable and community organizations, employees, suppliers, customers, and future generations. One important category of CSR activities includes corporate contributions of cash or products to charitable and community organizations. For example, Whirlpool Corporation (2010) donates a refrigerator and range to every home built by Habitat for Humanity in North America. Companies also allow employees to take time off from work to volunteer with charitable and community organizations. As an illustration, Eli Lilly (2010) designates one day per year as a Global Day of Service whereby all employees worldwide undertake volunteer activities for the betterment of their local communities. Many CSR activities relate to employee welfare and safety. Employee welfare encompasses initiatives ranging from the provision of educational benets to health support, such as on-site health clinics, tness centers, and wellness classes on stress management. Workplace safety also is a critical component of employee welfare, and many companies extend codes of conduct for employee welfare and safety to their suppliers. For example, McDonalds (2009) has a code of conduct that provides requirements for fair and safe working conditions for vendor employees and uses independent experts to audit vendors for adherence to the code of conduct. Companies CSR activities also focus on meeting customer desires and protecting future generations. For example, Procter & Gambles 2008 sustainability report indicates that the company wants to delight consumers with sustainable innovations that improve the environmental prole of our products (Procter & Gamble, 2008, p. 4). These innovations appeal to customers environmental concerns through reductions in packaging, and consumer water and energy use (Procter & Gamble, 2008, p. 40). Analogously, consumers concerns about the humane treatment of
EXECUTIVE DIGEST animals leads companies to engage in animal welfare activities. For example, The Body Shop (2010) bans animal testing and considers effects on endangered species habitats when choosing ingredients for the companys products. Other activities include using green production practices, such as conserving energy, reducing emissions, using recycled materials, reducing packaging materials, and sourcing materials from vendors located geographically close to manufacturing facilities. For example, Sony (2010) manages the impact of its greenhouse gas emissions by setting targets for carbon dioxide emissions from production, shipping, and product use activities. Companies often involve vendors and customers in their environmental efforts. Less than 5 years ago, Wal-Mart (2006) announced a program to measure suppliers on their ability to reduce packaging, with a goal of eliminating 5% of total packaging between 2008 and 2013. Similarly, Hewlett-Packard (2010) provides free recycling of toner cartridges for customers, while Staples (2010) provides greater incentives for recycling by offering customers $3 in Staples Rewards for each toner cartridge returned.
EXECUTIVE DIGEST another cost of doing business: it is something rms feel they have to do in order to avoid negative publicity and other actions from NGOs. For example, it has been suggested that Best Buys electronics recycling program, which is free to consumers, was established in part because of pressures from the As You Sow Foundation (Best Buy, 2008). In addition to incurring costs for CSR activities, it has been suggested that companies such as General Electric often are coerced by NGOs into incurring even more costs to report on their sustainability efforts (Murray, 2005); such reports might contain nothing but hot air. For example, British Petroleum received high marks for its reporting on safety issues during a period in which some individuals argued that its actual safety culture was poor, as evidenced by the explosion of a renery in Texas that resulted in numerous employee deaths and injuries (Jackson, 2007; Vogel, 2007). In essence, observers have stated that CSR is a con job. . .a neat trick used by NGOs as old-fashioned blackmail (Albrechtsen, 2006, p. 12), and that heightened corporate attention to CSR has not been entirely voluntary. . .the most common corporate response has been neither strategic nor operational but cosmetic (Porter & Kramer, 2006, p. 80). Third, there are potential contracting benets: rms believe that CSR helps recruit, motivate, and retain employees. Numerous sources list these reasons as one of the most signicant benets of an active CSR program. For example, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu provides its managers the opportunity to participate in year-long programs dedicated to improving the skills and abilities of young students; the company believes this endeavor will help recruit top candidates. . .and increase retention rates of high-potential employees (Dizik, 2009, p. B8). For many years, Timberland has provided employees the opportunity to take signicant amounts of paid time off to volunteer for social causes of their choosing. The company notes that this program helps attract and retain valuable talent (Pereira, 2003). Increased employee motivation also is a key driver, as observers have noted that people are seeking meaning at work. . .and, it has become clear that staff motivation is a powerful bottom-line benet of corporate responsibility (Murray, 2007, p. 11). Increasingly, business students seem to be pushing their institutions for courses on social responsibility, suggesting that they are likely to seek full-time positions with socially responsible employers (Middleton, 2009). To this end, recruiters at Target have heard from job candidates that commitment to the community is one of the top reasons they desire to work for the company (Needleman, 2008). Fourth, there are customer-related motivations: CSR may entice consumers to buy a companys
447 products or services. As such, rms may reap price premiums or garner increases in market share. For example, one might view NBCs recent decision to offer more television programming dedicated to health and social issues through a municent lens. The decision, however, likely was far more strategic, as NBC was able to attract signicantand increasingly scarceadvertising dollars from companies wishing to link their products to shows socially redeeming values (Vranica, 2009). We also see organizations such as Crate & Barrel aligning themselves with non-prot charities like DonorsChoose, an organization dedicated to improving our public school resources. Here, consumers decide where Crate & Barrels charitable contributions will be directed; for example, which specic classroom projects, supplies, and so forth, to fund. Involving the customer in this fashion is, naturally, expected to stimulate loyalty and sales (Steel, 2006). Companies that manufacture and sell luxury goods also are getting in on the game. Louis Vuitton, for instance, has been introducing eco-friendly products and supporting environmental causes. In turn, this could entice customers to purchase the companys luxury items (Dodes & Schechner, 2009). Such efforts also may help luxury goods companies reinvent their images; perhaps away from blatant consumerism, toward an understanding of how luxury products might even be better for the environment (e.g., they last longer). Fifth, companies focus on environmental concerns can lead to reductions in production costs. For example, Wal-Mart reduced transportation costs by $3.5 million through one initiative to reduce packaging on toys. From a CSR perspective, the company also saved 3,425 tons of corrugated materials, 1,358 barrels of oil, 5,190 trees and 727 shipping containers (Wal-Mart, 2006). Energy conservation also is an area in which companies report signicant operating costs savings. Ecology and Environment, Inc. (2008) reported an 80% reduction in annual carbon emissions from its headquarters building, noting the efciency gains that resulted from these measures accrued an estimated net savings of approximately $232,000 from 1999 to 2008. Finally, CSR can be viewed as an integral part of a companys risk management efforts. To this end, CSR may be an effective lever for easing legal or regulatory constraints. For example, companies may voluntarily reduce emissions in an effort to thwart legislation that could impose even tighter standards (Bradsher & Revkin, 2001). CSR also may reduce the likelihood of untoward incidents occurring, which in turnreduces the chances of lawsuits and damage to the rms reputation (A Stitch, 2008). The costs of not managing such risks can be substantial; a popular example relates to Mattels experience with
448 Chinese suppliers who used lead paint in the manufacture of toys. CSR may help manage such risks by ensuring that reputable and sustainable business practices are being followed throughout the supply chain. CSR may further manage risks associated with product obsolescence and the like; American Electric Powers dedication to clean energy could, for example, be a Darwinian reaction to legislation that might otherwise jeopardize future prots. In the end, companies desperately wish to avoid disasters like the Exxon Valdez and Union Carbide Bhopal incidents. We close this section by noting that there likely are other reasons associated with an active CSR agenda. For example, just as customers may be more likely to purchase goods and services from socially responsible rms, suppliers may be keen on working with such organizations; there may be positive spillover effects for the supplier. It also is possible that rms engaging in CSR are more likely to attract capital from investors (e.g., start-ups) and receive more favorable terms from creditors. Many individuals likely wish to align their investment dollars with their moral aims.
EXECUTIVE DIGEST several ways that organizations might accomplish the second step of estimation. We hope that our discussion spurs corporate decision makers to make informed CSR decisions. At the end of the day, decision making involves trading off what you get with what you give up. As such, effective CSR decisions rely on assessments of value and opportunity cost.
EXECUTIVE DIGEST restrict supply, but to Habitat homeowners who may otherwise have purchased a Whirlpool product. For contributions of employees time, there really are not any tax benets vis-a-vis the wages paid to ` employees; wages are deductible for tax purposes regardless of whether employees volunteer their time. When employees volunteer their time, however, there almost certainly is a cost associated with reductions in productivity. For example, in a recent year, KPMG employees volunteered 32,000 hours of their time to charitable endeavors (Murray, 2007). Assuming a hypothetical average billing rate of $150 per hour, this translates to $4.8 million in lost revenues. Of course, this calculation assumes there is a demand for the volunteered hours and not an excess capacity for labor. Perhaps KPMG employees volunteer during the off season, when there is not enough business to keep all employees fully utilized. If this is the case, then the opportunity cost of laborbased contributions is close to zero and, as such, allowing employees to volunteer is cheaper than making cash and product donations. Measuring the cost of lost productivity is easier in organizations where the relationship between labor inputs and revenue is sharp (e.g., accounting rm, law rm, production-line worker). The cost is more difcult, but not less important, to measure when the inputoutput relation is not as clean (e.g., a corporate administrator). It also is possible that organizations hire additional personnel to cover for the lost time and productivity; for every 2,000 hours volunteered, for example, one additional employee may need to be hired. Assuming a positive margin, this would be a less expensive solution to taking the revenue loss. Additional employee costs include those related to having dedicated employees focused on CSR efforts; for example, the costs of employees identifying and coordinating CSR activities and putting press releases and lengthy reports together. The wages paid to these employees certainly should be considered. Finally, labor costs would include those related to the use of consulting rms; the recent focus on sustainability has been a boon for advisory-services rms (Davoudi, 2008). Costs associated with CSR environmental activities can be estimated by comparing the cost of green approaches to those of traditional approaches. For example, the cost of making products using recycled raw materials can be compared to similar costs for using new raw materials. The incremental costs of using recycled products may extend throughout the production process; for example, greater scrap or greater labor costs may be associated with the use of recycled materials. We note, however, thatas discussed in Section 6the costs of environmentally-friendly approaches may
449 actually be lower than those of traditional approaches, resulting in a benet rather than cost. Organizations must also consider whether their CSR programs have negative effects on customers and employees. For example, many department and grocery stores ask customers to make contributions to charity. Such strong-armed solicitations may make customers uneasy and engender negative goodwill, increasing the likelihood that consumers will take their business elsewhere (Felten, 2010). Whether consumers embrace or shun such programs is an empirical question. Organizations could survey their customers, including whether complaints have increased, or examine sales before and after implementation to assess whether there are gains or losses connected with such programs. Finally, organizations routinely prod employees to contribute to organizations such as the United Way. The effects on employee effort are uncertain, butagaincould be measured via surveys or productivity around solicitation efforts. Finally, other costs should be considered, but may be rather difcult to estimate. For example, organizations might assess the relation between the size of their contributions to CSR efforts and the benets received; that is, bang for the buck. We posit that the relation between costs and benets likely is concave, suggesting that returns diminish as the level of CSR increases. In like fashion, organizations should ensure their CSR efforts t with their missions and product/service offerings. For example, Whirlpools alignment with Habitat for Humanity seems ideal; other organizations should strive for similar mappings.
450 sales-tax exemptions and property-tax abatements. Such credits and incentives are relatively straightforward to measure in an ex ante fashion and entail an understanding of applicable laws and regulations. Second, companies frequently reap free advertising as a result of CSR. It is quite common for organizations good deeds to receive coverage on local and national radio and television, and be the subject of articles in newspapers, trade journals, and magazines. Almost certainly, organizations know what it costs to place an advertisement in these various media outlets. By tracking media hits and tallying the costs associated with equivalent ads, companies might reasonably estimate the benets of such publicity. Thirdand as discussed earlierCSR frequently is a means for attracting, motivating, and retaining talent. Of these, reductions in turnover (retention) may be the easiest to measure. Organizations can survey employees reasons for staying with, or leaving, the rm and map their responses to CSR-related questions into differential retention rates. In turn, rms can translate increased retention rates, if they exist, to the costs of employee turnover. Research suggests that the costs of employee turnover can be quite steep, ranging from 50% of base salary for entrylevel positions to 400% of base salary for highly-skilled specialists (Blake, 2006). Thus, if CSR helps retain one highly skilled employee who earns $100,000, this translates to a $400,000 benet. In terms of motivating employees, recent research suggests that CSR may engender altruistic rm-contributions from employees and facilitate the use of implicit, or trust-based, contracts (Balakrishnan, Sprinkle, & Williamson, 2010). As such, CSR may increase employee motivation and reduce the need for costly performance evaluation and measurement systems. Estimating such benets can be tricky and might entail examining employee productivity surrounding CSR activities. For example, employee performance may increase before and after they volunteer their time to a socially relevant endeavor. Additionally, organizations may reap longerterm benets from employee volunteerism programs in the form of increased abilities and knowledge, such as enhanced leadership skills, networking, and strategic vision (Needleman, 2008). As an estimate, rms could measure the performance of employees who have participated in CSR programs to those who have not, controlling for prior performance. Recruiting benets may be the most difcult to estimate. They are, of course, inextricably linked to increased performance and prots via enhanced employee motivation and reductions in turnover. As such, rm measurement efforts on this dimension may best be centered on estimating the raw
EXECUTIVE DIGEST ability of new hires, as well as reductions in recruiting costs. Some possiblealbeit imperfectproxies for the skills and abilities of new hires could relate to the number of applicants (suggests a deeper talent pool), yield rates (employers are hiring the employees they most desire), GPA (for entry-level positions), number of degrees and quality of academic institutions attended, and internal promotion percentages. Admittedly, such measures may be confounded with macroeconomic conditions and many are soft in the sense of being difcult to relate directly to rm performance; nonetheless, given individuals preferences in working for socially responsible organizations, they should be considered in the CSR decision-making process. Firms also might reap reductions in the costs associated with hiring, including those related to advertising, HR personnel, travel for recruiters and job candidates, and requisite training. Any reductions in the average cost per hire, multiplied by the number of hires, provides an estimate of the benets received. Of course, linking such reductions directly to CSR may be problematic and yield imprecise estimates. Fourth, CSR efforts may lead to efciencies and cost savings in the value chain. In addition to employee motivational benets (reduction in labor costs), there are other development, production, and aftersales benets to consider. For example, more and more rms are using sustainable practices such as biomimicry, whereby design and manufacturing efforts are inspired by nature. Biomimicry can enable rms to increase product reliability and cut aftersales costs. A recent example relates to Volvo: by imitating properties of locusts vision, which allow the insects to avoid collisions in massive swarms mirroring trafc jams, Volvo contends it is able to develop a safer car (Patton, 2009). Other rms, such as IBM, have followed suit. Many companies believe that biomimicry and other green practices can lead to marked reductions in materialsfor example, reductions in chemicals in the manufacture of clothing, as practiced by Finisterre, a company that makes some items based on the structure of an otters fur and production costs (Robbins, 2001). As materials costs generally are directly traceable to products, any savings should be readily measurable. Another example relates to Wal-Mart: the company has saved over $26 million per year in fuel costs, and markedly reduced carbon dioxide emissions, by using auxiliary power units to heat and cool truck cabs during mandatory rest stops (Diamond, 2009). In addition to using fewer materials and reducing associated costs, green production may reduce both internal andas alluded to by the Volvo exampleexternal failure costs, thereby providing benets via shrinking the costs of quality. For internal
EXECUTIVE DIGEST failure costs, rms can measure relevant benets by estimating reductions in expenses related to, for example, scrap, rework, and inspection. External failure costs can come in the form of customer complaints and returns, repairs and warranty work, and product recalls. External failure costs frequently are believed to be signicantly higher than the visible costs. Accordingly, rms may wish to take the measured costs and use, for instance, the Taguchi loss function to translate any reductions in after-sales costs to realized benets. No rm wishes to suffer the massive recalls and external failure costs experienced by, for example, Toyota; the ultimate costs borne by Toyota will surely exceed the costs of xing faulty gas pedals and brakes. There are additional risk management benets to consider. For example, by self-imposing lower waste, carbon-footprint, or other standards, rms may avoid litigation and/or tighter and costlier future regulations. As noted by Sharma, Teret, and Brownell (2010, p. 242), when government intervention is perceived as a threat. . .self-regulatory actions are a means to prevent or forestall outside regulation. For example, rms in the food industry have voluntarily provided more informative labels, curtailed marketing efforts directed at promoting unhealthy foods to children, and pledged to sell fewer such products in our schools (Sharma et al., 2010). The authors further note that companies operating in the alcohol, chemical, tobacco, forestry, and shing industries have similarly attempted to self-regulate, albeit with varying degrees of success. To estimate such benets, rms would have to attach probabilities to possible regulatory or litigation outcomes and estimate future cash outows associated with compliance (investments in people, property, plant, and equipment) or settlements. Net-present value analysis would then be an appropriate tool to discount and aggregate any such savings. Likewise, real-options analysis plays a role in evaluating how investments in socially responsible practices today may yield benets in the form of future exibility by allowing rms to be more nimble and cost efcient in responding to legal, competitive, or other contingencies. For example, Calpine Corporation is building a power plant in California that markedly reduces carbon dioxide emissions, well below those required by current standards. One rationale is that it provides Calpine exibility in responding to possible future regulations (Schwartz, 2010). Moreover, Chevron believes that building clean [oil] facilities now minimizes having to do expensive retrotting (due to stricter environmental standards) later (Diamond, 2009, p. C14). Fifth, rms might reasonably expect a positive relation between their CSR efforts and consumers
451 purchasing behaviors. As discussed in the costs section, some CSR activities may have unintended consequences vis-a-vis consumer spending. That ` said, most CSR efforts are likely to attract consumer dollars or, at worst, have a benign effect. Again, customer surveys would seem to be an important vehicle for assessing the overall impact of CSR on the very important customer constituent group, as well as teasing apart which programs areand which are notresonating with consumers. Such surveys could link CSR to consumers considerations and preferences for a companys brands and products (intended purchasing behaviors), levels of purchases, customer satisfaction, as well as loyalty and corporate image metrics. Ultimately, such responses should map into sales and prot and, as such, dovetail with rms efforts to measure the customer perspective of the balanced scorecard. Companies such as Crate & Barrel are involving consumers in the process by allowing them to select, via programs such as DonorsChoose, where a companys charitable contributions will be directed; eBay, Bank of America, and Yahoo have employed similar programs. Via this practice, companies have a ready control group where they can use surveys to compare intended purchasing behaviors between consumers who receive DonorsChoose gift certicates versus those who do not receive certicates. In Crate & Barrels case, 82% of consumers who redeemed the certicates were very likely to consider Crate & Barrel for their next home furnishings or accessories purchase compared to 76% of a control group of customers that didnt get certicates (Steel, 2006, p. B1). Crate & Barrel could map such responses into prot by taking the increased percentage multiplied by the margin associated with an average purchase. Finally, as mentioned in the Why do rms engage in CSR? section, there are other benets that organizations may rightfully attempt to estimate. For example, do CSR endeavors increase rms access to capital and/or lead to more favorable lending terms in the form of lower interest rates and the like? Does CSR increase barriers to entry and, perhaps, stave off competition (see Survey, 2005)? Moreover, to the extent rms CSR efforts are motivated by altruism, it is important to consider increases in social welfare. These benets are exceedingly difcult to quantify: How do you measure the benets of a family having a new home (Habitat for Humanity), a disabled person receiving a computer (Cristina Foundation), or a child getting necessary food, clothing, and medicine (UNICEF)? There clearly is an element of subjectivity in making such estimates; organizational participants need to have faith that their CSR
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7. Concluding thoughts
Organizations increasingly are concerned about how their actions affect the environment and social welfare. Employees, consumers, investors, lenders, governmental agencies, and other stakeholder groups are demanding that rms operate in a socially responsible manner. While internalizing societal goals is laudable, organizations cannot wantonly abandon their prot maximization aims. As with other organizational decisions, CSR decisions are not made in a vacuum but, rather, are made via an informed understanding of the benets reaped and the costs incurred. To this end, organizations need to assess what theyand othersare getting and giving up from their CSR decisions.
We greatly appreciate the helpful comments and suggestions of Ramji Balakrishnan, Jason Brown, Jerrold Stern, and Michael Williamson.
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