Oridnary Membership Form IDA Dairy
Oridnary Membership Form IDA Dairy
Oridnary Membership Form IDA Dairy
Residential Address
Pin Code
University/Institution Years Awarded
4. Membership of Professional Bodies, if any 5. Date of Birth Day Month Year 6. Based on your qualification and experience please indicate the category in any of the following for consideration of IDA: (a) Research Worker and Educationist (b) Milk Producer (c) Professional and Planner (d) Dairy industry such as manufacturer and or supplier of dairy equipment or appliances and milk product factories Declaration : The above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If admitted, I undertake to abide by the Constitution of the Association as contained therein or as amended from time to time. Date: (Signature of the applicant) P.T.O
MARCH 2011
7. SPONSORSHIP: This is an important condition To be sponsored by two members of the Association who know the applicant personally and believe him/her to be a suitable person to be admitted to the Membership of the Association. Name-Designation and Address (i) Membership No. Signature
8. Eligibility Criteria: Any person who has had or is undergoing a formal training in dairying or allied sciences, or who is or was on the staff of an institution or organisation connected with the dairy or allied sciences. Any person who is involved in dairying activities or is in a position of responsibility which could promote the growth of dairy science and industry can become member of the association subject to approval of the CEC. 9. Payment Details: The application form should be duly filled in and returned to the Secretary (Establishment), Indian Dairy Association with the initial membership fee, paid by a Bank Draft only, drawn in favour of Indian Dairy Association payable at New Delhi. The fee mentioned here under is for one year i.e. April to March. The members will have to apply for renewal every year. The renewal can be done by sending DD for Rs. 800/before 31st May after which re-admission fee of Rs. 50/- will become applicable. DD No. Date ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP FEE ADMISSION FEES RE-ADMISSION FEES (If the renewal is sought after 31st May) Name of the Bank Rs. 800/Rs. 450/Rs. 50/-
MARCH 2011