(UNA-USA/OKC0 MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 5:30pm, Monday, November 10, 2008 In Attendance: Lowell Adams, Bill Bryant, Bill Dudley, Bob Elliott, Ruth Males, Firouz Mollaian, Nancy Musselman.1 Absent: Joann Bell, Bob Cox, Jalal Daneshfar, Larry Eberhardt, Eric Heinze, Marie Hooper, Murod Mamatov (OKC Community College), Zach Messitte, Arlette Srouji, Ken Tillett, Harley Venters. (1) Opening of Meeting. We convened in our usual meeting space at the Disciples Center, 301 NW 36th, OKC. Lowell Adams presided, calling the meeting to order at about 5:30pm. Regrets were received from: Bob Cox, Jalal Daneshfar, Eric Heinze, Marie Hooper, Zach Messitte, and Ken Tillett. (2) Business Reports. A. Review of Minutes of September Meeting. The minutes of the September meeting were reviewed. Bob Elliott moved to approve the minutes as presented, and a second was heard. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried. B. Financial Report. Firouz Mollaian was recognized, and he presented a 1-page report of financial transactions that have been made since our last meeting, summarized as follows: Previous balance on 9-8-08 Income Expense Closing Balance on 11-10-08 $3,981.48 1,588.00 1,684.40 $3,885.08
The income was broken down into four sources: UNA-USA Allocation of Membership Dues Contributions for Intl Day of Peace Luncheon on 10/25 Contribution for Luncheon Tickets for Students TOTAL Expenses were described as follows: Rosemary Brown (Brochure layout)
$ 96.25
From our by-laws: A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be one-third of the Board membership. Therefore, the quorum requirement for a meeting was satisfied.
Ruth Males (Printing and postage) Robert Cox (for Faculty House) OU Faculty House TOTAL
A motion to accept the report was made by Bob Elliott; seconded by Nancy. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried. (3) Committee Reports. Several chapter activities were reviewed in this portion of the meeting. A. Educational Programs / Fall Event. A short debriefing on our UN Day Luncheon was presented: Sixty-four reservations were received. Attendance included 39 full pay ticket-holders and 22 students. Expressions of gratitude were offered for Bob Lemon, who contributed funds for the student tickets. It was reported that Larry Eberhardt has reserved a room at Oklahoma City University for our Spring Luncheon and Annual Meeting, which will be held on April 18th. For the program portion of the meeting, we will explore the possibility of sharing a speaker with the Tulsa chapter of UNA-USA. B. Advocacy Report. No report.
C. Membership. Nancy presented a report on membership. It appears that our chapter is experiencing negative growth, which is a concern to our directors. Ruth Males made a motion to authorize the purchase of postcards so that reminders may be sent out to members prior to the time when they are required to renew. There was a short discussion about the status of a brochure to describe the benefits of membership in our local chapter. Nancy has drafted a revision, and she will email a copy of it to all directors for their review and comment. Lowell offered a second to Ruths motion, and a vote was called. VOTE: All Aye; Motion carried. D. Adopt-A-Minefield. Bob Elliott addressed the idea of organizing another silent auction for the Spring Luncheon. He commented that a lot of effort is required for not much return. He proposed, instead, a low key approach to raising funds for AAM. He suggested that a donation envelope could be placed at each seat, and an appeal for contributions could be made from the dais. Nancy noted that during the 2007-08 school year our student intern prepared a report on fund-raising for the Adopt-A-Minefield program. She inquired about the recommendations. Bob replied that he will review the report; perhaps we can re-visit the issue at our next meeting in December.
E. Nominations Committee. Bill Dudley reported that we have received the nomination of a volunteer who wishes to serve on the board of directors. Her name is Eunyoung Kim. Lowell described Ms. Kims qualifications. He offered a motion to elect Ms. Kim to the board; seconded by Nancy. VOTE: All Aye; motion carried. F. G. (4) High School Essay Contest. No report Public Relations. No report.
(5) Unfinished Business. In this portion of the meeting, a couple of items of business were addressed. A. Fall Peace Festival. Plans were discussed for our chapters participation in this annual event. Several volunteers stepped forward to help out during the day on November 15th, including; Lowell Adams, Bill Bryant, Bill Dudley, Ruth Males, Firouz Mollaian, and Nancy Musselman. B. 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Plans for a local observance of Human Rights Day were reviewed. In Oklahoma City, two local chapters of Amnesty International will co-sponsor an event with us: Sunday, December 7th 3pm Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business NW 27th & Blackwelder The program will feature a showing of the movie, The Syrian Bride. The Film Institute at OCU is co-sponsoring the showing. Bill Bryant handed out a small written piece describing program. All members of our chapter are invited to attend. (6) (7) New Business. No further items of business were identified. Adjournment. Our next meeting will be on the second Monday in December: Monday, December 8th 5:30pm Disciples Center 301 NW 36th Street Oklahoma City, OK Without objection, the meeting adjourned at about 6:25pm. Prepared by Bill Bryant December 7, 2008