Hedgfx 19-06-2012
Hedgfx 19-06-2012
Hedgfx 19-06-2012
the back of the increased QE expectations.
For Private Circulation Only
The world markets are up mind bogglingly, if I may say, given the underlying news flows all on
While world and countries urgently needs growth expecting FED to do a QE in this economic environment is a foolhardy thought. We stick to the stand that we took in our June 9th newsletter that QE3 will not happen. Only thing that has changed to force a re-look has been drastic deceleration in PMIs and Business/ Consumer Confidences. The general idea on the street is that it may force FED's hand to 'go for growth.' We find this interpretation of markets rather wrong. This is a classic case of expectations running the price than the facts. Note: Its hard to understand why FED would do a QE if stock markets are doing so well! Its hard to understand why FED would do a QE when the major problem is NOT in US but in Europe QEs have been diminishing in effect. Its hard to understand why FED would do a QE (and risk bloating its balance sheet) to bail Europe's growth!
QE has proven to be an unreliable solution, reliable only for short term. Given the headwinds we are headed into, we think FED will need much more (a lot more) ammunition when going becomes really bad. Imagine, a Greece's exit for instance, what do you do? A much diminished QE5? The best case to look at why countries are unlikely to do QEs in a hurry is China. China despite its sagging growth and near bust credit-bubble has refrained from QE because this current downturn is a structural / political crisis and not liquidity or interest rate induced slowdown1. For instance, Japan announced a major easing early in the year to undervalue its currency; however the currency is back to where it was pre-easing. Entire easing was a failure and just like several of its easing interventions. Now Japanese threat of quantitative easing has become a joke2.
The most important criteria for FED currently is: a) to keep the credit/ lending flowing freely to business and at low rates
low enough to keep new mortgage / building permits growing)
b) to ensure that housing slump reduces over a period of time (i..e interest rates are sufficiently
c) Increase employment (FED cannot affect this except by encouraging above (a) factor)
All the above entirely depends on having low interest rates. We think FED would continue and extend Operation Twist for a year more. FED would rightly concentrate on solving its solutions by having low interest rates than fire-fight someone else's structural political problem.
Even if we are wrong on the QE call, this will be a classic case of "Sell on news." All the price moves are "factored" in already. [If not why are the equity markets up 5-8% worldwide on such pathetic growth numbers?]If there is a pop upside, this would be a good fade.
1. 2. Aftermath of Lehman Brothers and Credit crunch need a huge infusion of liquidity to overcome this Highlights the diminishing nature to the QEs returns.
The good news (for QE proponents) however is with the escalating tensions in Eurozone, the yields are at record lows. Dollar is the most sought after commodity in the world. What more can the QE achieve? The uncertainly or tragic prognosis of Euro is in itself a synthetic QE for US. This synthetic QE is probably worth several hundreds more billions than proponents would wish for. This perhaps explains the resilience of US economy. If US could add new jobs are good rate, US will become an oasis of global growth. To sum up, we dont think QE is coming anytime soon, not even if Obama is desperate for reelection. QE at this stage is just bad maths, that card will be in reserve as long as it needs to be.
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