Fuzzy ART Neural Network Algorithm For Classifying The Power System Faults
Fuzzy ART Neural Network Algorithm For Classifying The Power System Faults
Fuzzy ART Neural Network Algorithm For Classifying The Power System Faults
Fuzzy ART Neural Network Algorithm for Classifying the Power System Faults
Slavko Vasilic, Student Member, IEEE, and Mladen Kezunovic, Fellow, IEEE
AbstractThis paper introduces advanced pattern recognition algorithm for classifying the transmission line faults, based on combined use of neural network and fuzzy logic. The approach utilizes self-organized, supervised Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural network with fuzzy decision rule applied on neural network outputs to improve algorithm selectivity for a variety of real events not necessarily anticipated during training. Tuning of input signal preprocessing steps and enhanced supervised learning are implemented, and their inuence on the algorithm classication capability is investigated. Simulation results show improved algorithm recognition capabilities when compared to a previous version of ART algorithm for each of the implemented scenarios. Index TermsAdaptive resonance theory, clustering methods, fuzzy logic, learning systems, neural networks, pattern classication, power system faults, protective relaying, testing, training.
HE issue of detecting and classifying the transmission line faults based on three-phase voltage and current signals has been known for a long time. It was addressed some time ago by introducing the traditional relaying principles such as overcurrent, distance, under/over voltage, differential, etc. [1]. All of these principles are based on predetermined network conguration taking into account worst-case fault conditions. The settings determined by the classical approach have inherent limitations in classifying certain faults if the network actual conguration deviates from the anticipated one. In such instances, the existing relays may miss operate [2]. Consequently, a more dependable and secure relaying principle is needed for classifying the faults under a variety of time-varying network congurations and events. The idea of using neural networks in protective relaying is not new. Various applications of neural networks were used in the past to improve some of the standard functions used in protection of transmission lines. They have been related to fault classication [3][9], fault direction discrimination [10][12], fault section estimation [8], [13], [14], adaptive relaying [15], [16], autoreclosing [17], [18], and fault diagnosis [19], [20]. The applications are mainly based on widely used Multilayer
Manuscript received December 4, 2003; revised February 17, 2004. This work was supported by Army/EPRI Contract WO 8333-05 between EPRI and Carnegie Mellon University, and has been carried out by Texas A&M University under Subcontract 542995-42590 titled Self-Evolving Agents for Monitoring, Control and Protection of Large, Complex Dynamic Systems. Paper no. TPWRD-00602-2003. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3128 USA (e-mail: svasilic@yahoo.com; kezunov@ee.tamu.ed). Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.834676
Perceptron (MLP) feed-forward networks [1][8], [11], [13], [15], [17][19], [21], and in recent years on Radial Basis Function (RBF) [5], [6], [9], [14], [22], Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) [5], [16], [23], Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) [5], [23], Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) [20], [24], Recurrent [12], [25], Counterpropagation [5], [26], and Finite Impulse Response neural networks [10], [27]. The new concept proposed in this paper is based on special type of self-organized, competitive neural network, called Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), ideally suited for classifying large, highly-dimensional and time-varying set of input data [24], [28]. The new classication approach can reliably conclude, in a rather short time, whether, where and which type of the fault occurs under varying operating conditions [29]. This type of neural network algorithm for relay protection has already been used in its original form and with simplied assumptions about the network and operating conditions [30][33]. This paper introduces several enhancements of the mentioned original version of the algorithm [34][38]. They include: a.) Improved preprocessing of neural network inputs affecting the algorithm sensitivity; b.) Redened concept of supervised learning which now allows improved neural network generalization capabilities; c.) Attuned fuzzy decision rule allowing an interpolation of neural network outputs; d.) Results of extensive solution evaluation, which cover a variety of power system operating conditions and events. The new version of the ART neural network algorithm is compared to the original version using elaborate modeling and simulation set up that represents a segment of an actual 345 kV network from CenterPoint Energy in Houston. The paper is organized as follows. Section II provides the description of the neural network algorithm. A new technique for fuzzycation of neural network outputs is introduced in Section III. Proposed relaying solution based on pattern recognition is outlined in Section IV. Power system modeling and simulation, pattern generation, design of the ART neural network based algorithm, as well as corresponding simulation results are given in Section V. The conclusions are summarized in Section VI. An elaborate list of relevant references is given at the end. II. NEURAL NETWORK ALGORITHM A. The Adaptive Neural Network Structure The ART neural network is a typical representative of competitive networks. It tries to identify natural groupings of patterns from large data set through clustering. Groups of similar input patterns are allocated into clusters, dened as hyper-
spheres in multidimensional space, where the length of input pattern determines the space dimension. ART neural network discovers the most representative positions of cluster centers which represent pattern prototypes [24]. Similarly to SOM and LVQ networks, the prototype positions are dynamically updated during presentation of input patterns [23]. Contrary to SOM and LVQ the initial number of clusters and cluster centers are not specied in advance, but the clusters are allocated incrementally. A diagram of the complete procedure for neural network training is shown in Fig. 1. The training consists of numerous iterations of alternating unsupervised and supervised learning stages [30]. The neural network rstly uses unsupervised learning with unlabeled patterns to form fugitive clusters. The category labels are then assigned to the clusters during the supervised learning stage. The tuning parameter, called threshold parameter, controls the size and hence the number of generated clusters. It is being consecutively decreased during iterations. If threshold parameter is high, many different patterns can then be incorporated into one cluster. This leads to formation of a small number of coarse clusters. If threshold parameter is low, only very similar patterns activate the same cluster. This leads to creation of a large number of ne clusters. After training, the structure of prototypes solely depends on density of input patterns. A category label that symbolizes a group of clusters with a common symbolic characteristic is assigned to each cluster, meaning that each cluster belongs to one of existing categories. The number of categories corresponds to the desired number of neural network outputs, determined by the given classication task. B. Unsupervised Learning The initial data set, containing all the patterns, is rstly processed using unsupervised learning, realized as modied ISODATA clustering algorithm [39], [40]. During this stage patterns are presented without their category labels. Neither the initial guess of the number of cluster nor their position is specied in advance, but only a strong distance measure between cluster prototypes needs to be dened. Unsupervised learning consists of two steps: initialization and stabilization. The initialization phase incrementally iterates all the patterns and establishes initial cluster structure based on similarity between patterns. The entire pattern set is presented only once. Training starts by forming the rst cluster with only the rst input pattern assigned. New clusters are formed incrementally whenever a new pattern, sufciently dissimilar to all previously presented patterns, appears. Otherwise, the pattern is allocated into the cluster with the most similar patterns. The similarity is measured by calculating the Euclidean distance between a pattern and existing prototypes. This phase does not reiterate the patterns, and although the clusters change their positions during incremental presentation of the patterns, patterns already presented are not able to change clusters. Consequently, the output is an initial set of unstable clusters, and stabilization phase is needed to rene the number and positions of the clusters. The stabilization phase is being reiterated numerous times until the initial unstable cluster structure becomes stable and
Fig. 1. Neural network training using combined unsupervised and supervised learning.
clusters retain all their patterns after single iteration. This enables more consistent matching of input pattern density. Unsupervised learning produces a set of stable clusters, including homogenous clusters containing patterns of the identical category, and nonhomogenous clusters containing patterns of two or more categories. C. Supervised Learning During supervised learning, the category label is associated with each input pattern allowing identication and separation of homogenous and nonhomogenous clusters. Category labels are assigned to the homogeneous clusters. They are being added to the memory containing categorized clusters, including their characteristics like prototype position, size, and category. The patterns from homogeneous clusters are removed from further unsupervised-supervised learning iterations. The set of remaining patterns, present in nonhomogenous clusters, is transformed into new, reduced input data set and used in next iteration. The convergence of learning process is efciently controlled by threshold parameter. This parameter is slightly decreased in each algorithm iteration. The learning is completed when all the patterns are grouped into homogeneous clusters. An interesting phenomenon has been observed during supervised learning stage. Whenever clusters allocated to different categories mutually overlap, certain number of their patterns may fall in overlapping regions. In the previous ART version , although each of such patterns has been nominally assigned to the nearest cluster, their presence in clusters of other category leads to questionable validity of those clusters. One typical example of a small set of two-dimensional training patterns and obtained clusters is given in Fig. 2. The training patterns that belong to different categories are noted with different symbols. Many of the patterns are at the same time members of two or more clusters with different categories. The clusters are shown with different colors depending on their category. The ambiguity can be resolved by introducing restricted condition for identication of homogeneous clusters. revises supervised learning The improved algorithm by requiring the homogeneous cluster to encompass patterns of exactly one category. Both subsets of patterns, one assigned to the cluster, and other encompassed by the cluster but assigned to other cluster, will be taken into account during supervised allows overlapping between the learning. Consequently, clusters of different categories only if there are no patterns in the overlapping regions. For the same set of training patterns, produces ner graining of cluster structure, noticeable in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.
D. Training Demo The transformation of input patterns into clusters during unsupervised and supervised learning procedures is demonstrated using a Training Demo. The Demo is applied on a simplied real problem, but with retention of all its main characteristics. Simplication is based on reduced number of training patterns, which belong to only three categories. The pattern length is selected to be only two allowing pattern and cluster representation in two dimensional graph. Training patterns, shown in Fig. 3, are generated by simulating three types of ground faults, combined with six values of fault distance, three values of fault impedance and fteen values of fault inception angle. Total number of pre. Patterns are built by sented patterns is using one sample per phase of two-phase currents, few sampling time steps after fault has occurred. Different symbols are used for showing patterns corresponding to various types of the fault. After numerous unsupervised-supervised learning iterations, the nal structure of homogeneous clusters and their prototypes is generated as shown in Fig. 4. The clusters have different size, location, and category. During implementation of a trained neural network, the cluster structure is used as an initial abstraction tool for facilitating classication of new patterns. E. Implementation During implementation or testing, new patterns are classied according to their similarity to the pattern prototypes generated during training. The classication is performed by interpreting the outputs of a trained neural network through K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) classier [41]. The K-NN classier determines the category of a new pattern based on the majority of categories represented in a pre-specied small number of nearest clusters retrieved from the cluster structure established during training. It requires only the number that determines how many neighbors have to be taken into account. K-NN classier seems to be very straightforward and is efciently employed since the number of prototypes is signicantly smaller then the number of training patterns. III. FUZZYFICATION OF NEURAL NETWORK OUTPUTS A. The Necessity for Applying Fuzzy Logic The main advantage of the K-NN classier is its computational simplicity. Substantial disadvantage is that each of the clusters in the neighborhood is considered equally important in
Fig. 4. Training Demo: nal outcome of consecutive unsupervised-supervised learning stages.
determining the category of the pattern being classied, regardless of their size and distances to the pattern. Using such classier, smooth and reliable boundaries between the categories cannot be established. An unambiguous situation exists whenever a new pattern is very close to only one of the prototypes and intuitively has to be classied to the category of that prototype. One such example is shown in Fig. 5. A small portion of a previously obtained cluster structure (in Fig. 4) is enlarged. In reality the events are quite diverse. The corresponding patterns might appear in unlabeled space between the clusters or in their overlapping regions, and be more or less similar to several prototypes located nearby, and possibly labeled with different categories. Obviously, K-Nearest Neighbor classier used in the past needs to be improved to achieve better generalization of the patterns that correspond to a new set of events, previously unseen during training, and conceivably dissimilar to any of the existing prototypes. The classication of a new pattern may be redened
C. The Effect of Weighted Distances Initial enhancement of K-NN classier is the introduction of weighted contribution of each of the neighbors according to their distance to a pattern, giving greater weight to the closer is generally selected to be the neighbors. The distance weighted Euclidean distance between pattern and prototype
(4) is fuzzycation variable and dewhere the parameter termines how heavily the distance is weighted when calculating each neighbors contribution to the pattern category member, calculated distance is identical to ship. For choice of increases toward innity, Euclidean distance. Moreover, as the term approaches one regardless of the distance, and neighbors are more evenly weighted. However, as decreases toward one, the closer neighbors are weighted more , the algorithm will beheavily than those further away. If have like crisp K-NN classier for . D. The Effect of Cluster Size Next improvement of K-NN classier is to insert fuzzy membership degree as a measure of a cluster belonging to its own category. There is no meaningful reason why membership value must retain only crisp value. We propose an extension of a crisp K-NN by considering size of generated clusters in an original way [36]. Since each cluster belongs exactly to one of may be redened to the categories, membership value reect the relative size of the actual cluster (5) where is the membership degree of cluster belonging to category , and is selected to be proportional to the radius of cluster . The outcome is that the larger neighbors would contribute more than the smaller ones. E. Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor Classier The extensions proposed in (4) and (5) can now be used to dene Fuzzy K-NN that generalizes crisp K-NN given in (1). A new pattern has to be classied based on the categories of nearest clusters, their relative size and weighted distances to the pattern. The Fuzzy K-NN classier calculates, using superposiof input pattern betion, a set of membership values longing to all categories present in the nearest clusters based on the following formula
Fig. 5. Test pattern and the nearest clusters with different category label, radius, and distance to the pattern.
not only to be a simple function of categories of nearest clusters, but a complex function composed of their category, size, and distance to the pattern. A new approach can be proposed by introducing the theory of fuzzy sets into the classier concept to develop its fuzzy version [42]. New classier is supposed to provide more realistic classication of new patterns. B. Crisp K-Nearest Neighbor Classier Given a set of categorized clusters, crisp or nonfuzzy K-NN classier determines the category of a new pattern based only on the categories of the nearest clusters
(1) where is prototype of cluster is membership deis membership gree of cluster belonging to category degree of pattern belonging to category . ; where , and are the number of patterns, nearest neighbors, and categories, respectively. Given having only crisp values 0 or 1, declassier allows pending on whether or not cluster belongs to category (2) If two or more nearest clusters have the same category, then they add membership degree to the cumulative membership degree of that category. Finally, when contributions of all neighbors are encountered, the most representative category is assigned to the pattern (3) where is category assigned to pattern .
where is given in (5). The pattern is assigned to the category with the highest membership degree according to (3). The denominator of (6) uses to allow all neighbors to
Fig. 7. Fuzzycation Demo: Category decision regions established by Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor classier. Fig. 6. Fuzzycation Demo: Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor classier with contribution of cluster size and weighted distance included.
normalize total membership value, which must be equal to one. , both Fuzzy and crisp K-NN become identical. For The idea of fuzzyication of neural network outputs, by their interpretation through fuzzy decision rule, is an advanced concept that classies new patterns according to weighted contribution of few similar prototypes. Playing with parameters and , and selecting the best pair of values for a particular implementation can attain adaptive behavior of the classier. Fuzzy classier with properly tuned parameters may result in very precise category decision boundaries and will improve generalization capabilities accordingly. F. Fuzzycation Demo Fuzzy membership degree, introduced for clusters obtained by the Training Demo, is given in Fig. 6. The clusters are shown in their original two-dimensional space, while their impact modeled through membership function is represented in a third dimension. Merged effects of clusters size and distances to the and . points in a pattern space are shown for Fig. 7 shows the decision regions between the categories obtained by superposition of clusters membership functions. The and is presented. As expected, solution for clusters impact is substantial in their proximity, having bigger clusters broadly involved in creating decision boundaries, while smaller clusters react only in a narrow area nearby. IV. PROPOSED RELAYING SOLUTION A functional block diagram of a proposed protective relaying solution, based on combined neural network/fuzzy logic approach, is given in Fig. 8. Transmission line current and voltage signals at relay location are measured with instrument transformers and converted into lower signal levels. Attenuated signals are ltered with lowpass analog lter to remove noise and higher frequency components, according to the sampling theorem requirement. Signals
Fig. 8. Proposed solution for protective relaying based on neural network and fuzzy logic.
are sampled with specied sampling frequency, and samples are extracted in a dynamic data window, normalized and scaled. Finally pattern is constructed, and used for either neural network training and testing or implementation. The training of neural network can be performed either using measurement data directly taken from the process or accessing historical record of fault and disturbance cases. Since interesting cases do not happen frequently, sufcient data are provided using simulation of relevant power system scenarios. The main function assigned to the relay is detection of the fault and classication of the fault type. Supplemental function is the recognition of the transmission line faulted section. Illustration of all the steps of mapping the input space into the decision region categories is shown in Fig. 9. Using unsupervised/supervised learning, the space of training patterns is transferred into an initial abstraction level containing set of clusters with corresponding prototypes, sizes and categories. Moreover, the clusters are fuzzyed and transformed into an intermediate abstraction level. Final abstraction level is attained when, using
Fig. 9. Mapping of the pattern space into category decision regions using unsupervised and supervised learning, fuzzycation and defuzzycation. Fig. 10. CenterPoint Energy STP-SKY power network model.
defuzzication, category decision regions with smooth boundaries are established. During real-time (on-line) implementation, the trained neural network possesses generalization ability and is expected to successfully classify new patterns that have not been presented during the training process. If a new pattern is classied to the category of unfaulted state then the input data window is shifted for one sample, pattern vector is updated and the comparison is performed again until fault is detected and classied. Depending on the recognized event and selected logic, circuit breaker either trips the faulted phase(s) within proposed time period, or stays unaffected. V. MODEL IMPLEMENTATION AND SIMULATION RESULTS A. Power Network Model A model of an actual 345 kV power system section shown in Fig. 10, with data obtained from CenterPoint Energy, was developed for relay testing and simulation studies [37]. The network model is unique since it has the conguration that can exercise many normal as well as fault conditions that are rather difcult for the traditional relaying to deal with. The reduced network equivalent was obtained by using calculations based on load ow and short circuit data. The model was veried using both steady state and faults using recordings captured during actual events in the system. The STP-SKY transmission line is of particular interest. Transients obtained at the bus SKY were utilized for performing protective algorithm design and evaluation. B. Simulation of Training and Test Cases Alternate Transient Program (ATP) is used for detailed modeling of power network and simulation of electromagnetic transients [43]. Setting procedure for the network simulation scenarios and relaying algorithm parameters is implemented in the MATLAB software package, which is interfaced with the network model implemented in ATP [44]. Simulation of transmission faults depends on four main fault parameters. Combining these values, diversity of fault events is created as follows: Fault type: all eleven types of fault and no-fault state;
Fault distance: from 5 up to 95% of the line length, in increments of 10%; Fault resistance for ground faults: 3, 11, and 19 ; Fault angle: from 0 up to 336 , in increments of 24 . Total number of patterns in the training set, obtained by combining all the selected parameters, is 3315. Test scenarios are selected to be statistically independent from the training scenarios. Fault parameters used for generation of test scenarios are randomly selected from an uniform distribution of: fault type, fault distance between 0 and 100% of the line length, fault angle between 0 and 360 , and normal and standard distribution of fault resistance, with mean 0 deviation 10 , taking into account only positive values. There are four sets of test cases: Nominal system5000 patterns; Weak infeed in the network, due to disconnected sources E1 and E95000 patterns; Off-nominal voltage source E1 with phase angle shift of 5000 patterns; Off-nominal system frequency of 59 Hz5000 patterns. Another set of scenarios, statistically independent from test scenarios, is used to tune the parameters of the fuzzy classier. Total number of patterns in that set is 4000. C. Pre-Processing of the Training and Test Patterns Quantities selected for forming the patterns are either three phase currents, or three phase voltages, or both three phase currents and voltages. The antialiasing lter is the second order low-pass Butterworth lters with the cut-off frequency equal a half of the selected sampling frequency. Sampling frequencies of 1.92 kHz (32 samples/cycle) and 3.84 kHz (64 samples/cycle), and dynamic data windows of 8.33 ms (half cycle) and 16.67 ms (one cycle) are implemented. The patterns are normalized by scaling their features to have zero mean, and be in . Identical scaling ratio is used later on for northe range malization of test patterns. Whenever patterns with both current and voltage samples are involved, additional heuristic rescaling of only the current portion of the patterns is performed several times for each individual training case until the best scaling ratio
offering lowest predictive error is discovered and subsequently adopted. D. Simulation Results Two versions of neural network algorithms, and are evaluated. is a version that has simplied supervised is with improved superlearning and nonfuzzy classier. vised learning and fuzzy classier. Table I provides summary and training and test results for nominal power of system. Patterns are generated using different measurement quantities, sampling frequencies and data windows. Classication tasks are aimed at recognition of fault type or both fault type and section. Boundary distance between the rst and second protection zone is set to be 80% of the line length. The number of pattern prototypes, classier parameters and classication error for nominal system are given for each training case. Moreover, the time required for training of each neural network conguration on a Pentium 4 PC with CPU 2.4 GHz and RAM 512 Mb is shown as well. First observation is related to the classication error of for nominal system with respect to varying data window and provides very good classication of sampling frequency. fault type since errors are zero or almost zero in all cases. For fault type and section classication, error is obviously lower with longer data window and especially with higher sampling required longer training frequency. Comparing to time and produces more prototypes due to stronger condition for supervised learning, which generally accepts lower number of clusters per single iteration. For fault type and section classication, the number of prototypes is few times higher than for fault type classication case because proper classication of faults around the boundary between the transmission line sections requires many small, ne-grained clusters. and The comparison of the classication error of for different type of measurements is given in Fig. 11.
Results show the advantage of comparing to . Generally, patterns based only on the voltage samples are not algorithm with sufcient for successful classication. patterns based on combination of currents and voltages guarantees very low classication error for both classication tasks. and Fig. 12 shows comparative evaluation of for faults during nominal operating conditions, weak infeed, voltage source variation and system frequency variation. classies fault type almost perfectly for all nominal and off, extranominal network conditions, and comparing to ordinary improvements have been observed. Repeatedly, is in some degree better than for all network conditions, reducing the classication error to 1635% interval. A summary of the results can be provided through several remarks. Classication of fault type and section has been far more has difcult task than classifying only the fault type. for all anticipated scebetter recognition capabilities than with the fuzzy classier and improved narios. Therefore, supervised learning provides remarkable recognition capabilities, and is very robust for off-nominal network operating conditions. The classication results are satisfactory for all values of sampling frequency and data window, which correspond to typical values used in protective relaying.
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Fig. 12. Classication error versus algorithm for faults in the nominal system and system with frequency deviation.
VI. CONCLUSION This paper has introduced an advanced transmission line protection algorithm with several important improvements when compared to the previous solution: Optimized input signal preprocessing steps enable better selection of the most representative set of input signals Redened supervised learning allows improved cluster generation; Fuzzy approach provides an interpolation technique for interpreting neural network outputs and is robust for untypical and noisy inputs; Extensive sets of training and test patterns have been utilized, by simulating appropriate power network model and a variety of fault and disturbance scenarios; Combined use of neural and fuzzy techniques in the same algorithm leads to complex reasoning that improves the event classication ability; Simulation results show superior behavior of the novel algorithm when compared to the original algorithm.
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Slavko Vasilic (S00) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1993 and 1999, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, working on articial intelligence application for power system analysis, control, and protection. His research interests include signal processing, modern control systems, pattern recognition, numerical modeling and optimization, parameter and state estimation, system identication, machine learning, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and statistical analysis.
Mladen Kezunovic (S77M80SM85F99) received the Dipl. Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Sarajevo in 1974, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, in 1977 and 1980, respectively. He was with Texas A&M University, College Station, since 1987 where he is now the Eugene E. Webb Professor and Director of Electric Power and Power Electronics Institute. His main research interests are digital simulators and simulation methods for equipment evaluation and testing as well as application of intelligent methods to control, and protection and power quality monitoring. Dr. Kezunovic is a registered professional engineer in Texas, a member of CIGRE, and a Fellow of the IEEE.