The Meaning of LIFE
The Meaning of LIFE
The Meaning of LIFE
Transformer Life
Thermal Profile
air oil
Transformer Height
Top Oil
NL (core) Losses
NL (core) Losses
Bottom Oil
Oil Temperature
air oil
Transformer Height
Top Oil
Bottom Oil
Oil Temperature
Limited by ANSI to <= 55/65 deg C... i.e., the basic definition of the kVA Rating of a Transformer!
Effective kVA
A good approximation for calculating the Effective kVA over the range of parameters normally encountered in Distribution Transformers is...
Average Winding Rise
For example, a Transformer rated at 25 kVA with an AWR of 50 deg C would have the capacity of a 30.4 kVA...
Hottest Spot
Typically, the Hot Spot Gradient (HSG) is 1.6 - 2 times the difference between the Average Winding Rise (AWR) and the Top Oil Rise (TOR)... Attempts to measure the Hottest Spot involve embedding thermocouples inside the windings... this of course is not typically done on production units...
Transformer Temperatures
Temperature - Deg C
Hottest Spot
Transformer Temperatures
Temperature - Deg C
Hottest Spot
time The TOR and HSG at any value of Load is a function of the Rated values of TOR and HSG, the Load (K), the Ratio of Losses (R = LL/NL), and the winding (m) and oil (n) exponents...
The Calculations of the Hottest Spot, Top Oil, and Insulation Life are defined in ANSI C57.91. These procedures were verified in the late 1980s in actual tests done by several manufacturers working with the IEEE Transformers Committee.
Thermal Mass
K2 Load
K1 t=0 time
Oil C&C
The Temperature response to a change in LOAD is a function of the MASS of the System reflected in the TIME CONSTANT...
K1 t=0
tcoil = C x
time The Top Oil Time Constant is a function of the Capacity Factor, the Rated Top Oil Rise, and the Total Losses...
K1 t=0
tcoil = C x
time The Top Oil Time Constant is a function of the Capacity Factor, the Rated Top Oil Rise, and the Total Losses...
K2 Load
for the Hottest Spot ...
K1 t=0
time The Winding Time Constant is a function of Coil Construction and is usually supplied by the Manufacturer...
K2 Load K1
ti t=0
The TOR at any point in time is a function of both the Initial and Ultimate Top Oil Temperatures and the Top Oil Time Constant...
K2 Load K1
gu tu
The HSG at any point in time is a function of both the Initial and Ultimate Hot Spot Temperatures and the Hot Spot Time Constant...
K1 Load K2
ti t=0
The TOR at any point in time is a function of both the Initial and Ultimate Top Oil Temperatures and the Top Oil Time Constant...
K1 Load K2
ti t=0
The HSG at any point in time is a function of both the Initial and Ultimate Hot Spot Temperatures and the Hot Spot Time Constant...
Insulation Life
The LIFE of varnished cambric tape, as defined by a reduction in the tensile strength, is reduced by one half for each 8 deg C increase in continuous temperature... This work was done in the 1920s and later refined to 6 to 10 degrees based on the temperature range involved... End-of-Life was defined as the point where the tensile strength was reduced by 50% of the initial value...
In the 1940s, Dakin postulated that transformer insulation deteriorated following a modification of Arrhenius chemical reaction rate theory.
Hours to Failure
note: shown as a log-log relationship...
Life Testing
Based on AIEE Transformers Committee tests done in the mid-1950s, LIFE curves for Transformers were established...
group 1
Hours to Failure
log-log relationship...
Life Testing
Life Testing
Based on AIEE Transformers Committee tests done in the mid-1950s, LIFE curves for Transformers were established...
group 1
Hours to Failure
log-log relationship...
Life Testing
Based on AIEE Transformers Committee tests done in the mid-1950s, LIFE curves for Transformers were established...
220 1/5 180
C5 7.9 1-1 981
group 1
Hours to Failure
log-log relationship...
Life Testing
Based on AIEE Transformers Committee tests done in the mid-1950s, LIFE curves for Transformers were established...
220 1/5 180 1/2
C5 7.9 1-1 981
group 1
Hours to Failure
log-log relationship...
1960 - 1980s
Hottest Spot - Deg C
110 100 90 10 30
Insulation Life
Based on work done on model power transformers in the 1980s by EPRI...
a) It was decided that the insulation life curves for both Power and Distribution Transformers are similar...C57.91, C57.92 and C57.115 were combined into C57.91.1995 b) ANSI C57.100 should be used for the evaluation of the thermal life of new insulation systems... c) The chemical test measurement of degree of polymerization (DP) is a much better indication of cellulose insulation mechanical characteristics than loss of tensile strength...
Per-Unit Life
(based on 180,000 hours, i.e., 20.55 years at 110 Deg C for 1 NORMAL Life)
for a well-dried, oxygen free 65 deg C average winding temperature rise insulation system at the reference temperature of 110 deg C...
Hours 50% retained tensile strength of insulation (former C57.92-1981 criterion) 25% retained tensile strength of insulation 200 retained degree of polymerization in insulation Interpretation of distribution Transformer functional life test data ( C57.91-1981 criteria) 65,000 135,000 150,000 Years 7.42 15.41 17.12
The DP of paper can be determined utilizing ASTM method D-4243. Acquisition of a paper sample is an invasive and expensive procedure that requires taking the unit off line. A non-invasive alternative has been developed recently based on the determination of oil soluble cellulose decomposition products called furans. These compounds can analyze these compounds from an oil sample with High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The most significant compound is 2Furfuraldehyde where concentrations of this compound have been correlated with DP. Chendong has developed an empirical correlation between the concentration of 2-Furfuraldehyde and the DP. Log [Fur] = 1.51 - 0.0035 DP
where [Fur] = conc. of 2-Furfuraldehyde in PPM.
This equation, though not exact, allows one to estimate the DP of cellulose insulation. Knowing the DP value, one can estimate the remaining insulation life of a transformer.
The flash point of standard transformer oil is about 135-140 deg C. ANSI C57.91 recommends that the maximum allowable temperature for Top Oil should not exceed 110 deg C! (Mineral Oil) Due to the potential of gas bubble generation in mineral oil, the Hottest Spot temperature should be limited to a maximum of 140 deg C (Mineral Oil) in the Spring/Fall and summer seasons. Temperatures up to 170 deg C can typically be allowed in the winter seasons. The thermal limitations of equipment and components such as bushings, gaskets, tap changers, switches, etc. should be considered. For normal 55/65C Oil-Paper insulation systems, Thermal run-away begins around 200 deg C.
10:00-10:15 10:15-12:15
Insulation Life (C57.91) + TAP Simulations - The Meaning of Lifethe C57.91 Loading Guide - Over Head Residential + flicker - Padmount Residential + fusing + Short Circuit - Padmount 3 + harmonics - Vault 3 + vault restrictions - Substation/Power Transformers - Ratings/Cooling Modes Settings - Contingency Modeling 1:00 2:45 2:45 3:00 Power Transformer Maintenance, Monitoring & DGA Exams/Discussions/wrap-up
Case Studies
Case Studies :
1. Overhead Residential OH/Res 3. Padmounted Residential PM/Res 5. Commercial Padmount PM/3 Com 7. Commercial Vault Vault/3 Com 9. Substation/Power
Bayonet Fusing
Load Summary
Touch Temps
Customer Letter
Load Summary
Load Summary
With 85% of peak top rating applied (317050 kVA) during the peak season (extreme summer) a switching operation adds an additional 130550 kVA (about 120% of Peak) for 15 minutes the Hottest Spot peaks to 89.8 degrees C and is still within the NERC specified requirements (max is 105C). The losses, Top Oil Rise and Hottest Spot Gradients used to develop the review on this unit is based on supplied manufacturer test reports this is using Clause 7 of C57.91
Using the Annex G procedure, with 85% of peak rating applied (317050 kVA) during the peak season (extreme summer) the switching operation (120% of peak) shows the Hottest Spot peaks to 95.43 degrees C which is still within the requirements (max is 105C). Note the difference between the results of the Clause 7 procedure vs. Annex G note that Annex G routines provide a metric on duct oil which might be useful in predicting potential gassing
Don A. Duckett, P.E. Technical Sales Engineer HD Supply Utilities (407) 402-0944