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Public-Private Interface Electronic Patient Record Sharing Pilot Project

( a pilot project under the HKSAR Governments electronic health records system)

Application Form
[/ Please read Points to Note and Notice to Patient/Applicant Personal Data before completing this Application Form and provide such documents as required in Point 4 of the Points to Note.]

() Name of Patient (Chinese) / HKID /HKBC. Contact Number(s)

() (English) / / Date of Birth (D/ M/ Y) E-mail Address (if available) Sex

Male Female

[] Mobile Phone Number [to receive security SMS messages when Electronic Patient Records (ePR) is accessed] SMS Language



To be signed by patient:
// I have read and understood the Points to Note attached to this Application Form. I agree to participate in the Pilot Project and the terms set out in the Points to Note. I authorize HA to disclose my ePR to authorized private medical practitioners/other healthcare institutions/service providers participating in the Pilot Project for my healthcare and other related purposes. [] I request to change my residential address recorded in Hospital Authority to [Please refer to Point 4 of Points to Note for the documentary proof required]:

* : / * Please note: Notification letter will be sent to the residential address of the patient recorded in Hospital Authority if no request for change of residential address is made on this form

Patients Signature


( )
To be signed by applicant (legal guardian of patient or parent of patient under 18 years old): / // I, the applicant, have read and understood the Points to Note attached to this Application Form. I agree to the above patient participating in the Pilot Project and the terms set out in the Points to Note. I authorize HA to disclose the ePR of the above named patient to authorized private medical practitioners/other private healthcare institutions/service providers participating in the Pilot Project for the above patients healthcare and other related purposes. [] I request to change the patients residential address recorded in Hospital Authority to [Please refer to Point 4 Points to Note for the documentary proof required]:

* : / * Please note: Notification letter will be sent to the residential address of the patient recorded in Hospital Authority if no request for change of residential address is made on this form

Applicants Name Relationship with patient Applicants Signature

/ Applicants HKID/ Passport no. Contact Phone no. Date

(Please tick as appropriate)

(To be completed by staff receiving the application and checking the patient/applicants identity document) Institution Chop

For Official Use Only

Signature Name Post Date

PPI-ePR Form 2.2 (Oct 09)

- []

(1) (2)

(/)/ () 2300 6654 / /


(4) / (I) ( ) (A) ( ) (i) / (ii) / (iii) / / (B) (i) (ii) ( ) (i) / (ii) / (iii) (iv) (i)(iii)
PPI-ePR Doc 3 Chin (Nov 09)

(II) /: 337 2-15 2194-0666 ppi.epr@ha.org.hk ( ) (i) / (ii) / (iii) (5) - <<http:// www.ha.org.hk/ppi/epr>> / / ((4))

(6) (7) (8)


PPI-ePR Doc 3 Chin (Nov 09)

Public-Private Interface Electronic Patient Record Sharing Pilot Project (Pilot Project)- Points to Note (1) Patients (holder of Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) / Hong Kong Birth Certificate) can join the Pilot Project on a voluntary basis. Patient/Applicant should notify the PPI-ePR Programme Office of the Hospital Authority (HA) at 2300 6654 during office hours if patient/applicant wants to withdraw from the Pilot Project. HAs electronic Patient Record (ePR) of a patient who has joined the Pilot Project may with the patients/applicants agreement be released to, accessed and, used by authorized private medical practitioners, other healthcare institutions or service providers participating in the Pilot Project for the individual patients continuing patient care. ePR includes information recorded on, before and after the application date. It includes diagnosis, discharge summaries, medications, allergy, laboratory and radiology reports. HA may at any time withdraw, add or amend any data available for sharing under the Pilot Project without advance notice. Under the Pilot Project, patients will not be provided printouts of the ePR. For those applying in person, an Authorization Code will be sent to the patient/applicant using a designated mobile phone number through SMS by HA and will be effective in about 1 hour. For those applying by fax, mail or email, the Authorization Code will be posted to the patients residential address recorded in HA. Authorized private medical practitioners, other healthcare institutions or service providers can only access the ePR of a patient in HA with the Authorization Code issued for that patient. Patient/Applicant can submit application by fax, mail, e-mail or in person. A request to changing the patients residential address can be made on the application form. (I) Application in person Application can be made at HA, authorized private hospitals or private healthcare institutions (see leaflet provided with this application form for their locations). Application details are as follows: (A) HAs Patient Registration Centres or other HA clusters liaison offices Patient should bring along his Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID). Applicant (legal guardian of patient or parent of patient under 18 years old) applying for the patient should bring along (i) the applicants HKID/passport, (ii) the patients HKID/Hong Kong Birth Certificate (HKBC) and (iii) documentary proof of the applicants relationship with the patient. Patient/Applicant may request staff at these HA venues to process the application immediately and on completion of the process print out a notification letter with the Authorization Code for retention by patient/applicant. Alternatively, the notification letter will be posted within 2 weeks to the patients residential address recorded in HA. (B) Authorized Private Hospitals / other authorized Private Healthcare Institutions Patient should bring along (i) his HKID and (ii) a photocopy of his HKID. Applicant (legal guardian of patient or parent of patient under 18 years old) applying for the patient should bring along (i) the applicants HKID/passport, (ii) the patients HKID/HKBC, (iii) documentary of the applicants relationship with the patient and (iv) photocopy of (i) to (iii). Photocopy of documentary proof of change in residential address is required if such request is made.
PPI-ePR Doc 3 Eng (Nov 09)




Application submitted will be sent to HA for further processing. HA will mail a notification letter to the patients residential address recorded in HA within 2 weeks after the Authorization Code is sent out. If the patient does not receive such letter within 2 weeks after the Authorization Code is sent out, enquiry should be made to the institution to which the application was submitted for enquiry. (II) Application by fax, mail or email Patient/Applicant can fax, mail or email the duly completed application form to the PPI-ePR Program Office as follows: Address: PPI-ePR Program Office, Suite Nos. 2-15, 7th Floor, Exchange Tower, 33 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay Fax Number: 2194-0666 Email Address: ppi.epr@ha.org.hk For such application, patient should submit with the application a copy of his HKID. Applicant (legal guardian of patient or parent of patient under 18 years old) applying for the patient should submit with the application copies of (i) the applicants HKID/passport, (ii) the patients HKID/HKBC, and (iii) documentary proof of the applicants relationship with patient. Photocopy of documentary proof of change in residential address is required if such request is made. Upon successful application, HA will mail a notification letter with the Authorization Code to the patients residential address recorded in HA. (5) Patient/Applicant should ensure that personal data provided is accurate and complete for successful application. Reference can be made to the Notice to Patient/ Applicant Personal Data before providing the personal data to HA. The Notice can be obtained from HA webpage at << http:// www.ha.org.hk/ppi/epr >>. Please also note that your Personal Data may be made available to other relevant parties who require it for matters related to project audit or evaluation purposes. Patient/Applicant should notify the HA PPI-ePR Programme Office in case of loss/need to change the Authorization Code. Patient/Applicant will not be charged any fee for participating in the Pilot Project during the pilot stage. If patient is under 18 years old, the application form should be submitted by patients parent or legal guardian. Should patient wish to authorize the continuation of PPI-ePR account upon reaching 18 years of age, resubmission of a new application form is required. Please note that the juvenile HKID card is only valid for 30 days after the 18th birthday, and for details on how to submit the application please refer to note (4) above. Then a new Authorization Code will be issued. If no reply is received within 6 months of the 18th birthday, the PPI-ePR account would be deleted. Permission to access ePR may cease or be restricted, interrupted or revoked at any time. Such permission shall immediately cease upon termination of the Pilot Project.


(7) (8)


(10) Please note that data sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. The HA will not be responsible for any loss, damages or expense incurred or suffered by any person as a result of any delay, loss, diversion, alteration or corruption of any information received from or made available by the HA through the Pilot Project over the Internet. In particular, no warranty or representation regarding accuracy, timeliness, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose given in conjunction with such information and materials.
PPI-ePR Doc 3 Eng (Nov 09)

() / -
() / // / /// / () / 147 B 5 529N
Please READ this notice before you provide any Personal Data to us The Hospital Authority (HA) is a statutory body which manages public hospitals. Our staff members may ask you to provide your Personal Data for purposes related to your case/application for participation in the Pilot Project. When you provide Personal Data to us, please make sure that the data is accurate and complete. If you fail to provide us with the information required or if the information provided is inaccurate or incomplete, our consideration of your case/application will be affected. Please also note that your Personal Data may be made available to: appropriate persons in the HA; doctors/other healthcare institutions or service providers participating in the Pilot Project; any other relevant parties who require it for matters related to your case/application; appropriate government departments/agencies/authorities etc. when disclosure is required or permitted by law or is necessary in the public interest. In addition to the above, we will only use, disclose or transfer the Personal Data you provide to us: for those purposes relating to your case/application or directly related purposes; or where permitted by law. We will obtain your consent before using your Personal Data for any other purposes. If you wish to require access to and/or correction of your Personal Data, you may do so under Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please contact the Data Controller of Hospital Authority Head Office during office hours at: Address: Data Protection Unit, Room 529N, Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
PPI-ePR Doc 7 (Rev. Nov 08)

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