The True Disciple Is Born Delivered
The True Disciple Is Born Delivered
The True Disciple Is Born Delivered
Born Delivered
In the new birth the Holy Spirit puts you in Christ (I Corinthians 12:13). It was a miracle of God of which you had nothing to do with, except to repent and believe the Gospel. Having said that, I hasten on to tell you that, you have everything to do with staying in Christ. John 15:4 commands us to abide in Christ. John 15:6 tells the terrible penalty for not abiding in Christ. John 15:7, gives the wonderful reward for abiding in Christ. "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." Psalms 91, tells the whole story: "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Every promise that follows depends entirely upon our abiding in
the secret place of the Most High. That secret place is Christ. It is not just a matter of taking these things by faith. It is mere confession. It is my abiding in the place where no plague can come. As we abide in Christ, God reckons the experience of Christ to be ours. Christ was never sick, He never knew fear, He had no demons, He had no bad genetic ties with the past. You don't have to counsel the new creation - there is no depression in Christ. Depression, sickness, fear, lust, hate, etc. all originate in the old creation. The Christians problems are always the results of reverting back to type. The allowing of the old nature to be resurrected. The answer to these problems is the cross, not a psychological seance. The flesh and its works must be crucified. The new creation must be, "...trained up in the way that is right, and when he is old (mature) he will not depart from it." He will not turn back to the world, the flesh, and the devil. Just as all is light in Christ, all is dark outside of Christ. It is true that Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, but that is true only to those who are in Christ. Satan is still very much the god of this world, he controls everything, and everybody outside of Christ. Gods hedge about His people is Christ, consequently there is nothing, not family, business, finances, etc. that is protected outside of Christ. Let us get this clear, Satan can only kill, steal, and destroy, that which is not in Christ. When the Bible admonishes us to "Give no place to the devil..." it is saying, don't give him any ground. The flesh and its works is his territory. To "resist the devil" is more than saying, "Get thee behind me Satan." it is saying, "Yield not your members as instruments of unrighteousness." It is saying, "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath." In other words, "Get off of Satan's territory." If you live on his ground, the carnal nature, he will dominate your life. Seeing then that Satan cannot touch that which is in Christ, and that he controls the world outside of Christ, it naturally follows, our worst enemy is not the devil, it is "self." Jesus said of that nature, and of all who walk in it, "Your father is the devil." God's Word is clear on the fact that for God to be your Father, He must also be your God and Lord. The same is true on the other side, what Satan is father of he is also lord over. What modern Christianity fails to realize is, just as surely as the true church is the "Body of Christ," the carnal nature is the body of Satan. The term "body" is speaking of the body of Christ, means, the vehicle of expression. For Christ to express Himself on earth He must have the church, His body. Likewise, Satan cannot do his evil work without a "body." Crucify the "flesh" and you render him helpless. One work of the flesh is murder. God says, "the devil is a murderer." For him to murder he must work through that nature whose works are murder. It does not matter that it is religious flesh, or worldly flesh, it is all of a piece. Some may be a little more refined than others, but the flesh that sits on a church pew on Sunday and lives for itself on Monday, is merely an extension of the Sodomite community - there is no difference. The new creature never needs deliverance, he was created in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:24). He has the nature of God. "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remained in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." (I John 3:9) In verse 8 and I John 3, we have this: "He that committeth sin is of the devil..." What does that mean? Simply this: since the new creation cannot sin, and yet we sometimes see sin in a child of God, there is no contradiction here, the sin is a product of that nature in us, whose father is the devil. We don't need anyone to lay hands on us for deliverance. We need to repent of the sin, and deal with the uncrucifed flesh by denying its expression, which in reality is an expression of the devil. "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not..." (I John 3:6) Language can be no plainer. The "new creation" is not a figment of the imagination. It is a new life whose Father is God. It is a complete break from the old. Jesus in His humanity, was the "first born" of a new race. he did not come to head up a church, made up of a failed humanity, trying to rid itself of demons. "He that sinneth is of the devil..." (I John 3:8) puts all in focus. In every born again believer there are two natures. One is a member of the body of Christ, the other is a member of the body of Satan. The nature we yield to we become the servant of (Romans 6:16). "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit." (Romans 8:5)
To call the flesh the devil, and to hold deliverance services to cast him out, only serves to given men an excuse to sin. He comes to be delivered of his hate, lust, fear, etc. which are all works of the flesh, and when he is not delivered he feels justified because he now blames God for his problem. To abide in Christ is to walk in the Spirit. "...Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall no fulfil the lust of the flesh." (Galatians 5:16) To walk in the Spirit is simply to walk in obedience to the Word of God. "...Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." (John 2:5) This is not legalism, this is life. The power is in the choice. God will never force His will upon you, but if you choose to obey, He will enforce your choice. In Jeremiah 7:1-11, God is dealing with His people concerning the place (the land) He promised their fathers. He says, "...amend you ways and your doing, and I will cause you to dwell in this place." Canaan wasn't Heaven, it was a type of victory, of the overcomer. For 40 years God suffered. Israel's manners in the wilderness, testing their attitudes, delivering them from an Egyptian (worldly) mentality, He never removed Egypt from the land, He removed it from His own peoples heart, and told them not to mix with it. The same is true with the church. We are born free, but we are still in the world. "In the world, but not of the world." All problems stem from a mixture. The issue is rebellion - it is not our perogative, as Christians to determine whether one sin is worse than another sin. Sin is a transgression of the law. It is disobedience to God, therefore it is rebellion. Rebellion is idolatry because when we disobey, Christ is no longer our Lord. We yield to sin, we become the servants to sin. Again, the power to do is in the choice. I am in the world, and there is a nature in me that desires the world. So the warfare is constant. "For the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh..." (Galatians 5:17) God does not take away the temptation, but "with the temptation He makes a way of escape..." Remember, the temptation is always in one way or another, to act independent of God. So the way of escape is to choose God's way.