Databases: COMP 353 Summer 2004
Databases: COMP 353 Summer 2004
Databases: COMP 353 Summer 2004
More on SQL:
+Nested Queries +Aggregations +DDL of SQL +Views
Scalar Values
An SQL query is an expression that evaluates to a collection of tuples, i.e., it produces a relation/bag This collection may have only one attribute It is also possible that there will be only one single value produced for that attribute If all these hold, then we say that the query produces a scalar value
Scalar values example include simple values such as integers, reals, strings, dates, etc.
Relation schema:
Movie( title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC# )
Find certificate number of the producer of Star Wars
Query in SQL:
SELECT producerC# FROM Movie WHERE title = Star Wars; Assuming that we have only one such movie.
Conditions in the WHERE clause may have comparisons that involve scalar values A SQL query can produce a scalar value If so, we can use such SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression, surrounded by parentheses, as if it were a constant Subquery a query within a query The result of a SQL subquery is a collection (relation/bag)
Relation schemas:
Movie (title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec (name, address, cert#, netWorth)
Find the name of the producer of Star Wars
Query in SQL:
SELECT FROM Movie, Exec WHERE Movie.title = Star Wars AND Movie.producerC# = Exec.cert#;
Relation schemas:
Movie (title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec (name, address, cert#, netWorth)
Find the name of the producer of Star Wars
EXISTS R is a condition that is true iff R is not empty s IN R is true iff s is equal to one of the values in R s NOT IN R is true iff s is not equal to any value in R S ALL R is true iff s is greater than every value in R
could be replaced by other operators with the analogous meaning Note: s <> ALL R is the same as s NOT IN R could be replaced by any of the other 5 comparison operators with the analogous meaning Note: s = ANY R is the same as s IN R
A tuple in SQL is represented by a parenthesized list of scalar values; the concept tuple can be viewed as an extension of the concept scalar;
If a tuple t has the same number of components as a relation R, then it makes sense to compare t and R
t IN R -- this is true iff t R t <> ANY R -- this is true if there is some tuple in R other than t
Relation schemas:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth) StarsIn(title, year, starName) Query: Find the names of the producers of Harrison Fords movies
Query in SQL:
SELECT name FROM Exec WHERE cert# IN (SELECT producerC# FROM Movie WHERE (title, year) IN (SELECT title, year FROM StarsIn WHERE starName = Harrison Ford));
Relation schemas:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth) StarsIn(title, year, starName) Query:Find names of the producers of Harrison Fords movies
Query in SQL:
SELECT FROM Exec, Movie, StarsIn WHERE Exec.cert# = Movie.producerC# AND Movie.title = StarsIn.title AND Movie.year = StarsIn.year AND starName = Harrison Ford;
Correlated Subqueries
Simple subqueries can be evaluated at once and the result be used in a higher level query A more complex use of nested subquery requires the subquery to be evaluated many times, once for each assignment of a value (to some term in the subquery) that comes from a tuple variable outside of subquery A subquery of this type is called correlated subquery
Correlated Subqueries
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
Find movie titles that appear more than once
Query in SQL:
SELECT title FROM Movie Old WHERE year < ANY (SELECT year FROM Movie WHERE title = Old.title); Note the scopes of the variables in this query.
Correlated Subqueries
Query in SQL SELECT title FROM Movie Old WHERE year ANY (SELECT year FROM Movie WHERE title = Old.title); The condition in the outer WHERE is true only if there is a movie with same title as Old.title that has a later year
The query will produce a title one fewer times than there are movies with that title
SQL provides five operators that apply to a column of a relation and produce some kind of summary These operators are called aggregations These operators are used by applying them to a scalar-valued expression, typically a column name, in a SELECT clause
Aggregation Operators
the sum of values in the column the average of values in the column the least value in the column the greatest value in the column the number of values in the column, including the duplicates, unless the keyword DISTINCT is used explicitly
Relation schema:
Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth) Query: Find the average net worth of all movie executives Query in SQL: SELECT AVG(netWorth) FROM Exec; The sum of all values in the column netWorth divided by the number of these values In general, if a tuple appears n times in a relation, it will be counted n times when computing the average
Relation schema:
Exec (name, address, cert#, netWorth)
How many tuples are there in the Exec relation?
Query in SQL:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Exec; The use of * as a parameter is unique to COUNT; using * does not make sense for other aggregation operations
Relation schema:
Exec (name, address, cert#, netWorth)
How many different names are there in the Exec relation?
Query in SQL:
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT name) FROM Exec; In query processing time, the system first eliminates the duplicates from column name, and then counts the number of values there
Aggregation -- Grouping
Often we need to consider the tuples in an SQL query in groups, with regard to the value of some other column(s) Example: suppose we want to compute: Total length in minutes of movies produced by each studio:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
We must group the tuples in the Movie relation according to their studio, and get the sum of the length values within each group; the result would be something like:
studio Disney MGM SUM(length) 12345 54321
Aggregation - Grouping
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
Query: What is the total length in minutes produced by each studio? Query in SQL:
SELECT studioName, SUM(length) FROM Movie GROUP BY studioName; Whatever aggregation used in the SELECT clause will be applied only within groups Only those attributes mentioned in the GROUP BY clause may appear unaggregated in the SELECT clause Can we use GROUP BY without using aggregation?
Aggregation -- Grouping
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
For each producer, list the total length of the films produced
Query in SQL:
SELECT, SUM(Movie.length) FROM Exec, Movie WHERE Movie.producerC# = Exec.cert# GROUP BY;
We might be interested in groups of tuples that satisfy some conditions We can follow a GROUP BY clause with a HAVING clause HAVING is followed by some conditions about the group We can not use a HAVING clause without GROUP BY
Relation schema:
Movie (title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
For those producers who made at least one film prior to 1930, list the total length of the films produced
Query in SQL:
SELECT, SUM(Movie.length) FROM Exec, Movie WHERE producerC# = cert# GROUP BY HAVING MIN(Movie.year) 1930;
This query chooses the group based on the property of the group SELECT, SUM(Movie.length) FROM Exec, Movie WHERE producerC# = cert# GROUP BY HAVING MIN(Movie.year) < 1930;
This query chooses the movies based on the property of each movie tuple SELECT, SUM(Movie.length) FROM Exec, Movie WHERE producerC# = cert# AND Movie.year < 1930 GROUP BY; Note the difference!
Database Modifications
The SQL statements/queries we looked at so far return an unordered relation/bag (except when using ORDER BY) SQL & Database Modifications?
Next we will look at SQL statements that do not return something, but rather change the state of the database Insert tuples into a relation Delete certain tuples from a relation Update values of certain components of certain existing tuples We refer to these types of operations collectively as database modifications, and refer to such requests as transactions
The keyword INSERT INTO The name of a relation R A parenthesized list of attributes of the relation R The keyword VALUES A tuple expression, that is, a parenthesized list of concrete values, one for each attribute in the attribute list INSERT INTO R(A1, An) VALUES (v1, vn); A tuple is created and added, where vi is the value of attribute Ai, for i = 1,2,,n
Relation schema:
StarsIn (title, year, starName)
INSERT INTO StarsIn (title,year, starName) VALUES(The Maltese Falcon, 1942, Sydney Greenstreet); Another formulation of this query: INSERT INTO StarsIn VALUES(The Maltese Falcon, 1942, Sydney Greenstreet);
Instead of using explicit values for one tuple, we can compute a set of tuples to be inserted using a subquery This subquery replaces the keyword VALUES and the tuple expression in the INSERT statement
Database schema:
Studio(name, address, presC#) Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
If the list of attributes does not include all attributes of relation R, then the tuple created has default values for the missing attributes Since there is no way to determine an address or a president for such a studio value, NULL will be used for the attributes address and presC#
Database schema:
Studio(name, address, presC#) Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
INSERT INTO Studio(name) SELECT DISTINCT studioName FROM Movie WHERE studioName NOT IN (SELECT name FROM Studio);
The keyword DELETE FROM The name of a relation R The keyword WHERE A condition
The effect of executing this statement is that every tuple in relation R satisfying the condition will be deleted from R Note: unlike the INSERT, we need a WHERE clause here
Relation schema:
StarsIn(title, year, starName)
Delete: Sydney Greenstreet was a star in The Maltese Falcon
DELETE FROM StarIn WHERE title = The Maltese Falcon AND starName = Sydney Greenstreet;
Relation schema:
Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
Delete every movie executive whose net worth is < $10,000,000
DELETE FROM Exec WHERE netWorth < 10,000,000; Anything wrong here?!
Relation schema:
Studio(name, address, presC#) Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
Delete from Studio, all movie studios not mentioned in Movie
DELETE FROM Studio WHERE name NOT IN (SELECT StudioName FROM Movie);
The keyword UPDATE The name of a relation R The keyword SET A list of formulas each of which will assign a value to an attribute of R The keyword WHERE A condition
Database schema:
Studio(name, address, presC#) Exec(name, address, cert#, netWorth)
Modify table Exec by attaching the title Pres. in front of the name of every movie executive who is the president of a studio
UPDATE Exec SET name = Pres. || name WHERE cert# IN (SELECT presC# FROM Studio); this line performs the update
CREATE TABLE Star ( name CHAR(30), address VARCHAR(255), gender CHAR(1), birthdate DATE );
To delete a table:
Data types
DECIMAL(6, 2), e.g., 0123.45 Unused part is padded with the "pad character, denoted as
Since VARCHAR uses fixed array with end-marker, it is not followed any longer in Oracle.
Oracle function to_date converts a specified format into default format, e.g.,
Adding Columns
Add an attribute to a relation R with ALTER TABLE R ADD column declaration; ALTER TABLE Star ADD phone CHAR(16); Remove an attribute from a relation R using DROP: ALTER TABLE R DROP COLUMN column_name; ALTER TABLE Star DROP COLUMN phone;
Removing Columns
Attribute Properties
every tuple must have a real (non-null) value for this attribute
Null is the default value for every attribute A The owner of the relation can define some other value as the default, instead of NULL
Attribute Properties
CREATE TABLE Star ( name CHAR(30), address VARCHAR(255), gender CHAR(1) DEFAULT ?, birthdate DATE NOT NULL); Example: Add an attribute with a default value: ALTER TABLE Star ADD phone CHAR(16) DEFAULT unlisted; INSERT INTO Star(name, birthdate) VALUES (Sally ,0000-00-00)
name Sally
address NULL
gender ?
birthdate 0000-00-00
phone unlisted
INSERT INTO Star(name, phone) VALUES (Sally,333-2255) this insertion could not be performed since the value for birthdate is not given and it is disallowed to use NULL as the default
View is a table/relation whose rows are not explicitly stored in the database but rather computed, if needed, from the view definition The view mechanism provides support for:
Logical data independence: Views can be used to define relations in the external schema that mask, from the applications, changes in the conceptual schema of the database
If the schema of a relation is changed, we can define a view with the old schema so that applications that expect to see the old schema can continue using it
Security: Views can be used to give a group of users access to just the information they are allowed to operate on
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
List the titles and years of the Paramounts movies
View in SQL:
CREATE VIEW ParamountMovie AS SELECT title, year FROM Movie WHERE studioName = Paramount;
A view can be used in defining new queries/views in exactly the same way as an explicitly stored table may be used Example to query the (virtual) relation ParamountMovie
SELECT title FROM ParamountMovie WHERE year = 1979;
Relation schema:
ParamountMovie (title, year ) StarsIn(title, year, starName)
List the stars of the movies made by Paramount.
Query in SQL
SELECT DISTINCT StarsIn.starName FROM ParamountMovie, StarsIn WHERE ParamountMovie.title = StarsIn.title AND ParamountMovie.year = StarsIn.year;
Relation schema:
Movie (title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) Exec (name, address, cert#, netWorth)
Define a view of Movie titles and the movie executives/producers
View in SQL:
CREATE VIEW MovieProd AS SELECT Movie.title, FROM Movie, Exec WHERE Movie.producerC# = Exec.cert#;
Relation schema:
MovieProd(title, name)
What is the name of the producer of Gone With the Wind?
Query in SQL:
SELECT name FROM MovieProd WHERE title = Gone With the Wind;
We can give new names to view attributes rather than using the names that come out of query defining the view
CREATE VIEW MovieProd (MovieTitle, ProducerName) AS SELECT Movie.title, FROM Movie, Exec WHERE Movie.producerC# = Exec.cert#;
Updating Views?
We allow a view to appear where a relation name is allowed for querying What about modifications/updates? What does it mean to update a view?
Translate modification of the view to the corresponding modification on the base tables used in the view definition Yes, in principle, but some problems may arise Such views are called updatable views This is due to the so called view-update anomaly
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
Update statement:
INSERT INTO ParamountMovie (title,year) VALUES(KK, 2002);
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
An updatable view:
CREATE VIEW ParamountMovie AS SELECT title, year, studioName FROM Movie WHERE studioName = Paramount;
Update statement:
INSERT INTO ParamountMovie VALUES(KK,2002,Paramount);
Relation schemas:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC# ) Exec(name, address, cert# , netWorth)
View in SQL:
CREATE VIEW MovieProd AS SELECT Movie.title, FROM Movie, Exec WHERE Movie.producerC# = Exec.cert#;
Update statement
Movie(The Movie, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) Exec(J. Smith, NULL, NULL, NULL) Problem? The insertion command will fail !
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#) CREATE VIEW ParamountMovie AS SELECT title, year,studioName FROM Movie WHERE studioName = Paramount;
Delete statement:
DELETE FROM ParamountMovie WHERE title LIKE %K%; Translated query:
DELETE FROM Movie WHERE studioName = Paramount AND title LIKE %K%;
Updating Views?
Relation schema:
Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, producerC#)
CREATE VIEW ParamountMovie AS SELECT title, year,studioName FROM Movie WHERE studioName = Paramount;
Updating Views?
Recall: updating views includes insertion, deletion, and changing views SQL provides a formal definition of when modifications to a view are permitted Roughly, it is permitted if the view is defined by selecting some attributes from one relation R, which could be an updatable view itself
The view definition uses SELECT (but not SELECT DISTINCT) The WHERE clause does not involve R in a subquery The list in the SELECT clause includes enough attributes that for every tuple inserted into the view, the tuple inserted into the base relation will yield the inserted tuple of the view The NOT NULL constraints on the base relation will not be violated