Ergo January 8
Ergo January 8
Ergo January 8
10 08
on films and new love Replaces Mercedes as the official
car of Chennai Open
P ut your dancing shoes on this Saturday
and come to the Alliance Francaise of
Madras. Some of France’s most
traditional folk dances will be presented
through Manja-Pelos.
Nicolas and Mana of Tornamai group
organise French folk dance workshops all
over South West of France with other
musicians, collectively known as Manja-
Pelos Collectif. They specialise in the
dances from the Occitan, especially the
region they come from. Cercle circassien,
chapeloise, bourrée à 3 temps, rigodon,
polka, mazurka, scottish, valse, branlou,
farandole...will be presented.
The dance workshop is free and you
could register by calling 2827 1477.
n January 3, a man was gored Chennai to see. Banners on display dedicated to animal rights.
to death in Pudukottai and 42 read: “Hundreds of men against one The procession began at Gandhi
others were injured during a animal. Is this bravery?” and “Death Statue in Marina Beach, chosen be-
deadly yearly event that kicks in the name of sport”. Organised by cause the leader is famous for his
off, ironically enough, right before J. Pragadeeswaran (JP) and Prema views on animal rights. There was
Pongal – a day meant to celebrate Veeraraghavan, who have been nothing typical about the group that
cows and bulls as sacred animals. campaigning persistently in the attended the protest – it included
lawyers, college students, members
of ISKCON, members of several ani-
mal rights and humanitarian
groups, a six-year-old girl and even a
J. Pragadeeswaran refers to this file photo when he says:
“At a single point of time: gregarious, black therapy dog, Dr.
• A huge crowd pulls the neck of the bull with a rope towards the front Moose who shuffled along quietly
direction. The sudden pull with huge force cuts the throat of the bull. until the rally halted at Thiruvalluvar
• Its tail is twisted and pulled harshly towards the left direction. statue.
• Both its hind legs are lifted and pulled towards back direction to A senior citizen who participated
immobilise the animal. in the protest said – “There are many
• A group of people jump on its hump. To get a grip on the running people who oppose jallikattu, but in
animal, people use their sharp finger nails to hold the body of the bull a democracy, we must take to the
resulting in bruises all over the animal’s body. streets. Otherwise it is of no use to
• Another group pulls its horn. People attack the animal with non stop have an opinion”.
blows. Can an animal be subjected to more cruelty than this?” If you’d like to join forces with
them, send an email to■
Thursday, January 8, 2009
hile pint-sized Frankies inside the SDAT Ten- day. Even the local line-umpires are paid only Rs.
nis Stadium come at Rs. 40, ball-boys and line 4,500, much less than in any other ATP or WTA meet
umpires at the Chennai Open get a daily food across the world.
allowance of Rs. 20.
The US$ 450,000 prize money tournament features Student volunteers
60 ball-boys and 50 line-umpires, whose job is to keep Students from various colleges across the city have
the show running. The ball-boys at the tournament, been a regular at the meet working as security volun-
who are mostly club coaches or ground staff at vari- teers, ushers and helping in other sundry jobs. Their
ous clubs affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Tennis Associa- love for the game draws them to the courts at the
tion, are paid a meagre Rs. 1,100 for their nine days of SDAT Tennis Stadium where they are privileged
service. “The pay is bad. But they (the organisers) enough to watch great tennis action from close quar-
have promised to look into it after the end of this ters but keeping that aside they hardly enjoy any other
year’s competition and we hope it will increase by Rs. perks.
500 at least,” a tennis coach from Mogappair, who has “We are not paid because our job is purely volun-
been working as a ball-boy at the Chennai Open since tary and the organisers don’t even provide transporta-
the last five editions, says. tion even if the matches end very late,” a city college
“The biggest problem is food. The organisers don’t student, working as an usher for the past two seasons
provide us any food but only a sum of Rs. 20 as food says. “But I will again come here next year. At least I
allowance daily. It’s difficult to find anything at that can watch the matches; otherwise it’s very difficult for
price near the stadium because most of the stalls up us to get hold of a ticket even for one day.”
their prices expecting more footfalls,” the 26-year-old The organisers provide these 150-odd college stu-
says. “I earn Rs. 6,000 as a tennis coach per month dents two pairs of clothing from the apparel sponsors
and this is just some extra income. We get to learn a and also a sports shoe. “Apart from our dresses the
lot about the game watching these players and that organisers also provide lunch and tiffin and I think
ticks me on. Every year I say I won’t come the next none of us are complaining although at times it gets a
time but inevitably every January I am here.” bit tedious. We come by four in the evening and can
Austrian Daniel Koellerer bumps into a ball-boy while
They work from 4 p.m. till the matches go on and only leave after 11,” another security volunteer says. ■
trying to retrieve a ball during his first round clash
are often standing in for more than three matches a
against Nikolay Davydenko. PHOTOS: S. S. KUMAR
04 VILLAGE ERGO Thursday, January 8, 2009
licence and failing to give particulars. Luba Relic, 84,
has had 78 court fights with neighbours to her name
and was already banned from driving until 2999. And
now, a Manly Court magistrate has added another
or those who just can’t get faces of cartoon characters and Vincent De Paul shop in Oxford Rd, Brookvale.
enough of US president- sumo wrestlers as well as the ANI
elect Barack Obama, a Japa- head of a bronze Buddha statue.
nese mask-maker is giving One of its most successful
thousands of people the chance masks was of Japan’s popular for-
to be his spitting image. mer prime minister Junichiro Bruce Lee’s home to turn into
Ogawa Rubber Inc., Japan’s top Koizumi. The company sold 3,500
rubber mask studio, is moving in- masks of the leader. museum
to high gear and is manufacturing But Koizumi’s successor Shin- Action star Bruce Lee’s last home has been given to
more than 300 masks of the next zo Abe was a flop, selling only the Hong Kong government to turn into a museum
US president each day ahead of about 600 masks. Abe quit after and memorial to the kung fu star, a news report said
his inauguration on January 20. one year in office after an election on Wednesday. Philanthropist and property developer
“We sold as many as 2,500 faces rout. Yu Panglin has agreed to donate the property after a
of Obama in a month. It was a The studio did not even bother year of talks over the home worth an estimated $10
great hit for us,” said Takahiro making masks of Abe’s sombre million, the Hong Kong Standard reported. The home
Yagihara, chief creator for the and unpopular successor, Yasuo in Hong Kong’s residential Kowloon Tong district,
mask-maker based in the Tokyo Fukuda. But it has found a hit in which the actor affectionately called Crane’s Nest, is
suburb of Saitama. incumbent Prime Minister Taro now expected to be developed into a major tourist
“I’ve seen a couple of Obama Aso. attraction for the city, possibly including a library.
faces made in the United States, Yagihara, who keeps an eagle DPA
but ours is the best,” he boasted. eye out for new masks, saw dim
“We hope somebody will don our prospects among other Japanese
Obama mask at his inaugura- politicians.
tion.” “I don’t see any face among Ja-
Yagihara’s studio has created a panese politicians that would
variety of rubber masks, not only
those of politicians but also the
match Obama’s,” he said. ■
Mittal tops Abramovich in world’s
richest footie club owners list
Indian-born steel baron Lakshmi Mittal has pushed
Russo-Latvian billionaire Roman Abramovich down the
rankings in the latest world top 20 rich list of football
club owners. According to The Mirror, Mittal and his
family, which owns the football club QPR, are worth
12.5 billion pounds, as opposed to Abramovich, who
owns Chelsea, and is worth seven billion pounds.
Manchester City football club owner Sheikh Mansour
bin Zayed Al Nahyan with earnings of 15 billion pounds
is the only person ranked above Mittal, says the tabloid.
Abramovich was at the top the football club owners
rich list from 2003 to 2008.
ascinated by gladiators? the Colosseum. He claimed that
Well, then here’s your the gladiator fights would not be
chance to get close and per- a Disneyland-like attraction, in-
sonal with the Roman fight- stead it would be more of a seri-
ers, for they are soon going to ous project to bring the sporting
return to Rome’s Colosseum to heroes of antiquity alive.
display their antics, local author- Also, Broccoli dismissed fears
ities have announced. that the combats might appear
The gladiators will return to the too crude.
country’s most famous fight are- “The gladiators themselves
na almost 2,000 years after their were vulgar. They were sweaty,
bloody sport last entertained Ro- cil, said that in 2009, the five mil- and smells” of ancient Rome. spectacular. Museums and mon- they stank and they swore. Why
man crowds. lion people who visit the “We do not need to enshrine uments must speak to the public not show them as they really
Umberto Broccoli, the head of Colosseum each year will get to historical sites and monuments; in a new way,” the Discovery were?” said Broccoli. ■
archaeology at Rome’s city coun- experience “the sights, sounds we need to make them more News quoted Broccoli as telling ANI
iTunes songs could soon be 쑸
has blamed himself for the current ionel Messi scored three John Heitinga and 80th minutes. and issued the latter with a yellow
breakdown, saying he ended up goals as Barcelona beat At- Atletico replied through substi- card.
being his own enemy by bowling letico Madrid 3-1 and took a tute Tomas Ujfalusi in the 69th.
long spells despite having no firm step towards securing a Foul tempered
strength to carry on. Lee bowled place in the Cope del Rey quar- Dream run The yellow card was one of four
a massive 4500 deliveries, over terfinals. Messi, watched by his Barcelona’s victory, achieved handed to Atletico during the first
580 overs, in the year gone by. Argentina national coach Diego with first-team players including half as the home team resorted to
The workload not just took a toll Maradona at Atletico’s Vicente striker Samuel Eto’o, midfielder desperate tactics to stem Barcelo-
on his form but also left him Calderon Stadium, received an Xavi Hernandez and goalkeeper na’s superior football. The referee
down with an ankle injury, which ovation from spectators when he Victor Valdes, was its 21st in 26 evidently modified his decision to
required a surgery –fourth of his career. “I’d was substituted moments after games in all competitions this caution Assuncao as the Atletico
be OK in the first spell because the completing his hat trick on Tues- season. The Catalan team was 11 player received a yellow card for a
adrenaline’s going and you’ve got the brand day. points clear in the league and has foul on Alves in the 51st but re-
new ball in your hand, but then I would find The second leg of the fifth- reached the Champions League mained on the field. However, At-
that I just had nothing to give later in the round match will be next knockout stage. Atletico, which letico’s problems soon grew
day,” Lee recalled. “I guess I’ve been behind Wednesday at Camp Nou where crashed 6-1 against Barcelona in when Heitinga was sent off for
the eight-ball since India. I didn’t have the Barcelona will be expected to ad- the Spanish league at Camp Nou tripping Messi in the goalmouth
greatest of preparations there and I’ve vance in a competition it has won in October, lacked top striker Ser- as he ran to meet Alves’ right
probably been chasing my tail ever since. It’s a record 24 times, but not since gio Aguero and left back Antonio cross, with Messi easily convert-
been a difficult year, but maybe it’s a good 1998. Messi scored in the 12th, Lopez, both of whom were run- ing the resulting penalty.
thing to listen to your body when it’s telling 58th from a penalty which led to ning high temperatures. Ujfalusi, who had replaced As-
you to slow down,” he added. “I was blown the dismissal of home defender Barcelona took the lead courte- suncao six minutes earlier, re-
away with the amount of overs I bowled in sy of a combination between duced the deficit when he
2008,” the 32-year-old was quoted saying in Messi and right back Daniel stooped to head home Simao Sa-
The Age on Wednesday. Alves. Messi’s pass was deftly re- brosa’s in-swinging corner. The
PTI turned by his teammate, who goal was the Czech Republic de-
flicked the ball with his heel to fender’s first for Atletico since his
split the Atletico defense and al- move from Fiorentina in the off-
low the Argentina forward to season.
calmly shoot past Atletico goal- Messi then rattled the bar after
Pietersen resigns as keeper Gregory Coupet. Ten min- a spectacular dash past several
utes later, Messi was hacked defenders. After the home team
England captain down by Florent Sinama-Pon- failed to clear the ball, Messi was
Kevin Pietersen has resigned as England golle although referee Eduardo found by Andres Iniesta’s chip
captain after his relationship with team Iturralde Gonzalez appeared to and the forward evaded Coupet
coach Peter Moores broke down, Sky News mistake the Atletico for- before slotting home his third
reported on Wednesday. Sky said Pietersen ward with midfielder goal. ■
had stepped down after losing his power Paulo Assuncao PTI
struggle with Moores, whom Pietersen
believed lacked the tactical and technical
know-how of a top international coach.
South African-born Pietersen gave credence
to longstanding rumours that his
relationship with Moores was in trouble by
telling Sunday’s News of the World
newspaper: “This situation is not healthy,
we have to make sure it is settled as soon
as possible and certainly before we fly off
to the West Indies. Everybody has to have
the same aims and pull in the same
direction for the good of the England
There was no immediate reaction from the
England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).
Pietersen was appointed captain in August
after Michael Vaughan resigned.
march on
Winning matches and good results isn’t the same thing. To me, a good result
is the reflection of how I feel about my play. It’s the start of a new season
with lots to discover. I just wish to play in the same manner, but with better baseline
Nikolay Davydenko
omdev Dev Varman has the potential to break into
Somdev Varman, showed no sign of early the top-100 by the end of the
nerves as he dispatched year and knows tournaments
the Indian No. 1, higher-ranked American like the Chennai Open would act
Kevin Kim in his first round en- as stepping stones in realising
aims to break into counter at the US$ 450,000 his dreams. “I have the potential
Chennai Open on Tuesday. The to break into the top 100 league.
the world top 100 Indian No. 1 was a bundle of I have played against some of
confidence as he essayed a num- the top 100 players and I know I
by the year-end ber of booming aces and some belong there. It’s only a matter
deft touches against a helpless of time. But I need to constantly
Kim. upgrade my game to adjust to
Equally confident and com- bigger challenges,” Somdev
posed off-court, the 23-year-old says.
handled the media with aplomb Having already pocketed one
and seemed to be already relish- Challenger title and three Future
ing the challenge of facing sixth events in his first pro-year, he
seed and former World No. 1 knows the onus is on him to con-
Carlos Moya in the next round. tinue the good work and says:
“It was not that easy. I was posi- “My first year in the circuit was
tive and played well and not satisfactory or I can even say
bothered about my rankings. I good. It was a good learning ex-
want to continue in this vein,” perience and I just need to keep
he says. “It’s interesting that I pushing myself for more. I am a
grew up watching Moya in better player now and have im-
these very courts and now I will proved a lot on my fitness and
be facing him. Whoever I play, I overall technique.”
think I need to step up on my The Indian No. 1, who was for-
game and play better.” tunate enough to train with
The centre court crowd at the American Andy Roddick for
SDAT Tennis Stadium will have a three-weeks during the off-sea-
tough time picking their favou- son, feels the stint has helped
rite when the two meet on him immensely. “We were initia-
Thursday. Moya, making an ap- lly supposed to work for ten
pearance for the eighth time, days. But the first week went so
has always been a favourite well that we decided to extend
with the crowds and Somdev al- it to three weeks. I was also re-
so has a connection with the covering from an injury and hav-
city, having trained at the Bri- ing Andy’s coach and trainer
tannia Amritraj Tennis Academy around really helped. I got the
in the city for nine years. best of facilities and my injury
“In 2004 and 2006 I played the was gone in a flash,” he adds.
qualifiers but failed to gain an “We bonded well even off-court
entry. This time I am here and and had a great time hanging
that’s exciting. This is like my out together. He invited me to
home and to play in front of stay over at his Austin home and
them is electrifying. My game I tried to learn his weapons –
has improved over the last one whether it was his big serve, his
year and I feel I can hold myself forehand or his athleticism.” ■
Somdev Devverman in
action against Kevin Kim
during their first round
match of the Chennai
Open at the SDAT
Tennis Stadium.
he city’s bigg
A fleet of event, Chennai
has kick-started
Volvo XC90 usual grandeur.
mentators, officials, b
SUVs fans are a regular feat
all those Chennai m
replaced the the official car of the t
has always been an
Mercedes at delight and discussi
week every year, the fl
the Chennai cedes Benz cars zipp
roads has become
Open this behold.
However, Chennaii
year ing to see the Merced
year too received a su
the Volvo chauffeurin
stars and officials
Audi awe
After being the official carrier the city soon. “The Chennai Open
since the birth of the Chennai is the second sporting event in
Open in 1997, the magnificent the country which our brand is
gest tennis Merc gave way to the vivacious partnering with after the Volvo
Open 2009, Volvo, which is the official car for Ocean Race 2008-09 held in Ko-
d with its the tournament this year. And the chi in the first week of Decem-
Stars, com- chosen ride is the Volvo XC90, an ber,” adds Narayan.
all boys and SUV. On the other hand, Mer- “I was excited to see the Volvo
ture. But for cedes ended its 12-year associa- at the Open this year after getting
motorheads, tion with the ATP by choosing not used to seeing the Merc all these
tennis fiesta to renew its contract which ran years,” says V.K. Saravanan, a
element of out at the end of 2008. Chennai-based businessman
ion. For a A fleet of 15 Volvo XC90s in var- who visited the Volvo stall at the
fleet of Mer- ious colours including white, sil- SDAT Tennis Stadium, where the
ping on city ver, bluish silver, red, dove blue, Volvo XC90 and S8O are on dis-
a sight to black and steel grey zip around play.
the city these tennis days. Spectators going to watch the
ites expect- Sudeep Narayan, Marketing & matches can get a closer look at
es Benz this PR Manager, Volvo Car India, the XC90 and S80, which are
urprise with says that the Chennai Open is a priced at Rs. 46 lakh and Rs. 38
ng the tennis good platform to introduce Volvo lakh respectively (ex-showroom
s for the to Chennaiites as the brand is price subject to change). ■
planning to invite dealerships in
Audi India launched its new Audi world class showroom
in Mumbai on Wednesday. Benoit Tiers, Managing
Director of Audi India is seen next to an Audi R8 after
unveiling the new showroom. PHOTO: SHASHI ASHIWAL
odern aerody-
namic car de-
signs with
wide window
frames are obstructing
visibility, especially to
the rear and when
changing lanes, ac-
cording to a test con-
ducted by Germany’s
ADAC automobile as-
Many car makers
have improved the
passenger safety cell
but this has come at
the cost of sacrificing
all-round vision with
wide A, B, and C pillars
that form the window The Citroen C4 received top marks
frames, the ADAC testers
said. The ADAC measured visibility
Surprisingly, the BMW 2002, using a digital camera with a
built in the early 1970s, offers a 360-degree movement at the
virtually panoramic view that height of a driver measuring
few modern cars such as the 1.75 metres.
modern BMW 1-Series can Computer picture software
compete with. was then used to calculate the
It was, however, still possible visibility.
to combine modern aerody- The ADAC called on car mak-
namics and safety aspects such ers to find an improved com-
as those of the Renault Grand promise between a good safety
Espace and Citroen’s C4 Picas- cell, comfortable interior and
so, which received top marks, all-round vision. Headrests
according to the ADAC. could also be designed so that
Poorest marks were given to they do not obstruct the driver’s
the Mitsubishi Colt CZ3 and Hy- vision. ■
undai Santa Fe. DPA
10 FLICK ERGO Thursday, January 8, 2009
UFO invasion
Thousands of callers in Germany swamped a UFO
hotline on New Year’s Eve after mistaking festive
mini hot-air balloons for an alien invasion.
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