Low Back Exercise Program
Low Back Exercise Program
Low Back Exercise Program
General Instructions
1. The low back exercise program is a series of stretching exercises and strengthening exercises prescribed by your physician for your medical condition. The purpose of this exercise program is to improve the flexibility and strength of your trunk musculatures essential for your low back care. 2. By following this program on a regular basis, you will see improvements in your posture, work endurance and athletic performance. The exercises in this booklet will not irritate your back or neck when done properly. Perform each exercise at a slow pace at least once a day, everyday. If there is pain, stop. 3. Carefully follow the instructions and do only those exercises that have been recommended to you. If you experience any discomfort other than muscle soreness, slow down the pace or decrease the number of repetitions. Should pain persist, discontinue exercises and contact your physician immediately.
Starting Position: Lie on your back on a table or firm surface. Knees bent and feet flat on the table. Flatten your back to the floor by pulling your abdominal muscles up and in. Action:
A. Bring one knee toward your chest. Hold this position B. for ____ seconds. Lower your leg to the starting position. Then repeat on your opposite knee. B. Bring one knee toward your chest. Straighten the knee Hold for ____ seconds Slowly lower the leg to the starting position. Repeat on opposite leg. C. Raise your leg keeping your knee straight. Hold for ____ seconds. Slowly lower the leg to the floor. Repeat on the opposite leg. Maintain your pelvic tilt and keep your resting leg relaxed at all times. Do not hold your breath. Do Not Cause Pain. C.
Starting Position: Kneel on a mat and assume the "all-four's" position Keep your head in a neutral position by looking down at the floor. Action: Keeping your shoulders still, move your right hip toward your right shoulder as far as you can. Slowly return to the starting position then move your left hip toward your left shoulder as far as you can Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Assume they "all-four's" position. Action: Bring one knee toward your head as you lower the head Extend the head up and the leg out to a flat position parallel to the floor Return to the starting position. Repeat, alternating legs. Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Kneel on a mat with your knees and ankles. Allow your buttocks to rest on your heels. Action: Take your upper body over so you are in a crouched position with your arms stretched out in front of you. Relax in this position and then slowly move forward with your elbows straight into a press-up position. Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Assume the "all-four's" position. Action: A. Reach one arm under your body toward the opposite knee. Hold for ____ seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat, alternating arms. B. With weight on both hands, bring one knee towards the opposite shoulder. Hold for ____ seconds. Return to the starting position, Repeat, alternating knees. Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Sit on a stool with your back flat against a wall. Action: Lift your arms overhead, keeping your head and back flat against the wall. Hold for ____ seconds. See if your shoulders can touch the wall while keeping your back flat, Hold for ____ seconds. Lower your hands to the starting position. Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Stand up straight with your arms at your sides and your feet shoulder width apart. Action: Bend your trunk to one side, by lowering your shoulder Run your hand down the outside of your thigh. Hold for seconds. Slowly straighten up. Repeat to the opposite side. Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your knees as straight as possible. Place your hands on your back firmly at your waist level. Action: Bend backwards at your waist keeping the knees as straight as possible. Hold for ____ seconds. Return slowly to the upright position. Do Not Cause Pain.
Starting Position: Stand with your legs together facing a corner. Extend your arms and place your palms against the opposite walls of the corner. Action: Lean toward the corner. Keep your body and legs straight and your heels firmly on the floor. Hold for ____ seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat, gradually increasing your distance from the comer. Do Not Cause Pain.