SEx 7

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CHAPTER SEVEN Business Activities and Financial Statements Concept Questions

C7.1 Free cash flow is a dividend from the operating activities to the financing activities; that is, it is the net cash payoff from operations that is disposed of in the financing activities. The operations generate value then distribute some of the value in the free cash flow dividend, leaving the remainder of the value generated reinvested in net operating assets. Think of a firm without any debt; in this case, C I = d, that is, the free cash flow is the dividend to shareholders.


Refer to the cash conservation equation: the firm must buy debt, by buying down to

its own financial obligations or by buying others debt as a financial asset.


The firm borrows: C - I = d + F. So, if C - I = 0, then the firm borrows to pay the

dividend such that d + F = 0.


An operating asset is used to produce goods or services to sell to customers in

operations. A financing asset is used for storing excess cash to be reinvested in operations, pay off debt, or pay dividends.

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An operating liability is an obligation incurred in producing goods and services for

customers. A financial liability is an obligation incurred in raising cash to finance operations.


True. From the reformulated balance sheets and income statement,

C-I = OI -NOA. So, with operating income identified in a reformulated income statement and successive net operating assets identified in a reformulated balance sheet, free cash flow drops out.


Operations drive free cash flow. Specifically, value is added in operations through

operating earnings, and free cash flow is the residual after some of this value is reinvested in net operating assets.


Free cash flow (driven by operations) drives dividends. But dividends are the

residual of free cash flow after servicing the interest and principal claims of debt or investing in net financial assets.


Net operating assets are increased by earnings from operations and reduced by free

cash flow. Expanding, net operating assets are increased by operating revenues and cash investment and reduced by operating expenses and cash from operations.

C7.10 Net financial obligations are increased by the obligation to pay interest, and by dividends, and are reduced by free cash flow.

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C7.11 True. Free cash flow is a dividend from the net operating assets to the net financial obligations. So, as CSE = NOA - NFO, free cash flow does not affect CSE.

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E7.1 Free Cash Flow, Dividends, Debt Financing, and Growth in net Operating Assets (a) F =C-I-d = $143 - 49 = $94 million (b) C-I = OI - NOA = OI - (C - I) = $281 - 143 = $138 million (c) Operating accruals = OI - C = $281 - 239 = $42 million OR Operating accruals Cash investments = NOA Cash investment = C - (C - I) = $239 - 143 = $96 million So, operating accruals = $138 - 96 = $42 million (free cash flow driver equation) (cash conservation equation)


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Using Accounting Relations The reformulated balance sheet: Net Operating Assets Net Financial Obligations and Equity 1994 189.9 Financial liabilities 34.2 Financial assets NFO CSE 155.7 1995 120.4 45.7 74.7 90.0 164.7 1994 120.4 42.0 78.4 77.3 155.7

Operating assets Operating liabilities NOA (a) Dividends

1995 205.3 40.6 164.7

= Net income CSE = 1.9

(Clean-surplus equation)

(These are net dividends) (b) C I = OI NOA = 21.7 9.0 = 12.7 (c) RNOAt = OIt / (NOAt + NOAt-1) = 21.7/160.2 = 13.55% (d) NBC = Net interest/ (NFOt + NFOt-1) = 7.1/76.55 = 9.27% E7.3 (a) Income Statement: Start with the income statement where the answers are more obvious: A = $9,162 Using Accounting Relations

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B = 8,312 C= 94

(Comprehensive income = operating revenues operating expenses net financial expenses) Balance sheet: D = 4,457 E = 34,262 F = 34,262 G = 7,194 H = 18,544 Before going to the cash flow statement, reformulate the balance sheet into net operating assets (NOA) and net financial obligations (NFO):
2000 Operating expenses Operating liabilities 28,631 7,194 1999 30,024 8,747 Financial obligations Financial assets Net financial obligations Common equity Net operating assets Cash Flow Statement: 21,437 21,277 2001 7,424 4,457 2,967 18,470 21,437 1999 6,971 4,238 2,733 18,544 21,277

Free cash flow: Cash investment: Total financing flows: Net dividends: Payments on net debt:

J = 690 I = (106) (a liquidation) M = 690 K = 865

[C - I = OI - NOA] [I = C - (C - I)] [C - I = d + F] [Net dividends = Earnings - CSE]

L = (175) [F = d + F - d] (more net debt issued)

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(b) Operating accruals can be calculated in two ways: 1. Operating accruals = = = 2. Operating accruals = = = (c) NFO = = = (d) Operating income Cash from operations 850 584 266 NOA Investment 160 (-106) 266

NFE (C - I) + d 59 690 + 865 234

The net dividend of $865 was generated as follows: Operating income less NOA Free cash flow less net financial expenses plus increase in net debt 850 160 690 59 631 234 865

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E7.4 (a)

Inferences Using Accounting Relations

This firm has no financial assets or financial obligations so CSE = NOA and total earnings = OI. Also the dividend equals free cash flow (C - I = d). 1995 Price CSE (apply P/B ratio to price) 140 Free cash flow Dividend (d = C - I) Price + dividend Return (246.4 224) Rate of return (b) There are three ways of getting the earnings: 1. Earnings = = = 2. OI = = = (Earnings 3. Earnings = = = = Stock return - premium 22.4 (119 - 84) (12.6) C - I + NOA 8.4 + (119 140) (12.6) OI as there are no financial items) CSE + dividend -21 + 8.4 (12.6) (a loss) 224 119 8.4 8.4 246.4 22.4 10% 1996 238

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E7.5 This is a self-guiding exercise. The books web page will help the student.

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Minicases M7.1 Accounting Relations, Forecasting, and Valuation: Nike Inc.

This case introduces the student to pro forma analysis and valuation and shows how the analysis of firms activities in this chapter helps. As the student develops the pro forma, he realizes that certain items must be forecasted but other items such as free cash flows and dividends are obtained by applying accounting relations in the chapter. First develop the pro forma, then attempt to value the equity from forecasts in the pro forma. The Pro Forma To value Nike using dividend discount techniques, DCF techniques, residual earnings techniques, and abnormal earnings growth valuation, develop forecasts of dividends, free cash flows, earnings and book values:

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1995A Operating assets Operating liabilities 1. NOA Financial assets Financial liabilities 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NFO CSE OI Net financial expense (NFE) Earnings NOA 7. Free cash flow CSE 8. 9. Net dividends ROCE (on beginning CSE) 2,947 739 2,208 196 440 244 1,964

1996E 3,191 629 2,562 358 501 143 2,419 574 15 559 354 220 455 104 28.5%

1997E 3,722 757 2,965 574 599 25 2,940 635 9 626 403 232 521 105 25.9%

1998E 4,360 909 3,451 836 716 (120) 3,571 709 2 707 486 223 631 76 24.0%

1999E 5,128 1091 4,037 1,160 858 (302) 4,339 725 (7) 732 586 139 768 (36) 20.5%

The calculations for each line in the pro forma: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOA NFO CSE OI NFE Earnings C-I Net dividends Also, net dividends = = = = = = = = = Operating assets operating liabilities Financial liabilities financial assets NOA NFO Beginning-of-year NOA x RNOA Beginning-of-year NFO x 6.0% OI NFE OI - NOA Earnings - CSE NFO + (C - I) NFE

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The Valuations The valuations are developed from the forecasts of dividends and free cash flow, and from forecasts of residual earnings based on forecasts of earnings and book values. Note that the forecasts of dividends and free cash flows drop out using accounting relations once the forecast of their drivers are made: one cant forecast these without getting to their drivers, and the reformatting identifies the drivers. Dividend discount valuation This involves discounting forecasted dividends at the equity cost of capital. But the terminal value in 1999 is clearly a problem here as the pro forma indicates that share issues are required, that is, the net payout will be negative. Use the example to reinforce the difficulties of using dividend discounting. Nike is reducing dividends by building up financial assets, but investment in financial assets (cash in the firm rather than cash in the shareholders pockets) and thus the amount of dividends -- has not much bearing on the value that comes from operations. Discounted cash flow valuation With positive forecasted free cash flows, this type of valuation looks feasible: discount the forecasted cash flow to present value. But what of the continuing value? Will free cash flow declining after 1999, like it does in 1999? Will it grow? Use the example to reinforce issues with DCF valuation. Free cash flow is forecasted to decline in 1998 and 1999 even though operating income is increasing. The reason is that investment in operating assets is increasing (C I = OI - NOA) in order to generate even more cash flow in the future. Free cash flow is a perverse valuation concept. Residual earnings valuation

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The forecasted residual earnings (using a cost of capital of 11%) are: 1996E Residual earnings (0.11) 343.0 t Discount factor (1.11 ) 1.11 PV of RE 309.0 1.232 292.4 1997E 359.9 1.368 280.4 1998E 383.6 1.518 223.5 1999E 339.2

With the exception of 1998, the RE appears to be at a stable level. Suppose we forecast RE to be at $355.0 million indefinitely after 1999. Then the RE valuation would be Present value of all RE to 1999 Continuing value, 1999 = 355 = 3,227 0.11 2,126 1,964 $5,195 million $36.36 $1,105 million

Present value of continuing value (3,227/1.518) Book value of common equity, 1995 Value of the equity Value per share (for 142.89 million shares) (This value compares with the market price of $39)

Clearly the continuing value calculation here has to be examined further. Specifically, an analysis of growth is required. Much of the financial statement analysis that follows in this part of the book is aimed at uncovering the growth. Abnormal Earnings Growth Valuation Abnormal earnings growth is always equal to the change in residual earnings (see Box 6.3 in Chapter 6). So develop the pro forma for AEG simply by taking the difference in RE:

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1996E Residual earnings Abnormal earnings growth 343.0

1997E 359.9 16.9

1998E 383.6 23.7

1999E 339.2 (44.4)

2000E 355.0 15.8

If residual earnings are expected to be constant after 1999, then abnormal earnings growth is expected to be zero after 1999. So, using AEG valuation methods, the value of the equity is:
1995 VE =

1 16.9 23.7 44.4 15.8 559 + 1.11 + 1.232 + 1.368 + 1.518 = $5,195 million ($36.36 per share) 0.11

A discussion of some features of the pro forma: 1. The build-up of financial assets alluded to above: What will Nike do with

its cash flow other than investing in financial assets? 2. There is a forecasted share issue in 1999 even though there is positive free

cash flow and no debt. Has the analyst got it right? Again, what is Nikes strategy to use its cash? Should the cash be paid out in dividends? (Remember the Kerkorian-Chrysler debate in Minicase M5.3 in Chapter 5.) 3. Declining RNOA. This is typical: firms become less profitable over time as

competition challenges them. 4. The high RNOA: this is typical of a brand-name firm that can maintain

sales and profitability. 5. The growth in CSE: residual earnings are maintained in the presence of

declining profitability because of growth. Can the growth of 21% per year for 1998 and 1999 be maintained? This question brings the continuing value calculation into focus.

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Growth is depressing free cash flow: the forecasted free cash flow for 1999 is relatively low (4% of net operating assets). So DCF analysis is doubtful.


Although RNOA (and ROCE) are declining, residual earnings is remining fairly constant because of growth in CSE: ROCE and investment growth combine to generate residual earnings.

Connecting to the Spreadsheet Tool The Roadmap for developing an analysis and valuation spreadsheet on the web page uses Nike as an example. Use this case to introduce the spreadsheet analysis. The case also can be used to set up the Nike examples in the subsequent chapters.

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