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JDN EDUCATIONAL TRUST Redhills Tiruvallur High Road, Magaral, Chennai 600 055.

ME2201 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY I II B.E., III Sem., ME Jun 12 Nov12 UNIT - I - METAL CASTING PROCESS PART - A 1.1. Define casting. 1.2. What are the metals used for casting ? 1.3. What are the advantages of casting process? 1.4. What are the pattern material? 1.5. state the application of sweep and skeleton pattern? 1.6. What are the disadvantages of casting process? 1.7. Define pattern. 1.8. What is split pattern? 1.9. Write the requirements of a good pattern.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, April /May 2011]

1.10. What are the factors that you will consider before selecting materials for pattern?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2007]

1.11. What are the common materials used for pattern making? 1.12. What is the function of core prints? 1.14. What are the reasons for providing pattern allowances? 1.15. Mention any 4 types of pattern. What is a sweep pattern? 1.16. Name any four types of commonly used patterns 1.17. What is core? 1.18. What is core venting? 1.19. What is a core print? 1.20. Name the various types of cores. 1.21. Name the various types of core boxes. 1.22. Why is collapsibility mandatory in cores? 1.23. Mention the different types of core binders. 1.24. What are the colour codes used for patterns and core-boxes?
1 [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2005] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

1.13. What are the factors which govern the selection of pattern material for pattern making?

MAGNA COLLEGE OF ENGG / QB / ME2201 / III / ME / JUNE 2012 - NOV 2012


1.25. What are the special sands used in foundaries? 1.26. State the properties of good moulding sand. 1.27. What are the different types of moulding sand? 1.28. What is shell moulding? Give one example. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 1.29. What is the composition of moulding sand? 1.30. Define draft allowance. 1.31. List out any five moulding tools. 1.32. What are the uses of runners and risers? 1.33. What are the common allowances provided on pattern? 1.34. What is a sprue? 1.35. Explain the term fettling?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, Nov/Dec 2005]

1.36. What is a gate? What is a gating system? 1.37. Distinguish between hand moulding and machine moulding. 1.38. What are the advantages and applications of ceramic moulds? 1.39. What are chaplets? 1.40. Mention the need for using CO2 on mould preparation.? 1.41. Define permeability number. 1.42. What are the modes of inspection carried out to check the soundness of casting? 1.43. Mention some of the parameters involved in determining the strength of the moulding sand. 1.44. Mention the difference between green sand mould and dry sand mould. 1.45. What are the different types of furnaces used for casting? 1.46. List any four products manufactured by the centrifugal casting process 1.47. What is a tilting furnace? 1.48. Write short notes on pit furnace. 1.49. What are the types of crucible furnace? 1.50. How are impurities removed in a direct furnace? 1.51. What are the difference between cupola and air furnace? 1.52. Mention the applications of high frequency induction furnace. 1.53. Differentiate between oil fired and coke fired furnace. 1.54. State the disadvantages of casting process. 1.55. What is die casting? 1.56. Mention any two merits and demerits of die casting. 1.57. Give any two merits and demerits of investment casting process.
2 [AU, May/June 2006] [AU, Nov/Dec 2005] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, April /May 2011] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

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1.58. How does a hot chamber process differ from a cold chamber process? 1.59. State any two limitations of full mould casting. 1.60. What is the need for providing chills in casting? 1.61. How are impurities collected in a centrifugal casting? 1.62. Name the problems encountered in pressure die casting. 1.63. State any two products made on centrifugal casting. 1.64. Mention the advantages of sand slinger 1.65. Define the term Skim bob. 1.66. Name four casting defects. 1.67. Give four reasons for the casting defect hot tear. 1.68. What are the causes and remedies for fins defect? 1.69. Write short notes on the following : i) visual examination ii) hardness test ii) v) sound (or) percursion test iii) supersonic test magnetic and fluorescent powder inspection.

1.70. Write down the advantages and applications of supersonic testing. 1.71. Which instrument is used to produce ultrasonic waves? Mention its function. 1.72. State any four properties of mounding sand?
[AU,April /May 2010]

1.73. Which type of furnaces are suitable for melting of ferrous material and why? [AU,April /May 2010] 1.74. List the different types of patterns used in modern foundry. [AU,Nov /dec 2010] 1.75. Write a note on chilled casting? [AU,Nov /dec 2010]

PART - B 1.76. Explain the salient features of the foundry process. 1.77. How is green sand mould prepared? 1.78. Explain in detail the various types of pattern materials. 1.79. Describe the various types of patterns in detail. 1.80. Describe the various materials used in pattern making. State the factors to be considered for selection of the pattern materials. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 1.81. Explain skeleton pattern briefly with a neat sketch and compare it with sweep pattern. 1.82. What are pattern allowances? Explain each in detail with a neat sketch. [AU, May/June 2006 & 07] 1.83. Name the pattern allowances which can be quantitatively specified. Write brief note on each of them. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 1.84. Discuss the properties of a good moulding sand.
3 [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

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1.85. Give the step-wise procedure for Shell mould casting process. 1.86. Compare precision investment casting and shell moulding from the point of process, product and application. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 1.87. Explain the different types of moulding sand and its corresponding application. [AU, Nov/Dec

1.88. Classify different types of moulds and state the advantages of loam moulds over dry sand moulds. 1.89. Explain CO2 process of core making. State its advantages. Limitations and applications.
[AU, May/June 2006 ]

1.90. compare the different types of furnaces, method of heating and main field of appilication.
[AU, April /May 2011]

1.91. With sketches, explain the various kinds of moulding tools and their applications. 1.92. Explain with the help of neat sketches, the various methods used for testing moulding sand. 1.93. Explain the working and zones of cupola with a neat sketch. 1.94. Describe the operation of a Cupola furnace for melting cast iron?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

1.95. Which properties are desirable for a moulding sands for sound casting? Explain
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

1.96. What is meant by crucible furnace? What are their types? Explain any two in detail with a neat sketch. 1.97. What are the different types of furnance used in foundry? Describe in detail with neat sketches any one of them. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 1.98. How does the electric arc furnace melt the metal? Explain direct arc furnace and compare with indirect arc furnace. 1.99. Explain the working of a blast furnace with a neat sketch. 1.100. Explain the working of open hearth furnace with a neat sketch. 1.101. What is the principle of Induction furnace? 1.102. Explain Hazelett process. 1.103. Explain with a neat sketch the hot chamber die casting process. 1.104. Explain investment casting with a neat sketch.
[AU, May/June 2007] [AU, April /May 2011] [AU, May/June 2007]

1.105. List the various casting defects. Give their reasons and suggest the remedies.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, April /May 2011] [AU, Nov/Dec 2010]

1.106. Discuss the problem encountered with pressure die-casting process. 1.107. Explain the centrifugal casting with a neat sketch and state its applications.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, April /May 2011] 4

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1.108. With the aid of diagrams. Explain the investment casting process. List out the advantages, limitation and applications. [AU, May/June 2007] 1.109. With a neat sketch, explain the gravity die casting process. 1.110. (i) Give the sequence of steps in die casting of a part in hot-chamber process. (ii) Briefly explain the different methods for inspection of castings. 1.111. Discuss the different types of defects in casting and its remedial measures. 1.112. Explain the various non-destructive inspection methods of cast products. 1.113. What is the need of special casting process? 1.114. (a)(i)List out various pattern allowances. Discuss any four. (Marks 8)
[AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

(ii)Discuss any four sand testing methods. (Marks8) Or (b)(i) Enumerate with neat sketches various steps involved in making investment casting. (Marks8) (ii) Explain any four casting defects with causes and their remedies. (Marks 8)

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UNIT II FABRICATION PROCESS PART A 2.1. Define welding process. 2.2. Name the types of welding. 2.3. Mention the applications of welding process. 2.4. List out the equipments used in arc welding. 2.5. List out any four arc welding processes. 2.6. Define fusion welding. 2.7. What are the functions of flux in welding electrode? 2.8. Define arc crater. 2.9. What is arc length? 2.10. How does plastic welding differ from fusion welding? 2.11. What are the diameter and length of the electrodes available in the market? [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 2.12. What factors affect the depth of penetration in arc welding? 2.13. Write the specifications of a welding generator and transformer. 2.14. Differentiate between AC and DC arc welding. 2.15. Different transfer arc and non-transfer arc welding. 2.16. What do you understand by straight polarity? 2.17. What is the application of carburizing flame ?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2006]

2.18. What are the different types of flames used in gas welding process? 2.19. List the types of welding flames. What type of flame is suitable for welding stainless steel?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

2.20. What is the purpose of using inert gas in TIG welding? 2.21. Write the various types of welding electrodes. 2.22. Differentiate between bare and coated electrode. 2.23. How dies MIG welding differ from TIG welding? 2.24. What is the function of Tungsten in TIG welding? 2.25. State any two disadvantages of submerged arc welding. 2.26. What do you mean by resistance welding process? 2.27. What is the principle of resistance welding process? 2.28. What are the special features of friction welding?
6 [AU, May/June 2007]

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2.29. What are the specific situations in which electro slag welding is used? 2.30. Mention the various types of resistance welding.

[AU, May/June 2007]

2.31. What is the main difference between upset butt welding and flash butt welding? 2.32. State the functions of electrode coating.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

2.33. Mention the various types of gases commonly used in gas welding. 2.34. What are the basic components of laser welding? 2.35. What is ultrasonic welding? What are its advantages? 2.36. Define diffusion welding process. 2.37. What is the principle of thermit welding? 2.38. Define plasma arc welding. 2.39. Define brazing 2.40. Define soldering. 2.41. Give some filler metals and fluxes used in brazing 2.42. Name the various types of brazing process. 2.43. Mention the applications of braze welding. 2.44. Give the classification of soldering. 2.45. Name some solder alloys used for soldering. 2.46. Define adhesive bonding and its types. 2.47. Mention the types of adhesives. 2.48. State the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic. 2.49. Why is flux coated on filler rods? 2.50. State the uses of brazing flux. 2.51. How does brazing differ from braze welding? 2.52. Why is laser welding used only in micro-welding? 2.53. What do you mean by thermit? 2.54. List the different types of testing used for welding joints. 2.55. What are the advantages of AC equipment over DC equipment in arc welding?[AU, May/June
2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

2.56. Why is flux used in soldering and brazing?[AU,May/June2007] 2.57. Differentiate fission welding from fusion 2.58. Mention the application of friction welding? [AU, Nov/Dec 2010] welding.[AU,Nov/Dec-2010]

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2.59 . With simple sketches, explain the detailed characteristics features of the different types of flames. 2.59. Mention the two types of welding techniques involved in gas welding List out the merits and demerits of gas welding. 2.60. Discuss the filler and flux materials using in Arc welding process. Applications
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

2.61. Describe the types of flames obtained in an oxy-acetylene gas welding process giving
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

2.62. Describe the functioning of an arc-welding machine with a neat sketch. 2.63. Name any 4 welding process used for welding of copper. Explain any one process in details.?
[AU, April /May 2011]

2.64. Give the detailed comparison of (i) AC and DC welding machines (ii) arc welding and gas welding 2.65. Explain the working principle of spot welding and seam welding processes. [AU, May/June 2006] 2.66. (i) State the important functions of the flex Coatings of electrode used in manual metal arc welding process. [AU, May/June 2007] (ii) What are the common problems encountered with the use of coated electrodes? 2.67. With simple and neat sketches, explain the principle of operation of (i) MIG welding (ii) electro slag welding 2.68. Explain TIG welding process with a diagram. 2.69. Explain the TIG and MIG system of welding. Give the application of each.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, May/June 2006 &7]

(iii) submerged arc welding

2.70. Explain the resistance welding process giving the equipment, parameters controlled and the applications. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 2.71. With neat diagram explain the process of Resistance seam welding. 2.73. What is percussion welding? Explain with a neat sketch. 2.74. How is welding process classified.
[AU, May/June 2007]

2.72. Discuss the difference between resistance butt welding and resistance flash welding.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

2.75. Illustrate the thermit welding process with neat sketch and also state its application
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

2.76. Explain the working of electro slag welding process. 2.77. Describe plasma arc welding. List out its merits, demerits and applications. 2.78. With neat sketches, mention the various components of laser beam welding equipments and explain their purpose.

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2.79. Compare the Laser Beam Welding with Electron Beam welding.

[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

2.80. Explain the electron beam welding process with a neat sketch. What are its merits, limitation and applications? [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2006 &7] 2.81. What is the Principle of Electron Beam welding process? How does it differ from Leaser Beam Welding Process? [AU, May/June 2007] 2.82. Explain working of friction welding process. How is it different from interia welding? 2.83. Discuss the sequence of operations in friction welding. 2.84. Explain the stepwise procedure involved in flame cutting process. 2.85. Discuss in detail the various types of welding defects along with sketches. 2.86. Name the test used to inspect welded joints. Explain X-ray test in detail. 2.87. Distinguish between soldering and brazing.
[AU, May/June 2006 ] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, April /May 2011] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

2.88. Describe and explain, stating the principle, process difference and their specific application of the following. 2.89. Stating the principle of flame cutting, describe the method of oxygen cutting and differentiate with respect to arc cutting. 2.90. With simple sketches, explain the types of adhesive bonded joints and bring out their merits demerits and applications. 2.91. Explain the process of resistance spot welding with one complete welding cycle.
[AU, April /May 2011]

2.92. Explain the process of transfer arc an non transfer arc mode of operation in plasma arc welding with appilication. [AU, April /May 2011] 2.93. (a) (i) Describe with a neat sketch the components of oxyacetylene gas welding equipment. (Marks 8) (ii) Discuss principle of adhesive bonding. List out any four types of adhesives. (Marks 8) (b) (i) Describe with neat sketches various steps in friction welding. (Marks 8) (ii) Describe with a neat sketch the principle of percussion welding. State its advantages and limitations.(Marks8) [AU, April /May 2010] 2.94. (a) List out the different types of welding process. Briefly explain the working principle of any two welding process.(Marks16)[AU,Novl/dec2010] b) What is meant by welding defect? Explain any five welding defects. (Marks 16)

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UNIT III BULK FORMING PROCESS PART - A 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Define hot working. Mention the types of hot working processes. What do you mean by hot spinning? Define cold working. Mention some drawbacks of hot working List some of the materials used for cold working process. What are the defects of cold working? Name the cold working operation. Briefly state the following processes: i) drawing ii) squeezing iii) bending
[AU, May/June 2006 ]

3.10 What do you mean by recrystallization temperature?[AU,April /May 2010 ] 3.11 Name two metals having recrystallization temperature below room temperature, above room temperature and at room temperature. 3.12 Define forging. 3.13 What are the disadvantages of forging processes? 3.14 Differentiate hand forging and power forging. 3.15 Name some forging tools. 3.16 Specify the types of tongs with a neat sketch. 3.17 Classify the forging operation. 3.18 Mention the applications of press forging. 3.19 Define open die and closed die forging. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010] 3.20 What do you mean by upsetting? 3.21 What is upset forging? What type of components is produced using this process?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

3.22 What is fullering and flattering? 3.23 What are rolling mills? 3.24 What is Sejournet process?
10 [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

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3.25 What is skew rolling? 3.26 Classify the types of rolling mills.

[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

3.27 In a four high rolloing mill, small diameter rolls as working rolls Why? [AU, May/June 2007] 3.28 Mention the classification of tube drawing process. 3.29 Give the limitations of tube extrusion process. 3.30 Explain the term Extrusion process? 3.31 What is impact extrusion? 3.32 Classify the types of extrusion. 3.33 Which Extrusion process requires more force and why? 3.34 Compare direct and indirect extrusion processes. 3.35 Define extrusion ratio 3.36 What is wire drawing? 3.37 Differentiate rod drawing from wire drawing. 3.38 Define tube drawing 3.39 Define degree of drawing. 3.40 List any four components manufactured by the Drawing Process. 3.41 What do you mean by seamless tubes? 3.42 What is redrawing and when it is used?
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, May/June 2006] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

3.43 For Drawing, what is the significance of strain hardening co-efficient.? [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 3.44 What are the methods used for producing seamless tube? 3.45 What fuels are generally used in forging furnaces? Which one is the best? 3.46 Define the following i) iv) upsetting drifting ii) v) drawing down welding iii) vi) bending fullering

3.47 How are collapsible tubes produced? 3.48 Name the advantages of forging as a manufacturing process. 3.49 What do you mean by open fire and stock fire? 3.50 What is the difference between a bloom and a billet? 3.51 Define slab, plate, sheet and strip. 3.52 Write a short note on super plastic forging.
11 [AU, May/June 2007]

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3.53 Define gatorizing. 3.54 Mention some defects found in rolled parts. 3.55 List out any four parts that can be manufactured by shape rolling operations. [AU,April/ May

3.56 Mention the different types of shape rolling operation. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010]

Part - B 3.57 Define hot working and cold working processes. Mention their detailed classification. Give a detailed comparison of hot and cold working processes. 3.58 With sketches explain the process of mfg of connecting rods. [AU, April /May 2011] 3.59 With neat sketches, explain in details any five types of cold drawing processes. 3.60 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hot working and colding working processes. 3.61 With the aid of neat sketches explain the wire drawing process. 3.62 Explain hot extrusion process. 3.63 How do you compare forged components with cast components.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, May/June 2007]

3.64 Why has cold extrusion become an important manufacturing process? Explain.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

3.65 State the different type of extrusion and explain. 3.66 How are rolling mills are classified? Explain with there application?

[AU, April /May 2011] [AU, April /May 2011]

3.67 Compare the differences between hot and cold extrusion process. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009,Nov/dec-2010] ,[AU, May/June 2007] 3.68 Explain the principle of operation of drop forging and press forging processes. 3.69 With the help of diagrams, explain the working principles of i) upsetting ii) punching iii) bending iv) drawing down

3.70 Discuss the design aspect to be considered in making forging dies. 3.71 With the help of a sketch explain The process of explosive forming. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 3.72 What are the typical tests carried out on a sheet metal to check for its formability.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

3.73 Describe the various heat treatment processes needed for forged components. 3.74 List out the various forging defects.
12 [AU, May/June 2006]

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3.75 Differentiate between open-die and closed die forging. [AU, Nov/Dec 2008,april/may-2010] 3.76 Draw and explain the various types of rolling mills. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, May/June 2006] 3.77 Describe and specify the merits and limitations of different kinds of rolling mills.
[AU, May/June 2007]

3.78 With the help of neat sketches, explain how a hexagonal nut can be manufactured from a cylindrical rod. [AU, May/June 2007] 3.79 Explain the working principle of roll die forging. [AU, April/may 2010] 3.80 What is shape rolling? Mention the products of shape rolling and explain production of any one of the product with sketches. [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] 3.81 Draw and explain the sequence of rolling operation to be performed for converting a square billet into a round bar stock.. 3.82 Write a brief note on types of rolling mills. Explain the working of a cluster type rolling mill.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

3.83 Explain ring rolling and thread rolling processes with clear diagrams. 3.84 Discuss in detail the various types of defects found in the rolled parts and ways to eliminate them. 3.85 How round section are manufactured by rolling process. Explain the various sequences of operation. [AU, May/June 2007] 3.86 Explain direct and indirect extrusion with a neat sketch. 3.87 Describe the indirect extrusion process for solid and hollow work piece and hydrostatic extrusion process. [AU, May/June 2006] 3.88 Explain wire drawing process with a neat sketch. [AU, May/June 2006] 3.89 Distinguish between wire drawing and tube drawing. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011,April/may-2010,Nov/dec2010]

3.90 Explain with neat sketches of upsetting and drawing down operations. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 3.91 Explain HERF (high energy rate forming). 3.92 Explain the production of continuous butt welded tube. 3.93 What are the forging defects? Explain any 4 defects with the help of sketches.
[AU, April /May 2011]


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UNIT IV SHEET METAL FORMING PROCESS PART - A 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 What is sheet metal work? List the various sheet metals that can be formed in press working. What are the characteristics of sheet metals? Give any ten tools used in sheet metal hand operations List the major shearing operations in sheet metal Write a note on anisotropy. Give a brief note on OBI ( open back inclined) process. State the differences between straight side press and pillar type press. Draw and mark the bending terminology.

4.10 Define the term clearance 4.11 Mention the effect of insufficient clearance 4.12 State the advantages of press working operations. 4.13 What is meant by seaming and stretching? 4.14 What is a press brake?
2009,April/may-2010] [AU, May/June 2007]

4.15 What do you mean by spring back? Name 2 methods to compact spring back. [AU, Nov/Dec 4.16 State the law of geometrical similitude. 4.17 Define the terms. i) trimming ii) lancing iii) nibbling iv) embossing
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

4.18 What do you mean by ironing? 4.19 What do you mean by minimum bend radius? 4.20 Define percentage reduction. 4.21 Write a note on normal anisotropy co-efficient. 4.22 Mention the limitations of mating die method. 4.23 List the various formability test methods. 4.24 What are the various parameters considered in the formability tests? 4.25 What is punching operation? 4.27 What is cold spinning operation? 4.29 What are the applications of forming limit diagram? 4.30 How is special forming process defined?
14 [AU, May/June 2006]

4.26 Mention the various types of tests (simulative) carried out for various cup forming process [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 4.28 What is peen forming?[AU, Nov/Dec 2009,April/may-2010,Nov/dec-2010]

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4.31 Mention the types of special forming process. 4.32 Differentiate EHF(electro hydraulic forming) from EMF (electro magnetic forming) 4.33 Define hydro forming process.
[AU, May/June 2007],

[AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

4.34 What are the advantages of hydroforming process? 4.35 State the salient features of rubber pad forming process. 4.36 State the limitations and applications of rubber pad forming process. 4.37 Define metal spinning operation? Name one component produced using this process. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 4.38 What are the applications of metal spinning? 4.39 Describe briefly power spinning process. 4.40 Define Embossing [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 4.41 What do you mean by explosive forming process? 4.42 What are the types of explosive forming? 4.43 Give the various from of explosives. 4.44 State the limitation and applications of explosive forming process. 4.45 What are the common explosive used in explosive forming process? 4.46 How is magnetic pulse created? 4.47 What is peen forming process? [AU, Nov/Dec 2010] 4.48 What are the limitations of peen forming? 4.49 Define limiting drawing ratio 4.50 Write a note on super plastic forming. 4.51 List the various metals developed for super plastic forming process. 4.52 Mention the advantages of super plastic forming process. 4.53 Define the term form-ability. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010]
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008] [AU, May/June 2006] [AU, May/June 2007]

PART B 4.54 Discuss in detail the various types of presses and explain the working principles of a fly press. 4.55 With neat sketch, explain the working of a sheet metal press. 4.56 Describe shearing operation in a sheet metal work with a neat sketch. 4.57 How can press capacity for shearing operations be determined?. 4.58 What are the functions of the following in a press tool? Stripper plate, pressure pad, knocks out, bolster plate. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 4.59 Explain the various metal forming operation performed by press with suitable examples.

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[AU, April /May 2011] 4.60 Explain U and V bending process. 4.61 Write down the step by step procedure for determining press capacity for drawing operations. 4.62 Explain the following processes rotary swaging, thread rolling, power springing, intra-forming. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 4.63 Explain any one method of stretch forming operating press capacity for drawing operations 4.64 Explain with a sketch the principles of stretch forming. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 4.65 Washers of 10mm inside dia and 20 mm outside dia are to be obtained from 1mm thick sheet metal. Sketch the tools required. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 4.66 Give a detailed note on the factors which affect formability of sheet metal. 4.67 Describe the various test methods used in sheet metal forming.
[AU, May/June 2007]

4.68 Describe in detail the various types of simulative tests conducted in cup forming operations. 4.69 Explain in detail the working principle and applications of any two special forming process.
[AU, May/June 2007]

4.70 Discuss the characteristics of metal and its importance in sheet metal forming. [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] 4.71 Give the application of hydro forming and magnetic pulse forming. [AU, April /May 2011] 4.72 Explain hydroforming process with its neat sketches. State their merits, demerits and applications. 4.73 Explain the process of EHF with a neat sketch.
[AU, May/June 2007]

4.74 Describe the rubber pad forming process with a neat sketch. How does it differ from rubber hydro forming process? 4.75 Name and describe the common bending operations.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

4.76 Discuss metal spinning with a neat sketch along with process capabilities. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 4.77 What is high energy forming and in what form is the principles applied ? sketch an example of one example. [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 4.78 What is explosive forming? Explain with sketches. 4.79 Discuss the various types of explosive forming methods. 4.80 With suitable sketches explain the process of explosive forming. [AU, April /May 2011] 4.81 What is the effect of temperature speed and microstructure on formality of sheet metal? [AU, April /May 2011] 4.82 Distinguish between confined and unconfined system in explosive forming process.
[AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

4.83 Explain the principle of magnetic pulse forming 4.84 Explain peen forming process with a neat sketch.


MAGNA COLLEGE OF ENGG / QB / ME2201 / III / ME / JUNE 2012 - NOV 2012


4.85 In what circumstances magnetic pulse forming can be employed economically.

[AU, May/June 2007]

4.86 Explain the following sheet metal operations Based on principle, operation, advantages, limitations, and applications. [AU, May/June 2007] (i) Bending (ii) Drawing and iii) Stretch forming 4.87 What is super plastic of metal? How is this process carried out on sheet metals? 4.88 Discuss the process parameters involved in peen forming and super plastic forming. 4.89 . (a) (i) Enumerate with neat sketches three phases in shearing. (Marks 8) [AU,April /May 2010] (ii) What are the various bending operations? Explain any four. (8) (b)Write short notes on (i)Hydroforming(5) (ii)Magneticpulseforming(Marks6) (iii)Superplasticforming.(Marks5) 4.90 .(a)(i)Write a note on sheet metal characteristics.(Marks6)[AU,May/june2010] (ii) Describe the shearing and bending operations with suitable examples. (Marks 10) (b) Explain the explosive and super plastic forming with neat sketches. (Marks 16)


MAGNA COLLEGE OF ENGG / QB / ME2201 / III / ME / JUNE 2012 - NOV 2012


UNIT V FORMING AND SHAPING OF PLASTICS PART A 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. Mention some example of natural organic and synthetic organic materials. Define the term polymers What do you mean by polymerization process? How is the term plastic defined? What are the materials used for the processing of plastics? Write down the classification of plastics. Give some examples of additives Mention some examples of thermosetting plastics. Plastic milk bottle is a thermosetting of thermoplastic? How could you find out?
[AU, May/June 2007] [AU, May/June 2007]

5.10. Why do cast plastic resin typically have a lustrous appearance? 5.11. List the uses of epoxy resin and silicones. 5.12. What are the characteristics of thermoplastics? 5.13. Differentiate thermosetting and thermo plastics? 5.14. Define the term synthetic resins. 5.15. What are the two types of injection moulding? 5.16. What is rotational moulding of plastics? 5.17. Give the list of products produced using blow moulding? 5.18. Name the parts made by rotational moulding. 5.19. Mention the limitation of screw type injection moulding process. 5.20. What are the commonly used polymers in blow moulding? 5.21. What is degree of polymerization [AU, May/June 2007], [AU, Nov/Dec 2011]. 5.22. State the conditions for selecting compression moulding process of plastic. 5.23. What are the types of products produced by rotional moulding? 5.24. What is film blowing? 5.25. Name any two types of thermo and thermosetting plastic. State their uses. 5.26. Briefly explain calendaring. 5.27. What is parison? 5.28. Differentiate positive type and semi-positive type moulding process.
18 [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] [AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] [AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

MAGNA COLLEGE OF ENGG / QB / ME2201 / III / ME / JUNE 2012 - NOV 2012


5.29. Define the term thermoforming. 5.30. What is prepreg ? 5.31. Name the benefit of three-dimensional fibre reinforcement. 5.32. Differentiate plastic extrusion and metal extrusion process. 5.33. What do you mean by flash over flow? 5.34. What do you mean by transfer pot? 5.35. Give a note a fusion bonding. What are its advantages? 5.36. What are the type of products that can be produced from elastomeric material using the dipping process? 5.37. Name the ways by which metal inserts are held in their position in a plastic pot. 5.38. State the benefit of rounding exterior corners. 5.39. Write a note on the features of transfer moulding process. 5.40. What mechanism creates the pressure for plastics injections moulding? [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 5.41. Differentiate plastic welding and metal welding. 5.42. Mention the stages involved in lamination process. 5.43. Define induction welding. 5.44. What do you mean by RIM? 5.45. List the advantage of cold forming of plastics. ? [AU, May/Jun 2007] 5.46. Plastic strips are to be converted into 3D objects. Suggest one process and explain. ? [AU, Apr/may 2010] 5.47. . Describe briefly the principle of film blowing. [AU, Apr/may 2010] 5.48.

Write a note on Thermoplastics. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010]

5.49. . List the application of transfer molding. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010]

Part - B 5.50. Discuss in detail the various types of thermosetting resins and thermo plastics. 5.51. Which process is suitable for processing thermosetting plastics? State the reasons.
[AU, May/June 2007]

5.52. Compare and contrast thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. 5.53. With a neat sketch explain the process of plastic injection moulding. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009]
[AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 19

MAGNA COLLEGE OF ENGG / QB / ME2201 / III / ME / JUNE 2012 - NOV 2012


5.54. Give the sequence of operations in transfer moulding for thermosetting process.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008]

5.55. Describe in detail the various characteristics features of the different types of forming and shaping processes. 5.56. Describe the Thermoforming process. 5.57. Discuss the working principle of injection moulding with a neat sketch.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2008] [AU, May/June 2007]

5.58. With neat sketch explain the working principle of screw type injection moulding machine.
[AU, May/June 2007] [AU, Nov/Dec 2011]

5.59. Explain the principle of operation of blow moulding process with a simple sketch. 5.60. Illustrate with suitable sketch, the blow moulding process for producing plastics beverage bottles. [AU, Nov/Dec 2008] 5.61. Describe the step by step procedure involved in rotational moulding. 5.62. Explain the method used for producing thin tubular film. 5.63. With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a screw type extrusion machine. 5.64. Describe in detail about the vaccum forming process. 5.65. For manufacturing the following components suggest a suitable methods. Justify your selection. i) Electrical Switches ii) T.V. Cabinets and iii) Ball Pen Cap.
[AU, May/June 2007]

5.66. Discuss the advantages and applications of compression and transfer moulding.
[AU, May/June 2007]

5.67. Describe the compression moulding process. 5.68. Explain the various types involved in compression moulding.

[AU, May/June 2006]

5.69. Explain the transfer moulding process. [AU, May/June 2006] [AU, April /May 2011] 5.70. Discuss the process parameters of compression and transfer moulding operation. 5.71. With a simple sketch, explain the lamination process. 5.72. What is plastic bonding? Explain bonding of plastic with reference to fusion and solvent methods. 5.73. Explain the factors that affect the strength of reinforced plastic in its application. 5.74. Discuss the low pressure and high pressure process of forming laminated plastic. What are the advantages of laminated plastic over reinforced plastics? 5.75. Diagrammatically explain how the four different hot tool welding processes are used to join the plastics 5.76. How are pet bottles produced?
20 [AU, April /May 2011]

MAGNA COLLEGE OF ENGG / QB / ME2201 / III / ME / JUNE 2012 - NOV 2012


5.77. What are the considerations in design of plastic molded parts. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] 5.78. Write a brief note on maching of plastics.
[AU, Nov/Dec 2009]

5.79. Explain ultrasonic and induction methods with clear sketches. 5.80. Name the properties of plastic which have made them popular engineering materials. Give few appilication. [AU, Nov/Dec 2009] [AU, Nov/Dec 2011] 5.81. Why is screw injection moulding machine better than a ram type injection moulding machine?[AU, Nov/Dec 2011] [AU, April /May 2011] 5.82. List the parameters considered while design of injection molded parts. Explain the significance of any 4 parameters. [AU, April /May 2011] 5.83. . (a) (i) Enumerate with a neat sketch working principle of reciprocating screw injection molding machine. [AU, April /May 2010] (ii) Explain the working principle of transfer molding process. State its advantages and limitations. [AU, April /May 2010] 5.84. (i) Describe with neat sketches various steps involved in rotational molding. State its applications. [AU, April /May 2010] (ii) What are the methods of bonding thermoplastics? Explain any one method.

5.85.Explain the application of injection molding. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010] 5.86. Write down the characteristics of shaping processes for plastics. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010] 5.87. Describe the working principle of film blowing and Thermoforming. [AU, Nov/Dec 2010]




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