Feminism - Geetha P
Feminism - Geetha P
Feminism - Geetha P
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The Dark Holds No Terror narrates the story of a marriage on the rocks. The protagonist Saritha is a successful lady doctor. The discord and the disillusionment of the educated woman in a tradition bound Indian Society is the theme of the novel. There is the ultimate realization at the end after a stretched mental predicament and a long drawn introspection. Womens quest for self exploration is the principal theme of this novel. In an interview, the author reveals that all her characters are concerned with their selves and they learn to be honest to themselves. The novels of Shashi Deshpande are about womens self quest and struggle to free themselves from the restrictions imposed by society, culture and nature. It is a story about a doctor who is disappointed as a daughter as the rapport between her and her mother is little bit strained. She is unable to identify herself as a beloved daughter to her mother and when she grows up she is unable to be attractive enough to be a beautiful young maiden having rapturous power. And so she realizes that what she is as a girl is not what that makes her. She understands that what she is to become is going to give her the identity that she is searching for. She realizes that becoming is productivity which means making life feasible and pleasant, and comfortable for others, and so she selects the avenue of medicine. She is a child with a lot if curiosity which is reflected in her playfulness, visiting friends and out door games. This is very obvious when she roams around the mango groove.
Shashi Despande is one of the living energetic women writers in Indian English literature and she published many novels and collections of short stories. Some of them are,That long Silence(1988), If I Die Today(1982), Come up and Be Dead(1983), Roots and Shadows(1983), The Dark Holds No Terror(1981), The Binding Vine(1992), The Intrusion and Other Stories(1993), A Matter of Time and The Narayanpur Incident(1982). The Project is a brief study of the selected novel The Dark Holds No Terror. It deals with the problems of a career woman and her martial constraints. This paper deals with The Dark Holds No Terror which is reflective of the feminist aspirations. The discord and the disillusionment of the educated woman in a tradition bound Indian Society is the theme of the novel. There is the ultimate realization at the end after a stretched mental predicament and a long drawn introspection. Womens quest for self exploration is the principal theme of this novel. In an interview,
Geetha P
the author reveals that all her characters are concerned with their selves and they learn to be honest to themselves.
The remark of Atrey and Kripal are noticeable: unable to assert his manliness over her (Saru) like a traditional male (that is in economic terms). He resorts to sexual molestation of her nightly while playing the loving husband during the day. His purpose, though repressed in the subconscious is to punish her for taking on the male role and to assert his superiority and power through physical violence. Manus ego is hurt by her success, he feels inferior and this sense of inferiority makes him brutal in his behaviour. Though he is normal by day, he turns as brutal treacherous rapist at night and tries to assort his masculinity through sexual assaults upon Saru. Her dream of findings in marriage is soon shattered. Saru understands that integration alone would make her whole again and confrontation of the disintegration elements would never make that possible. Saru desires to liberate herself from the shadier of tradition and exercise her right to reveal her individual capabilities and realize her feminine self through identity-assertion and self-affirmation. In the words of S.P. Swain: Sarus Journeyis a journey from self alienates to self identification, from negative to asserting, from diffidence to confidence. She learns to trust her feminine self (Swain:39).
The novelist tries to convey the society that need of the compromise as a survival strategy in this transitional phase, is not a total revolt but a gradual change in the society for which everyone has to put some effort to bridge the gap between sadness and happiness, gap between the old and the new generation. The intelligent and educated protagonist soon begins to feel restricted in the traditional claustrophobic existence. In this regard Deshpande once remarked, It is necessary for women to live within relationships. But if the rules are rigidly laid that as a wife or mother you do this and no further, then one becomes unhappy (Vishwanatha 236). REFERENCES 1. Atrey, Mukta and Viney Kirpal. Shashi Deshpande: A Feminist Study of Her Fiction. Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2011. 2. Baral Kailash, 2005, The Body in Shashi Deshpandes The Holds No Terrors, ed. Chanchala K. Naik, Writing 3. Difference: The Novels of Shashi Deshpande, New Delhi: Pencraft International. 4. Deshpande Shashi, 1980, The Dark Holds No Terrors, New Delhi:Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Geetha P
5. Swain, S.P., The Dark Holds No Terror: A Feminist Study, The Fiction of Shashi Deshpande, ed. R.S. Pathak, New Delhi, Creative, 1998, p.95. 6. Sattar, Arshia. Backlash and Upsurge: The Feminist Multitude, The Hindu C16 May 1993), XIII. 7. Roa, Valli. The Devi Entered into her: Feminist Myth making in Shashi Deshpandes The Dark Holds No Terror: New Literatures. Review No.28-29, Winter-Summer 1994-95, p.107. 8. Vishwanatha, Vanamala. A. Womans World (). All the Way!(Interview). The fiction of Sashi Deshpande.Ed. R.S.Pathak. New Delhi: Prestige Books,1998.