Batching Plant Operations

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eBatching plant operationadymix Concrete batching plant operations

Delivery and Supply Hanlon Concrete manufacture and supply ready mixed concrete and cement products for Ireland's commercial and large-scale industrial construction customers, as well as providing a prompt Readymix delivery service for the smaller domestic home build customer and small and medium scale builders in Ireland. Our large fleet of Ready mix cement mixers, artic's and cement trucks ensures we can respond and deliver the required volume of Readymix regardless of the quantity required. Our concrete delivery schedule means our extensive fleet of 6.5 cube bottles can be deployed to deliver for example a 2500 square metre house with the 25-30 cubic meters of readymix concrete foundation required in succession and on schedule for the construction work. Comparatively with the introduction of one of our artic trucks into the delivery schedule, with a capacity of 11 cubic meters of Ready Mix, we can deploy our combined fleet of 6.5 cube bottles and 11 cubes in a truck, ensuring supply of Readymix foundation on an industrial scale, capable of providing concrete for the largest of commercial construction jobs. Our ready mix cement delivery locations cover deliveries to counties; Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow, Meath, Westmeath, Offaly, Laois and Carlow in the Leinster region of Ireland. Aggregate bins We have four number aggregate bins each holding 75 tons of material This allows us to tip the aggregate material into the bins with a dump truck directly from the pit thus doing away with having a man tied up on a loading shovel all day. Aggregate weigh hopper The capacity of this hopper is 13000kgs. It has four number load cells for accurately recording the correct weight. Aggregate Holding hopper This has a holding capacity of 8000kgs and has a butterfly valve at bottom of hopper which is directly over the mixer. Pan Mixer This is a Teka 4500 with an maximum output of 3meters cubed of ready-mix per batch.

It has two number discharge doors which means that two lorries can be underneath at the one time so that when one is loaded it will automatically proceed to load the second lorry once his mix type has been entered into the batching loading sequence in the computer. Cement Silos Cement Silo 1: This is a twin outlet single split silo with an overall capacity of 180 tons of cement. The two cement screws feed up to a cement weigh hopper in the batching tower. Cement Silo 2: This is a single silo with a capacity of 120 tons. This can give us the option of being able to use other cementitious products (eg GGBF (Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Flag). This will allow us to be able to deliver for special design specification work which the N.R.A. sometimes request or on special construction projects where it can be required. Cement weigh hopper This is positioned directly over the pan mixer and has three number load cells for accurate recording of correct weights. Admixtures We have a three compartment weighing vessel which caters for six different admixtures of our choice which again are in close proximity to the pan mixer and which is plumbed into the water discharge pipe to the mixer. Cement weigh hopper This is positioned directly over the pan mixer and has three number load cells for accurate recording of correct weights. Admixtures We have a three compartment weighing vessel which caters for six different admixtures of our choice which again are in close proximity to the pan mixer and which is plumbed into the water discharge pipe to the mixer. To view our Readymix Concrete Technical Data Sheet click here.

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Ready-mix is the most commonly used product in the construction industry. It can be used for many projects and can be delivered to sites ready for immediate placement. Concrete strength is measured in newtons. It can be got in varying characteristic strength ranging from 10n to 60n Water cement ratio has a major part to play in

determining the strength of your mix and can be explained as follows. Concrete has three main ingredients which are cement, aggregate and water. Cement and water paste together is a suspension of cement particles in water. The more therefore you dilute the paste [ie the higher the water/cement ratio] the greater will be the distance between the individual particles in suspension and following on from that the more porous the hardened paste when excess water has evaporated. From this then derives the fact that the quantity and the quality of the paste to a very large degree governs the fresh and hardened properties of concrete and ultimately the strength of a given mix. In summary the most significant factors in concrete are: Unit water content Unit Cement content Unit Water cement ratio Unit Aggregate properties Workability of fresh concrete Admixture Unit Water The unit water of the mix determines the strength obtained for a given cement content and for a given aggregate content and all together this is called a mix-design. Water determines the consistency of the overall mix. It is the ingredient which decides the drying and shrinkage of a given mix although other factors ultimately also have a bearing on this as they are also water related. Aggregate Properties The grading of aggregates influence the amount of paste necessary to fill the voids between the aggregate particles. Good consistent gradation in the aggregates is recommended for consistent quality and workability. This is best achieved by varying the percentage of sand in the total aggregates per meter cubed. A good mix design will have the lowest sand percentage for the necessary workability and placement of the concrete. This will result in the minimum water requirement and therefore the maximum strength due to the fact that the largest amount of course aggregates is used.

The shape of the aggregate also influences the properties of the mix. Angular course aggregate require a higher percentage of sand [and then more water] then do rounded aggregate in concrete of equal workability but having said that proper consistent graded washed sand is far more important then aggregate for water requirement and workability. Cement content The strength of concrete increases with increasing the cement for a fixed water content, But also a stiff lean-mix can have a higher strength then a standard wet mix if the water content of the lean-mix is low enough to give a lower water cement ratio then the wet mix. Water cement ratio This is best expressed as previously explained earlier. Cement/water paste is a suspension of cement particles in water. The more water you apply to a given cement content the more voids appear in the suspension particles and the more porous it becomes on maturity. Workability of fresh concrete The workability of a concrete mix is closely aligned to the requirements necessary to place the concrete. The workability should always be kept to the minimum necessary to place the concrete. This has to be balanced of course against the proper workability to place the concrete and to get the proper compaction necessary for a proper finish and for durability. Workability can be measured by taking a slump test of the actual concrete prior to placing. Admixtures Can and are used to improve certain qualities in concrete mixes. The common ones used are: Plasticiser Retarder

Air entraining agent Plasticiser Reduces water requirement and improves workability. It can act as a retarder and may effect strength in the early hours of development but will compliment the final compressive 28day strength. Retarders This admixture retards the setting time of ready-mix concrete and may also lead to low early strengths. Air entraining agent Entrained air in ready-mix reduces the water requirement and improves the cohesiveness and workability of the fresh concrete. It also improves resistance to frost and general durability of hardened concrete. It is recommended for all concrete which will be exposed to destructive weather elements on a regular basis. Readymix ConcreteLowtown, Robertstown, Naas, Co Kildare, Ireland. Tel. 045 860149 Fax. 045 870111 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Guide to the testing of workability of concrete This is done by means of a slump test and will only be representative of the actual load of concrete you are placing. The tools/equipment you will require is as follows; small scoop, sample extraction scoop, cloth, slump rod, bucket or wheelbarrow, base plate, slump cone and steel rule. Steps for taking slump test Get sample from the first 3meters cubed of concrete making sure it is representative of the width and depth of the discharged concrete. Remix the sample taken on a pre arranged clean area away from any contamination. Do this with a shovel for about 5 minutes. Set cone up sitting on base plate on level surface. Note that it is very important that the base plate is level to have an accurate result. Stand on foot grip of cone to keep it steady both for pouring and for preparation for lifting when finished. Fill the cone in three equals layers. Rod each layer twenty five times spreading the blows evenly over the area ensuring that you

only rod the layer below. Use only the standard recommended rod. Heap up the concrete above the top of the cone before commencing to rod the third and final layer. Clean the spillage from the side of the cone and from around the base plate making sure that the concrete at the top of the cone is finished nice and flush. Having been standing on the foot grip of cone all this time keeping it steady release your feet away but make sure you apply downward pressure with your hands on cone until feet are fully clear. Carefully lift the cone straight up and clear slowly but not too slow. Guide time of between 5 to 10 seconds. Place cone upside down beside concrete ensuring it is on base plate. Place slump rod across top of cone and over concrete. Measure the distance from the underside of the rod to the highest point of the concrete and this will give you your true slump. Record the result. If the result is not true take another sample. If it again is not true get advice from your senior advisor BATCHING PLANT
When bagged cement is used, the field mix proportions are usually given in terms of designated amounts of fine and coarse aggregate per bag (or per 94 pounds) of cement. The amount of material that is mixed at a time is called a batch. The size of a batch is usualy designated by the number of bags of cement it contains, such as a four-bag batch, a six-bag batch, and so forth. The process of weighing out or measuring out the ingredients for a batch of concrete is called batching. When mixing is to be done by hand, the size of the batch depends upon the number of persons available to turn it with hand tools. When mixing is to be done by machine, the size of the batch depends upon the rated capacity of the mixer. The rated capacity of a mixer is given in terms of cubic feet of mixed concrete, not of dry ingredients. On large jobs, the aggregate is weighed out in an aggregate batch ing plant (usually shortened to "batch plant"), like the one shown in figure 6-5. Whenever possible, a batch plant is located near to and used in conjunction with a crushing and screening plant. In a crushing and screening plant, stone is crushed into various particle sizes, which are then screened into separate piles. In a screening plant, the aggregate in its natural state is screened by sizes into separate piles. The batch plant, which is usually portable and can be taken apart and moved from site to site, is generally set up adjacent to the pile of screened aggregate. The plant may include separate hoppers for several sizes of fine and coarse aggregates, or only one hopper for fine aggregate and another for coarse aggregate. It may have one or more divided hoppers, each containing two or more separate compartments for different sizes of aggregates. Each storage hopper or storage hopper compartment can be discharged into a weigh box, which can, in turn, be

discharged into a mixer or a batch truck. When a specific weight of aggregate is called for, the operator sets the weight on a beam scale. The operator then opens the discharge chute on the storage hopper. When the desired weight is reached in the weigh box, the scale beam rises and the operator closes the storage hopper discharge chute. The operator then opens the weigh box discharge chute, and the aggregate discharges into the mixer or batch truck. Batch plant aggregate storage hoppers are usually loaded with clamshell- equipped cranes. The following guidelines apply to the operation of batch plants:

All personnel working in the batch plant area should wear hard hats at all times. While persons are working in conveyor line areas, the switches and controls should be secured and tagged so that no one can engage them until all personnel are clear. When hoppers are being loaded, personnel should stay away from the area of falling aggregate. The scale operator should be the only person on the scale platform during batching operations. Housekeeping of the charging area is important. Personnel should do everything possible to keep the area clean and free of spoiled material or overflow. Debris in aggregate causes much of the damage to conveyors. Keep the material clean at all times.

Mfg. of : Solar Cooker, Water Heating System, Porabolic Solar Cooker, Steam Generator, Solar Lights & Solar / Wind Powder

Concrete Batching Plant

MAIN FEATURES OF THE PLANTS Compact design giving fast & easy transportability LOW space requirement Large active aggregates stock Exact batching of aggregates & cement & water & admixture. Short mixing cycles resulting in large hourly outputs of quantity concrete Low power consumption & low wear rate CONTROLLED AND GUARANTEED CONCRETE Provide high-quality concrete manufacturing capabilities. The computerized control system supervises concrete formulation, guaranteeing compliance with the set of quantities & composition of the mix. The computerized system has a series of indispensable functions to guarantee high component batching precision, including automatic drop control & compensation, fine batching control of aggregate & automatic control of the moisture content of the sand with automatic water & sand adjustment. (optional). CONTROL PANELS All our plants can be fitted with various types of control panels to enable a vast range of configurations for The Batching Control System : Schematic

management & control according to construction site requirements, from single control panels with control for manual / automatic operation to the multifunction panel with microprocessor control enabling management of upto 6 aggregate types, 1 water, 2 cement types, 2 additives, 1 ice. Hygrometer for measurement of moisture level in sand & automatic water & sand adjustment. All Feaster India Control Systems guarantee accurate batching in quantities as required. Microprocessor controlled panels can also be fitted with a printer to check components in each cycle, or can be connected to remote PC for plant & material management. Specifications At A Glance Fi 15 Compacted fresh concrete output at 30 sec. mixing time without printer operation - continuous production max. Mixer - dry filling Mixer - output per batch compacted concrete Discharge height under mixer discharge chute Number of aggregate compartments Aggregate storage volume in row type silo Weighing range of aggregate weigher Cements screw conveyor batching capacity at 36 D inclination - for standard cement approx. Weighing range of cement weigher Weighing range of water weigher Electric power of for basic machine with cement screw conveyor Operating voltage and frequency (standard) Batching Control System 15 m /h 375 L 250 L 4.0 m 4-6 60 -135 m 600 kg 12.5 to/h 150 kg 75 kg 20.5 kW 400 5%, 50Hz Fi 30 30 m /h 750 L 500 L 4.0 m 4-6 60 -135 m 1200 kg 1-4 12.5 to/h 300 kg 150 kg 51 kW 400 5%, 50Hz

Number of cement screw conveyors to be connected directly to machine 1-4

Batching Control System

Mfg. of : Solar Cooker, Water Heating System, Porabolic Solar Cooker, Steam Generator, Solar Lights & Solar / Wind Powder 1. Batching 2. Mixing

3. Controlling 4. Weighing With new batching control system developed by Feaster India, you can easily change your recipes as often as desired & save your valuable time with every new batching process. The complete assemble group in housed in a handy switch box for quick & uncomplicated installation. The Feaster India batching control system can thus be integrated in existing systems without any problems. 18 years' experience with batching control & metering systems for the concrete industry. SALIENT FEATURES : -Software Calibration : This makes calibration of the system very easy. No hardware error, no human error gives better accuracy. The accuracy of calibration remains same over a period of time. -Tare Facility :- By this we can tare the weight of hoppers & other fittings. -In flight Compensation :- This avoids excess filling of the material due to delay in the operation of relay, contractor, controlling device & material in air. The control is switched off internally (output relay changeover) at set value minus in fight compensation value. -Zero Interlocking :- The next batch does not start till scale comes to Zero. -Zero Tolerance :- This value is fed to ignore very small percentage of material which sticks to the wall of the hopper. -Load Cells :- We use 'S' Type (Tension Type) 'Sensortronics' make. Load cell model 60001. -Calibration, receipt feeding & parameters feeding by system keypad. -All scales are calibrated through software. -Failure proof operation in highly noisy environment. -Tare facility in manual Mode. -LED Indication for individual output. -LED Indication for system & keyboard status. -Date & Time setting through keyboard. -Programmable cycle up count. -256 K.B. non volatile memory. -Excellent noise immunity against RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) & EMF (Electro Magnetic Interference) -Highly stable load excitation 0.1+/-Analog Signal Input range 0.6mv/V. to 3.9mv/V -Analog Signal Sensitivity 0.3 Micro Volt per graduation. -16 Load Cells input channel. -8 Digital input channels. -8 potential free input channels. -Date & Time display. -Advance Self test on start up. -High accuracy Conversion. -100 Mix designs. -User friendly keyboard with back-light LCD display.

-Real time printing of batch & material usage report. -Configurable Ingredient setup. -Moisture Compensation for Agg. & water (Operational) -Maximum 32 relay output. -Serial output ports : a) Connectivity b) Computer Connectivity (Optional) -One parallel port for printing -Digital filtering -Full Scale conversion - i.e. 48 Conversions per second. -Visual Indication of Individual Scales 1/2" bright 6 segment displays. -Resolution 64,000 Graduations. -Display Increments 1,2 or 5. -Programmable sand placement for Moisture -Programmable Print Registration time. -Standard range software stability. -Polarity Indication minus sign. -High-speed computer connectivity with error correction protocol. -Suitable for any capacity & any type batching plant.

The Batching Control System : Schematic

Concrete Batching Plant

BATCHINGWhen bagged cement is used, the field mixproportions are usually given in terms of designatedamounts of fine and coarse aggregate per bag (or per94 pounds) of cement. The amount of material that ismixed at a time is called a batch. The size of a batchis usual] y designated by the number of bags ofcement it contains, such as a four-bag batch, a sixbagbatch, and so forth.The process of weighing out or measuring out theingredients for a batch of concrete is called batching.When mixing is to be done by hand, the size of thebatch depends upon the number of persons

availableto turn it with hand tools. When mixing is to be doneby machine, the size of the batch depends upon therated capacity of the mixer. The rated capacity of amixer is given in terms of cubic feet of mixedconcrete, not of dry ingredients.On large jobs, the aggregate is weighed outin an aggregate batching plant (usually shortenedto batch plant), like the one shown in figure6-5. Whenever possible, a batch plant is located nearto and used in conjunction with a crushing andscreening plant. In a crushing and screening29.153Figure 6-5.Aggregate batching plantplant, stone is crushed into various particle sizes,which are then screened into separate piles. In ascreening plant, the aggregate in its natural state isscreened by sizes into separate piles.The batch plant, which is usually portable and canbe taken apart and moved from site to site, isgenerally set up adjacent to the pile of screenedaggregate. The plant may include separate hoppersfor several sizes of fine and coarse aggregates, or onlyone hopper for fine aggregate and another for coarseaggregate. It may have one or more divided hoppers,each containing two or more separate compartmentsfor different sizes of aggregates.Eachstoragehopperorstoragehoppercompartment can be discharged into a weigh box,which can, in turn, be discharged into a mixer or abatch truck. When a specific weight of aggregate iscalled for, the operator sets the weight on a beamscale. The operator then opens the discharge chute onthe storage hopper. When the desired weight isreached in the weigh box, the scale beam rises andthe operator closes the storage hopper dischargechute. The operator then opens the weigh boxdischarge chute, and the aggregate discharges intothe mixer or batch truck. Batch plant aggregatestorage hoppers are usually loaded with clamshell-equipped cranes.The following guidelines apply to the operation ofbatch plants:All personnel working in the batch plant areashould wear hard hats at all times. While persons are working in conveyor lineareas, the switches and controls should besecured and tagged so that no one can engagethem until all personnel are clear. When hoppers are being loaded, personnelshould stay away from the area of fallingaggregate. The scale operator should be the only person onthe scale platform during batching operations. Housekeeping of the charging area isimportant. Personnel should do everythingpossible to keep the area clean and free ofspoiled material or overflow. Debris in aggregate causes much of the damageto conveyors. Keep the material clean at alltimes.6-13

Ready-mix concrete is a type of concrete that is manufactured in a factory or batching plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a work site, by truck mounted transit mixers . This results in a precise mixture, allowing specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites. The first ready-mix factory was built in the 1930s, but the industry did not begin to expand significantly until the 1960s, and it has continued to grow since then. Ready-mix concrete is sometimes preferred over on-site concrete mixing because of the precision of the mixture and reduced work site confusion. However, using a pre-determined concrete mixture reduces flexibility, both in the supply chain and in the actual components of the concrete. The leading ready-mix concrete supplier worldwide is the Mexican concrete company Cemex; its main competitor is France-based Lafarge and the leading ready-mix concrete supplier in Middle East is the Unibeton Ready Mix. Ready Mixed Concrete is also referred as the customized concrete products for commercial purpose. the Ready-mix Concrete Company offer different concrete according to user's mix design or industrial standard. The Ready mixed concrete company is required to equip themselves with up-to-date equipments, such as transit mixer, concrete pump, and Concrete Batching Plant, which needs visualized production management software and also PLC controller. Ready Mixed Concrete, or RMC as it is popularly called, refers to concrete that is specifically manufactured for delivery to the customer's construction site in a freshly mixed and plastic or unhardened state. Concrete itself is a mixture of Portland cement, water and aggregates comprising sand and gravel or crushed stone. In traditional work sites, each of these materials is procured separately and mixed in specified proportions at site to make concrete. Ready Mixed Concrete is bought and sold by volume - usually expressed in cubic meters. RMC can be custommade to suit different applications. Ready Mixed Concrete is manufactured under computer-controlled operations and transported and placed at site using sophisticated equipment and methods. RMC assures its customers numerous benefits. [edit]Advantages

of Ready mix Concrete over Site mix Concrete

A centralised concrete batching plant can serve a wide area.

The plants are located in areas zoned for industrial use, and yet the delivery trucks can service residential districts or inner cities. Better quality concrete is produced. Elimination of storage space for basic materials at site. Elimination of procurement / hiring of plant and machinery Wastage of basic materials is avoided. Labor associated with production of concrete is eliminated. Time required is greatly reduced. Noise and dust pollution at site is reduced. Reduce cost.


of Ready-Mix Concrete

The materials are batched at a central plant, and the mixing begins at that plant, so the traveling time from the plant to the site is critical over longer distances. Some sites are just too far away, though this is usually a commercial rather than technical issue. Generation of additional road traffic; furthermore, access roads, and site access have to be able to carry the weight of the truck and load. Concrete is approx. 2.5tonne per m. This problem can be overcome by utilizing so-called 'minimix' companies, using smaller 4m capacity mixers able to access more restricted sites. Concrete's limited timespan between mixing and going-off means that readymix should be placed within 120 minutes of batching at the plant. Modern additives modify precisely that timespan however, the amount of additive added to the mix is very important.

Batching Plants

Mohan Engineering Corporation, is a Ghaziabad based reputed company, engaged in Manufacturing of Construction Machinery & Earth Moving Equipments since 1992.

Concrete Batching & Mixing Plant

Specification Concrete Batching & Mixing Plant Model RD

Technical Data Model Akona Rd-20 20 Model Akona Rd-30 30 Model Akona Rd40 40

Capacity Hours)

(M3 /

Geometrical Volume (M3) Nominal Capacity (M3) % of filling Batches / Hour Height from G.L. Capacity / Day(8 HRS.) Boom Scraper Power Consumption



0.666 35% 40 Pump Discharge 120 In Built Akona Rd20

1 35% 40 Discharge In TM 160 In Built Akona Rd20

1.3 35% 40 Discharge In TM 240 In Built Akona Rd20

Accreditation - Batching P

Guidelines for the Accreditation of Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plants 1. SCOPE This document prescribes the rules and regulations on the Accreditation of Asphalt and Portland Cem shall assess the plant for conformance to this guidelines and monitor the operation to ensure their c This guidelines cover stationary or portable Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plants w concrete mixes to DPWH projects.

2. DEFINITION For purposes of this Guidelines, the following definitions shall apply: 2.1 Accreditation - The procedure by which the DPWH gives formal recognition, under duly es asphalt cement concrete batching plant or a Portland cement concrete batching plant and 2.2 Asphalt Concrete Batching Plant - an assembly of mechanical and electronic equipment w heated and mixed with asphalt cement to produce hot mix asphalt and/or asphalt cement 2.3 Portland Cement Concrete Batching Plant - an assembly of mechanical and electronic equ admixtures (if necessary) are accurately measured and weighed to produce concrete mix 2.4 Stationary Plant - a plant that is located at a permanent site. 2.5 Portable Plant - a plant that can transferred from one jobsite to another. 2.6 Inspection/Assessment - evaluation of facilities, capabilities and its conformity by measur finished product in accordance with the prescribed standards. 2.7 Certificate of Accreditation - document signed by the Director of the BRS issued to an acc DPWH projects.


AUTHORITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BRS 3.1 Promulgate, consistent with the Department Order, guidelines and procedures for the acc 3.2 Conduct inspection/assessment of Asphalt and Portland cement concrete batching plants 3.3 Issue a Certificate of Accreditation to applicants who meet the requirements for accredita 3.4 Monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of these guidelines through regular and 3.5 Revoke the Certificate of Accreditation for non-compliance with its terms and conditions.


The applicant shall file a duly accomplished application for accreditation, BRS Form No. 2 information and payment of non-refundable accreditation fee based on the rated capacity

4.1.1 For Asphalt Cement Concrete Batching Plant Category Rated Capacity Accreditation Fee (Tons/hour) (Php) Small Below 50 3,000.00 Medium 50 to below 100 4,500.00

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