I Ata Tatii O : EN E Xeimappintnn
I Ata Tatii O : EN E Xeimappintnn
I Ata Tatii O : EN E Xeimappintnn
't~ YECUYPO:CPlK~ 1tEplcpEpElO: dXE eEOEl E1tl O:lC0VO:<; 'tac; which this sroan but glorious geographical area had for
l3aoElC; 1lL<:XC;
1tpo'tU1tOU KOlVCUVlO:C; K0:1 ElXEV O:1tO~ft 0:- centuries based the foundations ofa model society that.
'TtOpeY')'tov 1tP01tUpyLOV 'toO 'EAAY')VlOlloO. had become an unconquerable citadel of Hellenism.
9 10
Article Nol.12.
.,Ap9pov 120v.
'0 r pa~~a'tEu<; dval 6 KUPLO<;~0T\9o<; 'toO npoe.- The Secretary is the main assistant to the President.
&pou. K6pLOVKa9iiK6v 'toU dval vO: Kpa'tfi KaVOVlK&<; His main' duty is to keep in order the books of thb'Or-
'to: ~lthAlc( 'toO ~UAA6you. NO: &la'tT\pfl 'taK'tlK&<; 'to: ganization: To keep regularly the minutes of the meet-
'ltpaK'tlKO: 't&V auvE&pLCxaE(,)v.NO: auV'taaan &lO:AO- '1 ings: To carry on ~e correspondence.on behalf of the
yaplaa~ov 'toO npoe.&pou 'to: &lacpopa i!yypacpa 'toO President: Toco-sign the correspondencewith.the Presi.
~uAA6you. NO: 'to: auvu'ltoypacpn ~E'tO: 'toG np~~&pou
o'tav 'toO'to dVal EcplK't6v. NO: Kpa'tfi KavOVlKT}V. Ka-
, dent when this is possible: To keep an orderly list of
the meinl?ers,of their addresess-and telephone numbers:
'texa'taOlv 't&v ~EA&V ~E'tO:'t&v &lEu96vaE(,)V Kat 1:T\AE-
On the advice of the President to call regular or special
Cp(,)VlK&Vo:ple~&V 't(,)V. NO: KaAfI, EV'tOAfi'toO npoe.-
&pou, 'taK'tlKO:<; fl EK'taK'tou<; auvE&plCxaEl<;.
meetings of the Organ~ation.
Article No. 13.
.,Apepov 130v.
'0 Ta~(a<; 'toO~uAA6you U'ltOXp~oO'tal vO: KPa'tfi The Treasurer of :the Organization has the duty to
KavovlKT}VKa'taO'taalv 't&v OtKOVO~lK&V'toO ~UAA6. ~ .a regular picture of the financial situation of the
you. Eta'ltpCx't'tEl 'to:<; auvf>po~o:<; 't&v ~EA&V Kae~<; Society. He collects the dues of the members, as well as,
Kat 'to:<; EK'tCxK'tOU<; Kat O:AAa<;Etacpopo:<; 't(,)V &(&(,)V any special or other contributions, giving alwa ys
mXV'to'tE KavoVlKO:<;O:'ltO&dE.El<; d<; 'tou<; 'ltAT\pcbvoV'ta<;
receipts to those who pay, and depositing ~thout any
Kat Kd'raeE't(,)V X(,)pt<; Kaeua'tEpT\OlV 'to:<; YEvo~e.va<;
delay the collected amounts to the special account of the
da'ltpCxE,El<;Et<;'tOY Et&lKOV'ltapo: T pa'lte.l;n Aoyapla-
Organization ~t the designated: bank.
a~ov 'toO ~UAA6you. Kpa'tEl O:'ltO&ElE.El<; 'ltAT\P(,)~ii<;
&lO:'ltCXVEE.O&OV 'toO ~UAA6you Kat &lO:'ltcxaav 'ltAT\P(,)- He keeps receipts in evidence for any disbursement~
~T}V&lO: Aoyapla~ov 'toO ~UAA6you. or expense on the part of the Organization.
.,Apepov 140v. ArtiCleNo. 14.
'0 npOE&pO<; EXEl EE.oUO(av dvEU EYKp(aE(,)<; 'toO
The President has the .authority to make justified
~U~thOUA(OU vo: 'ltpotha(vn d<; &Ef>lKalOAoYT\~Eva<; f>a-
'ltava<; &lO: Aoyaplaa~ov 'toO ~uMoyou ~e.Xpl 'toO 'lt0- expenses up to.fifty dollar~ ($50.00) without a previous
aoO 't&v 50.00 &oAAap(,)v. ~lO: 'ltcxaav &CX'ltCxvT\v U'ltEp- approval of the Board. For any expense above the
tha(vouaav 'to: 'ltEV't~Kov'ta f>oAAapla O:'It<Xl'tEl'tal gy.. amount of $50.00 an authorization by theadministra.-
KplOl<; 'toO ~lOlKT\'tlKOO ~U~thOUA(OU Aa~thavo~EVT\ EV tive board is required. A majority of the board members
'ltAEl°'l'T\CP(~' is sufficient for such authorization. .
Article No. 15.
"Ap9pov 150v. BANK DEPOSITS
All the money belonging to the Organization is held
To ~i.<;XP~I-la 'rat-L~lov 'roO LUAAOYOUKpa'rEl'ral Ei.<; in an account with a local bank and any payment from
T pa'ltE~lKOV Aoyaplaat-L0v 'ltapo: I-ll~ T pa'lt€~n 'r~<; this .amount is made by the signature of 'at least two (2)
'ltOAE(,)<;Kat ~ EK 'roO Aoyaplaal-l00 al>'rOO 'ltA'lP(,)I-l'l of the first three of the executive officials, 1!hatis, the
YlVE'ral l:)l0:'r&V u'ltoypacp&v 5uo 'rOUAeXxl<J'rOV EK 'r&V President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
'rPl&V 'Tl"pcb'r(')v&l;l(,)I-la'rOUX(')V,i1'rOl 'roO npo€5pou,
'roO r pat-LI-la'r€(')<;Kat 'roO T at-LlOU.
Article No. 16.
"Ap9pov 160v.
npo 'r(;)v EKAOY&V'ltpo<; eXvCx5Ell;lV V€OU.6.l0lK'l'rlKOO Before the election of a new Board of Officers, the
LUt-L~OUAlOU,'rO &'ltOX(,)poOv LUI-l~OUALOV Aoy050'r~l retiring hoard gives an account for the financial manage-
5lO: 'ri)v 5laXElpla'rlKi)v 'It~pl050v 'r~<; 9'l'rda<; 'rou. ment of its term. To this end an auditing committee is
npo<; 'r00'r0 5LOpl~E'ral 'El;~AEYK'rlKi) 'E'Itl'rpo'lt~, ~ appointed which after examining and au~iting the books,
O'itOla &cpoOEpEUV~an Kat EA€y'l;n 'r0: ~l~Ala, 'r0:<;da- the collections, the disbursements, .andgeneral expenses"
'ltpal;El<;, 'ltA'lP(,)I-lO:<;
Kat AOl'ltO:El;05a, 'ltapOU<JlCx~El'ro presents 'a report of its findings to the quorum of .all the
'ltOplal-lCx'rT}<;'ltpo<; 'ri)v OA0t-L€A~laV'ltpo<; EYKplalV. . membership for approval. In case of any unjustifiable
Et<; 'It~pl'lt'r(')<JlV &5lKalOAOY~'rOU EAAElt-Lt-La'rO<;,O:V shortage, if this can he attributed to a specific action of
'r00'r0 5uva'ral v'. &'lt0509fi d<; wplat-L€VT}V EV€PYElav one of the responsible officials, it is charged to him as
EVO<;EK 'r&V u'ltw9uv(,)v &l;l(,)l-la'rOUX(')v, Ka'raAOYl~E- a personal obligation. If such a shortage cannot be at-
'ral W<; 6cpElA~ 'rOU. ..Av ''r00'r0 5s.v 5uva'ral vo: Ka'ra- tributed to any of them specifically, it is considered as
AOYla9fi Et<; Eva El; cXlJ'r&VaUYKEKplt-L€V(,)<;,9~(')pEl'ral a collective obligation of the officials towards the
cb<; KOlvi) alJ'r&V 6cp~lA'l 'ltpo<; 'r0 Tal-lElov 'roO LUAAO- Treasury of the Organization.
"EKaO'l"OV 'l"&V ~.uoA&V'l"OU~lOlKT')'l"lKOU ~U~~OUAlOU Any member of the Board of Officers may submit
Mva'l"al va UTIO~6:An TIapal'l"T')olv fH' E1tlcrrOATl<;(XTIEU- his resignation in the fonn of a letter I,lddressed to the
9UVO~EVT')<;TIpo<; -n;v OAo~EAElav "rOU ~U~~OUAlOU. Et<; Board.
mopl1t"rCUOlVTIapal"r~oEcu<; "rOU npoEBpou otS"ro<; eXvn- When the President resigns, his place is taken by the
Ka9ltna"ral UTIO "rOU 'AV"rmpoEBpou. napal"rmJ~Evo<; Vice President.
rpa~~a'l"Eu<; eXV"rlKa9lcrra-ral eXTIO"rOV TIp&"rov E1tlAa- A resigning Secretary is substituted by the member
XoV'l"a ~U~~OUAOV. napal"r06~Evo<; Ta~la<; <Xv-rlKa- of the Board who received the highest number of votes
SlO'l"a'l"al eXTIOEva "r&v ~U~~OUACUV Ka-r' EKAOY~V "rOu
in the previous election.
~ U~~OUAlOU. A resigning Treasurer is substituted by a member of
Et<; TIEplTI'l"CUOlVKaS' ~v 'l"pla ~EAT')"rOU ~lOlK. ~u~- the Board selected by the Board of Officers.
~OUAlOU tlSEAOV UTIO~6:An TIapal'l"T')OlV Kat ~E"ra~u "r&V In the event that three (3) members of the Board of
"rpl&V au'l"&v oUYKa-raAEYE"ral 6 npoEBpo<;, OAOKAT')- Officers' submit their resignation as a group, and one of
pov "ro ~. ~U~~OUALOV 9ECUpEl-ral TIapal'l"T')9EV Kat 6 them happens to be the Presiden~ the totality of the
rpa~~a'l"Eu<; il EV eXp~OEl au'l"ou 6 npoEBpo<;, KaAEl Board of Officers is considered. as having resigned, and
"r~v 6AO~EAElaV d<; EK'l"aK"rov YEVlK~V ouvEBplaOlv ~E
then the Secretary, or upon his refusal, the President
SE~a "r~v EKAOY~V VEOU ~. ~U~~OUAlOU, eXC1)(E"rCU<; "rou
calls ,a special meeting of the Organization with ftte
Xpovou 9T')'l"Ela<;'l"OUTIapal"rou~EVOU ~. ~U~~OUAlOU.
a.e;end-aof immediately electiue; a new Board, irrespec-
tive of the period of service of the resigning board.
"Ap9pov 190v.
rENIKAI 1:YNE~PIA:EEI:E Article No. 19
rEVlKat ouvEBpuXOEl<; KaAOUV'l"al Bla'l"aY11 ~ou npo-
EBpou UTIO 'l"OU r pa~~a"rEcu<; il EV o:Buva~l~ "rOU'l"OU
General meetings are called 'at least four (4) times a
TIap6: 1:lVO<;'l"&v ~U~~OUACUV, "rE"rp6:Kl<; "rOUAO:xlcrrOV
Ka8' EKaO'l"OV E"rO<;. year by the Secretary or by a member of the board upon
the instructions of the President.
~la ~v UTIap~lV O:TIap"rla<;eXTIal"rEl'l"aV~TIapOUOla In order to have ~ quol'!lm, the presence of, at least,
"r&v ~EA(;)VKa'l"a ~v TIpcb'l"T')v
fifteen (15) regular m~mbers is required at the first
OUYKATJOlV. 'Ev EAAEltJ'EleXTIap'l"la<;YlVE"ral vEa TIpOO-
meeting. When there is no quortIm a new invitation for
KaS' ~v ~ ouvEBplaol<; 9EcupEl"ral EV O:TIap"rla
o"rav EtVal TIapoV'l"eXBEKa ~EAT'). a meeting is issu.ed, and 'such a meeting is considered
having a quonim when, at least, twelve (12) regular
members are present.
15 16
For the election of a new Board of Directors the pres.
~UVEOpleXOEl<; ~E 9E~a 'ri)V ~KAOYT}VV~OU l1l0lK1')'tl-
KOO :ru~~oUAlou ctval t.V a'ltap't(~ (S'tav EuploKCa)vral
ence of, at l~ast,)fifteen (15) members is required for
'ltap6vra OEKa'ltEV'tE 'tOUA<XXUTtOV~EATI, c1>e;6p(~El 'to
a quorum...:..:i
as is providedby ArticleNo.9. .
ap9pov Eva'tov.
The invitations for a general meeting are mailed ~o
At 'ltpOOKA~O€le;~pOe; 'to: ~EATI oux YEvlKo:e;OUVE-
the members, at least, seven (7) days before the desig-
oplaow; arcoO'tEAAovral l'lt'to: 'tOUA<Xxla'tOVtt~Epae;
nated dare for the meeting.
'ltpO 1T}e;ou:.: 'tT}v ouvEoplaoLV Ka90pl~0~EVTlc;. The President with the Secretary determine the items
.0 np6EbpoC; ~E'tO:'toO rpa~~atECa)e; Ka90p(~ouv 1:0: of the 'a:gendafor everymeeting. Only after these items
'tT}e;tt~EPTJolae; bla'teXf.ECa)e;
blO: Ka9E ouvEopl-
have been discussed and disposed of, the general meet.
amy. M6vov ~E'tO: 'to 'ltEpae; 'tT}e;OU~TI~OECa)e; .!'ltl 't&v ing can hear about any item that may be brought for
9Ella'tcuv au't&v Kat 'tfJe; blO: lJ'~cpOUarcocpaoEWe; E'It' discussion and can decide by vote whether it accepts to
au't@v, ouva'tal tt ouvEAEUme; v' aKoUOn 'ltp6'taolv consider such item.
'ltpOe; ou~~'tT1mv E'ltt VEOU'tLVOe;9E~a't0e; Kat v' ci1tocpa-
o(on bi.a lJ'~cpou crv MXE'taL va oU~TI~on E'It' au'\:oO. Article No. 20
"Ap90V 200v.
AnOCi)A1:E 11:
At OuvEoplaow:; oUYKaAoU~EVaL KavovlK&e; olEE,a-
yovraL Ka'tO: 'toue; Kav6vae; -rfJe;KOlVO~OUAEu'tlKT}e;
'teX- The meetings that have been called regularly are held
f.Eu>e;Kat blEu9uvovral 'ltapa '\:00 npOEOpOU ii 'tou'tou according to the rules of parliamentary procedure under
KCa)AUO~EVOU'ltapa 't'60 ·AvrmpoEbpou. the direction of the President and when he is unable,
of the Vice President. The first item of the agenda of
'Ev apxft &vaYlvwoKovraL 'ta 'ltpaK'tlKa -rfJe; 'ltpO-
Tlyou~EVTle;OUVEOpu):oEu>e; J<at E1tlKupoOvral. any meeting consists of the reading of the minutes of the
., E Kaa'tOV ~EAOe;ouva'tal VO: 6~~A~On E'ltt 'ltaVtoe; previous meeting and the final approval of such mmutes.
9E~a't0e; -rfJe;tt~EPTlo(ae; bla'taE,ECa)e;,~6vov (S~u>e;&cpoO ~ny member has the right to speak on any item of
&vayvu>plo9ft U'ltO't'00 npOEOpOU. .0 np6EOpOe; [.L6vov the agenda but only after he has been recognized by the
ouva'tal va olaK6lJ'n 6~lATI'ri)V Kat va 'ltEpLOp(an 't'ov President.
Xp6vov -rfJe;6~lA(ae; 't'OU. .0 np6EopOe; ouva'tal VaE- The President has t!he ri~ht to make disciplinary ob.
'ltlaaAn 'ltEl9apXlK&e; 'ltapa't~PTlOlV de; ci1tEl9apxoOv~ servations to undisciplineif speakers and' to exclude
'\:ae; 6[.LlATI't'ae;Kat OUVa'taL v' &'ltOaaAn 'tT}e;at90uOTl~ from the meeting room any member who violates the
~EATI'ltapa~uxl;;ovra 't'oue; (3aolKOUe; Kav6vae; -rfJe;OU~ basic rules of discussion or shows disrespect throu~h
l;TI~OECa)e;ii &OEaOOV't'abux (3la(u>v EKcppaoEU>vii av- violent expressions or' provocations. Members who
't'EYKA~OEU>V. MEATI't'a 6'1toia Ka'ta OUVEXElav&OE~OOV habitually show disr~t towards - the rules of or.
'ltpOe; '\:oue; Kav6vae; -rfJe; KaAfJe; '\:aE,EU>~Ol' ci1tpE'It&V
derly behavior by using offensive latt~age or by makin~
EKcppaoEU>vii &&£KU>VE1tl9EOEU>VEVav't'(OV aAAU>v [.LE-
unjust 'accusations against fellow members or against
17 18
.. Ap9pov 240v. Article No. 24
npo'taO"l<; 'ltpOe; 'tpd1to'ltolT}O"lv 'toO Ka'raO"(a'rlKOO yl-
VE'tal 'ltOOrrO'tE ~yypacpe:.:>e; Kall)'Jt06~E'tal de; 'to ~l- Any proposal for amendment of this charter should
OlKT}'tlKOV :rU~600AlOV 01tEp KaAEi'1tpOe; 't00't0 rEVl- always be done in writing 'and it is submitted to the
KT1v :ruvE5plaoLV.
A'ltocpaoEle; 'ltpOe; 'tpo1to1tolT}O"lv 'toO
Aa~6avoV'ral 5u:x 1tAElD\!'T}cplae;500 'tpl-
Board of Officers which calls a special general meeting
for this purpose. Any deci'8ionto 'amend the charter
'te:.:>v1:(;)v 'taK1:lK(;)V ~EA(;)V 't(;)v EUplOKO~EVe:.:>V de; ~v
is taken hy three fourths (3-4) .majority of the members
oUVE5plaO"lv Kal '" oUVE5plaO"le; 5EV 9Ee:.:>pEl'tal EV a~
who are present and in ithiscase to form 'a quorum, the
'ltap'tic..:c ~av 5EV dval 'ltapoV'ra 1:0UAc:XxlO"(OV
'to i\~lOU
1:(;)v EXOV're:.:>V t\'iicpov ~EA(;)V.
presence of not less than half of the members who have
a right to vote is reqti.ired.
"OAa 1:a ap9pa .dval 5uva'rov va 'tp01t0'ltolT}900v
1:00ap~pou 2 01tEp Ka90pll;El 'toue; OKO'itOUe;
1:00 All articles of the charter 'are subject to ,amendment
:ruAA6you. with the exception of Artice No.2, which defines the
eE~a1:a ~T1'ltpo6AE'lt6~EVa U1tO'toO Ka1:aO'ra1:lKOU purposes of the Organization.
pu9~ll;0V'ral 5la cbtOcp6:0Ee:.:>V -riie; OAo~EAdae;, Aa~'
6avo~EVc..)V Ka1:a TCAElOt\'T}CP(av 500 -'tp(-re:.:>vc:,e; ave:.:>- Any subjects not provided for in thi,s charter are
'tEpe:.:>,Ka1:axe:.:>pou~tv(Uv de; 'ta 'ltpaK'tlKa Kal ~Xou- regulated by resolutions of the general membership,
o(;)v toxuv oUV1:aY~a'rlKG)V5la1:a~Ee:.:>v. which resolutions .after having been voted upon by two
third (2-3) majority as 'ahove 'are inserted into the min-
.,Apepov 250v. utes of the meeting, and take the power of constitutional
CHtoxue; 1:00'ltapov'toe; Ka1:aO"(a'rlKOOapXE'tal 00t0 provisions.
-riie; t\',\q>(oE~e; 1:0U U1tO -riie; 1tpOe; 't001:0 OUYKAT}9d<fC1e; Article No. 25
rEVl~ile; :ruvE5plaoEe:.:>e;~v 10tlv 'OK'te:.:>0plou 1965.
This charter becomes effective from the date of its
approval by 100 special general meeting held for this
purpose on .the 10th of October, 1965.
21 22