Liberty - July 2012 Newsletter

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Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry Newsletter

See Divine Mother blessing us all in Her Love.

July 312 Dwapara

Dear Ones, In honor of the Independence Day, July 4th, I am sharing something written by Paramhansa Yogananda after he visited Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. The height of an ideal is often felt in the beginning when we have to fight and pray for it to be made manifest in this world. This is very similar to a healing journey when, perhaps, we must fight our old habits or our inner demons, or simply the force of karma, but that inner battle lifts high above our normal plane of comfort and complacency. The need for wholeness in body, mind and soul spurs us on to make changes so healing can fully manifest. My husband, Tim, has been very inspired by this article, below, taken from a talk by Swami Kriyananda years ago. Within it he found insights on how to clear some long standing issues that had been quietly tucked away. I feel he is making great progress on healing causative factors that are often present in cancer. (But he still needs healing; thank you for your continued prayers) Spiritual Ignorance: The Cause of All Disease. Love: your greatest protection Anything that makes us more giving towards other people, more sharing, less defensive and less competitive with them, helps very much in the development of devotion. On the other hand, attitudes of aggression, defensiveness, worry, fear, and self-condemnation constrict the heart and are harmful to the body Divine love not only fills the body with harmonious energy and dissolves impurities, it puts us in tune with the great universal flow. When we are in tune with that flow, we have the power of the universe supporting us, giving us strength. Try to rely more on God. You have to do your part but God has no favorites. Anytime you put yourself in His hands and just flow with His great symphony of life, everything seems to work out for the best God bless you all. Joy to you, Mary Kretzmann Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry

Master visits Mount Vernon

February 22, 1927
As Washington performed his duty, he never forgot the Giver of all gifts. That is what inspired me in his life. In India he always inspired me with this thought. His love for truth was greater than love of party politics. I believe that though patriotism is necessary, it should not exclude spiritual truth, because patriotism which excludes international well-being is built on loose stones. That patriotism cannot last forever. But patriotism which is firmly built on the everlasting source of truth, that patriotism which loves truth and truth alone, that nation is based on such patriotism as Washington possessed, and the great good that he did to the world and to America is ever awake with us. He is ever living in the minds of the world; and we must always be inspired by his example, for he inspired not only thousands, hundreds of thousands, but millions. Most great men that serve live hundreds of years before their time. He came, he conquered, he mastered himself and the situations in which he was placed, and then withdrew and led the life of a hermit in seclusion here. There are politicians and politiciansthose puny ones who cater to the mob sentiment and who put the national mansion on a loose foundation; but men like Lincoln and Washington have always tried to solidify the foundations of the national mansions with the eternal rock of truth and spirituality. The politicians who are going to live forever are the direct beneficiaries of his labors, his aspirations, his trials, and great strength. The whole world after all should remember that these national boundaries are all man-made. Time shall again erase these boundaries and as we love to love our nation we must always remember and regard the love and patriotism of all other nations. Ones own patriotism must not exclude the patriotism of others. Our national ideals must not militate against other ideals, but we must find harmony in nations. It was for ideals like this that great men like Lincoln and Washington lived and died. In studying Washingtons life and his principles, I find he was a man of wide vision; he did not live by the stereotyped customs of his time. He lived for the ideal of freedom and independence inspired only by the love of truth and not by party politics. He is not only an inspiration to Americas best, but he is a source of inspiration to all nations. His love of Truth, his great strength, deep understanding, not only made him Americas national hero, but all nations of the world are proud of him and glorify him. Let us all with united hearts bless the soul of George Washington that he may forever live in our memory not only in image but a perpetual source of spiritual inspiration of liberty. With Thy grace, with Thy strength, in Thy name, O Spirit, our One Father, we are all gathered here to worship the national hero, the international hero, the inspirer of millions, and we wish him good-will, eternal good-will, for the great services that he rendered to us. In the name of Jesus Christ and the Great Spirit and with our hearts filled with sincerity, love, and gratitude, we offer this wreath in the name of India, America, and all nations.1

The Prayer at Valley Forge

"I was riding with Mr. Potts near to the Valley Forge where the army lay during the war of ye Revolution, when Mr. Potts said, 'Do you see that woods & that plain? There laid the army of Washington. It was a most distressing time of ye war, and all were for giving up the Ship but that great and good man. In that woods (pointing to a close in view) I heard a plaintive sound as of a man at prayer. I tied my horse to a sapling & went quietly into the woods. To my astonishment I saw the great George Washington on his knees alone, with his sword on one side and his cocked hat on the other. He was at Prayer to the God of the Armies, beseeching to interpose with his Divine aid, as it was ye Crisis & the cause of the country, of humanity & of the world. Such a prayer I never heard from the lips of man. I left him alone praying. I went home & told my wife. We never thought a man could be a soldier & a Christian, but if there is one in the world, it is Washington. We thought it was the cause of God & America could prevail."
Source: Eyewitness testimony of Isaac Potts, a Valley Forge resident who shared the following story with the Rev. Nathaniel Randolph Snowden (1770-1851), who then recorded it in his "Diary and Remembrances."

1 From Talks and Articles by Paramhansa Yogananda

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