Liberty - July 2012 Newsletter
Liberty - July 2012 Newsletter
Liberty - July 2012 Newsletter
Dear Ones, In honor of the Independence Day, July 4th, I am sharing something written by Paramhansa Yogananda after he visited Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. The height of an ideal is often felt in the beginning when we have to fight and pray for it to be made manifest in this world. This is very similar to a healing journey when, perhaps, we must fight our old habits or our inner demons, or simply the force of karma, but that inner battle lifts high above our normal plane of comfort and complacency. The need for wholeness in body, mind and soul spurs us on to make changes so healing can fully manifest. My husband, Tim, has been very inspired by this article, below, taken from a talk by Swami Kriyananda years ago. Within it he found insights on how to clear some long standing issues that had been quietly tucked away. I feel he is making great progress on healing causative factors that are often present in cancer. (But he still needs healing; thank you for your continued prayers) Spiritual Ignorance: The Cause of All Disease. Love: your greatest protection Anything that makes us more giving towards other people, more sharing, less defensive and less competitive with them, helps very much in the development of devotion. On the other hand, attitudes of aggression, defensiveness, worry, fear, and self-condemnation constrict the heart and are harmful to the body Divine love not only fills the body with harmonious energy and dissolves impurities, it puts us in tune with the great universal flow. When we are in tune with that flow, we have the power of the universe supporting us, giving us strength. Try to rely more on God. You have to do your part but God has no favorites. Anytime you put yourself in His hands and just flow with His great symphony of life, everything seems to work out for the best God bless you all. Joy to you, Mary Kretzmann Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry