2011 Lakeland Rules and Regulations
2011 Lakeland Rules and Regulations
2011 Lakeland Rules and Regulations
Boys and girls who wish to participate in the LSI program must meet at least the following requirements: 1. Be registered and paid in full before beginning play (Section III, Rule G). 2. Players registered after team formation deadline will be placed on a team by the LSI Executive Board.
Section II Age Eligibility Rule A. Legal age of players: See current year sheet attachment. Rule B. All players must provide proof of age (i.e. copy of birth record to be kept on file with the LSI
board at all times.) Rule C. Use of unregistered/ineligible players will result in suspension of that player for the balance of the season, forfeiture of all games in the LSI season in which that player participated and may face possible disciplinary actions. Registration fee is non-refundable.
A roster is a complete form that indicates name, address, phone number, age, parents name(s) and date of birth, prior to formation of teams. Rule B. Registrations must be verified and birth certificates on record. Rule C. Players fees must be paid at time of registrations. Rule D. Hardship cases will be reviewed by LSI Executive Board prior to formation of teams.
Section IV
Rule B.
If a player decides not to be on his previous years team then that player shall be put in an open draft and placed on a team by the league. Rule C. No trading of players is permitted. Rule D. The LSI Executive Board will, upon request by a player, reserve the right to assign any player to a team. Rule E. The child (or children) of a coach will be automatically be assigned to the coaches team.
Section V. Rules A.
Managers/Coachs Responsibilities
West Bloomfield Parks and Rec., West Bloomfield Community Education, Sponsors and LSI property. See Parks & Rec. insert in coachs folder. Rule B. His/Her teams conduct and appearance. 1. Uniforms No player can participate in a game unless he/she is dressed properly in the uniform issued by LSI for regulation games. 2. Shirts tucked and hats squared. Rule C. The conduct of manager, coaching staff, parents and supporters. LSI prohibits heckling. Rule D. Collection and control of fund raising fees for the purpose of turning into the League President or designate. Rule E. No game will commence if lightning is evident. This will be determined by discretion of either manager.
Rule F.
Schools, etc.).
Do not use a field that has been closed by its controlling body (Parks & Rec., West Bloomfield
Each division (Mustang and above) may send one team to tournament play. Tournament team coaches will be selected at coaches meeting prior to beginning of season. When tournament squad(s) are formed, LSI will pay for two invitational tournaments. Rule D. Player selection will be done by a date identified by the LSI Executive Board (Refer to Section VII Rule K).
Section VII.
Rule A. Official baseball rules will apply, modified by the following: 1. Field Dimensions: Palomino Division Regulation Field Colt Division Regulation Field Pony Division 80 bases, 54 pitching rubber Bronco Division 70 bases, 48 pitching rubber Mustang Division 60 bases, 44 pitching rubber Pinto Division 55 bases, 30 pitching rubber Shetland Division 50 bases, 38 pitching rubber 2. Game length/Mercy rulings:
Palo min o Divi sion Colt Divi sion Pon y Divi sion Bro nco Divi sion LSI Rules and Regulations Refer to InterCity Palomino rules
Refer to InterCity Colt rules Two hours or, 7 innings or 10 run lead after 5 innings (four and one-half innings if home team is leading). Seven runs per inning maximum. Should a game end in mercy, the score of the mercy game shall stand as official. However, it is encouraged that the game be played to its entirety. In inter-league house play, runs per inning rule of the opposing league shall take precedence. Two hours or, 7 innings whichever comes first or 10 run lead after 5 innings (four and one-half innings if home team is leading). Seven runs per inning maximum. Unlimited runs in seventh inning unless home team is leading in their half of the inning. Should a game end in mercy, the score shall stand as official. However, it is encouraged that the game be played to its entirety. In inter-league house play, runs per
inning rule of the opposing league shall take precedence. Two hours or, six innings whichever comes first or 10 lead after four innings (three and one-half innings if home teams is leading). Seven runs per inning maximum. Unlimited runs in sixth inning unless home team is leading in their half of the inning. Should a game end in mercy, the score of the mercy game shall stand as official. However, it is encouraged that the game be played at a minimum to its time limit. No inning shall begin after the two hour time limit. Batter may not advance on a dropped third strike. Stealing of home is not permitted at any time. Six innings or two hours whichever comes first. Five runs per inning maximum. Unlimited runs in sixth inning unless home team is leading in their half of the inning. RIF #5 balls will be used. Runners will automatically advance one base on an overthrow to first base and play will be held. Five innings or one and one-half hours (whichever comes first). No score will be kept. No outs recorded. Each team will bat entire batting order, at that time offense and defense will trade positions. Batting order is players numerical order according to jersey number. Batting order must rotate each game. For first game through mid-season game, all runners on all bases may advance only one base per hit. Mid-season game through end of season: Players advance based on quality of hit. RIF #1 balls are mandatory in TBall.
3. All games (Mustang and above) interrupted by weather conditions or darkness before reaching the point
where they could be considered complete and official will be completed and official will be completed at a later date from the point of interruption, using the same lineups and batting orders where possible. NOTE: An inning begun after the point where a game could be considered complete and official must be completed only if the visiting team has come from behind to tie or take the lead in that inning. In cases where that inning cannot be completed, it will be considered a suspended game. 4. If lightning or hazardous weather conditions are spotted from the field, the game shall be suspended for a minimum of twenty (20) minutes. 5. Make up games: Games called due to rain will be played the following Saturday or Sunday. Games will be scheduled by LSI based on field and umpire availability. Substitution: Unlimited (Except Palomino) in all divisions as follows: 1. A team must have at least eight (8) able-bodied players present to begin or continue a game. Shetland and Pinto may play with six (6) players. 2. No player shall sit out more than two (2) consecutive innings (Bronco and below). If a player sits two consecutive innings, that player will participate in the next two innings. If a player sits one inning, that player(s) will participate in at least one equalizing inning. Every effort will be made to assure equal playing time for all players. (See Note in item 3 below.) Defense will consist of nine players in regulation ball, except as follows: Mustang and Coach Pitch, where 10 players will be utilized on defense, with four positioned as outfielders in a uniform arc, and T-Ball where 12 players will be utilized on defense, with six positioned as outfielders in a uniform arc. Any coach or team that cannot comply with this rule due to a rain-shortened game will not be penalized. 3. The batting order shall consist of all registered players in attendance (Excluding Colt and Palomino divisions). Colt division players play a minimum of 2 innings on defense before conclusion of the sixth (6th) inning that he/she is eligible to play in. Players arriving after the game has begun shall be added to the bottom of the batting order. Note: If a player arrives after his/her team has batted through their entire batting order, the late arriving player may be inserted at the bottom of the batting order (managers decision). 4. Any player under coaches discipline and not playing must be declared to the umpire, opposing head coach and scorekeeper prior to the start of the game and is ineligible for that game. 5. If a batter of base runner cannot continue due to injury or illness, the player who made the last out will be substituted for that injured or ill player as base runner (last batter in the order in the first inning).
Rule B.
Rule C.
Lead-Off/Stealing: (NOTE: In-field fly rule is used at the Mustang level and above) 1. Shetland and Pinto Divisions: No lead-off /stealing permitted. Base runners must remain on the base last
reached until ball is legally hit and in play.
2. Mustang Division: Base runners may not leadoff or steal until a pitched ball has reached home plate.
Stealing of home is not permitted at any time.
Rule D.
1. Shetland Division: Pitchers must wear chest and head protection at all times while at pitching position. 2.
Pitchers must also maintain at least one foot on pitchers mound/carpet until the ball is in play. A ball is not considered in play until it is struck by the bat and traveled a minimum of 10 feet. RIF #1 balls are required. Pinto Division: Pitchers must wear chest and head protection at all times and remain at a position to the left or right of and behind center of the coach-pitcher until the ball is in play. A batted ball which strikes the coach-pitcher shall be considered a dead-ball and no pitch declared. Games 1 through 6, eight (8) pitches will be allowed each batter. No strikes called. Games 7 through 12 players will given eight (8) pitches OR three (3) strikes whichever comes first. Foul ball on 8th pitch will result in one additional pitch. Games 1 through 6 Coaches pitch; Games 7 through 12 coaches or players pitch (eight pitch rule still applies, no hit by pitch rule). Players-pitcher must be an 8 year-old. Both opposing coaches must agree before the start of the game and match coach or player-pitching. Pitchers may pitch a maximum of 1 inning. RIF #5 balls are required. Mustang Division: Pitchers may pitch a maximum of three (3) consecutive innings and a maximum of 60 pitches per game. Pitcher may pitch a maximum of eight (8) innings in one calendar week with 40 hours rest between pitching appearances. Once removed from the pitching position, the player cannot return to the pitching position in the same game. Note: One pitch thrown constitutes one inning pitched. Refer to the PONY Rule Book. Bronco Division: Pitchers may throw a maximum of 7 consecutive innings and a maximum of 70 pitches per game. Pitchers may throw a maximum of 10 innings in one calendar week. If a pitcher throws one pitch into a fourth inning and is removed from the pitching position, that player may not pitch again until the 40 hour rest rule has been fulfilled (PONY Rule Book). Once removed from the pitching position, the player cannot return to the pitching position in the same game. Note: One pitch thrown constitutes one inning pitched. Refer to the PONY Rule Book. Pony Division: Refer to PONY Rule Book. In inter-league house team play, pitching rule of the opposing league shall take precedence. Colt and Palomino Divisions: Refer to PONY Rule Book. The use of the curve ball is strictly banned from this program (Coach Pitch, Mustang and Bronco Divisions). Managers are responsible for tracking pitchers appearances. If there is no record of tracking, pitcher may be declared ineligible for that game. Pitcher substitution must be noted in scorebook and initialed by the opposing team manager. Mustang and Bronco Divisions: Home team managers must phone in game results and pitching record for both teams to the Divisional Director within 24 hours of game completion. Colt and Palomino Divisions: Refer to InterCity Colt and InterCity Palomino Rules.
8. 9. Rule E. Rule F.
Catchers: Obstructions:
Catchers must wear a protective cup and protective throat guard in all divisions. A fielder cannot fake a tag on a runner when the defensive player does not have the ball. When he/she does this OBSTRUCTION will be called and one additional base awarded. A second violation by the same team in the same game will result in the ejection of the violator.
Rule G.
Shetland, Pinto, Mustang and Bronco Division: (Slide and Surrender Rule) It is mandatory that a runner slide to avoid a collision with a fielder at second or third base and home plate if there is a potential for a defensive play. Failure to slide will result in the runner being called OUT by the umpire. Pony, Colt and Palomino Divisions: Players must make an attempt to avoid contact with fielders if there is a potential for a defensive play. Incidental contact is permitted (judgment called by the umpire). All Divisions: If, in the umpires judgment, the runner exerted unsportsmanlike conduct, he/she will be called OUT and EJECTED from the game. A defensive player may not impede a runners progress without possession of the ball. If a defensive player does not yield to the base runner, OBSTRUCTION will be called and one additional base awarded.
Rule H.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
The following will result in ejection from the game, which draws an additional one game suspension (If deemed necessary by the LSI Board T-Ball through Bronco Divisions, additional one game suspension mandatory at Pony, Colt, and Palomino Divisions). 1. Fighting before, during, or after a game. 2. Overly aggressive play that is construed by the umpire as a deliberate intent to injure.
LSI Rules and Regulations
Rule me.
Forfeit Time
Rule J.
Protective Gear
All male players must wear a protective cup at all times (T-Ball through Bronco Divisions). In addition, T-Ball, Coach Pitch and Mustang batters and base runners must wear a fully attached chin strap on batting helmets at all times. Pony, Colt and Palomino Divisions: All catchers must wear a protective cup at all times and comply with Michigan high school rules. All Divisions: All players serving as base coaches must wear a batting helmet at all times on the field of play.
Rule K.
Post-Season Eligibility:
Mustang, Bronco, and Pony Divisions: In order to be eligible for post-season playoff and/or tournaments, a player must have participated in at least 2/3 of the regular season house games. Colt Division: Refer to InterCity Colt Rules. Palomino Division: Refer to InterCity Palomino Rules.
Rule L. Rule M.
In games officiated by a single umpire, time is automatically OUT when the umpire is returning to his/her position after calling a play on the bases. T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Mustang and Bronco Divisions: No metal spikes allowed, Exception: PONY Tournament play will permit the use of metal spikes. Plastic or rubber spikes may be used in any division. Pony Division: Metal spikes are permitted but discouraged for in-house play. Some opposing leagues in which LSI Pony division teams compete exclusively disallow the use of metal spikes during the regular season. Colt and Palomino Divisions: The use of metal spikes is permitted at all times.
Rule N.
T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Mustang, Bronco Divisions: Non-wooden bats will be allowed provided they are in good condition and have NOT been altered in any manner. Pony Division: Minus five (-5) rule in effect. Bat weight to length ratio may not differ by a factor of more than 5. (Example: A bat 20 inches in length may not weigh less than 15 ounces, a bat 30 inches in length may not weigh less than 25 ounces, etc.) In addition, a bat may not exceed a diameter of two and five eights inches (2 5/8). Colt and Palomino Divisions: High school bat rule in effect. Refer to the interCity Colt and InterCity Palomino rules.
All players, managers, coaches and spectators are under the jurisdiction of LSI while on the playing fields, parks adjoining playing fields, parking areas before and after games or areas designated for spectators to sit or stand. Batboys/girls and team mascots, etc. are prohibited in any division. Only LSI issued uniforms will be worn in league play. Colors issued will be at the discretion of LSI. Shirts tucked, hats squared. T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Mustang, Bronco, and Pony Divisions: No jewelry will be worn by any player during a game except medical alert ID (taping is recommended). Should a protest situation arise which cannot be resolved by the managers and umpires, protests must be presented to the LSI Board no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the incident. The LSI Board will require all information concerning the protest be documented including all details/results of the protested game after the protest is made. The LSI Board will meet with the managers and umpires involved and deliver a decision within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving this information. All decisions made by the LSI Board are FINAL AND CANNOT BE APPEALED. Verbal protest must be made to the umpire in charge at the time of the alleged infraction BEFORE the next ball is pitched. Failure to protest at this time cancels all rights to protest. 1. Protest of eligibility of players will be accepted at any time. Division Directors will settle these types of protest. 2. No protest will be allowed during post-season playoffs. The LSI Board will make every attempt to have a Board Member/Division Director present at all playoff games. 3. Protest Committee will consist of the LSI Executive Board and the representative Division Directors. 4. The following judgment call by the umpire may not be protested: a. Safe or out. b. Ball or Strike c. Fair or Foul
LSI Rules and Regulations
Condition of field for play. Suspension of game due to darkness or weather conditions. f. Interference or obstruction (when obstruction is called the ball is not dead and the umpire has the authority to determine which base shall be awarded the runner{s}). Protest dealing with highly technical matters having no obvious bearing on the outcome of the game will not be honored. The only protest having a change to be upheld are those in which an umpire clearly misinterpreted a ruling which had direct effect on the outcome of the game. Remember ANYTHING involving umpire judgment is not protest-able. Coaches and managers are not to call the Chief Umpire. All communication is to be with the LSI Protest Committee only.
d. e.
Rule T. Rule U.
Alcohol: Tobacco:
No alcoholic beverages on the bench, playing field or spectators areas AT ANY TIME (this includes both games and practices times). No use of tobacco within ten (10) feet of players, playing field or bench area during the games.
LEGAL AGE ATTACHMENT FOR LSI BASEBALL PROGRAM Palomino Division 17-18 years of age. (must be 17 on or before May 1st, may not turn 19 before April 30th) Colt Division 15 -16 years of age. (must be 15 on or before May 1st, may not turn 17 before April 30th) Pony Division 13 -14 years of age. (must be 13 on or before May 1st, may not turn 15 before April 30th) Bronco Division 11-12 years of age. (must be 11 on or before May 1st, may not turn 13 before April 30th) Mustang Division 9- 10 years of age. (must be 9 on or before May 1st, may not turn 11 before April 30th) Pinto Division 7-8 years of age. (must be 7 on or before May 1st, may not turn 9 before April 30th) Shetland Division 5- 7 years of age. (must be 5 on or before May 1st, may not turn 8 before April 30th) Division Age TBall 4 56 Coach Pitch 78 Mustang 9 -10 Br on co 11 12 Po ny 13 14 Colt 15 16 Palomin o 17 18 - 19