BCL006 Explanation of Contract (Community)
BCL006 Explanation of Contract (Community)
BCL006 Explanation of Contract (Community)
7 May 2012
Thank you for asking us to act for you. As required by the Legal Profession Act, we enclose our Disclosure Statement and Costs Agreement. We enclose the purchasers counterpart Contract for your purchase of this property. It is in the latest form approved by the New South Wales Law Society and the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales with additional clauses. We comment as follows: Price The purchase price is <<Buy|Monies|Price>> of which <<Buy|Monies|DepositType>> is payable on exchange of contracts and the balance on completion. Settlement The completion date stated in the contract will be the date which is 42 days after the date of the contract. Please confirm whether this completion date is suitable and, if not, what date would be more suitable. Registered Proprietors Please let us know how you wish to own the property whether as joint tenants or tenants in common. If you own the property as joint tenants, when one of you dies, the survivor is entitled to the whole property.
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If you own the property as tenants in common, when one of you dies, that partys share forms part of their estate. If you purchase as tenants in common, please let us know if you intend purchasing in equal shares or in different portions eg A60%, B- 40%. Foreign Investment Review Board approval Prior to exchange of contracts, please let us know if you are not an Australian citizen as you m ay have to apply in advance to the Foreign Investm ent Review Board for approval to purchase residential real estate. In clause 22 of the contract, you give the vendor a promise that such approval is not necessary. Inclusions and exclusions Please note carefully the inclusions and exclusions listed on the front page of the contract. If there are to be any changes to those items, please let us know immediately. Land tax The Contract does not require an adjustm ent of land tax on settlement. Leases You are purchasing the property subject to the following tenancies: Title Title to the property is registered under the Real Property Act 1900 and Community Land Management Act 1989. Registered on the title to the property are
The property consists of a lot in a comm unity plan. Land in a community plan is divided into lots and community property. Title to a lot in a community plan confers legal title to the lot and an interest in the community property. You can sell, mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with your lot (subject to community covenants and restrictions) as you wish. Alterations to the printed contract Clause of the printed contract has been altered. This means Investment of the deposit The contract provides for investment of the deposit with the interest earned to be shared equally between you and the vendor if completion takes place in the normal fashion. Prior to exchange of contracts, please let us or the agent have details of your tax file num ber to assist with the investm ent of the deposit.
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Release of the deposit The contract provides that the deposit is to be released to the vendor on exchange. Normally the deposit is held by the agent as depositholder with the result that the deposit is not available to the vendor until the contract has been settled in the usual course of events or terminated for some reason. If the deposit is released to the vendor then there is a risk that it may not be recoverable if the contract does not proceed to settlem ent in the normal fashion. Some instances in which this can occur are: The death of the vendor The bankruptcy of the vendor The commitment of the vendors estate to the management of the Protective Commissioner The deregistration of the vendor company The liquidation or appointm ent of a controller of the vendor company especially as the property is being bought off the plan A serious defect in the vendors title The property being sold by the vendors mortgagee under power of sale resulting from the vendor defaulting in obligations under a mortgage Proceedings being instituted against the vendor arising out of matrimonial disputes, and The resumption of the property by a governm ent department.
Some protection is afforded by the contract but the risk still remains. We emphasise that it is not common practice to include a provision of this nature in the contract. Please let us know whether you are prepared to proceed with the contract on this basis. Additonal clauses There are additional clauses in the contract including Zoning Annexed to the contract is a planning certificate under Section 149(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment act 1979 indicating that the property is zoned This zoning permits Council Prior to exchange of contracts, we recommend that you attend on the planning and building departments of the council to ascertain the following Proposed affectations on or near the property eg electricity transmission lines. Affectations should be disclosed on the district planning map available at the council cham bers.
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Whether there are any proposed developments in the area which might not be suitable to your particular enjoym ent of the property. Whether the property is liable to flooding or tidal inundation Whether the property is prone to land slip Whether building consent to any property alteration has been provided in the last few years their requirements if you are planning to carry out any building work to the property. A common exam ple of such requirem ent is that, houses are not permitted to be built closer to the street than a certain distance known as the building line.
Availability of services We recommend that prior to exchange of contracts you check on the availability of services such as electricity, gas, telephone and water to your property. Drainage and sewerage Attached to the contract is a drainage diagram which shows the sewer main passing through the property. This gives the appropriate authority certain rights to enter upon the property for maintenance and repair work if necessary and it also restricts to some extent your right to erect im provem ents in the vicinity of the sewer main. Attached to the contract is a drainage diagram which shows that the property relies for its drainage supply on pipes which pass through adjoining land. As far as we are aware there are no registered easements giving rights for those pipes to remain on the adjoining land and the contract precludes any objection being made against this aspect of the purchase. In all probability, an adjoining owner or the appropriate authority could request removal of the pipes from this property. Attached to the contract is a drainage diagram which shows that the property has its own separate and independent connection to the sewer. Attached to the contract is a drainage diagram which shows that the sewerage system to the property is by way of septic tank installation connected to the pressure sewer main. Various standard conditions required by the appropriate authority applying to the installation are attached to the contract and we have enclosed an extra copy for your information. The sewer main passes through the property where shown and this gives the appropriate authority certain rights to enter upon the property for maintenance and repair work if this becom es necessary and it also restricts to some extent your right to erect im provem ents in the vicinity of the main.
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If you have no further queries and are happy with our explanation of the contract, please sign the contract on the front page where we have marked. The contract must be signed in the presence of any independent adult witness who also signs the document in the place marked witness. Please use your ordinary signatures when signing. Kindly forward the signed contract and the balance of the deposit monies as mentioned above to us so that we can proceed to exchange contracts. Yours faithfully <<BUY|MY DET AILS|MY FIRM NAME>>