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Submitted to the

FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION


I here by declare that his project report entitled A STUDY ON RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS in CCI Ltd, has been prepared by me, in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the award of Post Graduation in Master of Business Administration (MBA) specialized in Human Resources Management. I further declare that this project work is the result of my own efforts and that it has not been submitted to any other university or college for the award of any degree or diploma.

No task how ever small can be completed with out any proper guidance and encouragement. I take this as an opportunity to explore my deep sense of obligation to the management of CEMENT CORPORATION OF INDIA, TANDUR, for their permission to undertake the project in their esteemed organization. I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere regards to Mr. Gangadhar, HR Manager for giving me an opportunity to undertake the project work in their organization. I would like to thank my guide Dr.Shri Harsha Reddy for the way he has co-operated and encouraged me to achieve success, and has stirred my ambition always to do best.





Today, in every organisation personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an important part of an organisation. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the organisation in the long run. They are certain ways that are to be followed by every organisation, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place and right time, so that the organisation can achieve its planned objective. The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper. In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization, therefore, they need to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, they have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind. Recruitment is the first step in the process of acquiring and retaining human resources for an organization. In today's rapidly changing business environment, organisations have to respond quickly to requirements for people. Finding the right talent is critical as the firms success hinges upon its ability to hold onto these stars and help them flourish. The importance of staffing function cannot be overstated; a company's performance can only be as strong as that of the people who work for it. Equally vital are Performance Management, leadership development, succession planning, and a host of other strategic HR initiatives. The most important commodity of a company

is its work force, the quality of a company's product or service is a simple measure of the quality work force. Hence, it is important to have a well-defined recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fit for the vacant positions. The recruitment industry in turn has seen more sophisticated method of technology being introduced to not only improve the success rate at which candidates and clients are matched together when filling a vacancy, but also in training and development through e-learning systems which staffing organizations such as manpower has introduced for their candidates, the result is that jobseekers are constantly given opportunity to improve their skills and their career development, furthermore clients have appropriately skilled workforce constantly available to them. The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Career planning, Transfer and Promotions, Risk Management, Performance Appraisal and so on. Each objective needs special attention and proper planning and implementation. For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job. Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology are putting considerable pressure on how employers go about Recruiting and Selecting staff. It is recommended to carry out a strategic analysis of Recruitment and Selection procedure. With reference to this context, this project is entitled as "A study on Recruitment and Selection Process". This project includes Meaning and Definition of Recruitment and Selection, Need and Purpose of Recruitment,

Evaluation of Recruitment Process, Tips, Sources of Recruitment through which an Organisation gets suitable application. Scientific Recruitment and Selection which an organisation should follow for, right manpower. Job Analysis, which gives an idea about the requirement of the job. Next is Selection process, which includes steps of Selection, Types of test, Types of Interview, Common Interview problems and their solutions.

Need of the study:

Recruitment & Selection is an essential factor in any employment. It is the first step in fulfilling the needs of organization for competitive, motivated and flexible human resource that can help achieve its objectives. Recruitment and Selection are simultaneous process and are incomplete without each other. They are important components of the organization and are different from each other. Hence the study is taken up to find out Recruitment & selection in particular in CCI Ltd, and also to suggest for improvement for further measures.

Objective of the study:

To study the methods which the organization follows for recruitment & selection To study the source of the recruitment To know the various steps taken by organization in improving the proper selection To know the employees satisfaction with the recruitment & selection procedure.

Scope of the study:

The study is confined to Cement Corporation of India, Tandur. The study aims at understanding various issues involved in recruitment and selection process. The study is only to know various sources of recruitment and selection. To understand the complete Recruitment and Selection process.

Limitations of the study:

The time factor was a major constraint as the study was conducted in months. A random sample from the entire population of executives was taken, as the entire population could not be covered for research purpose. Taking appointment of the respondents became a little difficult, due to their busy schedule. Only the domestic market is the focus of this study, not studied the international recruitment process here. As the sample size is limited, the results we get after the data collection may not be correct to some extent.

Recruiting is an ongoing project for any organization. From the moment an employment application is submitted, recruitment software should be there to rank it, categorize it, match the applicant to a job if necessary and place the information in a database that can share the information across different software applications or applicant tracking tasks, including scheduling interviews and sending out letters for every stage of the recruitment process. Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, undertaken by recruiters. It may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits. Either way it may involve advertising, commonly in the recruitment section of a newspaper or in a newspaper dedicated to job adverts. Employment agencies will often advertise jobs in their windows. Posts can also be advertised at a job centre if they are targeting the unemployed.

It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants of employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicant from which new employees are selected.


K. Aswathappa Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Edwin B. Flippo Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Mamoria

The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to: Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personal-planning and job-analysis activities. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibility under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.


Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It is through recruitment that many individual will come to know a company, and eventually decide whether they wish to work for it. A wellmanaged recruiting effort will result in high-quality applicants, whereas a haphazard and piecemeal effort will result in mediocre ones. High quality employees cannot be selected when better candidates do not know of job openings, are not qualified individuals about employment opportunities, create a positive image of the company, provide enough information about the jobs so that applicants can make comparisons with their qualifications and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the best candidates so that they will apply for the vacant position.

Factors affecting Recruitment:

Factors affecting recruitment are broadly classified into internal and external sources. The internal factors are: Recruiting policy of the organization. Human resource planning strategy of the company. Size of the organization and the number of employees employed. Cost involved in recruiting employees and Growth and expansion plans of the organization.


The external factors are Supply and demand of specific skills in the market. Company's image perception of the job seekers about the company. Recruiting within the organization: As recruitment is the process of locating potential applicants and encouraging them to apply for existing or anticipated job openings; during this process, efforts are made to inform the applicants fully about the qualifications required to perform the job and the career opportunities the organization can offer its employees. Whether a particular job vacancy will be filled by someone from within the organization or from outside, depend upon the availability of personnel, the organization's HR policies and the requirements of the job to be staffed. Advantages of recruiting from within: Most organizations try to follow a policy of filling job vacancies above the entry-level position through promotions and transfers. By filling vacancies in this way, an organization can capitalize on the investment it has made in recruiting, selecting, training and developing its current employees. Promotion serves to reward employees for past performance and is intended to encourage them to continue its efforts. It also gives other employees reason to anticipate that similar efforts by them will lead to promotion, thus improving morale within the organization. Recruitment outside the organization:


Unless there is to be a reduction in the workforce, a replacement from outside must be found to fill a vacancy when a jobholder moves to new slot in the organization. Thus, when the president or CEO of the organization retires, a chain reaction of promotions may subsequently occur. This creates other managerial openings throughout the organization. The question therefore is not whether to bring people into the organization, but rather at which level they are to be brought in. Advantages of external recruiting are 1. It is possible to source upon a wider range of talent. 2. It provides the opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business.

Recruitment policy:
Every organization will have its recruitment policy, whether this varies from year to year in the light of differing commercial pressures and standards or is established on a more constant basis in accordance with important basic principles. Recruitment policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and provides framework of implementation of the recruitment programme in the form of procedure. The following are some of the pre-requisites of a good recruitment policy It should be in accordance with the organization's general personnel policies. It should be flexible enough to satisfy the changing requirements of the


organization. It should be so designed and implemented as to hire people in a way that both quantity as well as quality as per requirements of the work matches each other.

Sources of Recruitment:
In general the sources of the employees can be classified into two types: 1 Internal 2 External Filling a job opening from within the firm has the advantages of stimulating preparations for possible transfer or promotion, increasing the general level of morale and providing more information about job candidates through analysis of work histories within the organization. An internal search of the computer personnel data bank can flag personnel with minimum qualifications for the job opening. Dissatisfaction with such skills inventories have led some to a more personalized job posting and bidding system. Such a system is more compatible with adapting the organization to the needs of the individuals. Internal postings should take place at least 1 to 2 weeks prior to external recruiting. Policies vary as to whether an interested present employee must inform the supervisor of the bid for a new job. Usually this is required only when the person is tentatively accepted and scheduled for screening interview. If accepted for the posted job the former supervisor is allotted approximately a month to provide for a successor. The personnel unit often acts as a clearing house in screening bids that are unrealistic, preventing an excessive number of bids by a single employee,


and counseling employees who are constantly unsuccessful in their attempts to change jobs. Inevitably, the firm must go to external sources for: lower entry jobs expansion Position whose specifications cannot be met by present personnel.

Internal Sources:
Present employees Employee referrals Former employees Previous applications

External Sources:
Advertising Employment exchanges Campus recruitments Labor unions Casual applicants Nepotism Leasing Walk ins and Write ins Consultants E-recruiting

Internal Sources:

Present Employees - Promotions and transfers of the present employees

could suffice the vacancy at hand.

Employee referrals - Employees can reference and recommend other

people for which they get a monetary incentive called finders fees.

Former employees - Ex employees, mostly retired who are willing to

rejoin the organization are filled on a part time basis.

Previous applicants - To minimize time and costs previous applicants

are considered for vacancy fill ups.

External Sources:

Advertising - Advertisements constitute a popular method of seeking

recruits, as many recruiters prefer advertisements because of their wide reach. Various means of advertising are: 1. Newspaper 2. Radio 3. Television 4. Pamphlets 5. Hoardings and Posters

Employment Exchanges - They act as link between employers and the prospective employees. They are well regarded in fields of unskilled, semiskilled and skilled operative jobs. Their major functions are to

increase the pool of possible application and to do preliminary screening

Campus recruitments - Firms make special efforts to establish and

maintain constructive relationships with college faculties and their administrations.

Labor unions - Firms with closed or union shops must look to the union organized labor constitutes an important source of

in their recruitment efforts. With 1/5th of the labor force organized into unions, personnel.

Casual Applicants - Unsolicited applications i.e. at the gate and through

mail constitute a much used source of personnel.

Nepotism - The hiring of relatives is inevitable in family owned firms.

This does not necessarily be on the basis of merit but interest and loyalty to the enterprise are offsetting advantages.

Leasing - To adjust to short term fluctuations in personnel needs, the

possibility of leasing personnel by hour or day should be considered especially in office administration field.

Walk INS and Write INS - The most common and least expensive

approach for candidates is direct applications, in which job seekers submit unsolicited application letters or resumes.

Consultants - They are useful in as much as they have nation wide contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. They also keep

prospective employer and employee anonymous. They charge fees that are

20% to 50% of the first year salaries of the individuals placed.

E-recruiting - Involves screening candidates electronically, directing

potential hires to a special website for online skill assessment, conducting background checks over the internet, interviewing candidates via videoconferencing and managing the entire process with web based software. In India and with the current buzz of outsourcing E-Recruitment had caught up the fancy of HR Honchos. External Recruitment carries the following advantages 1. The best candidate having requisite skill, experience, knowledge and outlook can be chosen to fill the vacancy. 2. In the long run, this may prove to be economical because potential employees do not need extra training for their jobs.


A. EXISTING POSITIONS 1. Review a copy of the most recently classified position description to determine if it adequately describes the open position. 2. Update the position description if necessary by completing a Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). This position description is used to prepare interview questions that are related to the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully perform in the position.



1. Use the PAQ to create a position description. a. A position description should describe the essential duties of the position, knowledge and skills required to successfully perform in the position, and the minimum experience, training and/or ducation necessary to be considered for employment into the position. b. It will also be used to prepare interview questions that are related to the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully perform in the position. 2. Submit the PAQ to UHRS for review, assignment of classification, and salary approval. After UHRS has approved the new position, the recruitment process may begin

Stages of Recruitment:
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz.: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Planning Strategy development Searching Screening and Evaluation and control.

1. Recruitment Planning: The first stage in recruitment process is planning. Planning involves

translation of likely job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs into a set of objectives or targets that specify the i) Number ii) Type of applicants to be contacted Number: Organizations mostly plan to attract more applicants than they will hire. Some of those contacted will be uninterested, unqualified or both. Each time a recruitment program is contemplated; one task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with qualified people. Type of contacts: This is to the type of people to be informed about job openings. The type of people depends on the tasks and responsibilities involved and qualifications and experience expected. These details are available through job description and job specification. 2. Strategy Development: Once it is known how many and what type of recruits, serious consideration needs to be given to Make or buy employees(hire less skilled workers or hire skilled workers and professionals) Technological sophistication of recruitment and selection devices(technological advancement has made it possible for job seekers to gain better access) Geographic distribution of labor markets comprising job seekers(to reduce cost organizations look into labor markets most likely to offer the required job seekers) Sources of recruitment(internal & external)

Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process. 3. Searching: Once recruiting plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin. This involves two steps

Source activation- sources and search methods are activated by

the issuance of an employee requisition. This means that no actual recruiting takes place until line managers have verified that a vacancy does exist or will exist.

Selling - this is concerned with communications. Here the emphasis is

on media and message. Media (employment exchanges, advertisements etc) and Message refers to the employment advertisements. 4. Screening: Its an integral part of recruiting process though it is also viewed as the first step of selection process. The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process at an early stage those applicants who are visibly unqualified for the job. An effective screening could save on time and money. 5. Evaluation and Control:

It is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in recruitment process. Some of the costs generally incurred are: i) ii) Salaries for recruiters Management and professional time spent on preparing job


description, job specifications, advertisements, agency liaisons and so forth iii) fees iv) v) vi) unfilled vii) Cost of recruiting suitable candidates for selection process. Cost of producing supporting literature Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses Cost of overtime and out sourcing while vacancies remain Cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods i.e. agency

Short listing - How do we decide who to shortlist? The decision to invite applicants to attend an interview is based entirely on what is written on the application form or in the application letter and CV. It is important to give as much information as you can about yourself and about how your skills and experience relate to the job for which you are applying. A good application shows why you should be interviewed. You should also give your reasons for applying.

Interview arrangements: The department in which the post is based will normally (depending upon the post) be responsible for arranging the interview date and panel. If you

have any queries about short listing and/or interview arrangements, then please contact the department directly. Other forms of assessment: For some positions, applicants may also be expected to complete a test, make a presentation or undertake a case study. If this is the case, then you will be notified when you are contacted for interview. The interview: If you have been selected for interview then you will be contacted by letter, telephone, or e-mail, normally within 8 weeks of the closing date. The composition of the selection panel will depend upon the post, but you will always be interviewed by more than one person. At the interview, the panel will assess each applicant in relation to the position and to any selection criteria. Each applicant will be asked the same area of questions. At the end of the interview, the applicant will have the chance to ask questions. The selection panel will inform the applicant of when (s) he is likely to be notified of the outcome. References: References are usually requested automatically for all short listed candidates, unless they have stated otherwise. You should provide at least one referee who can be approached prior to the interview stage. Your referees must be able to comment upon your past employment and your recent work performance in relation to the selection criteria. Your most recent, direct supervisor/line-manager should usually be nominated as one of your referees.


Post-interview stage: Once you have attended the interview, the department will inform you whether you have been successful. If you have been successful, then you will normally receive a telephone call to confirm this. The offer of employment will then be confirmed in writing to you. If you have been unsuccessful, then the department may confirm this either by telephone or in writing. This might not reflect your ability, but may be due to another applicant being better qualified at the time. Feedback: You may request feedback either on your performance or on the deliberations made by the panel in making its decision. The chair of the interview panel, or the senior departmental panel member, should give feedback representative of the department in which the post is based. Equal opportunities form: The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. The aim of the policy is to eliminate unlawful and unfair discrimination on any grounds, including gender, ethnicity, age, and disability. The answers that you provide will be treated in confidence, and will have no bearing upon the way that your application is considered. These answers will not be seen by those involved in short listing.



The Term selection denotes a choice of one or some from amongst many. The vital importance of making the right selection of staff for any enterprise cannot be overemphasized. While selecting employees, it should be borne in mind that they are the greatest source of an organization. Selection is the process of picking individuals with a requisite qualifications & competence to fill job in the organization. Proper selection of an employees is an essential factor in any employment and more so in industry. The basic principle is that the junior employee selected today is a potential Directors or chief Executive tomorrow, buildings, money, physical facilities may be necessary but they are always secondary. The critical elements are always the spirit, team work and skills of the organizations personnel. The attainment of its objective, quality of its service these depend on its people. Every thing else can be brought or reproduced all expect skilled and dedicated service. That is distinguishes successful. An organization is only as good as its personnel. There is a popular proverb that A man is know by the company with which he is working and the company is know by the men it has. Under the scenario it be safely said that a company is know by the men/women it employs.



Selection procedures must satisfy a number of requirements of the organization. It is important they fulfill four main functions; 1) Information Gathering: This involves generating information about the organization, the job candidates, including characteristics. 2) Prediction: Using information of past and present candidates characteristics as a basis for making prediction about candidates future behavior.
3) Decision making: Using the predictions about candidates future behavior

career paths on one hand: and on other about their experience, qualifications & personal

as a basis for making decisions about whom to accept or reject. 4) Information supply: Providing information on one hand about organization, providing information about the results of the selection process. Good selection requires a methodical approach to the problem of finding the best matched person for the job. Selection is a chain which is as strong as its weakest link. The selection involves a series of complex decisions concerning the choice of person, choice of methods to use, and the choice of information.


In recent years, new methods of selection have been found out by HR


specialists. These approaches are deemed to be the tradibor1al methods of selection. Two interesting alternatives-eases Participative selection Employee leasing
Participative selection - means that subordinates participate in the

selection of their co-workers and supervisors. The idea is that such participation will improve quality, increase support for selected supervisors and co-workers, and improve employee morale.
Employee leasing- The client company leases employees from a third

party, not on temporary basis, but rather are leased as full-time, long term help. An interesting feature of this method is that the client company need not perform such personnel activities as hiring, compensation or record keeping. Employees already working elsewhere are leased. They are not directly employed by the company where they are working. Selection denotes a choice of one or some form amongst many. The vital importance of making the right selection of staff for any enterprise cannot be overemphasized. While selecting employees, it should be borne in mind that they are the greatest source of an organization. Building and money are always secondary. The critical element is always the spirit, team work and the skill of the organizations personnel. Every thing can be brought or reproduced except skilled and dedicated service. Since there is a large incidence of unemployment in our country. It is not in


probable that for any kind of vacancy occurring, there might be a great rush of applicants. What is required is a certain amount of aptitude, earnestness and above all, a will to work diligently. It must be realized that even with due amount to care and caution when selection are made there may be a certain number of dropouts for a variety of reasons. when one finds further prospects blocked or the earnings not satisfying ones financial needs, one looks for new pastures for an increase in the income.



Research is an academy activity and as such term should be strictly used in the technical service. Research methodology is way to systematical solving the research probability. It may to understand as a science of studying how research is done scientifically.


The data is collected from primary and secondary sources.

The primary source of data collection is from the employees by means of questionnaires and personal interviews.

Secondary sources like Internet, Academic text books, journals.

There are around 770 employees in CCI Ltd (Tandur). It is very difficult and time consuming to conduct research work taking into consideration the entire population. In order to save time and make experiment more accurate only a sample was selected from the universe for the purpose of the study. While selecting the sample from the universe due care was taken to ensure the sample truly represents the population characteristics without any bias so that it may result in and reliable conclusions. For the research purpose sample size of 50 were taken for the study.

The research included respondents who were employees and were selected randomly from the employees database covering almost all the departments existing in the organization. That is in technical terms non-profitability cluster sampling method was adopted.



Four main methods can be used for collecting data, they are administration of instruments, individual interviews, group discussions and observation of various departments, the methodology of administration of instruments was adopted because it is convenient for both the employees & the researcher. He employees fill the questioner whenever they get time. The interview method & group discussions where not appropriate because the employees were not available as they have busy schedule. A Questionnaire was prepared for the employees, which constitute of 15 questions, which included multiple choice questions and open-ended questions for any suggestions. These questions were based on recruitment in CCI. The questionnaires were given to the employees for their response and opinion on the recruitment.

The collected data was analyzed with the help of 1 Simple percentage and 2 Pie-charts.




Human Resource Management is a management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and develops members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the people's dimension in organizations. The core points are: 1. Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or inventories.

They are people. It is the people who staff and manage organizations. 2. HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The functions and principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining and remunerating employees in organizations. 3. Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decisions on different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions. 4. Decisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organizations. Effectiveness of an organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high-quality products supplied at reasonable costs. 5. HRM functions are not confined to business establishments only. They are applicable to non-business organizations, too such as education, health care, recreation, and the like. Human resource management means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization, individual and the society. Human resource management aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals while simultaneously attempting to attain other societal and individual employee objectives. Every organization irrespective of its nature and size will have four resources viz., Men, Material, Money and Machinery. Of these, men i.e., Human Resource is the most vital as they give the cutting edge to the Organization. In this connection L.F Urwick says that Business houses are

made / broken in the long-run not by the markets (or) Capital, Patents (or) equipments, but by men. Peter F. Drucker says that, Man, of all the resources available can grow and develop. This gives genesis to the concept of Human Resource Management of all the Sub-system. Human Resource is the central sub-system of an Organization. As the central sub-system, it controls the functions of each sub-system and the whole organization. The prosperity and growth of an organization depends mainly upon the policies, programmes and practices of Human Resource Sub-system. So, an organization aiming at growth from all dimensions should maintain a dynamic and effective Human Resource Subsystem. Human Resource Management is concerned with the human being in an organization. It reflects a new philosophy, which views organizations manpower as its resources and assets. Human Resource Management is a managerial function which facilities the effective utilization of people in achieving organizational and individual goals. Earlier Human Resource Management was called by different names like personnel management, Personnel Administration, Staff Management, Manpower Management, Labour Relations, Industrial relations, Labour Management, Employee - Employer relations, Human Capital Management. Human Resource Management is a management function that helps the mangers to Recruit, Select, Train and Develop People for the purpose of achieving the stated organizational goals. In the present Scenario Human

Resource Management is used as a synonym to Personnel Management and the personnel Department is called the HR department. Human Resource Management has a very vastand wide scope. It is concerned with activities starting from manpower planning till the employee leaving the organization. The scope of Human Resource Management includes Procurement, Development, Maintenance and Control of Personnel in the organization. Various Aspects of Human Resources Management Organizational studies: The traditional method of study was called the organizational behavior and organizational theory, the latter referred to individual and group dynamics and the former referred to study of entire organization, how they adapt, and the strategies and structures that guide them Whenever people interact in organizations, many factors come into play. Organizational studies attempt to understand and model these factors. Organizational Behavior can play a major role in organizational development and success.

Organizational development plan is the process through which an organization develops the internal capacity to be the most effective it can be in its mission work and to sustain itself over the long term. Hence Organization development, according to Richard Beck hard, is defined as: 1. A planned effort


2. Organization-wide 3. Managed from the top 4. To increase organization effectiveness and health 5. Through planned interventions in the organizations 'processes', using behavioral Science knowledge. According to Warren Bunnies, organization development (OD) is a complex strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Human Resource Planning Manpower study Identification of vacancies Job analysis and Design Job specification and qualification requirement Recruitment, Selection and Placement Orientation Career Planning and career development Wage and Salary Administration


Features of HRM:
1 HRM is concerned with employees both as individuals and as a group

in attaining goals. It is also concerned with behavior, emotional and social aspects of personnel. 2 HRM covers all levels (low, middle, and top) and categories (unskilled, skilled, technical, professional, clerical and managerial) of employees. It covers both organized and unorganized employees. 3 4 It is a continuous and never ending process. Individual employee-goals consist of job satisfaction, ob security,

high salary, attractive fringe benefits, challenging work, pride, status, recognition etc. 5 6 7 It is a responsibility of all line managers and a function of staff It is the central sub-system of an organization and it permeates all It is concerned mostly with managing human resources at work. managers in an organization. types of functional management.

Objectives of HRM:
The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of a competent and willing workforce to an organization. Beyond this, there are other objectives too. Specifically, HRM objectives are four fold - Societal, Organizational, Functional and Personal. 1. Societal Objectives:


To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon the organization. The failure of organizations to use their resources for the society's benefit in ethical ways may lead to restrictions. For example, the society may limit HR decisions through laws that enforce reservation in hiring and laws that address discrimination, safety or other such areas of societal concern. 2. Organizational Objectives: To recognize the role of HRM in bringing about organizational effectiveness. HRM is not an end in itself. It is only a means to assist the organization with its primary objectives. Simply stated, the department exists to serve the rest of the organization. 3. Functional Objectives: To maintain the department's contribution at a level appropriate to the organizations needs. Resources are wasted when HRM is either more or less sophisticated to suit the organizations demands. The department's level of service must be tailored to fit the organization it serves. 4. Personal Objectives: To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the individual's contribution to the organization. Personal objectives of employees must be met if workers are to be maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise, employee performance and

satisfaction may decline and employees may leave the organization.

Functions of HRM:
These are broadly classified in to two categories: 1. Managerial functions 2. Operative functions

1. Managerial Functions
Managerial functions. a. Planning: It is a predetermined course of action. Planning pertains to formulating strategies of personnel programmes and changes in advance that will contribute to the organizational goals. In other words, it involves planning of human resources, requirements, recruitment, selection, training etc. It also involves forecasting of personnel needs, changing values, attitudes and behavior of employees and their impact on the organization. b. Organizing: An organization is a means to an end. It is essential to carry out the determined course of action. Complex relationships exist between the specialized departments and the general departments as many top managers are seeking the advice of the personnel manager. Thus, an organization establishes relationships among the employees so that they can collectively contribute to the attainment of company goals. functions of personnel management involve planning,

organizing, directing and controlling. All these functions influence operative


c. Directing: The next logical function after completing planning and organizing is the execution of the plan. The basic function of personnel management at any level is motivating, commanding, leading and activating people. The willing and effective cooperation of employees for the attainment of organizational goals is possible through proper direction. Tapping the maximum potentialities of the people is possible through motivation and command. d. Controlling: It involves checking, verifying and comparing of the actual with the plans, identification of deviations if any and correcting of identified deviations.

2. Operative Functions:
The operative functions of HRM are related to specific activities of personnel management viz., employment, development, compensation and relations. All these functions are interacted with managerial functions. Further these functions are to be performed in conjunction with management functions. 1. Employment: It is concerned with securing and employing the people possessing the required kind and level of human resources necessary to achieve the organizational objectives. It covers functions such as job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and internal mobility. Job Analysis: It is a process of study and collection of information

relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. Human Resource Planning: It is a process for determination and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times, performing jobs which would meet the needs of the organization and which provide satisfaction for the individuals involved. Recruitment: It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization. Selection: It is the process of ascertaining the qualifications, experiences, skills, knowledge etc., of an applicant with a view to appraising his/her suitability to a job. Placement: It is the process of assigning the selected candidate with the most suitable job in terms of job requirements. It is matching of employee specifications with job requirements.

Induction and Orientation: Induction and Orientation are the techniques by which a new employee is rehabilitated in the changed surrounding and introduced to the practices, policies, purposes, and people etc., of the organization.

Human Resources Development: It is the process of improving,


molding and changing the skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitude, values, commitment etc. based on present and future job and organizational requirements. This function includes:

Performance Appraisal: It is the systematic evaluation of individuals

with respect to their performance on the job and their potential for development.

Training: It is the process of imparting to the employees technical

and operating skills and knowledge.


Management Development: It is the process of designing and

conducting suitable executive development programs so as to develop the managerial and human relations skill of employees.

Career Planning and Development: It is the planning of ones career

and implementation of career plans by means of education, training, job search and acquisition of work experiences.

Compensation: It is the process of providing adequate, equitable and fair remuneration to the employees. It includes:
3. 1

Job Evaluation: It is the process of determining relative worth of Wage and Salary Administration: This is the process of developing



and operating a suitable wage and salary programme.


Incentives: It is the process of formulating, administrating and

reviewing the schemes of financial incentives in addition to regular payment of wages and salary.

Fringe Benefits: These are the various benefits at the fringe of the

wage. Management provides benefits to motivate and to meet their lifes contingencies. 4. Human Relations: Practicing various human resources policies and programmes like employment, development and compensation and interaction among employees create a sense of relationship between the individual worker and management, among workers and trade unions and the management. It is the process of interaction among human beings. Human relations is an area of management in integrating people into work situations in a way that motivates them to work together productively, cooperatively and with economic, psychological and social satisfaction. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Understanding and applying the models of perception, personality, Motivating the employees. Boosting employee morale. Developing the communication skills. Developing the leadership skills. Improving quality of work life of employees through participation and Providing a comfortable work environment by reducing fatigue,

learning, intra and inter personal relations, intra and inter group relations.

other means. monotony, boredom and industrial accidents.


Counseling the employees in solving their personal, family and work

problems and releasing their stress, strain and tensions. 5. Industrial Relations: It refers to the study of relations among employees, employer, government and trade unions. It includes: Indian Labour market 1 2 3 4 5 Trade Unionism Collective Bargaining Industrial Conflicts Workers Participation in Management and Quality Circles

6. Recent Trends in HRM: HRM has been advancing at a fast rate. The recent trends in HRM include: 1 2 3 4 Quality of Work life Total Quality in human resources HR accounting, audit and research and Recent techniques of HRM.



The Indian cement industry continues to be the second largest producer of quality cement in the world and meets global standards. The cement industry


in India comprises 130 large cement plant stand are then 300 mini cement plants. Industry's capacity at beginning of the year 2008-09 was 198.30 million tones which increased to 219 million tones at the close of the year. With the boost given by the govt. to various infrastructure projects, road network and housing facilities, growth in the cement consumption is further anticipated in the coming years. The cement industry in India has been enjoying its best period with a healthy growth in demand in the past two years .The industry has been operating at its near full capacity during this period .The cement prices have been steady throughout the year with this firm demand position .The cement industry is one of the main beneficiaries of the infrastructure boom .With robust demand and adequate supply, the industry has bright future .The Indian cement industry with total capacity of 168 million tones is the second largest after China .Cement industry is dominated by 20 companies who account for over 70% of the market .Individually no company accounts for over 12%of the market .The major players like L&T and ACC have been quiet successfully narrowing the gap between demand and supply .Private housing sector is the major consumer of cement(53%) followed by the government infrastructure the sector .Similarly northern and southern region consume around 20%-30% cement while the central and western region are consuming only 18%-16%.The all India clinker production picked up further by 6.5% to 129.70 million tones as compared to 121.75 million tones during the previous year .The overall production of cement in the country for the year ended march 2008 was up to 168.31 million tones as against 155.66 million tones in the previous year registering a growth of 8.1%.


The domestic consumption of cement grew further by 9.8% over and above the double digit growth recorded in the previous two financial years and was at 164.02 million tone as compared to 149.40 million tones in the previous financial year .The cement export was, however, lower at 3.65 million tones as against 5.89 million tones as compared to 3.10 million tones in the previous year. India is the second largest cement producer in world after China .Right from laying concrete bricks of economy to waving fly over cement industry has shown and shows a great future. The industry looks healthy and promising & shows significant growth on the back of robust demand from housing construction, phase-|| of NHDP(National Highway Development Project) and other infrastructure development projects by both private ,public & also by a consortia of both .Domestic demand for cement has been increasing at fast pace in India. Cement corporation in India is forecasted to grow by over 20% by 2009-10 from 2007-08.Among the states, Maharashtra has the highest share in consumption at 12.81%, followed by Uttar Pradesh in production terms, Andhra Pradesh is leading with 14.72% of total production followed by Rajasthan .Cement production grew at the rate of 9.1% during 2006-07 over the previous fiscals total production of 147.8million tones .Due to rising demand of cement the sales volume of cement companies are also increasing & companies reporting higher production, higher sales and higher profits. The net profit growth rate of cement firms was 85%.Cement industry

has long way to go as Indian economy is poised to grew because of being on verge of development. Companies continue to emphasize on reduction in energy costs and logistics expenses. The cement sector is expected to witness growth in line with the economic growth because of the strong corelation with GDP. Future drivers of cement demand growth in India would be the road and housing projects. Cement industry in India has also made tremendous strides in technological up gradation and assimilation of latest technology. Presently, 93% of the total capacity in the industry is based on modern and environment friendly dry process technology. The induction of advanced technology has helped the industry immensely to conserve energy and fuel and to save materials substantially. Indian cement industry has also acquired technical capability to produce different types of cement like ordinary Portland cement(OPC),Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC), Portland blast furnace slag cement(PBFS),oil well cement, rapid hardening Portland cement, sulphate resisting Portland cement, white cement etc. Some of the major clusters of cement industry in India are: Satna (Madyapradesh), Chandrapur (Maharashtra), Gulbarga (Karnataka), Yerraguntla (Andhra Pradesh), Nalgonda (Andhra Pradesh), Bilaspur (Chattisgarh) and Chandoria (Rajasthan).

Major cement manufacturers in India:

1 Ultra Tech cements 2 ACC

3 India cements Ltd 4 madras cements 5 Lafarge 6 Jai Prakash Associates 7 Grasim Industries 8 Holcim 9 Itali cements 10 JK cements 11 Birla cements 12 Gujarat Ambuja cement Ltd. CEMENT CORPORATION OF INDIA: The Cement Corporation of India, which is a Central Public Sector Undertaking, has 10 units. There are 10 large cement plants owned by various state Governments. Cement Corporation of India Limited (CCI) was incorporated as a company wholly owned by government of India on 18th January 1965 with the principal objective of achieving self sufficiency in cement production. Tandur CCI was incorporated on 1st July 1987 located about 120km from Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). It is a dry process of capacity of 10 lakhs metric tons p.a.. it is high position in profit, it s CCI largest income getting unit

Name of the company


: Cement Corporation of India

Location Establishment Initial investment Chairmen-cum-managing Director General Manager Total area Area of mines Area of factory Township Railway sliding Others Total number of employees Bankers

: Karankote, Tandur (A.P) : 1st July : Rs. 175 crore : S.H.R.P.Tak

: V.K. Pandey : 2195.04 Acres : 138.80 Acres : 209.05 Acres : 64.73 Acres : 165.84 Acres : 16.62 Acres : 770 : State Bank of India

State Bank of Hyderabad State Bank of Indore Corporation Bank Punjab National Bank Union Bank of India Vijaya Bank Registered office : Core 5, Scope Complex 7, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003. It has total 770 manpower, 270 permanent employees and 500 employees on contract basis. It has residential colony, canteen, and school, hospital with ambulance facility, bank, post office and two buses for transportation. It has 15 departments headed by General Manager. The departments namely are. 1. Personal & Administration 2. Finance 3. Marketing 4. Production 5. Mining 6. Civil 7. Mechanical 8. Management & Service

9. Material Management 10.Instrumentation 11.Electrical 12.Vigilance 13.Time Office 14.Medical 15.Security

OBJECTIVES OF CEMENT CORPORATION OF INDIA: To achieve o pioneering and leading position in the exploration, prospecting and proving cement grade limestone reserves and deposits to sustain ambitious growth plans of the corporation, in particular nd of the cement industry, in general. To emerge s a growing n important leader in the production of cement in the country by creating additional capacity either by expansion or by improved technology or by setting up new cement plants. To emerge as a leader in setting up capacities in deficit/remote areas for removing existing regional imbalances of production and consumption in pursuance of the national policy in this regard. To emerge, resultantly as the largest seller of cement in the country an to continue to perpetuate and improve upon the same position by constant increase in the production capabilities.


To develop and enter export market for export of cement particularly, to neighboring South East Asian countries. To undertake detailed and scientific scanning of the marketing potentialities for development and diversification into areas of cement based building materials such s AC sheets, pipes, sleepers, ready mixed concrete and to undertake appropriate research studies for development of other building binding materials as a substitute for cement. To occupy position both of dominance an eminence in the research and development in different fields of cement technology and process and also bring about new innovations in the design, layout and other technical specification of new cement plants and other related auxiliary inputs to the cement industry. To develop capability and to sustain, perpetually, sound technical and engineering knowledge to render technical consultancy services both in the field of plant layout as well as in the cement process technology both within and outside the country. To develop expertise and sustain sound practices in project management by application of modern management techniques of planning, monitoring review and process of the projects



38 58 204 300

CCI manufacturers various types of cements like Portland Pozzolana cement(PPC), Portland Slag Cement(PSC) & ordinary Portland cement(OPC) of varying grades viz 33,43,53 and 53s(special grade cement for manufacture of sleepers for Indian Railways) grades. Under strict quality control with the brand name of CCI cement. Raw Materials: 1 Lime stone 2 Shale 3 Gypsum 4 Late rite 5 Iron ore 6 Fly ash In cement production, raw materials preparation involves primary and secondary crushing of the quarried material, drying the material (for use in the dry process) or undertaking a further raw grinding through either wet or dry processes, and blending the materials. Clinker production is the most energy intensive step, accounting for about 80% of the energy used in cement production. Produced by burning a mixture of materials, mainly limestone, silicon oxides, aluminum, and iron oxides, clinker is made by one

of two production processes: wet or dry, these terms refer to the grinding processes although other configurations and mixed forms (semi-wet, semidry) exist for both types. In the dry process, the raw materials are ground, mixed, and fed into the kiln in their dry state. In the wet process, the crushed and proportion materials are ground with water, mixed and fed into the kiln in the form of slurry. Different types of cement that are produced by India Cements Ltd are: 1. Poorna Shakthi 33 grade 2. Maha Shakthi 43 grade 3. Param Shakthi 53 grade 4. 53s for railway siding 5. Jal Shakthi Pozzolana Portland Cement(PPC) Packing: High Density Packing Elements (H.D.P.E) Weight: AREA OF OPERATIONS: CCI is a multi unit organization at present having 10 units spread over eight with a total annual installed capacity of 38.48 lakh million tones. All factories, Zonal Offices and Corporate office at Delhi are inter connected through internet. In line with the advancement in cement technology CCI had been adopting the latest one with one million tones at Tandur and Nayagoan. The details of the plants are as under:


1. Bokojan (Assam) 2. Rajban (H.P) 3. Tandur (A.P) 4. Mandhar (Chattisgarh) 5. Kurkunta (Karnataka) 6. Nayagoan (M.P) 7. Akaltara (Chattisgarh) 8. Charkhidadri (Haryana) 9. Adilabad (A.P) 10.Delhi Grind. Unit 11.Bhatinda Grind.unit (Punjab) OPC in the market are affecting the use of 33 grades OPC and now days 43 grade OPC is normally used for general construction work instead of 33 grades OPC. More useful for mass concreting and plain cement concreting. Normally made to order basis. It can be used for plastering and single storied individual houses. MAJOR COMPETATORS: 1 Ultra Tech Cements 2 ACC 3 India Cements Ltd. 4 Madras Cements 5 Penna Cements 6 Birla Cements 7 Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.

HR department, Purchase Department, Finance Department, Quality Assurance Department, Manufacturing Department etc. CCI Ltd. Also has separate laboratory in Hyderabad with all testing facilities. The employees have been taken care by the company by providing the following various needs like- the plant has hospital and ambulance facility for its workers, and there is canteen for all its employees. There is special Reverse Osmosis drinking water facility for employees. The company has special guest house to entertain its guest. It has meeting hall and separate hall for training to its employees. CCI is also having township of 64,73 acres and two buses for transportation for there employees and is having English medium school for employees children, and they are providing coconut oil & jaggery to the workman, free electrical consumption up to permitted units and recreation cubs for mens & womens separately.

CCI has been awarded the All India Organization Of Employees Industrial Relations Award for the 1. The excellence award instituted by the Institute Of Economic Studies(I.E.S), New Delhi was conferred on corporation in March,2005 for achieving excellence in productivity, quality, innovation and management


2. 1990. 3.

Bokojan Cement Factory has bagged the National Award for the year

Kurkunta Cement Factory has bagged the National Award for energy

efficiency in cement industry for the year 1989-90 awarded by the national council of cement & Building Materials (NCCBM) in association with Ministry of Energy. 4. CCI has been awarded second prize under Indira Gandhi Raj Bhasha

Award for 1987-88 for outstanding achievement in promoting the official language policy of the government. 5. The Annual Report and Accounts (1986-87) of the company were

highly commended and awarded the plaque by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (1988). 6. CCI has been awarded the International Asia Award 1984 in

consultation with the chamber of commerce and industry for distinguished contribution towards development and evolution of economy in Asian Area (1984). 7. The annual report and accounts (1982-83) of the company were highly

commended and awarded the plaque by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (1984). 8. Mandhar Cement Factory was selected for productivity award (second best among all cement factories) by the National Productivity Council for the overall Productivity for the year 1983.


Kurkunta Cement Factory which had operated at more than 110%

capacity during 982-83 was adjudged by the National Productivity Council as best among al factory in Cement industry for its highest overall productivity in the productivity year 1982. Organizational Structure of Cement Corporation of India Ltd.:

Chairman -cum -managing director

Director (finance)

Director (Personal)

Director (marketing)

Director (operator)

Chief Vigilence ooficer
















Designation Chart
Chairman-cum-Managing Director

Directors of Corporate Office General Manager Deputy. General Manager Sr. Manager Manager Deputy. Manager Asst. Manager Engineer/Office Deputy. Engineer/Staff Officer Asst. Engineer/Asst. Officer Jr. Engineer/ Jr. Officer Supervisor Support Staff

The total strength of the CCI Ltd is 770 employees, 1 In that 28 employees are executive category 2 40 supervisor category 3 202 Non-supervisor category and 4 500 on contract basis on the shop floor category.

CCIs Strategy:


Company has adopted the mark up pricing i.e. it considers overall cost of producing, administration expenses, transportation and profit margin, then it is fixes the price for the different grade of cement, and 53s grade is for railway siding, only supplier to the railway department, which has a large network in India. Quality of cement dispatched is with Zero Defect Quality and Zero Defect Weight and above BIS norms so that every bag dispatched will have quality in appearance of bag, its weight and quality of cement carried. Our focus is not only on the quality of cement dispatched but on the consistency of High Quality cement dispatched. A quality Assurance is the backbone of quality, for the product manufactured by CCI. Social Activities t Residential Complexes at the plants: All the units of the corporation are having a self contained residential township equipped with all the basic facilities like education, health, recreational, shopping complex etc. These townships are replica of Mini India where employees of various castes, culture, and community are living harmoniously as a one family. Ladies club at the units are the hub for social & cultural activities. These clubs regularly undertake social activities like literacy programmes and health care in near by backward areas. This unit has also undertaken community development projects for upliftment of local population as a part of its corporate social responsibility. Quality:


Special emphasis was laid on quality of cement produced at all the three operating units. In addition to regular testing of cement samples in CCIs own well equipped laboratories situated in each plant, monthly cement samples were tested for complete physical & chemical parameters in reputed Govt./Private laboratories such as NCB, Hyderabad, NTH, Guwahati. Main aim of quality assurance is to ensue that quality of cement dispatched is with zero defect quality and zero quality weight and above BIS norms so that every bag dispatched will have quality in appearance of bag, its weight and quality of cement carried. Our focus is not only on the quality of cement dispatched but on the consistency of high quality cement dispatched. A quality assurance is the backbone of quality, for the product manufactured by CCI.



Cement Corporation of India Ltd.(CCI) is a premier profit making Central Govt. Public Sector Undertaking engaged in manufacturing and marketing

of cement. Its vision is to emerge as one of the best cement companies committed to contribute to the economy and enhancing the value of stakeholders. The data has been collected from internal personnel manual, explanation from the Personnel Department executives and with the help of Questionnaires for the target population of 50 employees.

Recruitment Sources:
1. Newspaper Advertisement: An advertisement clearly mentioning the recruitment profile is released in the contemporary widely used newspapers with skill set required. 2. Employee References: The Company screens the applications received through referrals and selected applicants are called for the Recruitment process. Once the candidate is selected the company gives referral reward to the referrer. Most companies encourage and follow this method because it results in motivating the employee and saving recruitment costs and in turn benefits the organization.

Walk-in-interview: The candidate approach the company by the

information received through word of mouth, Newspapers, friends and various other sources. After the initial screening of the resumes the shortlisted candidates take up the Recruitment process.

CV Data Base: The company keeps a daily update of CVs receviced

from individual personal E-mail Websites where most of the people send their resumes/CV with or without the knowledge of Companys recruitment. E-mails are screened and short-listed applications are sent back with the message mentioning the recruitment process applicants are called for an


interview. Recruitment process for the positions of Regular or Deputation, Management Trainees: For the positions of regular basis for Executive director of projects, marketing, technical they should have at least 20 years of experience in their respective fields as they comes under senior management. Who has the responsibility to take care of implementation and coordination in project planning, responsible for developing well-knit marketing policy for increasing sales and realization, penetrating into new markets and maximizing the sale and profitability of the Company, development of dealers network, business development, client relationship and brand image building, responsible for overseeing the operation and production activities of the plant and coordination of various activities like maintenance & services, production, mining, materials management, finance, HR etc. For Deputation: Candidates working in Central/State Public Sector Undertaking/ Govt./semi-Govt. organization shall only be eligible for applying for deputation. For Management Trainees: Initially candidates are screened whether the candidate is with a Full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Technology with 60% or not, in their respective disciplines like Humar Resources, Finance, Mechanical, Chemica/Production, Finance.

Selection Process:


In order to apply for the positions candidates have to send their applications through post. The eligible candidates will have to undergo an all India Selection Test which will be conducted at the designated cities. Based on merit and requirement, the list of successful candidates will be made available at CCI website and short listed candidates will have to appear for Group Discussion and Personal Interview before the Companys Selection Board. Candidates have to secure minimum qualifying marks fixed by the Company at its discretion in GD and interview. HR Round: Final stage of interview is the HR round. In this stage, all the applicants short listed after group discussion will be assessed on their attitude, stability and behaviour and also the applicant's commitment and consistency levels are evaluated. All the necessary reference checks will be done in this stage. Finally, the applicant who clears succesfully the above series of tests will be given the offer to join the organisation. During this process, the HR also explains about the CTC break, various allowances and incentives provided, the necessary documents needed and also the facilities that the company provides. If the candidate accepts the offer, get required signatures on salary fixation form, offer letter. And after that prepare pre-employment medical letter and co-ordinate for medicals, receive the medical reports. Co-ordinate with company doctor to receive 'Fitness' certification on all the medical reports.




Analysis of the data collected

1) In the company how are the employees being employed? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS Full time Part time Contract Temporary Total Information gathered 225 15 45 15 300 PERCENTAGE 75% 5% 15% 5% 100%



Temprory Contract Part Time

60% 5%

Full Time

Interpretation: From the above chart it can be inferred that in organization they follow the full time & contract basis as it is a manufacturing company.


2) Do you use Job Description or duty statements? OBSREVATION: Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents Percentages 50 100% 50 100%




Interpretation When ever there is a new position, the organization will follow the Job Description first & later they describe the duty statements when candidates are selected.


3) What are methods of lateral recruitment that are followed in the organization? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS ADVERTISMENT WALKINS REFERENCE TOTAL RESPONCE 25 20 5 50 PERCENTAGES 50% 40% 10% 100%




The organization follows the method of Advertisement mostly because to attract suitable person with adequate number of applicants.


4) Which of the following sources does the organization use for recruitment? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS NEWSPAPERS INTERNET WALKINS TOTAL RESPONCE 20 20 10 50 PERCENTAGES 40% 40% 20% 100%


40% Newspaper



Interpretation The organization will follow newspapers if the requirement of employees is more or other wise they prefer internet as a source of recruitment.


5) If you advertise a position in newspaper, what paper do you use? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS LOCAL METROPOLITAN SUB-URBAN TOTAL RESPONCE 10 5 35 50 PERCENTAGES 20% 10% 70% 100%



Interpretation The organization will follow Sub-Urban newspapers to advertise for medium & high skilled position as the units are located at Sub-Urban areas.



6) How does the organization starts recruiting process? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS FREQUENTLY Only when requirement is there MONTHLY TOTAL RESPONCE 5 35 10 50 PERCENTAGES 10% 70% 20% 100%

10% 20%

Interpretation When there are more vacancies, the organization starts recruiting process.



7) Does the organization follow contractual basis? OBSERVATION:

Options Yes No Total

No. of Respondents Percentages 30 60% 20 40% 50 100%


Interpretation Mostly prefers contractual as it is beneficial for the organization.


8) Which sites does the organization prefer? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS TIMES JOB CCI PORTAL NAUKRI OTHERS TOTAL RESPONCE 5 15 20 10 50 PERCENTAGES 10% 30% 40% 20% 100%

10% 20%



The organization prefers nakuri & CCI Portal Sites mostly for recruitment.

9) Do you have an application form? OBSERVATION: Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents 50 50 Percentages 100% 100%


The organization will follow Application Form so that they can know who have attended the written test and interview.

10) What are the techniques or methods followed for selection process? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS TESTS INTERVIEW BOTH TOTAL RESPONCE 5 25 20 50 PERCENTAGES 10% 50% 40% 100%





The management follows both methods that is tests & interview very much so that they can know the candidates their ability to work under stress, interpersonal skills & ability to fit-in the organization.

11) What type of Interview Process do you use? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS PANEL STRESS ONE on ONE TOTAL RESPONCE 15 5 30 50 PERCENTAGES 30% 10% 60% 100%




The organization follows interview process by panel they are


HR The head of the department Administration

12) How would you class the Interview structure? OBSERVATION: OPTIONS Formal & Structured Semi structured Unstructured TOTAL RESPONCE 22 18 10 50 PERCENTAGES 44% 36% 20% 100%




Interpretation The organization follows formal & structured interview, as they can check the capabilities of the candidates. 13) Do you have any specific room to conduct interviews in? OBSERVATION: Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents 50 50 Percentages 100% 100%


There are separate rooms for interviewing different candidates as the organization has different position or levels. 14) Does the organization offer any reimbursements? OBSERVATION: Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents Percentages 45 90% 5 10% 50 100%





The organization reimburses the expenses of the candidates attending the interview, only when they have proof of their expenditure.

15) After selecting an employee is there any Induction Programs to train him /her? OBSERVATION: Options Yes No Total No. of Respondents 45 5 50 Percentages 90% 10% 100%




The organization gives a training programs to the new candidates so that it offer a way to develop the skills & enhancing productivity and quality of work and increasing individual and organizational performance to achieve business results.



The organization mostly prefers External rather Internal Recruitment They uses different procedures for Recruitment For every level of interview the panel consists of different members conducting the interview. The management selects the candidates both on the permanent or contractual basis. Among the respondents, 50% expressed that organization follow later recruitment. Among the applicants, 44% classed the interview structure as formal & structured. The management seeks to it that people attending the interview are treated properly. 90% expressed that there is a induction program after the selection. 95% employees are satisfied with the recruitment & selection.



The role of HR manager is very crucial in selecting & recruiting the right kind of people who can be an asset for the company. Instead of following blind elimination process, focus should be on selecting people based on the skills and competencies required for the job. As the organization is one of the oldest and one of the best one it should try to update the technologies from time to time. All the candidates attending the interview are informed all the details properly. To assure employee of the organization interest in his personal goals and employment objectives. While formulating a selection policy consideration should be given to organizational requirements as well as technical and professional dimensions of selection procedure. Concentrate ways to attract the source of candidates from the walkins and employee referrals. The written test questions asked in different rounds should be changed frequently.



For the purpose of this study interview questions were sufficient to obtain the information required to analyze the process of recruitment & selection with in the organization. It had been founded that organization has a sound understanding of what process need to be used in order to achieve effective Recruitment & selection. There are several issues have been identified with in the recruitment & selection process that need to address the way to communicate the request of the vacant & new position to the person responsible for recruitment. The second issues is the need of the organization to widen coverage area when advertising in the news paper for position vacant has been established and finally it has been established that the organization should advertise all the positions internally so, that prior to searching outside the company for the suitable most applicant.


1) ) In the company how are the employees being employed? a) Full time b) Part Time c)Contract d)temporary 2) Do you use Job Description or duty statements? a) Yes b) No 3) What are methods of lateral recruitment that are followed in the organization? a) Advertisement b) Walk-ins c) Reference 4) Which of the following sources does the organization use for recruitment? a) Newspapers b) Internet c) Walk-ins

5) If you advertise a position in newspaper, what paper do you use? a) Local b) Metropolitan c) Sub-Urban 6) How does the organization starts recruiting process? a) Frequently b) Only when urgent requirement c) Monthly


7) Does the organization follow contractual basis? a) Yes b) No

8) Which sites does the organization prefer? a) Times Job b)CCI Portal c) Naukri d) Others.

9) Do you have an application form? a) Yes b) No 10) What are the techniques or methods followed for selection process? a) Tests b) Interview c) Both

11) What type of Interview Process do you use? a) Panel b) One on One c) Stress 12) How would you class the Interview structure? a) Formal & structured b) Semi-Structured c) Unstructured 13) Do you have any specific room to conduct interviews in? a) Yes b) No

14) Does the organization offer any reimbursements? a) Yes b) No

15) After selecting an employee are there any Induction Programs to train them?


a) Yes

b) No

1. Aswathappa. K, Human Resource and Personnel Management, 4th

Edition, New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited.

2. Mamoria C B and Gankar S V, Personnel Management, 25 th Edition,

Himalaya Publishing House. 3. Stephen P. Robbins, Organization Behaviour, 11th Edition published by Asoke K. Ghosh, New Delhi.



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