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, Pogue. Lisa -TRNTO -TO
Workman, Caitlin -CMR
July 28, 2011 11 :27 AM
Feir, Jim -TRNTO -BSO -TO
Revise en vert u de la Lei sur f'acces a i'mtormatie(l
Cc: lanteigne, Andre-Marc -CSM; Gulliver Belanger, Meshel -CMR; Morrison, Campbell -
CMC; Shannon, Ulric -BCM; Pogue, lisa -TRNTO -TO; Rauth, Sue -TRNTO -TO; Vogtle,
Janice -TRNTO -BSO -TD; Belanger, Michel-BSR; Wilson, Randle -BSD; Manuge, Grant
-BFMA; Rice, Candice -TRNTO -TO
Subject: RE: A reporter re: Franke James
Thanks Jim. We'll. follow up here at HQ, working with our colleagues on the FA side.
Caitlin Workman
Spokesperson I Porte-parole
Telephone I Telephone 613-992-6490
Facsimile I Telecopieur 613-996-9276
125 Promenade Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON KIA OG2
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada I Affaires etrangeres et Commerce
international Canada Government of Canada I Gouvernement du Canada
-----Original Message-----
From: Feir, Jim -TRNTO -8S0 -TO
Sent: July 28, 2011 10:33 AM
To: Workman, Caitlin -CMR
Cc: Lanteigne, Andre-Marc -CSM; Gulliver Belanger, Meshel -CMR: Morrison, Campbell -
CMe i Shannon, Ulric -BCM: Pogue, Lisa -TRNTO -TO: Ra uth, Sue -TRNTO -TO: Vogtle,
Janice -TRNTO -850 -TD: Belanger, Michel. -BSR; Wilson, Randle -BSDi Manuge, Grant -
BFMA: Rice, Candice -TRNTO -TD
Subject: FW: A reporter re: Franke James
Importance: High
Caitlin - here is the media enquiry made t o Candice by voicemaiJ. and then follow-up
email yesterday which explains itself.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rice, Candice -TRNTO -TO
Sent: July 27, 2011 8:47 PM
To: Pogue, Lisa -TRNTO -TOi Feir, Jim -TRNTO -BSO -TD
Subject: Fw: A reporter re: Franke James
I am still on vacation but saw this request from a reporter. Suggest this be sent t o
Comms for action. You will reca ll email from Scott Heatherington indicating
the Embassy.
Candice Rice
he would not agree to holding a press conference at
Trade Digital Media and Cultural Industries Foreign Affairs and
International Trade Canada Ontario Regional Office
151 Yonge Street, 4th floor
Tor'onto, ON
Tel: 416 973 5157
Sent: Wed Jul 27 15: 10 :12 2011
5.21 (1 )(b)
"From: Gravite-Massone, Iveta -RIGA -PA
Sent: July 12, 20111:27 PM
To: Rice, Candice -TRNTO -TO; Heatherington, Scott -RIGA
Cc: Hamilton, Kevin -VLNUS -GR; Cirule, Irena -RIGA; Sunny -WSAW-
TO; Maftin, Clinton -MOSCO -TO; Polo Ferrer, Aurora -BCLNA -TD; Ceramilac, Djurdjevka -BGRAD -TD; Kaminski, Anat -TA WV
-TO; Young, Brian -ATHNS -TD; Stratton, Tana -GUB; Guimond, Jocelyn -GUC
Subject: RE: Franke James European Aft Exhibition- Service Request
On behalf of Mr. Scott Heatherington, Ambassador to the Baltic States:
Dear Candice,
We were approached by Nekaterina group regarding this exhibit earlier this yeelr, when tlJeyaskedlorfinapcial support, and I
have to we did not feel comfortable supporting this particular initiative
Please see Franke James site "Fat Canada's Giant Litter Box" http.//
This message, which was copied to the other posts who had received candice's July 8 email, prompted one to ask us/Candice
for guidance:
"From: Sekhon, Sunny -WSAW -TD
To: Rice, Candice -TRNTO -TO
Sent: Tue Jul 1906:53:392011
Subject: RE: Franke James European Aft Exhibition- Service Request
5.21 (1 )(b)
5.15(1) - International

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