O'FFinal Report Inteviews

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Agency Interviews

Published May 2012

Washington University in Saint Louis


Page Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Economic Development and Jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Schools and Community Education. . . . . . . Public Safety and Fear of Crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Services, Informal Helping, and Health . . . . . . . . Housing and Affordable Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neighborhood Appearance in the Built Environment . . . Survey Questionnaires Summary of Program Suggestions, Available Programs and Resources, Cross Linkages Among Plan Areas 1 2 19 46 59 73 84 96 99


1. Introduction
This report contains summaries of interviews conducted with staff members of community development organizations and businesses in the OFallon neighborhood and in the Saint Louis region. They were conducted by students at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University as part of the Community Development Practice course held in the Fall semester, 2011. The course worked in partnership with residents in the OFallon area to draft a strategic community development plan for the neighborhood. The plan report, based on the direction provided by involved residents, includes vision statements, desired outcomes, strategies, and programs. The strategies and programs are actions to achieve the outcomes and move toward the positive image of the neighborhood. This document is a companion for the written plan report and slide show. The interviews were conducted to offer students greater insight into the OFallon neighborhood, an overview of formal services being provided there, good service practice examples, and possible partnerships with local and regional helping agencies. The six sections are provided below, including: Neighborhood Economic Development, Community Schools and Community Education, Public Safety: Crime and Fear of Crime, Human Services, Informal Helping, and Health, Housing and Affordable Housing, and The Built Environment and Neighborhood Appearance. It has been said that The hard truth is that community development must start within the neighborhood. (Green, When People Care Enough to Act) One way this is included in the plan report is that OFallon residents provided us with the shining vision of the neighborhoods future expressed far better than students and instructors could have devised. Moreover, residents guided us toward broad implementation strategies and critiqued our more specific program suggestions. Another way of understanding this hard truth is by listening to the voices that come through in these interviews. They tell us poignantly about the great challenges facing especially the young people and their parents in the neighborhood and also about the men and women who work to improve this corner of the world. More importantly, they give us hope, through their suggestions and successful efforts, that these challenges can be met. Our thanks to all those who took time in their busy schedules to assist. 1


Old North St. Louis Restoration Group (ONSLRG) Executive Director: Sean Thomas Interviewed by: Anna Gennari Economic Development Team General Mission Statement: ONSLRG is pursuing a comprehensive revitalization strategy rooted in the communitys vision of a sustainable and welcoming neighborhood that offers high quality housing opportunities for a diverse population from all walks of life (Old North Restoration Group, 2011). Interview with Sean Thomas: What is the #1 service/program/thing that you feel ONSLRG gives to the Old North Neighborhood? A voice for the community- Mr. Thomas felt that this was the most integral piece in every part of every project since the beginning of this CBDO (Community Based Development Organization). He said that residents have had at least some part of the process along the way. There are currently 3 or 4 residents on the Board of ONSLRG, each having lived in the community for varying lengths of time. He also said that the current resident board members reflect a wide variety of lifestyles, backgrounds, and strengths. Which people is ONSLRG trying to reach? This question was not explicitly covered but Mr. Thomas made it clear that the ONSLRG was there to serve the entire community. He also mentioned specific strategies to ensure that in the process of development ALL residents were considered. Those strategies were: 1. While building new homes, ONSLRG also created an availability of affordable housing, 2. Resident participation from the beginning Are Residents Involved? Yes. I also asked ways he outreached to the community: 1. ONSLRG is housed in the center of the pedestrian walkway in the neighborhood and easily accessible, 2. Holds Quality of Life Meetings once a month (I asked if there was a neighborhood association, and he said the ONSLRG carries similar functions because as of yet, there is not one), 3. Word of mouth and flyers Connection to OFallon Mr. Thomas mentioned that he had actually just spent an extensive amount of time with Alderman French last week and drove through the OFallon Neighborhood for his first 3

time. He said that he hoped to the use the new CBO Network as a way to strengthen partnerships across the city, but would love to be kept in the loop about OFallon. He said the number one thing he would want between us is information sharing.

Information Outside of Question Scope Few Key Points As far as Economic Development- Mr. Thomas shared that it was a very long process that is influenced by many factors, and that any approach must consider that when planning a business district. In addition, the trajectory for Crown Square pedestrian walkway and business district was: New Market housing first, then restoration and revitalization of existing buildings to offer affordable housing - in order to shift market perception and begin discussing further investment. Housing- negotiations with the bank and contractors had to be made for bank to initially invest and for contractors to feel comfortable. So, ONSLRG had to find buyers for the houses before the bank would lend. Last 6 new businesses were woman-owned businesses (not intentionally though) Gentrification was discussed and Mr. Thomas said there were three conditions that helped ONSLRG maintain current resident population and increase density with more residents: 1. new houses were built on already vacant lots, 2. affordable housing was made available to offset increasing taxes and rental prices, 3. community involvement in the overall plan and operations Some of the outcomes of Old North with regards to gentrification were not explicitly identified by ONSLRG, but Mr. Thomas felt that the planning process itself affected. It should also be noted that some of the outcomes of residential mobility and residential impact were cited as positive unexpected outcomes that made it hard to identify for replication. But resident involvement seemed to be the #1 indicator or influence on current social capital within Old North Partnerships for investment and resources were noted: RHCDA and Enterprise Community Partners

This was a great interview. Mr. Thomas was incredibly helpful and interested in our project.

Regional Housing and Community Development Association (RHCDA) 611 Olive Street Stephen Acree, Executive Director/President 314-213-9400 Interviewed by: Becky Bitzer and Kamal Ganjalikhani Mission: To work in partnership with communitybased and other organizations to redevelop and strengthen neighborhoods and communities. By providing capacitybuilding assistance, housing development services and access to financing, we make the connections between nonprofit community organizations, financial institutions, and government that make successful neighborhood revitalization possible. Programs: When asked which program was most important, Mr. Acree said that it depends on the community and the needs of the community. Real Estate Development and Consulting o Most communities need RHCDA to act as a developer but some are at a point where RHCDA can step back and serve as a development consultant, providing services and support, but in a smaller role. o Biggest commercial development presence in Crown Plaza in Old North St. Louis. In order to develop the area RHCDA had to sign a master lease, meaning it has the lease and is responsible for payments on all spaces in the development. 80 residential spaces; 33,000 sq ft. of commercial space. 25% of commercial space is leased and leasing housing is not a problem. Technical Assistance and Training o Organizational Capacity Building Much of this involves getting small nonprofits to think of themselves as businesses, and teaching them how to operate as such. Some organizations are harder to work with because they have smaller staffs and fewer experienced people. Having a board that is willing to expand is a key part of building capacity. Provide this for their 5 target areas and the 15 organizations with which RHCDA works. o Group Training Programs These are open to anyone and have included programs such as economic data mapping, and a session on growing a non-profit.

Work in OFallon Neighborhood: RHCDAs relationship with the North Newstead Neighborhood Alliance (NNNA) goes back to 1997. The predecessor of RHCDA began working with the N. 5

Newstead Neighborhood Association in 1990. RHCDA has been involved in all of NNNAs development projects, finishing last project with them last year. o RHCDA was only a development consultant for NNNA because they were one of the few organizations in the city that Mr. Acree felt could put the deals together themselves, for the most part.

Economic Development Team Outcomes: Based on Mr. Acrees experience with commercial development in the Crown Square area and his work with the NNNA I asked him where he thought the best place for the OFallon business district. Mr. Acree felt that of the three areas, Natural Bridge was the best: o It has had some work done, but needs more, o DrillDown data looks specifically at the Natural Bridge corridor, o Mr. Acree mentioned a potential MetroLink corridor extension that would go along Natural Bridge, making it a good place to develop businesses. Mr. Acree felt that N. Newstead should not be a big focus because neighborhoods are not going to support the kind of businesses (corner stores, mom and pops, etc.) that they have in the past He said helping to strengthen whatever business association exists is of high importance. Mr. Acree was very real about the challenges surrounding economic and housing development in St. Louis, specifically: o St. Louis is a weak market city. St. Louis has one of the few construction unions left, making construction costs high. However, there is low market value for homes in the city. Thus the cost of developing housing is greater than its market value. o Low density and abandonment of areas makes it difficult because there is not enough buying power to entice big supermarkets etc. into the city. o There are very few organizations doing economic development in the city. Mr. Acree mentioned Justine Peterson for micro-lending, but few larger scale projects. Building a market o Mr. Acree starts with housing because you need people in the city to create market demand. o Stresses that you cant just build a community for low income people, it is a very long term strategy to build up diversity in a community o Mentions the Gate District which took 25 years to move from an unstable neighborhood to a diverse, stable one. Final Comments: Mr. Acree recommended getting in touch with the North Newstead Alliance. Mr. Acree was interested in seeing a copy of the class final report in order to be informed about what we have come up with.

Interview: Saint Louis Market Owner: Frank Jabbar Conducted by: Brandon Johnson Mission Statement: Provide food and other products to people who live in the area. Primary Concerns. Crime & Policing: Crime is high which lowers the amount of business that comes through the area. He is very happy about the installation of security cameras and the police substation. Feels that a greater police presence would help. Stated that the area has an officer assigned to it for the past 4-6 months but many people do not know his/her name. People hanging out on the corners make potential customers wary. Community Economic Development The economic downturn and the things going on in the global economy are the biggest of his concerns at this point. Locally the informal market is a concern. o If people can buy it on the streets they are not buying at his store. o His primary concerns are things like pirated or stolen DVDs, CDs, and consumer electronics. o Also people sell their food stamps and WIC vouchers. It concerns him that if he doesnt catch these transactions, and he feels as if it is impossible to catch them all, he will get in trouble and the government will not allow him to process food stamp or WIC transactions. A business alliance would be helpful. He would participate and would like to have a place where he can work with other area business owners. He has never used tax incentives or alternative financing but he has heard of other businesses that have been able utilize them.

Interview: Dollar King Beauty Supply Owner: Kenny Abelson Conducted by: Brandon Johnson Crime Safety: people dont feel safe stopping here because of the violence in the area. He believes that he loses business especially when violent crimes happen close to the store. People hanging around on the corners make potential customers feel unsafe. They seem suspicious and potential customers dont want to risk getting caught in an altercation just to buy hair products. Its not worth it when they can get almost anything we sell from somewhere else in town without the risk. Drugs are taking over the neighborhood. I have watched the number of people on drugs increase over time and with that so has theft and violence. Built Environment He is reluctant to invest much money into remodeling his business outside of the things that are necessities because the building has been vandalized and broken into. It is hard to fix things up knowing that there is a greater chance that they will be damaged than other less well taken care of properties.

Center for the Acceleration of African-American Business (CAAAB) Neelu Panth: Director, Research, Social and Economic Development Interviewed by: Anna Gennari Mission Statement: The Center for the Acceleration of African-American Business (CAAAB) is a non-profit civic organization established to support the growth and development of businesses owned by minority populations, primarily African Americans. The Centers goal is to advance economic development in the St. Louis and metro East Illinois regions by elevating the status of African American businesses and their workforce (CAAAB.org, 2011). What is the #1 service/program/thing that you feel CAAAB provides? Providing businesses with a structured one year program to support successful business development and increase participation in continued CAAAB membership services. The program includes intensive training in market research, capacity building, business plan development, and lending practices. Through this program and business memberships, CAAAB provides individual services of business mentorship, continuous assessment of goals and plans, and a relationship with lenders. Which people is CAAAB trying to reach? CAAAB currently supports and outreaches to African-American businesses. CAAAB supports businesses of different sizes and implementation phases. In partnership with Justine Petersen, persons wanting to start to small business may begin with the microloan process then move into receiving support from CAAAB How are stakeholders involved in planning of programs? CAAAB held focus groups with stakeholders to inform the development of their new one year program. This process helped identify gaps in service and move CAAAB towards its overall goal to increase membership participation. Connection to OFallon CAAAB is not a place-based organization and does not recognize geographic boundaries for participation, and would welcome the residents and current business owners in OFallon to participate in the one year program and become members. Ms. Panth also asked if she could present the program to the residents at one of our neighborhood meetings, or perhaps through Alderman French during a monthly meeting. She was very interested in outreaching to OFallon in any way.

Review of the Economic Development Outcomes and Strategies Ms. Panth also had worked with Urban Strategies to develop a human capital plan for Camden, NJ and was able to share her experience regarding our outcomes and strategies. She said that our entire plan looked very similar to the work she did with Urban Strategies. She reflected that her plan also included preliminary focus groups with residents, surveys, and a community scan of conditions including assets. She identified three important areas to consider from her experience: Development of resident leadership teams, Constant review of budget across focus areas and agency partnerships, Utilization of churches. She also included schools, but felt the churches were the more significant place to start. She shared that the Economic Development Team outcomes and strategies looked on target in her experience, but offered some suggestions for consideration: Workforce training Workforce consortium - which includes the partnership of already existing agencies doing training, Creative Ideas for economic development of individuals with particular barriers to employment such as past incarceration,


St. Louis Agency in Training and Employment/ Missouri Career Center (SLATE) Michael K. Holmes: Director Interviewed by: Anna Gennari Economic Development Team Mission Statement: The St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) is the City of St. Louis government agency that offers job seekers and businesses a variety of no-cost services related to employment, job training, and career advancement (STL Works, 2011). What is the #1 service/program/thing that you feel SLATE provides? Slate works with citizens, businesses, and the state and federal government to provide support for each stakeholder to ensure a trained workforce to meet the demands of business and regulations of government, These services are provided through assessment, skill building classes, and continued support of clients as well as a program as an intermediary support for businesses looking for employees that meet their needs. For clients, Mr. Holmes stressed that it was a continuous process but not necessarily guaranteed job placement. SLATE offers a GED class, resume writing course, dress to success, and other specific job skills based on top cluster jobs. SLATE provides small businesses with the support in assessment, profile building, and referral services. Which people is SLATE trying to reach? SLATE currently supports underemployed, unemployed, dislocated workers, and chronically unemployed citizens from around the region. They also support businesses, both local and regional. How are stakeholders involved in planning of programs? SLATE believes in the partnerships it has built with regional business to ensure that they are providing training that is relevant and will best serve their client base of job searchers. Mr. Holmes said that clients have power over their development and job ideal, but that if they want to move in a direction outside of what the region has identified as top cluster employment needs, SLATE cannot provide this assistance without cost. Connection to OFallon Mr. Holmes stated that his hope is that Alderman, ward business associations, and ward economic development organizations would work directly with SLATE to send their residents to SLATE programs to increase partnerships and avoid excess or overlapping work. 11

Review of the Economic Development Outcomes and Strategies I reviewed with Mr. Holmes the Economic Development teams program ideas for reaching the long-term goal of Trained and Skilled Residents with Living Wage Employment with Benefits within OFallon. His suggestions were that if we were going to do an information center that we make it a direct pipeline to SLATE and not work to recreate what they already have. He also cautioned that if a center was inconsistent in operating hours and employment support, it could lose its credibility in the community. So staffing and funding must be carefully considered. He seemed to support the idea of ACTS acting as an intermediate that would support residents in being assessed by SLATE, and referred then by SLATE. SLATE has the resources from the state and federal governments to do this work. He did think an information center was good, but cautioned that it should have a specific intent and be well thought out. Key Points for Reviewing our Programs Better Family Life supports youth job training and recruits in high schools supporting them by creating a partnership so that OFallon youth in and out of school can access this program directly. SLATE can support OFallon local businesses as well as encourage new businesses by acting as an employment intermediary which can recruit and train OFallon residents based on the profile given them by employers. SLATE can come to Aldermans monthly meetings to encourage participation in the services they provide. They do all the assessments of both clients and businesses. SLATE can train College and Career Information Center staff on how to support OFallon residents through the SLATE registration website so that residents have better continuity of support through the process. Mr. Holmes also encouraged Alderman to stress SLATE programs, as well the PROCESS of getting a job rather than guaranteed employment.


Agency Name: St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) Agency Address: 1015 Locust St., Suite 1200 St. Louis, MO 63130 Respondents Name: Otis Williams Contact Telephone Number: 314.402.8475 Interviewed by: Becky Bitzer and Marcie Gardner SLDC is the economic development arm of the City and as the umbrella organization for other economic development organizations to facilitate development. Mission Statement: To stimulate the market for private investment in city real estate and business development and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in works in and visits the City of St. Louis. Programs: In general, SLDC can help in various ways, especially with locating funding opportunities and connecting business owners to these opportunities. However, the ways in which SLDC will help greatly depends on the business and an evaluation of its needs. Below are just a few of the programs available: Small Business Revolving Loan Fund, Faade Program, and Streetscape. SLDC will loan up to $150,000, but prefers to loan smaller amounts. Apparently there was a plan for Natural Bridge storefront improvement. The Alderman can nominate a business for a storefront improvement grant of around $15,000 to $20,000. The Faade program is extremely helpful for many businesses. Mr. Williams also highly recommends the Streetscape program which helps renovate the public space in front of the nominated business, however he also warns that this program is highly competitive. Tax incentives SLDC helps businesses gain access to tax incentives such as: Tax Credits The Missouri state tax credit will allow a credit for up to 25% of the eligible expenses of renovation. It offsets income tax liability. Credits may be sold or exchanged. To be eligible for the program, renovation costs must be at least 50% of the total acquisition cost of the property, and the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office must approve plans. There is also a federal version of the historic tax credit equal to 20% of the investment. Tax Abatement In this program, a companys tax rate is frozen, based on an assessment done before building improvements are made that would raise property values.


Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Under this type of financing, businesses can borrow a percentage of the TIF revenue from the TIF district for an authorized period of time, usually 20-30 years. However, there tend to be legal issues resulting in a lengthy application process. This is only recommended for big projects. Business Counseling SLDC will also counsel businesses and provide opportunities for owners to learn basic skills to support the development and maintenance of their business. Target Population & Their Involvement Each of these programs is aimed at Small Businesses, except for the tax incentives which sometime apply more broadly to the community. It does not seem that these individuals have a voice in the creation of these programs; however, it is clear that SLDC listens to small business owners and values their input about what they need. Existence of outcome and performance measures is unclear. Relationship to OFallon SLDC does not have a strong relationship to OFallon. There were some plans made that never came to fruition. SLDC is more than willing to help any small business in any way that they can. One of the largest problems they have is not knowing who is in need. If we can facilitate a meeting between SLDC and the community to make them aware of SLDCs offerings, they would greatly appreciate the opportunity to connect. SLDC highly values existing businesses and resources within a community. They enjoy helping communities make what they already have attractive, rather than reinventing the wheel.


Interview with Ms. Jeannine Murphy - Commerce Bank Mound City Banking Center 4401 Natural Bridge Avenue St. Louis MO 63115 Agency Contact: Jeannine Murphy, Assistant Vice President, Banking Center Manager, 314-746-8901, jeannine.murphy@commercebank.com Conducted by: Becky Bitzer and Marcie Gardner Branch Mission Statement: Mound City is community oriented, strives consistently to deliver excellent courteous service, efficiently, accurately and with care; we are striving for long-term success of our business and for our clients. Programs: Get Checking Get Checking is a program designed for people who do not have a checking account, who want to learn more about their checking account, or for those who have had past problems that do not allow them to open an account through a traditional route. This program is particularly important for people who have had banking problems in the past. Check Systems is a record that all banks have access to, and a problem identified in this system can keep a person from getting a bank account for five to seven years. Get Checking is a series of classes one can register for that provide information such as choosing the right account, basic account balancing information, and how a good account relationship can help a person establish credit. After completion of the class, and payment of any outstanding fees from a prior account, an individual can open a checking account with participating banks. Ms. Murphy feels that people do not take advantage of this program because they "want it now" as opposed to waiting and working towards the benefits the certificate will earn them. Secure Credit Card A Secure Credit Card is another service offered by Commerce Bank that could be especially useful to O'Fallon residents with poor or no credit. The purpose is to rebuild or establish credit. The card is offered for a $39 annual fee plus a $35 set up fee, which Ms. Murphy says is lower than what most places offer. Use of the card requires cash collateral. The customer can only deposit into this account. Ms. Murphy reported that the bank currently has less than a 15% credit approval rate for people that just come in off the street. Out of 160 applicants in the past year, only 22 have been approved. Benefit Banking Benefit Banking is a service available to small companies, schools, and apartment 15

complexes. It provides certain services to employees/residents of members free of charge. Currently, the N. Newstead Alliance, Later Glory Manor, and a few local daycares utilize this service. Small Business Loans Commerce Bank is a Small Business Administration (SBA) lender. As part of its service to small businesses, Commerce Bank offers small business loans, term loans for expanding or modernizing businesses, business Visa credit cards, and merchant services. As an SBA lender, Commerce Bank is guaranteed for a certain percentage of the loan from SBA should the loan go into default. Ms. Murphy explained that there is a lot of risk involved in a bank investing in a new business, especially since most people in this area are looking for 100% financing and have limited equity. Ms. Murphy gave us copies of a PowerPoint presentation that they might present to potential small business loan applicants. The information provided is about documentation needed to apply, such as a business plan and personal financial statement. It also goes into the next steps in building a relationship with Commerce Bank, which include scheduling time to discuss needs, analyzing the opportunity, and determining how the bank can assist. Ms. Murphy says that her branch has not granted a small business loan in three years. Community Presentations Ms. Murphy also reported that going out to the community was an important part of her work at the bank, and that she wished she had more time to do so. In the past Ms. Murphy has done presentations at Normandy High School, area churches, and Grace Hill Women's Business Center. The presentations vary based on the population. For instance, the high school group would get a "Banking 101" presentation, whereas the Women's Business Center has a "Meet the Banker" day where the six principles of credit are discussed. Other Information: When asked about the number of bankable residents in O'Fallon, or the number of residents with a credit history, Ms. Murphy said she was uncertain. However, based on a study she had previously done, she could say that those that were bankable tended to be 55+, those that had been living in the neighborhood for a long time. She said the following generations tend not to have the same stability. Ms. Murphy also spoke to the fact that most of the bank's new customers are fixed income, Social Security, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, and that she does not see a lot of families. Ms. Murphy said she wished that the bank would set aside a pool of funds to assist those with poor credit. She supports that the bank making available more loans.


St. Louis Drill Down Community Meeting Report Partners: Regional Housing and Community Development Alliance Executive Director - Stephen Acree Housing and Community Solutions President - Eric Friedman Social Compact President/CEO - Alyssa Lee Federal Reserve Moderator - Yvonne Sparks Provided by: Anna Gennari This is not a comprehensive report. The limited view of this report is from the Economic Development Team perspective on Outcomes, Strategies, and Program information. Drill Down Data Drilling down is an approach to data collection, methodology, democratization of findings, and marketing - for increasing investment in unbanked areas by highlighting the assets of the formal and informal economies and the market potential usually not captured by traditional economic measures. Drill Down in St. Louis is a partnership among Social Compact, RHCDA, and Housing and Community Solutions.

5. Outcomes- Reinvestment in Unbanked Area 4. Transformative Outcomes 3. New Collaborations 2. Identify Outcomes 1. Drill Down The St. Louis Drill Down region includes North St. Louis City and North County. Data will be available soon at www.drilldownstl.org. Data Initiative- Key Factors Embraces community, Must include recommendations and solutions for moving forward based on data, Community collective action, Financial support, Program support. Audience as key was noted, and democratization of the information essential so that the data initiative is accessible and usable for everyone Key Strategies and Program Ideas


I only was able to attend the break out session on Financing Strategies, so my input is primarily informed by general introductory discussion and financing. General Ideas and Programs Youth participatory action research, civic engagement, and service-learning models of education using data initiatives. Wholeness index of measurement for entire region to show disparity and inform policy decisions. Form-based zoning codes are shaped by the form and design of buildings primarily, rather than uses. i.e. mixed use development. REESI Inc. - North St. Louis health collaborative and health initiative.

Economic Development Youth Entrepreneurship Education Center (within community or school). Revitalize existing businesses to encourage investment. Unbanked Task Force - resource for localized data of unbanked areas. Strengthening communication / collaboration between communities and banks to encourage trust building for all stakeholders, increase understanding of needs and practices, and to identify opportunities for working toward common goals. Sustainable lending products. Support business intermediary and micro-lending organizations, in addition to the lending pools available to increase business capacity on multiple levels. Innovative financing tools that reflect the community, for example - non-traditional banking hours, microloans in The Met, St. Louis Community Credit Union. Central database for financial services and development programs and incentives. Youth entrepreneurships opportunities and connecting to the Scholarship Fund and College Access Pipeline. New social enterprise network. Financial education and literacy.




Interview with Principal Lisa Brown, Ashland Elementary Interview by: Josh Jennemann and Tonya Dean Conducted: November 9, 2011 Interview Questions: 1. Does your agency or program have a mission statement? a. Ms. Brown just took over Ashland in March 2011 and currently rebuilding mission statement. However, she stated that essentially the mission is, Quality instruction- every minute, every day. 2. Lets talk about your programs, especially those that might be helpful to OFallon neighborhood residents. Lets begin with what you believe is the most important service you provide to improve peoples lives. a. Most important service i. Create positive educational opportunities to the students. Number one priority is what they can control inside the school. Through education comes further educational opportunities, life opportunities and involvement in the community. ii. Neighborhood in and of itself is a barrier. Most children havent seen much outside of this school and this limits their scope of what is possible. Working to promote children seeing other experiences. Its not an option, my children are going to college. Something has to spark the kids interest even as early as elementary school. Planning visits to local colleges--Washington U., Saint Louis U., Forest Park Community College, etc. Lisa Brown said, Its not an option for my kids (students at school) to go to college. They WILL (go). b. Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? i. Yes, they do have outcomes and performance measures. District has acuity, which is a benchmark test, done every 8 weeks. Teachers are also responsible for Smart Goals. Smart Goals are judged every 2 weeks and are tied to very specific learner outcomes. ii. Using development reading assessment (DRA) and other universal measures, children are initially tested when they enter the school, and there are continuous measurements throughout their entire enrollment using the above mechanisms.


c. Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? i. The Communitys children, grades Pre-K through 6. Kids are bussed in no more than 1-3 miles from the schools, so almost all of the 311 students are exclusively from the OFallon neighborhood. Unlike Yeatman, which is a community school (meaning it gets students outside of the immediate neighborhood it resides), Ashland is a neighborhood school. Most of the neighborhood schools in St. Louis City are only at the elementary level. After elementary school, it becomes more difficult to keep schools enrolled with students strictly from the neighborhood. ii. Class distribution: 3 classes of Pre-K 2 classes each of kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade 1 class each of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade d. Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? i. Student involvement/leadership: Have student council, a group called Principals Cabinet, and Character Education Pieces which are classes taught by Student Council members ii. Parent involvement/leadership: 1. Parents involved in Title 1plans, sending out surveys regarding climate and culture. Parents chose the colors to paint school. Lisa Brown is pleased with parent involvement-it has increased, but she wants much more participation and increased types of participation. Have parents who are involved in the decision making that happens in the school. 3. How about the next most important service? [Same questions as above.] a. Second most important service i. Wants to reach out to parents, but have to clean our house before we reach out. Sometimes can have too broad a spectrum and need to be great at childhood education. b. Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? i. Overall, parent participation is limited, but growing each year. 22% of families participated in some type of event this past year. Last event this year had around 125 families show up. Often have to entice 21

parents with gift cards or food. A lot of experimentation with time, when offered later in the evening they didnt get much participation, so right after school is best. She explained this seemed to be better, because many of the children are walkers and their parents come and get them and dont like to have to come back for an event later in the evening. A lot of flyers and notifications have to go home, have to flood them. School Reach is an automated phone message service by district but does not work well with Ashland because parents often change their number. Have to flood the families, make flyers colorful, bulletin boards throughout the building. Must have notice far in advance; have to approach the families when they are here. (They are lucky enough to have a lot of walkers whose parents come to the school to pick up the children.) Also, the teachers and school staff have to be on same page and be giving same message to parents at every staff/teacher-parent interaction (i.e., were having x event on x night... every time a teacher interacts with parent) ii. Having a lot of family oriented events. Family cooking events that will go 5 weeks. Have a Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) meeting that leads into a family event. Have to be creative. Have to build positive relationships with the families, they have to trust you. Use as springboard for other activities. iii. Tried and get parents employed and try to meet some of their needs such as clothing and food. Parents will take any employment connection they can get--so, for example, flyers and info around school about GM and Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO). Typically most parents who receive those services are willing to help. Asking for their help puts them on the spot and seems to get better responses. Parents more involved in schools help to promote education in the home. iv. Parents can be involved in instructional practice and thats what the school wants. The school caters some things such as events and attempts to involve certain parents in decisions; dont want to intimidate parents, trying to groom them and empower them. Holistic education needed. These outside barriers impede what happens with children but inside building is main focus for the school. c. Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? i. Parenting as a barrier, coming from homes are where parents and siblings are not readers. Its difficult to expect a non-reader to teach a 22

child to love reading. Working on parent education with a parent educator, but few resources to do so. 4. Other miscellaneous notes from interview: When asked if there was anything specific as far as programs she would like to see or at least needs in addition to those already mentioned or being implemented, she vocalized a need for something with fathers, programs for increasing reading for students, parents need to know how to read as well, so teaching children and adults how to read is a big need. Lisa Brown sees climate and culture of learning as a large barrier. Six years ago Ashland was a blue ribbon school, plan to try and get it back in 5 years. Student council members go into classrooms and teach character education pieces to other students. Ashland has non-negotiable practices for students AND teachers (with classroom instruction, etc.); trying to build back respect for the building and getting quality teachers in the classrooms. These are teaching practices teachers must follow no matter what, students as well. Teachers working in a school like this need overwhelming sense of involvement and commitment. Biggest challenge Lisa Brown perceives is having/getting quality professionals in the classroom. Outside organization and agency partnerships: Oasis, Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO), Washington U. tutors, St. Louis U. pre service teachers. They try to be very specific on to whom they reach out and seek help. She and Eric Rowe talk at least once or twice a month. Both are new principals in the area. No funding to provide adult education: they would have to do it on their own. Students often simply want someone to care if they learn. They may have the attitude that they dont care if mother and grandmother do not. When they know someone cares about their success they do better. Rewards for children who improve their scores. Have to magnify all aspects of doing well, so students want to be a part of it. Make learning cool. Lisa Brown is providing exciting ways to change these negative mental models (such as dessert with the principal for good grades and connecting students with tutors who do care about their reading. Teacher - student ratio is higher than she would like, but within Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) guidelines. District attempts to have parents speak out and advocate at meetings. Usually get the most vocal and passionate people who truly want change, but not necessarily the residents or parents who need that change or help most. Parents in the most need are those the school wants to see most but are the 23

most uninvolved. Student achievement not necessarily tied to single parent households, as many students from two parent households struggle and many single parents really have their act together in terms of doing what is best for their childrens education. Many/most of students are in single-parent households. Expects to hit AYP standards this coming school year or next, implied she would be upset if they didnt. Said, We WILL this year. Lisa Brown stated more than once: What happens in this building is the main focus, but we want to impact everything that has to do with students. She also discussed that the needs are massive.


Eric Rowe Yeatman Middle School Principal Interviewed by: Megan Poole, Thao Pham, Josh Jennemann, 10/21/11 Feeder Schools: o Elementary Schools: Nance, Walbridge, Herzog, Ashland, and Bryant Hill. o High Schools: Beaumont, not any longer, now a technical school. Sumner located closest after Beaumont. Also NW Academy. o Students come from West Laclede to Riverview Circle and everywhere in between. Recommended contacts: o Mr. West: Parent and Community Specialist. o Pastor Wilson, St. Johns Church. o Also suggests that we talk to a magnet school principal. Need to create cluster circles of parents to help avoid transportation issues when trying to get parents involved, because Yeatman gets kids from so far away. Working on what does 15 years of SLPS education look like? (What does it look like for a child to go through SLPS from elementary through high school? What are they learning? How are they being prepared for life and advanced education?) Students read mission statement daily over the morning announcements and it is posted throughout the school and on all school mailings. o Next step is to present mission to families and put on website. Really trying to work to change the climate of the school. To create a culture of learning, where learning is promoted not only by teachers and staff but by students, that they see learning as important and necessary and support each other in the learning process. o For teachers, culture of learning in teaching practices. o For students, see the value of learning- street culture vs. teen culture vs. parent expectations. It is cool to be smart and set goals.

Survey/Interview Questions. 1. Said he would forward mission statement to Megan. 2. Q3: What do you believe is the most important service you provide? Eric Rowe stated that Yeatmans most important service is to educate the communitys children, educating their kids. Currently, below basic right now, in Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) scores.


a. Q 3a: Outcome measures: MAP scores, climate of school, how were teaching i. Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) is different than accreditation. 1. State gives schools 14 criteria toward accreditation (drop out, attendance, scores, etc.). Increase in MAP scores earns districts accreditation points. 2. Moving students from below basic to proficient is goal. Meeting AYP requirements isnt necessarily the most important goal, but rather to show growth each year. 3. Talked about safe harbor within AYP, which is a way for schools to show progress when they are unable to meet AYP goals. Found the following definition on-line: The reading and mathematics objectives also include safe harbor provisions for those missing the annual AYP objective. Safe harbor allows a school or district to demonstrate growth by showing a 10% reduction in the percent of students scoring below proficient (in the basic/minimal range) and reaching the criteria for another academic indicator: graduation, attendance or science. When there is a decrease in the non-proficient percentage, a confidence interval is also applied to safe harbor calculations. 4. Principal Rowe felt the safe harbor targets were realistic and thought over the long-term the AYP standards could be realistic. ii. This needs to be explained to families/parents. b. Q3b: Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? Target population is students trying to move from below basic to proficient or below basic to basic. Look for students who are within 20-30 points of next level. c. Q3c: Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? (families/students) No, right now the curriculum is the curriculum and is pretty set district wide. State makes standards and district sets curriculum around and to meet these standards. i. Building autonomy looks like students showing their skills in subjects 1. Could start looking at involving parents in understanding of education, such as importance of homework and its purpose. ii. We dont have active parents right now. iii. During 2 days of parent teacher conferences, 52 parents of the 341 students came to the school and participated. iv. To get parents involved, it was discussed making it a requirement for parents to come to the school and pick up the report card. Decided against this because felt it was a minor reason to require parents to come to the school. Should focus on an important need to get parents


to the school or involved in a school event, so that it is more effective to reach out to them. v. Effort to involve kids in the learning process is to promote and give the opportunity for kids to ask why in the classroom. d. Q3d: Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders? Yes and yes. Partnerships are always helpful such as Matthew Dickey Boys and Girls Club mentoring. The Community Action Agency in North St. Louis County will help restructure mentoring and tutoring. i. How can they meet our needs? 1. Parent engagement and parent education are most important. 2. Lower priorities - gardens, aesthetics of the school. ii. How do we make connections with kids here at the school and also at home? This is key. Getting parents to the school. iii. Education, climate, discipline, and teacher support are all important to the entire process. 3. Q4: What is the next most important service? Community Education Center (CEC), adult education, affordable cost of ENT technician, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), phlebotomy training, basketball league and flag football for students, cheerleading. Can help draw parents in to see their children perform. CED is open until 8:30 pm. a. Q4a: Outcome/performance measures? Not really, no testing or measures to see if there is improvement. There is a needs assessment given to community to find what is most wanted educational services. But nothing, which shows how many of the students become employed, etc. i. The CEC and Yeatman are two different entities with two different budgets and structurally different. Funding comes from St. Louis Public Schools (SLPS) but may end in December when the last of current funding runs out. b. Q4b: Who is target population? Students for sports activities and chess club, etc. And adults in the community for the ENT, CNA classes, etc. c. Q4c: Are these individuals involved in panning? Somewhat. Students are asked what activities they want and community is given a needs assessment for the adult education classes. d. Q4d: Yes. 4. Q5: Really only the above two services are of great importance. 5. Q6: Meet with families in community, parents and students. Need to interview Mr. West. 27

Questions from interviewers on the role of magnet schools and other schooling options outside of SLPS in effecting the effectiveness of SLPS schools, led to following statement. o It is not necessarily the options of schools that is destroying SLPS. De-seg and institutional issues have more of an effect. Have to realize the social context and history of the school district from before accreditation based on standardized testing. o Need to support the educational as well as social and emotional development of young people.


Interviewee: Shana Renshaw, Community Education Director, Yeatman Middle School Interviewed by: Tonya Dean, 11/10/11 Ms. Renshaw explained her role as an administrator of community education at Yeatman. She mentioned having received two notices from the St. Louis Public Schools (SLPS) that funding for her position would soon be cut. The first notice was received in July, but SLPS found other sources of funding to maintain positions. The second notice was received in early fall semester, stating Ms. Renshaws position would lose funding by the end of the year. She explained that the cut in funding was not on the part of St. Louis Public Schools, rather as a result of a reduction in federal block grant funds to the City of St. Louis that partially funded Community Education. Ms. Renshaw took over this position at Yeatman Middle School during the Summer of 2011. The interviewer presented the class teams vision and outcomes to Ms. Renshaw, asking for her thoughts on the statements and for her suggestions to change the statements. Ms. Renshaw was pleased with the statements. Ms. Renshaw described multiple programs coordinated by the Community Education office at Yeatman: 1. Health Certification classes. o Phlebotomy certification. o Nursing Assistant certification. o Emergency Medical Tech certification. 2. Two Chicago-style dance classes 3. Adult Basic Education (sporadically) Ms. Renshaw commented that the classes are offered to anyone in St. Louis and are not necessarily comprised of OFallon Neighborhood residents nor Yeatman Middle School parents. The health classes are sponsored primarily by My Health Care Education and take place in Yeatmans school building. The school has at least two rooms set aside for community education use at any timeduring or beyond Yeatmans school session hours. After hours, specifically after students are released from their school day at 3:12 p.m., there are more than two rooms available for community education use. The Adult Basic Education (ABE), specifically the GED program, is only subsidized by St. Louis Public Schools if 15 students attend. That is, the course is only offered free of charge if 15 students are enrolled. Ms. Renshaw believes a GED course was attempted last year, but she was unsure of the detailswhether it enrolled 15 students; whether it completed its given duration, etc. Ms. Renshaw believes the most important service offered through Community Education is opportunities for people. She also acknowledged that some offerings are more accessible than other similar opportunities. For instance, GED programs offered 29

at Yeatman might be more accessible to community members versus GED programs offered on community college campuses. Yeatman Middle Schol did offer mentoring through Matthew Dickey Boys and Girls Club, but that is not being offered currently. Yeatman, however, is a Title I school and is eligible for Supplemental Educational Services (SES) tutoring. About 35 students stay after school for tutoring (e.g, a volunteer violinist offers lessons). Most students who stay for after-school programming ride the bus or walk home, versus ride home with parents. When asked what would help Community Education at Yeatman, she responded (and reiterated twice) that a parent survey would be extremely helpful in knowing what parents want to see offered in the way of community education classes. Ms. Renshaw would like to connect the class team to Ralph Tidwell, chairperson of the CEC Community Council. The Community Council works in tandem with Yeatman Middle School to direct community programming. Their current goal was planning the Fall Festival, open to all community members in OFallon and offering many free services like health screenings, haircuts, etc. The Council meets the second Tuesday of every month, and is comprised of about 25 people, including Yeatmans Principal, Eric Rowe; some Yeatman staff; and soon, two student ambassadors.


Jason Williams Interview, Matthews-Dickey Boys and Girls Club (MDBGC) Conducted by: Megan Poole In terms of education, overall the area is lacking in parental engagement and student motivation (they dont understand the importance of education). - This is one of the, if not the only way, they can change their situation in life. Its an escape route. Education needs to be magnified and uplifted as a cure to problems: - Gang problems in the community. - Friends that are not motivated. Mentor program - Provides another voice to children that pushes them toward education. - We are written off by society and need to take ownership over the success of our children. - We try to encourage kids to work hard and see the big picture, but its hard for them to see the big picture when theres no food at home and the lights and heat are off. These children are extremely bright: - They need coaching and motivation. - Williams can relate, his sibling had problems in school and neither Williams nor his mother could get through to him. He got a mentor and that made a huge improvement almost immediately. - Sometimes a child cant receive an educational message from a parent or close family member, sometimes they need an outside influence to inspire them. Yeatman mentoring program - Funding issues. - Need money to pay mentors. - Without funding mentors cant take time away from work or job search to come in and work with the kids. - Students are able to learn lessons from mentors who have experience and similar backgrounds. Gauging improvements in mentees: - Getting them motivated and excited. - Effort toward goals. - Students need opportunities. - Agrees with Yeatman principal Rowes sentiments regarding peer influences: good kids sometimes have bad friends, even if they come from a good family. They want to belong. 31

Considering starting a program that rewards kids for doing what they are supposed to do. - Field trips, fun stuff. Kids seek structure - If its not at home or at school, they may seek it in gangs. - This need for structure must be provided in schools. Mentors - Training: mentors are former Matthew-Dickey Boys and Girls Club (MDBGC) members/participants who are selected to participate as mentors. - Mr. Mathews looks for mentors who grew up in the club and understand his philosophies and were involved in club programs. - Mentors are not necessarily selected for a pairing; they are assigned to a classroom. All kids in the class are eligible to interact with the mentor. - Mentored students do not have to be club members. - Last year mentors were focused only on male students. Due to reported success of mentors, girls were added this year. Problems in providing service - Funding. o Human Development Corporation was funding source. o Theres a party that is interested in providing funding for the mentoring program, it may work out. o There are also private/individual donors that may help by donating o There may be government funding available, they are looking into this. - Parent involvement o Needs to improve o Parents need to stay involved in their kids education o Sit in on classes, be available, be present - There needs to be more community awareness of the program o This will help community members invest in the program and participate as needed - More community mentors needed o There is room for community members to participate and become mentors at the school, whether its through MDBGC or not - Great need for tutors o It is difficult to try and convince kids that education is the way if they arent able to do well in their classes. o Tutors are needed to help provide academic support and assistance for students 32

Regarding the educational climate in OFallon, Mr. Williams says that we need to throw everything we have at the problem; we need all hands on deck. Williams is himself a benefactor of mentoring and feels that it empowers person to feel more powerful and less hopeless. Mentoring helps kids see that education is the key to being competitive. He stresses commitment to our community, and believes that businesses need to focus more on helping their own communities and not just investing in other places. Mr. Mathews believes in providing young people with support systems. He tells mentors that they are there to be supporters (not counselors, teachers, or administrators).


Interview with Clay King, Director of the Shreve Center Interview by: Josh Jennemann Conducted: November 10, 2011 Miscellaneous info about Shreve Center: Staff: therapist, tutor and two case managers, but all must know how to do all general tasks at the center (teaching curriculum, etc). Hours are 3pm to 8pm, have been pushed back a couple hours since King has taken over. Methods for raising awareness about the program are bulk mailings, passing out flyers, attending community forums, attending block unit meetings, making phone calls, and going to the schools. Center been here for 16 years, King on staff for 2 years so the current programming is for the past 2 years. Prior to this, it was a drop in center and youth received homework help, etc.

Interview Questions: 1. Does your agency or program have a mission statement that I can have? Not currently, a work in progress. 2. Lets talk about your programs, especially those that might be helpful to OFallon neighborhood residents. Lets begin with what you believe is the most important service you provide to improve peoples lives. a. Most important service? i. A safe haven for youth between ages 10-21. b. Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? i. Aspects of safe haven for youth: 1. When they are at the Shreve Center, they arent out participating in negative activities. 2. It gives the youth a place to be engaged and where they want to be engaged because they know someone truly cares about them. c. Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? i. Youth between 10-21. d. Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? 34

i. N/A e. Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? i. Yes. 3. How about the next most important service? [Same questions as above.] a. Second most important service i. While, the Center as a safe haven is most important, just as important is the educational curriculum being implemented. b. Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? i. Three different educational curriculums, address gang issues, life skills and cognitive behavioral skills. 1. Cognitive behavioral issues - 9 lessons used to reduce thinking that produces negative behavior. 2. Gang issues - 15 lessons. 3. Building life skills and information - 10 lessons. ii. Run programs in 4 to 5 weeks cycles, to present info in all three curriculums. Youth have 30 lesson plans total in the curriculum. iii. Most important goal of education curriculum is to change the thinking of the youth, through presentation of new information. Goal is that when the program is completed these young people are making better decisions. Want to produce better life choices with all the youth with whom they come in contact. 1. Along with addressing thought processes harnessed by youth to make better decisions, King also strives to help them begin to take responsibility for their actions and roles in the community. He sees children blaming prior generations for their current life situations, and while that may be true, playing the victim does not improve your situation feeling victimized only leads to more barriers to learning. Instead, King wants adolescents and young adults to take responsibility for their actions and recognize that while they may not have chosen to be born and raised in this community, they still have an impact on what goes on in it and how they act and react to it. iv. Program measures and Outcomes: 1. Measure effectiveness through the use of pre- and posttests. These are given before the youth begins the curriculum and again after they have completed it. 2. Every youth that comes through is pretested in reading and math and the Center intends to show improvement by the time they complete the curriculum. 35

3. Out of the 30 youth who have completed the program, they have shown around an 80% improvement above curriculum goals. For example, the cognitive behavioral curriculum addresses 9 thinking barriers and hopes to show a reduction in those barriers. c. Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? i. Work as a walk in center, anyone from within the 63115 zip code is welcome to come in and participate in curriculum and other programs as long as they meet age requirements of 10-21 years old. Bulk of program participants are around 16-17 years old. ii. Not a set number of youth served, but have around 80 youth that have come through the door since January. About 30 have actually completed the entire curriculum. iii. The main goal of the program is to address individual thought processes and actions rather than to address the person in environment. They do not necessarily make a concerted effort to work with the youths parents in helping the home environment or their parenting skills, etc. 1. However, they do have a policy to engage parents in an attempt to let them know they have the best interests of the children at heart. While, forming relationships with parents is not required they do try to at least connect on that level. 2. While, they are not trying to change the home/family environment, it is important to understand the type of environment the child comes from. This can be helped by some form of contact with the parent. The parents he speaks with do seem to have interest in the Centers work with their children. d. Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? i. The Center asks or consults with children on issues. ii. Have surveys to measure the youths likes/dislikes of the program, what they would like to see more of or less of and also their opinion on what would help improve services. iii. If information they receive seems useful, they will choose to implement it. Participant satisfaction seems to be high. e. Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? i. Yes. 4. Third program of highest importance [Continue. Same as #3 above] 36

i. Offer individual case management and counseling, tutoring, every youth that comes through is pretested in reading and math. ii. For students out of school now, try to refer and maybe find employment for them. Familiar with businesses around and can sometimes get them in. Refer to other agencies, if necessary. Job training and substance abuse education mainly for 18-21, really for all participants.


RESPONDENTS NAME: Stanford Cooper, PAIS Counseling Center TELEPHONE NUMBER: 314-210-3530 Interview conducted by: Thao Pham 1. Q: Does your agency or program have a mission statement? A: Yes. We have many programs in primary and secondary school. Serves young people with mental health related and behavioral problems. Many of these are referred by Youth Court and the Mo. Division of Children Services. 2. Most important program or service. a. Q: Could you please describe the program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? A: Provide counseling services to children and their families. Yes, we have outcome and performance measures, but they are specialized for the individual client. b. Q: Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? A: Children in St. Louis metropolitan area. c. Q: Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing these services? A. The families are directly involved in the planning and services they receive. d. Q: Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders? A: The services we provide can be assessed by the O'Fallon neighborhood. We can strengthen the relationship with the leaders of O'Fallon Neighborhood by partnering in their Healthy Child Initiative directed by their Alderman. Besides the above, Mr. Cooper offered the following suggestions: 1. Begin the revitalization effort by establishing a community center within the neighborhood that is centrally accessible. 2. Encourage the neighborhood group to connect neighbors and strengthen the community effort before pushing into the school. 3. Perhaps put cameras in the alleys to capture any illegal activity. 4. Develop a park and playground for the neighborhoods children. About 5 years ago, Caring Communities and the Wyman Center attempted to begin programs at Yeatman Middle School but did not get firmly established there. 38

Interviewee: Patrice Crotty Institution: Bevo Long Middle School Interviewed by: Tonya Dean, 10/25/2011

Patrice Crotty was busy the afternoon of the interview. A map of the St. Louis school district was taped to the back of her office door, and at some point during the interview, Ms. Crotty led the interviewer to the map to show the community schools locations and the span of her administration. She indicated that one school had recently lost its director and she had taken over administration for that school. On another wall was tacked a continuum of parental involvement. Early in the interview, Ms. Crotty openly shared that funding from her job was almost cut, and that she had received a letter in July 2011 stating her job would be terminated in August 2011. However, Ms. Crotty said the job had been extended and her role as community director would continue for the time being. (She referenced the closure of the Human Development Corporation (HDC) and the connection to Community Action Agency St. Louis County, Inc. (CAASTLC).) Despite the threat of losing her job, Ms. Crotty felt she had reached a vocational breakthrough this yearboth personally and at the school-district level. She attended a conference that aided her in developing community school programming. She is working on Bevo Long as a model school for the community school programming. Overall, Ms. Crotty views the important services offered to the community as the annual dental program, free shoe give away, and the recently developed Neighborhood Association. Ms. Crotty seemed most pleased with the development of the Neighborhood Watch program, based on a neighborhood ownership model. The group has grown to 200 participating residents; with two groups meeting weekly at Bevo elementary school. The group hopes to build St. Louis first skate park. When asked what she viewed as the most important service offered to participants in the Bevo Long community school, Ms. Crotty asked, For the kids? Or for the neighborhood? The interviewer replied that Ms. Crotty could state the most important service offered to both. Ms. Crotty described services to children. She stated 100% of students at Bevo Long are kids from Dutchtown, Bevo, Boulard Heights, Hampton, and Tower Grove neighborhoods. Ms. Crotty highlighted the comprehensive assessment/intervention approach at Bevo Long. The intervention approach is both academic and behavioral. Of the students who need some intervention, she estimates 60-70% respond to a social development approach. Thirty to 40% do not respond this type of intervention. Children in this 30-40% receive tiered services. Tier 1 is the least restrictive and tier 2, a more intensive approach. The more intensive approach involves seeing a licensed therapist (there are six licensed therapists in the school). Other services offered to children are 39

from SLU nursing (such as asthma monitoring); social skills classes; and an afterschool program funded by a grant. Ms. Crotty gave the interviewer a print-out of the 2020 goals and objectives developed in 2009 by and for Bevo Long Middle School. The goals are ambitious, such as 100% of all students at Long, Oak Hill, and Woerner are proficient and advanced; and 100% employment of all persons eligible to work. Specific strategies were developed within 8 categories: academic, employment, reducing energy costs, eliminate poverty, safety, welcoming and fulfilled community, health, and people living in balance with nature. Examples desired inputs and outcomes within those categories are: Add 14 additional hours through volunteers to make attendance calls (in support of social work staff), Ten additional personal gardens, Long School off the energy grid (as a model for community), Local jobsstart with construction of structural insulation panels, By December 2010, create 10 Neighborhood Watch/Block Units, Landscaping, Health fair, Integrate gardening into at least one classroom. Ms. Crotty gave the interviewer the Winter and Spring 2011 Brochure for Community Education: Full Service Schools.


AGENCY NAME: Saint Louis Public Schools: Division of Community Education AGENCY ADDRESS: 801 North 11th Street St. Louis MO 63101 RESPONDENTS NAME: John Windom, Director CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: (314) 345-4590 CONDUCTED BY: Katelind Rohde Background on Community Education. In 1968, schools where identified as good candidates for full service schools. The schools were identified by the school board and the aldermen. The school also had to have the capacity to handle a full service school such as a gym. Then the community education division met with all potential service providers for the schools. They then compiled a list of all agencies willing to be a part of the full service schools. This is the origin of the partnerships at the school. 1. Q: Does your agency or program have a mission statement? A: Mr. Windom gave me a description of the mission and goals. He also provided the basic tenets of the St. Louis Public Schools approach to community education, a description of full service schools, a copy of the summer 2009 issue of the American Educator and a winter/spring 2010 brochure of community education full service schools. The brochure lists all the programs at Yeatman and the other Community Education Centers (CEC). The mission of Community Education is to create and support a nurturing educational environment through which children, families, and other neighborhood residents will experience success. Goals: o To improve student academic achievement. o To integrate classroom and community learning experiences. o To provide lifelong learning experiences. o To engage parents and community members in identifying needs, setting priorities and solving problems. o To coordinate and sponsor public and private sector activities and services that meet community identified needs for health, safety, social, cultural, vocational, recreational, governmental, or other services. o To stabilize and improve neighborhoods. 2. Most important program or activity. a. Q: Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? A: The most important service is connection with the community. It is by connecting with the community that the services can be started.


b. Q: Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? A: The target population is the residents of the community, the students at that particular school, and students in the region. c. Q: Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? A: To develop what needs are going to be carried in each school a variety of task or completed. The first is there is a community collaborative specialist at each school that is employed through St. Louis Public Schools. This person is responsible for working with the schools advisory council. The advisory council is made up of the principal and a variety of community residents. Through this partnership, the goal is to identify what services are needed. The community collaborative specialist also conducts surveys in the community to see what is needed and wanted. All of this information is compiled together with information from the Census and the Health Department. Each school is allotted a certain amount of discretionary funds which can be used to pay for the services identified. Currently Yeatman has $6,000 to use by December 31, 2011. He is unsure whether funds will be available again for the spring semester. However he is very optimistic. d. Q: Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders? A: Yeatman is one of the thirteen full service schools. He was unsure of the particulars going on at Yeatman and suggested we have a meeting with Shana Renshaw, Yeatmans community collaborative specialist. 3. Second most important program or activity. a. Q: Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? A: The second most important service they offer is to provide safe haven services at the schools such as afterschool programs. Along with this the school also provides wrap around services to the community. The community identifies the need; then checks the budget and the list of agencies willing to provide such services.


b. Q: Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? A: The same as 2 b. c. Q: Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? A: The same as 2 c. d. Q: Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders? A: The same as 2 d. He wants to be invited to the community meeting and is open to contact through email john.windom@slps.org or by phone.


AGENCY NAME: Urban Education Initiative AGENCY ADDRESS: Washington University RESPONDENTS NAME: Aaron Jennings CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: (314) 200-4549 CONDUCTED BY: Thao Pham & Katelind Rohde 1. Q: Does your agency or program have a mission statement? A: He said that the Urban Education Initiative has a charge to create leaders in urban education from MSW Brown School students. Specifically to encourage dedication to a lifetime of urban education reform. 2. Most important program or service a. Q: Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? A: The most important service offered is the involvement in three St. Louis area schools Roosevelt High, Brittany Woods Middle School, and KIPP Elementary. The goal of being in the school is to convert them into community schools and to offer support. He said the most important role in the schools is just to be present for the students and bring in needed resources. The way they measure it is making sure the students needs are being meet. b. Q: Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? A: The target population is the students. The students are the forefront of all they do. c. Q: Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? A: They conduct formal and informal assessments with the students to analyze what resources are needed. As an example, they had one set of students organize and plan a career fair that took place at the school. d. Q: Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders?


A: I asked him what the possibility would be of Ashland or Yeatman becoming a partner school. He said that he was uncertain what the Brown school would do. 3. Second most important program or service. a. Q: Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? A: The second most important, that is just as important, would be placing practicum students in the three schools and forming the relationships with them. b. Q: Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? A: The main target is Brown School students. c. Q: Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? A: Students are the ones who decided where to conduct the practicum and what they want to get out of the experience. His job is to foster the desire in the students to apply for an urban education practicum either with him or at other sites. d. Q: Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders? A: He said that we consider Ashland and Yeatman as locations where practicum could take place. He thought it might be appropriate to have two social workers in both schools. One would be the traditional school social worker and the other would be a non-traditional school community social worker. Advice: Evaluate the resources at the schools: o Are there certified teachers? o Are the teachers effective? o Does the school need to be remodeled? o Do the students have text books? Come up with 3 to 5 objectives that the community can put into place. Find out what activities / outcomes the community wants at the school. Identify the role(s) the school wants the community to play. 45



Interview with Charles Bryson, Director, City of St. Louis Department of Public Safety Interviewed by: Michael Gall and Xinling Wang Viewed public safety as a three party relationship among the community, Citizens Service Bureau, and St. Louis Police. In general felt that communities typically complain about not seeing enough police officers but police may not be around when individuals are out of house or sleeping, etc. He also mentioned that while people may be upset at the City for police issues the City may not have control over police activities. He explained over-occupancy is extremely difficult for both residents and police to prove. He suggested that when residents see individuals move in at night or see a UHaul truck appear in the morning that they complain to Citizen Service Bureau and a police or inspector will stop by to ensure unit has occupancy letter. He explained improvement of safety will be the result of stronger community and neighbor relationships. These could be accomplished through programs and events that bring people together. These include block parties and activities or programs for children. Getting young children involved in programs is the best way to get parents involved. Key to building momentum: Start from the block level. Build relationships among blocks. Establish places for community members to come to gather for coffee, checkers, sandwiches, and so on. Form a way to communicate successes to community members: text, email, events. First successes may require outsiders to do some of the work and give the credit to the community. Challenges: One-third of public school children move at some point during the year, mostly around January and June. This may have to do with gas and electric bills. Getting renters to participate. Successful Block Units and leadership at that level. Communication.


Ed Hennessy, Former Executive Director, Weed and Seed Interviewed by: Nicole Geremia

Overview of Program Operation Weed & Seed is a Department of Justice initiative designed to weed out violent crime, drug use and gang activity from selected neighborhoods and help prevent crime from reoccurring by seeding those sites with a wide variety of resources. Community policing model o 1 major weeding strategy and 1 major seeding strategy. Seeding community, business and economic development. Site applies for funding o Site can be as big or as small as community members wish to organize it neighborhood, set of neighborhoods, town. Needs to have a strong resident base. Set up differently depending on the place sometimes residents apply, sometimes police, sometimes city. Needs to designate leadership. o Required to provide evidence of why it is needed crime figures, types of crime. o Up to 5 years of funding 1 million per site. Funding is a curve a little at first, more in the middle, wean off at end. o Restriction a proposed site cannot border any previous site. Lost federal funding o No one federal organization/department owned Weed & Seed program. o Hard to evaluate nationally with so many different sites - each was radically different. o Been around for so long, funding had been cut back in recent years.

Whats been happening here? Saint Louis started an NGO to oversee W&S funding and programming - board has important stakeholders from the city. o Held community meetings for residents at each site. Presented on criminal activity occurring in neighborhood. Invited SLPD to participate. Usually tapered down as crime tapered down. Hot Spots in OFallon: 4400 block Redbud, Lee, Carter, and Turner. o Helped develop programs. Partnered with Provident (counseling/mental health) and Shreve Center (youth programming). 48

o Implemented Nuisance ID Program (NIP Form). Allowed residents to report crime anonymously. Initially seemed like crime was going up as a result of increased citizen reporting. o Youth / Gang Outreach Kabir Muhammed in OFallon. o Invisible ink prevention of burglary people request items to be marked by police. W&S purchased pen. 2 active sites, 1 graduated site o One of the original sites in the U.S. In the 5th year, the Department of Justice expanded Weed and Seek and continued the project. After 10 years the site graduated. o Hamilton Heights West End 2007 to 2011 funding concluded this year. o Penrose/OFallon 2009 to present site operated only for 2 years.

Future Ideas for OFallon o Since there is no federal funding for W&S, the residents need to take the initiative to reduce crime in their area. Utilization of existing programs. Information communicated to community. Continue education/awareness. Partnering with SLPD Stop fearing the cops stop fearing retaliation. Hold police accountable as well. Have them come to community meetings and stay to talk with residents at the end. Neighborhood can get a court order of protection against certain people who are disrupting the community. o Can SLPD do more? yes and no. Little time to spend connecting on a personal level with residents. Bike patrols nice but dont know if they have the staffing available.


Janice Bockstrock Lieutenant, Special Operations Gangs and Narcotics, 6th District North Patrol Weed and Seed Interviewed by: Nicole Geremia Focus on youth programs. o Scholastically challenging and entertaining otherwise young people may turn to gangs and narcotics. o Start earlier than teens. o Do they have a support system? What is happening at home? o Requirements for whole family participation - parent training/support. o Getting youth used to being around police seeing them as role models rather than untrustworthy/scary. Education/awareness - building around programs that already exist. o Safe Haven/Shreve Center youth activities. o Boys and Girls Programs. o City Recreation League. o Police Athletic League Perception of fear of crime. o Some residents are fearful. o Personally has never seen an act of retaliation. o Comes down to not trusting police. Can call anonymously. Be specific ask police not to come to home at all (they very seldom do anyway, unless that is the only address provided). Court Watch community members go to court and advocate for heavier sentencing for narcotics. Power in numbers Relationships need to be built between residents and SLPD. o Alderman French already organizing many meetings, which makes it difficult to add more. o Community may not want police at other meetings . Can parts of Weed and Seed program be continued? o Invisible markers should be provided to help catch burglary offenders. o Difficult W&S takes years to truly develop same group of officers working within the community the whole time personal relationships need to be made and are difficult to transfer to other officers. How to get buy-in from police and residents without the funding? SLPD does not have the manpower went from 3,000 officers a few years ago to 1,200 now.


Programs sponsored by SLPD o 6th District public affairs meetings once a month at the North Station. Issue is getting new people from OFallon to come o Representatives from 5th and 6th Districts participate Neighborhoods that want to improve have to reach out and find the resources o Finding volunteers to transport kids to programs o Have to give parents a reason o be involved change their attitudes encourage responsibility and taking action.


Interview with Officer Quianna Dickerson and Regiana Moore, Community Outreach Officer, District 6, St Louis Metropolitan Police Department Conducted by Valerie Njiiri Background o Officer Dickerson the Liaison Officer assigned to the Penrose and OFallon neighborhoods. She is the main officer responsive to concerns in these neighborhoods. Her main priority is participation in committees and meetings in the neighborhoods. Her struggle is that the community wants a lot, but their participation needs to be stronger. She would like more support and feedback from the community She believes the community members witness crimes, but do not report them. She noted that SLPD cant do their job if they dont have help from the community. o Ms. Moore is the 6th District Community Outreach Officer. She believes that there is insufficient community participation. Ms. Moore noted that most of the individuals causing issues in the community are neighborhood youth. Outcomes o The officers understood why the community proposed the outcomes, but had some concerns about the visible police presence. Regiana explained that there are 105 police officers in the 6th District. There are three shifts, which means that there are 10 officers on the street at any given time. The calls for service are a priority, which results in the officers not having enough time to engage with community residents (they do so if they have time). o The officers believe OFallon has the components necessary to be a great neighborhood, but people need to start organizing around them. Programs o The SLPD has three programs that are active in the OFallon community o Citizen Patrol. 30 minute 1 hour training by SLPD. Training provides information on how to identify possible criminal activity Trainees are instructed to write down what they observed, contact police if they see criminal activity, but not to engage The idea is to have an extra set of eyes on the street. o Victim Impact Statements. Group of individuals attend court cases as support for the victims.


Training involves meeting with prosecuting attorney to learn how to review cases online and obtain court dates. The group represents the impact on the community (basically a voice to help the victim). o Victims Services. Circuit Attorneys office trains residents on what information to provide to crime victims and who to contact. Residents work with victims on misdemeanor and low felony crimes (Circuit Attorneys office handles major felonies). The residents provide victims with information on their rights, e.g. to appear in court and information on the suspect, compensation if injured (including counseling). Suggested programs. o HUD program to rehab vacant homes. o Historic designation in OFallon. o Fund for victims of property crimes. o Community events e.g., pick up trash, plant flowers, cut grass, clean up alleys. The idea is to use social events to increase participation and inform them of other community programs. o More publication of existing programs, e.g., door-to-door communication. o Programs that focuses on engagement and getting kids off the streets. 17-25 year olds are more heavily involved in criminal activity. Need to get young kids involved in something positive when they are age 5-17. o Replicate the St. Louis Knights basketball league for youth in the North side. The current league is for ages 18 and older. Year round program that plays on the Southside. Funding from city grant pays for police officers to participate (coach, provide security). Participants take life skills course in order to play in next weeks game. o The officers noted that there are already many programs in the OFallon neighborhood (more so than other neighborhoods) e.g., New Beginnings, Prince Hall, Dream Center, Matthew-Dickey Boys and Girls Club, YAL (tennis in OFallon in the summer at Fairgrounds Park), and the new recreational center. o The officers noted there is a cost associated with most of the programs in the area. They recommend something that is free. General o The officers noted that the same people participate in all the programs and they mostly are seniors and homeowners. o Quianna has direct contact with the active participants. They call SLPD all the time and have her direct number. 53

o The officers believe that neighborhoods that have had success with community policing have higher home ownership levels and residents that are willing to come together. The officers noted that a higher percent of OFallon residents do not own their own homes, there is high unemployment, and people are not much involved in the community improvement efforts. o The officers are concerned about engaging younger generations in the community.


Nicola Lampkin, Community Outreach Officer, District 5, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Interviewed by: Michael Gall

Mentioned: -Citizen patrol training. Success in the Lasalle Neighborhood. Lafayette Square Liaison Officer also has experience. Citizens patrol and do surveillance both in cars and by walking. At times police accompany them. Training is available through Sergeant Davis. -Neighborhood block party on selected blocks -Blitz actions - police, City agencies, Neighborhood Stabilization Officers, Forestry, fix buildings, cut grass, and especially target identified problem properties. Actions carried out once a month during spring and summer, around 7 times a year. Gives opportunity for residents to know the police and other agency representatives and provides an opportunity to listen to residents.


Ebony Davis, Coordinator, Neighborhood Accountability Board, Family Court Juvenile Division Interview conducted by: Nicole Geremia

Overview of Program It is the mission of the City of Saint Louis Family Court Juvenile Division to administer justice with compassion, dignity and respect and in a manner that promotes child protection, safe communities and juvenile competency through holding juveniles accountable, repairing harm to victims and strengthening families. Main goals: community safety, youth accountability and responsibility, developing competence in other areas, youth seeing impact of their actions, providing services for other individuals and addressing family needs. Targets youth younger than 17 years of age in the city. o 1st or 2nd misdemeanor offense. Common crimes are shoplifting, assault, trespassing, riding in stolen car, disturbing peace. o Have the ability to go before a board of individuals from their neighborhood, keeps them from being prosecuted or going to court. There are 13 boards in different neighborhoods throughout the city, soon to be 14. o New boards are formed based on needs assessments and/or referrals Youth from neighborhoods without boards work with another Division of Family Court. o One is located in Prince Hall in the OFallon neighborhood. o Made up of trained adult volunteers from neighborhood. Youth go before board once a month for a minimum of 6 months - can be extended to a year if additional programs and services are needed to address different family issues. o Board members give youth assignments can be as creative as they want. Examples: letters of apology (how impacted family), community service (enhance involvement in neighborhood), photography depicting goals and ideas for future, etc. o Parents are encouraged to be involved, but are not always around. Board members can act as mentors and role models. Committed and knowledgeable. Connections within the community - can useful to help youth. Keep an eye out for youth, conduct school visits.


Like the victim(s) to be involved in some way invited to meetings and mediation sessions between them and youth. o Youth may have the option to do community service rather than pay victim(s) for damages only up to $500. Other services are available for both families and youth. o Examples: mentoring, tutoring, leadership programs. o Parents and youth can request services, Family Court will try to meet all needs.

Suggestions Ms. Davis did not feel like she could make suggestions for the OFallon plan because she is the coordinator of the whole program and does not focus on one neighborhood.


Joseph Prophet and Eddie Shillings, Youth Empowerment Services Program (Y.E.S. Program), Saint Louis City Parks Division Interviewed by: Nicole Geremia Overview of Services. Goals: establish healthy relationships, involve the family to strengthen systems at home, decrease youth violence, bring youth together from different backgrounds. Leaders: work to better understand youth, see them as human beings who have a lack of balance and structure in their lives, show sincerity, respect and value what youth have to say. Youth groups in North side and South side. o Youth ages can range from 12 to 16 some are 17 years old. o 5 weeks long. o Referrals can be made from anywhere schools, community centers, parents. Youth can also request to be involved. Outreach. o Curriculum focuses on 4 parts: Self-project how they see and value themselves, how they vent their frustrations, how they feel. Life map. Leader in you. Bridging the gap between youth, parent(s), school, community. Programs in middle and high schools. o 3 months long. o Ask teachers and faculty to identify most challenging and at risk youth. Y.E.S. works to help them improve grades and graduate. Work with parents and families of youth to provide resources. Work with Health Department to run programs on sexual health. Train youth on work readiness. Partner with local NGOs in a number of ways. Outreach to gang members.

Idea for OFallon Would be interested in having a program in OFallon would need a location and support of the community and the alderman. 58



Interview with Kay Gasen, Director, University of Missouri in St. Louis (UMSL), Continuing Education, Community Partnership Project On October 25th, Doug Griesenauer conducted an interview with Kay Gasen, the director of the Community Partnership Project at the University of Missouri St. Louis. As a community planner herself, Ms. Gasen was an expert on community development and had many resources regarding neighborhood development. The Community Partnership Project at UMSL provides workshops to neighborhood leaders as well as education to community planners. The Community Partnership Project works to give community leaders the skills needed to succeed through its Leadership Academy. It is located on the campus of UMSL at 613 Tower Building, One University Boulevard, 63121. Kay Gasen can be contacted at gasen@umsl.edu or 314.516.5269. The program has two full-time staff members, Kay Gasen and Kara Lubischer, and a number of fellowship students. The Community Partnership Project has been working with OFallon on a Missouri Foundation for Health grant focused on healthy corner stores. Kay believes the store is Carys corner store where they provide healthy food alternatives for OFallon residents. They are continuing the project through the grant and had success in selling the new food. However, they had difficulty finding a neighborhood resident willing to champion the project. Kay said that if there is no neighborhood resident willing to take on the project, then the project is nothing more than a plan on paper. She stressed that longevity and sustainability is the key to a neighborhood development plan. Just as the idea must come from the residents, the leadership also must come from the residents. Related to finding a leader, the Leadership Academy offers a twelve session program for potential neighborhood association members that functions like a class and focuses on the essentials of community development such as project planning, how to run a meeting, conflict resolution, and the basics of neighborhood planning. It includes a neighborhood grant writing program and offers a monthly brownbag neighborhood development conversation. Graduates of the program earn a certificate and are encouraged to develop a project in their neighborhood during the program so that they have a deliverable at the time of completion. This process creates and strengthens a network of leaders and allows them to see real programs created by graduates. Kay encouraged our group to find a champion leader in OFallon and to encourage her or him to enter into the program. Kay also suggested looking into the neighborhood grant writing program where citizens are taught to apply for basic, small grants from local banks to support simple 60

redevelopment projects. These grants are ideal for communities that only need the capital to implement small programs. Lastly, Kay encouraged anyone who wants to continue working in community development to attend UMSLs monthly brown-bag lunches. They are held the first Wednesday of each month and address various community development issues.


Pastor Allenworth at the Dream Center Interview conducted by: Rachel Ngom, Michael Gall, and Katelind Rohde The Dream Center is a large organization that has several programs in the OFallon community. The Dream Center has food pantries and feeding programs. Community members are welcome to come and eat a meal, and also visit the food pantry and get groceries. There also is a store where residents can select needed clothing. The organization is present in several nursing homes throughout the area. The Dream Center operates a large sports program. They partner with St. Louis Public School systems and have between 600-800 students involved. The students must have a good grade point average to participate, so it is an incentive for the students to apply themselves in school. Yateman Middle is one of the participating schools. The Dream Center attends school assemblies, where they teach important life lessons to the children. These lessons focus on character building. The Dream Center also addresses the quality of the schools. Pastor Allenworth says that nursing homes are an untapped resource. The elderly want to be useful and they have time. He wants to create a program where the Dream Center gets the elderly into the elementary schools to teach children how to read, utilizing their desire to be of help in the community. Pastor Allenworth also supports building community capacities. Adopt a Block is a program that currently is implemented to foster relationships in the community. Each home gets four visits a year and a survey is conducted. The Dream Center compiles survey results and uses them to foster relationships among residents. Pastor Allenworth said that this program is difficult and they don't know if Adopt a Block has been successful. It could take years to achieve tangible outcomes.


Organization: Fathers Support Center (FSC) Individual Being Interviewed: Halbert Sullivan, Director Interviewed by: Natalie Self Fathers Support Center proves a number of services. The main ones seen during my site visit are the legal clinic and the Family Formation Program. The legal clinic works to support fathers right to be in the childs life, among other services. The main activity of the Father Support Center is their Family Formation Program. This is an intensive six week program where fathers work toward a GED, fill internships, are training in effective communication with children, and acquire other skills needed to be a supportive, successful father. Once men graduate, many provide on-going support to the others in the program. There are a number of key aspects to the Fathers Support Center. The first is that the information and skills provided build capacity in a community. Rather than receiving short-term services, FSC builds infrastructure that enables its graduates to strengthen the community. Second, many of the staff and volunteers associated with the program have lived the fathers experiences. Whether it is drug addiction, unemployment, teenage fatherhood, or some combination, the men in the program are surrounded by those who have made the changes they are seeking. Finally, expectations are set high. The fathers are expected to be on time, dress well, be responsible, participate, and display behaviors needed to be successful. These expectations are paired with respect, which may be the most crucial factor of all.


Grace Hill Time Banking System Interview Conducted With: Betty (Renee) Marver Interview Conducted By: Natalie Self This interview was conducted specially to find more out about the Grace Hill time banking program. This program produced multiple outcomes: Informal helping networks in the community were strengthened, Residents increased their incomes, Wealth was built in the neighborhood, Skills were strengthened by the train-the-trainer model (described below), and Intangible, but incredibly important, outcomes of personal pride and community connections were enhanced. The process of implementing the time bank was started by MORE (Member Organized Research Exchange). This organization began by providing training for home child care providers and parents. It was a model of training neighbors to train other neighbors to provide services. Eventually, MORE expanded its training activities and acted as a neighborhood college. MORE and other groups offered senior respite care that was paid for in service credits. In this program, those who took care of seniors full time were given time off by program participants. The individuals received credits, which could be used to obtain other services. Eventually senior respite care was complemented by baby respite care. Also, the service credits were replaced with time dollars. As the program grew, a private foundation matched the time dollars with cash. Ms. Marver reported that individuals were so invested in the time dollar system that they would wait in line for their statements each month. They found pride in seeing the impact of their actions not only in their community but also in their financial future. Program participation grew each year and she thinks it could have continued much longer than it did.


Interview with Johanna Wharton, Executive Vice President, Grace Hill Settlement House On October 25th, Doug Griesenauer conducted an interview with Johanna Wharton, the Executive Vice President of Grace Hill Settlement House. Ms. Wharton was knowledgeable about the practices of Grace Hill and focused upon the community cooperation of the nonprofit. She also was involved with the Provident engagement in the OFallon and Penrose neighborhoods. Grace Hill Settlement House, established in 1903, is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization located throughout St. Louis. Grace Hill offers a variety of beneficial services including six health clinics (for dental work, optometry, health, and mental health), six Head Start programs (for children 0 5, to work on cognitive and physical development, early literacy, and immunizations), and two community centers (offering after-school programs, resources for underrepresented small businesses, aging services, and family resources and support), Grace Hill offers a variety of beneficial services. Their main branch is at their Water Tower Hub at 2125 Bissell, 63107. The main Water Tower Health Center is located at 4414 N. Florissant, 63107. The contact for any OFallon organizer wanting to create a partnership is Johanna Wharton, Executive Vice President, at either 314.584.6859 or jwharton@gracehillsettlement.org. They have a budget of over 50 million dollars, a staff of over 500 employees, and serve 50,000 total clients. Their website is http://www.gracehill.org/. Grace Hills mission is to provide high quality health care and exceptional service, while promoting healthy lifestyles. Along with this formal mission, Ms. Wharton expressed that Grace Hill focuses on neighbors helping neighbors. This mission is consistent with OFallons vision. Both seek to provide services to health (including mental health) and healthy lifestyles. Both also seek the primary stakeholders to be residents. As the various visions of different OFallon residents include education, health, and economic development, many of Grace Hills programs are applicable to the OFallon area. The Head Start can provide childhood development services (located at 2153 N Salisbury, 63107) as well as immunizations for children. The health centers can help OFallon residents address their health and mental health issues by providing a variety of services including dental health, mental health, OB/GYN (obstetrics/gynecological) services, pediatrics, optometry, and other services on a free or reduced scale. Using a sliding scale, Grace Hill hopes to provide services to all who need it. Grace Hill also offers an afterschool program in six St. Louis public schools, though none of which are in OFallon. The Womens Business and Minority program which offers training, counseling, and access to capital could help the economic development portion of our 65

vision. They also have 30 Americorps members who participate in various community development initiatives. If there is a thorough plan, OFallon may be able to utilize one of their programs. The only obstacle to all of these services is that they are not located in OFallon and transportation issues would have to be resolved. The programs also share a great interest in community involvement. Many neighborhood residents are employees at Grace Hill, they have quarterly community forum and 1,300 volunteers from the community. Also 51% of their health services board is comprised of community members and their settlement house also has a strong community presence on the board. They find themselves providing leverage and as a broker in the community and offer direct services only when absolutely necessary, a paradigm that both Grace Hill and our class share.


Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) Amy Stringer Hessel, Program Officer 1000 St. Louis Union Station, Suite 400 St. Louis, Missouri 63103 Conducted by: Rachel Ngom, 11/2/11 Vision Statement: To improve the health of the people in the communities that we serve. The majority of the interview was spent focused on obesity related activities and prevention. In addition, the MFH supports programs targeting mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment. They focus on the underserved and the underinsured in Missouri, working with agencies rather than individuals. The Missouri Foundation for Health is in the process of restructuring their funding program. They do not have concrete information on their future services. The new structure will have a broader domain and there should be more information in February 2012. The organization has been funding obesity prevention since 2005, focusing on primary prevention, access to healthy foods, safety of the community, access to playgrounds, walking trails, and combining that with policy changes. They consider the food served at local schools and what healthy choices they offer. They also work with businesses and city councils around community zoning issues. They provide some programs in conjunction with obesity prevention projects. They want to teach the community residents about healthy living, and focus on the structures of the community to prevent obesity. They have helped fund workout facilities in poorer communities, a grocery coop in Old North St. Louis, and community gardens. Community engagement is a big focus of the organization. They want the community to define the issues that they will consider. MFH is funding local policy efforts to support healthy eating and active living. There are many ways that the OFallon community could attack the issue. They recently funded a health impact assessment program in Columbia, MO that is gaining popularity. This considers whether the organization is going to make a change in the community and addresses health impacts and policies that affect peoples health. The project they recently funded focuses on expanding public transportation. Other groups in St. Louis, such as Livable St. Louis in collaboration with Trail Net and other organizations, also have addressed active living. Trail Net has developed a Healthy, Active and Vibrant Communities tool kit that can be downloaded from their web site. The Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition targets obesity related activities in addition.


The MFH supports a number of mental health and substance abuse initiatives. They have looked at co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders, supporting programs that address these two issues. They especially fund activities targeted to youth and older adults and to suicide prevention. They work building the capacity of the mental health agencies, their services, and responsiveness. The approach is quite broad, which it allows the community room to be creative and speak to their specific needs. Ms. Hessell does not work with this part of the organization, so follow-up is needed. They have logic models for their programs and evaluate outcomes for each project and for those the foundation is trying to achieve in a larger sense. Ms. Hessell was not sure if they have worked in the OFallon neighborhood. They may sponsor community meetings either directly or through partner organizations like Livable St. Louis. Neighborhood leaders should be aware of those meetings and be active participants.


Interview Transtria LLC Conducted with - Carl Filler, Project Manager and Tammy Behlmann, Project Manager Conducted by - Caitlyn Gallagher An interview was conducted with Carl Filler and Tammy Behlmann October 26th, at Transtria, LLC. Transtria is a for-profit organization whose mission is to translate evidence to enhance public health decision-making; transfer skills to sustain public health research and practice efforts; and transform health through political, economic, and social change. Transtria strives to enhance public health practice by uniting people, places, and policies. Transtrias name represents the organizations commitment to improve the health and well-being of communities across three core areas: translating evidence, transferring skills and transforming health. While Transtria is a for-profit organization, it is funded primarily through grant funds. According to Filler and Behlmann, Transtria partners with a number of organizations and initiatives throughout St. Louis and across the country. Although most of the organizations work focuses on evaluation, policy, and systems change, Transtria also provides short-term consulting work around baseline data collection and conducting environmental and neighborhood walkability assessments. Transtrias target populations include children, people of color, women, and those with low-incomes. Due to the nature of Transtrias work, Transtria essentially impacts entire communities. When asked to describe Transtrias most important services, several examples of current initiatives were identified. Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities is a national program (funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) that focuses on healthy eating and active living policy and environmental changes to support healthier communities. Transtria is piloting evaluations to assess opportunities for physical activity and access to affordable healthy foods for children and families in 50 project areas around the country. Mr. Filler currently serves as an evaluation officer for Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities, and said that he would be happy to share the findings if OFallon chooses to pursue a healthy eating and/or active living initiative. Ms. Behlmann mentioned Ten Toe Express and Feed My People W.E.L.L. (Walk. Eat. Learn. Live.). The Ten Toe Express program is an initiative of Citizens for Modern Transit that focuses on increasing the number of older adults in St. Louis who link walking with public transit use to achieve healthier, more active lifestyles. Transtria collaborates with Citizens for Modern Transit to distribute walking kits to older adults and to establish weekly walking groups. The W.E.L.L. project also has a walking group component; however, the W.E.L.L. project also aims to encourage healthy eating by teaching clients of Feed My People (the largest food pantry in the St. Louis metropolitan 69

area) how to make healthy choices via education, cooking classes, and taste tests. As Transtrias role in these programs revolves around research, planning, and development of nutrition and physical activity education materials, Ms. Behlmann offered to provide OFallon residents any additional information in these specific areas. Finally, in terms of the health and human services portion of the neighborhood plan for OFallon, several contacts were suggested, including: - OASIS, an organization that aims to promote successful aging through lifelong learning, health programs and volunteer engagement; - Elizabeth Baker, a professor at St. Louis University with extensive knowledge about nutrition programs and policies; and - Debra Haire-Joshu, a professor of public health at Washington University and the director of Policy Lift, a project that addresses obesity prevention. The interviewees said they would provide assessment and evaluation tools once the neighborhood has identified more specific programs and initiatives.


Trailnet Interview Conducted With: Cindy Mense Interview Conducted By: Natalie Self Trailnet supports healthy, active, and vibrant lives. The organization works through community partners to implement their activities and policies that encourage bike/ped use. The activities that Trailnet promotes are all evidence and community-based. They see themselves as consultants to a variety of constituencies. For individual community members, they help families with bike safety and comfort. For communities, they help design streets and public spaces. For elected officials, they provide advice about how to build wellness into policy. Their approach about being involved in the community is to wait until they are invited by community members. Once they are invited by key stakeholders, they start by attending community meetings, talking to residents, and getting to know the needs of the community. They work as partners with pre-existing organizations to serve needs already identified by residents. They do not go into areas uninvited and do not focus on neighborhood deficiencies. Trailnets website is full of helpful information. The community toolkit, in particular, has many actionable recommendations to support the health, activity, and wellness of community members. The link is: http://www.trailnet.org/our-work/community-toolkit


Health Literacy Missouri, Ms. Megan Rooney Conducted by: Rachel Ngom, 10/27/11 Health Literacy Missouri works to improve the health of Missourians by closing the gap between patient skills and the requirements of the health care system. This is done by : Training doctors and other health professionals to communicate better with patients, Assessing health systems and applying targeted health literacy best practices designed to improve health outcomes, Providing plain language editing and creation of health documents. Health Literacy Missouri is a non-profit center headquartered in St. Louis Central West End with partners across the state. Health Literacy Missouri is an organization that focuses on awareness, documents, and training on how to speak with patients/clients. The organization offers training for health professionals, community groups, and clinics, hospitals and nonprofits. Health Literacy Missouri does not provide services directly to consumers. The organization works with any health professional that deals directly with clients or patients. They recently provided training for Beyond Housing to improve this groups services to neighborhood residents. If someone from the OFallon neighborhood approached Health Literacy Missouri, they would work with them to improve health outcomes. When asked what else someone should know about Health Literacy Missouri, Ms. Rooney responded, Know the importance of improving your health literacy. It doesnt have anything to do with peoples education or income. We believe these underlying issues are important.




Stephen Acree, Director, Director, Regional Housing and Community Development Alliance (RHCDA). [See also interview with Acree in the Economic Development portion of this document above.] Conducted by Kamal Ganjalikhani and Rebecca Bitzer, 11/4/2011 On services that RHCDA provides, Mr. Acree said that they work with different development organizations based on the sponsor organizations needs and capacity. He said that the most important factor is the organizations needs and there are varying levels of organizational capacity. If an organization has high capacity for development work, RHCDA will play a minor role and mostly consult the organization throughout the project. However, if an organization has low capacity, RHCDA will take on the majority of the responsibility for the project and help with organizational capacity building. Mr. Acree also shared some information about RHCDAs involvement with North Newstead and the ACTS Partnership. He said that they had been working with North Newstead since 1990 and that their last project was the rental housing development on Lee Street in 2010. He said that RHCDA only functioned as a consulting agency for North Newstead because they were a high-capacity organization and were able to carry out the projects themselves. For example, he mentioned that North Newstead had staff with tax credit financing expertise. They are currently working with the ACTS Partnership, but he said that ACTS has less capacity at present than North Newstead. On doing development work in St. Louis, Mr. Acree named a couple major challenges. First he maintained that development costs are high because construction workers are unionized and housing values are relatively low because of urban decline. For this reason, housing development in the city generally is not self-supporting financially. Furthermore, he noted that not enough organizations are doing economic development in St. Louis while many are doing housing development work. On creating a realistic development strategy for OFallon, he said that developers should start at the affordable end of the market and gradually move towards developing housing with a higher price point. Mr. Acree cited the Gate District in the city as an example of a successful development project. Over a long period, the area was transformed from a low density, minority neighborhood into a high density integrated neighborhood. He also noted that tax-credit development is a good strategy but that it is very competitive and would require the support of the Alderman.


Interview with Tom Pickle, Executive Director of DeSales Community Housing Corporation (DCHD) Conducted by: Abby Dunner, 11/17/2011 DeSales is involved in housing development, property management, technical assistance, and neighborhood improvement. Pickle defined technical assistance as assistance given to individuals who are beginning to get involved with development. For example, they are currently working with an individual who is considering rehabilitating a home in the area. DeSales is advising her related to contractors, funding, etc. The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the number one development tool for revitalization o Though he was adamant about this point, he acknowledged that it cannot be used in isolation because the selection process is becoming more competitive as more people are applying. o Said they should be used in coordination with other financing tools, like Historic Preservation Tax Credits, partnerships with CDCs, banks, etc. DeSales had partnered with National City Bank but since being taken over by PNC, they have a somewhat more limited philosophy. When asked about other financing tools, Tom said to become familiar with the Missouri Housing Development Commissions website. Funding and financing are some of the most important things to think about. When DeSales was developing in the Fox Park area, California Avenue was a high drug-trafficking area. Since the development, Pickle said that California has become a much safer street, especially around the areas of the development. There still are areas of decay in the Fox Park neighborhood. When looking at the OFallon neighborhood maps, I mentioned what N. Newstead had said about developing their new property on Lee specifically to address the issue of crime. Mr. Pickle indicated that a good practice is to develop is multi-family homes bordering single-family homes. Stable single family areas strengthen the market for multifamily housing. Just from the maps, Pickle was not able to pinpoint specific areas to focus on, but definitely said that the clusters of vacancies near single family homes might be a good start. When DeSales initially began their development, they pre-selected tenants for their first properties. In order to be eligible to move in, residents were required to take part in a training program, which helped them understand how to be good tenants. They also were required to be part of a tenants association in order to remain in the housing. DSHC found that both programs were fairly expensive to run and interest was low. Pickle pointed out that many individuals work more than one job, come home late, have children to take care of, and are not interested in spending some of their free time at meetings. He also said that if a 75

tenant is paying the rent on time and taking care of the property, but not attending the meetings, DeSales is not going to tell them that they cant live there. Because the buildings were constructed with LIHTC, there are investors and developers involved and the business side tends to take priority. DeSales also used to offer Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) but found that the program was largely unsuccessful. Due to funding constraints, limited resident engagement, and the business aspect explained above, DeSales no longer offers any programming or association requirements from their tenants. They are only involved with managing the properties. When I asked him about wrap around services for the OFallon neighborhood based on his experience with these programs, Mr. Pickel said that they are very vital and important. He said that, in the beginning, he found that the programming, especially the training for preselected clients, was successful. He said not to give up hope that it can happen. This might speak to the fact that a property manager may not be the right person to manage these kinds of programs. They primarily are concerned with the management of the property and making sure the investors and developers are getting paid. An outside agency may be better suited for this type of programming than a property manager. However, the agency should definitely coordinate and collaborate with the property managers. When he looked at the OFallon maps, Pickle was surprised at the level of homeownership and relatively low vacancy rates in the neighborhood, referring to the homeownership rate as enviable. Apparently Fox Park only has about 30% owner-occupied housing.


Wade Baughman (Director and Chief Operating Officer) and Shaughnessy Daniels (Director of Communications and Special Projects) at Urban Strategies Interviewed by Kamal Ganjalikhani, 11/21/2011 Kamal met with Wade Baughman and Shaughnessy Daniels at Urban Strategies office on 11/21/2011. Wade pointed out that economic development in any area only is possible if there are a sufficient number of people in the area and that an economic development plan would not work unless area housing is improved. When I asked about mixed-income development, they stated that mixed-income development (developing quality and affordable rental units) is an effective way of increasing the population and capital in an economically depressed area. They cited their work in Arlington Grove as an example. Based on some of the maps of OFallon, they said developing housing for homeownership in an area like OFallon is not realistic because of the depressed housing market and the fact that OFallon has many vacant lots and buildings. Wade also pointed out the importance of finding ways to support seniors, especially senior homeowners. He said that many local senior centers receive funding from St. Louis Agency on Aging. The agency also has home repair funds for seniors. He pointed to the potential in Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORC) for assisting seniors who are living in communities with many elderly. Many NORCS apply for federal funding and use it for programs and services for area seniors. There is a certain quota that a NORC must meet in order to be eligible for funding. He said that there is an active NORC in Creve Coeur. On the topic of funding for development plans, the Hope VI program has been their primary funding source. Wade explained that the St. Louis Housing Authority receives block grants from HUD (between $20-30 million) and partners with local organizations such as McCormack Baron Salazar and Urban Strategies. Urban Strategies receives funding of a few million dollars for community services and writes that portion of the grant proposal for the HUD block grant. Wade suggested that we find if the Housing Authority owns property in OFallon in order to apply for HOPE VI funding. Wade also mentioned Choice Neighborhoods grants as a newer, broader version of HOPE VI. He also talked about the possibility of using New Market tax credits and other low income tax credits as funding sources.


Justine Craig Meyer and Nina Ghatan, Lemay Housing Partnership (LHP) Interviewed by: Kamal Ganjalikhani, 10/28/2011 Justine Craig Meyer, Director. Ms. Meyer said that the mission of LHP is to enhance the quality of life for residents and create socially and economically healthy living environments in Lemay. On the organizations history, she said that they started with limited funds, such that they could not spend more than $5,000 per home. Because of these limited funds, they were initially conflicted between putting a band-aid on a house and serve more people, or spend more on each house at the expense of assisting fewer people. The organizations main service is repairing homes. This service is performed under the Community Home Repair Project and Neighbors in Partnership. Through the Community Home Repair Project, LHP repairs homes of individuals drawn from an application pool on a needs-basis. Their policy involves a 5- to 10-year lien on any repaired house based on the expense of repair. This is to ensure that homeowners do not take advantage of the service and sell their homes for financial gain after the repairs are made. Justine said they had a considerable waitlist for this program some years back but not at present. Through the Neighbors in Partners Program, LHP organizes volunteers from the community to help homeowners in need with home repairs. LHP does outcome measures through health assessments of homeowners who receive services. Their target population is mostly seniors and one-third are low-income. The majority of the homes in the area are post-war houses. Many people have health issues related to their housing. Through the Community Home Repair Project, LHP gives homeowners almost full autonomy on what repairs should be done and how except in cases where a health hazard might ensue. LHP was about to present a strategic housing plan to the community the following week. This is a follow-up item. Nina Ghatan, Social Worker. Ms. Ghatan is on the staff at LHP and is in charge of health assessments. She said that the health assessments address physical health, mental health, and social support among homeowners. Based on peoples needs, she gives them a resource list of organizations. Nina also is involved with intake of the Home Repair Program applications and helps people complete applications. She pointed out that all homeowners who complete the Home Repair Program are required to attend LHPs homeowners workshop, which educates homeowners how to avoid foreclosure. On community support, a group of people called House Moms oversee some projects on behalf of LHP, and this enables more repair projects to be done. Many of the Moms are professionals who specialize in different skills related to housing. LHP can invest $1,000-$10,000 a year per home for repairs. 78

Diana Williams, Development Specialist and Karen Randolph, Office Manager, North Newstead Alliance (NNA) Interviewed by: Abby Dunner and Kamal Ganjalikhani, 11/1/11 The North Newstead Alliance was started in 1993. Built 10 units in the area that are owned by their equity partner (St. Louis Equity Fund / old tax credit projects). Most recent development is a 31 unit project called the North Newstead 5 on North Newstead and Lee (which they identified as one of the most dangerous streets in the area). Said they purposely built it on Lee to start making the street nicer and safer. They said they picked that spot to inspire people who want to do development work. Said that, in the past, NNA used to operate programs, including home repairs and day care, using block grant funds. Since N. Newsteads funds decreased, they eliminated their programming. Their developments are for low to moderate income individuals at 60% of Area Median Income (AMI). Had two homeownership projects in the past, but currently only are involved in rental development. Found resistance to affordable rental housing development from the OFallon community. The I-70 Northwest Development Corporation (4144 Lindell, 314.535.6545) has a lease option to purchase program for some of the housing they developed. At this point, N. Newstead has no participation from community residents. They said that this position was cut when they lost their funding. They presently are focused on managing and maintaining their properties well. N. Newstead has collaborated with other agencies and developers in the past, but now their only collaboration is with St. Louis Equity as their equity partner. Said that they would welcome more collaboration within the community and with agencies outside of OFallon. They find it to definitely be beneficial. They administered a survey of the neighborhood (2003-2004) to find out what residents wanted. This should be followed up. Said that they are interested in participating in the community meetings on the OFallon neighborhood plan.


Interview with John Smith, ACTS Partnership Conducted by: Kamal Ganjalikhani and Abby Dunner, 11/21/2011 Mr. Smiths title at ACTS is the Home Repair Specialist. There is an inventory of all of the homes that need repairs in OFallon (the Home Repair List) with hundreds of people on it. Alderman French coordinated getting the list together and ACTS goes through and follows up with people who indicate they needed assistance. Due to the size and capacity of ACTS, they only are able to take on basic repairs for homeowners. They especially target services towards the elderly and people with disabilities. All repairs are free of charge, with ACTS usually paying for up to $100. Smith mentioned that while there are many names on the list, they are not able to help everyone. He said that often the homes are so old and in such disrepair, they are beyond the scope of what ACTS can do. Smith mentioned ACTS will repair windows, put in handrails, etc. generally the repairs that contribute to safety. ACTS does not provide plumbing, electricity, or roof repairs. As it stands, there is no formal referral process for residents whose repair needs fall outside the scope of ACTS capacity. Smith said that there are a lot of predatory people that charge OFallon residents well over a reasonable price and do not provide sound work. He was hesitant to refer people because of this reason. For basic repairs, ACTS generally completes the work itself. Once a year, a large church group with over a hundred volunteers, called the Catholic Heart Work Camp, comes to the neighborhood, stays for 4 days, and helps with repairs. Smith indicated that these types of large groups are very helpful in ACTS efforts. Smith said an integral part of the partnership that OFallon and Alderman French has established is with Rebuilding Together (RT). The initial vision for the partnership was to repair 50 homes, targeting the elderly and disabled. Smith described the process of home selection for Rebuilding Days as very lengthy. Mr. Smith goes to each home and informs people about the Rebuilding Together opportunity. He found that even though many residents have homes that clearly are in need of repair, many are reluctant to apply for the program. He said that because the service will be free, it makes them nervous and they think that it is too good to be true. Because the Rebuilding Days target blocks at a time, once a resident decides against applying they are unable to do so if the Rebuilding Day for their block already has occurred. When RT becomes involved with a community, there are several steps after the residents applications. First, the City inspects the properties to identify the major defects. RT reviews the report from the City and determines how much it would cost to 80

bring the building up to code. Based on funds, the repairs needed, and the number of applicants, buildings are selected for Rebuilding Days. Some buildings are so deteriorated that RT is unable to rehabilitate them given available resources. On Rebuilding Days, volunteers help complete the work. Smith said that most of the volunteers are affiliated with Boeing and some are from banks like the Bank of America. The construction skill level of the volunteer is assessed and house captains selected. Roof and tuck pointing repairs are not activities that RT allows volunteers to do for their safety. For these, private contractors come in to complete the work. Smith said that this process can take upwards of a year for the contractor to sign on and complete the work. He thought that one difficulty in securing contractors is the long process time for payment. The contractor must be approved by the City, come out and assess the work needed, and complete it before being paid. Usually, contractors pay out of their own pockets and then be reimbursed. In 2010, there were two Rebuilding Days and about 17 homes were repaired. Unfortunately, due to issues with the contractors, in only a handful was all the scheduled work completed. Smith indicated the lead paint is a serious issue in the older homes in OFallon. We talked about our class programs with Smith and he seemed to like them. He said that he likes the idea of more church involvement in helping with the repairs. We asked him if ACTS has the capacity to manage more volunteers if some type of church/community network was established. He said he thinks they do and it would be even more helpful if churches could provide basic things, like paint, tools, etc. He thought churches would be interested in the idea and could gather donations internally for purchasing supplies. Smith also really likes the idea of getting youth involved in the process. He said that it would help teach them employable skills and involve them positively in the community. He thinks it would have a better chance of success if there was a small stipend or some other incentive for the young people (possibly working through the schools to establish a work-for-credit opportunity). When we mentioned the wrap-around, holistic services for residents, Smith seemed to like the idea. He added in that some type of education about how to be a homeowner would be very important. In his experience, many homeowners do not realize the level of maintenance it takes to keep a house sound. If homeowners became educated on the repairs they can do on a regular basis, this would avoid deterioration to the point that the buildings are not fixable. When asked about landlords and the renter population, Smith said that ACTS does not address these issues. He said often there is a vicious cycle where the landlord thinks 81

the tenants are not going to take care of the property, so the landlord does not keep the building up to code. In turn, the tenants feel like the landlord doesnt care about maintaining the building, so they dont treat the property with respect. Unfortunately, he did not know how to fix this problem. In general, Smith was seemed excited about the class project and the prospect of getting more volunteers and some kind of coordination among community members. However, he mentioned several times that ACTS is very small and may not have the capacity to facilitate creating the networks of volunteers, provide the education, etc. It seems that they already have a ton of work to do with very few people to do it, but the use of volunteers would help.


David L. Jackson, owner, DLJ Construction Services Interviewed by: Kamal Ganjalikhani Kamal met with David Jackson on 11/4/2011 at the Julia Davis Library. Mr. Jackson is the owner of DLJ Construction Services located in the OFallon neighborhood. His organization is a consulting firm for minority and section 3 residents in construction services and helps nonprofits and community organizations with development work. DLJ Construction Services briefly worked with the North Newstead Alliance a few years back. When asked about developing rental units versus houses in OFallon, Mr. Jackson said that rental units a more attractive in the current market since it is very hard to obtain a mortgage loan. He said that neighborhood housing organizations are the best solution to the current challenges in homeownership. He named a number of helpful programs for people having difficulty obtaining mortgage loans. The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) is a great resource for prospective homeowners who have bad credit. They help people secure mortgage loans from banks as long as the borrower has enough capital. Mr. Jackson mentioned that Beyond Housing has a similar program. On the federal level, he mentioned the HUD-funded Homeowners Emergency Loan Program (EHLP), administered through the Urban League. He noted that for the next ten years, any housing organization should work to create housing for single, working families. When I asked him about transience and homeownership, he said that people generally move out of their homes for two primary reasons: they cannot afford the rent or they do not feel safe in their neighborhood. In order to address transience, neighborhoods must address those two issues.




Michael Allen, Director, Preservation Research Office Interviewed by: Lesley Morgan, October 28, 2011 Mr. Allen works with residents to ensure service delivery and advocate for residents through the Citys Neighborhood Stabilization Officers. His role will adapt as the neighborhood changes (e.g. economic development and attracting businesses after the neighborhood stabilizes). His goal is to move towards economic development, but presently deals with nuisance properties and code/forestry violations. Problem properties (see map in OFallon plan document, Lee Ave definitely) o Due to property values and the economy, landlords have begun to rent rooms, which increases the ability to hide criminal activity. o Near interstate - increases illegal dumping activities o Drug transactions Mr. Allen works as an educator and organizer for the OFallon neighborhood on city services. He connects residents to their government and elected officials and attends all public meetings in addition to meeting with individual residents or contacting them regarding violations. He strongly believes that you do not have to move to live in a better neighborhood, but that the residents can work together to create that better neighborhood where they presently live. Demographics of renters: low income and educational levels, 3 bedroom apartment may rent for $300/mo, many evictions, transient population due to income or other problems. This is not true of all renters. Landlords are desperate to rent to anyone. Therefore it is difficult to engage them, and they are less concerned about maintaining the property. The vacant properties have only been empty 8-15 years compared other parts of the city which have revitalized with properties in worse condition. Models to look at: Old North Saint Louis (ONSL) - using media and social marketing to rebrand the neighborhood o Whats good about the OFallon neighborhood? The architecture, the people, the parks Washington University Medical SchoolTop Care maintains vacant lots and rights of way to preserve forestry in area around medical school. Can the Dream Center or some other organization also help in this manner in OFallon? Use partners and add partners to promote the OFallon neighborhood; for example: the Grove on Manchester brought in Sweetie Pies, annual events such 85

as the Grove Fest, Crown Candy / Crown Plaza in ONSL that took 10 years to build image and now is starting to see results Where can we start: Create a neighborhood website, banner and logo to brand the neighborhood Use the parks as the focus (local quotientunique features of the neighborhood) Hire a single real estate agent working with the LRA properties to serve as an one-stop shop with great connections to bring in people. o E.g. Duffy Nuremberg, South Hyde Park Development Expand ACTS Partnership to interdenominational coalition. This also may include churches that have moved to North County but were once in the neighborhood. o They can create house by house interventions to help residents and know what the issues are in the community. o Use place-based planning to look inwardits easy to blame forestry or whomever for not doing their part without realizing that many problems can be solved by neighbors and residents. The Dream Center already rents tools to residents as needed. Alderman French wanted to create a tool library for home repairs. This was used after Hurricane Katrina and was very helpful. Engage absentee landlords on a different level o Hold them accountable; the government cannot do everything, but they can at least maintain codes at a minimum level on their properties o Get creative about contacting people. o See properties as a clientthey need a medical record Have an established police liaison that everyone knows and can contact per shift These are all secondary to public safety.

Mr. Allen would like to have a vacant building database that is accessible to all government entities and non-profits. Need for increased information sharing among City offices.


Interviews with Grand Oak Hill Community Corporation 4168 Juniata St. Louis, MO 63116, 314-865-5530 Conducted by: Erin McLaughlin, November 28, 2011 Grand Oak Hill general information was gathered throughout all interviews below and from website. Mission Statement: Since 1972, Grand Oak Hill Community Corporation has worked with community residents and others to create a safe, well-maintained neighborhood in which to live, work and play. The programs and services of Grand Oak Hill add value and improve the quality of life for residents of all ages and businesses, and thus create a better living environment for all. Grand Oak Hill began as a group of concerned citizens in 1972. They had an aging population and faced many problems similar to OFallon, including falling housing values, residents moving out, and rising crime. The organization has 10-15 board members and entirely is made up of citizens. Usually have attendance of 40-45 general attendees at monthly meetings. Erin met with each interviewee separately and began by explaining the project, a description of OFallon neighborhood and provided a copy of the vision statement and strategies for each to review. All those interviewed believed that the strategies appeared appropriate and feasible. Grand Oak Hill began as a citizens group with the Senior Center and then began taking over LRA properties and acting as a developer. This is possible with good leadership, especially with a receptive Alderperson. Generally, all funding they receive is through the City and the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Occasionally, other small grants are utilized, but they rely on basic available funding through the City Community Development Agency (CDA) and Management Assistance Program (MAP) programs. Zachary J. Wilson, Director, Housing Project 314-865-5530, zach@grandoakhill.org Mr. Wilson has been in his role for over 8 years, but has held current title approximately 4 years. The Housing Services Program 87

Serves Alderman Wards 8, 10, 14, & 15. Handles home repair grants, including a forgivable $5,000 home improvement loan. Covers any home repair involving health, safety, and code violations. 20% of loan is forgiven each year that resident remains in the home. 100% forgiven after 5 yrs. Acquires and rehabs certain vacated buildings, including LRA properties have several they own and maintain as landlords. Takes questions from all city residents and offers help locating appropriate grants/loans. He is able to offer advice and referrals to anyone in St. Louis city and often answers emails/phone inquiries from other Wards.

Outcomes/Measures Tracks information through monthly CDA reports and other funding reports for St. Louis City and the LRA Board. Identifying problem landlords typically is coordinated by the housing analyst that works with Alderwoman or man. Tenant screening is important to foster more stable rental properties. Targets: Targets all residents. The programs assist homeowners, landlords and renters. Program benefits current residents by creating more stabilized neighborhood, advice on loans, grants, and actual loans. Assists renters by providing affordable rentals Assists landlords with advice and referral to resources for property maintenance. Landlords are more willing to make large repairs when they are not constantly looking for new tenants and doing basic maintenance/cleaning every 6 months to keep a stable income. All participants in his programs are voluntary. They have a say in how to utilize the resources. Additionally, there is accountability with quarterly Grand Oak Hill board meetings, open to all residents and all board members are residents. Impact for OFallon Mr. Wilson answers questions and provides referrals for any St. Louis city resident. Many grants and loans are available for home owners and landlords including Urban League weatherization program and the City lead removal 88

grant. Zach works from a home repair directory produced by UMSL and the Incarnate Word Foundation). Things change a lot, so he is constantly looking for more info. While Grand Oak Hill now is willing to provide services to all St. Louis city neighborhoods, collaboration is often hindered by CDA restrictions on communication and some neighborhood housing corporations can be very territorial. Christian Saller, Coordinator Management Assistance Program 314-865-5530 ext 109, Christian@grandoakhill.org MAP program Management Assistance Program provides property management tools to assist in neighborhood stabilization. These tools include: o Tenant screening at no cost to landlords. o Consultation to landlords and neighborhood leaders. o Property management training. Nuisance Properties All programs work towards stabilizing the neighborhood. So dealing with nuisance properties is not a program per se. How the MAP office coordinates activities to deal with nuisance properties is an important part of the Grand Oak Hill program, incorporates aspects of all programs, and is a large part of what the MAP office does. These programs include: Monthly crackdown meetings to work with SLMPD, Aldermen and women representatives, MAP representatives, and citizens to identify problem properties and discuss strategies. Positive and negative reinforcement measures: o First, offer landlords assistance in screening and repairs through grants and forgivable loans. o Informal meeting to discuss violations, concerns, and options. o If owner is unwilling to accept assistance or clean up problems on their own, then utilize nuisance laws to enforce good citizenships with punitive measures. Work closely with City attorneys to take formal action. Nuisance calls can be 911 or non-emergency reports from anyone in community. Often the caller needs to use term nuisance complaint to the operator to get listed as such. Outcomes/Measures 89

Have quarterly reports for Grand Oak Hill board meetings and submit monthly CDA reports to track outcomes.

Targets Renters and landlords. Stable residents result in landlords saving time and money and keeping a consistent income from rents. Recognize that not every landlord is interested and not every tenant will be able to pass background check, but a significant portion of landlords can benefit. Also, some landlords may only screen renter applicants for a while to tip the balance of unit population overall. OFallon Impact Consultation is available to all city residents and landlords. Kristan Delgado, Tenant Placement Specialist Management Assistance Program 314-865-5530 ext 106, kristan@grandoakhill.org Tenant Screening Landlords enter into a contract with Grand Oak Hill to complete background screenings for prospective tenants. Grand Oak Hill will post vacancies and thoroughly screen tenants at no cost to landlords. Potential renters pay a $30 application fee. Also inspects and evaluates rental properties before working with new landlords. This helps to establish good landlord practices. Outcomes/Measures Reports to Grand Oak Hill board and CDA. Targets: See Christian Saller interview above. Impact to OFallon Grand Oak Hill MAP office will be glad to work with new landlords from OFallon or offer training/workshops in OFallon for residents or landlords on programs, nuisance abatement, and other aspects of their work.


Jillian Callanan, Chief Community Building Officer, Beyond Housing Conducted by: Erin McLaughlin Erin met with Jillian Callanan and explained the project, gave a description of OFallon neighborhood, and provided a copy of the vision statement and strategies for review. Callanan thought that the strategies were appropriate and feasible. Jillian preferred to begin by giving a summary of her programs: Beyond Housing operates three regional programs involved with homeownership that also are available the 24-1 Initiative service area. 1. First time home buyer program - funded through counties and includes forgivable loans based on how long people live in the home. It is open to all residents of the St. Louis area. 2. Foreclosure prevention program 800 families. Initially established to assist people with bad loans and more recently has moved to assisting people who have lost their jobs. Often it focuses on a soft landing versus trying to refinance or stay in the home. A soft landing sometimes means trying to keep children in the school district. 3. Single family rental homes. Beyond Housing owns and manages 341 single family rental homes across the St. Louis area. The typical client is a single mother. A social worker acts as an intermediary to help client create future plan 4. Individual Development Account (IDA). Beyond Housing administers money from United Way to all eligible clients that do not qualify under the other two local programs (ROW and International Institute). United Way matches participants savings for their future plan. The 24-1 Initiative began 10 years ago in Pagedale. This section addresses the Pagedale-only programs Community engagement process began in 2000. The following were requested by citizens: 1. Housing stock generally intact but in need of significant repair. Mostly 1950s GI bill houses. 2. Residents wanted community services especially for youths and seniors. Services desired to engage and involve participants in community projects. 3. Leadership training began citizen ambassadors program.


In 2002, the Pagedale Family Support Center was started, which included the following services: after school program, summer camp, freedom school literacy and civil rights, food pantry, computer lab, and a sports fields. There is a Pagedale Community Association but citizens are difficult to get engaged. Cannot pinpoint at what point people begin to engage. That is not yet documented but they are working on it. Created a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) zone along the St. Charles Rock Rd and Page Ave corridors to help spur commercial investment. The neighborhood could not attract businesses on its own initially. 24-1 recently used TIF funds to purchase and build a grocery store and did not employ eminent domain powers. Recently broke ground on a four story 42 unit senior apartment building. A major impetus for the creation of the 24:1 Initiative was when the local schools lost accreditation. Created six committees to address school issues: included residents, stakeholders, and experts. Utilized Brightspots theory to identify what works and why. Eight listening sessions were held over three months. Included focus groups with businesses, residents, seniors, and other stakeholders. Then synthesized all information. Created one goal for all related programs. Needed to determine how to communicate among all program areas and measure success. Created 11 impact areas and are scaling to size for entire community. Began this process in May 2011. Short term goals: Outreach: One program manager established for each of three impact areas. All do community engagement and capacity building. Created 24:1 community ambassadors program. Recruited citizens from each of 24 school-based areas. Trained ambassadors related to how to communicate with constituents and leaders, advocate and be a positive force in neighborhood, and provided information on opportunities. Moving to include a youth ambassador from each school. Rotate leadership and provide periodic trainings which must be designed for community residents and students. Possibly utilize the UMSL Neighborhood Leadership Academy through scholarships for residents.


Leadership: Also created Municipal Government Partnership to bring together 24 mayors and roughly 48 aldermen. Meeting regularly and utilizing economies of scale in government bidding process as a financial incentive for collaboration. Building community is most important goal of the organization. After each step, Beyond Housing returns to community engagement to identify what still is needed, what is the next priority. How can Beyond Housing help OFallon? All regional programs (see above) are open to residents of OFallon.


Roseann Weiss, Director of Community Art Programs & Public Art Initiatives, Regional Arts Commission Interviewed by: Lesley Morgan, 11/7/11 Mission: The Regional Arts Commission was founded in 1985 to promote, encourage, and foster the arts and cultural institutions in St. Louis City and County and to contribute to the economic development of the area through a strong presence of the arts. The mission of the Regional Arts Commission is to create an environment that nurtures artists as well as arts and cultural organizations by: Providing funds to promote, encourage and foster the arts and cultural institutions and activities within its boundaries. Promoting and preserving cultural diversity. Helping artists and cultural organizations improve quality. Creating equal access to the arts and to cultural opportunities. Promoting consideration of aesthetic issues in local decision making Continuing to engage in cultural planning. Commission Programs Arts Commandos: This volunteer arm of the Regional Arts Commission was established in 1990. More than 500 community members volunteer to assist arts/cultural organizations with projects such as painting, ushering, and mailings. In 15 years of service they have completed 450 projects in the community. ArtsZipper calendar Community Arts Training (CAT) Institute: Since 1997, the Community Arts Training (CAT) Institute at the Regional Arts Commission has had an innovative program built on the belief that art can be an agent of social change. The CAT Institute, a national model, is designed to provide professional, comprehensive training for artists of all disciplines and for social service providers/community workers to develop and implement partnerships. The Gallery at the Regional Arts Commission. Internship program. Seminar programs. Resource library. Special projects: The Commission sponsors projects to increase visibility, build audiences for the arts, and employ artists. Advocacy: Commissioners and staff regularly assist organizations with special management needs and serve as facilitators for integrating the arts into every aspect of the community including community planning. Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts: Provides free legal and accounting assistance for artists and arts organizations, and sponsors a wide range of affordable educational programs. 94

Roseann Weiss already has spoken to Alderman French regarding public art for OFallon Park. Would like to create a public space to promote reading. Importance of engaging community organizations and residents: Resident artists exist - find them and work with them in their own community. Use the Sanctuary as a place to engage artists or teach classes: o Public Policy Research Center at UMSL used Ms. Mel Watkins to do a photographical history of the Louis Place Neighborhood that was modeled from Wendy Ewells work in Philadelphia. The pictures taken by residents could be and enlarged and used on the sides of buildings. o J.R., an artist - recipient of the international TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) prize, does street art focused on residents of forgotten neighborhoods. o SCOSAG (St. Louis City Open Studio and Gallery) in Tower Grove Park works with kids on art projects. o St. Louis ArtWorks works with teens to create practical artwork that can be sold. Performance Measures Keep it simple and appropriate - its hard to measure joy, but a quote can capture it. In-depth documentation before, during, and after programs can be used to improve the work. Personal narratives are powerful. Funding: RAC has worked previously with Alderman French. RAC will fund non-arts organizations doing arts programming if artists are paid and are professional artists ($3 million per year available to city and county). Community Arts Training Institute cross-trains artists and non-profits in: o Creative process and evaluation. o Creative place making. o How people understand and communicate the knowledge they have. Ideas for vacant properties: Pocket parks. Mini-farmers markets and flower market. Craft shows. Tents with summer arts projects. A good model is Gallery 37 in Chicago. 95



Survey Model St. Louis and OFallon Neighborhood Agencies & Organizations - Practice / Best Practice Interviews The purposes of these interviews are to: 1. Identify best practice programs being delivered by St. Louis area agencies (agency mission statement, description of services, target populations, involvement of target populations in service planning and provision, services provided to OFallon residents). 2. For OFallon neighborhood service agencies / organizations: a. Identify programs being delivered (same information collected as above); b. Review plan draft Outcomes for adequacy and obtain additional suggestions as appropriate. (Has your team addressed critical neighborhood concerns from the respondents perspective?); c. Expand the circle of plan participants.

AGENCY NAME: ______________________________________________ AGENCY ADDRESS: __________________________________________ RESPONDENTS NAME: _______________________________________ CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER: _______________________________

Describe the WUSL class project. Thanks for spending time with me. My name is _________. I am a student in a Washington University Neighborhood Development class working on an OFallon neighborhood plan. The class was invited to do this project by 21st Ward Alderman Antonio French. The class already has held a meeting with neighborhood residents and interviewed many community members individually. We will be working on the plan for OFallon over the next few months. In this part of the planning process, we would like to find more out about the programs or services your organization offers. This is in order to get more ideas about what might be done to reach the neighborhood residents vision for the future. Survey Questions for all interviewees. 3. Is there anything youd like to know about the class? About what we will be doing in the next couple of months?


4. Does your agency or program have a mission statement that I can have? 5. Lets talk about your programs, especially those that might be helpful to OFallon neighborhood residents. Lets begin with what you believe is the most important service you provide to improve peoples lives. a. Could you please describe this program or service? Do you have outcome or performance measures? b. Which people, in particular, are you trying to assist with this program? Who is your target population? c. Are these individuals involved in planning for, or providing, these services? d. Does this work serve people from the OFallon neighborhood? Could they be assisted by your organization? What would you suggest in terms of forming or strengthening your relationship with OFallon neighborhood leaders? 6. How about the next most important service? [Same questions as above.] 7. [Continue. Same as #3 above] For OFallon neighborhood area agencies / program locations only: 8. This is our draft of desired OFallon neighborhood plan Outcomes or Results that the residents we spoke with suggested. [Hand out your list of Outcomes for teams area] An outcome describes the results or impacts of our community development efforts. How do these sound? Is there something else that we should be achieving that is not on this list? Anything else? 9. Please let me know the OFallon residents you are working with who are especially involved: who you think are, or could be, leaders.

[Thank the person you are interviewing.] Do you have any questions?


9. OFallon Interviews Summary of Program Suggestions / Available Programs and Resources / Cross Linkages Among Plan Areas January 29, 2012
Rows - From: Interviews Conducted within Plan Areas Economic Development Plan Area Columns - Re: Econ Dev Re: Community Education Re: Crime / Fear of Crime Re: ABCD / Informal Helping / Health Re: Housing Re: Built Environment

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Job training / referral center / barriers to employment such as incarceration, ACTS as intermediary, training for staff (Panth-CAAAB, Holmes-SLATE, Better Family Life, SLCC) * Microloans (PanthCAAAB, J. Peterson, The Met) * New Market tax credit projects (Thomas-ONSL, Acree-RHCDA) * Market Data (AcreeRHCDA) * OF Business Alliance (Acree-RHCDA) * Revolving Loans, SBA (Williams-SLDC, MurphyCommerce) * Faade Improvement (Williams-SLDC) * Streetscape (WilliamsSLDC, E-W Gateway) * TIF (Williams-SLDC) * Business Training (Williams-SLDC, PanthCAAAB) * Consumer Training (Murphy-Commerce)

Suggestions: Available Resources: * GED (Holmes-SLATE) * Youth action research related to market conditions and business development (Drill Down RHCDA) * Youth Entrepreneurship Educational Center (Drill Down) * College Access Pipeline (Drill Down)

Suggestions: * Cut back people hanging out (Jaabar) * Reduce violent crimes, drugs (Abelson) Available Resources:

Suggestions: Available Resources: * N StL Health Collaborative and Initiative (Drill Down Social Compact?)

Suggestions: * Model Gate District (Acree) * New housing construction? (ThomasONSL) Available Resources: * New Market tax credits (Thomas-ONSL, Acree) * CDC Training (Acree) * Consumer finance training (MurphyCommerce)


Community Education Plan Area

Suggestions: * Employment for parents (Brown) * Refer young people / find employment incl. in neighborhood, and to job training (King) * Construction of structural insulation panels at Long MS CEC (Crotty) Available Resources: * ENT, CNA, EMT, phlebotomy training at Yeatman (Rowe, Renshaw)

* Suggestions: Community Education, models (Jennings) * Social service agency partners, Caring Communities, Wyman Center, CEC Brochure (Cooper, Windom, Jennings) * Parent education esp. reading (Brown) * Fathers engagement in education (Brown) * Visits to local colleges (Brown) * Engage (hard to reach) parents, understand MAP scores, responsibly involve, (Brown, Rowe, Williams, King * Culture of learning in schools and at home, structure, social development program @ Long MS (Rowe, Williams-MDBGC, Crotty) * Improve MAP scores (Brown, Rowe) * Mentoring / caring (Brown, WilliamsMBDGC, King) * Community collaborative specialist at Ashland El. * Parent survey of needs (Renshaw) Available Resources: * Tutoring, reading, existing partnerships @ Ashland with SLU Ed, WUSL, BAEO, OASIS, @ Yeatman Com Action Agency of North St. L County, formerly Matthew-Dickey, My Health Care Education agency, and at Shreve Cntr (Brown, Renshaw, King) * Leadership training UMSL / Community Partnership Project

Suggestions: * Cameras in OFallon alleys (Cooper) * Youth gangs (WilliamsMDBGC) * Neighborhood watch program at Long MS CED (Crotty) Available Resources: * Safe haven from youth between 10 and 21 (King) * Cognitive-behavioral training, gang issue (King) * Counseling on behavioral disorders (Cooper)

Suggestions: * Basic needs like food, clothing, electricity, heat for family (Brown, Williams) Available Resources: * Basketball and flag football at Yeatman (Rowe) * Counseling on health (Cooper) * SLU dental program (Crotty)


(Gasen) * Parent & youth surveys of needs (Brown, King) * GED (Renshaw) * Cognitive-behavioral training, life skills, gang issue (King)


Crime / Fear of Crime Plan Area

Suggestions: *Increase employment (Dickerson) Available Resources:

Suggestions: * Youth support system / youth and family programs (Bockstrock) Available Resources: * Partner with Provident (counseling & mental health), Shreve Cntr (youth programming), City Parks / YES (youth counseling), City Health Dept on STDs (Hennessey, Bockstrock, Prophet) * Youth programs and engagement, e.g. Dream Cntr, Matthew Dickey, Prince Hall, (Dickerson) * Mentoring, tutoring, etc through Family Court (Davis) * City Recreational League / Police Athletic League / StL Knights (Bockstrock, Dickerson)

Suggestions: * Increase neighborhood participation (Dickerson) * Strengthen Block Units (Bryson * Hold police accountable (Hennessey) * Invisible Ink mark property / theft (Hennessey, Bockstrock) * Greater police presence (Bockstrock) Available Resources: * Communication between community and police, 6th District public affairs meetings (Hennessey, Bockstrock) * Nuisance ID Program / NIP, police dont come to home (Hennessey, Bockstrock). * Youth / gang outreach (Hennessey, Prophet) * Court order protection against persons disrupting OF (Hennessey) * Citizen Patrol (Dickerson) * Court Watch, Victim Impact Statement, reparations from young offenders (Bockstrock, Dickerson, Davis) * Victim Services by Circuit Attny office (Dickerson) * SLMPD Ward 21 Liaison officer (Dickerson)

Suggestions: * Block parties, involve young people and police (Bryson) * Renter engagement in community (Bryson) Available Resources:

Suggestions: * Over-occupancy a problem (Bryson) * Stability of renters (Bryson) * Greater home ownership (Dickerson) Available Resources:

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Blitz code inspections by police, NSOs, Forestry, other city agencies targeted esp to problem properties (Lampkin) * Community events such as trash pickup, plant flowers, cut grass (Dickerson)


ABCD / Informal Helping Plan Area

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Fathers Support Cntr GED, internships and barriers to employment (Sullivan) * Womens Business and Minority program for small business development / Grace Hill (Wharton)

Suggestions: Available Resources: * New program at Dream Cntr to have senior tutor elem studnts on readings (Allenworth) * Dream Cntr talks on character building at schools (Allenworth) * Rec program at Yeatman (Allenworth) * Pre-school and after school programs / Grace Hill (Wharton) * Senior services / Grace Hill (Wharton) * Senior services, lifelong learning, health, volunteering / OASIS (Filler)

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Mental health & substance abuse funding (Hessel) * Safety funding (Hessel)

Suggestions: * Time Banking Grace Hill / MORE (Marver) (See also God created the world in From Clients to Citizens) Available Resources: * Support for ABCD survey, block captain groups, Adopt a Block (Urban League, Allenworth) * Healthy corner store project in OFallon / UMSL (Gasen) * Writing small grants from banks for local projects (Gasen) * Dental, optometry, OB/GYN, pediatrics, immunizations, health lifestyles / Grace Hill (Wharton) * Monthly community forums / Grace Hill (Wharton) * Healthy foods, food at school, food coop/ONSL, obesity, trails, playgrounds funding (Hessel) * Community engagement / MFH (Hessel) * Healthy food and walking assessments and programs / Transtria (Filler) * Obesity prevention Debra Haire-Joshu WUSL/Public Health (Filler) * Healthy, active living community engagement / Trailnet (Mense) * Health literacy train community leaders / Health Literacy Mo (Rooney)

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Community garden and playground funding (Hessel)


Housing & Affordable Housing Plan Area

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Non-residential and mixed use development (Acree)

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Housing strategy for crime prevention, preselect tenants (Pickel, also FPSE)

Suggestions: * Physical health, mental health, social support among homeowners assessed / Lemay (Meyer)

Suggestions: * Example of mixedincome development Arlington Grove (Baughman) * Home repair project in Lemay, $1-$10k/yr home, 5-10 yr lien, homeowners workshop reqd, neighborhood repair volunteers (Meyer) * Home ownership projects built by North Newstead Alliance, I-70 Northwest Dev Corp has lease to own housing (Williams-NNA) * Getting OFallon churches to organize, involving & training youth in construction skills, need people to help run effort , also need for home ownership education (Smith) * Need for rental housing in OF for single working families (Jackson) Available Resources: * Wrap around services for rental housing / renter training, tenants assoc., IDAs, (Pickel, Baughman) * Addtl $ for rehab / StL Agency on Aging. (Baughman) * Federal Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities / NORCs, Creve Coeur example, funding (Baughman) * Using Housing Authority property in OF as basis to apply for Hope VI or Choice Neighborhoods grants (Baughman) * Partnership with CDCs on housing and mixed use development. (Acree) working with ACTS. (Acree, Pickel) * House repair funding from Fed Reserve Bank in Duluth (?) (Meyer)


* St Louis Equity Fund as equity funding source for affd housing (Williams) * ACTS/MAP List of homeowners requesting repairs, small repairs ($100) made, volunteers from Catholic Heart Group, Rebuilding Together with larger code upgrade projects (Smith) * Bank of America as CRA funding source? (Smith) * Resources for housing purchase (and repair?): Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of Am (NACA), Beyond Housing, HUD Homeowners Emergency Loan Program (EHLP) thru Urban League (Jackson)


Built Environment Plan Area

Suggestions: * TIF zone used to develop grocery store in Pagedale (Callanan) Available Resources: * Advises city residents regarding grants, loans, property rehab / maintenance sources (repair directory from UMSL/Incarnate Word Fndt (Grand Oak)

Suggestions: * Pagedale Family Support Center established. Organized community development efforts in relation to loss of school accreditation in Normandy (Callanan) Available Resources: * Painting, mailings, etc for arts spaces, possibly at the Sanctuary (Weiss) * SCOSAG (St. Louis City Open Studio and Gallery) works with kids on art projects, St. Louis ArtWorks, works with teens to create art that can be sold. (Weiss)

Suggestions: * Landlords contract with org to provide background screenings of tenants, inspects properties prior to contracts (Grand Oak)

Suggestions: Available Resources: * Training for neighborhood leaders through UMSL Leadership Academy, scholarships (Callanan) * Arts as agent for social change develop and implement partnerships (Weiss)

Suggestions: * Engage churches w/ ACTS in home rehab program (Allen) * Home repair forgivable loans, up to $5k, with lien; acquires bldgs, rehabs, manages property (Grand Oak) * Developed senior housing in Pagedale (Callanan) Available Resources: * Advises city residents regarding grants, loans, property rehab / maintenance sources (repair directory from UMSL/Incarnate Word Fndt) (Grand Oak) * Identifies problem landlords (Grand Oak) * Training workshops for residents and landlords (Grand Oak) * Urban League weatherization program, City lead paint removal program funding (Grand Oak) * First time homebuyers program, foreclosure prevention program, single family rental house development and management (Callanan)

Suggestions: * Neighborhood website to brand image of OF. (Allen) * Hire real estate agent to market LRA properties in OF, e.g. Duffy Nuremberg in South Hyde Park.(Allen) * Create comprehensive property database (Allen) * Enforcement of code for nuisance / problem properties is are center of stabilization program, crack down mtgs with police, aldermen/women, MAP, City attorney, etc. (Grand Oak) * Ms. Mel Watkins does photographic history of places UMSL/Public Policy Research Center (Weiss) * Ideas for vacant land: pocket parks, minifarmers markets, craft shows, summer arts projects under tents (Weiss) Available Resources: * Art project (WeissRAC) * Enforce codes especially for problem properties with NSO, forestry, SLMPD etc., engage absentee landlords (Allen) * Funding from CDBG, City CDA, MAP funds (Grand Oak) * Provides services to homeowners, landlords and renters (Grand Oak)

Notes. Suggestion and Yellow highlighting indicate a service / program / activity needed or suggested for OFallon, a model program to examine. Not an identification / offer of an available program from interviewee. Available Resources indicates actual or potential source of assistance to the OFallon neighborhood.


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