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Summary of Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Transaction Processing
Financial Reporting Systems
Summary of Chapter 6
Transaction Processing
Overview of Transaction Processing Accounting Records Documentation Techniques .Computer-Based Accounting Systems Data Coding Schemes
Financial Transaction
An Overview of Transaction Processing
An economic event that affects the assets and equities of the firm, is reflected in its accounts, and is measured in monetary terms
Transaction Cycles
Process most of the firms economic activity; exist in all types of businessboth profit-seeking and not-for-profit types
Expenditure Cycle
Conversion Cycle
Revenue Cycle
When the obligation created in the purchases system is due, the cash disbursements system authorizes the payment, disburses the funds to the vendor, and records the transaction by reducing the cash and accounts payable accounts.
Payroll System
A firms fixed asset system processes transactions pertaining to the acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of its fixed assets. These are relatively permanent items that collectively often represent the organizations largest financial investment.
Production System
Cash Receipts
Cash receipts processing includes collecting cash, depositing cash in the bank, and recording these events in the accounts (AR and cash)
Expenditure Cycle
Conversion Cycle
Revenue Cycle
Sales Order, Processing Cash Receipts
Customers Cash
Manual Systems
Documents Source Documents Product Documents Turnaround Documents Journals Special Journals Register General Journals Ledgers General Ledgers Subsidiary Ledgers The Audit Trail
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files Master File Transaction File Reference File Archive File The Digital Audit Trail
Accounting Records
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Provides evidence of an economic event and may be used to initiate transaction processing
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Source Documents
Economic events result in some documents being created at the beginning (the source) of the transaction; are used to capture and formalize transaction data that the transaction cycle needs for processing
Customers Order
Data Collection
Sales System
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Product Documents
Are the result of transaction processing rather than the triggering mechanism for the process
Data Collection
Sales System
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Turnaround Documents
Are product documents of one system that become source documents for another system; contains important information about a customers account to help the cash receipts system process the payment
Data Collection
Sales System
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
A record of a chronological entry; holds a complete record of transactions and thus provides a means for posting to accounts
Economic Event
Capture Event
Record Event
Customers Order Sales Order
Sales Journal
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Special Journals Used to record specific classes of transactions that occur in high volume
Sales Journal Cash Receipts Journal Cash Disbursements Journal Purchases Journal Payroll Journal
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Register Often used to denote certain types of special journals; also use to denote a log
Payroll register-payroll journal Receiving register-receiving of raw materials or merchandise ordered from vendors Shipping register-records all shipments to customers
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
General Journals
Used to record nonrecurring, infrequent, and dissimilar transactions
Periodic depreciation Closing entries
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
A book of accounts that reflects the financial effects of the firms transactions after they are posted from the various journals
Journal Entry
Customers Order
Sales Order
Figure 6.8 Flow of Information from the Economic Event to the General Ledger
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
General Ledgers Summarizes the activity for each of the organizations accounts
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Subsidiary Ledgers Are kept in various accounting departments of the firm, including inventory, accounts payable, payroll, and AR; A mechanism for verifying the overall accuracy of accounting data that separate accounting departments have processed
General Ledger
Cash 9,845,260
Smith XX
Accounts Receivable
Figure 6.10 Relationship Between the Subsidiary Ledger and the General Ledger
Accounting Records
Manual Systems
Accounting Records
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files
Master File Transaction File Reference File Archive File
Accounting Records
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files
Master File Generally contains account data General Ledger Subsidiary Ledgers Data values are updated from transactions
Accounting Records
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files
Transaction File A temporary file of transaction records used to change or update data in a master file Sales Orders Inventory Receipts Cash Receipts
Accounting Records
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files
Reference File
Stores data that are used as standards for processing transactions Payroll Program Price Lists List of Authorized Suppliers Employee Rosters Customer Credit Files
Accounting Records
Computer-Based Systems
Types of Files
Archive File
Contains records of past transactions that are retained for future reference Journals Prior-period Payroll Information Lists of Former Employees Records of Accounts Written Off Prior-period Ledgers
Accounting Records
Computer-Based Systems
Source Document
Sales Orders
Keying 1
Audit Trail
Transaction File
Sales Orders General Ledger Control Accounts Accounts Receivable Inventory Cost of Goods Sold Sales
Master File
Update Program
Inventory Subsidiary
Documentation Techniques
flows, and
Are used to represent systems at different levels of detail from very general to highly detailed Used by systems analysts extensively to represent logical elements of the system Show what logical tasks are being done, but not how they are done or who (or what) is performing them
Entity Name
Input source or output destination of data
Credit Records
Credit Records
Customer Bill
Approved SO
Shipping Notice
Sales Order
Customer AR Records
A documentation technique use to represent the relationship between entities Entities are physical resources, events, and agents about which the organization wishes to capture data One common use is to model an organizations database Not, however, sufficiently refined to be the plan for a workable database
Company Car
1 Customer
Sales Order
M Vendor
M Inventory
1 Shipping Log
Entity Relationship The graphical representation of the physical Diagrams relationships among key elements of a system
These elements may include organizational departments, manual activities, computer programs, hard-copy accounting records, and digital records Also describe the type of computer media being employed in the system, such as magnetic tape, magnetic disks, and terminals
System Flowcharts
A clerk in the sales department receives a hard-copy customer order by mail and manually prepares four hard copies of a sales order. The clerk sends Copy 1 of the sales order to the Credit Department for approval. The other three copies and the original customer order are filed temporarily , pending credit approval. The credit department clerk validates the customers order against hard-copy credit records kept in the credit department. The clerk signs Copy 1 to signify approval and returns it to the sales clerk.
System Flowcharts
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System Flowcharts
1 2 3 4 5
The correct symbols should be used to represent the various entities in the system. All symbols on the flowchart should be labeled.
Lines should have arrowheads to clearly show the process flow and sequence of events. If complex processes need additional explanation for clarity, a text description should be included on the flowchart or in an attached document refernced by the flowchart.
System Flowcharts
Terminal showing source or destination of documents and reports Source document or report
Manual operation
Manual operation
File for storing source documents and reports Accounting records (journals, registers, logs, ledgers
File for storing source documents and reports Accounting records (journals, registers, logs, ledgers
System Flowcharts
Sales Department
Credit Department
Shipping Department
Customer Order
A clerk in the in the sales department receives a hardcopy customer order by mail and manually prepares four hard copies of a sales order.
Figure 6.18 Flowchart Showing Stated Fact 1 Translated into Visual Symbols
System Flowcharts
Sales Department
Credit Department
Sales Order 1
Shipping Department
Customer Order
Check Credit
Credit Records
Customer Order Sales Order 4 Sales Order 3 Sales Order 2 Sales Order 1 N Signed Sales Order 1
3 FACT 2
The clerk sends Copy 1 of credit department clerk validates the customers the sales order to the credit order against hard-copy department for approval. The credit records kept in the other three copies and the credit department. The are original customer order clerk signs copy 1 to pending filed temporarilysignify approval and returns it to the credit approval. sales clerk.
Sales Department
Credit Department
Sales Order 1
Sales Order 2
Shipping Department
Customer Order
Check Credit
Credit Records
Pick Goods
Stock records
Sales Order 2
Pick Goods
Sales Order 4 Sales Order 2 Sales Order 1 N Signed Sales Order 1 Sales Order 2 Sales Order 3
Distribute SO and file Customer Order Signed Sales Order 1 Sales Order 4 Sales Order 3 Sales Order 2 A
Customer N
The shipping department clerk picks When the sales The warehouse clerk receives Copy products from the receives the the 2 andcredit approval, he goods fromshelves, records theand the the warehouse, or she files Copy 1 transfer attaches Copy 2 as a order in the customer packing in the hard-copy stock slip, and ships the goods to clerk sends department. sends records, and The the the customer. Finally, theCopy 2 to the Copy 2 and warehouse and productsto clerk files Copies 33and 44in the copies and to shipping department. the shipping department. shipping department.
Figure 6.20 Flowchart Showing All Stated Facts Translated into Visual Symbols
System Flowcharts
Batch Processing
A batch is a group of similar transactions that are accumulated over time and then processed together
System Flowcharts
Batch Processing
Batch Processing provides control over the transactions process. The accuracy of the process is established by periodically reconciling the batch against the control figure.
Organizations improve operational efficiency by grouping together large numbers of transactions into batches, and processing them as a unit of work rather than processing each event separately.
System Flowcharts
Batch Processing
Finding an error in a making Economies are derived byvery large batch may prove difficult. transaction batches as large as When a batch is small, possible. The average transaction error identification is cost is thus reduced when the much easier. processing fixed cost associated with the batch is allocated across a large number of transactions.
System Flowcharts
Process flow
System Flowcharts
Sales Department
Shipping Department
Customer Order
Customer Order
Update Program
Inventory N
The sales order transaction A computer program edits A is then processed by an fileclerk in the in the salesthe the transactions, checks department credit by a update program that posts customers receives customer order to history the transactions by mail and referencing a credit enters the information in AR corresponding records into a file, and produces a computer terminalsalesis and inventory files. that transaction file of networked to a centralized orders. computer program in the computer operations department. The original customer order is filed in the sales department.
Figure 6.22 Flowchart Showing the Translation of Facts 1, 2, and 3 into Visual Symbols
System Flowcharts
Sales Department
Shipping Department
Sales Order 1
Sales Order 3 Customer Order Pick Goods Sales Order 2 Shipping Log
AR File
Sales Order 1
Ship Goods
The shipping department On receipt Order 1 and the Update Program Customer of Copy 1, the receives Copy warehouse clerk picks the goods from the warehouse. products from the shelves. The clerk reconciles the Using CopyCopies the and 3 goods with 1 and 1,2, N warehouse personal as a and attaches Copy 1 computer (PC), thethe clerk packing slip. Next, clerk records the inventory transfer ships the goods (with Copy 1 in the digital the customer. Sales Order 3 attached) to stock records that arethe clerk the PC. the Sales Order 2 Finally, kept on records Next, the clerk sends the shipment in the hard-copy Sales Order 1 physical inventory and Copy shipping log and files Copy 2 1 to the shipping department. and 3 in the shipping department.
Update Stock Records Sales Order 3
Finally, the update program Sales Order produces three hard copies Sales Order 1 of the sales order. Copy 1 is sent to the warehouse, and Stock Records N Copies 2 and 3 are sent to the shipping department. Customer
Sales Order 1
Figure 6.22 Flowchart Showing All Facts Translated into Visual Symbols
System Flowcharts
Every program represented in a system flowchart should have a supporting program flowchart that describes its logic
A separate symbol represents each step of the programs logic, and each symbol represents one or more lines of computer program code
The connector lines between the symbols establish the logical order of execution
Program Flowcharts
System Flowcharts
Logical process
Logical process
Program Flowcharts
Logical Steps
The program retrieves a single record from the unedited transaction file and stores it in memory
Program Flowcharts
The first logical test is to see if the program has reached the end-of-file (EOF) condition for the transaction file. Most file structures use a special record or marker to indicate an EOF condition. When EOF is reached, the edit program will terminate and the next program in the system will be updated. As long as there is a record in the unedited transaction file, the result of the EOF test will be no and process control is passed to the next logical step in the edit program.
Logical Steps
Processing involves a series of tests to identify certain clerical and logical errors. Each test, represented by a decision symbol, evaluates the presence or absence of a condition.
Error-free records are sent to the edited transaction file.
5 6
The program loops back to Step 1, and the process is repeated until the EOF condition is reached.
Program Flowcharts
Unedited Transactions
Sales Orders
Read Record
Edited Transactions
Mark Record Bad
No Yes
Master Files
No Yes
Mark Record Bad
No Yes
Docs Reports
Bad Record
Yes No Program Flowcharts Figure 6.25 Program Flowchart for Edit Program
Are used to reveal the internal structure of the records that constitute a file or database table
Usually shows the name, data type, and length of each attribute (or field) in the record
Real-Time Systems
1 2 3
Operational Efficiency
Division 1
Information Time Frame
Division 2
Division 3
Operational Efficiency
Division 1
Information Time Frame
Division 2
Division 3
Operational Efficiency
Batch Systems Lag exists between time when the economic event occurs and when it is recorded Amount of lag depends on the frequent batch processing can range from minutes to weeks An example is the payroll processing
Real-Time Systems Processing takes place when the economic event occurs There are no time lags between occurrence and recording An example is the airline reservations system
Batch Systems Generally, fewer resources (e.g., hardware, programming, training) are required Can use sequential files stored on magnetic tape less expensive than magnetic disks In practice, however, these cost differentials are disappearing Real-Time Systems More resources are required than for batch systems May require either the time of a dedicated computer or an investment in additional computer capacity
Batch Systems Certain records are processed after the event to avoid operational delays Improves operational efficiency by eliminating unnecessary activities at critical points in the process
Real-Time Systems Records pertaining to the event are processed separately The task of doing so takes time that, when multiplied by hundreds or thousands of transactions, can cause significant processing delays
Legacy Systems
Are mainframe-based applications Tend to be batch oriented Early leagacy systems use flat data storage Later-era legacy systems use hierarchical and network databases Highly structured and inflexible storage systems are very efficient data processing tools Promote a single-user environment
Modern Systems
They tend to be clientserver (network)-based and process transactions in real-time Stores transactions and master files in relational database tables May also use mainframe-based applications and batch processing
Record Structure for AR Master File Address Name Current Balance Credit Limit
Last Payment Date
Billing Date
Record Structure for Inventory Master File Quantity on Hand Reorder Point EOQ Vendor Number Standard Cost Total Cost
Figure 6.28 Record Structure for Sales, Inventory and Accounts Receivable Files
Sale = $50
Read $50
AR Master File Read $150 Update Program $100 + $50 = $150 Write $150 Current Balance = $100
Update Program
Recovery Program
Batch Processing
To achieve operational efficiency
Sales Department
Computer Operations
Other Departments
Real-Time Process
Customer AR Sub Inventory Sub
Sales Order
Sales Orders
Batch Process
Customer Update and Report Program General Ledger Accounts Sales Journal
User Documents
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Decreased Lags in Customer Billing Increased Inventory Turnover
Computer Operations
Real-Time Process
Credit File Inventory
Customer Order
Data Input Terminal Invoice Credit and Inventory Check Stock Release
Bill Customer
Packing Slip
Reconcile Goods with Packing Slip Prepare Bill of Lading Closed Sales Orders Subsidiary and Control Accounts Terminal Printer Open Sales Orders Packing Slip BOL Ship Goods to Customers Packing Slip BOL
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To record receipt of $1,000 worth half-inch, case-hardened steel nuts with standard threads supplied by Industrial Parts Manufacturer Cleveland, Ohio
How it works
Using codes to represent each item The detailed facts will be kept in reference files Concisely represent large amounts of complex information that would otherwise be unmanageable Identify unique transactions and accounts within a file Support the audit function by providing an effective audit trail
Other Uses
Provide a means of accountability over the completeness of the transactions processed
Carry no information content beyond their order in the sequence Are difficult to change
The information content of the block code is not readily apparent
Tend to be overused unrelated data may be linked simply because it can be done Overuse can increase storage costs, promote clerical errors, and increase processing time and effort
Store Number 04
Dept. Number 09
Salesperson 99
As with numeric codes, there is difficulty rationalizing the meaning of codes that have been sequentially assigned Users tend to have difficulty sorting records that are coded alphabetically
Limited ability to represent items within a class
Mgt Mktg
270 300
Inventory Control
Cash Receipts
Cash Disbursements
Can be used to represent summaries of similar transactions or a single unique transaction, identifies the financial amounts and affected general ledger (GL) accounts
Routine transactions, adjusting entries, and closing entries are all entered into the GL through these
General Ledger Master File General Ledger History File Journal Voucher File
The principle file in the GLS database Is based on the organizations published chart of accounts
Same format with the GL master Primary purpose is to provide historical financial data for comparative financial reports
Is the total collection of the journal vouchers processed in the current period Provides a record of all general ledger transactions and replaces the traditional general journal
Journal Voucher History File Responsibility Center File Budget Master File
Contains journal vouchers for past periods Supports managements stewardship responsibility to account for resource utilization
Contains the revenues, expenditures, and other resource utilization data for each responsibility center in the organization
Contains budgeted amounts for revenues, expenditures, and other resources for responsibility centers
General trial Ledger
Transactions Journals, Ledgers
Prepare Journal Voucher FACT 1
FACT 6 FACT 7 Make adjusting entries Journalize and post adjusting entries
Journal Voucher
Trial Balance
FACT 8 FACT 9 Prepare the adjusted trial General 10 FACT PostPrepare the financial Journal balance Ledger Voucher Journalize statementsand post the closing entries
Journal Voucher
Post-Closing TB
FACT 3 FACT 4 Post to subsidiary ledger FACT 5 Post to general ledger Prepare the unadjusted trial balance
JV File
General Ledger
Prepare FS Financial statements
Journal Voucher
Journal Voucher
Daily Procedures
Sales System
Financial Statements
Update GL and prepare Adjusted Trial Balance, Financial Statements, and post-Closing Trial Balance
PostClosing TB
eXtensible The Internet standard specifically designed for business reporting and information exchange BusinessReengineering Financial Its objective is to facilitate the publication, XBRL exchange, and processing of financial and Reporting business information Reporting Internet standard Language A derivative of another called XML (eXtensible Markup Language) (XBRL)
XML Extensible
End-user computer cannot process HTML and can only display the format.
End-user computer can recognize XML and process accordingly, relieving some of the burden currently placed on web servers.
Information-Reporting Organization
Analyze Financial Information Download Financial Report to Users System
May 2008
The SEC issued rules requiring large publicly held companies to adopt XBRL by December 15 to meet financial reporting requirements
October 2005
US Banking regulators have required quarterly call reports to be filed in XBRL
Giggle Search
Amir Auditor
Giggle Search
Amir Auditor
COSO framework for control activities Transaction Authorization .. more www.amirauditor.co.ph COSO framework for control activities Transaction Authorization .. more www.amirauditor.co.ph
Giggle Search
Amir Auditor
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