Directing: Mae Belle G. Lacson, RN

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Directing means giving instructions, guiding, counseling, motivating and leading the staff in an organization in doing work to achieve Organizational goals. Directing is a key managerial function to be performed by the manager along with planning, organizing, staffing and controlling.

From top executive to supervisor performs the function of directing and it takes place accordingly wherever superior subordinate relations exist. Directing is a continuous process initiated at top level and flows to the bottom through organizational hierarchy.

"Activating deals with the steps a manager takes to get sub-ordinates and others to carry out plans" Newman and Warren.

Supervision Motivation Leadership Communication

"Guiding and directing efforts of employees and other resources to accomplish stated work outputs" - Terry and Franklin.
Supervision is an element of direction. "Day-to-day relationship between an executive and his immediate assistant and covers training, direction, motivation, coordination, maintenance of discipline, etc." - Newman and Warren. Supervision denotes the functions performed by the supervisors.

"Motivation is the complex force starting and keeping a person at work in an organization. Motivation is something that moves the person to action, and continues him in the course of action already initiates." - Dubin.

Motivation is the core of management. Technically, the term motivation can be traced to the Latin word movere, which means 'to move'. Motivating is a term which implies that one person induces another, to engage in action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy the motive becomes available to the individual.

Motive is energizer of action, motivating is the channelization and activation of motives, motivation is the work behavior itself. Motivation depends on motives and motivating. It is a complex process.

"Leadership is essentially a continuous process of influencing behavior. A leader breathes life into the group and motivates it towards goals. The lukewarm desires for achievement are transformed into burning passion for accomplishment" George R. Terry.

Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of others to work willingly and enthusiastically for achieving predetermined goals. It is an essential ingredient for successful organization. The successful organization has one major attribute that sets it apart from unsuccessful organization that is dynamic and effective leadership.

"Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another person. It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feeling sand values." - Newstrom and Davis.

Communication is regarded as basic to the functioning of the organization, in its absence, the organization would cease to exist. It is the process through which two or more persons come to exchange ideas and understanding among themselves.

concept related to authority is delegation. Delegation is the downward transfer of authority from a manager to a subordinate. Most organizations today encourage managers to delegate authority in order to provide maximum flexibility in meeting customer needs.

In addition, delegation leads to empowerment, in that people have the freedom to contribute ideas and do their jobs in the best possible ways. This involvement can increase job satisfaction for the individual and frequently results in better job performance. Without delegation, managers do all the work themselves and underutilize their workers. The ability to delegate is crucial to managerial success.

Delegation can be risky and nervewracking if done badly, because you may find that you dont get the expected results. However, by following the steps outlined below, you can usually insure that you will achieve desired results and both you and the employee will be satisfied with the process.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Define your desired results. Select an appropriate employee. Determine the level of delegation. Clarify expectations and set parameters. Give authority to match level of responsibility. 6. Provide background information. 7. Arrange for feedback during the process.

Select the right person to whom the job is to be delegated. Delegate both interesting and uninteresting tasks Provide subordinates with enough time to learn Delegate gradually Delegate in advance Consult before delegating Avoid gaps and overlaps


Overall responsibility, authority and accountability for satisfactory completion of all activities in the unit. Authority to sign ones name is never delegated. Evaluating the staff and or taking necessary corrective or disciplinary action. Responsibility for maintaining morale or the opportunity to say a few words of encouragement to the staff especially the new ones. Jobs that are too technical and those that involves trust and confidence.


1. Right Task 2. Right PRight Circumstances 3. erson 4. Right Direction/Communication 5. Right Supervision


Right Task One that is delegable for a specific patient. Right Circumstances Appropriate patient setting, available resources, and other relevant factors considered. Right Person Right person is delegating the right task to the right person to be performed on the right person. Right Direction/Communication Clear, concise description of the task, including its objective, limits and expectations. Right Supervision Appropriate monitoring, evaluation, intervention, as needed, and feedback.

Characteristics of Effective Delegators

Effective delegation requires not only a structured process, as described above, but also the proper attitude on the part of the manager. Some characteristics of an effective delegator are described below.

Characteristics of Effective Delegators

1. Develops trusting relationships with employees. 2. Is able to let go of detail work. 3. Can let others make decisions. 4. Focuses on desired results, not methods. 5. Is open to new ideas and approaches. 6. Helps people learn from their mistakes. 7. Feels rewarded by the success of others.

Responsibility - denotes obligation Authority the power to give final decision and commands. Accountability - refers to liability in owns actions and decisions.

REFERENCES Concepts-of-Organizing.topicArticleId8944,articleId-8876.html#ixzz17pOIE8sg

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